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    11            ""
    12          ],
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    37            ""
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    61                "@StatusErr[ContextCanceled][499000000][ContextCanceled]"
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    74                "@StatusErr[UnknownError][500000000][UnknownError]"
    75              ]
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    80      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account": {
    81        "put": {
    82          "tags": [
    83            "apis/account"
    84          ],
    85          "summary": "Update account password",
    86          "operationId": "UpdatePasswordByAccountID",
    87          "parameters": [
    88            {
    89              "name": "Authorization",
    90              "in": "header",
    91              "schema": {
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   116                  "allOf": [
   117                    {
   118                      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccountUpdatePasswordReq"
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   121                      "x-go-field-name": "UpdatePasswordReq"
   122                    }
   123                  ]
   124                }
   125              }
   126            }
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   129            "204": {
   130              "description": ""
   131            },
   132            "401": {
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   143                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   144                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   145                "@StatusErr[InvalidNewPassword][401999008][Invalid New Password]!",
   146                "@StatusErr[InvalidOldPassword][401999007][Invalid Old Password]!",
   147                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   148              ]
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   158              },
   159              "x-status-errors": [
   160                "@StatusErr[DisabledAccount][403999002][Disabled Account]!"
   161              ]
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   172              "x-status-errors": [
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   174                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
   175                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
   176                "@StatusErr[AccountPasswordNotFound][404999018][Account Password Not Found]!"
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   190                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
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   197        "get": {
   198          "tags": [
   199            "apis/account"
   200          ],
   201          "summary": "Get account operator by name",
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   203          "parameters": [
   204            {
   205              "name": "Authorization",
   206              "in": "header",
   207              "schema": {
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   209                "minLength": 1,
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   211                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
   212                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   213              }
   214            },
   215            {
   216              "name": "accountOperatorName",
   217              "in": "query",
   218              "schema": {
   219                "type": "string",
   220                "description": "account operator name",
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   222                "x-tag-name": "accountOperatorName,omitempty"
   223              }
   224            },
   225            {
   226              "name": "authorization",
   227              "in": "query",
   228              "schema": {
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   230                "minLength": 1,
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   232                "x-tag-name": "authorization,omitempty",
   233                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   234              }
   235            }
   236          ],
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   256              },
   257              "x-status-errors": [
   258                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
   259                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   260                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   261                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   262              ]
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   272              },
   273              "x-status-errors": [
   274                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
   275                "@StatusErr[OperatorNotFound][404999019][Operator Not Found]!"
   276              ]
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   295      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key": {
   296        "post": {
   297          "tags": [
   298            "apis/account_access_key"
   299          ],
   300          "summary": "CreateAccountAccessKey create account access key",
   301          "operationId": "CreateAccountAccessKey",
   302          "parameters": [
   303            {
   304              "name": "Authorization",
   305              "in": "header",
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   322                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
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   333                      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccessKeyCreateReqBase"
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   336                      "x-go-field-name": "CreateAccountAccessKeyReq"
   337                    }
   338                  ]
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   341            }
   342          },
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   348                  "schema": {
   349                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccessKeyCreateRsp"
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   354            "400": {
   355              "description": "",
   356              "content": {
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   359                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   361                }
   362              },
   363              "x-status-errors": [
   364                "@StatusErr[InvalidAccessKeyIdentityType][400999013][Invalid Access Key Identity Type]!"
   365              ]
   366            },
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   368              "description": "",
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   375              },
   376              "x-status-errors": [
   377                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
   378                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   379                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   380                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   381              ]
   382            },
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   391              },
   392              "x-status-errors": [
   393                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!"
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   404              },
   405              "x-status-errors": [
   406                "@StatusErr[AccessKeyNameConflict][409999020][Access Key Name Conflict]!"
   407              ]
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   420                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
   421              ]
   422            }
   423          }
   424        }
   425      },
   426      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key/data/{name}": {
   427        "get": {
   428          "tags": [
   429            "apis/account_access_key"
   430          ],
   431          "operationId": "GetAccessKeyByName",
   432          "parameters": [
   433            {
   434              "name": "name",
   435              "in": "path",
   436              "required": true,
   437              "schema": {
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   440                "x-tag-name": "name"
   441              }
   442            },
   443            {
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   445              "in": "header",
   446              "schema": {
   447                "type": "string",
   448                "minLength": 1,
   449                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInHeader",
   450                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
   451                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   452              }
   453            },
   454            {
   455              "name": "authorization",
   456              "in": "query",
   457              "schema": {
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   463              }
   464            }
   465          ],
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   467            "200": {
   468              "description": "",
   469              "content": {
   470                "application/json": {
   471                  "schema": {
   472                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccessKeyListData"
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   485              },
   486              "x-status-errors": [
   487                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
   488                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   489                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   490                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   491              ]
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   501              },
   502              "x-status-errors": [
   503                "@StatusErr[AccessKeyNotFound][404999022][Account Key Not Found]!",
   504                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!"
   505              ]
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   517                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
   518                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
   519              ]
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   522        }
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   525        "get": {
   526          "tags": [
   527            "apis/account_access_key"
   528          ],
   529          "summary": "ListAccountAccessKey get api access key list under current account",
   530          "operationId": "ListAccountAccessKey",
   531          "parameters": [
   532            {
   533              "name": "Authorization",
   534              "in": "header",
   535              "schema": {
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   537                "minLength": 1,
   538                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInHeader",
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   541              }
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   552              }
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   560                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesTimestamp"
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   565                  }
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   595                  }
   596                ]
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   605                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsAccessKeyIdentityType"
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   609              }
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   653            "200": {
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   655              "content": {
   656                "application/json": {
   657                  "schema": {
   658                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccessKeyListRsp"
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   663            "401": {
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   671              },
   672              "x-status-errors": [
   673                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
   674                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   675                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   676                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   677              ]
   678            },
   679            "404": {
   680              "description": "",
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   684                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   687              },
   688              "x-status-errors": [
   689                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!"
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   692            "500": {
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   701              "x-status-errors": [
   702                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
   703                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
   704              ]
   705            }
   706          }
   707        }
   708      },
   709      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key/operator_group_metas": {
   710        "get": {
   711          "tags": [
   712            "apis/account_access_key"
   713          ],
   714          "summary": "List operator group metas",
   715          "operationId": "ListAccessGroupMetas",
   716          "parameters": [
   717            {
   718              "name": "Authorization",
   719              "in": "header",
   720              "schema": {
   721                "type": "string",
   722                "minLength": 1,
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   724                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
   725                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   726              }
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   730              "in": "query",
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   735                "x-tag-name": "authorization,omitempty",
   736                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   737              }
   738            }
   739          ],
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   741            "200": {
   742              "description": "",
   743              "content": {
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   745                  "schema": {
   746                    "type": "array",
   747                    "items": {
   748                      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccessKeyGroupMetaBase"
   749                    }
   750                  }
   751                }
   752              }
   753            },
   754            "401": {
   755              "description": "",
   756              "content": {
   757                "application/json": {
   758                  "schema": {
   759                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   761                }
   762              },
   763              "x-status-errors": [
   764                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
   765                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   766                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   767                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   768              ]
   769            },
   770            "404": {
   771              "description": "",
   772              "content": {
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   774                  "schema": {
   775                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
   776                  }
   777                }
   778              },
   779              "x-status-errors": [
   780                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!"
   781              ]
   782            },
   783            "500": {
   784              "description": "",
   785              "content": {
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   788                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   791              },
   792              "x-status-errors": [
   793                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
   794              ]
   795            }
   796          }
   797        }
   798      },
   799      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/account_access_key/{name}": {
   800        "delete": {
   801          "tags": [
   802            "apis/account_access_key"
   803          ],
   804          "summary": "DeleteAccountAccessKeyByName delete access key by name under current account",
   805          "operationId": "DeleteAccountAccessKeyByName",
   806          "parameters": [
   807            {
   808              "name": "name",
   809              "in": "path",
   810              "required": true,
   811              "schema": {
   812                "type": "string",
   813                "x-go-field-name": "Name",
   814                "x-tag-name": "name"
   815              }
   816            },
   817            {
   818              "name": "Authorization",
   819              "in": "header",
   820              "schema": {
   821                "type": "string",
   822                "minLength": 1,
   823                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInHeader",
   824                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
   825                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   826              }
   827            },
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   829              "name": "authorization",
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   831              "schema": {
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   833                "minLength": 1,
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   835                "x-tag-name": "authorization,omitempty",
   836                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   837              }
   838            }
   839          ],
   840          "responses": {
   841            "204": {
   842              "description": ""
   843            },
   844            "401": {
   845              "description": "",
   846              "content": {
   847                "application/json": {
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   849                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   851                }
   852              },
   853              "x-status-errors": [
   854                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
   855                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   856                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   857                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   858              ]
   859            },
   860            "404": {
   861              "description": "",
   862              "content": {
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   864                  "schema": {
   865                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   867                }
   868              },
   869              "x-status-errors": [
   870                "@StatusErr[AccessKeyNotFound][404999022][Account Key Not Found]!",
   871                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!"
   872              ]
   873            },
   874            "500": {
   875              "description": "",
   876              "content": {
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   878                  "schema": {
   879                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   881                }
   882              },
   883              "x-status-errors": [
   884                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
   885                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
   886              ]
   887            }
   888          }
   889        },
   890        "put": {
   891          "tags": [
   892            "apis/account_access_key"
   893          ],
   894          "summary": "Update current account access key by name",
   895          "operationId": "UpdateAccountAccessKeyByName",
   896          "parameters": [
   897            {
   898              "name": "name",
   899              "in": "path",
   900              "required": true,
   901              "schema": {
   902                "type": "string",
   903                "x-go-field-name": "Name",
   904                "x-tag-name": "name"
   905              }
   906            },
   907            {
   908              "name": "Authorization",
   909              "in": "header",
   910              "schema": {
   911                "type": "string",
   912                "minLength": 1,
   913                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInHeader",
   914                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
   915                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   916              }
   917            },
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   919              "name": "authorization",
   920              "in": "query",
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   923                "minLength": 1,
   924                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInQuery",
   925                "x-tag-name": "authorization,omitempty",
   926                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
   927              }
   928            }
   929          ],
   930          "requestBody": {
   931            "required": true,
   932            "content": {
   933              "application/json": {
   934                "schema": {
   935                  "allOf": [
   936                    {
   937                      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccessKeyUpdateReq"
   938                    },
   939                    {
   940                      "x-go-field-name": "UpdateReq"
   941                    }
   942                  ]
   943                }
   944              }
   945            }
   946          },
   947          "responses": {
   948            "200": {
   949              "description": "",
   950              "content": {
   951                "application/json": {
   952                  "schema": {
   953                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAccessKeyUpdateRsp"
   954                  }
   955                }
   956              }
   957            },
   958            "401": {
   959              "description": "",
   960              "content": {
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   963                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   966              },
   967              "x-status-errors": [
   968                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
   969                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
   970                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
   971                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!"
   972              ]
   973            },
   974            "404": {
   975              "description": "",
   976              "content": {
   977                "application/json": {
   978                  "schema": {
   979                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   981                }
   982              },
   983              "x-status-errors": [
   984                "@StatusErr[AccessKeyNotFound][404999022][Account Key Not Found]!",
   985                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!"
   986              ]
   987            },
   988            "500": {
   989              "description": "",
   990              "content": {
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   992                  "schema": {
   993                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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   997              "x-status-errors": [
   998                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
   999                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
  1000              ]
  1001            }
  1002          }
  1003        }
  1004      },
  1005      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/applet/data/{appletID}": {
  1006        "delete": {
  1007          "tags": [
  1008            "apis/applet"
  1009          ],
  1010          "summary": "RemoveApplet remove applet by applet id",
  1011          "operationId": "RemoveApplet",
  1012          "parameters": [
  1013            {
  1014              "name": "appletID",
  1015              "in": "path",
  1016              "required": true,
  1017              "schema": {
  1018                "allOf": [
  1019                  {
  1020                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
  1021                  },
  1022                  {
  1023                    "x-go-field-name": "AppletID",
  1024                    "x-tag-name": "appletID"
  1025                  }
  1026                ]
  1027              }
  1028            },
  1029            {
  1030              "name": "Authorization",
  1031              "in": "header",
  1032              "schema": {
  1033                "type": "string",
  1034                "minLength": 1,
  1035                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInHeader",
  1036                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
  1037                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
  1038              }
  1039            },
  1040            {
  1041              "name": "authorization",
  1042              "in": "query",
  1043              "schema": {
  1044                "type": "string",
  1045                "minLength": 1,
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  1048                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
  1049              }
  1050            }
  1051          ],
  1052          "responses": {
  1053            "204": {
  1054              "description": ""
  1055            },
  1056            "400": {
  1057              "description": "",
  1058              "content": {
  1059                "application/json": {
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  1061                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1063                }
  1064              },
  1065              "x-status-errors": [
  1066                "@StatusErr[InvalidConfigType][400999002][Invalid Config Type]!"
  1067              ]
  1068            },
  1069            "401": {
  1070              "description": "",
  1071              "content": {
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  1073                  "schema": {
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  1077              },
  1078              "x-status-errors": [
  1079                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
  1080                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
  1081                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
  1082                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  1083                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  1084              ]
  1085            },
  1086            "404": {
  1087              "description": "",
  1088              "content": {
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  1090                  "schema": {
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  1094              },
  1095              "x-status-errors": [
  1096                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
  1097                "@StatusErr[AppletNotFound][404999005][Applet Not Found]!",
  1098                "@StatusErr[InstanceNotFound][404999006][Instance Not Found]!",
  1099                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!"
  1100              ]
  1101            },
  1102            "500": {
  1103              "description": "",
  1104              "content": {
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  1106                  "schema": {
  1107                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1110              },
  1111              "x-status-errors": [
  1112                "@StatusErr[BatchRemoveWasmLogFailed][500999012][Batch Remove WasmLog Failed]!",
  1113                "@StatusErr[ConfigParseFailed][500999007][Config Parse Failed]!",
  1114                "@StatusErr[ConfigUninitFailed][500999006][Config Uninit Failed]!",
  1115                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
  1116                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
  1117              ]
  1118            }
  1119          }
  1120        },
  1121        "get": {
  1122          "tags": [
  1123            "apis/applet"
  1124          ],
  1125          "summary": "GetApplet get applet by applet id",
  1126          "operationId": "GetApplet",
  1127          "parameters": [
  1128            {
  1129              "name": "appletID",
  1130              "in": "path",
  1131              "required": true,
  1132              "schema": {
  1133                "allOf": [
  1134                  {
  1135                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
  1136                  },
  1137                  {
  1138                    "x-go-field-name": "AppletID",
  1139                    "x-tag-name": "appletID"
  1140                  }
  1141                ]
  1142              }
  1143            },
  1144            {
  1145              "name": "Authorization",
  1146              "in": "header",
  1147              "schema": {
  1148                "type": "string",
  1149                "minLength": 1,
  1150                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInHeader",
  1151                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
  1152                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
  1153              }
  1154            },
  1155            {
  1156              "name": "authorization",
  1157              "in": "query",
  1158              "schema": {
  1159                "type": "string",
  1160                "minLength": 1,
  1161                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInQuery",
  1162                "x-tag-name": "authorization,omitempty",
  1163                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
  1164              }
  1165            }
  1166          ],
  1167          "responses": {
  1168            "200": {
  1169              "description": "",
  1170              "content": {
  1171                "application/json": {
  1172                  "schema": {
  1173                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModelsApplet"
  1174                  }
  1175                }
  1176              }
  1177            },
  1178            "401": {
  1179              "description": "",
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  1183                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1186              },
  1187              "x-status-errors": [
  1188                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
  1189                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
  1190                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
  1191                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  1192                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  1193              ]
  1194            },
  1195            "404": {
  1196              "description": "",
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  1199                  "schema": {
  1200                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1203              },
  1204              "x-status-errors": [
  1205                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
  1206                "@StatusErr[AppletNotFound][404999005][Applet Not Found]!",
  1207                "@StatusErr[InstanceNotFound][404999006][Instance Not Found]!",
  1208                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!"
  1209              ]
  1210            },
  1211            "500": {
  1212              "description": "",
  1213              "content": {
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  1216                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1219              },
  1220              "x-status-errors": [
  1221                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
  1222                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
  1223              ]
  1224            }
  1225          }
  1226        }
  1227      },
  1228      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/applet/x/{projectName}": {
  1229        "delete": {
  1230          "tags": [
  1231            "apis/applet"
  1232          ],
  1233          "summary": "BatchRemoveApplet remove applets with condition under project permission",
  1234          "operationId": "BatchRemoveApplet",
  1235          "parameters": [
  1236            {
  1237              "name": "projectName",
  1238              "in": "path",
  1239              "required": true,
  1240              "schema": {
  1241                "type": "string",
  1242                "format": "projectName",
  1243                "x-go-field-name": "ProjectName",
  1244                "x-tag-name": "projectName",
  1245                "x-tag-validate": "@projectName"
  1246              }
  1247            },
  1248            {
  1249              "name": "Authorization",
  1250              "in": "header",
  1251              "schema": {
  1252                "type": "string",
  1253                "minLength": 1,
  1254                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInHeader",
  1255                "x-tag-name": "Authorization,omitempty",
  1256                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
  1257              }
  1258            },
  1259            {
  1260              "name": "appletID",
  1261              "in": "query",
  1262              "schema": {
  1263                "type": "array",
  1264                "items": {
  1265                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
  1266                },
  1267                "x-go-field-name": "AppletIDs",
  1268                "x-tag-name": "appletID,omitempty"
  1269              }
  1270            },
  1271            {
  1272              "name": "authorization",
  1273              "in": "query",
  1274              "schema": {
  1275                "type": "string",
  1276                "minLength": 1,
  1277                "x-go-field-name": "AuthInQuery",
  1278                "x-tag-name": "authorization,omitempty",
  1279                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
  1280              }
  1281            },
  1282            {
  1283              "name": "lName",
  1284              "in": "query",
  1285              "schema": {
  1286                "type": "string",
  1287                "x-go-field-name": "LNameLike",
  1288                "x-tag-name": "lName,omitempty"
  1289              }
  1290            },
  1291            {
  1292              "name": "name",
  1293              "in": "query",
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  1298              }
  1299            },
  1300            {
  1301              "name": "names",
  1302              "in": "query",
  1303              "schema": {
  1304                "type": "array",
  1305                "items": {
  1306                  "type": "string"
  1307                },
  1308                "x-go-field-name": "Names",
  1309                "x-tag-name": "names,omitempty"
  1310              }
  1311            }
  1312          ],
  1313          "responses": {
  1314            "204": {
  1315              "description": ""
  1316            },
  1317            "400": {
  1318              "description": "",
  1319              "content": {
  1320                "application/json": {
  1321                  "schema": {
  1322                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1324                }
  1325              },
  1326              "x-status-errors": [
  1327                "@StatusErr[InvalidConfigType][400999002][Invalid Config Type]!"
  1328              ]
  1329            },
  1330            "401": {
  1331              "description": "",
  1332              "content": {
  1333                "application/json": {
  1334                  "schema": {
  1335                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1337                }
  1338              },
  1339              "x-status-errors": [
  1340                "@StatusErr[CurrentAccountAbsence][401999013][Current Account Absence]!",
  1341                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
  1342                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
  1343                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
  1344                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  1345                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  1346              ]
  1347            },
  1348            "404": {
  1349              "description": "",
  1350              "content": {
  1351                "application/json": {
  1352                  "schema": {
  1353                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
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  1355                }
  1356              },
  1357              "x-status-errors": [
  1358                "@StatusErr[AccountIdentityNotFound][404999009][Account Identity Not Found]!",
  1359                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
  1360                "@StatusErr[InstanceNotFound][404999006][Instance Not Found]!",
  1361                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!"
  1362              ]
  1363            },
  1364            "500": {
  1365              "description": "",
  1366              "content": {
  1367                "application/json": {
  1368                  "schema": {
  1369                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitStatusxStatusErr"
  1370                  }
  1371                }
  1372              },
  1373              "x-status-errors": [
  1374                "@StatusErr[BatchRemoveAppletFailed][500999009][Batch Remove Applet Failed]!",
  1375                "@StatusErr[BatchRemoveWasmLogFailed][500999012][Batch Remove WasmLog Failed]!",
  1376                "@StatusErr[ConfigParseFailed][500999007][Config Parse Failed]!",
  1377                "@StatusErr[ConfigUninitFailed][500999006][Config Uninit Failed]!",
  1378                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
  1379                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
  1380                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
  1381              ]
  1382            }
  1383          }
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  1387            "apis/applet"
  1388          ],
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  1400                "x-tag-validate": "@projectName"
  1401              }
  1402            },
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  1406              "schema": {
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  1466                "@StatusErr[InvalidVMState][400999012][Invalid VM State]!"
  1467              ]
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  1480                "@StatusErr[InvalidAppletContext][401999016][Invalid Applet]!",
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  1482                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
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  1484                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  1485                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  1486              ]
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  1500                "@StatusErr[UploadFileSizeLimit][403999004][Upload File Size Limit]!"
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  1514                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
  1515                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!",
  1516                "@StatusErr[ProjectOperatorNotFound][404999021][Project Operator relationship Not Found]!"
  1517              ]
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  1531                "@StatusErr[MultiInstanceDeployed][409999008][Multi Instance Deployed]!",
  1532                "@StatusErr[ResourceConflict][409999003][Resource Conflict]!",
  1533                "@StatusErr[StrategyConflict][409999005][Strategy Conflict]!"
  1534              ]
  1535            },
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  1547                "@StatusErr[ConfigParseFailed][500999007][Config Parse Failed]!",
  1548                "@StatusErr[ConfigUninitFailed][500999006][Config Uninit Failed]!",
  1549                "@StatusErr[CreateInstanceFailed][500999008][Create Instance Failed]!",
  1550                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
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  1558      },
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  1560        "get": {
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  1562            "apis/applet"
  1563          ],
  1564          "summary": "ListApplet list applets with condition under project permission",
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  1577              }
  1578            },
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  1587                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
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  1696                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
  1697                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  1698                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  1699              ]
  1700            },
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  1712                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
  1713                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!"
  1714              ]
  1715            },
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  1737            "apis/applet"
  1738          ],
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  1759              "in": "header",
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  1762                "minLength": 1,
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  1765                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
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  1787                      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAppletUpdateReq"
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  1792                    }
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  1804                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesAppletCreateRsp"
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  1837                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  1838                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  1839              ]
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  1853                "@StatusErr[UploadFileSizeLimit][403999004][Upload File Size Limit]!"
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  1869                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!",
  1870                "@StatusErr[ProjectOperatorNotFound][404999021][Project Operator relationship Not Found]!"
  1871              ]
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  1884                "@StatusErr[ConfigConflict][409999006][Config Conflict]!",
  1885                "@StatusErr[MultiInstanceDeployed][409999008][Multi Instance Deployed]!",
  1886                "@StatusErr[ResourceConflict][409999003][Resource Conflict]!",
  1887                "@StatusErr[StrategyConflict][409999005][Strategy Conflict]!"
  1888              ]
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  1901                "@StatusErr[ConfigParseFailed][500999007][Config Parse Failed]!",
  1902                "@StatusErr[ConfigUninitFailed][500999006][Config Uninit Failed]!",
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  1914          "tags": [
  1915            "apis/configuration"
  1916          ],
  1917          "operationId": "ChainConfig",
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  1919            "200": {
  1920              "description": "",
  1921              "content": {
  1922                "application/json": {
  1923                  "schema": {
  1924                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ChainConfigResp"
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  1927              }
  1928            }
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  1933        "get": {
  1934          "tags": [
  1935            "apis/configuration"
  1936          ],
  1937          "operationId": "EthClient",
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  1939            "200": {
  1940              "description": "",
  1941              "content": {
  1942                "application/json": {
  1943                  "schema": {
  1944                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EthClientRsp"
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  1955            "apis/cronjob"
  1956          ],
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  1966                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
  1967                  },
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  1971                  }
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  1974            },
  1975            {
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  2015                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  2016                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
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  2506                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!"
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  2610                "@StatusErr[UnknownDeployCommand][400999004][Unknown Deploy Command]!"
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  2645                "@StatusErr[ProjectOperatorNotFound][404999021][Project Operator relationship Not Found]!",
  2646                "@StatusErr[ResourceNotFound][404999004][Resource Not Found]!"
  2647              ]
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  2659                "@StatusErr[ConfigConflict][409999006][Config Conflict]!",
  2660                "@StatusErr[MultiInstanceDeployed][409999008][Multi Instance Deployed]!"
  2661              ]
  2662            },
  2663            "500": {
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  2674                "@StatusErr[ConfigParseFailed][500999007][Config Parse Failed]!",
  2675                "@StatusErr[ConfigUninitFailed][500999006][Config Uninit Failed]!",
  2676                "@StatusErr[CreateInstanceFailed][500999008][Create Instance Failed]!",
  2677                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
  2678                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
  2679                "@StatusErr[FetchResourceFailed][500999004][Fetch Resource Failed]!"
  2680              ]
  2681            }
  2682          }
  2683        }
  2684      },
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  2686        "delete": {
  2687          "tags": [
  2688            "apis/deploy"
  2689          ],
  2690          "summary": "RemoveInstance remove instance by instance id",
  2691          "operationId": "RemoveInstance",
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  2693            {
  2694              "name": "instanceID",
  2695              "in": "path",
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  2699                  {
  2700                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
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  2703                    "x-go-field-name": "InstanceID",
  2704                    "x-tag-name": "instanceID"
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  2707              }
  2708            },
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  2746                "@StatusErr[InvalidConfigType][400999002][Invalid Config Type]!"
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  2762                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  2763                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  2764              ]
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  2777                "@StatusErr[AppletNotFound][404999005][Applet Not Found]!",
  2778                "@StatusErr[InstanceNotFound][404999006][Instance Not Found]!",
  2779                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!",
  2780                "@StatusErr[ResourceNotFound][404999004][Resource Not Found]!"
  2781              ]
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  2795                "@StatusErr[ConfigUninitFailed][500999006][Config Uninit Failed]!",
  2796                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
  2797                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
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  2799            }
  2800          }
  2801        }
  2802      },
  2803      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/deploy/instance/{instanceID}": {
  2804        "get": {
  2805          "tags": [
  2806            "apis/deploy"
  2807          ],
  2808          "operationId": "GetInstanceByInstanceID",
  2809          "parameters": [
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  2812              "in": "path",
  2813              "required": true,
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  2817                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
  2818                  },
  2819                  {
  2820                    "x-go-field-name": "InstanceID",
  2821                    "x-tag-name": "instanceID"
  2822                  }
  2823                ]
  2824              }
  2825            },
  2826            {
  2827              "name": "Authorization",
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  2845                "x-tag-validate": "@string[1,]"
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  2871                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
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  2873                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  2874                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  2875              ]
  2876            },
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  2890                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!",
  2891                "@StatusErr[ResourceNotFound][404999004][Resource Not Found]!"
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  2909        }
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  2915          ],
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  2929              }
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  3004                "@StatusErr[InvalidConfigType][400999002][Invalid Config Type]!"
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  3018                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
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  3020                "@StatusErr[InvalidClaim][401999003][Invalid Claim]!",
  3021                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  3022                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  3023              ]
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  3036                "@StatusErr[AccountNotFound][404999017][Account Not Found]!",
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  3054                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
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  3057            }
  3058          }
  3059        }
  3060      },
  3061      "/srv-applet-mgr/v0/deploy/{instanceID}/{cmd}": {
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  3064            "apis/deploy"
  3065          ],
  3066          "operationId": "ControlInstance",
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  3068            {
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  3070              "in": "path",
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  3074                  {
  3075                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsDeployCmd"
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  3078                    "x-go-field-name": "Cmd",
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  3080                  }
  3081                ]
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  3083            },
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  3135              },
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  3137                "@StatusErr[UnknownDeployCommand][400999004][Unknown Deploy Command]!"
  3138              ]
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  3151                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthValue][401999002][Invalid Auth Value]!",
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  3153                "@StatusErr[InvalidToken][401999002][Invalid Token]!",
  3154                "@StatusErr[NoProjectPermission][401999004][No Project Permission]!"
  3155              ]
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  3168                "@StatusErr[AppletNotFound][404999005][Applet Not Found]!",
  3169                "@StatusErr[InstanceNotFound][404999006][Instance Not Found]!",
  3170                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!",
  3171                "@StatusErr[ResourceNotFound][404999004][Resource Not Found]!"
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  3184                "@StatusErr[MultiInstanceDeployed][409999008][Multi Instance Deployed]!"
  3185              ]
  3186            },
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  3199              ]
  3200            }
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  3202        }
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  3205        "post": {
  3206          "tags": [
  3207            "apis/event"
  3208          ],
  3209          "operationId": "HandleEvent",
  3210          "parameters": [
  3211            {
  3212              "name": "channel",
  3213              "in": "path",
  3214              "required": true,
  3215              "schema": {
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  3220              }
  3221            },
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  3252              }
  3253            },
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  3262              }
  3263            },
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  7292          ],
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  7432                "@StatusErr[InvalidAuthAccountID][401999003][Invalid Auth Account ID]!",
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  7451                "@StatusErr[ProjectNotFound][404999002][Project Not Found]!"
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  8344          ],
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 10317                "@StatusErr[BatchRemoveWasmLogFailed][500999012][Batch Remove WasmLog Failed]!",
 10318                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!",
 10319                "@StatusErr[DatabaseError][500999002][Database Error]!"
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 10562                },
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 10567                  "x-tag-xml": "fields"
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 10576              "x-tag-xml": "id"
 10577            },
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 10584            },
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 10594              "items": {
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 10596              },
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 10620            "PUBLISHER"
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 10632            "NO_ACCESS",
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 10634            "READ_WRITE"
 10635          ],
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 10648            "DEVELOPER"
 10649          ],
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 10652            "DEVELOPER"
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 10661            "DISABLED"
 10662          ],
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 10665            "DISABLED"
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 10674            "REDIS"
 10675          ],
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 10678            "REDIS"
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 10687            "arbitrum-one",
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 10689            "base-mainnet",
 10690            "conflux-espace-mainnet",
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 10693            "goerli",
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 10702            "solana-testnet",
 10703            "zksync-era-mainnet",
 10704            "zksync-era-testnet"
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 10708            "arbitrum-one",
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 10736            "PROJECT_FLOW"
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 10750            "START",
 10751            "HUNGUP"
 10752          ],
 10753          "x-enum-labels": [
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 10755            "stop wasm vm"
 10756          ],
 10757          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 10758          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsDeployCmd"
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 10764            "HTTP",
 10765            "MONITOR"
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 10781            "WINDOW",
 10782            "GROUP",
 10783            "REDUCE"
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 10788            "FLATMAP",
 10789            "WINDOW",
 10790            "GROUP",
 10791            "REDUCE"
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 10798          "enum": [
 10799            "RMDB",
 10800            "BLOCKCHAIN"
 10801          ],
 10802          "x-enum-labels": [
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 10804            "BLOCKCHAIN"
 10805          ],
 10806          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
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 10808        },
 10809        "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsInstanceState": {
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 10811          "enum": [
 10812            "STARTED",
 10813            "STOPPED"
 10814          ],
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 10816            "ready to receive data",
 10817            "stopped to receive data"
 10818          ],
 10819          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 10820          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsInstanceState"
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 10828          "x-enum-labels": [
 10829            "START",
 10830            "PAUSE"
 10831          ],
 10832          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 10833          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsMonitorCmd"
 10834        },
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 10841            2
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 10845            "1",
 10846            "2"
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 10853          "enum": [
 10854            "TCP",
 10855            "UDP",
 10856            "WEBSOCET",
 10857            "HTTP",
 10858            "HTTPS",
 10859            "MQTT"
 10860          ],
 10861          "x-enum-labels": [
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 10864            "websocket",
 10865            "http",
 10866            "https",
 10867            "mqtt"
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 10876            "BLOCKCHAIN"
 10877          ],
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 10880            "BLOCKCHAIN"
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 10882          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 10883          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsTrafficLimitType"
 10884        },
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 10887          "enum": [
 10888            "INT",
 10889            "INT8",
 10890            "INT16",
 10891            "INT32",
 10892            "INT64",
 10893            "UINT",
 10894            "UINT8",
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 10896            "UINT32",
 10897            "UINT64",
 10898            "FLOAT32",
 10899            "FLOAT64",
 10900            "TEXT",
 10901            "BOOL",
 10902            "TIMESTAMP",
 10903            "DECIMAL",
 10904            "NUMERIC"
 10905          ],
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 10908            "INT8",
 10909            "INT16",
 10910            "INT32",
 10911            "INT64",
 10912            "UINT",
 10913            "UINT8",
 10914            "UINT16",
 10915            "UINT32",
 10916            "UINT64",
 10917            "FLOAT32",
 10918            "FLOAT64",
 10919            "TEXT",
 10920            "BOOL",
 10921            "use epoch timestamp (integer, UTC)",
 10922            "DECIMAL",
 10923            "NUMERIC"
 10924          ],
 10925          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 10926          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsWasmDBDatatype"
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 10932          ],
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 10934            "POSTGRES"
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 10937          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsWasmDBDialect"
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 10942              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitSqlxDatatypesPrimaryID"
 10943            },
 10944            {
 10945              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModelsRelAccount"
 10946            },
 10947            {
 10948              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModelsAccountInfo"
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 10950            {
 10951              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsKitSqlxDatatypesOperationTimesWithDeleted"
 10952            },
 10953            {
 10954              "type": "object",
 10955              "description": "Account w3bstream account",
 10956              "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 10957              "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModelsAccount"
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 10976                  "x-tag-json": "meta,omitempty"
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 10983                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsAccountRole"
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 11653            {
 11654              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModelsRelOperator"
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 11656            {
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 11658            },
 11659            {
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 11679              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModelsPublisherInfo"
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 11686              "description": "Publisher database model demo",
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 11704              "x-tag-json": "name"
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 11897                {
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 12139                },
 12140                {
 12141                  "description": "AutoCollectMetric if allow host collect event data for metering",
 12142                  "x-go-field-name": "AutoCollectMetric",
 12143                  "x-tag-json": "autoCollectMetric,omitempty"
 12144                }
 12145              ]
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 12149              "description": "EventType user defined event type",
 12150              "x-go-field-name": "EventType",
 12151              "x-tag-json": "eventType"
 12152            },
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 12183            },
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 12186              "description": "TrafficLimit traffic limit for each project",
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 12200                {
 12201                  "x-go-field-name": "ApiType",
 12202                  "x-tag-json": "apiType"
 12203                }
 12204              ]
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 12210                },
 12211                {
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 12213                  "x-tag-json": "duration"
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 12220                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesTimestamp"
 12221                },
 12222                {
 12223                  "x-go-field-name": "StartAt",
 12224                  "x-tag-json": "startAt"
 12225                }
 12226              ]
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 12252            },
 12253            "expirationDays": {
 12254              "type": "integer",
 12255              "format": "int32",
 12256              "description": "ExpirationDays access token valid in ExpirationDays, if 0 means token will not be expired.",
 12257              "x-go-field-name": "ExpirationDays",
 12258              "x-tag-json": "expirationDays,omitempty"
 12259            },
 12260            "name": {
 12261              "type": "string",
 12262              "description": "Name access token name",
 12263              "x-go-field-name": "Name",
 12264              "x-tag-json": "name"
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 12270                },
 12271                {
 12272                  "description": "Privileges operator group access privileges",
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 12274                  "x-tag-json": "privileges,omitempty"
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 12287          "properties": {
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 12296              "x-tag-json": "desc,omitempty"
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 13094          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesCronjobListRsp"
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 13102                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmCache"
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 13106                  "x-go-star-level": 1,
 13107                  "x-tag-json": "cache,omitempty"
 13108                }
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 13113          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesDeployCreateReq"
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 13119              "type": "integer",
 13120              "format": "int32",
 13121              "x-go-field-name": "Index",
 13122              "x-tag-json": "index"
 13123            },
 13124            "results": {
 13125              "type": "array",
 13126              "items": {
 13127                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesEventResult"
 13128              },
 13129              "x-go-field-name": "Results",
 13130              "x-tag-json": "results"
 13131            }
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 13142          "items": {
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 13146          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesEventDataPushRsps"
 13147        },
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 13149          "type": "object",
 13150          "properties": {
 13151            "channel": {
 13152              "type": "string",
 13153              "description": "Channel intact project name",
 13154              "x-go-field-name": "Channel",
 13155              "x-tag-json": "channel"
 13156            },
 13157            "error": {
 13158              "type": "string",
 13159              "description": "Error error message from w3b node (api level), different from Result.Error",
 13160              "x-go-field-name": "Error",
 13161              "x-tag-json": "error,omitempty"
 13162            },
 13163            "eventID": {
 13164              "type": "string",
 13165              "description": "EventID same as EventReq.EventID",
 13166              "x-go-field-name": "EventID",
 13167              "x-tag-json": "eventID"
 13168            },
 13169            "publisherID": {
 13170              "allOf": [
 13171                {
 13172                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
 13173                },
 13174                {
 13175                  "description": "PublisherID publisher(device) unique id in w3b node",
 13176                  "x-go-field-name": "PublisherID",
 13177                  "x-tag-json": "publisherID"
 13178                }
 13179              ]
 13180            },
 13181            "publisherKey": {
 13182              "type": "string",
 13183              "description": "PublisherKey publisher(device) mn unique id of this device",
 13184              "x-go-field-name": "PublisherKey",
 13185              "x-tag-json": "publisherKey"
 13186            },
 13187            "results": {
 13188              "type": "array",
 13189              "items": {
 13190                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesEventResult"
 13191              },
 13192              "description": "Results result for each wasm invoke, which hits strategies.",
 13193              "x-go-field-name": "Results",
 13194              "x-tag-json": "results"
 13195            },
 13196            "timestamp": {
 13197              "type": "integer",
 13198              "format": "int64",
 13199              "description": "Timestamp event respond time when event handled done.",
 13200              "x-go-field-name": "Timestamp",
 13201              "x-tag-json": "timestamp"
 13202            }
 13203          },
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 13207            "publisherKey",
 13208            "eventID",
 13209            "timestamp",
 13210            "results"
 13211          ],
 13212          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 13213          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesEventEventRsp"
 13214        },
 13215        "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesEventResult": {
 13216          "type": "object",
 13217          "properties": {
 13218            "appletName": {
 13219              "type": "string",
 13220              "description": "AppletName applet name(unique) under published channel(project)",
 13221              "x-go-field-name": "AppletName",
 13222              "x-tag-json": "appletName"
 13223            },
 13224            "code": {
 13225              "type": "integer",
 13226              "format": "int32",
 13227              "description": "ReturnCode wasm call returned code",
 13228              "x-go-field-name": "ReturnCode",
 13229              "x-tag-json": "code"
 13230            },
 13231            "error": {
 13232              "type": "string",
 13233              "description": "Error message instance module, presents result for wasm invoking",
 13234              "x-go-field-name": "Error",
 13235              "x-tag-json": "error,omitempty"
 13236            },
 13237            "handler": {
 13238              "type": "string",
 13239              "description": "Handler invoked wasm entry name",
 13240              "x-go-field-name": "Handler",
 13241              "x-tag-json": "handler"
 13242            },
 13243            "instanceID": {
 13244              "allOf": [
 13245                {
 13246                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgDependsBaseTypesSFID"
 13247                },
 13248                {
 13249                  "description": "InstanceID the unique wasm vm  id",
 13250                  "x-go-field-name": "InstanceID",
 13251                  "x-tag-json": "instanceID"
 13252                }
 13253              ]
 13254            },
 13255            "returnValue": {
 13256              "type": "array",
 13257              "items": {
 13258                "type": "integer",
 13259                "format": "uint8"
 13260              },
 13261              "description": "ReturnValue wasm call returned value",
 13262              "x-go-field-name": "ReturnValue",
 13263              "x-tag-json": "returnValue"
 13264            }
 13265          },
 13266          "required": [
 13267            "appletName",
 13268            "instanceID",
 13269            "handler",
 13270            "returnValue",
 13271            "code"
 13272          ],
 13273          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 13274          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesEventResult"
 13275        },
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 13278          "properties": {
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 13280              "type": "string",
 13281              "x-go-field-name": "Name",
 13282              "x-tag-json": "name"
 13283            },
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 13285              "type": "string",
 13286              "x-go-field-name": "PaymasterKey",
 13287              "x-tag-json": "paymasterKey,omitempty"
 13288            },
 13289            "privateKey": {
 13290              "type": "string",
 13291              "x-go-field-name": "PrivateKey",
 13292              "x-tag-json": "privateKey"
 13293            },
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 13298                },
 13299                {
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 13301                  "x-tag-json": "type,omitempty,default='1'"
 13302                }
 13303              ]
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 13308            "privateKey"
 13309          ],
 13310          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 13311          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesOperatorCreateReq"
 13312        },
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 13322                  "type": "string",
 13323                  "x-go-field-name": "Address",
 13324                  "x-tag-json": "address"
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 13329              ],
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 13358          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgModulesOperatorListDetailRsp"
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 13373                    {
 13374                      "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmDatabase"
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 13464                      "x-tag-json": "flow,omitempty"
 13465                    }
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 13471              ],
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 13484              },
 13485              "x-go-field-name": "Applets",
 13486              "x-tag-json": "applets,omitempty"
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 13493                {
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 13572              "x-go-field-name": "Name",
 13573              "x-tag-json": "name"
 13574            }
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 13604          ],
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 13953            },
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 13969              "x-go-field-name": "Table",
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 13973          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
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 13981                {
 13982                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsWasmDBDialect"
 13983                },
 13984                {
 13985                  "description": "Dialect database dialect, support postgres only now",
 13986                  "x-go-field-name": "Dialect",
 13987                  "x-tag-json": "dialect,omitempty,default=''"
 13988                }
 13989              ]
 13990            },
 13991            "schemas": {
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 13993              "items": {
 13994                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmSchema"
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 13996              "description": "Schemas schema list",
 13997              "x-go-field-name": "Schemas",
 13998              "x-tag-json": "schemas,omitempty"
 13999            }
 14000          },
 14001          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 14002          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmDatabase"
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 14006          "properties": {
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 14015                "minItems": 2
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 14023          ],
 14024          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 14025          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmEnv"
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 14032              "items": {
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 14034              },
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 14036              "x-tag-json": "operators"
 14037            },
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 14039              "allOf": [
 14040                {
 14041                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmSink"
 14042                },
 14043                {
 14044                  "x-go-field-name": "Sink",
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 14056                  "x-tag-json": "source"
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 14066          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 14067          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmFlow"
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 14086              "type": "boolean",
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 14088              "x-tag-json": "isUnique,omitempty"
 14089            },
 14090            "method": {
 14091              "type": "string",
 14092              "x-go-field-name": "Method",
 14093              "x-tag-json": "method,omitempty"
 14094            },
 14095            "name": {
 14096              "type": "string",
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 14098              "x-tag-json": "name,omitempty"
 14099            }
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 14104          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 14105          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmKey"
 14106        },
 14107        "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmOperator": {
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 14109          "properties": {
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 14111              "allOf": [
 14112                {
 14113                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsFlowOperator"
 14114                },
 14115                {
 14116                  "x-go-field-name": "OpType",
 14117                  "x-tag-json": "opType"
 14118                }
 14119              ]
 14120            },
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 14122              "type": "integer",
 14123              "format": "int32",
 14124              "x-go-field-name": "Parallel",
 14125              "x-tag-json": "parallel,omitempty"
 14126            },
 14127            "wasmFunc": {
 14128              "type": "string",
 14129              "x-go-field-name": "WasmFunc",
 14130              "x-tag-json": "wasmFunc,omitempty"
 14131            }
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 14133          "required": [
 14134            "opType"
 14135          ],
 14136          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 14137          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmOperator"
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 14140          "type": "object",
 14141          "properties": {
 14142            "schema": {
 14143              "type": "string",
 14144              "description": "Name: schema name, use postgres driver, default schema is `public`",
 14145              "x-go-field-name": "Name",
 14146              "x-tag-json": "schema,omitempty,default='public'"
 14147            },
 14148            "tables": {
 14149              "type": "array",
 14150              "items": {
 14151                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmTable"
 14152              },
 14153              "description": "Tables: tables define",
 14154              "x-go-field-name": "Tables",
 14155              "x-tag-json": "tables,omitempty"
 14156            }
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 14158          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 14159          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmSchema"
 14160        },
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 14169                {
 14170                  "x-go-field-name": "SinkInfo",
 14171                  "x-tag-json": "sinkInfo"
 14172                }
 14173              ]
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 14175            "sinkType": {
 14176              "allOf": [
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 14178                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgEnumsFlowSink"
 14179                },
 14180                {
 14181                  "x-go-field-name": "SinkType",
 14182                  "x-tag-json": "sinkType"
 14183                }
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 14192          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmSink"
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 14202                {
 14203                  "x-go-field-name": "DBInfo",
 14204                  "x-tag-json": "DBInfo,omitempty"
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 14211                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmCBInfo"
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 14220          "x-go-vendor-type": "",
 14221          "x-id": "GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmSinkInfo"
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 14225          "properties": {
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 14229                "type": "string"
 14230              },
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 14257              "x-tag-json": "desc,omitempty"
 14258            },
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 14260              "type": "array",
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 14262                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GithubComMachinefiW3BstreamPkgTypesWasmKey"
 14263              },
 14264              "description": "Keys table index or primary define",
 14265              "x-go-field-name": "Keys",
 14266              "x-tag-json": "keys"
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 14287              "type": "string",
 14288              "format": "projectName",
 14289              "x-go-field-name": "ProjectName",
 14290              "x-tag-name": "projectName",
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 14297          "description": "ProjectProvider with account id prefix",
 14298          "x-id": "ProjectProvider"
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