
     1  // Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package params
     6  import (
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // MachineContainersParams holds the arguments for making a SetSupportedContainers
    20  // API call.
    21  type MachineContainersParams struct {
    22  	Params []MachineContainers
    23  }
    25  // MachineContainers holds the arguments for making an SetSupportedContainers call
    26  // on a given machine.
    27  type MachineContainers struct {
    28  	MachineTag     string
    29  	ContainerTypes []instance.ContainerType
    30  }
    32  // WatchContainer identifies a single container type within a machine.
    33  type WatchContainer struct {
    34  	MachineTag    string
    35  	ContainerType string
    36  }
    38  // WatchContainers holds the arguments for making a WatchContainers
    39  // API call.
    40  type WatchContainers struct {
    41  	Params []WatchContainer
    42  }
    44  // CharmURL identifies a single charm URL.
    45  type CharmURL struct {
    46  	URL string
    47  }
    49  // CharmURLs identifies multiple charm URLs.
    50  type CharmURLs struct {
    51  	URLs []CharmURL
    52  }
    54  // StringsResult holds the result of an API call that returns a slice
    55  // of strings or an error.
    56  type StringsResult struct {
    57  	Error  *Error
    58  	Result []string
    59  }
    61  // StringsResults holds the bulk operation result of an API call
    62  // that returns a slice of strings or an error.
    63  type StringsResults struct {
    64  	Results []StringsResult
    65  }
    67  // StringResult holds a string or an error.
    68  type StringResult struct {
    69  	Error  *Error
    70  	Result string
    71  }
    73  // StringResults holds the bulk operation result of an API call
    74  // that returns a string or an error.
    75  type StringResults struct {
    76  	Results []StringResult
    77  }
    79  // ModelResult holds the result of an API call returning a name and UUID
    80  // for a model.
    81  type ModelResult struct {
    82  	Error *Error
    83  	Name  string
    84  	UUID  string
    85  }
    87  // ModelSkeletonConfigArgs wraps the args for modelmanager.SkeletonConfig.
    88  type ModelSkeletonConfigArgs struct {
    89  	Provider string
    90  	Region   string
    91  }
    93  // ModelCreateArgs holds the arguments that are necessary to create
    94  // a model.
    95  type ModelCreateArgs struct {
    96  	// OwnerTag represents the user that will own the new model.
    97  	// The OwnerTag must be a valid user tag.  If the user tag represents
    98  	// a local user, that user must exist.
    99  	OwnerTag string
   101  	// Account holds the provider specific account details necessary to
   102  	// interact with the provider to create, list and destroy machines.
   103  	Account map[string]interface{}
   105  	// Config defines the model config, which includes the name of the
   106  	// model.  An model UUID is allocated by the API server during
   107  	// the creation of the model.
   108  	Config map[string]interface{}
   109  }
   111  // Model holds the result of an API call returning a name and UUID
   112  // for a model and the tag of the server in which it is running.
   113  type Model struct {
   114  	Name     string `json:"Name"`
   115  	UUID     string `json:"UUID"`
   116  	OwnerTag string `json:"OwnerTag"`
   117  }
   119  // UserModel holds information about a model and the last
   120  // time the model was accessed for a particular user.
   121  type UserModel struct {
   122  	Model
   123  	LastConnection *time.Time
   124  }
   126  // UserModelList holds information about a list of models
   127  // for a particular user.
   128  type UserModelList struct {
   129  	UserModels []UserModel
   130  }
   132  // ResolvedModeResult holds a resolved mode or an error.
   133  type ResolvedModeResult struct {
   134  	Error *Error
   135  	Mode  ResolvedMode
   136  }
   138  // ResolvedModeResults holds the bulk operation result of an API call
   139  // that returns a resolved mode or an error.
   140  type ResolvedModeResults struct {
   141  	Results []ResolvedModeResult
   142  }
   144  // StringBoolResult holds the result of an API call that returns a
   145  // string and a boolean.
   146  type StringBoolResult struct {
   147  	Error  *Error
   148  	Result string
   149  	Ok     bool
   150  }
   152  // StringBoolResults holds multiple results with a string and a bool
   153  // each.
   154  type StringBoolResults struct {
   155  	Results []StringBoolResult
   156  }
   158  // BoolResult holds the result of an API call that returns a
   159  // a boolean or an error.
   160  type BoolResult struct {
   161  	Error  *Error
   162  	Result bool
   163  }
   165  // BoolResults holds multiple results with BoolResult each.
   166  type BoolResults struct {
   167  	Results []BoolResult
   168  }
   170  // IntResults holds multiple results with an int in each.
   171  type IntResults struct {
   172  	// Results holds a list of results for calls that return an int or error.
   173  	Results []IntResult
   174  }
   176  // IntResult holds the result of an API call that returns a
   177  // int or an error.
   178  type IntResult struct {
   179  	// Error holds the error (if any) of this call.
   180  	Error *Error
   181  	// Result holds the integer result of the call (if Error is nil).
   182  	Result int
   183  }
   185  // Settings holds relation settings names and values.
   186  type Settings map[string]string
   188  // SettingsResult holds a relation settings map or an error.
   189  type SettingsResult struct {
   190  	Error    *Error
   191  	Settings Settings
   192  }
   194  // SettingsResults holds the result of an API calls that
   195  // returns settings for multiple relations.
   196  type SettingsResults struct {
   197  	Results []SettingsResult
   198  }
   200  // ConfigSettings holds unit, service or cham configuration settings
   201  // with string keys and arbitrary values.
   202  type ConfigSettings map[string]interface{}
   204  // ConfigSettingsResult holds a configuration map or an error.
   205  type ConfigSettingsResult struct {
   206  	Error    *Error
   207  	Settings ConfigSettings
   208  }
   210  // ConfigSettingsResults holds multiple configuration maps or errors.
   211  type ConfigSettingsResults struct {
   212  	Results []ConfigSettingsResult
   213  }
   215  // ModelConfig holds an model configuration.
   216  type ModelConfig map[string]interface{}
   218  // ModelConfigResult holds model configuration or an error.
   219  type ModelConfigResult struct {
   220  	Config ModelConfig
   221  }
   223  // RelationUnit holds a relation and a unit tag.
   224  type RelationUnit struct {
   225  	Relation string
   226  	Unit     string
   227  }
   229  // RelationUnits holds the parameters for API calls expecting a pair
   230  // of relation and unit tags.
   231  type RelationUnits struct {
   232  	RelationUnits []RelationUnit
   233  }
   235  // RelationIds holds multiple relation ids.
   236  type RelationIds struct {
   237  	RelationIds []int
   238  }
   240  // RelationUnitPair holds a relation tag, a local and remote unit tags.
   241  type RelationUnitPair struct {
   242  	Relation   string
   243  	LocalUnit  string
   244  	RemoteUnit string
   245  }
   247  // RelationUnitPairs holds the parameters for API calls expecting
   248  // multiple sets of a relation tag, a local and remote unit tags.
   249  type RelationUnitPairs struct {
   250  	RelationUnitPairs []RelationUnitPair
   251  }
   253  // RelationUnitSettings holds a relation tag, a unit tag and local
   254  // unit settings.
   255  type RelationUnitSettings struct {
   256  	Relation string
   257  	Unit     string
   258  	Settings Settings
   259  }
   261  // RelationUnitsSettings holds the arguments for making a EnterScope
   262  // or WriteSettings API calls.
   263  type RelationUnitsSettings struct {
   264  	RelationUnits []RelationUnitSettings
   265  }
   267  // RelationResult returns information about a single relation,
   268  // or an error.
   269  type RelationResult struct {
   270  	Error    *Error
   271  	Life     Life
   272  	Id       int
   273  	Key      string
   274  	Endpoint multiwatcher.Endpoint
   275  }
   277  // RelationResults holds the result of an API call that returns
   278  // information about multiple relations.
   279  type RelationResults struct {
   280  	Results []RelationResult
   281  }
   283  // EntityCharmURL holds an entity's tag and a charm URL.
   284  type EntityCharmURL struct {
   285  	Tag      string
   286  	CharmURL string
   287  }
   289  // EntitiesCharmURL holds the parameters for making a SetCharmURL API
   290  // call.
   291  type EntitiesCharmURL struct {
   292  	Entities []EntityCharmURL
   293  }
   295  // BytesResult holds the result of an API call that returns a slice
   296  // of bytes.
   297  type BytesResult struct {
   298  	Result []byte
   299  }
   301  // LifeResult holds the life status of a single entity, or an error
   302  // indicating why it is not available.
   303  type LifeResult struct {
   304  	Life  Life
   305  	Error *Error
   306  }
   308  // LifeResults holds the life or error status of multiple entities.
   309  type LifeResults struct {
   310  	Results []LifeResult
   311  }
   313  // InstanceInfo holds a machine tag, provider-specific instance id, a nonce, and
   314  // network config.
   315  type InstanceInfo struct {
   316  	Tag             string
   317  	InstanceId      instance.Id
   318  	Nonce           string
   319  	Characteristics *instance.HardwareCharacteristics
   320  	Volumes         []Volume
   321  	// VolumeAttachments is a mapping from volume tag to
   322  	// volume attachment info.
   323  	VolumeAttachments map[string]VolumeAttachmentInfo
   325  	NetworkConfig []NetworkConfig
   326  }
   328  // InstancesInfo holds the parameters for making a SetInstanceInfo
   329  // call for multiple machines.
   330  type InstancesInfo struct {
   331  	Machines []InstanceInfo
   332  }
   334  // EntityStatus holds the status of an entity.
   335  type EntityStatus struct {
   336  	Status status.Status
   337  	Info   string
   338  	Data   map[string]interface{}
   339  	Since  *time.Time
   340  }
   342  // EntityStatus holds parameters for setting the status of a single entity.
   343  type EntityStatusArgs struct {
   344  	Tag    string
   345  	Status status.Status
   346  	Info   string
   347  	Data   map[string]interface{}
   348  }
   350  // SetStatus holds the parameters for making a SetStatus/UpdateStatus call.
   351  type SetStatus struct {
   352  	Entities []EntityStatusArgs
   353  }
   355  // ConstraintsResult holds machine constraints or an error.
   356  type ConstraintsResult struct {
   357  	Error       *Error
   358  	Constraints constraints.Value
   359  }
   361  // ConstraintsResults holds multiple constraints results.
   362  type ConstraintsResults struct {
   363  	Results []ConstraintsResult
   364  }
   366  // AgentGetEntitiesResults holds the results of a
   367  // agent.API.GetEntities call.
   368  type AgentGetEntitiesResults struct {
   369  	Entities []AgentGetEntitiesResult
   370  }
   372  // AgentGetEntitiesResult holds the results of a
   373  // machineagent.API.GetEntities call for a single entity.
   374  type AgentGetEntitiesResult struct {
   375  	Life          Life
   376  	Jobs          []multiwatcher.MachineJob
   377  	ContainerType instance.ContainerType
   378  	Error         *Error
   379  }
   381  // VersionResult holds the version and possibly error for a given
   382  // DesiredVersion() API call.
   383  type VersionResult struct {
   384  	Version *version.Number
   385  	Error   *Error
   386  }
   388  // VersionResults is a list of versions for the requested entities.
   389  type VersionResults struct {
   390  	Results []VersionResult
   391  }
   393  // ToolsResult holds the tools and possibly error for a given
   394  // Tools() API call.
   395  type ToolsResult struct {
   396  	ToolsList                      tools.List
   397  	DisableSSLHostnameVerification bool
   398  	Error                          *Error
   399  }
   401  // ToolsResults is a list of tools for various requested agents.
   402  type ToolsResults struct {
   403  	Results []ToolsResult
   404  }
   406  // Version holds a specific binary version.
   407  type Version struct {
   408  	Version version.Binary
   409  }
   411  // EntityVersion specifies the tools version to be set for an entity
   412  // with the given tag.
   413  // version.Binary directly.
   414  type EntityVersion struct {
   415  	Tag   string
   416  	Tools *Version
   417  }
   419  // EntitiesVersion specifies what tools are being run for
   420  // multiple entities.
   421  type EntitiesVersion struct {
   422  	AgentTools []EntityVersion
   423  }
   425  // NotifyWatchResult holds a NotifyWatcher id and an error (if any).
   426  type NotifyWatchResult struct {
   427  	NotifyWatcherId string
   428  	Error           *Error
   429  }
   431  // NotifyWatchResults holds the results for any API call which ends up
   432  // returning a list of NotifyWatchers
   433  type NotifyWatchResults struct {
   434  	Results []NotifyWatchResult
   435  }
   437  // StringsWatchResult holds a StringsWatcher id, changes and an error
   438  // (if any).
   439  type StringsWatchResult struct {
   440  	StringsWatcherId string
   441  	Changes          []string
   442  	Error            *Error
   443  }
   445  // StringsWatchResults holds the results for any API call which ends up
   446  // returning a list of StringsWatchers.
   447  type StringsWatchResults struct {
   448  	Results []StringsWatchResult
   449  }
   451  // EntitiesWatchResult holds a EntitiesWatcher id, changes and an error
   452  // (if any).
   453  type EntitiesWatchResult struct {
   454  	// Note legacy serialization tag.
   455  	EntitiesWatcherId string   `json:"EntityWatcherId"`
   456  	Changes           []string `json:"Changes"`
   457  	Error             *Error   `json:"Error"`
   458  }
   460  // EntitiesWatchResults holds the results for any API call which ends up
   461  // returning a list of EntitiesWatchers.
   462  type EntitiesWatchResults struct {
   463  	Results []EntitiesWatchResult `json:"Results"`
   464  }
   466  // UnitSettings specifies the version of some unit's settings in some relation.
   467  type UnitSettings struct {
   468  	Version int64 `json:"Version"`
   469  }
   471  // RelationUnitsChange describes the membership and settings of; or changes to;
   472  // some relation scope.
   473  type RelationUnitsChange struct {
   475  	// Changed holds a set of units that are known to be in scope, and the
   476  	// latest known settings version for each.
   477  	Changed map[string]UnitSettings `json:"Changed"`
   479  	// Departed holds a set of units that have previously been reported to
   480  	// be in scope, but which no longer are.
   481  	Departed []string `json:"Departed"`
   482  }
   484  // RelationUnitsWatchResult holds a RelationUnitsWatcher id, baseline state
   485  // (in the Changes field), and an error (if any).
   486  type RelationUnitsWatchResult struct {
   487  	RelationUnitsWatcherId string              `json:"RelationUnitsWatcherId"`
   488  	Changes                RelationUnitsChange `json:"Changes"`
   489  	Error                  *Error              `json:"Error"`
   490  }
   492  // RelationUnitsWatchResults holds the results for any API call which ends up
   493  // returning a list of RelationUnitsWatchers.
   494  type RelationUnitsWatchResults struct {
   495  	Results []RelationUnitsWatchResult
   496  }
   498  // MachineStorageIdsWatchResult holds a MachineStorageIdsWatcher id,
   499  // changes and an error (if any).
   500  type MachineStorageIdsWatchResult struct {
   501  	MachineStorageIdsWatcherId string
   502  	Changes                    []MachineStorageId
   503  	Error                      *Error
   504  }
   506  // MachineStorageIdsWatchResults holds the results for any API call which ends
   507  // up returning a list of MachineStorageIdsWatchers.
   508  type MachineStorageIdsWatchResults struct {
   509  	Results []MachineStorageIdsWatchResult
   510  }
   512  // CharmsResponse is the server response to charm upload or GET requests.
   513  type CharmsResponse struct {
   514  	Error string `json:",omitempty"`
   516  	// ErrorCode holds the code associated with the error.
   517  	// Ideally, Error would hold an Error object and the
   518  	// code would be in that, but for backward compatibility,
   519  	// we cannot do that.
   520  	ErrorCode string `json:",omitempty"`
   522  	// ErrorInfo holds extra information associated with the error.
   523  	// Like ErrorCode, this should really be in an Error object.
   524  	ErrorInfo *ErrorInfo
   526  	CharmURL string   `json:",omitempty"`
   527  	Files    []string `json:",omitempty"`
   528  }
   530  // RunParams is used to provide the parameters to the Run method.
   531  // Commands and Timeout are expected to have values, and one or more
   532  // values should be in the Machines, Services, or Units slices.
   533  type RunParams struct {
   534  	Commands string
   535  	Timeout  time.Duration
   536  	Machines []string
   537  	Services []string
   538  	Units    []string
   539  }
   541  // RunResult contains the result from an individual run call on a machine.
   542  // UnitId is populated if the command was run inside the unit context.
   543  type RunResult struct {
   544  	exec.ExecResponse
   545  	MachineId string
   546  	UnitId    string
   547  	Error     string
   548  }
   550  // RunResults is used to return the slice of results.  API server side calls
   551  // need to return single structure values.
   552  type RunResults struct {
   553  	Results []RunResult
   554  }
   556  // AgentVersionResult is used to return the current version number of the
   557  // agent running the API server.
   558  type AgentVersionResult struct {
   559  	Version version.Number
   560  }
   562  // ProvisioningInfo holds machine provisioning info.
   563  type ProvisioningInfo struct {
   564  	Constraints      constraints.Value
   565  	Series           string
   566  	Placement        string
   567  	Jobs             []multiwatcher.MachineJob
   568  	Volumes          []VolumeParams
   569  	Tags             map[string]string
   570  	SubnetsToZones   map[string][]string
   571  	ImageMetadata    []CloudImageMetadata
   572  	EndpointBindings map[string]string
   573  }
   575  // ProvisioningInfoResult holds machine provisioning info or an error.
   576  type ProvisioningInfoResult struct {
   577  	Error  *Error
   578  	Result *ProvisioningInfo
   579  }
   581  // ProvisioningInfoResults holds multiple machine provisioning info results.
   582  type ProvisioningInfoResults struct {
   583  	Results []ProvisioningInfoResult
   584  }
   586  // Metric holds a single metric.
   587  type Metric struct {
   588  	Key   string
   589  	Value string
   590  	Time  time.Time
   591  }
   593  // MetricsParam contains the metrics for a single unit.
   594  type MetricsParam struct {
   595  	Tag     string
   596  	Metrics []Metric
   597  }
   599  // MetricsParams contains the metrics for multiple units.
   600  type MetricsParams struct {
   601  	Metrics []MetricsParam
   602  }
   604  // MetricBatch is a list of metrics with metadata.
   605  type MetricBatch struct {
   606  	UUID     string
   607  	CharmURL string
   608  	Created  time.Time
   609  	Metrics  []Metric
   610  }
   612  // MetricBatchParam contains a single metric batch.
   613  type MetricBatchParam struct {
   614  	Tag   string
   615  	Batch MetricBatch
   616  }
   618  // MetricBatchParams contains multiple metric batches.
   619  type MetricBatchParams struct {
   620  	Batches []MetricBatchParam
   621  }
   623  // MeterStatusResult holds unit meter status or error.
   624  type MeterStatusResult struct {
   625  	Code  string
   626  	Info  string
   627  	Error *Error
   628  }
   630  // MeterStatusResults holds meter status results for multiple units.
   631  type MeterStatusResults struct {
   632  	Results []MeterStatusResult
   633  }
   635  // SingularClaim represents a request for exclusive model administration access
   636  // on the part of some controller.
   637  type SingularClaim struct {
   638  	ModelTag      string        `json:"ModelTag"`
   639  	ControllerTag string        `json:"ControllerTag"`
   640  	Duration      time.Duration `json:"Duration"`
   641  }
   643  // SingularClaims holds any number of SingularClaim~s.
   644  type SingularClaims struct {
   645  	Claims []SingularClaim `json:"Claims"`
   646  }
   648  // GUIArchiveVersion holds information on a specific GUI archive version.
   649  type GUIArchiveVersion struct {
   650  	// Version holds the Juju GUI version number.
   651  	Version version.Number `json:"version"`
   652  	// SHA256 holds the SHA256 hash of the GUI tar.bz2 archive.
   653  	SHA256 string `json:"sha256"`
   654  	// Current holds whether this specific version is the current one served
   655  	// by the controller.
   656  	Current bool `json:"current"`
   657  }
   659  // GUIArchiveResponse holds the response to /gui-archive GET requests.
   660  type GUIArchiveResponse struct {
   661  	Versions []GUIArchiveVersion `json:"versions"`
   662  }
   664  // GUIVersionRequest holds the body for /gui-version PUT requests.
   665  type GUIVersionRequest struct {
   666  	// Version holds the Juju GUI version number.
   667  	Version version.Number `json:"version"`
   668  }