
     1  name: Go
     3  on:
     4    push:
     5      branches:
     6        - main
     7    pull_request:
     8      branches:
     9        - main
    11  jobs:
    12    build:
    13      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    14      strategy:
    15        fail-fast: false
    16        matrix:
    17          arch:
    18            - aarch64
    19            # - 386
    20            - x64
    21          go:
    22            - '1.19'
    23            - '1.20'
    24            - '1.21'
    25          # Race detector binaries crash with:
    26          #
    27          # FATAL: ThreadSanitizer: unsupported VMA range
    28          #
    29          # See
    30          arm64_unsupported_vma_range:
    31            - true
    32          # include:
    33          #   # Race builds are pretty much busted on Go 1.4 and below on systems
    34          #   # with newer C compilers. A number of fixes were backported to
    35          #   # go1.4-bootstrap but not any released version. See
    36          #   #
    37          #   #
    38          #   # Race builds aren't supported on linux/386.
    39          #   #
    40          #   # Cross-compilation became possible in go1.5 with the removal of C
    41          #   # code from the compiler. See
    42          #   #
    43          #   # Race builds aren't supported in gccgo.
    44          #   #
    45          #   # Cross-compilation isn't supported in gccgo.
    46          #   - arch: x64
    47          #     go: '1.3'
    48          #     x64_race_broken: true
    49          #   - arch: x64
    50          #     go: '1.4'
    51          #     x64_race_broken: true
    52          #   - arch: x64
    53          #     go: gccgo-9
    54          #     x64_race_broken: true
    55          #   - arch: x64
    56          #     go: gccgo-10
    57          #     x64_race_broken: true
    58          #   - arch: x64
    59          #     go: gccgo-11
    60          #     x64_race_broken: true
    61          #   - arch: x64
    62          #     go: gccgo-12
    63          #     x64_race_broken: true
    64          #   - arch: x64
    65          #     go: gccgo-13
    66          #     x64_race_broken: true
    67          #   # Go binaries built with Go 1.8 and below are incompatible with QEMU
    68          #   # user-level emulation. See
    69          #   #
    70          #   - arch: armv6
    71          #     go: '1.5'
    72          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    73          #   - arch: armv6
    74          #     go: '1.6'
    75          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    76          #   - arch: armv6
    77          #     go: '1.7'
    78          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    79          #   - arch: armv6
    80          #     go: '1.8'
    81          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    82          #   - arch: armv7
    83          #     go: '1.5'
    84          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    85          #   - arch: armv7
    86          #     go: '1.6'
    87          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    88          #   - arch: armv7
    89          #     go: '1.7'
    90          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    91          #   - arch: armv7
    92          #     go: '1.8'
    93          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    94          #   - arch: aarch64
    95          #     go: '1.5'
    96          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
    97          #   - arch: aarch64
    98          #     go: '1.6'
    99          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
   100          #   - arch: aarch64
   101          #     go: '1.7'
   102          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
   103          #   - arch: aarch64
   104          #     go: '1.8'
   105          #     qemu_emulation_broken: true
   106          #   # Race detector support on linux/arm64 was added in go1.12. See
   107          #   #
   108          #   - arch: aarch64
   109          #     go: '1.5'
   110          #     arm64_race_unsupported: true
   111          #   - arch: aarch64
   112          #     go: '1.6'
   113          #     arm64_race_unsupported: true
   114          #   - arch: aarch64
   115          #     go: '1.7'
   116          #     arm64_race_unsupported: true
   117          #   - arch: aarch64
   118          #     go: '1.8'
   119          #     arm64_race_unsupported: true
   120          #   - arch: aarch64
   121          #     go: '1.9'
   122          #     arm64_race_unsupported: true
   123          #   - arch: aarch64
   124          #     go: '1.10'
   125          #     arm64_race_unsupported: true
   126          #   - arch: aarch64
   127          #     go: '1.11'
   128          #     arm64_race_unsupported: true
   129      steps:
   130        - uses: actions/checkout@v4
   131        - name: Set up Go
   132          if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.go, 'gccgo-') }}
   133          uses: actions/setup-go@v5.0.0
   134          with:
   135            go-version: ${{ matrix.go }}
   136        - name: Set up gccgo
   137          if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.go, 'gccgo-') }}
   138          run: |
   139            sudo apt update && \
   140            sudo apt install -y ${{ matrix.go }} && \
   141            echo ${{ matrix.go }} | sed 's/^gcc//' | xargs -I % ln -s /usr/bin/% /usr/local/bin/go && \
   142            go version
   143        - name: 'Build with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   144          if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x64' }}
   145          run: go build -v ./...
   146        - name: 'Build with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   147          if: ${{ matrix.arch == '386' }}
   148          env:
   149            GOARCH: 386
   150          run: go build -v ./...
   151        # - name: 'Check that Get is inlined with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   152        #   if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.go, 'gccgo-') && matrix.arch == 'x64' }}
   153        #   run: |
   154        #     if echo -e '${{ matrix.go }}\n1.12' | sort -V | head -n1 | xargs test 1.12 = ; then
   155        #       go build -gcflags='-m' 2>&1 | grep 'can inline Get$' > /dev/null
   156        #     fi
   157        # - name: 'Check that Get is inlined with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   158        #   if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.go, 'gccgo-') && matrix.arch == '386' }}
   159        #   env:
   160        #     GOARCH: 386
   161        #   run: |
   162        #     if echo -e '${{ matrix.go }}\n1.12' | sort -V | head -n1 | xargs test 1.12 = ; then
   163        #       go build -gcflags='-m' 2>&1 | grep 'can inline Get$' > /dev/null
   164        #     fi
   165        - name: 'BuildRace with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   166          if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x64' && !matrix.x64_race_broken }}
   167          run: go build -race -v ./...
   168        - name: 'Test with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   169          if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x64' }}
   170          run: go test -v ./...
   171        - name: 'Test with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   172          if: ${{ matrix.arch == '386' }}
   173          env:
   174            GOARCH: 386
   175          run: go test -v ./...
   176        # - name: 'TestRace with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   177        #   if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x64' && !matrix.x64_race_broken }}
   178        #   run: go test -race -v ./...
   179        - name: 'Bench with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   180          if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x64' }}
   181          run: go test -bench=. -benchmem -v ./...
   182        - name: 'Bench with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   183          if: ${{ matrix.arch == '386' }}
   184          env:
   185            GOARCH: 386
   186          run: go test -bench=. -benchmem -v ./...
   187        # - name: 'BenchRace with ${{ matrix.go }}'
   188        #   if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'x64' && !matrix.x64_race_broken }}
   189        #   run: go test -bench=. -benchmem -race -v ./...
   190        - name: 'BuildTest with ${{ matrix.go }} for armv6'
   191          if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'armv6' }}
   192          env:
   193            GOARCH: arm
   194            GOARM: 6
   195          run: go test -c ./...
   196        - name: 'BuildTest with ${{ matrix.go }} for armv7'
   197          if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'armv7' }}
   198          env:
   199            GOARCH: arm
   200            GOARM: 7
   201          run: go test -c ./...
   202        - name: 'BuildTest with ${{ matrix.go }} for aarch64'
   203          if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'aarch64' }}
   204          env:
   205            GOARCH: arm64
   206          run: go test -c ./...
   207        # - name: 'BuildTestRace with ${{ matrix.go }} for aarch64'
   208        #   if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'aarch64' && !matrix.arm64_race_unsupported }}
   209        #   env:
   210        #     GOARCH: arm64
   211        #     CGO_ENABLED: 1
   212        #   run: |
   213        #     # Non-host *.syso files are missing from the Go toolchains provided
   214        #     # by setup-go. See
   215        #     curl --location --output $(go env GOROOT)/src/runtime/race/race_linux_arm64.syso \
   216        #${{ matrix.go }}/src/runtime/race/race_linux_arm64.syso && \
   217        #     sudo apt update && \
   218        #     sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu && \
   219        #     CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc CC_FOR_TARGET=gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu go test -c -race -o goid.race.test ./...
   220        # - name: 'DeleteTestRace with $$ {{ matrix.go}} for aarch64'
   221        #   if: ${{ matrix.arch == 'aarch64' && !matrix.arm64_race_unsupported && matrix.arm64_unsupported_vma_range }}
   222        #   run: rm goid.race.test
   223        - name: 'Test and Bench with ${{ matrix.go }} on ${{ matrix.arch }}'
   224          if: ${{ matrix.arch != '386' && matrix.arch != 'x64' && !matrix.qemu_emulation_broken }}
   225          uses: uraimo/run-on-arch-action@v2
   226          with:
   227            arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
   228            distro: bullseye
   229            dockerRunArgs: --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/checkout,readonly
   230            run: |
   231              find /checkout -name '*.test' -type f -executable -print0 | \
   232                xargs -t -0 -I '{}' sh -c '{} -test.v && {} -test.bench=. -test.benchmem -test.v'