
     1  <% contentFor("body") { %>
     2  	<div class='container'>
     3  		<div class='row'>
     4  			<div class='col col-8'>
     5  				<%= contentOf("docs") %>
     6  			</div>
     7  			<div class='col col-4'>
     8  				<ul class='list-group'>
     9  					<%= for (template) in templates { %>
    10  						<%= if (!template.Experimental) { %>
    11  						<li class='list-group-item'>
    12  							<form method='post' action='/api/templates/<%= template.Name %>?dl=1'>
    13  								<input type='hidden' name='definition' value="<%= htmlEscape(source) %>">
    14  								<%= for (dir) in template.Dirs { %>
    15  									<span class='badge badge-secondary text-uppercase'><%= dir %></span>
    16  								<% } %>
    17  								<button class='btn btn-link'><%= def.PackageName %>.<%= template.Label %></button>
    18  							</form>
    19  						</li>
    20  						<% } %>
    21  					<% } %>
    22  					<li class='active list-group-item'>
    23  						<form method='post' action='/api/'>
    24  							<input type='hidden' name='definition' value="<%= htmlEscape(source) %>">
    25  							<button class='btn'><%= def.PackageName %></button>
    26  						</form>
    27  					</li>
    28  				</ul>
    29  				<hr>
    30  				<strong>Experimental</strong>
    31  				<%= for (template) in templates { %>
    32  					<%= if (template.Experimental) { %>
    33  						<form method='post' action='/api/templates/<%= template.Name %>?dl=1'>
    34  							<input type='hidden' name='definition' value="<%= htmlEscape(source) %>">
    35  							<button class='btn btn-link'><%= template.Name %></button>
    36  						</form>
    37  					<% } %>
    38  				<% } %>
    40  			</div>
    41  		</div>
    42  	</div>
    43  <% } %>
    44  <% contentFor("head") { %>
    45  	<title><%= def.PackageName %> on Remoto - The simplest RPC ecosystem built for right now</title>
    46  	<meta itemprop="name" content="<%= def.PackageName %> on Remoto">
    47  	<meta name="og:title" content="<%= def.PackageName %> on Remoto">
    48  	<meta name="twitter:title" content="<%= def.PackageName %> on Remoto">
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   104  		<input id='jump-to' list='symbols' type='text' class='form-control' placeholder='Jump to&hellip;'>
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   120  				var val = $(this).val().replace('.','_')
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   123  				hash = hash.replace('.','_').replace(' ','_')
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   195  			// from
   196  			// Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
   197  			// be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
   198  			// N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
   199  			// leading edge, instead of the trailing.
   200  			function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
   201  				var timeout
   202  				return function() {
   203  					var context = this, args = arguments;
   204  					var later = function() {
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   211  					if (callNow) func.apply(context, args)
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   213  			}
   215  			$('[data-action="download-source"]').click(function(e){
   216  				e.preventDefault()
   217  				$.download('<%= def.PackageName %>.remoto.go', $('.source.code code').text())
   218  			})
   220  			$.download = function(filename, text) {
   221  				var element = document.createElement('a');
   222  				element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
   223  				element.setAttribute('download', filename);
   224 = 'none';
   225  				document.body.appendChild(element);
   227  				document.body.removeChild(element);
   228  			}
   230  		})
   231  	</script>
   232  	<datalist id='symbols'>
   233  		<%= for (service) in def.Services { %>
   234  			<option value='<%= service.Name %>'>
   235  			<%= for (method) in service.Methods { %>
   236  				<option value='<%= service.Name %>.<%= method.Name %>'>
   237  			<% } %>
   238  			<%= for (structure) in unique_structures(def) { %>
   239  				<option value='<%= structure.Name %>'>
   240  			<% } %>
   241  		<% } %>
   242  		<option value='Special types'>
   243  		<option value='Definition'>
   244  	</datalist>
   245  <% } %>
   246  <% contentFor("docs") { %>
   247  	<div class='content'>
   248  		<%= if (len(def.Services) > 1) { %>
   249  			<ul class='nav justify-content-end'>
   250  			<%= for (service) in def.Services { %>
   251  				<li class='nav=item'>
   252  					<a class='nav-link' href='#<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= service.Name %>'><%= service.Name %></a>
   253  				</li>
   254  			<% } %>
   255  			</ul>
   256  			<hr>
   257  		<% } %>
   258  		<%= for (service) in def.Services { %>
   259  			<section id='<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= service.Name %>'>
   260  				<h2 class='display-4'>
   261  					<%= service.Name %>
   262  				</h2>
   263  				<p class='lead'>
   264  					<%= service.Comment %>
   265  				</p>
   266  				<div class='row'>
   267  					<div class='col col-auto'>
   268  						<strong>Methods</strong>
   269  						<ul class='list-unstyled'>
   270  						<%= for (method) in service.Methods { %>
   271  							<li>
   272  								<a href='#<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= service.Name %>_<%= method.Name %>'><%= method.Name %></a>
   273  							</li>
   274  						<% } %>
   275  						</ul>
   276  					</div>
   277  					<div class='col col-auto'>
   278  						<strong>Objects</strong>
   279  						<ul class='list-unstyled'>
   280  							<%= for (structure) in service.Structures { %>
   281  								<%= if (!structure.IsRequestObject && !structure.IsResponseObject) { %>
   282  								<li>
   283  									<a href='#<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= structure.Name %>'><%= structure.Name %></a>
   284  								</li>
   285  								<% } %>
   286  							<% } %>
   287  							<li>
   288  								<a href='#Objects'>All objects</a>
   289  							</li>
   290  						</ul>
   291  					</div>
   292  					<div class='col col-auto'>
   293  						<strong>More</strong>
   294  						<ul class='list-unstyled'>
   295  							<li>
   296  								<a href='#<%= def.PackageName %>_Special_types'>Special types</a>
   297  							</li>
   298  							<li>&nbsp;</li>
   299  							<li>
   300  								<a href='#<%= def.PackageName %>_Definition'>Definition</a>
   301  							</li>
   302  						</ul>
   303  					</div>
   304  				</div>
   305  				<hr>
   306  				<%= for (method) in service.Methods { %>
   307  					<section class='page highlightable' id='<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= service.Name %>_<%= method.Name %>'>
   308  						<%= contentOf("heading", {"text": method.Name, "id": def.PackageName+"_"+service.Name+"_"+method.Name, "tag": "h4", "type": "Method"}) %>
   309  						<p>
   310  							<%= method.Comment %>
   311  						</p>
   312  						<div class='row'>
   313  							<div class='col'>
   314  								<p>
   315  									<%= contentOf("structure-link", {"name":method.RequestStructure.Name}) %>
   316  								</p>
   317  								<%= contentOf("describe-fields", {"fields": method.RequestStructure.Fields}) %>
   318  							</div>
   319  							<div class='col'>
   320  								<p>
   321  									<%= contentOf("structure-link", {"name":method.ResponseStructure.Name}) %>
   322  								</p>
   323  								<%= if (method.ResponseStructure.Name == "remototypes.FileResponse") { %>
   324  									<ul>
   325  										<li>File</li>
   326  									</ul>
   327  								<% } else { %>
   328  									<%= contentOf("describe-fields", {"fields": method.ResponseStructure.Fields}) %>
   329  								<% } %>
   330  							</div>
   331  						</div>
   332  					</section>
   333  					<hr>
   334  				<% } %>
   335  			</section>
   336  		<% } %>
   337  		<h3 id='Objects' class='display-5'>Objects</h3>
   338  		<p class='lead'>
   339  			This section describes all the objects (structures) that are used in the <strong><%= def.PackageName %></strong> service.
   340  		</p>
   341  		<ul class='list-unstyled'>
   342  		<%= for (structure) in unique_structures(def) { %>
   343  			<li>
   344  				<a href='#<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= structure.Name %>'><%= structure.Name %></a>
   345  			</li>	
   346  		<% } %>
   347  		</ul>
   348  		<%= for (structure) in unique_structures(def) { %>
   349  			<section class='page highlightable' id='<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= structure.Name %>'>
   350  				<%= contentOf("describe-structure", {"structure": structure, "id": def.PackageName+"_"+structure.Name}) %>
   351  			</section>
   352  			<hr>
   353  		<% } %>
   354  		<h2 id='<%= def.PackageName %>_Special_types' class='display-5'>Special types</h2>
   355  		<p class='lead'>
   356  			This section describes specially handled types for situations
   357  			more complex than simple key/value.
   358  		</p>
   359  		<section class='page highlightable' id='<%= def.PackageName %>_remototypes_FileResponse'>
   360  			<%= contentOf("heading", {"text": "remototypes.FileResponse", "id": def.PackageName+"_remototypes_FileResponse", "tag": "h4", "type": "Object"}) %>
   361  			<p>
   362  				<code>remototypes.FileResponse</code> is used by methods that return a single
   363  				file as its result.
   364  			</p>
   365  			<p>
   366  				Client libraries will provide a way to access the returned file.
   367  			</p>
   368  		</section>
   369  		<section class='page highlightable' id='<%= def.PackageName %>_remototypes_File'>
   370  			<%= contentOf("heading", {"text": "remototypes.File", "id": def.PackageName+"_remototypes_File", "tag": "h4", "type": "Object"}) %>
   371  			<p>
   372  				<code>remototypes.File</code> represents a binary file. Client libraries will each have their
   373  				own special way of submitting the files.
   374  			</p>
   375  		</section>
   376  		<h2 id='<%= def.PackageName %>_Definition' class='display-5'>Definition</h2>
   377  		<p class='lead'>
   378  			Here is the <a href=''>Remoto</a> definition for this service, which is also available to <a href='#' data-action='download-source'>download</a>.
   379  		</p>
   380  <pre class='source code'><code><%= def.Source() %></code></pre>
   381  	</div>
   382  <% } %>
   383  <% contentFor("describe-field") { %>
   384  	<code><%= underscore(field.Name) %></code>
   385  	<%= if (field.Type.IsMultiple) { %>
   386  	Array of
   387  	<% } %>
   388  	<%= if (field.Type.IsStruct) { %>
   389  		<%= contentOf("structure-link", {"name":field.Type.Name}) %>
   390  	<% } else { %>
   391  		<%= field.Type.Name %>
   392  	<% } %>
   393  	<%= if (field.Comment != "") { %><span class='text-muted'>&mdash;<%= field.Comment %></span><% } %>
   394  <% } %>
   395  <% contentFor("describe-structure") { %>
   396  	<%= contentOf("heading", {"text": structure.Name, "id": id, "tag": "h4", "type": "Object"}) %>
   397  	<p><%= structure.Comment %></p>
   398  	<%= contentOf("describe-fields", {"fields": structure.Fields}) %>
   399  <% } %>
   400  <% contentFor("describe-fields") { %>
   401  	<ul>
   402  	<%= if (len(fields) == 0) { %>
   403  		<li class='text-muted'>
   404  			No fields &mdash;An empty object.
   405  		</li>
   406  	<% } else { %>
   407  		<%= for (field) in fields { %>
   408  			<li>
   409  			<%= contentOf("describe-field", {"field": field}) %>
   410  			</li>
   411  		<% } %>
   412  	<% } %>
   413  	</ul>
   414  <% } %>
   415  <% contentFor("structure-link") { %><a href='#<%= def.PackageName %>_<%= replace(name, ".", "_") %>'><%= name %></a><% } %>
   416  <% contentFor("heading") { %><<%= tag %> class='heading anchor-container'><%= text %> <span class='text-muted'><%= type %></span> <a href='#<%= id %>' class='anchor'>#</a><a href='#top' class='float-right anchor'>top</a></<%= tag %>><% } %>