
     1  ---
     2  title: Single Page Templates
     3  linktitle:
     4  description: The primary view of content in Hugo is the single view. Hugo will render every Markdown file provided with a corresponding single template.
     5  date: 2017-02-01
     6  publishdate: 2017-02-01
     7  lastmod: 2017-04-06
     8  categories: [templates]
     9  keywords: [page,templates]
    10  menu:
    11    docs:
    12      parent: "templates"
    13      weight: 60
    14  weight: 60
    15  sections_weight: 60
    16  draft: false
    17  aliases: [/layout/content/]
    18  toc: true
    19  ---
    21  ## Single Page Template Lookup Order
    23  See [Template Lookup](/templates/lookup-order/).
    25  ## Example Single Page Templates
    27  Content pages are of the type `page` and will therefore have all the [page variables][pagevars] and [site variables][] available to use in their templates.
    29  ### `post/single.html`
    31  This single page template makes use of Hugo [base templates][], the [`.Format` function][] for dates, the [`.WordCount` page variable][pagevars], and ranges through the single content's specific [taxonomies][pagetaxonomy]. [`with`][] is also used to check whether the taxonomies are set in the front matter.
    33  {{< code file="layouts/post/single.html" download="single.html" >}}
    34  {{ define "main" }}
    35  <section id="main">
    36    <h1 id="title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
    37    <div>
    38          <article id="content">
    39             {{ .Content }}
    40          </article>
    41    </div>
    42  </section>
    43  <aside id="meta">
    44      <div>
    45      <section>
    46        <h4 id="date"> {{ .Date.Format "Mon Jan 2, 2006" }} </h4>
    47        <h5 id="wordcount"> {{ .WordCount }} Words </h5>
    48      </section>
    49      {{ with .Params.topics }}
    50      <ul id="topics">
    51        {{ range . }}
    52          <li><a href="{{ "topics" | absURL}}{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a> </li>
    53        {{ end }}
    54      </ul>
    55      {{ end }}
    56      {{ with .Params.tags }}
    57      <ul id="tags">
    58        {{ range . }}
    59          <li> <a href="{{ "tags" | absURL }}{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a> </li>
    60        {{ end }}
    61      </ul>
    62      {{ end }}
    63      </div>
    64      <div>
    65          {{ with .PrevInSection }}
    66            <a class="previous" href="{{.Permalink}}"> {{.Title}}</a>
    67          {{ end }}
    68          {{ with .NextInSection }}
    69            <a class="next" href="{{.Permalink}}"> {{.Title}}</a>
    70          {{ end }}
    71      </div>
    72  </aside>
    73  {{ end }}
    74  {{< /code >}}
    76  To easily generate new instances of a content type (e.g., new `.md` files in a section like `project/`) with preconfigured front matter, use [content archetypes][archetypes].
    78  [archetypes]: /content-management/archetypes/
    79  [base templates]: /templates/base/
    80  [config]: /getting-started/configuration/
    81  [content type]: /content-management/types/
    82  [directory structure]: /getting-started/directory-structure/
    83  [dry]:
    84  [`.Format` function]: /functions/format/
    85  [front matter]: /content-management/front-matter/
    86  [pagetaxonomy]: /templates/taxonomy-templates/#displaying-a-single-piece-of-content-s-taxonomies
    87  [pagevars]: /variables/page/
    88  [partials]: /templates/partials/
    89  [section]: /content-management/sections/
    90  [site variables]: /variables/site/
    91  [spf13]:
    92  [`with`]: /functions/with/