
     1  // Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc.
     2  //
     3  // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
     4  // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     5  // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
     6  // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
     7  // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
     8  // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
     9  //
    10  // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
    11  // all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    12  //
    19  // THE SOFTWARE.
    21  package series
    23  import (
    24  	"sort"
    25  	"strings"
    26  	"testing"
    27  	"time"
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	m3dbruntime ""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	xerrors ""
    42  	""
    43  	xtime ""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  )
    50  var testID = ident.StringID("foo")
    52  func newBufferTestOptions() Options {
    53  	encoderPool := encoding.NewEncoderPool(nil)
    54  	multiReaderIteratorPool := encoding.NewMultiReaderIteratorPool(nil)
    56  	encodingOpts := encoding.NewOptions().SetEncoderPool(encoderPool)
    58  	encoderPool.Init(func() encoding.Encoder {
    59  		return m3tsz.NewEncoder(0, nil, m3tsz.DefaultIntOptimizationEnabled, encodingOpts)
    60  	})
    61  	multiReaderIteratorPool.Init(m3tsz.DefaultReaderIteratorAllocFn(encodingOpts))
    63  	bufferBucketPool := NewBufferBucketPool(nil)
    64  	bufferBucketVersionsPool := NewBufferBucketVersionsPool(nil)
    66  	opts := NewOptions().
    67  		SetEncoderPool(encoderPool).
    68  		SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(multiReaderIteratorPool).
    69  		SetBufferBucketPool(bufferBucketPool).
    70  		SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(bufferBucketVersionsPool).
    71  		SetRuntimeOptionsManager(m3dbruntime.NewOptionsManager())
    72  	opts = opts.
    73  		SetRetentionOptions(opts.RetentionOptions().
    74  			SetBlockSize(2 * time.Minute).
    75  			SetBufferFuture(10 * time.Second).
    76  			SetBufferPast(10 * time.Second)).
    77  		SetDatabaseBlockOptions(opts.DatabaseBlockOptions().
    78  			SetContextPool(opts.ContextPool()).
    79  			SetEncoderPool(opts.EncoderPool()))
    80  	return opts
    81  }
    83  // Writes to buffer, verifying no error and that further writes should happen.
    84  func verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(
    85  	t *testing.T,
    86  	id ident.ID,
    87  	buffer databaseBuffer,
    88  	v DecodedTestValue,
    89  	schema namespace.SchemaDescr,
    90  ) {
    91  	verifyWriteToBuffer(t, id, buffer, v, schema, true, false)
    92  }
    94  func verifyWriteToBuffer(
    95  	t *testing.T,
    96  	id ident.ID,
    97  	buffer databaseBuffer,
    98  	v DecodedTestValue,
    99  	schema namespace.SchemaDescr,
   100  	expectWritten bool,
   101  	expectErr bool,
   102  ) {
   103  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   104  	defer ctx.Close()
   106  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, id, v.Timestamp, v.Value, v.Unit,
   107  		v.Annotation, WriteOptions{SchemaDesc: schema})
   109  	if expectErr {
   110  		require.Error(t, err)
   111  	} else {
   112  		require.NoError(t, err)
   113  	}
   114  	require.Equal(t, expectWritten, wasWritten)
   115  }
   117  func TestBufferWriteTooFuture(t *testing.T) {
   118  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   119  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   120  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   121  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   122  		return curr.ToTime()
   123  	}))
   124  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   125  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   126  		Options: opts,
   127  	})
   128  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   129  	defer ctx.Close()
   131  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID, curr.Add(rops.BufferFuture()), 1,
   132  		xtime.Second, nil, WriteOptions{})
   133  	assert.False(t, wasWritten)
   134  	assert.Error(t, err)
   135  	assert.True(t, xerrors.IsInvalidParams(err))
   136  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "datapoint too far in future"))
   137  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "id=foo"))
   138  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "timestamp="))
   139  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "future_limit="))
   140  }
   142  func TestBufferWriteTooPast(t *testing.T) {
   143  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   144  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   145  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   146  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   147  		return curr.ToTime()
   148  	}))
   149  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   150  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   151  		Options: opts,
   152  	})
   153  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   154  	defer ctx.Close()
   155  	// Writes are inclusive on buffer past start border. Must be before that inclusive border to
   156  	// be a cold write. To test this we write a second further into the past.
   157  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID,
   158  		curr.Add(-1*rops.BufferPast()-time.Second), 1, xtime.Second,
   159  		nil, WriteOptions{})
   160  	assert.False(t, wasWritten)
   161  	assert.Error(t, err)
   162  	assert.True(t, xerrors.IsInvalidParams(err))
   163  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "datapoint too far in past"))
   164  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "id=foo"))
   165  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "timestamp="))
   166  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "past_limit="))
   167  }
   169  func maxDuration(a, b time.Duration) time.Duration {
   170  	if a > b {
   171  		return a
   172  	}
   173  	return b
   174  }
   176  func TestBufferWriteColdTooFutureRetention(t *testing.T) {
   177  	opts := newBufferTestOptions().SetColdWritesEnabled(true)
   178  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   179  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   180  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   181  		return curr.ToTime()
   182  	}))
   183  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   184  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   185  		Options: opts,
   186  	})
   187  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   188  	defer ctx.Close()
   190  	futureRetention := time.Second +
   191  		maxDuration(rops.BufferFuture(), rops.FutureRetentionPeriod())
   192  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx,
   193  		testID, curr.Add(futureRetention), 1, xtime.Second, nil, WriteOptions{})
   194  	assert.False(t, wasWritten)
   195  	assert.Error(t, err)
   196  	assert.True(t, xerrors.IsInvalidParams(err))
   197  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "datapoint too far in future and out of retention"))
   198  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "id=foo"))
   199  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "timestamp="))
   200  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "retention_future_limit="))
   201  }
   203  func TestBufferWriteColdTooPastRetention(t *testing.T) {
   204  	opts := newBufferTestOptions().SetColdWritesEnabled(true)
   205  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   206  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   207  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   208  		return curr.ToTime()
   209  	}))
   210  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   211  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   212  		Options: opts,
   213  	})
   214  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   215  	defer ctx.Close()
   217  	pastRetention := time.Second +
   218  		maxDuration(rops.BufferPast(), rops.RetentionPeriod())
   219  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID,
   220  		curr.Add(-pastRetention), 1, xtime.Second,
   221  		nil, WriteOptions{})
   222  	assert.False(t, wasWritten)
   223  	assert.Error(t, err)
   224  	assert.True(t, xerrors.IsInvalidParams(err))
   225  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "datapoint too far in past and out of retention"))
   226  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "id=foo"))
   227  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "timestamp="))
   228  	assert.True(t, strings.Contains(err.Error(), "retention_past_limit="))
   229  }
   231  func TestBufferWriteError(t *testing.T) {
   232  	var (
   233  		opts   = newBufferTestOptions()
   234  		rops   = opts.RetentionOptions()
   235  		curr   = xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   236  		ctx    = context.NewBackground()
   237  		buffer = newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   238  	)
   239  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   240  		return curr.ToTime()
   241  	}))
   242  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   243  		Options: opts,
   244  	})
   245  	defer ctx.Close()
   247  	timeUnitNotExist := xtime.Unit(127)
   248  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID,
   249  		curr, 1, timeUnitNotExist, nil, WriteOptions{})
   250  	require.False(t, wasWritten)
   251  	require.Error(t, err)
   252  }
   254  func TestBufferWriteRead(t *testing.T) {
   255  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   256  	testBufferWriteRead(t, opts, nil)
   257  }
   259  func testBufferWriteRead(t *testing.T, opts Options, setAnn setAnnotation) {
   260  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   261  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   262  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   263  		return curr.ToTime()
   264  	}))
   265  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   266  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   267  		Options: opts,
   268  	})
   270  	data := []DecodedTestValue{
   271  		{curr.Add(secs(1)), 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   272  		{curr.Add(secs(2)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   273  		{curr.Add(secs(3)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
   274  	}
   275  	var nsCtx namespace.Context
   276  	if setAnn != nil {
   277  		data = setAnn(data)
   278  		nsCtx = namespace.Context{Schema: testSchemaDesc}
   279  	}
   281  	for _, v := range data {
   282  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nsCtx.Schema)
   283  	}
   285  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   286  	defer ctx.Close()
   288  	results, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(ctx, 0, timeDistantFuture, nsCtx)
   289  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   290  	assert.NotNil(t, results)
   292  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, data, results, opts, nsCtx)
   293  }
   295  func TestBufferReadOnlyMatchingBuckets(t *testing.T) {
   296  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   297  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   298  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   299  	start := curr
   300  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   301  		return curr.ToTime()
   302  	}))
   303  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   304  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   305  		Options: opts,
   306  	})
   308  	data := []DecodedTestValue{
   309  		{curr.Add(mins(1)), 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   310  		{curr.Add(mins(3)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   311  	}
   313  	for _, v := range data {
   314  		curr = v.Timestamp
   315  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nil)
   316  	}
   318  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   319  	defer ctx.Close()
   321  	firstBucketStart := start.Truncate(time.Second)
   322  	firstBucketEnd := start.Add(mins(2)).Truncate(time.Second)
   323  	results, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(ctx, firstBucketStart, firstBucketEnd, namespace.Context{})
   324  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   325  	assert.NotNil(t, results)
   326  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, []DecodedTestValue{data[0]}, results, opts, namespace.Context{})
   328  	secondBucketStart := start.Add(mins(2)).Truncate(time.Second)
   329  	secondBucketEnd := start.Add(mins(4)).Truncate(time.Second)
   330  	results, err = buffer.ReadEncoded(ctx, secondBucketStart, secondBucketEnd, namespace.Context{})
   331  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   332  	assert.NotNil(t, results)
   334  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, []DecodedTestValue{data[1]}, results, opts, namespace.Context{})
   335  }
   337  func TestBufferWriteOutOfOrder(t *testing.T) {
   338  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   339  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   340  	start := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   341  	curr := start
   342  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   343  		return curr.ToTime()
   344  	}))
   345  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   346  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   347  		Options: opts,
   348  	})
   350  	data := []DecodedTestValue{
   351  		{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   352  		{curr.Add(secs(10)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   353  		{curr.Add(secs(5)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
   354  	}
   356  	for _, v := range data {
   357  		if v.Timestamp.After(curr) {
   358  			curr = v.Timestamp
   359  		}
   360  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nil)
   361  	}
   363  	buckets, ok := buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
   364  	require.True(t, ok)
   365  	bucket, ok := buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
   366  	require.True(t, ok)
   367  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(bucket.encoders))
   368  	assert.Equal(t, data[1].Timestamp, mustGetLastEncoded(t, bucket.encoders[0]).TimestampNanos)
   369  	assert.Equal(t, data[2].Timestamp, mustGetLastEncoded(t, bucket.encoders[1]).TimestampNanos)
   371  	// Restore data to in order for comparison.
   372  	sort.Sort(ValuesByTime(data))
   374  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   375  	defer ctx.Close()
   377  	results, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(ctx, 9, timeDistantFuture, namespace.Context{})
   378  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   379  	assert.NotNil(t, results)
   381  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, data, results, opts, namespace.Context{})
   382  }
   384  func newTestBufferBucketWithData(t *testing.T,
   385  	opts Options, setAnn setAnnotation,
   386  ) (*BufferBucket, []DecodedTestValue) {
   387  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   388  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   390  	bd := blockData{
   391  		start:     curr,
   392  		writeType: WarmWrite,
   393  		data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
   394  			{
   395  				{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   396  				{curr.Add(secs(10)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   397  				{curr.Add(secs(50)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
   398  			},
   399  			{
   400  				{curr.Add(secs(20)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
   401  				{curr.Add(secs(40)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
   402  				{curr.Add(secs(60)), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
   403  			},
   404  			{
   405  				{curr.Add(secs(30)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
   406  				{curr.Add(secs(70)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
   407  			},
   408  			{
   409  				{curr.Add(secs(35)), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
   410  			},
   411  		},
   412  	}
   414  	return newTestBufferBucketWithCustomData(t, bd, opts, setAnn)
   415  }
   417  func newTestBufferBucketWithCustomData(
   418  	t *testing.T,
   419  	bd blockData,
   420  	opts Options,
   421  	setAnn setAnnotation,
   422  ) (*BufferBucket, []DecodedTestValue) {
   423  	b := &BufferBucket{opts: opts}
   424  	b.resetTo(bd.start, bd.writeType, opts)
   425  	b.firstWrite = xtime.ToUnixNano(opts.ClockOptions().NowFn()())
   426  	data :=
   428  	// Empty all existing encoders.
   429  	b.encoders = nil
   431  	var nsCtx namespace.Context
   432  	if setAnn != nil {
   433  		nsCtx = namespace.Context{Schema: testSchemaDesc}
   434  	}
   435  	var expected []DecodedTestValue
   436  	for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
   437  		if setAnn != nil {
   438  			data[i] = setAnn(data[i])
   439  		}
   441  		encoded := 0
   442  		encoder := opts.EncoderPool().Get()
   443  		encoder.Reset(bd.start, 0, nsCtx.Schema)
   444  		for _, v := range data[i] {
   445  			dp := ts.Datapoint{
   446  				TimestampNanos: v.Timestamp,
   447  				Value:          v.Value,
   448  			}
   449  			err := encoder.Encode(dp, v.Unit, v.Annotation)
   450  			require.NoError(t, err)
   451  			encoded++
   452  		}
   453  		b.encoders = append(b.encoders, inOrderEncoder{encoder: encoder})
   454  		expected = append(expected, data[i]...)
   455  	}
   456  	sort.Sort(ValuesByTime(expected))
   457  	return b, expected
   458  }
   460  func newTestBufferBucketsWithData(t *testing.T, opts Options,
   461  	setAnn setAnnotation,
   462  ) (*BufferBucketVersions, []DecodedTestValue) {
   463  	newBucket, vals := newTestBufferBucketWithData(t, opts, setAnn)
   464  	return &BufferBucketVersions{
   465  		buckets: []*BufferBucket{newBucket},
   466  		start:   newBucket.start,
   467  		opts:    opts,
   468  	}, vals
   469  }
   471  func newTestBufferBucketVersionsWithCustomData(
   472  	t *testing.T,
   473  	bd blockData,
   474  	opts Options,
   475  	setAnn setAnnotation,
   476  ) (*BufferBucketVersions, []DecodedTestValue) {
   477  	newBucket, vals := newTestBufferBucketWithCustomData(t, bd, opts, setAnn)
   478  	return &BufferBucketVersions{
   479  		buckets:    []*BufferBucket{newBucket},
   480  		start:      newBucket.start,
   481  		opts:       opts,
   482  		bucketPool: opts.BufferBucketPool(),
   483  	}, vals
   484  }
   486  func newTestBufferWithCustomData(
   487  	t *testing.T,
   488  	blockDatas []blockData,
   489  	opts Options,
   490  	setAnn setAnnotation,
   491  ) (*dbBuffer, map[xtime.UnixNano][]DecodedTestValue) {
   492  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   493  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   494  		Options: opts,
   495  	})
   496  	expectedMap := make(map[xtime.UnixNano][]DecodedTestValue)
   498  	for _, bd := range blockDatas {
   499  		bucketVersions, expected := newTestBufferBucketVersionsWithCustomData(t, bd, opts, setAnn)
   500  		buffer.bucketsMap[bd.start] = bucketVersions
   501  		expectedMap[bd.start] = expected
   502  	}
   504  	return buffer, expectedMap
   505  }
   507  func TestBufferBucketMerge(t *testing.T) {
   508  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   510  	testBufferBucketMerge(t, opts, nil)
   511  }
   513  func testBufferBucketMerge(t *testing.T, opts Options, setAnn setAnnotation) {
   514  	b, expected := newTestBufferBucketWithData(t, opts, setAnn)
   516  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   517  	defer ctx.Close()
   519  	nsCtx := namespace.Context{}
   520  	if setAnn != nil {
   521  		nsCtx.Schema = testSchemaDesc
   522  	}
   523  	sr, ok, err := b.mergeToStream(ctx, nsCtx)
   525  	require.NoError(t, err)
   526  	require.True(t, ok)
   528  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expected, [][]xio.BlockReader{{
   529  		{
   530  			SegmentReader: sr,
   531  		},
   532  	}}, opts, nsCtx)
   533  }
   535  func TestBufferBucketMergeNilEncoderStreams(t *testing.T) {
   536  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   537  	ropts := opts.RetentionOptions()
   538  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(ropts.BlockSize())
   540  	b := &BufferBucket{}
   541  	b.resetTo(curr, WarmWrite, opts)
   542  	emptyEncoder := opts.EncoderPool().Get()
   543  	emptyEncoder.Reset(curr, 0, nil)
   544  	b.encoders = append(b.encoders, inOrderEncoder{encoder: emptyEncoder})
   546  	ctx := opts.ContextPool().Get()
   547  	defer ctx.Close()
   549  	_, ok := b.encoders[0].encoder.Stream(ctx)
   550  	require.False(t, ok)
   552  	encoder := opts.EncoderPool().Get()
   553  	encoder.Reset(curr, 0, nil)
   555  	value := ts.Datapoint{TimestampNanos: curr, Value: 1.0}
   556  	err := encoder.Encode(value, xtime.Second, nil)
   557  	require.NoError(t, err)
   559  	blopts := opts.DatabaseBlockOptions()
   560  	newBlock := block.NewDatabaseBlock(curr, 0, encoder.Discard(), blopts, namespace.Context{})
   561  	b.loadedBlocks = append(b.loadedBlocks, newBlock)
   563  	stream, err := b.loadedBlocks[0].Stream(ctx)
   564  	require.NoError(t, err)
   565  	require.NotNil(t, stream)
   567  	mergeRes, err := b.merge(namespace.Context{})
   568  	require.NoError(t, err)
   569  	assert.Equal(t, 1, mergeRes)
   570  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(b.encoders))
   571  	assert.Equal(t, 0, len(b.loadedBlocks))
   572  }
   574  func TestBufferBucketWriteDuplicateUpserts(t *testing.T) {
   575  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   576  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   577  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   579  	b := &BufferBucket{}
   580  	b.resetTo(curr, WarmWrite, opts)
   582  	data := [][]DecodedTestValue{
   583  		{
   584  			{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   585  			{curr.Add(secs(10)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   586  			{curr.Add(secs(50)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
   587  			{curr.Add(secs(50)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
   588  		},
   589  		{
   590  			{curr.Add(secs(10)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
   591  			{curr.Add(secs(40)), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
   592  			{curr.Add(secs(60)), 7, xtime.Second, nil},
   593  		},
   594  		{
   595  			{curr.Add(secs(40)), 8, xtime.Second, nil},
   596  			{curr.Add(secs(70)), 9, xtime.Second, nil},
   597  		},
   598  		{
   599  			{curr.Add(secs(10)), 10, xtime.Second, nil},
   600  			{curr.Add(secs(80)), 11, xtime.Second, nil},
   601  		},
   602  	}
   604  	expected := []DecodedTestValue{
   605  		{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   606  		{curr.Add(secs(10)), 10, xtime.Second, nil},
   607  		{curr.Add(secs(40)), 8, xtime.Second, nil},
   608  		{curr.Add(secs(50)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
   609  		{curr.Add(secs(60)), 7, xtime.Second, nil},
   610  		{curr.Add(secs(70)), 9, xtime.Second, nil},
   611  		{curr.Add(secs(80)), 11, xtime.Second, nil},
   612  	}
   614  	for _, values := range data {
   615  		for _, value := range values {
   616  			wasWritten, err := b.write(value.Timestamp, value.Value,
   617  				value.Unit, value.Annotation, nil)
   618  			require.NoError(t, err)
   619  			require.True(t, wasWritten)
   620  		}
   621  	}
   623  	// First assert that streams() call is correct.
   624  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   626  	result := b.streams(ctx)
   627  	require.NotNil(t, result)
   629  	results := [][]xio.BlockReader{result}
   631  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expected, results, opts, namespace.Context{})
   633  	// Now assert that mergeToStream() returns same expected result.
   634  	stream, ok, err := b.mergeToStream(ctx, namespace.Context{})
   635  	require.NoError(t, err)
   636  	require.True(t, ok)
   637  	requireSegmentValuesEqual(t, expected, []xio.SegmentReader{stream}, opts, namespace.Context{})
   638  }
   640  func TestBufferBucketDuplicatePointsNotWrittenButUpserted(t *testing.T) {
   641  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   642  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   643  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   645  	b := &BufferBucket{opts: opts}
   646  	b.resetTo(curr, WarmWrite, opts)
   648  	type dataWithShouldWrite struct {
   649  		v DecodedTestValue
   650  		w bool
   651  	}
   653  	data := [][]dataWithShouldWrite{
   654  		{
   655  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil}},
   656  			{w: false, v: DecodedTestValue{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil}},
   657  			{w: false, v: DecodedTestValue{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil}},
   658  			{w: false, v: DecodedTestValue{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil}},
   659  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr.Add(secs(10)), 2, xtime.Second, nil}},
   660  		},
   661  		{
   662  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil}},
   663  			{w: false, v: DecodedTestValue{curr.Add(secs(10)), 2, xtime.Second, nil}},
   664  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr.Add(secs(10)), 5, xtime.Second, nil}},
   665  		},
   666  		{
   667  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil}},
   668  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr.Add(secs(20)), 8, xtime.Second, nil}},
   669  		},
   670  		{
   671  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr, 10, xtime.Second, nil}},
   672  			{w: true, v: DecodedTestValue{curr.Add(secs(20)), 10, xtime.Second, nil}},
   673  		},
   674  	}
   676  	expected := []DecodedTestValue{
   677  		{curr, 10, xtime.Second, nil},
   678  		{curr.Add(secs(10)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
   679  		{curr.Add(secs(20)), 10, xtime.Second, nil},
   680  	}
   682  	for _, valuesWithMeta := range data {
   683  		for _, valueWithMeta := range valuesWithMeta {
   684  			value := valueWithMeta.v
   685  			wasWritten, err := b.write(value.Timestamp, value.Value,
   686  				value.Unit, value.Annotation, nil)
   687  			require.NoError(t, err)
   688  			assert.Equal(t, valueWithMeta.w, wasWritten)
   689  		}
   690  	}
   692  	// First assert that Streams() call is correct.
   693  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   694  	defer ctx.Close()
   696  	result := b.streams(ctx)
   697  	require.NotNil(t, result)
   699  	results := [][]xio.BlockReader{result}
   701  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expected, results, opts, namespace.Context{})
   703  	// Now assert that mergeToStream() returns same expected result.
   704  	stream, ok, err := b.mergeToStream(ctx, namespace.Context{})
   705  	require.NoError(t, err)
   706  	require.True(t, ok)
   707  	requireSegmentValuesEqual(t, expected, []xio.SegmentReader{stream}, opts, namespace.Context{})
   708  }
   710  func TestIndexedBufferWriteOnlyWritesSinglePoint(t *testing.T) {
   711  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   712  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   713  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   714  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   715  		return curr.ToTime()
   716  	}))
   717  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   718  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   719  		Options: opts,
   720  	})
   722  	data := []DecodedTestValue{
   723  		{curr.Add(secs(1)), 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   724  		{curr.Add(secs(2)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   725  		{curr.Add(secs(3)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
   726  	}
   728  	forceValue := 1.0
   729  	for i, v := range data {
   730  		ctx := context.NewBackground()
   731  		writeOpts := WriteOptions{
   732  			TruncateType: TypeBlock,
   733  			TransformOptions: WriteTransformOptions{
   734  				ForceValueEnabled: true,
   735  				ForceValue:        forceValue,
   736  			},
   737  		}
   738  		wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID,
   739  			v.Timestamp, v.Value, v.Unit,
   740  			v.Annotation, writeOpts)
   741  		require.NoError(t, err)
   742  		expectedWrite := i == 0
   743  		require.Equal(t, expectedWrite, wasWritten)
   744  		ctx.Close()
   745  	}
   747  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   748  	defer ctx.Close()
   750  	results, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(ctx, 0, timeDistantFuture, namespace.Context{})
   751  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   752  	assert.NotNil(t, results)
   754  	ex := []DecodedTestValue{
   755  		{curr, forceValue, xtime.Second, nil},
   756  	}
   758  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, ex, results, opts, namespace.Context{})
   759  }
   761  func TestBufferFetchBlocks(t *testing.T) {
   762  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   763  	testBufferFetchBlocks(t, opts, nil)
   764  }
   766  func testBufferFetchBlocks(t *testing.T, opts Options, setAnn setAnnotation) {
   767  	b, expected := newTestBufferBucketsWithData(t, opts, setAnn)
   768  	ctx := opts.ContextPool().Get()
   769  	defer ctx.Close()
   771  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   772  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   773  		Options: opts,
   774  	})
   775  	buffer.bucketsMap[b.start] = b
   777  	nsCtx := namespace.Context{}
   778  	if setAnn != nil {
   779  		nsCtx.Schema = testSchemaDesc
   780  	}
   781  	res := buffer.FetchBlocks(ctx, []xtime.UnixNano{b.start}, nsCtx)
   782  	require.Equal(t, 1, len(res))
   783  	require.Equal(t, b.start, res[0].Start)
   784  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expected, [][]xio.BlockReader{res[0].Blocks}, opts, nsCtx)
   785  }
   787  func TestBufferFetchBlocksOneResultPerBlock(t *testing.T) {
   788  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   789  	opts.SetColdWritesEnabled(true)
   790  	rOpts := opts.RetentionOptions()
   791  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rOpts.BlockSize())
   793  	// Set up buffer such that there is a warm and cold bucket for the same
   794  	// block. After we run FetchBlocks, we should see one result per block,
   795  	// even though there are multiple bucket versions with the same block.
   796  	warmBucket := &BufferBucket{opts: opts}
   797  	warmBucket.resetTo(curr, WarmWrite, opts)
   798  	warmBucket.encoders = nil
   799  	coldBucket := &BufferBucket{opts: opts}
   800  	coldBucket.resetTo(curr, ColdWrite, opts)
   801  	coldBucket.encoders = nil
   802  	buckets := []*BufferBucket{warmBucket, coldBucket}
   803  	warmEncoder := [][]DecodedTestValue{
   804  		{
   805  			{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   806  			{curr.Add(secs(10)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   807  			{curr.Add(secs(50)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
   808  		},
   809  		{
   810  			{curr.Add(secs(20)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
   811  			{curr.Add(secs(40)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
   812  			{curr.Add(secs(60)), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
   813  		},
   814  		{
   815  			{curr.Add(secs(30)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
   816  			{curr.Add(secs(70)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
   817  		},
   818  		{
   819  			{curr.Add(secs(35)), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
   820  		},
   821  	}
   822  	coldEncoder := [][]DecodedTestValue{
   823  		{
   824  			{curr.Add(secs(15)), 10, xtime.Second, nil},
   825  			{curr.Add(secs(25)), 20, xtime.Second, nil},
   826  			{curr.Add(secs(40)), 30, xtime.Second, nil},
   827  		},
   828  	}
   829  	data := [][][]DecodedTestValue{warmEncoder, coldEncoder}
   831  	for i, bucket := range data {
   832  		for _, d := range bucket {
   833  			encoded := 0
   834  			encoder := opts.EncoderPool().Get()
   835  			encoder.Reset(curr, 0, nil)
   836  			for _, v := range d {
   837  				dp := ts.Datapoint{
   838  					TimestampNanos: v.Timestamp,
   839  					Value:          v.Value,
   840  				}
   841  				err := encoder.Encode(dp, v.Unit, v.Annotation)
   842  				require.NoError(t, err)
   843  				encoded++
   844  			}
   845  			buckets[i].encoders = append(buckets[i].encoders, inOrderEncoder{encoder: encoder})
   846  		}
   847  	}
   849  	b := &BufferBucketVersions{
   850  		buckets: buckets,
   851  	}
   852  	ctx := opts.ContextPool().Get()
   853  	defer ctx.Close()
   855  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   856  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   857  		Options: opts,
   858  	})
   859  	buffer.bucketsMap[b.start] = b
   861  	res := buffer.FetchBlocks(ctx, []xtime.UnixNano{
   862  		b.start,
   863  		b.start.Add(time.Second),
   864  	}, namespace.Context{})
   865  	require.Equal(t, 1, len(res))
   866  	require.Equal(t, b.start, res[0].Start)
   867  	require.Equal(t, 5, len(res[0].Blocks))
   868  }
   870  func TestBufferFetchBlocksMetadata(t *testing.T) {
   871  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   873  	b, _ := newTestBufferBucketsWithData(t, opts, nil)
   875  	expectedLastRead := xtime.Now()
   876  	b.lastReadUnixNanos = int64(expectedLastRead)
   877  	ctx := opts.ContextPool().Get()
   878  	defer ctx.Close()
   880  	start := b.start.Add(-time.Second)
   881  	end := b.start.Add(time.Second)
   883  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   884  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   885  		Options: opts,
   886  	})
   887  	buffer.bucketsMap[b.start] = b
   888  	buffer.inOrderBlockStarts = append(buffer.inOrderBlockStarts, b.start)
   890  	expectedSize := int64(b.streamsLen())
   892  	fetchOpts := FetchBlocksMetadataOptions{
   893  		FetchBlocksMetadataOptions: block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions{
   894  			IncludeSizes:     true,
   895  			IncludeChecksums: true,
   896  			IncludeLastRead:  true,
   897  		},
   898  	}
   899  	metadata, err := buffer.FetchBlocksMetadata(ctx, start, end, fetchOpts)
   900  	require.NoError(t, err)
   901  	res := metadata.Results()
   902  	require.Equal(t, 1, len(res))
   903  	require.Equal(t, b.start, res[0].Start)
   904  	require.Equal(t, expectedSize, res[0].Size)
   905  	// Checksum not available since there are multiple streams.
   906  	require.Equal(t, (*uint32)(nil), res[0].Checksum)
   907  	require.True(t, expectedLastRead.Equal(res[0].LastRead))
   909  	// Tick to merge all of the streams into one.
   910  	buffer.Tick(ShardBlockStateSnapshot{}, namespace.Context{})
   911  	metadata, err = buffer.FetchBlocksMetadata(ctx, start, end, fetchOpts)
   912  	require.NoError(t, err)
   913  	res = metadata.Results()
   914  	require.Equal(t, 1, len(res))
   915  	// Checksum should be available now since there was only one stream.
   916  	require.NotNil(t, res[0].Checksum)
   917  }
   919  func TestBufferTickReordersOutOfOrderBuffers(t *testing.T) {
   920  	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
   921  	defer ctrl.Finish()
   923  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
   924  	defer ctx.Close()
   926  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
   927  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
   928  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
   929  	start := curr
   930  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
   931  		return curr.ToTime()
   932  	}))
   933  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
   934  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
   935  		Options: opts,
   936  	})
   938  	// Perform out of order writes that will create two in order encoders.
   939  	data := []DecodedTestValue{
   940  		{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
   941  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
   942  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
   943  		{curr.Add(mins(1.0)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
   944  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
   945  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
   946  	}
   947  	end := data[len(data)-1].Timestamp.Add(time.Nanosecond)
   949  	for _, v := range data {
   950  		curr = v.Timestamp
   951  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nil)
   952  	}
   954  	var encoders []encoding.Encoder
   955  	for _, buckets := range buffer.bucketsMap {
   956  		bucket, ok := buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
   957  		require.True(t, ok)
   958  		// Current bucket encoders should all have data in them.
   959  		for j := range bucket.encoders {
   960  			encoder := bucket.encoders[j].encoder
   962  			_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
   963  			require.True(t, ok)
   965  			encoders = append(encoders, encoder)
   966  		}
   967  	}
   969  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(encoders))
   971  	blockStates := BootstrappedBlockStateSnapshot{
   972  		Snapshot: map[xtime.UnixNano]BlockState{
   973  			start: {
   974  				WarmRetrievable: true,
   975  				ColdVersion:     1,
   976  			},
   977  		},
   978  	}
   979  	shardBlockState := NewShardBlockStateSnapshot(true, blockStates)
   980  	// Perform a tick and ensure merged out of order blocks.
   981  	r := buffer.Tick(shardBlockState, namespace.Context{})
   982  	assert.Equal(t, 1, r.mergedOutOfOrderBlocks)
   984  	// Check values correct.
   985  	results, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(ctx, start, end, namespace.Context{})
   986  	assert.NoError(t, err)
   987  	expected := make([]DecodedTestValue, len(data))
   988  	copy(expected, data)
   989  	sort.Sort(ValuesByTime(expected))
   990  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expected, results, opts, namespace.Context{})
   992  	// Count the encoders again.
   993  	encoders = encoders[:0]
   994  	buckets, ok := buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
   995  	require.True(t, ok)
   996  	bucket, ok := buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
   997  	require.True(t, ok)
   998  	// Current bucket encoders should all have data in them.
   999  	for j := range bucket.encoders {
  1000  		encoder := bucket.encoders[j].encoder
  1002  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1003  		require.True(t, ok)
  1005  		encoders = append(encoders, encoder)
  1006  	}
  1008  	// Ensure single encoder again.
  1009  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(encoders))
  1010  }
  1012  func TestBufferRemoveBucket(t *testing.T) {
  1013  	ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
  1014  	defer ctrl.Finish()
  1016  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
  1017  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
  1018  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
  1019  	start := curr
  1020  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
  1021  		return curr.ToTime()
  1022  	}))
  1023  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
  1024  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
  1025  		Options: opts,
  1026  	})
  1028  	// Perform out of order writes that will create two in order encoders.
  1029  	data := []DecodedTestValue{
  1030  		{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1031  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
  1032  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
  1033  		{curr.Add(mins(1.0)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
  1034  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
  1035  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
  1036  	}
  1038  	for _, v := range data {
  1039  		curr = v.Timestamp
  1040  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nil)
  1041  	}
  1043  	buckets, exists := buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
  1044  	require.True(t, exists)
  1045  	bucket, exists := buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
  1046  	require.True(t, exists)
  1048  	// Simulate that a flush has fully completed on this bucket so that it will.
  1049  	// get removed from the bucket.
  1050  	blockStates := BootstrappedBlockStateSnapshot{
  1051  		Snapshot: map[xtime.UnixNano]BlockState{
  1052  			start: {
  1053  				WarmRetrievable: true,
  1054  				ColdVersion:     1,
  1055  			},
  1056  		},
  1057  	}
  1058  	shardBlockState := NewShardBlockStateSnapshot(true, blockStates)
  1059  	bucket.version = 1
  1061  	// False because we just wrote to it.
  1062  	assert.False(t, buffer.IsEmpty())
  1063  	// Perform a tick to remove the bucket which has been flushed.
  1064  	buffer.Tick(shardBlockState, namespace.Context{})
  1065  	// True because we just removed the bucket.
  1066  	assert.True(t, buffer.IsEmpty())
  1067  }
  1069  func TestBuffertoStream(t *testing.T) {
  1070  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
  1072  	testBuffertoStream(t, opts, nil)
  1073  }
  1075  func testBuffertoStream(t *testing.T, opts Options, setAnn setAnnotation) {
  1076  	b, expected := newTestBufferBucketsWithData(t, opts, setAnn)
  1077  	ctx := opts.ContextPool().Get()
  1078  	defer ctx.Close()
  1079  	nsCtx := namespace.Context{}
  1080  	if setAnn != nil {
  1081  		nsCtx.Schema = testSchemaDesc
  1082  	}
  1084  	bucket, exists := b.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
  1085  	require.True(t, exists)
  1086  	assert.Len(t, bucket.encoders, 4)
  1087  	assert.Len(t, bucket.loadedBlocks, 0)
  1089  	stream, err := b.mergeToStreams(ctx, streamsOptions{filterWriteType: false, nsCtx: nsCtx})
  1090  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1091  	requireSegmentValuesEqual(t, expected, stream, opts, nsCtx)
  1092  }
  1094  // TestBufferSnapshotEmptyEncoder ensures that snapshot behaves correctly even if an
  1095  // encoder is present but it has no data which can occur in some situations such as when
  1096  // an initial write fails leaving behind an empty encoder.
  1097  func TestBufferSnapshotEmptyEncoder(t *testing.T) {
  1098  	testBufferWithEmptyEncoder(t, true)
  1099  }
  1101  // TestBufferFlushEmptyEncoder ensures that flush behaves correctly even if an encoder
  1102  // is present but it has no data which can occur in some situations such as when an
  1103  // initial write fails leaving behind an empty encoder.
  1104  func TestBufferFlushEmptyEncoder(t *testing.T) {
  1105  	testBufferWithEmptyEncoder(t, false)
  1106  }
  1108  func testBufferWithEmptyEncoder(t *testing.T, testSnapshot bool) {
  1109  	// Setup.
  1110  	var (
  1111  		opts      = newBufferTestOptions()
  1112  		rops      = opts.RetentionOptions()
  1113  		blockSize = rops.BlockSize()
  1114  		curr      = xtime.Now().Truncate(blockSize)
  1115  		start     = curr
  1116  		buffer    = newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
  1117  	)
  1118  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
  1119  		return curr.ToTime()
  1120  	}))
  1121  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
  1122  		Options: opts,
  1123  	})
  1125  	// Perform one valid write to setup the state of the buffer.
  1126  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
  1127  	defer ctx.Close()
  1129  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID,
  1130  		curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil, WriteOptions{})
  1131  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1132  	require.True(t, wasWritten)
  1134  	// Verify internal state.
  1135  	var encoders []encoding.Encoder
  1136  	buckets, ok := buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
  1137  	require.True(t, ok)
  1138  	bucket, ok := buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
  1139  	require.True(t, ok)
  1140  	for j := range bucket.encoders {
  1141  		encoder := bucket.encoders[j].encoder
  1143  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1144  		require.True(t, ok)
  1146  		// Reset the encoder to simulate the situation in which an encoder is present but
  1147  		// it is empty.
  1148  		encoder.Reset(curr, 0, nil)
  1150  		encoders = append(encoders, encoder)
  1151  	}
  1152  	require.Equal(t, 1, len(encoders))
  1154  	assertPersistDataFn := func(persist.Metadata, ts.Segment, uint32) error {
  1155  		t.Fatal("persist fn should not have been called")
  1156  		return nil
  1157  	}
  1159  	metadata := persist.NewMetadata(doc.Metadata{
  1160  		ID: []byte("some-id"),
  1161  	})
  1163  	if testSnapshot {
  1164  		ctx = context.NewBackground()
  1165  		defer ctx.Close()
  1167  		_, err = buffer.Snapshot(ctx, start, metadata, assertPersistDataFn, namespace.Context{})
  1168  		assert.NoError(t, err)
  1169  	} else {
  1170  		ctx = context.NewBackground()
  1171  		defer ctx.Close()
  1172  		_, err = buffer.WarmFlush(
  1173  			ctx, start, metadata, assertPersistDataFn, namespace.Context{})
  1174  		require.NoError(t, err)
  1175  	}
  1176  }
  1178  func TestBufferSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
  1179  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
  1180  	testBufferSnapshot(t, opts, nil)
  1181  }
  1183  func testBufferSnapshot(t *testing.T, opts Options, setAnn setAnnotation) {
  1184  	// Setup
  1185  	var (
  1186  		rops      = opts.RetentionOptions()
  1187  		blockSize = rops.BlockSize()
  1188  		curr      = xtime.Now().Truncate(blockSize)
  1189  		start     = curr
  1190  		buffer    = newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
  1191  		nsCtx     namespace.Context
  1192  	)
  1193  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
  1194  		return curr.ToTime()
  1195  	}))
  1197  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
  1198  	defer ctx.Close()
  1200  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
  1201  		Options: opts,
  1202  	})
  1204  	// Create test data to perform out of order writes that will create two in-order
  1205  	// encoders so we can verify that Snapshot will perform a merge.
  1206  	data := []DecodedTestValue{
  1207  		{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1208  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
  1209  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
  1210  		{curr.Add(mins(1.0)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
  1211  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
  1212  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
  1214  		// Add one write for a different block to make sure Snapshot only returns
  1215  		// date for the requested block.
  1216  		{curr.Add(blockSize), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
  1217  	}
  1218  	if setAnn != nil {
  1219  		data = setAnn(data)
  1220  		nsCtx = namespace.Context{Schema: testSchemaDesc}
  1221  	}
  1223  	// Perform the writes.
  1224  	for _, v := range data {
  1225  		curr = v.Timestamp
  1226  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nsCtx.Schema)
  1227  	}
  1229  	// Verify internal state.
  1230  	var encoders []encoding.Encoder
  1232  	buckets, ok := buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
  1233  	require.True(t, ok)
  1234  	bucket, ok := buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
  1235  	require.True(t, ok)
  1236  	// Current bucket encoders should all have data in them.
  1237  	for j := range bucket.encoders {
  1238  		encoder := bucket.encoders[j].encoder
  1240  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1241  		require.True(t, ok)
  1243  		encoders = append(encoders, encoder)
  1244  	}
  1246  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(encoders))
  1248  	assertPersistDataFn := func(metadata persist.Metadata, segment ts.Segment, checlsum uint32) error {
  1249  		// Check we got the right results.
  1250  		expectedData := data[:len(data)-1] // -1 because we don't expect the last datapoint.
  1251  		expectedCopy := make([]DecodedTestValue, len(expectedData))
  1252  		copy(expectedCopy, expectedData)
  1253  		sort.Sort(ValuesByTime(expectedCopy))
  1254  		actual := [][]xio.BlockReader{{
  1255  			xio.BlockReader{
  1256  				SegmentReader: xio.NewSegmentReader(segment),
  1257  			},
  1258  		}}
  1259  		requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expectedCopy, actual, opts, nsCtx)
  1261  		return nil
  1262  	}
  1264  	// Perform a snapshot.
  1265  	metadata := persist.NewMetadata(doc.Metadata{
  1266  		ID: []byte("some-id"),
  1267  	})
  1269  	_, err := buffer.Snapshot(ctx, start, metadata, assertPersistDataFn, nsCtx)
  1270  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1272  	// Check internal state to make sure the merge happened and was persisted.
  1273  	encoders = encoders[:0]
  1274  	buckets, ok = buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
  1275  	require.True(t, ok)
  1276  	bucket, ok = buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
  1277  	require.True(t, ok)
  1278  	// Current bucket encoders should all have data in them.
  1279  	for i := range bucket.encoders {
  1280  		encoder := bucket.encoders[i].encoder
  1282  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1283  		require.True(t, ok)
  1285  		encoders = append(encoders, encoder)
  1286  	}
  1288  	// Ensure single encoder again.
  1289  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(encoders))
  1290  }
  1292  func TestBufferSnapshotWithColdWrites(t *testing.T) {
  1293  	opts := newBufferTestOptions().SetColdWritesEnabled(true)
  1295  	var (
  1296  		rops      = opts.RetentionOptions()
  1297  		blockSize = rops.BlockSize()
  1298  		curr      = xtime.Now().Truncate(blockSize)
  1299  		start     = curr
  1300  		buffer    = newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
  1301  		nsCtx     namespace.Context
  1302  	)
  1303  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
  1304  		return curr.ToTime()
  1305  	}))
  1306  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
  1307  		Options: opts,
  1308  	})
  1310  	// Create test data to perform warm writes that will create two in-order
  1311  	// encoders so we can verify that Snapshot will perform a merge.
  1312  	warmData := []DecodedTestValue{
  1313  		{curr, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1314  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
  1315  		{curr.Add(mins(0.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
  1316  		{curr.Add(mins(1.0)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
  1317  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
  1318  		{curr.Add(mins(1.5)).Add(-5 * time.Second), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
  1320  		// Add one write for a different block to make sure Snapshot only returns
  1321  		// date for the requested block.
  1322  		{curr.Add(blockSize), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
  1323  	}
  1325  	// Perform warm writes.
  1326  	for _, v := range warmData {
  1327  		// Set curr so that every write is a warm write.
  1328  		curr = v.Timestamp
  1329  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nsCtx.Schema)
  1330  	}
  1332  	// Also add cold writes to the buffer to verify that Snapshot will capture
  1333  	// cold writes as well and perform a merge across both warm and cold data.
  1334  	// The cold data itself is not in order, so we expect to have two in-order
  1335  	// encoders for these.
  1336  	curr = start.Add(mins(1.5))
  1337  	// In order for these writes to actually be cold, they all need to have
  1338  	// timestamps before `curr.Add(-rops.BufferPast())`. Take care to not use
  1339  	// the same timestamps used in the warm writes above, otherwise these will
  1340  	// overwrite them.
  1341  	// Buffer past/future in this test case is 10 seconds.
  1342  	coldData := []DecodedTestValue{
  1343  		{start.Add(secs(2)), 11, xtime.Second, nil},
  1344  		{start.Add(secs(4)), 12, xtime.Second, nil},
  1345  		{start.Add(secs(6)), 13, xtime.Second, nil},
  1346  		{start.Add(secs(3)), 14, xtime.Second, nil},
  1347  		{start.Add(secs(5)), 15, xtime.Second, nil},
  1348  	}
  1350  	// Perform cold writes.
  1351  	for _, v := range coldData {
  1352  		verifyWriteToBufferSuccess(t, testID, buffer, v, nsCtx.Schema)
  1353  	}
  1355  	// Verify internal state.
  1356  	var (
  1357  		warmEncoders []encoding.Encoder
  1358  		coldEncoders []encoding.Encoder
  1359  	)
  1360  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
  1361  	defer ctx.Close()
  1363  	buckets, ok := buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
  1364  	require.True(t, ok)
  1366  	bucket, ok := buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
  1367  	require.True(t, ok)
  1368  	// Warm bucket encoders should all have data in them.
  1369  	for j := range bucket.encoders {
  1370  		encoder := bucket.encoders[j].encoder
  1372  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1373  		require.True(t, ok)
  1375  		warmEncoders = append(warmEncoders, encoder)
  1376  	}
  1377  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(warmEncoders))
  1379  	bucket, ok = buckets.writableBucket(ColdWrite)
  1380  	require.True(t, ok)
  1381  	// Cold bucket encoders should all have data in them.
  1382  	for j := range bucket.encoders {
  1383  		encoder := bucket.encoders[j].encoder
  1385  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1386  		require.True(t, ok)
  1388  		coldEncoders = append(coldEncoders, encoder)
  1389  	}
  1390  	assert.Equal(t, 2, len(coldEncoders))
  1392  	assertPersistDataFn := func(metadata persist.Metadata, segment ts.Segment, checlsum uint32) error {
  1393  		// Check we got the right results.
  1394  		// `len(warmData)-1` because we don't expect the last warm datapoint
  1395  		// since it's for a different block.
  1396  		expectedData := warmData[:len(warmData)-1]
  1397  		expectedData = append(expectedData, coldData...)
  1398  		expectedCopy := make([]DecodedTestValue, len(expectedData))
  1399  		copy(expectedCopy, expectedData)
  1400  		sort.Sort(ValuesByTime(expectedCopy))
  1401  		actual := [][]xio.BlockReader{{
  1402  			xio.BlockReader{
  1403  				SegmentReader: xio.NewSegmentReader(segment),
  1404  			},
  1405  		}}
  1406  		requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expectedCopy, actual, opts, nsCtx)
  1408  		return nil
  1409  	}
  1411  	// Perform a snapshot.
  1412  	metadata := persist.NewMetadata(doc.Metadata{
  1413  		ID: []byte("some-id"),
  1414  	})
  1416  	_, err := buffer.Snapshot(ctx, start, metadata, assertPersistDataFn, nsCtx)
  1417  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1419  	// Check internal state of warm bucket to make sure the merge happened and
  1420  	// was persisted.
  1421  	warmEncoders = warmEncoders[:0]
  1422  	buckets, ok = buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
  1423  	require.True(t, ok)
  1424  	bucket, ok = buckets.writableBucket(WarmWrite)
  1425  	require.True(t, ok)
  1426  	// Current bucket encoders should all have data in them.
  1427  	for i := range bucket.encoders {
  1428  		encoder := bucket.encoders[i].encoder
  1430  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1431  		require.True(t, ok)
  1433  		warmEncoders = append(warmEncoders, encoder)
  1434  	}
  1435  	// Ensure single encoder again.
  1436  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(warmEncoders))
  1438  	// Check internal state of cold bucket to make sure the merge happened and
  1439  	// was persisted.
  1440  	coldEncoders = coldEncoders[:0]
  1441  	buckets, ok = buffer.bucketVersionsAt(start)
  1442  	require.True(t, ok)
  1443  	bucket, ok = buckets.writableBucket(ColdWrite)
  1444  	require.True(t, ok)
  1445  	// Current bucket encoders should all have data in them.
  1446  	for i := range bucket.encoders {
  1447  		encoder := bucket.encoders[i].encoder
  1449  		_, ok := encoder.Stream(ctx)
  1450  		require.True(t, ok)
  1452  		coldEncoders = append(coldEncoders, encoder)
  1453  	}
  1454  	// Ensure single encoder again.
  1455  	assert.Equal(t, 1, len(coldEncoders))
  1456  }
  1458  func mustGetLastEncoded(t *testing.T, entry inOrderEncoder) ts.Datapoint {
  1459  	last, err := entry.encoder.LastEncoded()
  1460  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1461  	return last
  1462  }
  1464  func TestInOrderUnixNanosAddRemove(t *testing.T) {
  1465  	buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
  1466  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1468  	t3 := xtime.FromSeconds(3)
  1469  	t5 := xtime.FromSeconds(5)
  1470  	t7 := xtime.FromSeconds(7)
  1471  	t8 := xtime.FromSeconds(8)
  1473  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsAdd(t5)
  1474  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{t5}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1476  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsAdd(t3)
  1477  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{t3, t5}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1479  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsAdd(t8)
  1480  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{t3, t5, t8}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1482  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsAdd(t7)
  1483  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{t3, t5, t7, t8}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1485  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsRemove(t5)
  1486  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{t3, t7, t8}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1488  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsRemove(t3)
  1489  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{t7, t8}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1491  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsRemove(t8)
  1492  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{t7}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1494  	buffer.inOrderBlockStartsRemove(t7)
  1495  	assertTimeSlicesEqual(t, []xtime.UnixNano{}, buffer.inOrderBlockStarts)
  1496  }
  1498  func assertTimeSlicesEqual(t *testing.T, t1, t2 []xtime.UnixNano) {
  1499  	require.Equal(t, len(t1), len(t2))
  1500  	for i := range t1 {
  1501  		assert.Equal(t, t1[i], t2[i])
  1502  	}
  1503  }
  1505  func TestOptimizedTimes(t *testing.T) {
  1506  	var times OptimizedTimes
  1507  	assert.Equal(t, 0, cap(times.slice))
  1508  	assert.Equal(t, 0, times.Len())
  1509  	assert.False(t, times.Contains(xtime.UnixNano(0)))
  1511  	var expectedTimes []xtime.UnixNano
  1512  	var forEachTimes []xtime.UnixNano
  1513  	// ForEach should only call the provided func if there are actual times in
  1514  	// OptimizedTimes (OptimizedTimes contains an xtime.UnixNano array
  1515  	// internally and we don't want to run the func for those zero values unless
  1516  	// they were explicitly added).
  1517  	times.ForEach(func(tNano xtime.UnixNano) {
  1518  		forEachTimes = append(forEachTimes, tNano)
  1519  	})
  1520  	assertEqualUnixSlices(t, expectedTimes, forEachTimes)
  1522  	expectedTimes = expectedTimes[:0]
  1523  	forEachTimes = forEachTimes[:0]
  1525  	// These adds should only go in the array.
  1526  	for i := 0; i < optimizedTimesArraySize; i++ {
  1527  		tNano := xtime.UnixNano(i)
  1528  		times.Add(tNano)
  1529  		expectedTimes = append(expectedTimes, tNano)
  1531  		assert.Equal(t, 0, cap(times.slice))
  1532  		assert.Equal(t, i+1, times.arrIdx)
  1533  		assert.Equal(t, i+1, times.Len())
  1534  		assert.True(t, times.Contains(tNano))
  1535  	}
  1537  	numExtra := 5
  1538  	// These adds don't fit in the array any more, will go to the slice.
  1539  	for i := optimizedTimesArraySize; i < optimizedTimesArraySize+numExtra; i++ {
  1540  		tNano := xtime.UnixNano(i)
  1541  		times.Add(tNano)
  1542  		expectedTimes = append(expectedTimes, tNano)
  1544  		assert.Equal(t, optimizedTimesArraySize, times.arrIdx)
  1545  		assert.Equal(t, i+1, times.Len())
  1546  		assert.True(t, times.Contains(tNano))
  1547  	}
  1549  	times.ForEach(func(tNano xtime.UnixNano) {
  1550  		forEachTimes = append(forEachTimes, tNano)
  1551  	})
  1553  	assertEqualUnixSlices(t, expectedTimes, forEachTimes)
  1554  }
  1556  func assertEqualUnixSlices(t *testing.T, expected, actual []xtime.UnixNano) {
  1557  	require.Equal(t, len(expected), len(actual))
  1558  	for i := range expected {
  1559  		assert.Equal(t, expected[i], actual[i])
  1560  	}
  1561  }
  1563  func TestColdFlushBlockStarts(t *testing.T) {
  1564  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
  1565  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
  1566  	blockSize := rops.BlockSize()
  1567  	blockStart4 := xtime.Now().Truncate(blockSize)
  1568  	blockStart3 := blockStart4.Add(-2 * blockSize)
  1569  	blockStart2 := blockStart4.Add(-3 * blockSize)
  1570  	blockStart1 := blockStart4.Add(-4 * blockSize)
  1572  	bds := []blockData{
  1573  		{
  1574  			start:     blockStart1,
  1575  			writeType: ColdWrite,
  1576  			data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1577  				{
  1578  					{blockStart1, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1579  					{blockStart1.Add(secs(5)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
  1580  					{blockStart1.Add(secs(10)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
  1581  				},
  1582  			},
  1583  		},
  1584  		{
  1585  			start:     blockStart2,
  1586  			writeType: ColdWrite,
  1587  			data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1588  				{
  1589  					{blockStart2.Add(secs(2)), 4, xtime.Second, nil},
  1590  					{blockStart2.Add(secs(5)), 5, xtime.Second, nil},
  1591  					{blockStart2.Add(secs(11)), 6, xtime.Second, nil},
  1592  					{blockStart2.Add(secs(15)), 7, xtime.Second, nil},
  1593  					{blockStart2.Add(secs(40)), 8, xtime.Second, nil},
  1594  				},
  1595  			},
  1596  		},
  1597  		{
  1598  			start:     blockStart3,
  1599  			writeType: ColdWrite,
  1600  			data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1601  				{
  1602  					{blockStart3.Add(secs(71)), 9, xtime.Second, nil},
  1603  				},
  1604  			},
  1605  		},
  1606  		{
  1607  			start:     blockStart4,
  1608  			writeType: WarmWrite,
  1609  			data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1610  				{
  1611  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(57)), 10, xtime.Second, nil},
  1612  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(66)), 11, xtime.Second, nil},
  1613  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(80)), 12, xtime.Second, nil},
  1614  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(81)), 13, xtime.Second, nil},
  1615  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(82)), 14, xtime.Second, nil},
  1616  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(96)), 15, xtime.Second, nil},
  1617  				},
  1618  			},
  1619  		},
  1620  	}
  1622  	buffer, _ := newTestBufferWithCustomData(t, bds, opts, nil)
  1623  	blockStates := make(map[xtime.UnixNano]BlockState)
  1624  	blockStates[blockStart1] = BlockState{
  1625  		WarmRetrievable: true,
  1626  		ColdVersion:     0,
  1627  	}
  1628  	blockStates[blockStart2] = BlockState{
  1629  		WarmRetrievable: true,
  1630  		ColdVersion:     0,
  1631  	}
  1632  	blockStates[blockStart3] = BlockState{
  1633  		WarmRetrievable: true,
  1634  		ColdVersion:     0,
  1635  	}
  1636  	flushStarts := buffer.ColdFlushBlockStarts(blockStates)
  1638  	// All three cold blocks should report that they are dirty.
  1639  	assert.Equal(t, 3, flushStarts.Len())
  1640  	assert.True(t, flushStarts.Contains(blockStart1))
  1641  	assert.True(t, flushStarts.Contains(blockStart2))
  1642  	assert.True(t, flushStarts.Contains(blockStart3))
  1644  	// Simulate that block2 and block3 are flushed (but not yet evicted from
  1645  	// memory), so only block1 should report as dirty.
  1646  	buffer.bucketsMap[blockStart2].buckets[0].version = 1
  1647  	buffer.bucketsMap[blockStart3].buckets[0].version = 1
  1648  	blockStates[blockStart2] = BlockState{
  1649  		WarmRetrievable: true,
  1650  		ColdVersion:     1,
  1651  	}
  1652  	blockStates[blockStart3] = BlockState{
  1653  		WarmRetrievable: true,
  1654  		ColdVersion:     1,
  1655  	}
  1657  	flushStarts = buffer.ColdFlushBlockStarts(blockStates)
  1658  	assert.Equal(t, 1, flushStarts.Len())
  1659  	assert.True(t, flushStarts.Contains(blockStart1))
  1661  	// Simulate blockStart3 didn't get fully flushed, so it should be flushed
  1662  	// again.
  1663  	blockStates[blockStart3] = BlockState{
  1664  		WarmRetrievable: true,
  1665  		ColdVersion:     0,
  1666  	}
  1667  	flushStarts = buffer.ColdFlushBlockStarts(blockStates)
  1668  	assert.Equal(t, 2, flushStarts.Len())
  1669  	assert.True(t, flushStarts.Contains(blockStart1))
  1670  	assert.True(t, flushStarts.Contains(blockStart3))
  1671  }
  1673  func TestFetchBlocksForColdFlush(t *testing.T) {
  1674  	now := xtime.Now()
  1675  	opts := newBufferTestOptions().SetColdWritesEnabled(true)
  1676  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(
  1677  		opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
  1678  			return now.ToTime()
  1679  		}),
  1680  	)
  1681  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
  1682  	blockSize := rops.BlockSize()
  1683  	blockStart4 := xtime.Now().Truncate(blockSize)
  1684  	blockStart3 := blockStart4.Add(-2 * blockSize)
  1685  	blockStart2 := blockStart4.Add(-3 * blockSize)
  1686  	blockStart1 := blockStart4.Add(-4 * blockSize)
  1688  	bds := []blockData{
  1689  		{
  1690  			start:     blockStart1,
  1691  			writeType: ColdWrite,
  1692  			data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1693  				{
  1694  					{blockStart1, 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1695  					{blockStart1.Add(secs(5)), 2, xtime.Second, nil},
  1696  					{blockStart1.Add(secs(10)), 3, xtime.Second, nil},
  1697  				},
  1698  			},
  1699  		},
  1700  		{
  1701  			start:     blockStart3,
  1702  			writeType: ColdWrite,
  1703  			data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1704  				{
  1705  					{blockStart3.Add(secs(71)), 9, xtime.Second, nil},
  1706  				},
  1707  			},
  1708  		},
  1709  		{
  1710  			start:     blockStart4,
  1711  			writeType: WarmWrite,
  1712  			data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1713  				{
  1714  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(57)), 10, xtime.Second, nil},
  1715  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(66)), 11, xtime.Second, nil},
  1716  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(80)), 12, xtime.Second, nil},
  1717  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(81)), 13, xtime.Second, nil},
  1718  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(82)), 14, xtime.Second, nil},
  1719  					{blockStart4.Add(secs(96)), 15, xtime.Second, nil},
  1720  				},
  1721  			},
  1722  		},
  1723  	}
  1725  	buffer, expected := newTestBufferWithCustomData(t, bds, opts, nil)
  1726  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
  1727  	defer ctx.Close()
  1728  	nsCtx := namespace.Context{Schema: testSchemaDesc}
  1729  	result, err := buffer.FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, blockStart1, 4, nsCtx)
  1730  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1731  	// Verify that we got the correct data and that version is correct set.
  1732  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expected[blockStart1], [][]xio.BlockReader{result.Blocks}, opts, nsCtx)
  1733  	assert.Equal(t, 4, buffer.bucketsMap[blockStart1].buckets[0].version)
  1734  	assert.Equal(t, now, result.FirstWrite)
  1736  	// Try to fetch from block1 again, this should not be an error because we
  1737  	// would want to fetch blocks with buckets that failed to flush fully a
  1738  	// previous time.
  1739  	result, err = buffer.FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, blockStart1, 9, nsCtx)
  1740  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1741  	assert.Equal(t, now, result.FirstWrite)
  1743  	// Verify that writing to a cold block updates the first write time. No data in blockStart2 yet.
  1744  	result, err = buffer.FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, blockStart2, 1, nsCtx)
  1745  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1746  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, []DecodedTestValue{}, [][]xio.BlockReader{result.Blocks}, opts, nsCtx)
  1747  	assert.Equal(t, 0, int(result.FirstWrite))
  1748  	wasWritten, _, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID, blockStart2, 1,
  1749  		xtime.Second, nil, WriteOptions{})
  1750  	assert.True(t, wasWritten)
  1751  	result, err = buffer.FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, blockStart2, 1, nsCtx)
  1752  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1753  	assert.Equal(t, now, result.FirstWrite)
  1755  	result, err = buffer.FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, blockStart3, 1, nsCtx)
  1756  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1757  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, expected[blockStart3], [][]xio.BlockReader{result.Blocks}, opts, nsCtx)
  1758  	assert.Equal(t, 1, buffer.bucketsMap[blockStart3].buckets[0].version)
  1759  	assert.Equal(t, now, result.FirstWrite)
  1761  	// Try to fetch from a block that only has warm buckets. It has no data
  1762  	// but is not an error.
  1763  	result, err = buffer.FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, blockStart4, 1, nsCtx)
  1764  	assert.NoError(t, err)
  1765  	requireReaderValuesEqual(t, []DecodedTestValue{}, [][]xio.BlockReader{result.Blocks}, opts, nsCtx)
  1766  	assert.Equal(t, 0, int(result.FirstWrite))
  1767  }
  1769  // TestBufferLoadWarmWrite tests the Load method, ensuring that blocks are successfully loaded into
  1770  // the buffer and treated as warm writes.
  1771  func TestBufferLoadWarmWrite(t *testing.T) {
  1772  	var (
  1773  		opts      = newBufferTestOptions()
  1774  		buffer    = newDatabaseBuffer()
  1775  		blockSize = opts.RetentionOptions().BlockSize()
  1776  		curr      = xtime.Now().Truncate(blockSize)
  1777  		nsCtx     = namespace.Context{}
  1778  	)
  1779  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
  1780  		Options: opts,
  1781  	})
  1782  	encoded, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(context.NewBackground(), curr, curr.Add(blockSize), nsCtx)
  1783  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1784  	require.Equal(t, 0, len(encoded))
  1786  	data := checked.NewBytes([]byte("some-data"), nil)
  1787  	data.IncRef()
  1788  	segment := ts.Segment{Head: data}
  1789  	block := block.NewDatabaseBlock(curr, blockSize, segment, opts.DatabaseBlockOptions(), nsCtx)
  1790  	buffer.Load(block, WarmWrite)
  1792  	// Ensure the bootstrapped block is loaded and readable.
  1793  	encoded, err = buffer.ReadEncoded(context.NewBackground(), curr, curr.Add(blockSize), nsCtx)
  1794  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1795  	require.Equal(t, 1, len(encoded))
  1797  	// Ensure bootstrapped blocks are loaded as warm writes.
  1798  	coldFlushBlockStarts := buffer.ColdFlushBlockStarts(nil)
  1799  	require.Equal(t, 0, coldFlushBlockStarts.Len())
  1800  }
  1802  // TestBufferLoadColdWrite tests the Load method, ensuring that blocks are successfully loaded into
  1803  // the buffer and treated as cold writes.
  1804  func TestBufferLoadColdWrite(t *testing.T) {
  1805  	var (
  1806  		opts      = newBufferTestOptions()
  1807  		buffer    = newDatabaseBuffer()
  1808  		blockSize = opts.RetentionOptions().BlockSize()
  1809  		curr      = xtime.Now().Truncate(blockSize)
  1810  		nsCtx     = namespace.Context{}
  1811  	)
  1812  	buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
  1813  		Options: opts,
  1814  	})
  1815  	encoded, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(context.NewBackground(), curr, curr.Add(blockSize), nsCtx)
  1816  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1817  	require.Equal(t, 0, len(encoded))
  1819  	data := checked.NewBytes([]byte("some-data"), nil)
  1820  	data.IncRef()
  1821  	segment := ts.Segment{Head: data}
  1822  	block := block.NewDatabaseBlock(curr, blockSize, segment, opts.DatabaseBlockOptions(), nsCtx)
  1823  	buffer.Load(block, ColdWrite)
  1825  	// Ensure the bootstrapped block is loaded and readable.
  1826  	encoded, err = buffer.ReadEncoded(context.NewBackground(), curr, curr.Add(blockSize), nsCtx)
  1827  	require.NoError(t, err)
  1828  	require.Equal(t, 1, len(encoded))
  1830  	// Ensure bootstrapped blocks are loaded as cold writes.
  1831  	coldFlushBlockStarts := buffer.ColdFlushBlockStarts(nil)
  1832  	require.Equal(t, 1, coldFlushBlockStarts.Len())
  1833  }
  1835  func TestUpsertProto(t *testing.T) {
  1836  	opts := newBufferTestOptions()
  1837  	rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
  1838  	curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
  1839  	opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
  1840  		return curr.ToTime()
  1841  	}))
  1842  	var nsCtx namespace.Context
  1844  	tests := []struct {
  1845  		desc         string
  1846  		writes       []writeAttempt
  1847  		expectedData []DecodedTestValue
  1848  	}{
  1849  		{
  1850  			desc: "Upsert proto",
  1851  			writes: []writeAttempt{
  1852  				{
  1853  					data:          DecodedTestValue{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1854  					expectWritten: true,
  1855  					expectErr:     false,
  1856  				},
  1857  				{
  1858  					data:          DecodedTestValue{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("two")},
  1859  					expectWritten: true,
  1860  					expectErr:     false,
  1861  				},
  1862  			},
  1863  			expectedData: []DecodedTestValue{
  1864  				{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("two")},
  1865  			},
  1866  		},
  1867  		{
  1868  			desc: "Duplicate proto",
  1869  			writes: []writeAttempt{
  1870  				{
  1871  					data:          DecodedTestValue{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1872  					expectWritten: true,
  1873  					expectErr:     false,
  1874  				},
  1875  				{
  1876  					data: DecodedTestValue{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1877  					// Writes with the same value and the same annotation should
  1878  					// not be written.
  1879  					expectWritten: false,
  1880  					expectErr:     false,
  1881  				},
  1882  			},
  1883  			expectedData: []DecodedTestValue{
  1884  				{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1885  			},
  1886  		},
  1887  		{
  1888  			desc: "Two datapoints different proto",
  1889  			writes: []writeAttempt{
  1890  				{
  1891  					data:          DecodedTestValue{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1892  					expectWritten: true,
  1893  					expectErr:     false,
  1894  				},
  1895  				{
  1896  					data:          DecodedTestValue{curr.Add(time.Second), 0, xtime.Second, []byte("two")},
  1897  					expectWritten: true,
  1898  					expectErr:     false,
  1899  				},
  1900  			},
  1901  			expectedData: []DecodedTestValue{
  1902  				{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1903  				{curr.Add(time.Second), 0, xtime.Second, []byte("two")},
  1904  			},
  1905  		},
  1906  		{
  1907  			desc: "Two datapoints same proto",
  1908  			writes: []writeAttempt{
  1909  				{
  1910  					data:          DecodedTestValue{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1911  					expectWritten: true,
  1912  					expectErr:     false,
  1913  				},
  1914  				{
  1915  					data:          DecodedTestValue{curr.Add(time.Second), 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1916  					expectWritten: true,
  1917  					expectErr:     false,
  1918  				},
  1919  			},
  1920  			expectedData: []DecodedTestValue{
  1921  				{curr, 0, xtime.Second, []byte("one")},
  1922  				// This is special cased in the proto encoder. It has logic
  1923  				// handling the case where two values are the same and writes
  1924  				// that nothing has changed instead of re-encoding the blob
  1925  				// again.
  1926  				{curr.Add(time.Second), 0, xtime.Second, nil},
  1927  			},
  1928  		},
  1929  	}
  1931  	for _, test := range tests {
  1932  		t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
  1933  			buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
  1934  			buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{
  1935  				Options: opts,
  1936  			})
  1938  			for _, write := range test.writes {
  1939  				verifyWriteToBuffer(t, testID, buffer,, nsCtx.Schema,
  1940  					write.expectWritten, write.expectErr)
  1941  			}
  1943  			ctx := context.NewBackground()
  1944  			defer ctx.Close()
  1946  			results, err := buffer.ReadEncoded(ctx, 0, timeDistantFuture, nsCtx)
  1947  			assert.NoError(t, err)
  1948  			assert.NotNil(t, results)
  1950  			requireReaderValuesEqual(t, test.expectedData, results, opts, nsCtx)
  1951  		})
  1952  	}
  1953  }
  1955  func TestMarkNonEmptyBlocks(t *testing.T) {
  1956  	var (
  1957  		now  = xtime.Now()
  1958  		opts = newBufferTestOptions().
  1959  			SetColdWritesEnabled(true).
  1960  			SetClockOptions(clock.NewOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time { return now.ToTime() }))
  1961  		rops        = opts.RetentionOptions()
  1962  		blockSize   = rops.BlockSize()
  1963  		blockStart4 = now.Truncate(blockSize)
  1964  		blockStart3 = blockStart4.Add(-2 * blockSize)
  1965  		blockStart2 = blockStart4.Add(-3 * blockSize)
  1966  		blockStart1 = blockStart4.Add(-4 * blockSize)
  1967  		bds         = []blockData{
  1968  			{
  1969  				start:     blockStart1,
  1970  				writeType: ColdWrite,
  1971  				data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1972  					{
  1973  						{blockStart1.Add(secs(1)), 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1974  					},
  1975  				},
  1976  			},
  1977  			{
  1978  				start:     blockStart2,
  1979  				writeType: ColdWrite,
  1980  				data:      [][]DecodedTestValue{},
  1981  			},
  1982  			{
  1983  				start:     blockStart3,
  1984  				writeType: ColdWrite,
  1985  				data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1986  					{
  1987  						{blockStart3.Add(secs(1)), 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1988  					},
  1989  				},
  1990  			},
  1991  			{
  1992  				start:     blockStart4,
  1993  				writeType: WarmWrite,
  1994  				data: [][]DecodedTestValue{
  1995  					{
  1996  						{blockStart4.Add(secs(1)), 1, xtime.Second, nil},
  1997  					},
  1998  				},
  1999  			},
  2000  		}
  2001  	)
  2003  	buffer, _ := newTestBufferWithCustomData(t, bds, opts, nil)
  2004  	ctx := context.NewBackground()
  2005  	defer ctx.Close()
  2007  	nonEmptyBlocks := map[xtime.UnixNano]struct{}{}
  2008  	buffer.MarkNonEmptyBlocks(nonEmptyBlocks)
  2009  	assert.Len(t, nonEmptyBlocks, 3)
  2010  	assert.Contains(t, nonEmptyBlocks, blockStart1)
  2011  	assert.NotContains(t, nonEmptyBlocks, blockStart2)
  2012  	assert.Contains(t, nonEmptyBlocks, blockStart3)
  2013  	assert.Contains(t, nonEmptyBlocks, blockStart4)
  2014  }
  2016  type writeAttempt struct {
  2017  	data          DecodedTestValue
  2018  	expectWritten bool
  2019  	expectErr     bool
  2020  }
  2022  func TestEncoderLimit(t *testing.T) {
  2023  	type writeTimeOffset struct {
  2024  		timeOffset               int
  2025  		expectTooManyEncodersErr bool
  2026  	}
  2028  	tests := []struct {
  2029  		desc                  string
  2030  		encodersPerBlockLimit int
  2031  		writes                []writeTimeOffset
  2032  	}{
  2033  		{
  2034  			desc:                  "one encoder, no limit",
  2035  			encodersPerBlockLimit: 0, // 0 means no limit.
  2036  			writes: []writeTimeOffset{
  2037  				// Writes are in order, so just one encoder.
  2038  				{
  2039  					timeOffset:               1,
  2040  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2041  				},
  2042  				{
  2043  					timeOffset:               2,
  2044  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2045  				},
  2046  				{
  2047  					timeOffset:               3,
  2048  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2049  				},
  2050  				{
  2051  					timeOffset:               4,
  2052  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2053  				},
  2054  			},
  2055  		},
  2056  		{
  2057  			desc:                  "many encoders, no limit",
  2058  			encodersPerBlockLimit: 0, // 0 means no limit.
  2059  			writes: []writeTimeOffset{
  2060  				// Writes are in reverse chronological order, so every write
  2061  				// requires a new encoder.
  2062  				{
  2063  					timeOffset:               9,
  2064  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2065  				},
  2066  				{
  2067  					timeOffset:               8,
  2068  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2069  				},
  2070  				{
  2071  					timeOffset:               7,
  2072  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2073  				},
  2074  				{
  2075  					timeOffset:               6,
  2076  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2077  				},
  2078  				{
  2079  					timeOffset:               5,
  2080  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2081  				},
  2082  				{
  2083  					timeOffset:               4,
  2084  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2085  				},
  2086  				{
  2087  					timeOffset:               3,
  2088  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2089  				},
  2090  				{
  2091  					timeOffset:               2,
  2092  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2093  				},
  2094  			},
  2095  		},
  2096  		{
  2097  			desc:                  "within limit",
  2098  			encodersPerBlockLimit: 3,
  2099  			writes: []writeTimeOffset{
  2100  				// First encoder created.
  2101  				{
  2102  					timeOffset:               3,
  2103  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2104  				},
  2105  				// Second encoder created.
  2106  				{
  2107  					timeOffset:               2,
  2108  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2109  				},
  2110  				// Third encoder created.
  2111  				{
  2112  					timeOffset:               1,
  2113  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2114  				},
  2115  			},
  2116  		},
  2117  		{
  2118  			desc:                  "within limit, many writes",
  2119  			encodersPerBlockLimit: 2,
  2120  			writes: []writeTimeOffset{
  2121  				// First encoder created.
  2122  				{
  2123  					timeOffset:               10,
  2124  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2125  				},
  2126  				// Goes in first encoder.
  2127  				{
  2128  					timeOffset:               11,
  2129  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2130  				},
  2131  				// Goes in first encoder.
  2132  				{
  2133  					timeOffset:               12,
  2134  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2135  				},
  2136  				// Second encoder created.
  2137  				{
  2138  					timeOffset:               1,
  2139  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2140  				},
  2141  				// Goes in second encoder.
  2142  				{
  2143  					timeOffset:               2,
  2144  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2145  				},
  2146  				// Goes in first encoder.
  2147  				{
  2148  					timeOffset:               13,
  2149  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2150  				},
  2151  				// Goes in second encoder.
  2152  				{
  2153  					timeOffset:               3,
  2154  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2155  				},
  2156  			},
  2157  		},
  2158  		{
  2159  			desc:                  "too many encoders",
  2160  			encodersPerBlockLimit: 3,
  2161  			writes: []writeTimeOffset{
  2162  				// First encoder created.
  2163  				{
  2164  					timeOffset:               5,
  2165  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2166  				},
  2167  				// Second encoder created.
  2168  				{
  2169  					timeOffset:               4,
  2170  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2171  				},
  2172  				// Third encoder created.
  2173  				{
  2174  					timeOffset:               3,
  2175  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2176  				},
  2177  				// Requires fourth encoder, which is past the limit.
  2178  				{
  2179  					timeOffset:               2,
  2180  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: true,
  2181  				},
  2182  			},
  2183  		},
  2184  		{
  2185  			desc:                  "too many encoders, more writes",
  2186  			encodersPerBlockLimit: 2,
  2187  			writes: []writeTimeOffset{
  2188  				// First encoder created.
  2189  				{
  2190  					timeOffset:               10,
  2191  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2192  				},
  2193  				// Second encoder created.
  2194  				{
  2195  					timeOffset:               2,
  2196  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2197  				},
  2198  				// Goes in second encoder.
  2199  				{
  2200  					timeOffset:               3,
  2201  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2202  				},
  2203  				// Goes in first encoder.
  2204  				{
  2205  					timeOffset:               11,
  2206  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2207  				},
  2208  				// Requires third encoder, which is past the limit.
  2209  				{
  2210  					timeOffset:               1,
  2211  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: true,
  2212  				},
  2213  				// Goes in second encoder.
  2214  				{
  2215  					timeOffset:               4,
  2216  					expectTooManyEncodersErr: false,
  2217  				},
  2218  			},
  2219  		},
  2220  	}
  2222  	for _, test := range tests {
  2223  		t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
  2224  			opts := newBufferTestOptions()
  2225  			rops := opts.RetentionOptions()
  2226  			curr := xtime.Now().Truncate(rops.BlockSize())
  2227  			opts = opts.SetClockOptions(opts.ClockOptions().SetNowFn(func() time.Time {
  2228  				return curr.ToTime()
  2229  			}))
  2230  			runtimeOptsMgr := opts.RuntimeOptionsManager()
  2231  			newRuntimeOpts := runtimeOptsMgr.Get().
  2232  				SetEncodersPerBlockLimit(test.encodersPerBlockLimit)
  2233  			runtimeOptsMgr.Update(newRuntimeOpts)
  2234  			buffer := newDatabaseBuffer().(*dbBuffer)
  2235  			buffer.Reset(databaseBufferResetOptions{Options: opts})
  2236  			ctx := context.NewBackground()
  2237  			defer ctx.Close()
  2239  			for i, write := range test.writes {
  2240  				wasWritten, writeType, err := buffer.Write(ctx, testID,
  2241  					curr.Add(time.Duration(write.timeOffset)*time.Millisecond),
  2242  					float64(i), xtime.Millisecond, nil, WriteOptions{})
  2244  				if write.expectTooManyEncodersErr {
  2245  					assert.Error(t, err)
  2246  					assert.True(t, xerrors.IsInvalidParams(err))
  2247  					assert.Equal(t, errTooManyEncoders, err)
  2248  				} else {
  2249  					assert.NoError(t, err)
  2250  					assert.True(t, wasWritten)
  2251  					assert.Equal(t, WarmWrite, writeType)
  2252  				}
  2253  			}
  2254  		})
  2255  	}
  2256  }