
     1  // Copyright 2012, 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package commands
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io"
     9  	"io/ioutil"
    10  	"os"
    11  	"path/filepath"
    12  	"runtime"
    13  	"strings"
    14  	"time"
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	jc ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	jujuos ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	gc ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	cmdtesting ""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	sstesting ""
    41  	""
    42  	envtesting ""
    43  	envtools ""
    44  	toolstesting ""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  	""
    53  	coretesting ""
    54  	coretools ""
    55  	jujuversion ""
    56  )
    58  type BootstrapSuite struct {
    59  	coretesting.FakeJujuXDGDataHomeSuite
    60  	testing.MgoSuite
    61  	envtesting.ToolsFixture
    62  	mockBlockClient *mockBlockClient
    63  	store           *jujuclienttesting.MemStore
    64  }
    66  var _ = gc.Suite(&BootstrapSuite{})
    68  func init() {
    69  	dummyProvider, err := environs.Provider("dummy")
    70  	if err != nil {
    71  		panic(err)
    72  	}
    73  	environs.RegisterProvider("no-cloud-region-detection", noCloudRegionDetectionProvider{})
    74  	environs.RegisterProvider("no-cloud-regions", noCloudRegionsProvider{dummyProvider})
    75  	environs.RegisterProvider("no-credentials", noCredentialsProvider{})
    76  	environs.RegisterProvider("many-credentials", manyCredentialsProvider{})
    77  }
    79  func (s *BootstrapSuite) SetUpSuite(c *gc.C) {
    80  	s.FakeJujuXDGDataHomeSuite.SetUpSuite(c)
    81  	s.MgoSuite.SetUpSuite(c)
    82  	s.PatchValue(&juju.JujuPublicKey, sstesting.SignedMetadataPublicKey)
    83  }
    85  func (s *BootstrapSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
    86  	s.FakeJujuXDGDataHomeSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    87  	s.MgoSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    88  	s.ToolsFixture.SetUpTest(c)
    90  	// Set jujuversion.Current to a known value, for which we
    91  	// will make tools available. Individual tests may
    92  	// override this.
    93  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, v100p64.Number)
    94  	s.PatchValue(&arch.HostArch, func() string { return v100p64.Arch })
    95  	s.PatchValue(&series.HostSeries, func() string { return v100p64.Series })
    96  	s.PatchValue(&jujuos.HostOS, func() jujuos.OSType { return jujuos.Ubuntu })
    98  	// Set up a local source with tools.
    99  	sourceDir := createToolsSource(c, vAll)
   100  	s.PatchValue(&envtools.DefaultBaseURL, sourceDir)
   102  	s.PatchValue(&envtools.BundleTools, toolstesting.GetMockBundleTools(c))
   104  	s.mockBlockClient = &mockBlockClient{}
   105  	s.PatchValue(&blockAPI, func(c *modelcmd.ModelCommandBase) (block.BlockListAPI, error) {
   106  		err := s.mockBlockClient.loginError
   107  		if err != nil {
   108  			s.mockBlockClient.loginError = nil
   109  			return nil, err
   110  		}
   111  		if s.mockBlockClient.discoveringSpacesError > 0 {
   112  			s.mockBlockClient.discoveringSpacesError -= 1
   113  			return nil, errors.New("spaces are still being discovered")
   114  		}
   115  		return s.mockBlockClient, nil
   116  	})
   118  	// TODO(wallyworld) - add test data when tests are improved
   119 = jujuclienttesting.NewMemStore()
   120  }
   122  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TearDownSuite(c *gc.C) {
   123  	s.MgoSuite.TearDownSuite(c)
   124  	s.FakeJujuXDGDataHomeSuite.TearDownSuite(c)
   125  }
   127  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TearDownTest(c *gc.C) {
   128  	s.ToolsFixture.TearDownTest(c)
   129  	s.MgoSuite.TearDownTest(c)
   130  	s.FakeJujuXDGDataHomeSuite.TearDownTest(c)
   131  	dummy.Reset(c)
   132  }
   134  func (s *BootstrapSuite) newBootstrapCommand() cmd.Command {
   135  	c := &bootstrapCommand{}
   136  	c.SetClientStore(
   137  	return modelcmd.Wrap(c)
   138  }
   140  type mockBlockClient struct {
   141  	retryCount             int
   142  	numRetries             int
   143  	discoveringSpacesError int
   144  	loginError             error
   145  }
   147  var errOther = errors.New("other error")
   149  func (c *mockBlockClient) List() ([]params.Block, error) {
   150  	c.retryCount += 1
   151  	if c.retryCount == 5 {
   152  		return nil, &rpc.RequestError{Message: params.CodeUpgradeInProgress, Code: params.CodeUpgradeInProgress}
   153  	}
   154  	if c.numRetries < 0 {
   155  		return nil, errOther
   156  	}
   157  	if c.retryCount < c.numRetries {
   158  		return nil, &rpc.RequestError{Message: params.CodeUpgradeInProgress, Code: params.CodeUpgradeInProgress}
   159  	}
   160  	return []params.Block{}, nil
   161  }
   163  func (c *mockBlockClient) Close() error {
   164  	return nil
   165  }
   167  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapAPIReadyRetries(c *gc.C) {
   168  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollDelay, 1*time.Millisecond)
   169  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollCount, 5)
   170  	defaultSeriesVersion := jujuversion.Current
   171  	// Force a dev version by having a non zero build number.
   172  	// This is because we have not uploaded any tools and auto
   173  	// upload is only enabled for dev versions.
   174  	defaultSeriesVersion.Build = 1234
   175  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, defaultSeriesVersion)
   176  	for _, t := range []struct {
   177  		numRetries int
   178  		err        error
   179  	}{
   180  		{0, nil}, // agent ready immediately
   181  		{2, nil}, // agent ready after 2 polls
   182  		{6, &rpc.RequestError{
   183  			Message: params.CodeUpgradeInProgress,
   184  			Code:    params.CodeUpgradeInProgress,
   185  		}}, // agent ready after 6 polls but that's too long
   186  		{-1, errOther}, // another error is returned
   187  	} {
   188  		resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   189  		dummy.Reset(c)
   190 = jujuclienttesting.NewMemStore()
   192  		s.mockBlockClient.numRetries = t.numRetries
   193  		s.mockBlockClient.retryCount = 0
   194  		_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
   195  			c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   196  			"devcontroller", "dummy", "--auto-upgrade",
   197  		)
   198  		c.Check(errors.Cause(err), gc.DeepEquals, t.err)
   199  		expectedRetries := t.numRetries
   200  		if t.numRetries <= 0 {
   201  			expectedRetries = 1
   202  		}
   203  		// Only retry maximum of bootstrapReadyPollCount times.
   204  		if expectedRetries > 5 {
   205  			expectedRetries = 5
   206  		}
   207  		c.Check(s.mockBlockClient.retryCount, gc.Equals, expectedRetries)
   208  	}
   209  }
   211  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapAPIReadyWaitsForSpaceDiscovery(c *gc.C) {
   212  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollDelay, 1*time.Millisecond)
   213  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollCount, 5)
   214  	defaultSeriesVersion := jujuversion.Current
   215  	// Force a dev version by having a non zero build number.
   216  	// This is because we have not uploaded any tools and auto
   217  	// upload is only enabled for dev versions.
   218  	defaultSeriesVersion.Build = 1234
   219  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, defaultSeriesVersion)
   220  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   222  	s.mockBlockClient.discoveringSpacesError = 2
   223  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   224  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   225  	c.Assert(s.mockBlockClient.discoveringSpacesError, gc.Equals, 0)
   226  }
   228  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapAPIReadyRetriesWithOpenEOFErr(c *gc.C) {
   229  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollDelay, 1*time.Millisecond)
   230  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollCount, 5)
   231  	defaultSeriesVersion := jujuversion.Current
   232  	// Force a dev version by having a non zero build number.
   233  	// This is because we have not uploaded any tools and auto
   234  	// upload is only enabled for dev versions.
   235  	defaultSeriesVersion.Build = 1234
   236  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, defaultSeriesVersion)
   237  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   239  	s.mockBlockClient.numRetries = 0
   240  	s.mockBlockClient.retryCount = 0
   241  	s.mockBlockClient.loginError = io.EOF
   242  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   243  	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   245  	c.Check(s.mockBlockClient.retryCount, gc.Equals, 1)
   246  }
   248  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapAPIReadyStopsRetriesWithOpenErr(c *gc.C) {
   249  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollDelay, 1*time.Millisecond)
   250  	s.PatchValue(&bootstrapReadyPollCount, 5)
   251  	defaultSeriesVersion := jujuversion.Current
   252  	// Force a dev version by having a non zero build number.
   253  	// This is because we have not uploaded any tools and auto
   254  	// upload is only enabled for dev versions.
   255  	defaultSeriesVersion.Build = 1234
   256  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, defaultSeriesVersion)
   258  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   260  	s.mockBlockClient.numRetries = 0
   261  	s.mockBlockClient.retryCount = 0
   262  	s.mockBlockClient.loginError = errors.NewUnauthorized(nil, "")
   263  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   264  	c.Check(err, jc.Satisfies, errors.IsUnauthorized)
   266  	c.Check(s.mockBlockClient.retryCount, gc.Equals, 0)
   267  }
   269  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestRunTests(c *gc.C) {
   270  	for i, test := range bootstrapTests {
   271  		c.Logf("\ntest %d: %s", i,
   272  		restore :=, test)
   273  		restore()
   274  	}
   275  }
   277  type bootstrapTest struct {
   278  	info string
   279  	// binary version string used to set jujuversion.Current
   280  	version string
   281  	sync    bool
   282  	args    []string
   283  	err     string
   284  	// binary version string for expected tools; if set, no default tools
   285  	// will be uploaded before running the test.
   286  	upload               string
   287  	constraints          constraints.Value
   288  	bootstrapConstraints constraints.Value
   289  	placement            string
   290  	hostArch             string
   291  	keepBroken           bool
   292  }
   294  func (s *BootstrapSuite) patchVersionAndSeries(c *gc.C, hostSeries string) {
   295  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   296  	s.PatchValue(&series.HostSeries, func() string { return hostSeries })
   297  	s.patchVersion(c)
   298  }
   300  func (s *BootstrapSuite) patchVersion(c *gc.C) {
   301  	// Force a dev version by having a non zero build number.
   302  	// This is because we have not uploaded any tools and auto
   303  	// upload is only enabled for dev versions.
   304  	num := jujuversion.Current
   305  	num.Build = 1234
   306  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, num)
   307  }
   309  func (s *BootstrapSuite) run(c *gc.C, test bootstrapTest) testing.Restorer {
   310  	// Create home with dummy provider and remove all
   311  	// of its envtools.
   312  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   313  	dummy.Reset(c)
   315  	var restore testing.Restorer = func() {
   316 = jujuclienttesting.NewMemStore()
   317  	}
   318  	if test.version != "" {
   319  		useVersion := strings.Replace(test.version, "%LTS%", config.LatestLtsSeries(), 1)
   320  		v := version.MustParseBinary(useVersion)
   321  		restore = restore.Add(testing.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, v.Number))
   322  		restore = restore.Add(testing.PatchValue(&arch.HostArch, func() string { return v.Arch }))
   323  		restore = restore.Add(testing.PatchValue(&series.HostSeries, func() string { return v.Series }))
   324  	}
   326  	if test.hostArch != "" {
   327  		restore = restore.Add(testing.PatchValue(&arch.HostArch, func() string { return test.hostArch }))
   328  	}
   330  	controllerName := "peckham-controller"
   331  	cloudName := "dummy"
   333  	// Run command and check for uploads.
   334  	args := append([]string{
   335  		controllerName, cloudName,
   336  		"--config", "default-series=raring",
   337  	}, test.args...)
   338  	opc, errc := cmdtesting.RunCommand(cmdtesting.NullContext(c), s.newBootstrapCommand(), args...)
   339  	// Check for remaining operations/errors.
   340  	if test.err != "" {
   341  		err := <-errc
   342  		c.Assert(err, gc.NotNil)
   343  		stripped := strings.Replace(err.Error(), "\n", "", -1)
   344  		c.Check(stripped, gc.Matches, test.err)
   345  		return restore
   346  	}
   347  	if !c.Check(<-errc, gc.IsNil) {
   348  		return restore
   349  	}
   351  	opBootstrap := (<-opc).(dummy.OpBootstrap)
   352  	c.Check(opBootstrap.Env, gc.Equals, "admin")
   353  	c.Check(opBootstrap.Args.ModelConstraints, gc.DeepEquals, test.constraints)
   354  	if test.bootstrapConstraints == (constraints.Value{}) {
   355  		test.bootstrapConstraints = test.constraints
   356  	}
   357  	c.Check(opBootstrap.Args.BootstrapConstraints, gc.DeepEquals, test.bootstrapConstraints)
   358  	c.Check(opBootstrap.Args.Placement, gc.Equals, test.placement)
   360  	opFinalizeBootstrap := (<-opc).(dummy.OpFinalizeBootstrap)
   361  	c.Check(opFinalizeBootstrap.Env, gc.Equals, "admin")
   362  	c.Check(opFinalizeBootstrap.InstanceConfig.ToolsList(), gc.Not(gc.HasLen), 0)
   363  	if test.upload != "" {
   364  		c.Check(opFinalizeBootstrap.InstanceConfig.AgentVersion().String(), gc.Equals, test.upload)
   365  	}
   367  	expectedBootstrappedControllerName := bootstrappedControllerName(controllerName)
   369  	// Check controllers.yaml controller details.
   370  	addrConnectedTo := []string{"localhost:17070"}
   372  	controller, err :=
   373  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   374  	c.Assert(controller.CACert, gc.Not(gc.Equals), "")
   375  	c.Assert(controller.UnresolvedAPIEndpoints, gc.DeepEquals, addrConnectedTo)
   376  	c.Assert(controller.APIEndpoints, gc.DeepEquals, addrConnectedTo)
   377  	c.Assert(utils.IsValidUUIDString(controller.ControllerUUID), jc.IsTrue)
   379  	// Controller model should be called "admin".
   380  	controllerModel, err :=, "admin@local", "admin")
   381  	c.Assert(controllerModel.ModelUUID, gc.Equals, controller.ControllerUUID)
   382  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   384  	// Bootstrap config should have been saved, and should only contain
   385  	// the type, name, and any user-supplied configuration.
   386  	bootstrapConfig, err :=
   387  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   388  	c.Assert(bootstrapConfig.Cloud, gc.Equals, "dummy")
   389  	c.Assert(bootstrapConfig.Credential, gc.Equals, "")
   390  	c.Assert(bootstrapConfig.Config, jc.DeepEquals, map[string]interface{}{
   391  		"name":           "admin",
   392  		"type":           "dummy",
   393  		"default-series": "raring",
   394  	})
   396  	return restore
   397  }
   399  var bootstrapTests = []bootstrapTest{{
   400  	info: "no args, no error, no upload, no constraints",
   401  }, {
   402  	info: "bad --constraints",
   403  	args: []string{"--constraints", "bad=wrong"},
   404  	err:  `invalid value "bad=wrong" for flag --constraints: unknown constraint "bad"`,
   405  }, {
   406  	info: "conflicting --constraints",
   407  	args: []string{"--constraints", "instance-type=foo mem=4G"},
   408  	err:  `ambiguous constraints: "instance-type" overlaps with "mem"`,
   409  }, {
   410  	info:    "bad model",
   411  	version: "1.2.3-%LTS%-amd64",
   412  	args:    []string{"--config", "broken=Bootstrap Destroy", "--auto-upgrade"},
   413  	err:     `failed to bootstrap model: dummy.Bootstrap is broken`,
   414  }, {
   415  	info:        "constraints",
   416  	args:        []string{"--constraints", "mem=4G cpu-cores=4"},
   417  	constraints: constraints.MustParse("mem=4G cpu-cores=4"),
   418  }, {
   419  	info:                 "bootstrap and environ constraints",
   420  	args:                 []string{"--constraints", "mem=4G cpu-cores=4", "--bootstrap-constraints", "mem=8G"},
   421  	constraints:          constraints.MustParse("mem=4G cpu-cores=4"),
   422  	bootstrapConstraints: constraints.MustParse("mem=8G cpu-cores=4"),
   423  }, {
   424  	info:        "unsupported constraint passed through but no error",
   425  	args:        []string{"--constraints", "mem=4G cpu-cores=4 cpu-power=10"},
   426  	constraints: constraints.MustParse("mem=4G cpu-cores=4 cpu-power=10"),
   427  }, {
   428  	info:        "--upload-tools uses arch from constraint if it matches current version",
   429  	version:     "1.3.3-saucy-ppc64el",
   430  	hostArch:    "ppc64el",
   431  	args:        []string{"--upload-tools", "--constraints", "arch=ppc64el"},
   432  	upload:      "", // from jujuversion.Current
   433  	constraints: constraints.MustParse("arch=ppc64el"),
   434  }, {
   435  	info:     "--upload-tools rejects mismatched arch",
   436  	version:  "1.3.3-saucy-amd64",
   437  	hostArch: "amd64",
   438  	args:     []string{"--upload-tools", "--constraints", "arch=ppc64el"},
   439  	err:      `failed to bootstrap model: cannot build tools for "ppc64el" using a machine running on "amd64"`,
   440  }, {
   441  	info:     "--upload-tools rejects non-supported arch",
   442  	version:  "1.3.3-saucy-mips64",
   443  	hostArch: "mips64",
   444  	args:     []string{"--upload-tools"},
   445  	err:      `failed to bootstrap model: model "admin" of type dummy does not support instances running on "mips64"`,
   446  }, {
   447  	info:     "--upload-tools always bumps build number",
   448  	version:  "",
   449  	hostArch: "amd64",
   450  	args:     []string{"--upload-tools"},
   451  	upload:   "",
   452  }, {
   453  	info:      "placement",
   454  	args:      []string{"--to", "something"},
   455  	placement: "something",
   456  }, {
   457  	info:       "keep broken",
   458  	args:       []string{"--keep-broken"},
   459  	keepBroken: true,
   460  }, {
   461  	info: "additional args",
   462  	args: []string{"anything", "else"},
   463  	err:  `unrecognized args: \["anything" "else"\]`,
   464  }, {
   465  	info: "--agent-version with --upload-tools",
   466  	args: []string{"--agent-version", "1.1.0", "--upload-tools"},
   467  	err:  `--agent-version and --upload-tools can't be used together`,
   468  }, {
   469  	info: "invalid --agent-version value",
   470  	args: []string{"--agent-version", "foo"},
   471  	err:  `invalid version "foo"`,
   472  }, {
   473  	info:    "agent-version doesn't match client version major",
   474  	version: "1.3.3-saucy-ppc64el",
   475  	args:    []string{"--agent-version", "2.3.0"},
   476  	err:     `requested agent version major.minor mismatch`,
   477  }, {
   478  	info:    "agent-version doesn't match client version minor",
   479  	version: "1.3.3-saucy-ppc64el",
   480  	args:    []string{"--agent-version", "1.4.0"},
   481  	err:     `requested agent version major.minor mismatch`,
   482  }}
   484  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestRunControllerNameMissing(c *gc.C) {
   485  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand())
   486  	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "controller name and cloud name are required")
   487  }
   489  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestRunCloudNameMissing(c *gc.C) {
   490  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "my-controller")
   491  	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "controller name and cloud name are required")
   492  }
   494  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestCheckProviderProvisional(c *gc.C) {
   495  	err := checkProviderType("devcontroller")
   496  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   498  	for name, flag := range provisionalProviders {
   499  		// vsphere is disabled for gccgo. See lp:1440940.
   500  		if name == "vsphere" && runtime.Compiler == "gccgo" {
   501  			continue
   502  		}
   503  		c.Logf(" - trying %q -", name)
   504  		err := checkProviderType(name)
   505  		c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, ".* provider is provisional .* set JUJU_DEV_FEATURE_FLAGS=.*")
   507  		err = os.Setenv(osenv.JujuFeatureFlagEnvKey, flag)
   508  		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   509  		err = checkProviderType(name)
   510  		c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   511  	}
   512  }
   514  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapTwice(c *gc.C) {
   515  	const controllerName = "dev"
   516  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   518  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), controllerName, "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   519  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   521  	_, err = coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), controllerName, "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   522  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `controller "" already exists`)
   523  }
   525  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapSetsCurrentModel(c *gc.C) {
   526  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   528  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   529  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   530  	currentController, err := modelcmd.ReadCurrentController()
   531  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   532  	c.Assert(currentController, gc.Equals, bootstrappedControllerName("devcontroller"))
   533  	modelName, err :=, "admin@local")
   534  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   535  	c.Assert(modelName, gc.Equals, "default")
   536  }
   538  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapDefaultModel(c *gc.C) {
   539  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   541  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   542  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   543  		return &bootstrap
   544  	})
   546  	coretesting.RunCommand(
   547  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   548  		"devcontroller", "dummy",
   549  		"--auto-upgrade",
   550  		"--default-model", "mymodel",
   551  		"--config", "foo=bar",
   552  	)
   553  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.HostedModelConfig["name"], gc.Equals, "mymodel")
   554  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.HostedModelConfig["foo"], gc.Equals, "bar")
   555  }
   557  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapDefaultConfigStripsProcessedAttributes(c *gc.C) {
   558  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   560  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   561  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   562  		return &bootstrap
   563  	})
   565  	fakeSSHFile := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "ssh")
   566  	err := ioutil.WriteFile(fakeSSHFile, []byte("ssh-key"), 0600)
   567  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   568  	coretesting.RunCommand(
   569  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   570  		"devcontroller", "dummy",
   571  		"--auto-upgrade",
   572  		"--config", "authorized-keys-path="+fakeSSHFile,
   573  	)
   574  	_, ok := bootstrap.args.HostedModelConfig["authorized-keys-path"]
   575  	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsFalse)
   576  }
   578  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapDefaultConfigStripsInheritedAttributes(c *gc.C) {
   579  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   581  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   582  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   583  		return &bootstrap
   584  	})
   586  	fakeSSHFile := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "ssh")
   587  	err := ioutil.WriteFile(fakeSSHFile, []byte("ssh-key"), 0600)
   588  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   589  	coretesting.RunCommand(
   590  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   591  		"devcontroller", "dummy",
   592  		"--auto-upgrade",
   593  		"--config", "authorized-keys=ssh-key",
   594  		"--config", "agent-version=1.19.0",
   595  	)
   596  	_, ok := bootstrap.args.HostedModelConfig["authorized-keys"]
   597  	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsFalse)
   598  	_, ok = bootstrap.args.HostedModelConfig["agent-version"]
   599  	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsFalse)
   600  }
   602  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapWithGUI(c *gc.C) {
   603  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   604  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   606  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   607  		return &bootstrap
   608  	})
   609  	coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy")
   610  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.GUIDataSourceBaseURL, gc.Equals, gui.DefaultBaseURL)
   611  }
   613  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapWithCustomizedGUI(c *gc.C) {
   614  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   615  	s.PatchEnvironment("JUJU_GUI_SIMPLESTREAMS_URL", "")
   617  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   618  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   619  		return &bootstrap
   620  	})
   622  	coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy")
   623  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.GUIDataSourceBaseURL, gc.Equals, "")
   624  }
   626  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapWithoutGUI(c *gc.C) {
   627  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   628  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   630  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   631  		return &bootstrap
   632  	})
   633  	coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy", "--no-gui")
   634  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.GUIDataSourceBaseURL, gc.Equals, "")
   635  }
   637  type mockBootstrapInstance struct {
   638  	instance.Instance
   639  }
   641  func (*mockBootstrapInstance) Addresses() ([]network.Address, error) {
   642  	return []network.Address{{Value: "localhost"}}, nil
   643  }
   645  // In the case where we cannot examine the client store, we want the
   646  // error to propagate back up to the user.
   647  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapPropagatesStoreErrors(c *gc.C) {
   648  	const controllerName = "devcontroller"
   649  	bootstrappedControllerName(controllerName)
   650  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   652  	store := jujuclienttesting.NewStubStore()
   653  	store.SetErrors(errors.New("oh noes"))
   654  	cmd := &bootstrapCommand{}
   655  	cmd.SetClientStore(store)
   656  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, modelcmd.Wrap(cmd), controllerName, "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   657  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `loading credentials: oh noes`)
   658  }
   660  // When attempting to bootstrap, check that when prepare errors out,
   661  // bootstrap will stop immediately. Nothing will be destroyed.
   662  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapFailToPrepareDiesGracefully(c *gc.C) {
   664  	destroyed := false
   665  	s.PatchValue(&environsDestroy, func(string, environs.Environ, jujuclient.ControllerRemover) error {
   666  		destroyed = true
   667  		return nil
   668  	})
   670  	s.PatchValue(&environsPrepare, func(
   671  		environs.BootstrapContext,
   672  		jujuclient.ClientStore,
   673  		environs.PrepareParams,
   674  	) (environs.Environ, error) {
   675  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mock-prepare")
   676  	})
   678  	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
   679  	_, errc := cmdtesting.RunCommand(
   680  		ctx, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   681  		"devcontroller", "dummy",
   682  	)
   683  	c.Check(<-errc, gc.ErrorMatches, ".*mock-prepare$")
   684  	c.Check(destroyed, jc.IsFalse)
   685  }
   687  func (s *BootstrapSuite) writeControllerModelAccountInfo(c *gc.C, controller, model, account string) {
   688  	err :=, jujuclient.ControllerDetails{
   689  		CACert:         "x",
   690  		ControllerUUID: "y",
   691  	})
   692  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   693  	err = modelcmd.WriteCurrentController(controller)
   694  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   695  	err =, account, jujuclient.AccountDetails{
   696  		User:     account,
   697  		Password: "secret",
   698  	})
   699  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   700  	err =, account)
   701  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   702  	err =, account, model, jujuclient.ModelDetails{
   703  		ModelUUID: "model-uuid",
   704  	})
   705  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   706  	err =, account, model)
   707  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   708  }
   710  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapErrorRestoresOldMetadata(c *gc.C) {
   711  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   712  	s.PatchValue(&environsPrepare, func(
   713  		environs.BootstrapContext,
   714  		jujuclient.ClientStore,
   715  		environs.PrepareParams,
   716  	) (environs.Environ, error) {
   717  		s.writeControllerModelAccountInfo(c, "foo", "bar", "foobar@local")
   718  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mock-prepare")
   719  	})
   721  	s.writeControllerModelAccountInfo(c, "local.olddevcontroller", "fredmodel", "fred@local")
   722  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "devcontroller", "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   723  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "mock-prepare")
   725  	oldCurrentController, err := modelcmd.ReadCurrentController()
   726  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   727  	c.Assert(oldCurrentController, gc.Equals, bootstrappedControllerName("olddevcontroller"))
   728  	oldCurrentAccount, err :=
   729  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   730  	c.Assert(oldCurrentAccount, gc.Equals, "fred@local")
   731  	oldCurrentModel, err :=, oldCurrentAccount)
   732  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   733  	c.Assert(oldCurrentModel, gc.Equals, "fredmodel")
   734  }
   736  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapAlreadyExists(c *gc.C) {
   737  	const controllerName = "devcontroller"
   738  	expectedBootstrappedName := bootstrappedControllerName(controllerName)
   739  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
   741  	s.writeControllerModelAccountInfo(c, "local.devcontroller", "fredmodel", "fred@local")
   743  	ctx := coretesting.Context(c)
   744  	_, errc := cmdtesting.RunCommand(ctx, s.newBootstrapCommand(), controllerName, "dummy", "--auto-upgrade")
   745  	err := <-errc
   746  	c.Assert(err, jc.Satisfies, errors.IsAlreadyExists)
   747  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, fmt.Sprintf(`controller %q already exists`, expectedBootstrappedName))
   748  	currentController, err := modelcmd.ReadCurrentController()
   749  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   750  	c.Assert(currentController, gc.Equals, "local.devcontroller")
   751  	currentAccount, err :=
   752  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   753  	c.Assert(currentAccount, gc.Equals, "fred@local")
   754  	currentModel, err :=, currentAccount)
   755  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   756  	c.Assert(currentModel, gc.Equals, "fredmodel")
   757  }
   759  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestInvalidLocalSource(c *gc.C) {
   760  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, version.MustParse("1.2.0"))
   761  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   763  	// Bootstrap the controller with an invalid source.
   764  	// The command returns with an error.
   765  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
   766  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "--metadata-source", c.MkDir(),
   767  		"devcontroller", "dummy",
   768  	)
   769  	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `failed to bootstrap model: Juju cannot bootstrap because no tools are available for your model(.|\n)*`)
   770  }
   772  // createImageMetadata creates some image metadata in a local directory.
   773  func createImageMetadata(c *gc.C) (string, []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata) {
   774  	// Generate some image metadata.
   775  	im := []*imagemetadata.ImageMetadata{
   776  		{
   777  			Id:         "1234",
   778  			Arch:       "amd64",
   779  			Version:    "13.04",
   780  			RegionName: "region",
   781  			Endpoint:   "endpoint",
   782  		},
   783  	}
   784  	cloudSpec := &simplestreams.CloudSpec{
   785  		Region:   "region",
   786  		Endpoint: "endpoint",
   787  	}
   788  	sourceDir := c.MkDir()
   789  	sourceStor, err := filestorage.NewFileStorageWriter(sourceDir)
   790  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   791  	err = imagemetadata.MergeAndWriteMetadata("raring", im, cloudSpec, sourceStor)
   792  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   793  	return sourceDir, im
   794  }
   796  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapCalledWithMetadataDir(c *gc.C) {
   797  	sourceDir, _ := createImageMetadata(c)
   798  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   800  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   801  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   802  		return &bootstrap
   803  	})
   805  	coretesting.RunCommand(
   806  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   807  		"--metadata-source", sourceDir, "--constraints", "mem=4G",
   808  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   809  		"--config", "default-series=raring",
   810  	)
   811  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.MetadataDir, gc.Equals, sourceDir)
   812  }
   814  func (s *BootstrapSuite) checkBootstrapWithVersion(c *gc.C, vers, expect string) {
   815  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   817  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   818  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   819  		return &bootstrap
   820  	})
   822  	num := jujuversion.Current
   823  	num.Major = 2
   824  	num.Minor = 3
   825  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, num)
   826  	coretesting.RunCommand(
   827  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   828  		"--agent-version", vers,
   829  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   830  		"--config", "default-series=raring",
   831  	)
   832  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.AgentVersion, gc.NotNil)
   833  	c.Assert(*bootstrap.args.AgentVersion, gc.Equals, version.MustParse(expect))
   834  }
   836  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapWithVersionNumber(c *gc.C) {
   837  	s.checkBootstrapWithVersion(c, "2.3.4", "2.3.4")
   838  }
   840  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapWithBinaryVersionNumber(c *gc.C) {
   841  	s.checkBootstrapWithVersion(c, "2.3.4-trusty-ppc64", "2.3.4")
   842  }
   844  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapWithAutoUpgrade(c *gc.C) {
   845  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   847  	var bootstrap fakeBootstrapFuncs
   848  	s.PatchValue(&getBootstrapFuncs, func() BootstrapInterface {
   849  		return &bootstrap
   850  	})
   851  	coretesting.RunCommand(
   852  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   853  		"--auto-upgrade",
   854  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   855  	)
   856  	c.Assert(bootstrap.args.AgentVersion, gc.IsNil)
   857  }
   859  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestAutoSyncLocalSource(c *gc.C) {
   860  	sourceDir := createToolsSource(c, vAll)
   861  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, version.MustParse("1.2.0"))
   862  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   864  	// Bootstrap the controller with the valid source.
   865  	// The bootstrapping has to show no error, because the tools
   866  	// are automatically synchronized.
   867  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
   868  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "--metadata-source", sourceDir,
   869  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   870  	)
   871  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   873  	p, err := environs.Provider("dummy")
   874  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   875  	cfg, err := modelcmd.NewGetBootstrapConfigFunc("devcontroller")
   876  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   877  	env, err := p.PrepareForBootstrap(envtesting.BootstrapContext(c), cfg)
   878  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   880  	// Now check the available tools which are the 1.2.0 envtools.
   881  	checkTools(c, env, v120All)
   882  }
   884  func (s *BootstrapSuite) setupAutoUploadTest(c *gc.C, vers, ser string) {
   885  	s.PatchValue(&envtools.BundleTools, toolstesting.GetMockBundleTools(c))
   886  	sourceDir := createToolsSource(c, vAll)
   887  	s.PatchValue(&envtools.DefaultBaseURL, sourceDir)
   889  	// Change the tools location to be the test location and also
   890  	// the version and ensure their later restoring.
   891  	// Set the current version to be something for which there are no tools
   892  	// so we can test that an upload is forced.
   893  	s.PatchValue(&jujuversion.Current, version.MustParse(vers))
   894  	s.PatchValue(&series.HostSeries, func() string { return ser })
   896  	// Create home with dummy provider and remove all
   897  	// of its envtools.
   898  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   899  }
   901  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestAutoUploadAfterFailedSync(c *gc.C) {
   902  	s.PatchValue(&series.HostSeries, func() string { return config.LatestLtsSeries() })
   903  	s.setupAutoUploadTest(c, "1.7.3", "quantal")
   904  	// Run command and check for that upload has been run for tools matching
   905  	// the current juju version.
   906  	opc, errc := cmdtesting.RunCommand(
   907  		cmdtesting.NullContext(c), s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   908  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   909  		"--config", "default-series=raring",
   910  		"--auto-upgrade",
   911  	)
   912  	c.Assert(<-errc, gc.IsNil)
   913  	c.Check((<-opc).(dummy.OpBootstrap).Env, gc.Equals, "admin")
   914  	icfg := (<-opc).(dummy.OpFinalizeBootstrap).InstanceConfig
   915  	c.Assert(icfg, gc.NotNil)
   916  	c.Assert(icfg.AgentVersion().String(), gc.Equals, ""+arch.HostArch())
   917  }
   919  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestAutoUploadOnlyForDev(c *gc.C) {
   920  	s.setupAutoUploadTest(c, "1.8.3", "precise")
   921  	_, errc := cmdtesting.RunCommand(
   922  		cmdtesting.NullContext(c), s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   923  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   924  	)
   925  	err := <-errc
   926  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches,
   927  		"failed to bootstrap model: Juju cannot bootstrap because no tools are available for your model(.|\n)*")
   928  }
   930  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestMissingToolsError(c *gc.C) {
   931  	s.setupAutoUploadTest(c, "1.8.3", "precise")
   933  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   934  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   935  		"--config", "default-series=raring",
   936  	)
   937  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches,
   938  		"failed to bootstrap model: Juju cannot bootstrap because no tools are available for your model(.|\n)*")
   939  }
   941  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestMissingToolsUploadFailedError(c *gc.C) {
   943  	buildToolsTarballAlwaysFails := func(forceVersion *version.Number, stream string) (*sync.BuiltTools, error) {
   944  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("an error")
   945  	}
   947  	s.setupAutoUploadTest(c, "1.7.3", "precise")
   948  	s.PatchValue(&sync.BuildToolsTarball, buildToolsTarballAlwaysFails)
   950  	ctx, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
   951  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   952  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   953  		"--config", "default-series=raring",
   954  		"--config", "agent-stream=proposed",
   955  		"--auto-upgrade",
   956  	)
   958  	c.Check(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), gc.Equals, fmt.Sprintf(`
   959  Creating Juju controller "local.devcontroller" on dummy-cloud/region-1
   960  Bootstrapping model "admin"
   961  Starting new instance for initial controller
   962  Building tools to upload (
   963  `[1:], arch.HostArch()))
   964  	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to bootstrap model: cannot upload bootstrap tools: an error")
   965  }
   967  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapDestroy(c *gc.C) {
   968  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   969  	s.patchVersion(c)
   971  	opc, errc := cmdtesting.RunCommand(
   972  		cmdtesting.NullContext(c), s.newBootstrapCommand(),
   973  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
   974  		"--config", "broken=Bootstrap Destroy",
   975  		"--auto-upgrade",
   976  	)
   977  	err := <-errc
   978  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to bootstrap model: dummy.Bootstrap is broken")
   979  	var opDestroy *dummy.OpDestroy
   980  	for opDestroy == nil {
   981  		select {
   982  		case op := <-opc:
   983  			switch op := op.(type) {
   984  			case dummy.OpDestroy:
   985  				opDestroy = &op
   986  			}
   987  		default:
   988  			c.Error("expected call to env.Destroy")
   989  			return
   990  		}
   991  	}
   992  	c.Assert(opDestroy.Error, gc.ErrorMatches, "dummy.Destroy is broken")
   993  }
   995  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapKeepBroken(c *gc.C) {
   996  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
   997  	s.patchVersion(c)
   999  	opc, errc := cmdtesting.RunCommand(cmdtesting.NullContext(c), s.newBootstrapCommand(),
  1000  		"--keep-broken",
  1001  		"devcontroller", "dummy-cloud/region-1",
  1002  		"--config", "broken=Bootstrap Destroy",
  1003  		"--auto-upgrade",
  1004  	)
  1005  	err := <-errc
  1006  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to bootstrap model: dummy.Bootstrap is broken")
  1007  	done := false
  1008  	for !done {
  1009  		select {
  1010  		case op, ok := <-opc:
  1011  			if !ok {
  1012  				done = true
  1013  				break
  1014  			}
  1015  			switch op.(type) {
  1016  			case dummy.OpDestroy:
  1017  				c.Error("unexpected call to env.Destroy")
  1018  				break
  1019  			}
  1020  		default:
  1021  			break
  1022  		}
  1023  	}
  1024  }
  1026  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapUnknownCloudOrProvider(c *gc.C) {
  1027  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1028  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "no-such-provider")
  1029  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unknown cloud "no-such-provider", please try "juju update-clouds"`)
  1030  }
  1032  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapProviderNoRegionDetection(c *gc.C) {
  1033  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1034  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "no-cloud-region-detection")
  1035  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `unknown cloud "no-cloud-region-detection", please try "juju update-clouds"`)
  1036  }
  1038  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapProviderNoRegions(c *gc.C) {
  1039  	ctx, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
  1040  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "no-cloud-regions",
  1041  		"--config", "default-series=precise",
  1042  	)
  1043  	c.Check(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), gc.Matches, "Creating Juju controller \"local.ctrl\" on no-cloud-regions(.|\n)*")
  1044  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1045  }
  1047  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapCloudNoRegions(c *gc.C) {
  1048  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
  1049  	ctx, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
  1050  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "dummy-cloud-without-regions",
  1051  		"--config", "default-series=precise",
  1052  	)
  1053  	c.Check(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), gc.Matches, "Creating Juju controller \"local.ctrl\" on dummy-cloud-without-regions(.|\n)*")
  1054  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1055  }
  1057  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapCloudNoRegionsOneSpecified(c *gc.C) {
  1058  	resetJujuXDGDataHome(c)
  1059  	ctx, err := coretesting.RunCommand(
  1060  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "dummy-cloud-without-regions/my-region",
  1061  		"--config", "default-series=precise",
  1062  	)
  1063  	// If the cloud doesn't have any regions defined, we still allow the
  1064  	// user to pass a region through. This enables the manual provider to
  1065  	// take the bootstrap-host from the region name, and later, will
  1066  	// enable the lxd provider to take the lxd remote from the region
  1067  	// name.
  1068  	c.Check(coretesting.Stderr(ctx), gc.Matches,
  1069  		"Creating Juju controller \"local.ctrl\" on dummy-cloud-without-regions/my-region(.|\n)*")
  1070  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1071  }
  1073  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapProviderNoCredentials(c *gc.C) {
  1074  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1075  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "no-credentials")
  1076  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `detecting credentials for "no-credentials" cloud provider: credentials not found`)
  1077  }
  1079  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapProviderManyCredentials(c *gc.C) {
  1080  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1081  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "many-credentials")
  1082  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, ambiguousCredentialError.Error())
  1083  }
  1085  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapProviderDetectRegions(c *gc.C) {
  1086  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1087  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "dummy/not-dummy")
  1088  	c.Assert(err, gc.NotNil)
  1089  	errMsg := strings.Replace(err.Error(), "\n", "", -1)
  1090  	c.Assert(errMsg, gc.Matches, `region "not-dummy" in cloud "dummy" not found \(expected one of \["dummy"\]\)alternatively, try "juju update-clouds"`)
  1091  }
  1093  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapProviderCaseInsensitiveRegionCheck(c *gc.C) {
  1094  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1096  	var prepareParams environs.PrepareParams
  1097  	s.PatchValue(&environsPrepare, func(
  1098  		ctx environs.BootstrapContext,
  1099  		stor jujuclient.ClientStore,
  1100  		params environs.PrepareParams,
  1101  	) (environs.Environ, error) {
  1102  		prepareParams = params
  1103  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("mock-prepare")
  1104  	})
  1106  	_, err := coretesting.RunCommand(c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "dummy/DUMMY")
  1107  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "mock-prepare")
  1108  	c.Assert(prepareParams.CloudRegion, gc.Equals, "dummy")
  1109  }
  1111  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapConfigFile(c *gc.C) {
  1112  	tmpdir := c.MkDir()
  1113  	configFile := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "config.yaml")
  1114  	err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFile, []byte("controller: not-a-bool\n"), 0644)
  1115  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1117  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1118  	_, err = coretesting.RunCommand(
  1119  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "dummy",
  1120  		"--config", configFile,
  1121  	)
  1122  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `controller: expected bool, got string.*`)
  1123  }
  1125  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapMultipleConfigFiles(c *gc.C) {
  1126  	tmpdir := c.MkDir()
  1127  	configFile1 := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "config-1.yaml")
  1128  	err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFile1, []byte(
  1129  		"controller: not-a-bool\nbroken: Bootstrap\n",
  1130  	), 0644)
  1131  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1132  	configFile2 := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "config-2.yaml")
  1133  	err = ioutil.WriteFile(configFile2, []byte(
  1134  		"controller: false\n",
  1135  	), 0644)
  1137  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1138  	_, err = coretesting.RunCommand(
  1139  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "dummy",
  1140  		"--auto-upgrade",
  1141  		// the second config file should replace attributes
  1142  		// with the same name from the first, but leave the
  1143  		// others alone.
  1144  		"--config", configFile1,
  1145  		"--config", configFile2,
  1146  	)
  1147  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "failed to bootstrap model: dummy.Bootstrap is broken")
  1148  }
  1150  func (s *BootstrapSuite) TestBootstrapConfigFileAndAdHoc(c *gc.C) {
  1151  	tmpdir := c.MkDir()
  1152  	configFile := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "config.yaml")
  1153  	err := ioutil.WriteFile(configFile, []byte("controller: not-a-bool\n"), 0644)
  1154  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1156  	s.patchVersionAndSeries(c, "raring")
  1157  	_, err = coretesting.RunCommand(
  1158  		c, s.newBootstrapCommand(), "ctrl", "dummy",
  1159  		"--auto-upgrade",
  1160  		// Configuration specified on the command line overrides
  1161  		// anything specified in files, no matter what the order.
  1162  		"--config", "controller=false",
  1163  		"--config", configFile,
  1164  	)
  1165  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1166  }
  1168  // createToolsSource writes the mock tools and metadata into a temporary
  1169  // directory and returns it.
  1170  func createToolsSource(c *gc.C, versions []version.Binary) string {
  1171  	versionStrings := make([]string, len(versions))
  1172  	for i, vers := range versions {
  1173  		versionStrings[i] = vers.String()
  1174  	}
  1175  	source := c.MkDir()
  1176  	toolstesting.MakeTools(c, source, "released", versionStrings)
  1177  	return source
  1178  }
  1180  // resetJujuXDGDataHome restores an new, clean Juju home environment without tools.
  1181  func resetJujuXDGDataHome(c *gc.C) {
  1182  	jenvDir := testing.JujuXDGDataHomePath("models")
  1183  	err := os.RemoveAll(jenvDir)
  1184  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1186  	cloudsPath := cloud.JujuPersonalCloudsPath()
  1187  	err = ioutil.WriteFile(cloudsPath, []byte(`
  1188  clouds:
  1189      dummy-cloud:
  1190          type: dummy
  1191          regions:
  1192              region-1:
  1193              region-2:
  1194      dummy-cloud-without-regions:
  1195          type: dummy
  1196  `[1:]), 0644)
  1197  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1198  }
  1200  // checkTools check if the environment contains the passed envtools.
  1201  func checkTools(c *gc.C, env environs.Environ, expected []version.Binary) {
  1202  	list, err := envtools.FindTools(
  1203  		env, jujuversion.Current.Major, jujuversion.Current.Minor, "released", coretools.Filter{})
  1204  	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
  1205  	c.Logf("found: " + list.String())
  1206  	urls := list.URLs()
  1207  	c.Check(urls, gc.HasLen, len(expected))
  1208  }
  1210  var (
  1211  	v100d64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.0.0-raring-amd64")
  1212  	v100p64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.0.0-precise-amd64")
  1213  	v100q32 = version.MustParseBinary("1.0.0-quantal-i386")
  1214  	v100q64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.0.0-quantal-amd64")
  1215  	v120d64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.2.0-raring-amd64")
  1216  	v120p64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.2.0-precise-amd64")
  1217  	v120q32 = version.MustParseBinary("1.2.0-quantal-i386")
  1218  	v120q64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.2.0-quantal-amd64")
  1219  	v120t32 = version.MustParseBinary("1.2.0-trusty-i386")
  1220  	v120t64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.2.0-trusty-amd64")
  1221  	v190p32 = version.MustParseBinary("1.9.0-precise-i386")
  1222  	v190q64 = version.MustParseBinary("1.9.0-quantal-amd64")
  1223  	v200p64 = version.MustParseBinary("2.0.0-precise-amd64")
  1224  	v100All = []version.Binary{
  1225  		v100d64, v100p64, v100q64, v100q32,
  1226  	}
  1227  	v120All = []version.Binary{
  1228  		v120d64, v120p64, v120q64, v120q32, v120t32, v120t64,
  1229  	}
  1230  	v190All = []version.Binary{
  1231  		v190p32, v190q64,
  1232  	}
  1233  	v200All = []version.Binary{
  1234  		v200p64,
  1235  	}
  1236  	vAll = joinBinaryVersions(v100All, v120All, v190All, v200All)
  1237  )
  1239  func joinBinaryVersions(versions ...[]version.Binary) []version.Binary {
  1240  	var all []version.Binary
  1241  	for _, versions := range versions {
  1242  		all = append(all, versions...)
  1243  	}
  1244  	return all
  1245  }
  1247  // TODO(menn0): This fake BootstrapInterface implementation is
  1248  // currently quite minimal but could be easily extended to cover more
  1249  // test scenarios. This could help improve some of the tests in this
  1250  // file which execute large amounts of external functionality.
  1251  type fakeBootstrapFuncs struct {
  1252  	args bootstrap.BootstrapParams
  1253  }
  1255  func (fake *fakeBootstrapFuncs) Bootstrap(ctx environs.BootstrapContext, env environs.Environ, args bootstrap.BootstrapParams) error {
  1256  	fake.args = args
  1257  	return nil
  1258  }
  1260  type noCloudRegionDetectionProvider struct {
  1261  	environs.EnvironProvider
  1262  }
  1264  type noCloudRegionsProvider struct {
  1265  	environs.EnvironProvider
  1266  }
  1268  func (noCloudRegionsProvider) DetectRegions() ([]cloud.Region, error) {
  1269  	return nil, errors.NotFoundf("regions")
  1270  }
  1272  type noCredentialsProvider struct {
  1273  	environs.EnvironProvider
  1274  }
  1276  func (noCredentialsProvider) DetectRegions() ([]cloud.Region, error) {
  1277  	return []cloud.Region{{Name: "region"}}, nil
  1278  }
  1280  func (noCredentialsProvider) DetectCredentials() (*cloud.CloudCredential, error) {
  1281  	return nil, errors.NotFoundf("credentials")
  1282  }
  1284  type manyCredentialsProvider struct {
  1285  	environs.EnvironProvider
  1286  }
  1288  func (manyCredentialsProvider) DetectRegions() ([]cloud.Region, error) {
  1289  	return []cloud.Region{{Name: "region"}}, nil
  1290  }
  1292  func (manyCredentialsProvider) DetectCredentials() (*cloud.CloudCredential, error) {
  1293  	return &cloud.CloudCredential{
  1294  		AuthCredentials: map[string]cloud.Credential{
  1295  			"one": {}, "two": {},
  1296  		},
  1297  	}, nil
  1298  }