
     1  // Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  #include "textflag.h"
     7  // See memclrNoHeapPointers Go doc for important implementation constraints.
     9  // func memclrNoHeapPointers(ptr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)
    10  TEXT runtime·memclrNoHeapPointers(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-16
    11  	MOVD	ptr+0(FP), R0
    12  	MOVD	n+8(FP), R1
    14  	CMP	$16, R1
    15  	// If n is equal to 16 bytes, use zero_exact_16 to zero
    16  	BEQ	zero_exact_16
    18  	// If n is greater than 16 bytes, use zero_by_16 to zero
    19  	BHI	zero_by_16
    21  	// n is less than 16 bytes
    22  	ADD	R1, R0, R7
    23  	TBZ	$3, R1, less_than_8
    24  	MOVD	ZR, (R0)
    25  	MOVD	ZR, -8(R7)
    26  	RET
    28  less_than_8:
    29  	TBZ	$2, R1, less_than_4
    30  	MOVW	ZR, (R0)
    31  	MOVW	ZR, -4(R7)
    32  	RET
    34  less_than_4:
    35  	CBZ	R1, ending
    36  	MOVB	ZR, (R0)
    37  	TBZ	$1, R1, ending
    38  	MOVH	ZR, -2(R7)
    40  ending:
    41  	RET
    43  zero_exact_16:
    44  	// n is exactly 16 bytes
    45  	STP	(ZR, ZR), (R0)
    46  	RET
    48  zero_by_16:
    49  	// n greater than 16 bytes, check if the start address is aligned
    50  	NEG	R0, R4
    51  	ANDS	$15, R4, R4
    52  	// Try zeroing using zva if the start address is aligned with 16
    53  	BEQ	try_zva
    55  	// Non-aligned store
    56  	STP	(ZR, ZR), (R0)
    57  	// Make the destination aligned
    58  	SUB	R4, R1, R1
    59  	ADD	R4, R0, R0
    60  	B	try_zva
    62  tail_maybe_long:
    63  	CMP	$64, R1
    64  	BHS	no_zva
    66  tail63:
    67  	ANDS	$48, R1, R3
    68  	BEQ	last16
    69  	CMPW	$32, R3
    70  	BEQ	last48
    71  	BLT	last32
    72  	STP.P	(ZR, ZR), 16(R0)
    73  last48:
    74  	STP.P	(ZR, ZR), 16(R0)
    75  last32:
    76  	STP.P	(ZR, ZR), 16(R0)
    77  	// The last store length is at most 16, so it is safe to use
    78  	// stp to write last 16 bytes
    79  last16:
    80  	ANDS	$15, R1, R1
    81  	CBZ	R1, last_end
    82  	ADD	R1, R0, R0
    83  	STP	(ZR, ZR), -16(R0)
    84  last_end:
    85  	RET
    87  no_zva:
    88  	SUB	$16, R0, R0
    89  	SUB	$64, R1, R1
    91  loop_64:
    92  	STP	(ZR, ZR), 16(R0)
    93  	STP	(ZR, ZR), 32(R0)
    94  	STP	(ZR, ZR), 48(R0)
    95  	STP.W	(ZR, ZR), 64(R0)
    96  	SUBS	$64, R1, R1
    97  	BGE	loop_64
    98  	ANDS	$63, R1, ZR
    99  	ADD	$16, R0, R0
   100  	BNE	tail63
   101  	RET
   103  try_zva:
   104  	// Try using the ZVA feature to zero entire cache lines
   105  	// It is not meaningful to use ZVA if the block size is less than 64,
   106  	// so make sure that n is greater than or equal to 64
   107  	CMP	$63, R1
   108  	BLE	tail63
   110  	CMP	$128, R1
   111  	// Ensure n is at least 128 bytes, so that there is enough to copy after
   112  	// alignment.
   113  	BLT	no_zva
   114  	// Check if ZVA is allowed from user code, and if so get the block size
   115  	MOVW	block_size<>(SB), R5
   116  	TBNZ	$31, R5, no_zva
   117  	CBNZ	R5, zero_by_line
   118  	// DCZID_EL0 bit assignments
   119  	// [63:5] Reserved
   120  	// [4]    DZP, if bit set DC ZVA instruction is prohibited, else permitted
   121  	// [3:0]  log2 of the block size in words, eg. if it returns 0x4 then block size is 16 words
   122  	MRS	DCZID_EL0, R3
   123  	TBZ	$4, R3, init
   124  	// ZVA not available
   125  	MOVW	$~0, R5
   126  	MOVW	R5, block_size<>(SB)
   127  	B	no_zva
   129  init:
   130  	MOVW	$4, R9
   131  	ANDW	$15, R3, R5
   132  	LSLW	R5, R9, R5
   133  	MOVW	R5, block_size<>(SB)
   135  	ANDS	$63, R5, R9
   136  	// Block size is less than 64.
   137  	BNE	no_zva
   139  zero_by_line:
   140  	CMP	R5, R1
   141  	// Not enough memory to reach alignment
   142  	BLO	no_zva
   143  	SUB	$1, R5, R6
   144  	NEG	R0, R4
   145  	ANDS	R6, R4, R4
   146  	// Already aligned
   147  	BEQ	aligned
   149  	// check there is enough to copy after alignment
   150  	SUB	R4, R1, R3
   152  	// Check that the remaining length to ZVA after alignment
   153  	// is greater than 64.
   154  	CMP	$64, R3
   155  	CCMP	GE, R3, R5, $10  // condition code GE, NZCV=0b1010
   156  	BLT	no_zva
   158  	// We now have at least 64 bytes to zero, update n
   159  	MOVD	R3, R1
   161  loop_zva_prolog:
   162  	STP	(ZR, ZR), (R0)
   163  	STP	(ZR, ZR), 16(R0)
   164  	STP	(ZR, ZR), 32(R0)
   165  	SUBS	$64, R4, R4
   166  	STP	(ZR, ZR), 48(R0)
   167  	ADD	$64, R0, R0
   168  	BGE	loop_zva_prolog
   170  	ADD	R4, R0, R0
   172  aligned:
   173  	SUB	R5, R1, R1
   175  loop_zva:
   176  	WORD	$0xd50b7420 // DC ZVA, R0
   177  	ADD	R5, R0, R0
   178  	SUBS	R5, R1, R1
   179  	BHS	loop_zva
   180  	ANDS	R6, R1, R1
   181  	BNE	tail_maybe_long
   182  	RET
   184  GLOBL block_size<>(SB), NOPTR, $8