
     1  // Package c provides common types of containers, utility types and functions
     2  package c
     4  import (
     5  	"errors"
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  // Break is the 'break' statement of the For, Track methods
    11  var Break = errors.New("Break")
    13  // Continue is an alias of the nil value used to continue iterating by For, Track methods.
    14  var Continue error = nil
    16  // Iterable is a loop supplier interface
    17  type Iterable[T any, Loop ~func() (T, bool)] interface {
    18  	Loop() Loop
    19  }
    21  // KeyVal provides extracing of a keys or values collection from key/value pairs
    22  type KeyVal[Keys any, Vals any] interface {
    23  	Keys() Keys
    24  	Values() Vals
    25  }
    27  // Collection is the base interface of non-associative collections
    28  type Collection[T any] interface {
    29  	For[T]
    30  	ForEach[T]
    31  	SliceFactory[T]
    33  	Reduce(merger func(T, T) T) T
    34  	HasAny(func(T) bool) bool
    35  }
    37  // Filterable provides filtering content functionality
    38  type Filterable[T any, Loop ~func() (T, bool), LoopErr ~func() (T, bool, error)] interface {
    39  	Filter(predicate func(T) bool) Loop
    40  	Filt(predicate func(T) (bool, error)) LoopErr
    41  }
    43  // Convertable provides converaton of collection elements functionality
    44  type Convertable[T any, Loop ~func() (T, bool), LoopErr ~func() (T, bool, error)] interface {
    45  	Convert(converter func(T) T) Loop
    46  	Conv(converter func(T) (T, error)) LoopErr
    47  }
    49  // SliceFactory collects the elements of the collection into a slice
    50  type SliceFactory[T any] interface {
    51  	Slice() []T
    52  	Append([]T) []T
    53  }
    55  // MapFactory collects the key/value pairs of the collection into a map
    56  type MapFactory[K comparable, V any, Map map[K]V | map[K][]V] interface {
    57  	Map() Map
    58  }
    60  // Iterator provides iterate over elements of a collection
    61  type Iterator[T any] interface {
    62  	// Next returns the next element.
    63  	// The ok result indicates whether the element was returned by the iterator.
    64  	// If ok == false, then the iteration must be completed.
    65  	Next() (out T, ok bool)
    67  	For[T]
    68  	ForEach[T]
    69  }
    71  // Sized - storage interface with measurable size
    72  type Sized interface {
    73  	// returns an estimated internal storage size or -1 if the size cannot be calculated
    74  	Size() int
    75  }
    77  // PrevIterator is the Iterator that provides reverse iteration over elements of a collection
    78  type PrevIterator[T any] interface {
    79  	Iterator[T]
    80  	//retrieves a prev element and true or zero value of T and false if no more elements
    81  	Prev() (T, bool)
    82  }
    84  // DelIterator is the Iterator provides deleting of current element.
    85  type DelIterator[T any] interface {
    86  	Iterator[T]
    87  	Delete()
    88  }
    90  // For is the interface of a collection that provides traversing of the elements.
    91  type For[IT any] interface {
    92  	//For takes elements of the collection. Can be interrupt by returning Break.
    93  	For(func(element IT) error) error
    94  }
    96  // ForEach is the interface of a collection that provides traversing of the elements without error checking.
    97  type ForEach[T any] interface {
    98  	// ForEach takes all elements of the collection
    99  	ForEach(func(element T))
   100  }
   102  // All provides the `All` function used for iterating over a sequence of elements by `for e := range collection.All`. Supported since go 1.22.
   103  type All[T any] interface {
   104  	All(consumer func(T) bool)
   105  }
   107  // KVAll provides the `All` function used for iterating over a sequence of key\value pairs by `for k, v := range collection.All`. Supported since go 1.22.
   108  type KVAll[K, V any] interface {
   109  	All(consumer func(K, V) bool)
   110  }
   112  // Track is the interface of a collection that provides traversing of the elements with position tracking (index, key, coordinates, etc.).
   113  type Track[P any, T any] interface {
   114  	// return Break for loop breaking
   115  	Track(func(position P, element T) error) error
   116  }
   118  // TrackEach is the interface of a collection that provides traversing of the elements with position tracking (index, key, coordinates, etc.) without error checking
   119  type TrackEach[P any, T any] interface {
   120  	TrackEach(func(position P, element T))
   121  }
   123  // Checkable is container with ability to check if an element is present.
   124  type Checkable[T any] interface {
   125  	Contains(T) bool
   126  }
   128  // Access provides access to an element by its pointer (index, key, coordinate, etc.)
   129  // Where:
   130  //
   131  //	P - a type of pointer to a value (index, map key, coordinates)
   132  //	V - any arbitrary type of the value
   133  type Access[P any, V any] interface {
   134  	Get(P) (V, bool)
   135  }
   137  // Addable provides appending the collection by elements.
   138  type Addable[T any] interface {
   139  	Add(...T)
   140  	AddOne(T)
   141  }
   143  // AddableNew provides appending the collection by elements.
   144  type AddableNew[T any] interface {
   145  	AddNew(...T) bool
   146  	AddOneNew(T) bool
   147  }
   149  // AddableAll provides appending the collection by elements retrieved from another collection
   150  type AddableAll[Iterable any] interface {
   151  	AddAll(Iterable)
   152  }
   154  // AddableAllNew provides appending the collection by elements retrieved from another collection
   155  type AddableAllNew[Iterable any] interface {
   156  	AddAllNew(Iterable) bool
   157  }
   159  // Settable provides element insertion or replacement by its pointer (index or key).
   160  type Settable[P any, V any] interface {
   161  	Set(key P, value V)
   162  }
   164  // SettableNew provides element insertion by its pointer (index or key) only if the specified place is not occupied.
   165  type SettableNew[P any, V any] interface {
   166  	SetNew(key P, value V) bool
   167  }
   169  // SettableMap provides element insertion or replacement with an equal key element of a map.
   170  type SettableMap[Map any] interface {
   171  	SetMap(m Map)
   172  }
   174  // Deleteable provides removing any elements from the collection.
   175  type Deleteable[k any] interface {
   176  	Delete(...k)
   177  	DeleteOne(k)
   178  }
   180  // DeleteableVerify provides removing any elements from the collection.
   181  type DeleteableVerify[k any] interface {
   182  	DeleteActual(...k) bool
   183  	DeleteActualOne(k) bool
   184  }
   186  // ImmutableMapConvert provides converting to an immutable map instance.
   187  type ImmutableMapConvert[M any] interface {
   188  	Immutable() M
   189  }
   191  // Removable provides removing an element by its pointer (index or key).
   192  type Removable[P any, V any] interface {
   193  	Remove(P) (V, bool)
   194  }
   196  // Summable is a type that supports the operator +
   197  type Summable interface {
   198  	constraints.Ordered | constraints.Complex | string
   199  }
   201  // Number is a type that supports the operators +, -, /, *
   202  type Number interface {
   203  	constraints.Integer | constraints.Float | constraints.Complex
   204  }