
     1  // Copyright 2012, 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package client_test
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	jc ""
    13  	gc ""
    15  	""
    16  	commontesting ""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	coretesting ""
    30  	""
    31  )
    33  type baseSuite struct {
    34  	testing.JujuConnSuite
    35  	commontesting.BlockHelper
    36  }
    38  func (s *baseSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
    39  	s.JujuConnSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    40  	s.BlockHelper = commontesting.NewBlockHelper(s.APIState)
    41  	s.AddCleanup(func(*gc.C) { s.BlockHelper.Close() })
    42  }
    44  var _ = gc.Suite(&baseSuite{})
    46  func chanReadEmpty(c *gc.C, ch <-chan struct{}, what string) bool {
    47  	select {
    48  	case _, ok := <-ch:
    49  		return ok
    50  	case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
    51  		c.Fatalf("timed out reading from %s", what)
    52  	}
    53  	panic("unreachable")
    54  }
    56  func chanReadStrings(c *gc.C, ch <-chan []string, what string) ([]string, bool) {
    57  	select {
    58  	case changes, ok := <-ch:
    59  		return changes, ok
    60  	case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
    61  		c.Fatalf("timed out reading from %s", what)
    62  	}
    63  	panic("unreachable")
    64  }
    66  func chanReadConfig(c *gc.C, ch <-chan *config.Config, what string) (*config.Config, bool) {
    67  	select {
    68  	case envConfig, ok := <-ch:
    69  		return envConfig, ok
    70  	case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
    71  		c.Fatalf("timed out reading from %s", what)
    72  	}
    73  	panic("unreachable")
    74  }
    76  func removeServiceAndUnits(c *gc.C, service *state.Service) {
    77  	// Destroy all units for the service.
    78  	units, err := service.AllUnits()
    79  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    80  	for _, unit := range units {
    81  		err = unit.EnsureDead()
    82  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    83  		err = unit.Remove()
    84  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    85  	}
    86  	err = service.Destroy()
    87  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
    89  	err = service.Refresh()
    90  	c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, errors.IsNotFound)
    91  }
    93  // apiAuthenticator represents a simple authenticator object with only the
    94  // SetPassword and Tag methods.  This will fit types from both the state
    95  // and api packages, as those in the api package do not have PasswordValid().
    96  type apiAuthenticator interface {
    97  	state.Entity
    98  	SetPassword(string) error
    99  }
   101  func setDefaultPassword(c *gc.C, e apiAuthenticator) {
   102  	err := e.SetPassword(defaultPassword(e))
   103  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   104  }
   106  func defaultPassword(e apiAuthenticator) string {
   107  	return e.Tag().String() + " password-1234567890"
   108  }
   110  type setStatuser interface {
   111  	SetStatus(statuSettable status.Status, info string, data map[string]interface{}) error
   112  }
   114  func setDefaultStatus(c *gc.C, entity setStatuser) {
   115  	err := entity.SetStatus(status.StatusStarted, "", nil)
   116  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   117  }
   119  func (s *baseSuite) tryOpenState(c *gc.C, e apiAuthenticator, password string) error {
   120  	stateInfo := s.MongoInfo(c)
   121  	stateInfo.Tag = e.Tag()
   122  	stateInfo.Password = password
   123  	st, err := state.Open(s.State.ModelTag(), stateInfo, mongo.DialOpts{
   124  		Timeout: 25 * time.Millisecond,
   125  	}, environs.NewStatePolicy())
   126  	if err == nil {
   127  		st.Close()
   128  	}
   129  	return err
   130  }
   132  // openAs connects to the API state as the given entity
   133  // with the default password for that entity.
   134  func (s *baseSuite) openAs(c *gc.C, tag names.Tag) api.Connection {
   135  	info := s.APIInfo(c)
   136  	info.Tag = tag
   137  	// Must match defaultPassword()
   138  	info.Password = fmt.Sprintf("%s password-1234567890", tag)
   139  	// Set this always, so that the login attempts as a machine will
   140  	// not fail with ErrNotProvisioned; it's not used otherwise.
   141  	info.Nonce = "fake_nonce"
   142  	c.Logf("opening state; entity %q; password %q", info.Tag, info.Password)
   143  	st, err := api.Open(info, api.DialOpts{})
   144  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   145  	c.Assert(st, gc.NotNil)
   146  	return st
   147  }
   149  // scenarioStatus describes the expected state
   150  // of the juju environment set up by setUpScenario.
   151  //
   152  // NOTE: AgentState: "down", AgentStateInfo: "(started)" here is due
   153  // to the scenario not calling SetAgentPresence on the respective entities,
   154  // but this behavior is already tested in cmd/juju/status_test.go and
   155  // also tested live and it works.
   156  var scenarioStatus = &params.FullStatus{
   157  	ModelName: "admin",
   158  	Machines: map[string]params.MachineStatus{
   159  		"0": {
   160  			Id:         "0",
   161  			InstanceId: instance.Id("i-machine-0"),
   162  			AgentStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   163  				Status: "started",
   164  				Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   165  			},
   166  			InstanceStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   167  				Status: status.StatusPending,
   168  				Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   169  			},
   170  			Series:     "quantal",
   171  			Containers: map[string]params.MachineStatus{},
   172  			Jobs:       []multiwatcher.MachineJob{multiwatcher.JobManageModel},
   173  			HasVote:    false,
   174  			WantsVote:  true,
   175  		},
   176  		"1": {
   177  			Id:         "1",
   178  			InstanceId: instance.Id("i-machine-1"),
   179  			AgentStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   180  				Status: "started",
   181  				Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   182  			},
   183  			InstanceStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   184  				Status: status.StatusPending,
   185  				Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   186  			},
   187  			Series:     "quantal",
   188  			Containers: map[string]params.MachineStatus{},
   189  			Jobs:       []multiwatcher.MachineJob{multiwatcher.JobHostUnits},
   190  			HasVote:    false,
   191  			WantsVote:  false,
   192  		},
   193  		"2": {
   194  			Id:         "2",
   195  			InstanceId: instance.Id("i-machine-2"),
   196  			AgentStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   197  				Status: "started",
   198  				Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   199  			},
   200  			InstanceStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   201  				Status: status.StatusPending,
   202  				Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   203  			},
   204  			Series:     "quantal",
   205  			Containers: map[string]params.MachineStatus{},
   206  			Jobs:       []multiwatcher.MachineJob{multiwatcher.JobHostUnits},
   207  			HasVote:    false,
   208  			WantsVote:  false,
   209  		},
   210  	},
   211  	Services: map[string]params.ServiceStatus{
   212  		"logging": {
   213  			Charm: "local:quantal/logging-1",
   214  			Relations: map[string][]string{
   215  				"logging-directory": {"wordpress"},
   216  			},
   217  			SubordinateTo: []string{"wordpress"},
   218  			// TODO(fwereade): why does the subordinate have no service status?
   219  		},
   220  		"mysql": {
   221  			Charm:         "local:quantal/mysql-1",
   222  			Relations:     map[string][]string{},
   223  			SubordinateTo: []string{},
   224  			Units:         map[string]params.UnitStatus{},
   225  			Status: params.DetailedStatus{
   226  				Status: "unknown",
   227  				Info:   "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   228  				Data:   map[string]interface{}{},
   229  			},
   230  		},
   231  		"wordpress": {
   232  			Charm: "local:quantal/wordpress-3",
   233  			Relations: map[string][]string{
   234  				"logging-dir": {"logging"},
   235  			},
   236  			SubordinateTo: []string{},
   237  			Status: params.DetailedStatus{
   238  				Status: "error",
   239  				Info:   "blam",
   240  				Data:   map[string]interface{}{"remote-unit": "logging/0", "foo": "bar", "relation-id": "0"},
   241  			},
   242  			Units: map[string]params.UnitStatus{
   243  				"wordpress/0": {
   244  					WorkloadStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   245  						Status: "error",
   246  						Info:   "blam",
   247  						Data:   map[string]interface{}{"relation-id": "0"},
   248  					},
   249  					AgentStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   250  						Status: "idle",
   251  						Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   252  					},
   253  					Machine: "1",
   254  					Subordinates: map[string]params.UnitStatus{
   255  						"logging/0": {
   256  							WorkloadStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   257  								Status: "unknown",
   258  								Info:   "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   259  								Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   260  							},
   261  							AgentStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   262  								Status: "allocating",
   263  								Data:   map[string]interface{}{},
   264  							},
   265  						},
   266  					},
   267  				},
   268  				"wordpress/1": {
   269  					WorkloadStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   270  						Status: "unknown",
   271  						Info:   "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   272  						Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   273  					},
   274  					AgentStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   275  						Status: "allocating",
   276  						Info:   "",
   277  						Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   278  					},
   280  					Machine: "2",
   281  					Subordinates: map[string]params.UnitStatus{
   282  						"logging/1": {
   283  							WorkloadStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   284  								Status: "unknown",
   285  								Info:   "Waiting for agent initialization to finish",
   286  								Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   287  							},
   288  							AgentStatus: params.DetailedStatus{
   289  								Status: "allocating",
   290  								Info:   "",
   291  								Data:   make(map[string]interface{}),
   292  							},
   293  						},
   294  					},
   295  				},
   296  			},
   297  		},
   298  	},
   299  	Relations: []params.RelationStatus{
   300  		{
   301  			Id:  0,
   302  			Key: "logging:logging-directory wordpress:logging-dir",
   303  			Endpoints: []params.EndpointStatus{
   304  				{
   305  					ServiceName: "logging",
   306  					Name:        "logging-directory",
   307  					Role:        "requirer",
   308  					Subordinate: true,
   309  				},
   310  				{
   311  					ServiceName: "wordpress",
   312  					Name:        "logging-dir",
   313  					Role:        "provider",
   314  					Subordinate: false,
   315  				},
   316  			},
   317  			Interface: "logging",
   318  			Scope:     "container",
   319  		},
   320  	},
   321  }
   323  // setUpScenario makes an environment scenario suitable for
   324  // testing most kinds of access scenario. It returns
   325  // a list of all the entities in the scenario.
   326  //
   327  // When the scenario is initialized, we have:
   328  // user-admin
   329  // user-other
   330  // machine-0
   331  //  instance-id="i-machine-0"
   332  //  nonce="fake_nonce"
   333  //  jobs=manage-environ
   334  //  status=started, info=""
   335  // machine-1
   336  //  instance-id="i-machine-1"
   337  //  nonce="fake_nonce"
   338  //  jobs=host-units
   339  //  status=started, info=""
   340  //  constraints=mem=1G
   341  // machine-2
   342  //  instance-id="i-machine-2"
   343  //  nonce="fake_nonce"
   344  //  jobs=host-units
   345  //  status=started, info=""
   346  // service-wordpress
   347  // service-logging
   348  // unit-wordpress-0
   349  //  deployer-name=machine-1
   350  //  status=down with error and status data attached
   351  // unit-logging-0
   352  //  deployer-name=unit-wordpress-0
   353  // unit-wordpress-1
   354  //     deployer-name=machine-2
   355  // unit-logging-1
   356  //  deployer-name=unit-wordpress-1
   357  //
   358  // The passwords for all returned entities are
   359  // set to the entity name with a " password" suffix.
   360  //
   361  // Note that there is nothing special about machine-0
   362  // here - it's the environment manager in this scenario
   363  // just because machine 0 has traditionally been the
   364  // environment manager (bootstrap machine), so is
   365  // hopefully easier to remember as such.
   366  func (s *baseSuite) setUpScenario(c *gc.C) (entities []names.Tag) {
   367  	add := func(e state.Entity) {
   368  		entities = append(entities, e.Tag())
   369  	}
   370  	u, err := s.State.User(s.AdminUserTag(c))
   371  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   372  	setDefaultPassword(c, u)
   373  	add(u)
   375  	u = s.Factory.MakeUser(c, &factory.UserParams{Name: "other"})
   376  	setDefaultPassword(c, u)
   377  	add(u)
   379  	m, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", state.JobManageModel)
   380  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   381  	c.Assert(m.Tag(), gc.Equals, names.NewMachineTag("0"))
   382  	err = m.SetProvisioned(instance.Id("i-"+m.Tag().String()), "fake_nonce", nil)
   383  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   384  	setDefaultPassword(c, m)
   385  	setDefaultStatus(c, m)
   386  	add(m)
   387  	s.AddTestingService(c, "mysql", s.AddTestingCharm(c, "mysql"))
   388  	wordpress := s.AddTestingService(c, "wordpress", s.AddTestingCharm(c, "wordpress"))
   389  	s.AddTestingService(c, "logging", s.AddTestingCharm(c, "logging"))
   390  	eps, err := s.State.InferEndpoints("logging", "wordpress")
   391  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   392  	rel, err := s.State.AddRelation(eps...)
   393  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   395  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
   396  		wu, err := wordpress.AddUnit()
   397  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   398  		c.Assert(wu.Tag(), gc.Equals, names.NewUnitTag(fmt.Sprintf("wordpress/%d", i)))
   399  		setDefaultPassword(c, wu)
   400  		add(wu)
   402  		m, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", state.JobHostUnits)
   403  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   404  		c.Assert(m.Tag(), gc.Equals, names.NewMachineTag(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1)))
   405  		if i == 1 {
   406  			err = m.SetConstraints(constraints.MustParse("mem=1G"))
   407  			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   408  		}
   409  		err = m.SetProvisioned(instance.Id("i-"+m.Tag().String()), "fake_nonce", nil)
   410  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   411  		setDefaultPassword(c, m)
   412  		setDefaultStatus(c, m)
   413  		add(m)
   415  		err = wu.AssignToMachine(m)
   416  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   418  		deployer, ok := wu.DeployerTag()
   419  		c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   420  		c.Assert(deployer, gc.Equals, names.NewMachineTag(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i+1)))
   422  		wru, err := rel.Unit(wu)
   423  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   425  		// Put wordpress/0 in error state (with extra status data set)
   426  		if i == 0 {
   427  			sd := map[string]interface{}{
   428  				"relation-id": "0",
   429  				// these this should get filtered out
   430  				// (not in StatusData whitelist)
   431  				"remote-unit": "logging/0",
   432  				"foo":         "bar",
   433  			}
   434  			err := wu.SetAgentStatus(status.StatusError, "blam", sd)
   435  			c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   436  		}
   438  		// Create the subordinate unit as a side-effect of entering
   439  		// scope in the principal's relation-unit.
   440  		err = wru.EnterScope(nil)
   441  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   443  		lu, err := s.State.Unit(fmt.Sprintf("logging/%d", i))
   444  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   445  		c.Assert(lu.IsPrincipal(), jc.IsFalse)
   446  		deployer, ok = lu.DeployerTag()
   447  		c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
   448  		c.Assert(deployer, gc.Equals, names.NewUnitTag(fmt.Sprintf("wordpress/%d", i)))
   449  		setDefaultPassword(c, lu)
   450  		s.setAgentPresence(c, wu)
   451  		add(lu)
   452  	}
   453  	return
   454  }
   456  func (s *baseSuite) setupStoragePool(c *gc.C) {
   457  	pm := poolmanager.New(state.NewStateSettings(s.State))
   458  	_, err := pm.Create("loop-pool", provider.LoopProviderType, map[string]interface{}{})
   459  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   460  	err = s.State.UpdateModelConfig(map[string]interface{}{
   461  		"storage-default-block-source": "loop-pool",
   462  	}, nil, nil)
   463  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   464  }
   466  func (s *baseSuite) setAgentPresence(c *gc.C, u *state.Unit) {
   467  	_, err := u.SetAgentPresence()
   468  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   469  	s.State.StartSync()
   470  	s.BackingState.StartSync()
   471  	err = u.WaitAgentPresence(coretesting.LongWait)
   472  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   473  }