
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package unit
     6  import (
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	coreagent ""
    13  	msapi ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  )
    36  // ManifoldsConfig allows specialisation of the result of Manifolds.
    37  type ManifoldsConfig struct {
    39  	// Agent contains the agent that will be wrapped and made available to
    40  	// its dependencies via a dependency.Engine.
    41  	Agent coreagent.Agent
    43  	// LogSource will be read from by the logsender component.
    44  	LogSource logsender.LogRecordCh
    46  	// LeadershipGuarantee controls the behaviour of the leadership tracker.
    47  	LeadershipGuarantee time.Duration
    49  	// AgentConfigChanged is set whenever the unit agent's config
    50  	// is updated.
    51  	AgentConfigChanged *voyeur.Value
    52  }
    54  // Manifolds returns a set of co-configured manifolds covering the various
    55  // responsibilities of a standalone unit agent. It also accepts the logSource
    56  // argument because we haven't figured out how to thread all the logging bits
    57  // through a dependency engine yet.
    58  //
    59  // Thou Shalt Not Use String Literals In This Function. Or Else.
    60  func Manifolds(config ManifoldsConfig) dependency.Manifolds {
    62  	// connectFilter exists to let us retry api connections immediately
    63  	// on password change, rather than causing the dependency engine to
    64  	// wait for a while.
    65  	connectFilter := func(err error) error {
    66  		cause := errors.Cause(err)
    67  		if cause == apicaller.ErrChangedPassword {
    68  			return dependency.ErrBounce
    69  		} else if cause == apicaller.ErrConnectImpossible {
    70  			return worker.ErrTerminateAgent
    71  		}
    72  		return err
    73  	}
    75  	return dependency.Manifolds{
    77  		// The agent manifold references the enclosing agent, and is the
    78  		// foundation stone on which most other manifolds ultimately depend.
    79  		// (Currently, that is "all manifolds", but consider a shared clock.)
    80  		agentName: agent.Manifold(config.Agent),
    82  		// The machine lock manifold is a thin concurrent wrapper around an
    83  		// FSLock in an agreed location. We expect it to be replaced with an
    84  		// in-memory lock when the unit agent moves into the machine agent.
    85  		machineLockName: machinelock.Manifold(machinelock.ManifoldConfig{
    86  			AgentName: agentName,
    87  		}),
    89  		// The api-config-watcher manifold monitors the API server
    90  		// addresses in the agent config and bounces when they
    91  		// change. It's required as part of model migrations.
    92  		apiConfigWatcherName: apiconfigwatcher.Manifold(apiconfigwatcher.ManifoldConfig{
    93  			AgentName:          agentName,
    94  			AgentConfigChanged: config.AgentConfigChanged,
    95  		}),
    97  		// The api caller is a thin concurrent wrapper around a connection
    98  		// to some API server. It's used by many other manifolds, which all
    99  		// select their own desired facades. It will be interesting to see
   100  		// how this works when we consolidate the agents; might be best to
   101  		// handle the auth changes server-side..?
   102  		apiCallerName: apicaller.Manifold(apicaller.ManifoldConfig{
   103  			AgentName:            agentName,
   104  			APIConfigWatcherName: apiConfigWatcherName,
   105  			APIOpen:              apicaller.APIOpen,
   106  			NewConnection:        apicaller.ScaryConnect,
   107  			Filter:               connectFilter,
   108  		}),
   110  		// The log sender is a leaf worker that sends log messages to some
   111  		// API server, when configured so to do. We should only need one of
   112  		// these in a consolidated agent.
   113  		logSenderName: logsender.Manifold(logsender.ManifoldConfig{
   114  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   115  			LogSource:     config.LogSource,
   116  		}),
   118  		// The upgrader is a leaf worker that returns a specific error type
   119  		// recognised by the unit agent, causing other workers to be stopped
   120  		// and the agent to be restarted running the new tools. We should only
   121  		// need one of these in a consolidated agent, but we'll need to be
   122  		// careful about behavioural differences, and interactions with the
   123  		// upgradesteps worker.
   124  		upgraderName: upgrader.Manifold(upgrader.ManifoldConfig{
   125  			AgentName:     agentName,
   126  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   127  		}),
   129  		migrationFortressName: fortress.Manifold(),
   131  		// The migration minion handles the agent side aspects of model migrations.
   132  		migrationMinionName: migrationminion.Manifold(migrationminion.ManifoldConfig{
   133  			AgentName:     agentName,
   134  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   135  			FortressName:  migrationFortressName,
   137  			NewFacade: migrationminion.NewFacade,
   138  			NewWorker: migrationminion.NewWorker,
   139  		}),
   141  		// The logging config updater is a leaf worker that indirectly
   142  		// controls the messages sent via the log sender according to
   143  		// changes in environment config. We should only need one of
   144  		// these in a consolidated agent.
   145  		loggingConfigUpdaterName: logger.Manifold(logger.ManifoldConfig{
   146  			AgentName:     agentName,
   147  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   148  		}),
   150  		// The api address updater is a leaf worker that rewrites agent config
   151  		// as the controller addresses change. We should only need one of
   152  		// these in a consolidated agent.
   153  		apiAddressUpdaterName: apiaddressupdater.Manifold(apiaddressupdater.ManifoldConfig{
   154  			AgentName:     agentName,
   155  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   156  		}),
   158  		// The proxy config updater is a leaf worker that sets http/https/apt/etc
   159  		// proxy settings.
   160  		// TODO(fwereade): timing of this is suspicious. There was superstitious
   161  		// code trying to run this early; if that ever helped, it was only by
   162  		// coincidence. Probably we ought to be making components that might
   163  		// need proxy config into explicit dependencies of the proxy updater...
   164  		proxyConfigUpdaterName: proxyupdater.Manifold(proxyupdater.ManifoldConfig{
   165  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   166  		}),
   168  		// The charmdir resource coordinates whether the charm directory is
   169  		// available or not; after 'start' hook and before 'stop' hook
   170  		// executes, and not during upgrades.
   171  		charmDirName: fortress.Manifold(),
   173  		// The leadership tracker attempts to secure and retain leadership of
   174  		// the unit's service, and is consulted on such matters by the
   175  		// uniter. As it stannds today, we'll need one per unit in a
   176  		// consolidated agent.
   177  		leadershipTrackerName: leadership.Manifold(leadership.ManifoldConfig{
   178  			AgentName:           agentName,
   179  			APICallerName:       apiCallerName,
   180  			LeadershipGuarantee: config.LeadershipGuarantee,
   181  		}),
   183  		// HookRetryStrategy uses a retrystrategy worker to get a
   184  		// retry strategy that will be used by the uniter to run its hooks.
   185  		hookRetryStrategyName: retrystrategy.Manifold(retrystrategy.ManifoldConfig{
   186  			AgentName:     agentName,
   187  			APICallerName: apiCallerName,
   188  			NewFacade:     retrystrategy.NewFacade,
   189  			NewWorker:     retrystrategy.NewRetryStrategyWorker,
   190  		}),
   192  		// The uniter installs charms; manages the unit's presence in its
   193  		// relations; creates suboordinate units; runs all the hooks; sends
   194  		// metrics; etc etc etc. We expect to break it up further in the
   195  		// coming weeks, and to need one per unit in a consolidated agent
   196  		// (and probably one for each component broken out).
   197  		uniterName: uniter.Manifold(uniter.ManifoldConfig{
   198  			AgentName:             agentName,
   199  			APICallerName:         apiCallerName,
   200  			LeadershipTrackerName: leadershipTrackerName,
   201  			MachineLockName:       machineLockName,
   202  			CharmDirName:          charmDirName,
   203  			HookRetryStrategyName: hookRetryStrategyName,
   204  		}),
   206  		// TODO (mattyw) should be added to machine agent.
   207  		metricSpoolName: spool.Manifold(spool.ManifoldConfig{
   208  			AgentName: agentName,
   209  		}),
   211  		// The metric collect worker executes the collect-metrics hook in a
   212  		// restricted context that can safely run concurrently with other hooks.
   213  		metricCollectName: collect.Manifold(collect.ManifoldConfig{
   214  			AgentName:       agentName,
   215  			MetricSpoolName: metricSpoolName,
   216  			CharmDirName:    charmDirName,
   217  		}),
   219  		// The meter status worker executes the meter-status-changed hook when it detects
   220  		// that the meter status has changed.
   221  		meterStatusName: meterstatus.Manifold(meterstatus.ManifoldConfig{
   222  			AgentName:                agentName,
   223  			APICallerName:            apiCallerName,
   224  			MachineLockName:          machineLockName,
   225  			NewHookRunner:            meterstatus.NewHookRunner,
   226  			NewMeterStatusAPIClient:  msapi.NewClient,
   227  			NewConnectedStatusWorker: meterstatus.NewConnectedStatusWorker,
   228  			NewIsolatedStatusWorker:  meterstatus.NewIsolatedStatusWorker,
   229  		}),
   231  		// The metric sender worker periodically sends accumulated metrics to the controller.
   232  		metricSenderName: sender.Manifold(sender.ManifoldConfig{
   233  			AgentName:       agentName,
   234  			APICallerName:   apiCallerName,
   235  			MetricSpoolName: metricSpoolName,
   236  		}),
   237  	}
   238  }
   240  const (
   241  	agentName            = "agent"
   242  	machineLockName      = "machine-lock"
   243  	apiConfigWatcherName = "api-config-watcher"
   244  	apiCallerName        = "api-caller"
   245  	logSenderName        = "log-sender"
   246  	upgraderName         = "upgrader"
   248  	migrationFortressName = "migration-fortress"
   249  	migrationMinionName   = "migration-minion"
   251  	loggingConfigUpdaterName = "logging-config-updater"
   252  	proxyConfigUpdaterName   = "proxy-config-updater"
   253  	apiAddressUpdaterName    = "api-address-updater"
   255  	charmDirName          = "charm-dir"
   256  	leadershipTrackerName = "leadership-tracker"
   257  	hookRetryStrategyName = "hook-retry-strategy"
   258  	uniterName            = "uniter"
   260  	metricSpoolName   = "metric-spool"
   261  	meterStatusName   = "meter-status"
   262  	metricCollectName = "metric-collect"
   263  	metricSenderName  = "metric-sender"
   264  )