
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     3  # SOURCE:
     5  { # this ensures the entire script is downloaded #
     7  nvm_has() {
     8    type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1
     9  }
    11  nvm_install_dir() {
    12    if [ -n "$NVM_DIR" ]; then
    13      printf %s "${NVM_DIR}"
    14    elif [ -n "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ]; then
    15      printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvm}"
    16    else
    17      printf %s "$HOME/.nvm"
    18    fi
    19  }
    21  nvm_latest_version() {
    22    echo "v0.34.0"
    23  }
    25  nvm_profile_is_bash_or_zsh() {
    26    local TEST_PROFILE
    27    TEST_PROFILE="${1-}"
    28    case "${TEST_PROFILE-}" in
    29      *"/.bashrc" | *"/.bash_profile" | *"/.zshrc")
    30        return
    31      ;;
    32      *)
    33        return 1
    34      ;;
    35    esac
    36  }
    38  #
    39  # Outputs the location to NVM depending on:
    40  # * The availability of $NVM_SOURCE
    41  # * The method used ("script" or "git" in the script, defaults to "git")
    42  # NVM_SOURCE always takes precedence unless the method is "script-nvm-exec"
    43  #
    44  nvm_source() {
    45    local NVM_METHOD
    46    NVM_METHOD="$1"
    47    local NVM_SOURCE_URL
    49    if [ "_$NVM_METHOD" = "_script-nvm-exec" ]; then
    50      NVM_SOURCE_URL="$(nvm_latest_version)/nvm-exec"
    51    elif [ "_$NVM_METHOD" = "_script-nvm-bash-completion" ]; then
    52      NVM_SOURCE_URL="$(nvm_latest_version)/bash_completion"
    53    elif [ -z "$NVM_SOURCE_URL" ]; then
    54      if [ "_$NVM_METHOD" = "_script" ]; then
    55        NVM_SOURCE_URL="$(nvm_latest_version)/"
    56      elif [ "_$NVM_METHOD" = "_git" ] || [ -z "$NVM_METHOD" ]; then
    57        NVM_SOURCE_URL=""
    58      else
    59        echo >&2 "Unexpected value \"$NVM_METHOD\" for \$NVM_METHOD"
    60        return 1
    61      fi
    62    fi
    63    echo "$NVM_SOURCE_URL"
    64  }
    66  #
    67  # Node.js version to install
    68  #
    69  nvm_node_version() {
    70    echo "$NODE_VERSION"
    71  }
    73  nvm_download() {
    74    if nvm_has "curl"; then
    75      curl --compressed -q "$@"
    76    elif nvm_has "wget"; then
    77      # Emulate curl with wget
    78      ARGS=$(echo "$*" | command sed -e 's/--progress-bar /--progress=bar /' \
    79                              -e 's/-L //' \
    80                              -e 's/--compressed //' \
    81                              -e 's/-I /--server-response /' \
    82                              -e 's/-s /-q /' \
    83                              -e 's/-o /-O /' \
    84                              -e 's/-C - /-c /')
    85      # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    86      eval wget $ARGS
    87    fi
    88  }
    90  install_nvm_from_git() {
    91    local INSTALL_DIR
    92    INSTALL_DIR="$(nvm_install_dir)"
    94    if [ -d "$INSTALL_DIR/.git" ]; then
    95      echo "=> nvm is already installed in $INSTALL_DIR, trying to update using git"
    96      command printf '\r=> '
    97      command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" fetch origin tag "$(nvm_latest_version)" --depth=1 2> /dev/null || {
    98        echo >&2 "Failed to update nvm, run 'git fetch' in $INSTALL_DIR yourself."
    99        exit 1
   100      }
   101    else
   102      # Cloning to $INSTALL_DIR
   103      echo "=> Downloading nvm from git to '$INSTALL_DIR'"
   104      command printf '\r=> '
   105      mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}"
   106      if [ "$(ls -A "${INSTALL_DIR}")" ]; then
   107        command git init "${INSTALL_DIR}" || {
   108          echo >&2 'Failed to initialize nvm repo. Please report this!'
   109          exit 2
   110        }
   111        command git --git-dir="${INSTALL_DIR}/.git" remote add origin "$(nvm_source)" 2> /dev/null \
   112          || command git --git-dir="${INSTALL_DIR}/.git" remote set-url origin "$(nvm_source)" || {
   113          echo >&2 'Failed to add remote "origin" (or set the URL). Please report this!'
   114          exit 2
   115        }
   116        command git --git-dir="${INSTALL_DIR}/.git" fetch origin tag "$(nvm_latest_version)" --depth=1 || {
   117          echo >&2 'Failed to fetch origin with tags. Please report this!'
   118          exit 2
   119        }
   120      else
   121        command git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone "$(nvm_source)" -b "$(nvm_latest_version)" --depth=1 "${INSTALL_DIR}" || {
   122          echo >&2 'Failed to clone nvm repo. Please report this!'
   123          exit 2
   124        }
   125      fi
   126    fi
   127    command git -c advice.detachedHead=false --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" checkout -f --quiet "$(nvm_latest_version)"
   128    if [ -n "$(command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" show-ref refs/heads/master)" ]; then
   129      if command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" branch --quiet 2>/dev/null; then
   130        command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" branch --quiet -D master >/dev/null 2>&1
   131      else
   132        echo >&2 "Your version of git is out of date. Please update it!"
   133        command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" branch -D master >/dev/null 2>&1
   134      fi
   135    fi
   137    echo "=> Compressing and cleaning up git repository"
   138    if ! command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" reflog expire --expire=now --all; then
   139      echo >&2 "Your version of git is out of date. Please update it!"
   140    fi
   141    if ! command git --git-dir="$INSTALL_DIR"/.git --work-tree="$INSTALL_DIR" gc --auto --aggressive --prune=now ; then
   142      echo >&2 "Your version of git is out of date. Please update it!"
   143    fi
   144    return
   145  }
   147  #
   148  # Automatically install Node.js
   149  #
   150  nvm_install_node() {
   151    local NODE_VERSION_LOCAL
   152    NODE_VERSION_LOCAL="$(nvm_node_version)"
   154    if [ -z "$NODE_VERSION_LOCAL" ]; then
   155      return 0
   156    fi
   158    echo "=> Installing Node.js version $NODE_VERSION_LOCAL"
   159    nvm install "$NODE_VERSION_LOCAL"
   160    local CURRENT_NVM_NODE
   162    CURRENT_NVM_NODE="$(nvm_version current)"
   163    if [ "$(nvm_version "$NODE_VERSION_LOCAL")" == "$CURRENT_NVM_NODE" ]; then
   164      echo "=> Node.js version $NODE_VERSION_LOCAL has been successfully installed"
   165    else
   166      echo >&2 "Failed to install Node.js $NODE_VERSION_LOCAL"
   167    fi
   168  }
   170  install_nvm_as_script() {
   171    local INSTALL_DIR
   172    INSTALL_DIR="$(nvm_install_dir)"
   173    local NVM_SOURCE_LOCAL
   174    NVM_SOURCE_LOCAL="$(nvm_source script)"
   175    local NVM_EXEC_SOURCE
   176    NVM_EXEC_SOURCE="$(nvm_source script-nvm-exec)"
   178    NVM_BASH_COMPLETION_SOURCE="$(nvm_source script-nvm-bash-completion)"
   180    # Downloading to $INSTALL_DIR
   181    mkdir -p "$INSTALL_DIR"
   182    if [ -f "$INSTALL_DIR/" ]; then
   183      echo "=> nvm is already installed in $INSTALL_DIR, trying to update the script"
   184    else
   185      echo "=> Downloading nvm as script to '$INSTALL_DIR'"
   186    fi
   187    nvm_download -s "$NVM_SOURCE_LOCAL" -o "$INSTALL_DIR/" || {
   188      echo >&2 "Failed to download '$NVM_SOURCE_LOCAL'"
   189      return 1
   190    } &
   191    nvm_download -s "$NVM_EXEC_SOURCE" -o "$INSTALL_DIR/nvm-exec" || {
   192      echo >&2 "Failed to download '$NVM_EXEC_SOURCE'"
   193      return 2
   194    } &
   195    nvm_download -s "$NVM_BASH_COMPLETION_SOURCE" -o "$INSTALL_DIR/bash_completion" || {
   196      echo >&2 "Failed to download '$NVM_BASH_COMPLETION_SOURCE'"
   197      return 2
   198    } &
   199    for job in $(jobs -p | command sort)
   200    do
   201      wait "$job" || return $?
   202    done
   203    chmod a+x "$INSTALL_DIR/nvm-exec" || {
   204      echo >&2 "Failed to mark '$INSTALL_DIR/nvm-exec' as executable"
   205      return 3
   206    }
   207  }
   209  nvm_try_profile() {
   210    if [ -z "${1-}" ] || [ ! -f "${1}" ]; then
   211      return 1
   212    fi
   213    echo "${1}"
   214  }
   216  #
   217  # Detect profile file if not specified as environment variable
   218  # (eg: PROFILE=~/.myprofile)
   219  # The echo'ed path is guaranteed to be an existing file
   220  # Otherwise, an empty string is returned
   221  #
   222  nvm_detect_profile() {
   223    if [ "${PROFILE-}" = '/dev/null' ]; then
   224      # the user has specifically requested NOT to have nvm touch their profile
   225      return
   226    fi
   228    if [ -n "${PROFILE}" ] && [ -f "${PROFILE}" ]; then
   229      echo "${PROFILE}"
   230      return
   231    fi
   233    local DETECTED_PROFILE
   236    if [ -n "${BASH_VERSION-}" ]; then
   237      if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
   238        DETECTED_PROFILE="$HOME/.bashrc"
   239      elif [ -f "$HOME/.bash_profile" ]; then
   240        DETECTED_PROFILE="$HOME/.bash_profile"
   241      fi
   242    elif [ -n "${ZSH_VERSION-}" ]; then
   243      DETECTED_PROFILE="$HOME/.zshrc"
   244    fi
   246    if [ -z "$DETECTED_PROFILE" ]; then
   247      for EACH_PROFILE in ".profile" ".bashrc" ".bash_profile" ".zshrc"
   248      do
   249        if DETECTED_PROFILE="$(nvm_try_profile "${HOME}/${EACH_PROFILE}")"; then
   250          break
   251        fi
   252      done
   253    fi
   255    if [ -n "$DETECTED_PROFILE" ]; then
   256      echo "$DETECTED_PROFILE"
   257    fi
   258  }
   260  #
   261  # Check whether the user has any globally-installed npm modules in their system
   262  # Node, and warn them if so.
   263  #
   264  nvm_check_global_modules() {
   265    command -v npm >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 0
   267    local NPM_VERSION
   268    NPM_VERSION="$(npm --version)"
   269    NPM_VERSION="${NPM_VERSION:--1}"
   270    [ "${NPM_VERSION%%[!-0-9]*}" -gt 0 ] || return 0
   272    local NPM_GLOBAL_MODULES
   273    NPM_GLOBAL_MODULES="$(
   274      npm list -g --depth=0 |
   275      command sed -e '/ npm@/d' -e '/ (empty)$/d'
   276    )"
   278    local MODULE_COUNT
   279    MODULE_COUNT="$(
   280      command printf %s\\n "$NPM_GLOBAL_MODULES" |
   281      command sed -ne '1!p' |                     # Remove the first line
   282      wc -l | command tr -d ' '                   # Count entries
   283    )"
   285    if [ "${MODULE_COUNT}" != '0' ]; then
   286      # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   287      echo '=> You currently have modules installed globally with `npm`. These will no'
   288      # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   289      echo '=> longer be linked to the active version of Node when you install a new node'
   290      # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   291      echo '=> with `nvm`; and they may (depending on how you construct your `$PATH`)'
   292      # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   293      echo '=> override the binaries of modules installed with `nvm`:'
   294      echo
   296      command printf %s\\n "$NPM_GLOBAL_MODULES"
   297      echo '=> If you wish to uninstall them at a later point (or re-install them under your'
   298      # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   299      echo '=> `nvm` Nodes), you can remove them from the system Node as follows:'
   300      echo
   301      echo '     $ nvm use system'
   302      echo '     $ npm uninstall -g a_module'
   303      echo
   304    fi
   305  }
   307  nvm_do_install() {
   308    if [ -n "${NVM_DIR-}" ] && ! [ -d "${NVM_DIR}" ]; then
   309      echo >&2 "You have \$NVM_DIR set to \"${NVM_DIR}\", but that directory does not exist. Check your profile files and environment."
   310      exit 1
   311    fi
   312    if [ -z "${METHOD}" ]; then
   313      # Autodetect install method
   314      if nvm_has git; then
   315        install_nvm_from_git
   316      elif nvm_has nvm_download; then
   317        install_nvm_as_script
   318      else
   319        echo >&2 'You need git, curl, or wget to install nvm'
   320        exit 1
   321      fi
   322    elif [ "${METHOD}" = 'git' ]; then
   323      if ! nvm_has git; then
   324        echo >&2 "You need git to install nvm"
   325        exit 1
   326      fi
   327      install_nvm_from_git
   328    elif [ "${METHOD}" = 'script' ]; then
   329      if ! nvm_has nvm_download; then
   330        echo >&2 "You need curl or wget to install nvm"
   331        exit 1
   332      fi
   333      install_nvm_as_script
   334    else
   335      echo >&2 "The environment variable \$METHOD is set to \"${METHOD}\", which is not recognized as a valid installation method."
   336      exit 1
   337    fi
   339    echo
   341    local NVM_PROFILE
   342    NVM_PROFILE="$(nvm_detect_profile)"
   343    local PROFILE_INSTALL_DIR
   344    PROFILE_INSTALL_DIR="$(nvm_install_dir | command sed "s:^$HOME:\$HOME:")"
   346    SOURCE_STR="\\nexport NVM_DIR=\"${PROFILE_INSTALL_DIR}\"\\n[ -s \"\$NVM_DIR/\" ] && \\. \"\$NVM_DIR/\"  # This loads nvm\\n"
   348    # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   349    COMPLETION_STR='[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion\n'
   350    BASH_OR_ZSH=false
   352    if [ -z "${NVM_PROFILE-}" ] ; then
   353      local TRIED_PROFILE
   354      if [ -n "${PROFILE}" ]; then
   355        TRIED_PROFILE="${NVM_PROFILE} (as defined in \$PROFILE), "
   356      fi
   357      echo "=> Profile not found. Tried ${TRIED_PROFILE-}~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, and ~/.profile."
   358      echo "=> Create one of them and run this script again"
   359      echo "   OR"
   360      echo "=> Append the following lines to the correct file yourself:"
   361      command printf "${SOURCE_STR}"
   362      echo
   363    else
   364      if nvm_profile_is_bash_or_zsh "${NVM_PROFILE-}"; then
   365        BASH_OR_ZSH=true
   366      fi
   367      if ! command grep -qc '/' "$NVM_PROFILE"; then
   368        echo "=> Appending nvm source string to $NVM_PROFILE"
   369        command printf "${SOURCE_STR}" >> "$NVM_PROFILE"
   370      else
   371        echo "=> nvm source string already in ${NVM_PROFILE}"
   372      fi
   373      # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   374      if ${BASH_OR_ZSH} && ! command grep -qc '$NVM_DIR/bash_completion' "$NVM_PROFILE"; then
   375        echo "=> Appending bash_completion source string to $NVM_PROFILE"
   376        command printf "$COMPLETION_STR" >> "$NVM_PROFILE"
   377      else
   378        echo "=> bash_completion source string already in ${NVM_PROFILE}"
   379      fi
   380    fi
   381    if ${BASH_OR_ZSH} && [ -z "${NVM_PROFILE-}" ] ; then
   382      echo "=> Please also append the following lines to the if you are using bash/zsh shell:"
   383      command printf "${COMPLETION_STR}"
   384    fi
   386    # Source nvm
   387    # shellcheck source=/dev/null
   388    \. "$(nvm_install_dir)/"
   390    nvm_check_global_modules
   392    nvm_install_node
   394    nvm_reset
   396    echo "=> Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm or run the following to use it now:"
   397    command printf "${SOURCE_STR}"
   398    if ${BASH_OR_ZSH} ; then
   399      command printf "${COMPLETION_STR}"
   400    fi
   401  }
   403  #
   404  # Unsets the various functions defined
   405  # during the execution of the install script
   406  #
   407  nvm_reset() {
   408    unset -f nvm_has nvm_install_dir nvm_latest_version nvm_profile_is_bash_or_zsh \
   409      nvm_source nvm_node_version nvm_download install_nvm_from_git nvm_install_node \
   410      install_nvm_as_script nvm_try_profile nvm_detect_profile nvm_check_global_modules \
   411      nvm_do_install nvm_reset
   412  }
   414  [ "_$NVM_ENV" = "_testing" ] || nvm_do_install
   416  } # this ensures the entire script is downloaded #