
     1  {
     2    "excludedStrings": [
     3      "docker-username",
     4      "CF_DOCKER_PASSWORD",
     5      ".",
     6      "\\",
     7      "help",
     8      ".go",
     9      "",
    10      "/",
    11      "false",
    12      "true",
    13      "%.1f",
    14      ".0",
    15      "(?i)^(-?\\d+)([KMGT])B?$",
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    28      "\\x1B\\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]",
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    30      "QuietPanic",
    31      "%s t -o Org",
    32      ".",
    33      "%s\n",
    34      "/bin/stty",
    35      "stty",
    36      "-echo",
    37      "echo",
    38      "\u003e",
    39      "kernel32",
    40      "SetConsoleMode",
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    42      "%s target -o ORG -s SPACE",
    43      " target -o ",
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    45      "invalid_token",
    46      "Authorization",
    47      "Authorization: ",
    48      "(?m)^Authorization: .*",
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    61      "password=[^\u0026]*\u0026",
    62      "\"%s\":\\s*\"[^\"]*\"",
    63      "\u0026",
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    84      "false",
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    88      "\\x1B\\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]",
    89      "login",
    90      "QuietPanic",
    91      "%s t -o Org",
    92      ".",
    93      "%s\n",
    94      "/bin/stty",
    95      "stty",
    96      "-echo",
    97      "echo",
    98      "\u003e",
    99      "kernel32",
   100      "SetConsoleMode",
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   106      "invalid_token",
   107      "Authorization",
   108      "Authorization: ",
   109      "(?m)^Authorization: .*",
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   122      "password=[^\u0026]*\u0026",
   123      "\"%s\":\\s*\"[^\"]*\"",
   124      "\u0026",
   125      "go-cli ",
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   128      " / ",
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   137      "%s logs %s --recent",
   138      "2006-01-02T15:04:05.00-0700",
   139      "2006-01-02 03:04:05 PM",
   141      "CF_STAGING_TIMEOUT",
   142      "CF_STARTUP_TIMEOUT",
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   145      "manifest.yaml",
   146      "inherit",
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   148      ".all.json",
   149      ".cf",
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   152      "/v2",
   153      "% x",
   154      "%.1f%%",
   155      "%3B",
   156      "%dM",
   157      "?q=",
   158      "Printf",
   159      "Println",
   160      "Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006",
   161      "\" -s \"",
   162      "/Users",
   163      "/list",
   164      "/manifest.yml",
   165      "i18n/resources/",
   166      "CommandDescription",
   167      "CommandUsage",
   168      "ERR",
   169      "\\${[\\w-]+}",
   170      "^http(s?)://[^\\.]+\\.([^:]+)",
   171      "_darcs",
   172      "_manifest.yml",
   173      "cf:%s/%d",
   174      "cf:",
   175      "config.json",
   176      "positional-args:\"yes\"",
   177      "unset_roles_by_username",
   178      "user_provided_service_instances",
   179      "{\"name\":\"%s\"",
   180      "{\"name\":\"%s\"}",
   181      "{\"password\":\"%s\",\"oldPassword\":\"%s\"}",
   182      "{\"public\":%t}",
   183      "{\"service_plan_guid\":\"%s\", \"organization_guid\":\"%s\"}",
   184      "{\"source_app_guid\":\"%s\"}",
   185      "{\"username\": \"",
   186      " or ",
   187      "${random-word}",
   188      "NoAppDetectedError",
   189      "SendMetadata",
   190      "[\\s_]+",
   191      "[^a-z0-9-]",
   192      "client_id",
   194      "CF_PLUGIN_HOME",
   195      "CF_PLUGIN_HOME=path/to/dir/",
   197      "CF_STAGING_TIMEOUT=15",
   198      "CF_STARTUP_TIMEOUT=5",
   199      "CF_TRACE",
   200      "CF_TRACE=path/to/trace.log",
   201      "CF_TRACE=true",
   202      "CLEAR",
   204      "HOME",
   205      "HOMEDRIVE",
   206      "HOMEPATH",
   207      "LANG",
   208      "LC_ALL",
   209      "CF_COLOR=false",
   210      "CF_DIAL_TIMEOUT",
   211      "CF_DIAL_TIMEOUT=5",
   212      "CF_HOME",
   213      "CF_HOME=path/to/dir/",
   214      "win32",
   215      "win64",
   216      "ws%s://loggregator.%s",
   217      "wss",
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   220      "zh-hk",
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   231      "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
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   236      "http",
   237      "http://",
   238      "",
   239      "https://",
   240      "",
   241      "",
   242      "inline-relations-depth",
   243      "",
   244      "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s",
   245      " api",
   246      " App",
   247      "window-change",
   248      "web",
   249      "BUILT_AT_UNKNOWN_TIME",
   250      "BUILT_FROM_SOURCE",
   251      "CF_NAME",
   252      "CLI",
   253      "VersionCommand",
   254      "/v2/routes?",
   255      ";provider:",
   256      "?inline-relations-depth=1",
   258      "",
   259      "in progress",
   260      "service_instances",
   261      "service_guid IN",
   262      "output",
   263      "checksum",
   264      "The token provider",
   265      "async",
   266      "create-service-key",
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   270      "service-access",
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   276      "darwin",
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   278      "RoleSpaceDeveloper",
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   280      "accepts_incomplete=true",
   281      "ssh",
   282      "update-buildpack",
   283      "add-plugin-repo",
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   285      "linux64",
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   287      "User",
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   289      "stop",
   290      "Unknown Role",
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   293      "create-org",
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   296      "unzipped-app",
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   301      "no-start",
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   310      "create-route",
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   326      "OrgManager",
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   329      "delete-space",
   330      "ssevg",
   331      "create-domain",
   332      "create-service-broker",
   333      "OUT",
   334      "label:",
   335      "Service Broker",
   336      "CF-Community",
   337      "service_broker_guid:",
   338      "create-space",
   339      "requests",
   340      "Quota",
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   342      "set-env",
   343      "delete-org",
   344      "service-brokers",
   345      "running-environment-variable-group",
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   347      "default",
   348      "delete-user",
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   352      "SpaceAuditor",
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   354      "disable-feature-flag",
   355      "delete-service-key",
   356      "reason",
   357      "environment_json",
   358      "Service Auth Token",
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   361      "rename-org",
   362      "enable-service-access",
   363      "disallow-space-ssh",
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   365      "service_broker_guid IN",
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   367      "TEXT",
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   371      "unknown",
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   375      "linux32",
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   379      "rename-space",
   380      "update-quota",
   381      "create-service-auth-token",
   382      "STOPPED",
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   384      "update-service-auth-token",
   385      "Description",
   386      "create-space-quota",
   387      "Display Text",
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   393      "brs",
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   395      "disabled",
   396      "enable-ssh",
   397      "no-restart",
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   399      "RoleOrgManager",
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   402      "skip-host-validation",
   403      "get-health-check",
   404      "RoleUnknown",
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   406      "update-service",
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   408      "create-service",
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   419      "urs",
   420      "RoleOrgAuditor",
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   426      "unshare-private-domain",
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   428      "set_roles_by_username",
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   431      "space-ssh-allowed",
   432      "copy-source",
   433      "delete-shared-domain",
   434      "unbind-running-security-group",
   435      "sevg",
   436      "RoleSpaceManager",
   437      "delete-service-broker",
   438      "error",
   439      "create-buildpack",
   440      "OrgAuditor",
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   442      "flapping",
   443      "unbind-staging-security-group",
   444      "TERM",
   445      "share-private-domain",
   446      "srevg",
   447      "USERPROFILE",
   448      "bind-service",
   449      "buildpack-upload",
   450      "failed",
   451      "osx",
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   453      "loggregator",
   454      "ssh-enabled",
   455      "STARTED",
   456      "create-user-provided-service",
   457      "unbind-security-group",
   458      "recursive",
   459      "RoleOrgUser",
   460      "rename-buildpack",
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   462      "RoleSpaceAuditor",
   463      "null",
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   466      "developers",
   467      "Domain",
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   470      "update-space-quota",
   471      "Service insta",
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   476      "random-route",
   477      "list",
   478      "STAGED",
   479      "STG",
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   483      "dsk",
   484      "PASSWORD",
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   486      "disable-pseudo-tty",
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   491      "sha1",
   492      "set-space-quota",
   493      "Basic",
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   495      "RoleBillingManager",
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   501      "create-quota",
   502      "target",
   503      "unset-org-role",
   504      "authorization",
   505      "parameters",
   506      "create-security-group",
   507      "router-group",
   508      "rename-service-broker",
   509      "unmap-route",
   510      "Value for flag '",
   511      "curl",
   512      "close",
   513      "set-staging-environment-variable-group",
   514      "no-hostname",
   515      "billing_managers",
   516      "restart-app-instance",
   517      "no-route",
   518      "bind-route-service",
   519      "create-user",
   520      "delete-route",
   521      "update-service-broker",
   522      "rename-service",
   523      "applications",
   524      "create-app-manifest",
   525      "org-users",
   526      "locale",
   527      "delete-orphaned-routes",
   528      "list-plugin-repos",
   529      "trace",
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   531      "set-space-role",
   532      "succeeded",
   533      "skip-ssl-validation",
   534      "delete-service-auth-token",
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   538      "staging-security-groups",
   539      "BillingManager",
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   541      "space-users",
   542      "Service",
   543      "index",
   544      "no-manifest",
   545      "space-quota",
   546      "service-auth-tokens",
   547      "passwd",
   548      "restage",
   549      "org-level",
   550      "logout",
   551      "purge-service-instance",
   552      "unbind-service",
   553      "set-health-check",
   554      "cf api",
   555      "process",
   556      "http",
   557      "OrgDeveloper",
   558      "spaceauditor",
   559      "orgdeveloper",
   560      "orgauditor",
   561      "orgmanager",
   562      "spacemanager",
   563      "spacedeveloper",
   565      "\rDone uploading",
   566      ". Process to uninstall ...",
   567      "Error invoking plugin: ",
   568      "An unexpected type of error",
   569      "breaking apply display loop",
   570      "collating flags",
   571      "converting manifests to ApplicationConfigs",
   572      "merging manifest and command flags",
   573      "processing config stream closed",
   574      "processing error stream closed",
   575      "processing event stream closed",
   576      "processing warnings stream closed",
   577      "process apply stream:",
   578      "starting progress bar",
   579      "starting create/update:",
   580      "merging manifest:",
   581      "converting manifest:",
   582      "reading flags:",
   583      "received apply event:",
   584      "Packaging files to upload...",
   585      "display changes:",
   586      "ignoring event",
   587      "staging",
   588      "Command Line Settings:",
   589      "reading manifest:",
   590      "checking manifest",
   591      "reading manifest",
   592      "pathToManifest",
   593      "could not find",
   594      "using specified manifest file",
   595      "searching for manifest file",
   596      "skipping reading of manifest",
   598      "(?i).*(?:token|password).*",
   599      "Host",
   600      "{{.BinaryName}} version {{.BinaryVersion}}-{{.BinaryBuildDate}}",
   601      "temp",
   602      "CRASHED",
   603      "DOWN",
   604      "\\n"
   605    ],
   606    "excludedRegexps": [
   607      "^(?:\\s*{{.\\w+}}[^\\w{]*)+$",
   608      "^\\/?(?:[\\w%]+\\/)+[\\w%]+(?:\\?(?:[\\w-]+=[\\w,%]+&?)+)?$",
   610      "^(?:[\\W]*%(?:[#v]|[%EGUTXbcdefgopqstvx]))+[\\W]*$",
   611      "^\\w+Fields$",
   613      "^\\d+$",
   614      "^[\\W\\d]+$",
   615      "^\\s*-\\w\\s*$",
   616      "^\\w$",
   618      "^[a-z]{2}$",
   619      "^json",
   620      "^yaml",
   621      "^\\.\\w+$",
   622      "^[\\Wsd]+$",
   623      "%#?-?\\d*[sodtvq]",
   624      "^ (restage|target).*$",
   625      "^(   )+CF_NAME [\\w-]+ .*$",
   626      "^' must be an? (float64|integer)$",
   627      "^--?",
   628      "^related_commands",
   629      "^url:",
   630      "^Option: '-.*'$"
   631    ]
   632  }