
     1  ---
     2  title: "Hosting on KeyCDN"
     3  date: 2017-09-12
     4  description: "Accelerate your Hugo site globally with a KeyCDN integration. This tutorial shows you how to setup your static site as a GitLab page behind a KeyCDN pull zone."
     5  categories: [hosting and deployment]
     6  keywords: [keycdn,hosting,deployment,cdn]
     7  menu:
     8    docs:
     9      parent: "hosting-and-deployment"
    10      weight: 40
    11  slug: ""
    12  aliases: []
    13  toc: false
    14  draft: false
    15  ---
    17  [KeyCDN]( provides a multitude of features to help accelerate and secure your Hugo site globally including Brotli compression, Let's Encrypt support, Origin Shield, and more.
    19  ## Assumptions
    21  - You already have a Hugo page configured
    22  - You have a GitLab account
    23  - You have a KeyCDN account
    25  ## Create a KeyCDN Pull Zone
    27  The first step will be to login to your KeyCDN account and create a new zone. Name this whatever you like and select the [Pull Zone]( option. As for the origin URL, your site will be running on [GitLab Pages]( with a URL of ``. Use this as the Origin URL. 
    29  ![Screenshot of KeyCDN's pull zone creation page](/images/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-keycdn/keycdn-pull-zone.png) 
    31  While the origin location doesn’t exist yet, you will need to use your new Zone URL address (or [Zonealias]( in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file that will be uploaded to your GitLab project. 
    33  Ensure that you use your Zone URL or Zonealias as the `BASEURL` variable in the example below. This will be the user-visible website address.
    35  ## Configure Your .gitlab-ci.yml File
    37  Your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file should look similar to the example below. Be sure to modify any variables that are specific to your setup.
    39  ```
    40  image: alpine:latest
    42  variables:
    43      BASEURL: ""
    44      HUGO_VERSION: "0.26"
    45      HUGO_CHECKSUM: "67e4ba5ec2a02c8164b6846e30a17cc765b0165a5b183d5e480149baf54e1a50"
    46      KEYCDN_ZONE_ID: "75544"
    48  before_script:
    49      - apk update
    50      - apk add curl
    52  pages:
    53      stage: deploy
    54      script:
    55      - apk add git
    56      - git submodule update --init
    57      - curl -sSL${HUGO_VERSION}/hugo_${HUGO_VERSION}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz -o /tmp/hugo.tar.gz
    58      - echo "${HUGO_CHECKSUM}  /tmp/hugo.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
    59      - tar xf /tmp/hugo.tar.gz hugo -C /tmp/ && cp /tmp/hugo /usr/bin
    60      - hugo --baseURL ${BASEURL}
    61      - curl "${KEYCDN_ZONE_ID}.json" -u "${KEYCDN_API_KEY}:"
    62      artifacts:
    63      paths:
    64      - public
    65      only:
    66      - master
    68  ```
    69  Using this integration method,  you will have to specify the Zone ID and your [KeyCDN API]( key as secret variables. To do this, navigate to the top-left menu bar in GitLab and select Projects. Then, select your project and click on the Settings page. Finally, select Pipelines from the sub-menu and scroll down to the Secret Variable section. 
    71  The Secret Variable for your Zone ID should look similar to:
    73  ![Screenshot of setting the Zone ID secret variable](/images/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-keycdn/secret-zone-id.png)
    75  While the Secret Variable for your API Key will look similar to:
    77  ![Screenshot of setting the API Key secret variable](/images/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-keycdn/secret-api-key.png)
    79  The Zone ID and API key are used to purge your zone – it’s not strictly needed but otherwise, the CDN might deliver older versions of your assets for quite a while.
    81  ## Push Your Changes to GitLab
    83  Now it’s time to push the newly created repository to GitLab:
    85  ```
    86  git remote add origin
    87  git push -u origin master
    88  ```
    90  You can watch the progress and CI job output in your Gitlab project under “Pipelines”. 
    92  After verifying your CI job ran without issues, first check that your GitLab page shows up under `` (it might look broken depending on your browser settings as all links point to your KeyCDN zone – don’t worry about that) and then by heading to whatever Zonealias / Zone URL you defined.
    94  To learn more about Hugo hosting options with KeyCDN, check out the complete [Hugo hosting with KeyCDN integration guide](