
     1  package runtime
     3  import (
     4  	"internal/bytealg"
     5  	"math/bits"
     6  )
     8  func GoID() int64 {
     9  	return getg().goid
    10  }
    12  func SleepMS(numMs int) {
    13  	durationMS := 1000
    14  	for i := 0; i < numMs; i++ {
    15  		usleep(uint32(durationMS)) // seems usleep can at most sleep for 10ms
    16  	}
    17  }
    19  func Byte_to_Uint16(b []byte) uint16 {
    20  	return uint16(b[1]) | uint16(b[0])<<8
    21  }
    23  func Uint16_to_Byte(b []byte, v uint16) {
    24  	b[0] = byte(v >> 8)
    25  	b[1] = byte(v)
    26  }
    28  func Byte_to_Uint32(b []byte) uint32 {
    29  	return uint32(b[3]) | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[0])<<24
    30  }
    32  func Uint32_to_Byte(b []byte, v uint32) {
    33  	b[0] = byte(v >> 24)
    34  	b[1] = byte(v >> 16)
    35  	b[2] = byte(v >> 8)
    36  	b[3] = byte(v)
    37  }
    39  func XorUint16(a, b uint16) uint16 {
    40  	byteA := []byte{0, 0}
    41  	byteB := []byte{0, 0}
    42  	Uint16_to_Byte(byteA, a)
    43  	Uint16_to_Byte(byteB, b)
    45  	byteA = XorByte(byteA, byteB)
    46  	return Byte_to_Uint16(byteA)
    47  }
    49  func XorUint32(a, b uint32) uint32 {
    50  	byteA := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
    51  	byteB := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
    52  	Uint32_to_Byte(byteA, a)
    53  	Uint32_to_Byte(byteB, b)
    55  	byteA = XorByte(byteA, byteB)
    56  	return Byte_to_Uint32(byteA)
    57  }
    60  func XorByte(a, b []byte) []byte {
    61  	for i, _ := range a {
    62  		a[i] ^= b[i]
    63  	}
    64  	return a
    65  }
    67  // Parse the string returned by Stack(*, false)
    68  // e.g.:
    69  //goroutine 181 [running]:
    70  //runtime.BeforeBlock()
    71  ///usr/local/go/src/runtime/mycode.go:30 +0x90
    72  //*addrConn).resetTransport(0xc0001a2840)
    73  ///data/ziheng/shared/gotest/stubs/grpc/grpc-last/src/ +0x676
    74  //created by*addrConn).connect
    75  ///data/ziheng/shared/gotest/stubs/grpc/grpc-last/src/ +0x12a
    77  type StackSingleGo struct {
    78  	GoID string
    79  	GoStatus string // this may not help
    80  	VecFuncName, VecFuncFile, VecFuncLine []string
    81  	CreaterName, CreaterFile, CreaterLine string
    82  	OnOtherThread bool // Sometimes the stack is unavailable, if the goroutine is on another thread
    83  }
    85  func ParseStackStr(stackStr string) StackSingleGo {
    86  	stackSingleGo := StackSingleGo{}
    87  	// first line
    88  	indexGoroutine := Index(stackStr, "goroutine ")
    89  	indexLeftParen := Index(stackStr, " [")
    90  	indexRightParen := Index(stackStr, "]")
    91  	if Index(stackStr, "goroutine ") == -1 || Index(stackStr, " [") == -1 || Index(stackStr, "]") == -1 {
    92  		print("detected1\n")
    93  		print(stackStr)
    94  	}
    95  	stackSingleGo.GoID = stackStr[indexGoroutine + 10: indexLeftParen]
    96  	stackSingleGo.GoStatus = stackStr[indexLeftParen + 2: indexRightParen]
    98  	if Index(stackStr, "goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable") > -1 {
    99  		stackSingleGo.OnOtherThread = true
   100  		return stackSingleGo
   101  	}
   103  	str := stackStr
   104  	for  {
   105  		indexEnter := Index(str, "\n")
   106  		if indexEnter == -1 {
   107  			break
   108  		}
   109  		str = str[indexEnter + 1:] // remove the last line
   110  		if str == "" {
   111  			break
   112  		}
   113  		indexCreatedBy := Index(str, "created by ")
   114  		boolCreatedBy := indexCreatedBy > -1 && Index(str, "\n") > indexCreatedBy // this line indicates which function creates this goroutine
   115  		if boolCreatedBy {
   116  			stackSingleGo.CreaterName = str[indexCreatedBy + 11 : Index(str, "\n") ]
   117  			if Index(str, "\n") == -1 {
   118  				print("detected2\n")
   119  				print(str)
   120  			}
   121  		} else {
   122  			indexLastLeftParen := LastIndex(str, "(")
   123  			if LastIndex(str, "(") == -1 {
   124  				print("detected3\n")
   125  				print(str)
   126  			}
   127  			stackSingleGo.VecFuncName = append(stackSingleGo.VecFuncName, str[ : indexLastLeftParen])
   128  		}
   130  		str = str[Index(str, "\n") + 1:]
   131  		indexColon := Index(str, ":")
   132  		indexSpace := Index(str, " ")
   133  		if -1 == Index(str, ":") || -1 == Index(str, " ") {
   134  			print("detected4\n")
   135  			print(str)
   136  		}
   137  		if boolCreatedBy {
   138  			strFuncFile := str[ : indexColon]
   139  			if indexTab := Index(strFuncFile, "\t"); indexTab > -1 { // remove "\t"
   140  				strFuncFile = strFuncFile[indexTab + 1:]
   141  			}
   142  			stackSingleGo.CreaterFile = strFuncFile
   143  			stackSingleGo.CreaterLine = str[indexColon + 1: indexSpace]
   144  		} else {
   145  			strFuncFile := str[ : indexColon]
   146  			if indexTab := Index(strFuncFile, "\t"); indexTab > -1 { // remove "\t"
   147  				strFuncFile = strFuncFile[indexTab + 1:]
   148  			}
   149  			stackSingleGo.VecFuncFile = append(stackSingleGo.VecFuncFile, strFuncFile)
   150  			stackSingleGo.VecFuncLine = append(stackSingleGo.VecFuncLine, str[indexColon + 1: indexSpace])
   151  		}
   153  	}
   154  	return stackSingleGo
   155  }
   157  func Index(s, substr string) int {
   158  	n := len(substr)
   159  	switch {
   160  	case n == 0:
   161  		return 0
   162  	case n == 1:
   163  		return IndexByte(s, substr[0])
   164  	case n == len(s):
   165  		if substr == s {
   166  			return 0
   167  		}
   168  		return -1
   169  	case n > len(s):
   170  		return -1
   171  	case n <= bytealg.MaxLen:
   172  		// Use brute force when s and substr both are small
   173  		if len(s) <= bytealg.MaxBruteForce {
   174  			return bytealg.IndexString(s, substr)
   175  		}
   176  		c0 := substr[0]
   177  		c1 := substr[1]
   178  		i := 0
   179  		t := len(s) - n + 1
   180  		fails := 0
   181  		for i < t {
   182  			if s[i] != c0 {
   183  				// IndexByte is faster than bytealg.IndexString, so use it as long as
   184  				// we're not getting lots of false positives.
   185  				o := IndexByte(s[i:t], c0)
   186  				if o < 0 {
   187  					return -1
   188  				}
   189  				i += o
   190  			}
   191  			if s[i+1] == c1 && s[i:i+n] == substr {
   192  				return i
   193  			}
   194  			fails++
   195  			i++
   196  			// Switch to bytealg.IndexString when IndexByte produces too many false positives.
   197  			if fails > bytealg.Cutover(i) {
   198  				r := bytealg.IndexString(s[i:], substr)
   199  				if r >= 0 {
   200  					return r + i
   201  				}
   202  				return -1
   203  			}
   204  		}
   205  		return -1
   206  	}
   207  	c0 := substr[0]
   208  	c1 := substr[1]
   209  	i := 0
   210  	t := len(s) - n + 1
   211  	fails := 0
   212  	for i < t {
   213  		if s[i] != c0 {
   214  			o := IndexByte(s[i:t], c0)
   215  			if o < 0 {
   216  				return -1
   217  			}
   218  			i += o
   219  		}
   220  		if s[i+1] == c1 && s[i:i+n] == substr {
   221  			return i
   222  		}
   223  		i++
   224  		fails++
   225  		if fails >= 4+i>>4 && i < t {
   226  			// See comment in ../bytes/bytes.go.
   227  			j := indexRabinKarp(s[i:], substr)
   228  			if j < 0 {
   229  				return -1
   230  			}
   231  			return i + j
   232  		}
   233  	}
   234  	return -1
   235  }
   237  // LastIndex returns the index of the last instance of substr in s, or -1 if substr is not present in s.
   238  func LastIndex(s, substr string) int {
   239  	n := len(substr)
   240  	switch {
   241  	case n == 0:
   242  		return len(s)
   243  	case n == 1:
   244  		return LastIndexByte(s, substr[0])
   245  	case n == len(s):
   246  		if substr == s {
   247  			return 0
   248  		}
   249  		return -1
   250  	case n > len(s):
   251  		return -1
   252  	}
   253  	// Rabin-Karp search from the end of the string
   254  	hashss, pow := hashStrRev(substr)
   255  	last := len(s) - n
   256  	var h uint32
   257  	for i := len(s) - 1; i >= last; i-- {
   258  		h = h*primeRK + uint32(s[i])
   259  	}
   260  	if h == hashss && s[last:] == substr {
   261  		return last
   262  	}
   263  	for i := last - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   264  		h *= primeRK
   265  		h += uint32(s[i])
   266  		h -= pow * uint32(s[i+n])
   267  		if h == hashss && s[i:i+n] == substr {
   268  			return i
   269  		}
   270  	}
   271  	return -1
   272  }
   274  // hashStrRev returns the hash of the reverse of sep and the
   275  // appropriate multiplicative factor for use in Rabin-Karp algorithm.
   276  func hashStrRev(sep string) (uint32, uint32) {
   277  	hash := uint32(0)
   278  	for i := len(sep) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   279  		hash = hash*primeRK + uint32(sep[i])
   280  	}
   281  	var pow, sq uint32 = 1, primeRK
   282  	for i := len(sep); i > 0; i >>= 1 {
   283  		if i&1 != 0 {
   284  			pow *= sq
   285  		}
   286  		sq *= sq
   287  	}
   288  	return hash, pow
   289  }
   291  // LastIndexByte returns the index of the last instance of c in s, or -1 if c is not present in s.
   292  func LastIndexByte(s string, c byte) int {
   293  	for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
   294  		if s[i] == c {
   295  			return i
   296  		}
   297  	}
   298  	return -1
   299  }
   301  func IndexByte(s string, c byte) int {
   302  	return bytealg.IndexByteString(s, c)
   303  }
   305  func indexRabinKarp(s, substr string) int {
   306  	// Rabin-Karp search
   307  	hashss, pow := hashStr(substr)
   308  	n := len(substr)
   309  	var h uint32
   310  	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
   311  		h = h*primeRK + uint32(s[i])
   312  	}
   313  	if h == hashss && s[:n] == substr {
   314  		return 0
   315  	}
   316  	for i := n; i < len(s); {
   317  		h *= primeRK
   318  		h += uint32(s[i])
   319  		h -= pow * uint32(s[i-n])
   320  		i++
   321  		if h == hashss && s[i-n:i] == substr {
   322  			return i - n
   323  		}
   324  	}
   325  	return -1
   326  }
   328  func hashStr(sep string) (uint32, uint32) {
   329  	hash := uint32(0)
   330  	for i := 0; i < len(sep); i++ {
   331  		hash = hash*primeRK + uint32(sep[i])
   332  	}
   333  	var pow, sq uint32 = 1, primeRK
   334  	for i := len(sep); i > 0; i >>= 1 {
   335  		if i&1 != 0 {
   336  			pow *= sq
   337  		}
   338  		sq *= sq
   339  	}
   340  	return hash, pow
   341  }
   342  // primeRK is the prime base used in Rabin-Karp algorithm.
   343  const primeRK = 16777619
   345  // FormatInt returns the string representation of i in the given base,
   346  // for 2 <= base <= 36. The result uses the lower-case letters 'a' to 'z'
   347  // for digit values >= 10.
   348  func FormatInt(i int64, base int) string {
   349  	if fastSmalls && 0 <= i && i < nSmalls && base == 10 {
   350  		return small(int(i))
   351  	}
   352  	_, s := formatBits(nil, uint64(i), base, i < 0, false)
   353  	return s
   354  }
   356  // Itoa is equivalent to FormatInt(int64(i), 10).
   357  func Itoa(i int) string {
   358  	return FormatInt(int64(i), 10)
   359  }
   361  // small returns the string for an i with 0 <= i < nSmalls.
   362  func small(i int) string {
   363  	if i < 10 {
   364  		return digits[i : i+1]
   365  	}
   366  	return smallsString[i*2 : i*2+2]
   367  }
   369  // formatBits computes the string representation of u in the given base.
   370  // If neg is set, u is treated as negative int64 value. If append_ is
   371  // set, the string is appended to dst and the resulting byte slice is
   372  // returned as the first result value; otherwise the string is returned
   373  // as the second result value.
   374  //
   375  func formatBits(dst []byte, u uint64, base int, neg, append_ bool) (d []byte, s string) {
   376  	if base < 2 || base > len(digits) {
   377  		panic("strconv: illegal AppendInt/FormatInt base")
   378  	}
   379  	// 2 <= base && base <= len(digits)
   381  	var a [64 + 1]byte // +1 for sign of 64bit value in base 2
   382  	i := len(a)
   384  	if neg {
   385  		u = -u
   386  	}
   388  	// convert bits
   389  	// We use uint values where we can because those will
   390  	// fit into a single register even on a 32bit machine.
   391  	if base == 10 {
   392  		// common case: use constants for / because
   393  		// the compiler can optimize it into a multiply+shift
   395  		if host32bit {
   396  			// convert the lower digits using 32bit operations
   397  			for u >= 1e9 {
   398  				// Avoid using r = a%b in addition to q = a/b
   399  				// since 64bit division and modulo operations
   400  				// are calculated by runtime functions on 32bit machines.
   401  				q := u / 1e9
   402  				us := uint(u - q*1e9) // u % 1e9 fits into a uint
   403  				for j := 4; j > 0; j-- {
   404  					is := us % 100 * 2
   405  					us /= 100
   406  					i -= 2
   407  					a[i+1] = smallsString[is+1]
   408  					a[i+0] = smallsString[is+0]
   409  				}
   411  				// us < 10, since it contains the last digit
   412  				// from the initial 9-digit us.
   413  				i--
   414  				a[i] = smallsString[us*2+1]
   416  				u = q
   417  			}
   418  			// u < 1e9
   419  		}
   421  		// u guaranteed to fit into a uint
   422  		us := uint(u)
   423  		for us >= 100 {
   424  			is := us % 100 * 2
   425  			us /= 100
   426  			i -= 2
   427  			a[i+1] = smallsString[is+1]
   428  			a[i+0] = smallsString[is+0]
   429  		}
   431  		// us < 100
   432  		is := us * 2
   433  		i--
   434  		a[i] = smallsString[is+1]
   435  		if us >= 10 {
   436  			i--
   437  			a[i] = smallsString[is]
   438  		}
   440  	} else if isPowerOfTwo_int(base) {
   441  		// Use shifts and masks instead of / and %.
   442  		// Base is a power of 2 and 2 <= base <= len(digits) where len(digits) is 36.
   443  		// The largest power of 2 below or equal to 36 is 32, which is 1 << 5;
   444  		// i.e., the largest possible shift count is 5. By &-ind that value with
   445  		// the constant 7 we tell the compiler that the shift count is always
   446  		// less than 8 which is smaller than any register width. This allows
   447  		// the compiler to generate better code for the shift operation.
   448  		shift := uint(bits.TrailingZeros(uint(base))) & 7
   449  		b := uint64(base)
   450  		m := uint(base) - 1 // == 1<<shift - 1
   451  		for u >= b {
   452  			i--
   453  			a[i] = digits[uint(u)&m]
   454  			u >>= shift
   455  		}
   456  		// u < base
   457  		i--
   458  		a[i] = digits[uint(u)]
   459  	} else {
   460  		// general case
   461  		b := uint64(base)
   462  		for u >= b {
   463  			i--
   464  			// Avoid using r = a%b in addition to q = a/b
   465  			// since 64bit division and modulo operations
   466  			// are calculated by runtime functions on 32bit machines.
   467  			q := u / b
   468  			a[i] = digits[uint(u-q*b)]
   469  			u = q
   470  		}
   471  		// u < base
   472  		i--
   473  		a[i] = digits[uint(u)]
   474  	}
   476  	// add sign, if any
   477  	if neg {
   478  		i--
   479  		a[i] = '-'
   480  	}
   482  	if append_ {
   483  		d = append(dst, a[i:]...)
   484  		return
   485  	}
   486  	s = string(a[i:])
   487  	return
   488  }
   490  func isPowerOfTwo_int(x int) bool {
   491  	return x&(x-1) == 0
   492  }
   495  const fastSmalls = true
   496  const nSmalls = 100
   497  const smallsString = "00010203040506070809" +
   498  	"10111213141516171819" +
   499  	"20212223242526272829" +
   500  	"30313233343536373839" +
   501  	"40414243444546474849" +
   502  	"50515253545556575859" +
   503  	"60616263646566676869" +
   504  	"70717273747576777879" +
   505  	"80818283848586878889" +
   506  	"90919293949596979899"
   507  const host32bit = ^uint(0)>>32 == 0
   508  const digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
   511  // Following two functions comes from
   512  func getFrame(skipFrames int) Frame {
   513  	// We need the frame at index skipFrames+2, since we never want runtime.Callers and getFrame
   514  	targetFrameIndex := skipFrames + 2
   516  	// Set size to targetFrameIndex+2 to ensure we have room for one more caller than we need
   517  	programCounters := make([]uintptr, targetFrameIndex+2)
   518  	n := Callers(0, programCounters)
   520  	frame := Frame{Function: "unknown"}
   521  	if n > 0 {
   522  		frames := CallersFrames(programCounters[:n])
   523  		for more, frameIndex := true, 0; more && frameIndex <= targetFrameIndex; frameIndex++ {
   524  			var frameCandidate Frame
   525  			frameCandidate, more = frames.Next()
   526  			if frameIndex == targetFrameIndex {
   527  				frame = frameCandidate
   528  			}
   529  		}
   530  	}
   532  	return frame
   533  }
   535  // MyCaller returns the caller of the function that called it
   536  func MyCaller(skip int) string {
   537  	// Skip GetCallerFunctionName and the function to get the caller of
   538  	return getFrame(skip + 2).Function
   539  }
   541  func PrintCurrentStack() {
   542  	const size = 64 << 10
   543  	buf := make([]byte, size)
   544  	buf = buf[:Stack(buf, false)]
   545  	println(string(buf))
   546  }