
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package machine
     6  import (
     7  	""
     8  	""
    10  	coreagent ""
    11  	""
    12  	apideployer ""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	workerstate ""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  )
    47  // ManifoldsConfig allows specialisation of the result of Manifolds.
    48  type ManifoldsConfig struct {
    49  	// Agent contains the agent that will be wrapped and made available to
    50  	// its dependencies via a dependency.Engine.
    51  	Agent coreagent.Agent
    53  	// AgentConfigChanged is set whenever the machine agent's config
    54  	// is updated.
    55  	AgentConfigChanged *voyeur.Value
    57  	// RootDir is the root directory that any worker that needs to
    58  	// access local filesystems should use as a base. In actual use it
    59  	// will be "" but it may be overriden in tests.
    60  	RootDir string
    62  	// PreviousAgentVersion passes through the version the machine
    63  	// agent was running before the current restart.
    64  	PreviousAgentVersion version.Number
    66  	// UpgradeStepsLock is passed to the upgrade steps gate to
    67  	// coordinate workers that shouldn't do anything until the
    68  	// upgrade-steps worker is done.
    69  	UpgradeStepsLock gate.Lock
    71  	// UpgradeCheckLock is passed to the upgrade check gate to
    72  	// coordinate workers that shouldn't do anything until the
    73  	// upgrader worker completes it's first check.
    74  	UpgradeCheckLock gate.Lock
    76  	// OpenState is function used by the state manifold to create a
    77  	// *state.State.
    78  	OpenState func(coreagent.Config) (*state.State, error)
    80  	// OpenStateForUpgrade is a function the upgradesteps worker can
    81  	// use to establish a connection to state.
    82  	OpenStateForUpgrade func() (*state.State, error)
    84  	// StartStateWorkers is function called by the stateworkers
    85  	// manifold to start workers which rely on a *state.State but
    86  	// which haven't been converted to run directly under the
    87  	// dependency engine yet. This will go once these workers have
    88  	// been converted.
    89  	StartStateWorkers func(*state.State) (worker.Worker, error)
    91  	// StartAPIWorkers is passed to the apiworkers manifold. It starts
    92  	// workers which rely on an API connection (which have not yet
    93  	// been converted to work directly with the dependency engine).
    94  	StartAPIWorkers func(api.Connection) (worker.Worker, error)
    96  	// PreUpgradeSteps is a function that is used by the upgradesteps
    97  	// worker to ensure that conditions are OK for an upgrade to
    98  	// proceed.
    99  	PreUpgradeSteps func(*state.State, coreagent.Config, bool, bool) error
   101  	// LogSource defines the channel type used to send log message
   102  	// structs within the machine agent.
   103  	LogSource logsender.LogRecordCh
   105  	// newDeployContext gives the tests the opportunity to create a deployer.Context
   106  	// that can be used for testing so as to avoid (1) deploying units to the system
   107  	// running the tests and (2) get access to the *State used internally, so that
   108  	// tests can be run without waiting for the 5s watcher refresh time to which we would
   109  	// otherwise be restricted.
   110  	NewDeployContext func(st *apideployer.State, agentConfig coreagent.Config) deployer.Context
   112  	// Clock is used by the storageprovisioner worker.
   113  	Clock clock.Clock
   114  }
   116  // Manifolds returns a set of co-configured manifolds covering the
   117  // various responsibilities of a machine agent.
   118  //
   119  // Thou Shalt Not Use String Literals In This Function. Or Else.
   120  func Manifolds(config ManifoldsConfig) dependency.Manifolds {
   122  	// connectFilter exists:
   123  	//  1) to let us retry api connections immediately on password change,
   124  	//     rather than causing the dependency engine to wait for a while;
   125  	//  2) to ensure that certain connection failures correctly trigger
   126  	//     complete agent removal. (It's not safe to let any agent other
   127  	//     than the machine mess around with SetCanUninstall).
   128  	connectFilter := func(err error) error {
   129  		cause := errors.Cause(err)
   130  		if cause == apicaller.ErrConnectImpossible {
   131  			err2 := coreagent.SetCanUninstall(config.Agent)
   132  			if err2 != nil {
   133  				return errors.Trace(err2)
   134  			}
   135  			return worker.ErrTerminateAgent
   136  		} else if cause == apicaller.ErrChangedPassword {
   137  			return dependency.ErrBounce
   138  		}
   139  		return err
   140  	}
   142  	return dependency.Manifolds{
   143  		// The agent manifold references the enclosing agent, and is the
   144  		// foundation stone on which most other manifolds ultimately depend.
   145  		agentName: agent.Manifold(config.Agent),
   147  		// The termination worker returns ErrTerminateAgent if a
   148  		// termination signal is received by the process it's running
   149  		// in. It has no inputs and its only output is the error it
   150  		// returns. It depends on the uninstall file having been
   151  		// written *by the manual provider* at install time; it would
   152  		// be Very Wrong Indeed to use SetCanUninstall in conjunction
   153  		// with this code.
   154  		terminationName: terminationworker.Manifold(),
   156  		// The stateconfigwatcher manifold watches the machine agent's
   157  		// configuration and reports if state serving info is
   158  		// present. It will bounce itself if state serving info is
   159  		// added or removed. It is intended as a dependency just for
   160  		// the state manifold.
   161  		stateConfigWatcherName: stateconfigwatcher.Manifold(stateconfigwatcher.ManifoldConfig{
   162  			AgentName:          agentName,
   163  			AgentConfigChanged: config.AgentConfigChanged,
   164  		}),
   166  		// The state manifold creates a *state.State and makes it
   167  		// available to other manifolds. It pings the mongodb session
   168  		// regularly and will die if pings fail.
   169  		stateName: workerstate.Manifold(workerstate.ManifoldConfig{
   170  			AgentName:              agentName,
   171  			StateConfigWatcherName: stateConfigWatcherName,
   172  			OpenState:              config.OpenState,
   173  		}),
   175  		// The stateworkers manifold starts workers which rely on a
   176  		// *state.State but which haven't been converted to run
   177  		// directly under the dependency engine yet. This manifold
   178  		// will be removed once all such workers have been converted;
   179  		// until then, the workers are expected to handle their own
   180  		// checks for upgrades etc, rather than blocking this whole
   181  		// worker on upgrade completion.
   182  		stateWorkersName: StateWorkersManifold(StateWorkersConfig{
   183  			StateName:         stateName,
   184  			StartStateWorkers: config.StartStateWorkers,
   185  		}),
   187  		// The api-config-watcher manifold monitors the API server
   188  		// addresses in the agent config and bounces when they
   189  		// change. It's required as part of model migrations.
   190  		apiConfigWatcherName: apiconfigwatcher.Manifold(apiconfigwatcher.ManifoldConfig{
   191  			AgentName:          agentName,
   192  			AgentConfigChanged: config.AgentConfigChanged,
   193  		}),
   195  		// The api caller is a thin concurrent wrapper around a connection
   196  		// to some API server. It's used by many other manifolds, which all
   197  		// select their own desired facades. It will be interesting to see
   198  		// how this works when we consolidate the agents; might be best to
   199  		// handle the auth changes server-side..?
   200  		apiCallerName: apicaller.Manifold(apicaller.ManifoldConfig{
   201  			AgentName:            agentName,
   202  			APIConfigWatcherName: apiConfigWatcherName,
   203  			APIOpen:              apicaller.APIOpen,
   204  			NewConnection:        apicaller.ScaryConnect,
   205  			Filter:               connectFilter,
   206  		}),
   208  		// The upgrade steps gate is used to coordinate workers which
   209  		// shouldn't do anything until the upgrade-steps worker has
   210  		// finished running any required upgrade steps. The flag of
   211  		// similar name is used to implement the isFullyUpgraded func
   212  		// that keeps upgrade concerns out of unrelated manifolds.
   213  		upgradeStepsGateName: gate.ManifoldEx(config.UpgradeStepsLock),
   214  		upgradeStepsFlagName: gate.FlagManifold(gate.FlagManifoldConfig{
   215  			GateName:  upgradeStepsGateName,
   216  			NewWorker: gate.NewFlagWorker,
   217  		}),
   219  		// The upgrade check gate is used to coordinate workers which
   220  		// shouldn't do anything until the upgrader worker has
   221  		// completed its first check for a new tools version to
   222  		// upgrade to. The flag of similar name is used to implement
   223  		// the isFullyUpgraded func that keeps upgrade concerns out of
   224  		// unrelated manifolds.
   225  		upgradeCheckGateName: gate.ManifoldEx(config.UpgradeCheckLock),
   226  		upgradeCheckFlagName: gate.FlagManifold(gate.FlagManifoldConfig{
   227  			GateName:  upgradeCheckGateName,
   228  			NewWorker: gate.NewFlagWorker,
   229  		}),
   231  		// The upgrader is a leaf worker that returns a specific error
   232  		// type recognised by the machine agent, causing other workers
   233  		// to be stopped and the agent to be restarted running the new
   234  		// tools. We should only need one of these in a consolidated
   235  		// agent, but we'll need to be careful about behavioural
   236  		// differences, and interactions with the upgrade-steps
   237  		// worker.
   238  		upgraderName: upgrader.Manifold(upgrader.ManifoldConfig{
   239  			AgentName:            agentName,
   240  			APICallerName:        apiCallerName,
   241  			UpgradeStepsGateName: upgradeStepsGateName,
   242  			UpgradeCheckGateName: upgradeCheckGateName,
   243  			PreviousAgentVersion: config.PreviousAgentVersion,
   244  		}),
   246  		// The upgradesteps worker runs soon after the machine agent
   247  		// starts and runs any steps required to upgrade to the
   248  		// running jujud version. Once upgrade steps have run, the
   249  		// upgradesteps gate is unlocked and the worker exits.
   250  		upgradeStepsName: upgradesteps.Manifold(upgradesteps.ManifoldConfig{
   251  			AgentName:            agentName,
   252  			APICallerName:        apiCallerName,
   253  			UpgradeStepsGateName: upgradeStepsGateName,
   254  			OpenStateForUpgrade:  config.OpenStateForUpgrade,
   255  			PreUpgradeSteps:      config.PreUpgradeSteps,
   256  		}),
   258  		// The migration minion handles the agent side aspects of model migrations.
   259  		migrationFortressName: ifFullyUpgraded(fortress.Manifold()),
   260  		migrationMinionName: ifFullyUpgraded(migrationminion.Manifold(migrationminion.ManifoldConfig{
   261  			AgentName:     agentName,
   262  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   263  			FortressName:  migrationFortressName,
   265  			NewFacade: migrationminion.NewFacade,
   266  			NewWorker: migrationminion.NewWorker,
   267  		})),
   269  		// The serving-info-setter manifold sets grabs the state
   270  		// serving info from the API connection and writes it to the
   271  		// agent config.
   272  		servingInfoSetterName: ifFullyUpgraded(ServingInfoSetterManifold(ServingInfoSetterConfig{
   273  			AgentName:     agentName,
   274  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   275  		})),
   277  		// The apiworkers manifold starts workers which rely on the
   278  		// machine agent's API connection but have not been converted
   279  		// to work directly under the dependency engine. It waits for
   280  		// upgrades to be finished before starting these workers.
   281  		apiWorkersName: ifFullyUpgraded(APIWorkersManifold(APIWorkersConfig{
   282  			APICallerName:   apiCallerName,
   283  			StartAPIWorkers: config.StartAPIWorkers,
   284  		})),
   286  		// The reboot manifold manages a worker which will reboot the
   287  		// machine when requested. It needs an API connection and
   288  		// waits for upgrades to be complete.
   289  		rebootName: ifFullyUpgraded(reboot.Manifold(reboot.ManifoldConfig{
   290  			AgentName:     agentName,
   291  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   292  		})),
   294  		// The logging config updater is a leaf worker that indirectly
   295  		// controls the messages sent via the log sender or rsyslog,
   296  		// according to changes in environment config. We should only need
   297  		// one of these in a consolidated agent.
   298  		loggingConfigUpdaterName: ifFullyUpgraded(logger.Manifold(logger.ManifoldConfig{
   299  			AgentName:     agentName,
   300  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   301  		})),
   303  		// The diskmanager worker periodically lists block devices on the
   304  		// machine it runs on. This worker will be run on all Juju-managed
   305  		// machines (one per machine agent).
   306  		diskManagerName: ifFullyUpgraded(diskmanager.Manifold(diskmanager.ManifoldConfig{
   307  			AgentName:     agentName,
   308  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   309  		})),
   311  		// The proxy config updater is a leaf worker that sets http/https/apt/etc
   312  		// proxy settings.
   313  		proxyConfigUpdater: ifFullyUpgraded(proxyupdater.Manifold(proxyupdater.ManifoldConfig{
   314  			AgentName:     agentName,
   315  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   316  		})),
   318  		// The api address updater is a leaf worker that rewrites agent config
   319  		// as the state server addresses change. We should only need one of
   320  		// these in a consolidated agent.
   321  		apiAddressUpdaterName: ifFullyUpgraded(apiaddressupdater.Manifold(apiaddressupdater.ManifoldConfig{
   322  			AgentName:     agentName,
   323  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   324  		})),
   326  		// The machiner Worker will wait for the identified machine to become
   327  		// Dying and make it Dead; or until the machine becomes Dead by other
   328  		// means.
   329  		machinerName: ifFullyUpgraded(machiner.Manifold(machiner.ManifoldConfig{
   330  			AgentName:     agentName,
   331  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   332  		})),
   334  		// The log sender is a leaf worker that sends log messages to some
   335  		// API server, when configured so to do. We should only need one of
   336  		// these in a consolidated agent.
   337  		//
   338  		// NOTE: the LogSource will buffer a large number of messages as an upgrade
   339  		// runs; it currently seems better to fill the buffer and send when stable,
   340  		// optimising for stable controller upgrades rather than up-to-the-moment
   341  		// observable normal-machine upgrades.
   342  		logSenderName: ifFullyUpgraded(logsender.Manifold(logsender.ManifoldConfig{
   343  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   344  			LogSource:     config.LogSource,
   345  		})),
   347  		// The deployer worker is responsible for deploying and recalling unit
   348  		// agents, according to changes in a set of state units; and for the
   349  		// final removal of its agents' units from state when they are no
   350  		// longer needed.
   351  		deployerName: ifFullyUpgraded(deployer.Manifold(deployer.ManifoldConfig{
   352  			NewDeployContext: config.NewDeployContext,
   353  			AgentName:        agentName,
   354  			APICallerName:    apiCallerName,
   355  		})),
   357  		authenticationWorkerName: ifFullyUpgraded(authenticationworker.Manifold(authenticationworker.ManifoldConfig{
   358  			AgentName:     agentName,
   359  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   360  		})),
   362  		// The storageProvisioner worker manages provisioning
   363  		// (deprovisioning), and attachment (detachment) of first-class
   364  		// volumes and filesystems.
   365  		storageProvisionerName: ifFullyUpgraded(storageprovisioner.MachineManifold(storageprovisioner.MachineManifoldConfig{
   366  			AgentName:     agentName,
   367  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   368  			Clock:         config.Clock,
   369  		})),
   371  		resumerName: ifFullyUpgraded(resumer.Manifold(resumer.ManifoldConfig{
   372  			AgentName:     agentName,
   373  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   374  		})),
   376  		identityFileWriterName: ifFullyUpgraded(identityfilewriter.Manifold(identityfilewriter.ManifoldConfig{
   377  			AgentName:     agentName,
   378  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   379  		})),
   381  		toolsVersionCheckerName: ifFullyUpgraded(toolsversionchecker.Manifold(toolsversionchecker.ManifoldConfig{
   382  			AgentName:     agentName,
   383  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   384  		})),
   386  		machineActionName: ifFullyUpgraded(machineactions.Manifold(machineactions.ManifoldConfig{
   387  			AgentName:     agentName,
   388  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   389  			NewFacade:     machineactions.NewFacade,
   390  			NewWorker:     machineactions.NewMachineActionsWorker,
   391  		})),
   393  		hostKeyReporterName: ifFullyUpgraded(hostkeyreporter.Manifold(hostkeyreporter.ManifoldConfig{
   394  			AgentName:     agentName,
   395  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   396  			RootDir:       config.RootDir,
   397  			NewFacade:     hostkeyreporter.NewFacade,
   398  			NewWorker:     hostkeyreporter.NewWorker,
   399  		})),
   400  	}
   401  }
   403  var ifFullyUpgraded = util.Housing{
   404  	Flags: []string{
   405  		upgradeStepsFlagName,
   406  		upgradeCheckFlagName,
   407  	},
   408  }.Decorate
   410  const (
   411  	agentName              = "agent"
   412  	terminationName        = "termination-signal-handler"
   413  	stateConfigWatcherName = "state-config-watcher"
   414  	stateName              = "state"
   415  	stateWorkersName       = "unconverted-state-workers"
   416  	apiCallerName          = "api-caller"
   418  	upgraderName         = "upgrader"
   419  	upgradeStepsName     = "upgrade-steps-runner"
   420  	upgradeStepsGateName = "upgrade-steps-gate"
   421  	upgradeStepsFlagName = "upgrade-steps-flag"
   422  	upgradeCheckGateName = "upgrade-check-gate"
   423  	upgradeCheckFlagName = "upgrade-check-flag"
   425  	migrationFortressName = "migration-fortress"
   426  	migrationMinionName   = "migration-minion"
   428  	servingInfoSetterName    = "serving-info-setter"
   429  	apiWorkersName           = "unconverted-api-workers"
   430  	rebootName               = "reboot-executor"
   431  	loggingConfigUpdaterName = "logging-config-updater"
   432  	diskManagerName          = "disk-manager"
   433  	proxyConfigUpdater       = "proxy-config-updater"
   434  	apiAddressUpdaterName    = "api-address-updater"
   435  	machinerName             = "machiner"
   436  	logSenderName            = "log-sender"
   437  	deployerName             = "unit-agent-deployer"
   438  	authenticationWorkerName = "ssh-authkeys-updater"
   439  	storageProvisionerName   = "storage-provisioner"
   440  	resumerName              = "mgo-txn-resumer"
   441  	identityFileWriterName   = "ssh-identity-writer"
   442  	toolsVersionCheckerName  = "tools-version-checker"
   443  	apiConfigWatcherName     = "api-config-watcher"
   444  	machineActionName        = "machine-action-runner"
   445  	hostKeyReporterName      = "host-key-reporter"
   446  )