
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     3  # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     4  # license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  # See for an overview of the build process.
     8  # Environment variables that control make.bash:
     9  #
    10  # GOROOT_FINAL: The expected final Go root, baked into binaries.
    11  # The default is the location of the Go tree during the build.
    12  #
    13  # GOHOSTARCH: The architecture for host tools (compilers and
    14  # binaries).  Binaries of this type must be executable on the current
    15  # system, so the only common reason to set this is to set
    16  # GOHOSTARCH=386 on an amd64 machine.
    17  #
    18  # GOARCH: The target architecture for installed packages and tools.
    19  #
    20  # GOOS: The target operating system for installed packages and tools.
    21  #
    22  # GO_GCFLAGS: Additional go tool compile arguments to use when
    23  # building the packages and commands.
    24  #
    25  # GO_LDFLAGS: Additional go tool link arguments to use when
    26  # building the commands.
    27  #
    28  # CGO_ENABLED: Controls cgo usage during the build. Set it to 1
    29  # to include all cgo related files, .c and .go file with "cgo"
    30  # build directive, in the build. Set it to 0 to ignore them.
    31  #
    32  # GO_EXTLINK_ENABLED: Set to 1 to invoke the host linker when building
    33  # packages that use cgo.  Set to 0 to do all linking internally.  This
    34  # controls the default behavior of the linker's -linkmode option.  The
    35  # default value depends on the system.
    36  #
    37  # GO_LDSO: Sets the default dynamic linker/loader ( to be used
    38  # by the internal linker.
    39  #
    40  # CC: Command line to run to compile C code for GOHOSTARCH.
    41  # Default is "gcc". Also supported: "clang".
    42  #
    43  # CC_FOR_TARGET: Command line to run to compile C code for GOARCH.
    44  # This is used by cgo.  Default is CC.
    45  #
    46  # CXX_FOR_TARGET: Command line to run to compile C++ code for GOARCH.
    47  # This is used by cgo. Default is CXX, or, if that is not set,
    48  # "g++" or "clang++".
    49  #
    50  # FC: Command line to run to compile Fortran code for GOARCH.
    51  # This is used by cgo. Default is "gfortran".
    52  #
    53  # PKG_CONFIG: Path to pkg-config tool. Default is "pkg-config".
    54  #
    55  # GO_DISTFLAGS: extra flags to provide to "dist bootstrap".
    56  # (Or just pass them to the make.bash command line.)
    57  #
    58  # GOBUILDTIMELOGFILE: If set, make.bash and all.bash write
    59  # timing information to this file. Useful for profiling where the
    60  # time goes when these scripts run.
    61  #
    62  # GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP: A working Go tree >= Go 1.4 for bootstrap.
    63  # If $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go is missing, $(go env GOROOT) is
    64  # tried for all "go" in $PATH. $HOME/go1.4 by default.
    66  set -e
    68  export GOENV=off
    69  unset GOBIN # Issue 14340
    70  unset GOFLAGS
    71  unset GO111MODULE
    73  if [ ! -f run.bash ]; then
    74  	echo 'make.bash must be run from $GOROOT/src' 1>&2
    75  	exit 1
    76  fi
    78  if [ "$GOBUILDTIMELOGFILE" != "" ]; then
    79  	echo $(LC_TIME=C date) start make.bash >"$GOBUILDTIMELOGFILE"
    80  fi
    82  # Test for Windows.
    83  case "$(uname)" in
    84  *MINGW* | *WIN32* | *CYGWIN*)
    85  	echo 'ERROR: Do not use make.bash to build on Windows.'
    86  	echo 'Use make.bat instead.'
    87  	echo
    88  	exit 1
    89  	;;
    90  esac
    92  # Test for bad ld.
    93  if ld --version 2>&1 | grep 'gold.* 2\.20' >/dev/null; then
    94  	echo 'ERROR: Your system has gold 2.20 installed.'
    95  	echo 'This version is shipped by Ubuntu even though'
    96  	echo 'it is known not to work on Ubuntu.'
    97  	echo 'Binaries built with this linker are likely to fail in mysterious ways.'
    98  	echo
    99  	echo 'Run sudo apt-get remove binutils-gold.'
   100  	echo
   101  	exit 1
   102  fi
   104  # Test for bad SELinux.
   105  # On Fedora 16 the selinux filesystem is mounted at /sys/fs/selinux,
   106  # so loop through the possible selinux mount points.
   107  for se_mount in /selinux /sys/fs/selinux
   108  do
   109  	if [ -d $se_mount -a -f $se_mount/booleans/allow_execstack -a -x /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled ] && /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled; then
   110  		if ! cat $se_mount/booleans/allow_execstack | grep -c '^1 1$' >> /dev/null ; then
   111  			echo "WARNING: the default SELinux policy on, at least, Fedora 12 breaks "
   112  			echo "Go. You can enable the features that Go needs via the following "
   113  			echo "command (as root):"
   114  			echo "  # setsebool -P allow_execstack 1"
   115  			echo
   116  			echo "Note that this affects your system globally! "
   117  			echo
   118  			echo "The build will continue in five seconds in case we "
   119  			echo "misdiagnosed the issue..."
   121  			sleep 5
   122  		fi
   123  	fi
   124  done
   126  # Test for debian/kFreeBSD.
   127  # cmd/dist will detect kFreeBSD as freebsd/$GOARCH, but we need to
   128  # disable cgo manually.
   129  if [ "$(uname -s)" = "GNU/kFreeBSD" ]; then
   130  	export CGO_ENABLED=0
   131  fi
   133  # Test which linker/loader our system is using, if GO_LDSO is not set.
   134  if [ -z "$GO_LDSO" ] && type readelf >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   135  	if echo "int main() { return 0; }" | ${CC:-cc} -o ./test-musl-ldso -x c - >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   136  		LDSO=$(readelf -l ./test-musl-ldso | grep 'interpreter:' | sed -e 's/^.*interpreter: \(.*\)[]]/\1/') >/dev/null 2>&1
   137  		[ -z "$LDSO" ] || export GO_LDSO="$LDSO"
   138  		rm -f ./test-musl-ldso
   139  	fi
   140  fi
   142  # Clean old generated file that will cause problems in the build.
   143  rm -f ./runtime/runtime_defs.go
   145  # Finally!  Run the build.
   147  verbose=false
   148  vflag=""
   149  if [ "$1" = "-v" ]; then
   150  	verbose=true
   151  	vflag=-v
   152  	shift
   153  fi
   155  goroot_bootstrap_set=${GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP+"true"}
   156  if [ -z "$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP" ]; then
   157  	GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="$HOME/go1.4"
   158  	for d in sdk/go1.17 go1.17; do
   159  		if [ -d "$HOME/$d" ]; then
   160  			GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP="$HOME/$d"
   161  		fi
   162  	done
   163  fi
   164  export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP
   166  export GOROOT="$(cd .. && pwd)"
   167  IFS=$'\n'; for go_exe in $(type -ap go); do
   168  	if [ ! -x "$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go" ]; then
   169  		goroot=$(GOROOT='' GOOS='' GOARCH='' "$go_exe" env GOROOT)
   170  		if [ "$goroot" != "$GOROOT" ]; then
   171  			if [ "$goroot_bootstrap_set" = "true" ]; then
   172  				printf 'WARNING: %s does not exist, found %s from env\n' "$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go" "$go_exe" >&2
   173  				printf 'WARNING: set %s as GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP\n' "$goroot" >&2
   174  			fi
   175  			GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=$goroot
   176  		fi
   177  	fi
   178  done; unset IFS
   179  if [ ! -x "$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go" ]; then
   180  	echo "ERROR: Cannot find $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go." >&2
   181  	echo "Set \$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP to a working Go tree >= Go 1.4." >&2
   182  	exit 1
   183  fi
   184  # Get the exact bootstrap toolchain version to help with debugging.
   185  # We clear GOOS and GOARCH to avoid an ominous but harmless warning if
   186  # the bootstrap doesn't support them.
   187  GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION=$(GOOS= GOARCH= $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go version | sed 's/go version //')
   188  echo "Building Go cmd/dist using $GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP. ($GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION)"
   189  if $verbose; then
   190  	echo cmd/dist
   191  fi
   192  if [ "$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP" = "$GOROOT" ]; then
   193  	echo "ERROR: \$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP must not be set to \$GOROOT" >&2
   194  	echo "Set \$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP to a working Go tree >= Go 1.4." >&2
   195  	exit 1
   196  fi
   197  rm -f cmd/dist/dist
   198  GOROOT="$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP" GOOS="" GOARCH="" GO111MODULE=off "$GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP/bin/go" build -o cmd/dist/dist ./cmd/dist
   200  # -e doesn't propagate out of eval, so check success by hand.
   201  eval $(./cmd/dist/dist env -p || echo FAIL=true)
   202  if [ "$FAIL" = true ]; then
   203  	exit 1
   204  fi
   206  if $verbose; then
   207  	echo
   208  fi
   210  if [ "$1" = "--dist-tool" ]; then
   211  	# Stop after building dist tool.
   212  	mkdir -p "$GOTOOLDIR"
   213  	if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
   214  		cp cmd/dist/dist "$2"
   215  	fi
   216  	mv cmd/dist/dist "$GOTOOLDIR"/dist
   217  	exit 0
   218  fi
   220  # Run dist bootstrap to complete make.bash.
   221  # Bootstrap installs a proper cmd/dist, built with the new toolchain.
   222  # Throw ours, built with Go 1.4, away after bootstrap.
   223  ./cmd/dist/dist bootstrap -a $vflag $GO_DISTFLAGS "$@"
   224  rm -f ./cmd/dist/dist
   227  # The bootstrap+rm above are the final step of make.bash.
   228  # If something must be added, add it to cmd/dist's cmdbootstrap,
   229  # to avoid needing three copies in three different shell languages
   230  # (make.bash, make.bat, make.rc).