
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  #
     3  # Installs, configures and starts etcd, it will use default values from
     4  # ./helpers.bash
     5  # Globals:
     6  #   IPV6_EXT, if set, users IPv6 addresses binaries, otherwise it will use IPv4
     7  #   MASTER_IPV6_PUBLIC, the reachable IPv6 address of kube-apiserver, to be used
     8  #       with IPV6_EXT=1
     9  #   MASTER_IPV4, the reachable IPv4 address of kube-apiserver
    10  #   K8S_CLUSTER_CIDR the cluster cidr to be used in kube-controller-manager
    11  #       cluster-cidr option
    12  #   K8S_NODE_CIDR_MASK_SIZE the node cidr to be used in kube-controller-manager
    13  #       node-cidr-mask-size option
    14  #   K8S_SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE the service cluster IP range to be used in
    15  #       kube-controller-manager service-cluster-ip-range option
    16  #   K8S_CLUSTER_DNS_IP the kubedns service IP to be set up in kube-dns service
    17  #       spec file
    18  #   K8S_CLUSTER_API_SERVER_IP the cluster api service IP to be set up in the
    19  #       certificates generated
    20  #   WGET, if set https_proxy, it will set https_proxy for the command's wget,
    21  #       otherwise alias for wget
    22  #######################################
    24  if [[ -n "${IPV6_EXT}" ]]; then
    25      master_ip=${MASTER_IPV6_PUBLIC:-"FD00::0B"}
    26      # controllers_ips[0] contains the IP with brackets, to be used with Port in IPv6
    27      # controllers_ips[1] contains the IP without brackets
    28      controllers_ips=( "[${master_ip}]" "${master_ip}" )
    29  else
    30      master_ip=${MASTER_IPV4:-""}
    31      controllers_ips=( "${master_ip}" "${master_ip}" )
    32  fi
    34  # container runtime options
    35  case "${RUNTIME}" in
    36      "containerd" | "containerD")
    37          container_runtime_name="containerd"
    38          container_runtime_kubelet="remote"
    39          container_runtime_endpoint="--container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
    40          cgroup_driver='--cgroup-driver=/system.slice/containerd.service'
    41          ;;
    42      "crio" | "cri-o")
    43          container_runtime_name="crio"
    44          container_runtime_kubelet="remote"
    45          container_runtime_endpoint="--container-runtime-endpoint=/var/run/crio/crio.sock"
    46          cgroup_driver='--cgroup-driver=systemd'
    47          ;;
    48      *)
    49          container_runtime_name="docker"
    50          container_runtime_kubelet="docker"
    51          container_runtime_endpoint="--docker-endpoint=unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
    52          ;;
    53  esac
    55  kubernetes_master="${controllers_ips[0]}"
    57  # Default values for IPv4
    58  #
    59  # CIDR Range for Pods in cluster.
    60  k8s_cluster_cidr=${K8S_CLUSTER_CIDR:-""} #
    61  # Mask size for node cidr in cluster.
    62  k8s_node_cidr_mask_size=${K8S_NODE_CIDR_MASK_SIZE:-"16"} # 1st Node:, 2nd Node:
    63  # CIDR Range for Services in cluster.
    64  k8s_service_cluster_ip_range=${K8S_SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-""}
    65  cluster_dns_ip=${K8S_CLUSTER_DNS_IP:-""}
    66  cluster_api_server_ip=${K8S_CLUSTER_API_SERVER_IP:-""}
    68  # Default values for IPv6
    69  #
    70  # CIDR Range for Pods in cluster.
    71  #k8s_cluster_cidr=${K8S_CLUSTER_CIDR:-"FD02::/96"} #
    72  # Mask size for node cidr in cluster.
    73  #k8s_node_cidr_mask_size=${K8S_NODE_CIDR_MASK_SIZE:-"112"} # 1st Node:, 2nd Node:
    74  # CIDR Range for Services in cluster.
    75  #k8s_service_cluster_ip_range=${K8S_SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-"FD03::/112"}
    76  #cluster_dns_ip=${K8S_CLUSTER_DNS_IP:-"FD03::A"}
    77  #cluster_api_server_ip=${K8S_CLUSTER_API_SERVER_IP:-"FD03::1"}
    79  k8s_version="v1.16.3"
    80  etcd_version="v3.4.2"
    82  function restore_flag {
    83    check_num_params "$#" "2"
    84    local save=$1
    85    local flag=$2
    86    if [[ $save =~ $2 ]]; then
    87      set -$2
    88    fi
    89  }
    91  function check_num_params {
    92    local NUM_PARAMS=$1
    93    local NUM_EXPECTED_PARAMS=$2
    94    if [ "$NUM_PARAMS" -ne "$NUM_EXPECTED_PARAMS" ]; then
    95      echo "${FUNCNAME[ 1 ]}: invalid number of parameters, expected $NUM_EXPECTED_PARAMS parameter(s)"
    96      exit 1
    97    fi
    98  }
   100  function download_to {
   101      local cache_dir="${1}"
   102      local component="${2}"
   103      local url="${3}"
   105      mkdir -p "${cache_dir}"
   106      if [ ! -f "${cache_dir}/${component}" ]; then
   107          log "Downloading ${component}..."
   109          ${WGET} -O "${cache_dir}/${component}" -nv "${url}"
   111          log "Downloading ${component}... Done!"
   112      fi
   113  }
   115  function log {
   116    local save=$-
   117    set +u
   118    check_num_params "$#" "1"
   119    message=$1
   120    local stack
   121    for (( i=${#FUNCNAME[@]}-1 ; i>0 ; i-- )) ; do
   122      if [[ "${stack}" == "" ]]; then
   123        stack="$(basename $0): ${FUNCNAME[i]}"
   124      else
   125        stack="$stack/${FUNCNAME[i]}"
   126      fi
   127    done
   128    echo "----- ${stack}: $message"
   129    restore_flag $save "u"
   130  }