
     1  // Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package commands
     6  import (
     7  	"io"
     8  	"io/ioutil"
     9  	"strings"
    11  	""
    12  	jc ""
    13  	gc ""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  type DebugLogSuite struct {
    21  	testing.FakeJujuXDGDataHomeSuite
    22  }
    24  var _ = gc.Suite(&DebugLogSuite{})
    26  func (s *DebugLogSuite) TestArgParsing(c *gc.C) {
    27  	for i, test := range []struct {
    28  		args     []string
    29  		expected api.DebugLogParams
    30  		errMatch string
    31  	}{
    32  		{
    33  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    34  				Backlog: 10,
    35  			},
    36  		}, {
    37  			args: []string{"-n0"},
    38  		}, {
    39  			args: []string{"--lines=50"},
    40  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    41  				Backlog: 50,
    42  			},
    43  		}, {
    44  			args:     []string{"-l", "foo"},
    45  			errMatch: `level value "foo" is not one of "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"`,
    46  		}, {
    47  			args: []string{"--level=INFO"},
    48  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    49  				Backlog: 10,
    50  				Level:   loggo.INFO,
    51  			},
    52  		}, {
    53  			args: []string{"--include", "machine-1", "-i", "machine-2"},
    54  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    55  				IncludeEntity: []string{"machine-1", "machine-2"},
    56  				Backlog:       10,
    57  			},
    58  		}, {
    59  			args: []string{"--exclude", "machine-1", "-x", "machine-2"},
    60  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    61  				ExcludeEntity: []string{"machine-1", "machine-2"},
    62  				Backlog:       10,
    63  			},
    64  		}, {
    65  			args: []string{"--include-module", "", "--include-module", "unit"},
    66  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    67  				IncludeModule: []string{"", "unit"},
    68  				Backlog:       10,
    69  			},
    70  		}, {
    71  			args: []string{"--exclude-module", "", "--exclude-module", "unit"},
    72  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    73  				ExcludeModule: []string{"", "unit"},
    74  				Backlog:       10,
    75  			},
    76  		}, {
    77  			args: []string{"--replay"},
    78  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    79  				Backlog: 10,
    80  				Replay:  true,
    81  			},
    82  		}, {
    83  			args: []string{"--no-tail"},
    84  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    85  				Backlog: 10,
    86  				NoTail:  true,
    87  			},
    88  		}, {
    89  			args: []string{"--limit", "100"},
    90  			expected: api.DebugLogParams{
    91  				Backlog: 10,
    92  				Limit:   100,
    93  			},
    94  		},
    95  	} {
    96  		c.Logf("test %v", i)
    97  		command := &debugLogCommand{}
    98  		err := testing.InitCommand(modelcmd.Wrap(command), test.args)
    99  		if test.errMatch == "" {
   100  			c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   101  			c.Check(command.params, jc.DeepEquals, test.expected)
   102  		} else {
   103  			c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.errMatch)
   104  		}
   105  	}
   106  }
   108  func (s *DebugLogSuite) TestParamsPassed(c *gc.C) {
   109  	fake := &fakeDebugLogAPI{}
   110  	s.PatchValue(&getDebugLogAPI, func(_ *debugLogCommand) (DebugLogAPI, error) {
   111  		return fake, nil
   112  	})
   113  	_, err := testing.RunCommand(c, newDebugLogCommand(),
   114  		"-i", "machine-1*", "-x", "machine-1-lxc-1",
   115  		"--include-module=juju.provisioner",
   116  		"--lines=500",
   117  		"--level=WARNING",
   118  		"--no-tail",
   119  	)
   120  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   121  	c.Assert(fake.params, gc.DeepEquals, api.DebugLogParams{
   122  		IncludeEntity: []string{"machine-1*"},
   123  		IncludeModule: []string{"juju.provisioner"},
   124  		ExcludeEntity: []string{"machine-1-lxc-1"},
   125  		Backlog:       500,
   126  		Level:         loggo.WARNING,
   127  		NoTail:        true,
   128  	})
   129  }
   131  func (s *DebugLogSuite) TestLogOutput(c *gc.C) {
   132  	s.PatchValue(&getDebugLogAPI, func(_ *debugLogCommand) (DebugLogAPI, error) {
   133  		return &fakeDebugLogAPI{log: "this is the log output"}, nil
   134  	})
   135  	ctx, err := testing.RunCommand(c, newDebugLogCommand())
   136  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   137  	c.Assert(testing.Stdout(ctx), gc.Equals, "this is the log output")
   138  }
   140  func newFakeDebugLogAPI(log string) DebugLogAPI {
   141  	return &fakeDebugLogAPI{log: log}
   142  }
   144  type fakeDebugLogAPI struct {
   145  	log    string
   146  	params api.DebugLogParams
   147  	err    error
   148  }
   150  func (fake *fakeDebugLogAPI) WatchDebugLog(params api.DebugLogParams) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
   151  	if fake.err != nil {
   152  		return nil, fake.err
   153  	}
   154  	fake.params = params
   155  	return ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(fake.log)), nil
   156  }
   158  func (fake *fakeDebugLogAPI) Close() error {
   159  	return nil
   160  }