
     1  // Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package runtime
     7  import (
     8  	"internal/cpu"
     9  	"runtime/internal/atomic"
    10  	"runtime/internal/sys"
    11  	"unsafe"
    12  )
    14  // A spanSet is a set of *mspans.
    15  //
    16  // spanSet is safe for concurrent push and pop operations.
    17  type spanSet struct {
    18  	// A spanSet is a two-level data structure consisting of a
    19  	// growable spine that points to fixed-sized blocks. The spine
    20  	// can be accessed without locks, but adding a block or
    21  	// growing it requires taking the spine lock.
    22  	//
    23  	// Because each mspan covers at least 8K of heap and takes at
    24  	// most 8 bytes in the spanSet, the growth of the spine is
    25  	// quite limited.
    26  	//
    27  	// The spine and all blocks are allocated off-heap, which
    28  	// allows this to be used in the memory manager and avoids the
    29  	// need for write barriers on all of these. spanSetBlocks are
    30  	// managed in a pool, though never freed back to the operating
    31  	// system. We never release spine memory because there could be
    32  	// concurrent lock-free access and we're likely to reuse it
    33  	// anyway. (In principle, we could do this during STW.)
    35  	spineLock mutex
    36  	spine     unsafe.Pointer // *[N]*spanSetBlock, accessed atomically
    37  	spineLen  uintptr        // Spine array length, accessed atomically
    38  	spineCap  uintptr        // Spine array cap, accessed under lock
    40  	// index is the head and tail of the spanSet in a single field.
    41  	// The head and the tail both represent an index into the logical
    42  	// concatenation of all blocks, with the head always behind or
    43  	// equal to the tail (indicating an empty set). This field is
    44  	// always accessed atomically.
    45  	//
    46  	// The head and the tail are only 32 bits wide, which means we
    47  	// can only support up to 2^32 pushes before a reset. If every
    48  	// span in the heap were stored in this set, and each span were
    49  	// the minimum size (1 runtime page, 8 KiB), then roughly the
    50  	// smallest heap which would be unrepresentable is 32 TiB in size.
    51  	index headTailIndex
    52  }
    54  const (
    55  	spanSetBlockEntries = 512 // 4KB on 64-bit
    56  	spanSetInitSpineCap = 256 // Enough for 1GB heap on 64-bit
    57  )
    59  type spanSetBlock struct {
    60  	// Free spanSetBlocks are managed via a lock-free stack.
    61  	lfnode
    63  	// popped is the number of pop operations that have occurred on
    64  	// this block. This number is used to help determine when a block
    65  	// may be safely recycled.
    66  	popped uint32
    68  	// spans is the set of spans in this block.
    69  	spans [spanSetBlockEntries]*mspan
    70  }
    72  // push adds span s to buffer b. push is safe to call concurrently
    73  // with other push and pop operations.
    74  func (b *spanSet) push(s *mspan) {
    75  	// Obtain our slot.
    76  	cursor := uintptr(b.index.incTail().tail() - 1)
    77  	top, bottom := cursor/spanSetBlockEntries, cursor%spanSetBlockEntries
    79  	// Do we need to add a block?
    80  	spineLen := atomic.Loaduintptr(&b.spineLen)
    81  	var block *spanSetBlock
    82  retry:
    83  	if top < spineLen {
    84  		spine := atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&b.spine))
    85  		blockp := add(spine, sys.PtrSize*top)
    86  		block = (*spanSetBlock)(atomic.Loadp(blockp))
    87  	} else {
    88  		// Add a new block to the spine, potentially growing
    89  		// the spine.
    90  		lock(&b.spineLock)
    91  		// spineLen cannot change until we release the lock,
    92  		// but may have changed while we were waiting.
    93  		spineLen = atomic.Loaduintptr(&b.spineLen)
    94  		if top < spineLen {
    95  			unlock(&b.spineLock)
    96  			goto retry
    97  		}
    99  		if spineLen == b.spineCap {
   100  			// Grow the spine.
   101  			newCap := b.spineCap * 2
   102  			if newCap == 0 {
   103  				newCap = spanSetInitSpineCap
   104  			}
   105  			newSpine := persistentalloc(newCap*sys.PtrSize, cpu.CacheLineSize, &memstats.gcMiscSys)
   106  			if b.spineCap != 0 {
   107  				// Blocks are allocated off-heap, so
   108  				// no write barriers.
   109  				memmove(newSpine, b.spine, b.spineCap*sys.PtrSize)
   110  			}
   111  			// Spine is allocated off-heap, so no write barrier.
   112  			atomic.StorepNoWB(unsafe.Pointer(&b.spine), newSpine)
   113  			b.spineCap = newCap
   114  			// We can't immediately free the old spine
   115  			// since a concurrent push with a lower index
   116  			// could still be reading from it. We let it
   117  			// leak because even a 1TB heap would waste
   118  			// less than 2MB of memory on old spines. If
   119  			// this is a problem, we could free old spines
   120  			// during STW.
   121  		}
   123  		// Allocate a new block from the pool.
   124  		block = spanSetBlockPool.alloc()
   126  		// Add it to the spine.
   127  		blockp := add(b.spine, sys.PtrSize*top)
   128  		// Blocks are allocated off-heap, so no write barrier.
   129  		atomic.StorepNoWB(blockp, unsafe.Pointer(block))
   130  		atomic.Storeuintptr(&b.spineLen, spineLen+1)
   131  		unlock(&b.spineLock)
   132  	}
   134  	// We have a block. Insert the span atomically, since there may be
   135  	// concurrent readers via the block API.
   136  	atomic.StorepNoWB(unsafe.Pointer(&block.spans[bottom]), unsafe.Pointer(s))
   137  }
   139  // pop removes and returns a span from buffer b, or nil if b is empty.
   140  // pop is safe to call concurrently with other pop and push operations.
   141  func (b *spanSet) pop() *mspan {
   142  	var head, tail uint32
   143  claimLoop:
   144  	for {
   145  		headtail := b.index.load()
   146  		head, tail = headtail.split()
   147  		if head >= tail {
   148  			// The buf is empty, as far as we can tell.
   149  			return nil
   150  		}
   151  		// Check if the head position we want to claim is actually
   152  		// backed by a block.
   153  		spineLen := atomic.Loaduintptr(&b.spineLen)
   154  		if spineLen <= uintptr(head)/spanSetBlockEntries {
   155  			// We're racing with a spine growth and the allocation of
   156  			// a new block (and maybe a new spine!), and trying to grab
   157  			// the span at the index which is currently being pushed.
   158  			// Instead of spinning, let's just notify the caller that
   159  			// there's nothing currently here. Spinning on this is
   160  			// almost definitely not worth it.
   161  			return nil
   162  		}
   163  		// Try to claim the current head by CASing in an updated head.
   164  		// This may fail transiently due to a push which modifies the
   165  		// tail, so keep trying while the head isn't changing.
   166  		want := head
   167  		for want == head {
   168  			if b.index.cas(headtail, makeHeadTailIndex(want+1, tail)) {
   169  				break claimLoop
   170  			}
   171  			headtail = b.index.load()
   172  			head, tail = headtail.split()
   173  		}
   174  		// We failed to claim the spot we were after and the head changed,
   175  		// meaning a popper got ahead of us. Try again from the top because
   176  		// the buf may not be empty.
   177  	}
   178  	top, bottom := head/spanSetBlockEntries, head%spanSetBlockEntries
   180  	// We may be reading a stale spine pointer, but because the length
   181  	// grows monotonically and we've already verified it, we'll definitely
   182  	// be reading from a valid block.
   183  	spine := atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&b.spine))
   184  	blockp := add(spine, sys.PtrSize*uintptr(top))
   186  	// Given that the spine length is correct, we know we will never
   187  	// see a nil block here, since the length is always updated after
   188  	// the block is set.
   189  	block := (*spanSetBlock)(atomic.Loadp(blockp))
   190  	s := (*mspan)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&block.spans[bottom])))
   191  	for s == nil {
   192  		// We raced with the span actually being set, but given that we
   193  		// know a block for this span exists, the race window here is
   194  		// extremely small. Try again.
   195  		s = (*mspan)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&block.spans[bottom])))
   196  	}
   197  	// Clear the pointer. This isn't strictly necessary, but defensively
   198  	// avoids accidentally re-using blocks which could lead to memory
   199  	// corruption. This way, we'll get a nil pointer access instead.
   200  	atomic.StorepNoWB(unsafe.Pointer(&block.spans[bottom]), nil)
   202  	// Increase the popped count. If we are the last possible popper
   203  	// in the block (note that bottom need not equal spanSetBlockEntries-1
   204  	// due to races) then it's our resposibility to free the block.
   205  	//
   206  	// If we increment popped to spanSetBlockEntries, we can be sure that
   207  	// we're the last popper for this block, and it's thus safe to free it.
   208  	// Every other popper must have crossed this barrier (and thus finished
   209  	// popping its corresponding mspan) by the time we get here. Because
   210  	// we're the last popper, we also don't have to worry about concurrent
   211  	// pushers (there can't be any). Note that we may not be the popper
   212  	// which claimed the last slot in the block, we're just the last one
   213  	// to finish popping.
   214  	if atomic.Xadd(&block.popped, 1) == spanSetBlockEntries {
   215  		// Clear the block's pointer.
   216  		atomic.StorepNoWB(blockp, nil)
   218  		// Return the block to the block pool.
   220  	}
   221  	return s
   222  }
   224  // reset resets a spanSet which is empty. It will also clean up
   225  // any left over blocks.
   226  //
   227  // Throws if the buf is not empty.
   228  //
   229  // reset may not be called concurrently with any other operations
   230  // on the span set.
   231  func (b *spanSet) reset() {
   232  	head, tail := b.index.load().split()
   233  	if head < tail {
   234  		print("head = ", head, ", tail = ", tail, "\n")
   235  		throw("attempt to clear non-empty span set")
   236  	}
   237  	top := head / spanSetBlockEntries
   238  	if uintptr(top) < b.spineLen {
   239  		// If the head catches up to the tail and the set is empty,
   240  		// we may not clean up the block containing the head and tail
   241  		// since it may be pushed into again. In order to avoid leaking
   242  		// memory since we're going to reset the head and tail, clean
   243  		// up such a block now, if it exists.
   244  		blockp := (**spanSetBlock)(add(b.spine, sys.PtrSize*uintptr(top)))
   245  		block := *blockp
   246  		if block != nil {
   247  			// Sanity check the popped value.
   248  			if block.popped == 0 {
   249  				// popped should never be zero because that means we have
   250  				// pushed at least one value but not yet popped if this
   251  				// block pointer is not nil.
   252  				throw("span set block with unpopped elements found in reset")
   253  			}
   254  			if block.popped == spanSetBlockEntries {
   255  				// popped should also never be equal to spanSetBlockEntries
   256  				// because the last popper should have made the block pointer
   257  				// in this slot nil.
   258  				throw("fully empty unfreed span set block found in reset")
   259  			}
   261  			// Clear the pointer to the block.
   262  			atomic.StorepNoWB(unsafe.Pointer(blockp), nil)
   264  			// Return the block to the block pool.
   266  		}
   267  	}
   268  	b.index.reset()
   269  	atomic.Storeuintptr(&b.spineLen, 0)
   270  }
   272  // spanSetBlockPool is a global pool of spanSetBlocks.
   273  var spanSetBlockPool spanSetBlockAlloc
   275  // spanSetBlockAlloc represents a concurrent pool of spanSetBlocks.
   276  type spanSetBlockAlloc struct {
   277  	stack lfstack
   278  }
   280  // alloc tries to grab a spanSetBlock out of the pool, and if it fails
   281  // persistentallocs a new one and returns it.
   282  func (p *spanSetBlockAlloc) alloc() *spanSetBlock {
   283  	if s := (*spanSetBlock)(p.stack.pop()); s != nil {
   284  		return s
   285  	}
   286  	return (*spanSetBlock)(persistentalloc(unsafe.Sizeof(spanSetBlock{}), cpu.CacheLineSize, &memstats.gcMiscSys))
   287  }
   289  // free returns a spanSetBlock back to the pool.
   290  func (p *spanSetBlockAlloc) free(block *spanSetBlock) {
   291  	atomic.Store(&block.popped, 0)
   292  	p.stack.push(&block.lfnode)
   293  }
   295  // haidTailIndex represents a combined 32-bit head and 32-bit tail
   296  // of a queue into a single 64-bit value.
   297  type headTailIndex uint64
   299  // makeHeadTailIndex creates a headTailIndex value from a separate
   300  // head and tail.
   301  func makeHeadTailIndex(head, tail uint32) headTailIndex {
   302  	return headTailIndex(uint64(head)<<32 | uint64(tail))
   303  }
   305  // head returns the head of a headTailIndex value.
   306  func (h headTailIndex) head() uint32 {
   307  	return uint32(h >> 32)
   308  }
   310  // tail returns the tail of a headTailIndex value.
   311  func (h headTailIndex) tail() uint32 {
   312  	return uint32(h)
   313  }
   315  // split splits the headTailIndex value into its parts.
   316  func (h headTailIndex) split() (head uint32, tail uint32) {
   317  	return h.head(), h.tail()
   318  }
   320  // load atomically reads a headTailIndex value.
   321  func (h *headTailIndex) load() headTailIndex {
   322  	return headTailIndex(atomic.Load64((*uint64)(h)))
   323  }
   325  // cas atomically compares-and-swaps a headTailIndex value.
   326  func (h *headTailIndex) cas(old, new headTailIndex) bool {
   327  	return atomic.Cas64((*uint64)(h), uint64(old), uint64(new))
   328  }
   330  // incHead atomically increments the head of a headTailIndex.
   331  func (h *headTailIndex) incHead() headTailIndex {
   332  	return headTailIndex(atomic.Xadd64((*uint64)(h), (1 << 32)))
   333  }
   335  // decHead atomically decrements the head of a headTailIndex.
   336  func (h *headTailIndex) decHead() headTailIndex {
   337  	return headTailIndex(atomic.Xadd64((*uint64)(h), -(1 << 32)))
   338  }
   340  // incTail atomically increments the tail of a headTailIndex.
   341  func (h *headTailIndex) incTail() headTailIndex {
   342  	ht := headTailIndex(atomic.Xadd64((*uint64)(h), +1))
   343  	// Check for overflow.
   344  	if ht.tail() == 0 {
   345  		print("runtime: head = ", ht.head(), ", tail = ", ht.tail(), "\n")
   346  		throw("headTailIndex overflow")
   347  	}
   348  	return ht
   349  }
   351  // reset clears the headTailIndex to (0, 0).
   352  func (h *headTailIndex) reset() {
   353  	atomic.Store64((*uint64)(h), 0)
   354  }