
     1  // Copyright 2011, 2012, 2013 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package environs
     6  import (
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  // A EnvironProvider represents a computing and storage provider.
    16  type EnvironProvider interface {
    17  	// RestrictedConfigAttributes are provider specific attributes stored in
    18  	// the config that really cannot or should not be changed across
    19  	// environments running inside a single juju server.
    20  	RestrictedConfigAttributes() []string
    22  	// PrepareForCreateEnvironment prepares an environment for creation. Any
    23  	// additional configuration attributes are added to the config passed in
    24  	// and returned.  This allows providers to add additional required config
    25  	// for new environments that may be created in an existing juju server.
    26  	// Note that this is not called in a client context, so environment variables,
    27  	// local files, etc are not available.
    28  	PrepareForCreateEnvironment(cfg *config.Config) (*config.Config, error)
    30  	// PrepareForBootstrap prepares an environment for use.
    31  	PrepareForBootstrap(ctx BootstrapContext, cfg *config.Config) (Environ, error)
    33  	// BootstrapConfig produces the configuration for the initial controller
    34  	// model, based on the provided arguments. BootstrapConfig is expected
    35  	// to produce a deterministic output. Any unique values should be based
    36  	// on the "uuid" attribute of the base configuration.
    37  	BootstrapConfig(BootstrapConfigParams) (*config.Config, error)
    39  	// Open opens the environment and returns it.
    40  	// The configuration must have come from a previously
    41  	// prepared environment.
    42  	Open(cfg *config.Config) (Environ, error)
    44  	// Validate ensures that config is a valid configuration for this
    45  	// provider, applying changes to it if necessary, and returns the
    46  	// validated configuration.
    47  	// If old is not nil, it holds the previous environment configuration
    48  	// for consideration when validating changes.
    49  	Validate(cfg, old *config.Config) (valid *config.Config, err error)
    51  	// SecretAttrs filters the supplied configuration returning only values
    52  	// which are considered sensitive. All of the values of these secret
    53  	// attributes need to be strings.
    54  	SecretAttrs(cfg *config.Config) (map[string]string, error)
    56  	ProviderCredentials
    57  }
    59  // BootstrapConfigParams contains the parameters for EnvironProvider.BootstrapConfig.
    60  type BootstrapConfigParams struct {
    61  	// Config is the base configuration for the provider. This should
    62  	// be updated with the region, endpoint and credentials.
    63  	Config *config.Config
    65  	// Credentials is the set of credentials to use to bootstrap.
    66  	//
    67  	// TODO(axw) rename field to Credential.
    68  	Credentials cloud.Credential
    70  	// CloudRegion is the name of the region of the cloud to create
    71  	// the Juju controller in. This will be empty for clouds without
    72  	// regions.
    73  	CloudRegion string
    75  	// CloudEndpoint is the location of the primary API endpoint to
    76  	// use when communicating with the cloud.
    77  	CloudEndpoint string
    79  	// CloudStorageEndpoint is the location of the API endpoint to use
    80  	// when communicating with the cloud's storage service. This will
    81  	// be empty for clouds that have no cloud-specific API endpoint.
    82  	CloudStorageEndpoint string
    83  }
    85  // ProviderCredentials is an interface that an EnvironProvider implements
    86  // in order to validate and automatically detect credentials for clouds
    87  // supported by the provider.
    88  //
    89  // TODO(axw) replace CredentialSchemas with an updated environschema.
    90  // The GUI also needs to be able to handle multiple credential types,
    91  // and dependencies in config attributes.
    92  type ProviderCredentials interface {
    93  	// CredentialSchemas returns credential schemas, keyed on
    94  	// authentication type. These may be used to validate existing
    95  	// credentials, or to generate new ones (e.g. to create an
    96  	// interactive form.)
    97  	CredentialSchemas() map[cloud.AuthType]cloud.CredentialSchema
    99  	// DetectCredentials automatically detects one or more credentials
   100  	// from the environment. This may involve, for example, inspecting
   101  	// environment variables, or reading configuration files in
   102  	// well-defined locations.
   103  	//
   104  	// If no credentials can be detected, DetectCredentials should
   105  	// return an error satisfying errors.IsNotFound.
   106  	DetectCredentials() (*cloud.CloudCredential, error)
   107  }
   109  // CloudRegionDetector is an interface that an EnvironProvider implements
   110  // in order to automatically detect cloud regions from the environment.
   111  type CloudRegionDetector interface {
   112  	// DetectRetions automatically detects one or more regions
   113  	// from the environment. This may involve, for example, inspecting
   114  	// environment variables, or returning special hard-coded regions
   115  	// (e.g. "localhost" for lxd). The first item in the list will be
   116  	// considered the default region for bootstrapping if the user
   117  	// does not specify one.
   118  	//
   119  	// If no regions can be detected, DetectRegions should return
   120  	// an error satisfying errors.IsNotFound.
   121  	DetectRegions() ([]cloud.Region, error)
   122  }
   124  // ModelConfigUpgrader is an interface that an EnvironProvider may
   125  // implement in order to modify environment configuration on agent upgrade.
   126  type ModelConfigUpgrader interface {
   127  	// UpgradeConfig upgrades an old environment configuration by adding,
   128  	// updating or removing attributes. UpgradeConfig must be idempotent,
   129  	// as it may be called multiple times in the event of a partial upgrade.
   130  	//
   131  	// NOTE(axw) this is currently only called when upgrading to 1.25.
   132  	// We should update the upgrade machinery to call this for every
   133  	// version upgrade, so the upgrades package is not tightly coupled
   134  	// to provider upgrades.
   135  	UpgradeConfig(cfg *config.Config) (*config.Config, error)
   136  }
   138  // ConfigGetter implements access to an environment's configuration.
   139  type ConfigGetter interface {
   140  	// Config returns the configuration data with which the Environ was created.
   141  	// Note that this is not necessarily current; the canonical location
   142  	// for the configuration data is stored in the state.
   143  	Config() *config.Config
   144  }
   146  // An Environ represents a Juju environment.
   147  //
   148  // Due to the limitations of some providers (for example ec2), the
   149  // results of the Environ methods may not be fully sequentially
   150  // consistent. In particular, while a provider may retry when it
   151  // gets an error for an operation, it will not retry when
   152  // an operation succeeds, even if that success is not
   153  // consistent with a previous operation.
   154  //
   155  // Even though Juju takes care not to share an Environ between concurrent
   156  // workers, it does allow concurrent method calls into the provider
   157  // implementation.  The typical provider implementation needs locking to
   158  // avoid undefined behaviour when the configuration changes.
   159  type Environ interface {
   160  	// Bootstrap creates a new instance with the series and architecture
   161  	// of its choice, constrained to those of the available tools, and
   162  	// returns the instance's architecture, series, and a function that
   163  	// must be called to finalize the bootstrap process by transferring
   164  	// the tools and installing the initial Juju controller.
   165  	//
   166  	// It is possible to direct Bootstrap to use a specific architecture
   167  	// (or fail if it cannot start an instance of that architecture) by
   168  	// using an architecture constraint; this will have the effect of
   169  	// limiting the available tools to just those matching the specified
   170  	// architecture.
   171  	Bootstrap(ctx BootstrapContext, params BootstrapParams) (*BootstrapResult, error)
   173  	// InstanceBroker defines methods for starting and stopping
   174  	// instances.
   175  	InstanceBroker
   177  	// ConfigGetter allows the retrieval of the configuration data.
   178  	ConfigGetter
   180  	// EnvironCapability allows access to this environment's capabilities.
   181  	state.EnvironCapability
   183  	// ConstraintsValidator returns a Validator instance which
   184  	// is used to validate and merge constraints.
   185  	ConstraintsValidator() (constraints.Validator, error)
   187  	// SetConfig updates the Environ's configuration.
   188  	//
   189  	// Calls to SetConfig do not affect the configuration of
   190  	// values previously obtained from Storage.
   191  	SetConfig(cfg *config.Config) error
   193  	// Instances returns a slice of instances corresponding to the
   194  	// given instance ids.  If no instances were found, but there
   195  	// was no other error, it will return ErrNoInstances.  If
   196  	// some but not all the instances were found, the returned slice
   197  	// will have some nil slots, and an ErrPartialInstances error
   198  	// will be returned.
   199  	Instances(ids []instance.Id) ([]instance.Instance, error)
   201  	// ControllerInstances returns the IDs of instances corresponding
   202  	// to Juju controllers. If there are no controller instances,
   203  	// ErrNoInstances is returned. If it can be determined that the
   204  	// environment has not been bootstrapped, then ErrNotBootstrapped
   205  	// should be returned instead.
   206  	ControllerInstances() ([]instance.Id, error)
   208  	// Destroy shuts down all known machines and destroys the
   209  	// rest of the environment. Note that on some providers,
   210  	// very recently started instances may not be destroyed
   211  	// because they are not yet visible.
   212  	//
   213  	// If the Environ represents the controller model, then this
   214  	// method should also destroy any resources relating to hosted
   215  	// models. This ensures that "kill-controller" can clean up
   216  	// hosted models when the Juju controller process is unavailable.
   217  	//
   218  	// When Destroy has been called, any Environ referring to the
   219  	// same remote environment may become invalid.
   220  	Destroy() error
   222  	Firewaller
   224  	// Provider returns the EnvironProvider that created this Environ.
   225  	Provider() EnvironProvider
   227  	state.Prechecker
   228  }
   230  // Firewaller exposes methods for managing network ports.
   231  type Firewaller interface {
   232  	// OpenPorts opens the given port ranges for the whole environment.
   233  	// Must only be used if the environment was setup with the
   234  	// FwGlobal firewall mode.
   235  	OpenPorts(ports []network.PortRange) error
   237  	// ClosePorts closes the given port ranges for the whole environment.
   238  	// Must only be used if the environment was setup with the
   239  	// FwGlobal firewall mode.
   240  	ClosePorts(ports []network.PortRange) error
   242  	// Ports returns the port ranges opened for the whole environment.
   243  	// Must only be used if the environment was setup with the
   244  	// FwGlobal firewall mode.
   245  	Ports() ([]network.PortRange, error)
   246  }
   248  // InstanceTagger is an interface that can be used for tagging instances.
   249  type InstanceTagger interface {
   250  	// TagInstance tags the given instance with the specified tags.
   251  	//
   252  	// The specified tags will replace any existing ones with the
   253  	// same names, but other existing tags will be left alone.
   254  	TagInstance(id instance.Id, tags map[string]string) error
   255  }
   257  // MigrationConfigUpdater is an optional interface that a provider
   258  // can implement that will be called when the model is being imported
   259  // into a new controller as part of model migration. If the provider stores
   260  // information specific to the controller, this information can be extracted
   261  // from the controller config.
   262  //
   263  // The return value is a map containing changes that are necessary to be
   264  // applied to the model's config for the new controller.
   265  type MigrationConfigUpdater interface {
   266  	MigrationConfigUpdate(controllerConfig *config.Config) map[string]interface{}
   267  }