(about) 1 {{ $currentVersion := getenv "CURRENT_VERSION" }} 2 {{ $versionString := getenv "VERSIONS" }} 3 {{ $versions := split $versionString "," }} 4 {{ $latestVersion := index $versions 0 }} 5 6 {{ if (eq $currentVersion "master") }} 7 <div class="alert-warning"> 8 You are looking at the docs for the unreleased <code>master</code> branch. The latest version is <a href="/{{$latestVersion}}">{{ $latestVersion }}</a>. 9 </div> 10 {{ else if not (eq $latestVersion $currentVersion) }} 11 <div class="alert-warning"> 12 You are looking at the docs for an older version ({{ $currentVersion }}). The latest version is <a href="/{{$latestVersion}}">{{ $latestVersion }}</a>. 13 </div> 14 {{ end }}