
     1  // Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
     2  // Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
     4  package azure_test
     6  import (
     7  	"encoding/json"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"io/ioutil"
    10  	"net/http"
    11  	"path"
    12  	"reflect"
    13  	"time"
    15  	autorestazure ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	jc ""
    24  	""
    25  	gc ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	envtesting ""
    35  	envtools ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  )
    45  type environSuite struct {
    46  	testing.BaseSuite
    48  	provider      environs.EnvironProvider
    49  	requests      []*http.Request
    50  	storageClient azuretesting.MockStorageClient
    51  	sender        azuretesting.Senders
    53  	tags                          map[string]*string
    54  	vmSizes                       *compute.VirtualMachineSizeListResult
    55  	storageNameAvailabilityResult *storage.CheckNameAvailabilityResult
    56  	storageAccount                *storage.Account
    57  	storageAccountKeys            *storage.AccountKeys
    58  	vnet                          *network.VirtualNetwork
    59  	subnet                        *network.Subnet
    60  	ubuntuServerSKUs              []compute.VirtualMachineImageResource
    61  	publicIPAddress               *network.PublicIPAddress
    62  	oldNetworkInterfaces          *network.InterfaceListResult
    63  	newNetworkInterface           *network.Interface
    64  	jujuAvailabilitySet           *compute.AvailabilitySet
    65  	virtualMachine                *compute.VirtualMachine
    66  }
    68  var _ = gc.Suite(&environSuite{})
    70  func (s *environSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
    71  	s.BaseSuite.SetUpTest(c)
    72  	s.storageClient = azuretesting.MockStorageClient{}
    73  	s.sender = nil
    74  	s.provider, _ = newProviders(c, azure.ProviderConfig{
    75  		Sender:           &s.sender,
    76  		RequestInspector: requestRecorder(&s.requests),
    77  		NewStorageClient: s.storageClient.NewClient,
    78  	})
    80  	emptyTags := make(map[string]*string)
    81  	s.tags = map[string]*string{
    82  		"juju-machine-name": to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
    83  	}
    85  	vmSizes := []compute.VirtualMachineSize{{
    86  		Name:                 to.StringPtr("Standard_D1"),
    87  		NumberOfCores:        to.IntPtr(1),
    88  		OsDiskSizeInMB:       to.IntPtr(1047552),
    89  		ResourceDiskSizeInMB: to.IntPtr(51200),
    90  		MemoryInMB:           to.IntPtr(3584),
    91  		MaxDataDiskCount:     to.IntPtr(2),
    92  	}}
    93  	s.vmSizes = &compute.VirtualMachineSizeListResult{Value: &vmSizes}
    95  	s.storageNameAvailabilityResult = &storage.CheckNameAvailabilityResult{
    96  		NameAvailable: to.BoolPtr(true),
    97  	}
    99  	s.storageAccount = &storage.Account{
   100  		Name: to.StringPtr("my-storage-account"),
   101  		Type: to.StringPtr("Standard_LRS"),
   102  		Properties: &storage.AccountProperties{
   103  			PrimaryEndpoints: &storage.Endpoints{
   104  				Blob: to.StringPtr(fmt.Sprintf("", fakeStorageAccount)),
   105  			},
   106  		},
   107  	}
   109  	s.storageAccountKeys = &storage.AccountKeys{
   110  		Key1: to.StringPtr("key-1"),
   111  	}
   113  	addressPrefixes := make([]string, 256)
   114  	for i := range addressPrefixes {
   115  		addressPrefixes[i] = fmt.Sprintf("10.%d.0.0/16", i)
   116  	}
   117  	s.vnet = &network.VirtualNetwork{
   118  		ID:       to.StringPtr("juju-internal"),
   119  		Name:     to.StringPtr("juju-internal"),
   120  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   121  		Tags:     &emptyTags,
   122  		Properties: &network.VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat{
   123  			AddressSpace: &network.AddressSpace{&addressPrefixes},
   124  		},
   125  	}
   127  	s.subnet = &network.Subnet{
   128  		ID:   to.StringPtr("subnet-id"),
   129  		Name: to.StringPtr("juju-testenv-model-deadbeef-0bad-400d-8000-4b1d0d06f00d"),
   130  		Properties: &network.SubnetPropertiesFormat{
   131  			AddressPrefix: to.StringPtr(""),
   132  		},
   133  	}
   135  	s.ubuntuServerSKUs = []compute.VirtualMachineImageResource{
   136  		{Name: to.StringPtr("12.04-LTS")},
   137  		{Name: to.StringPtr("12.10")},
   138  		{Name: to.StringPtr("14.04-LTS")},
   139  		{Name: to.StringPtr("15.04")},
   140  		{Name: to.StringPtr("15.10")},
   141  	}
   143  	s.publicIPAddress = &network.PublicIPAddress{
   144  		ID:       to.StringPtr("public-ip-id"),
   145  		Name:     to.StringPtr("machine-0-public-ip"),
   146  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   147  		Tags:     &s.tags,
   148  		Properties: &network.PublicIPAddressPropertiesFormat{
   149  			PublicIPAllocationMethod: network.Dynamic,
   150  			IPAddress:                to.StringPtr(""),
   151  		},
   152  	}
   154  	// Existing IPs/NICs. These are the results of querying NICs so we
   155  	// can tell which IP to allocate.
   156  	oldIPConfigurations := []network.InterfaceIPConfiguration{{
   157  		ID:   to.StringPtr("ip-configuration-0-id"),
   158  		Name: to.StringPtr("ip-configuration-0"),
   159  		Properties: &network.InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat{
   160  			PrivateIPAddress:          to.StringPtr(""),
   161  			PrivateIPAllocationMethod: network.Static,
   162  			Subnet: &network.SubResource{ID: s.subnet.ID},
   163  		},
   164  	}}
   165  	oldNetworkInterfaces := []network.Interface{{
   166  		ID:   to.StringPtr("network-interface-0-id"),
   167  		Name: to.StringPtr("network-interface-0"),
   168  		Properties: &network.InterfacePropertiesFormat{
   169  			IPConfigurations: &oldIPConfigurations,
   170  			Primary:          to.BoolPtr(true),
   171  		},
   172  	}}
   173  	s.oldNetworkInterfaces = &network.InterfaceListResult{
   174  		Value: &oldNetworkInterfaces,
   175  	}
   177  	// nsgID is the name of the internal network security group. This NSG
   178  	// is created when the environment is created.
   179  	nsgID := path.Join(
   180  		"/subscriptions", fakeSubscriptionId,
   181  		"resourceGroups", "juju-testenv-model-"+testing.ModelTag.Id(),
   182  		"providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal",
   183  	)
   185  	// The newly created IP/NIC.
   186  	newIPConfigurations := []network.InterfaceIPConfiguration{{
   187  		ID:   to.StringPtr("ip-configuration-1-id"),
   188  		Name: to.StringPtr("primary"),
   189  		Properties: &network.InterfaceIPConfigurationPropertiesFormat{
   190  			PrivateIPAddress:          to.StringPtr(""),
   191  			PrivateIPAllocationMethod: network.Static,
   192  			Subnet:          &network.SubResource{ID: s.subnet.ID},
   193  			PublicIPAddress: &network.SubResource{ID: s.publicIPAddress.ID},
   194  		},
   195  	}}
   196  	s.newNetworkInterface = &network.Interface{
   197  		ID:       to.StringPtr("network-interface-1-id"),
   198  		Name:     to.StringPtr("network-interface-1"),
   199  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   200  		Tags:     &s.tags,
   201  		Properties: &network.InterfacePropertiesFormat{
   202  			IPConfigurations:     &newIPConfigurations,
   203  			NetworkSecurityGroup: &network.SubResource{to.StringPtr(nsgID)},
   204  		},
   205  	}
   207  	s.jujuAvailabilitySet = &compute.AvailabilitySet{
   208  		ID:       to.StringPtr("juju-availability-set-id"),
   209  		Name:     to.StringPtr("juju"),
   210  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   211  		Tags:     &emptyTags,
   212  	}
   214  	sshPublicKeys := []compute.SSHPublicKey{{
   215  		Path:    to.StringPtr("/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys"),
   216  		KeyData: to.StringPtr(testing.FakeAuthKeys),
   217  	}}
   218  	networkInterfaceReferences := []compute.NetworkInterfaceReference{{
   219  		ID: s.newNetworkInterface.ID,
   220  		Properties: &compute.NetworkInterfaceReferenceProperties{
   221  			Primary: to.BoolPtr(true),
   222  		},
   223  	}}
   224  	s.virtualMachine = &compute.VirtualMachine{
   225  		ID:       to.StringPtr("machine-0-id"),
   226  		Name:     to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
   227  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   228  		Tags:     &s.tags,
   229  		Properties: &compute.VirtualMachineProperties{
   230  			HardwareProfile: &compute.HardwareProfile{
   231  				VMSize: "Standard_D1",
   232  			},
   233  			StorageProfile: &compute.StorageProfile{
   234  				ImageReference: &compute.ImageReference{
   235  					Publisher: to.StringPtr("Canonical"),
   236  					Offer:     to.StringPtr("UbuntuServer"),
   237  					Sku:       to.StringPtr("12.10"),
   238  					Version:   to.StringPtr("latest"),
   239  				},
   240  				OsDisk: &compute.OSDisk{
   241  					Name:         to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
   242  					CreateOption: compute.FromImage,
   243  					Caching:      compute.ReadWrite,
   244  					Vhd: &compute.VirtualHardDisk{
   245  						URI: to.StringPtr(fmt.Sprintf(
   246  							"",
   247  							fakeStorageAccount,
   248  						)),
   249  					},
   250  				},
   251  			},
   252  			OsProfile: &compute.OSProfile{
   253  				ComputerName:  to.StringPtr("machine-0"),
   254  				CustomData:    to.StringPtr("<juju-goes-here>"),
   255  				AdminUsername: to.StringPtr("ubuntu"),
   256  				LinuxConfiguration: &compute.LinuxConfiguration{
   257  					DisablePasswordAuthentication: to.BoolPtr(true),
   258  					SSH: &compute.SSHConfiguration{
   259  						PublicKeys: &sshPublicKeys,
   260  					},
   261  				},
   262  			},
   263  			NetworkProfile: &compute.NetworkProfile{
   264  				NetworkInterfaces: &networkInterfaceReferences,
   265  			},
   266  			AvailabilitySet:   &compute.SubResource{ID: s.jujuAvailabilitySet.ID},
   267  			ProvisioningState: to.StringPtr("Successful"),
   268  		},
   269  	}
   270  }
   272  func (s *environSuite) openEnviron(c *gc.C, attrs ...testing.Attrs) environs.Environ {
   273  	attrs = append([]testing.Attrs{{"storage-account": fakeStorageAccount}}, attrs...)
   274  	return openEnviron(c, s.provider, &s.sender, attrs...)
   275  }
   277  func openEnviron(
   278  	c *gc.C,
   279  	provider environs.EnvironProvider,
   280  	sender *azuretesting.Senders,
   281  	attrs ...testing.Attrs,
   282  ) environs.Environ {
   283  	// Opening the environment should not incur network communication,
   284  	// so we don't set s.sender until after opening.
   285  	cfg := makeTestModelConfig(c, attrs...)
   286  	env, err := provider.Open(cfg)
   287  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   289  	// Force an explicit refresh of the access token, so it isn't done
   290  	// implicitly during the tests.
   291  	*sender = azuretesting.Senders{tokenRefreshSender()}
   292  	err = azure.ForceTokenRefresh(env)
   293  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   294  	return env
   295  }
   297  func prepareForBootstrap(
   298  	c *gc.C,
   299  	ctx environs.BootstrapContext,
   300  	provider environs.EnvironProvider,
   301  	sender *azuretesting.Senders,
   302  	attrs ...testing.Attrs,
   303  ) environs.Environ {
   304  	// Opening the environment should not incur network communication,
   305  	// so we don't set s.sender until after opening.
   306  	cfg := makeTestModelConfig(c, attrs...)
   307  	cfg, err := cfg.Remove([]string{"controller-resource-group"})
   308  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   309  	*sender = azuretesting.Senders{tokenRefreshSender()}
   310  	cfg, err = provider.BootstrapConfig(environs.BootstrapConfigParams{
   311  		Config:               cfg,
   312  		CloudRegion:          "westus",
   313  		CloudEndpoint:        "",
   314  		CloudStorageEndpoint: "",
   315  		Credentials:          fakeUserPassCredential(),
   316  	})
   317  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   318  	env, err := provider.PrepareForBootstrap(ctx, cfg)
   319  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   320  	return env
   321  }
   323  func tokenRefreshSender() *azuretesting.MockSender {
   324  	tokenRefreshSender := azuretesting.NewSenderWithValue(&autorestazure.Token{
   325  		AccessToken: "access-token",
   326  		ExpiresOn:   fmt.Sprint(time.Now().Add(time.Hour).Unix()),
   327  		Type:        "Bearer",
   328  	})
   329  	tokenRefreshSender.PathPattern = ".*/oauth2/token"
   330  	return tokenRefreshSender
   331  }
   333  func (s *environSuite) initResourceGroupSenders() azuretesting.Senders {
   334  	resourceGroupName := "juju-testenv-model-deadbeef-0bad-400d-8000-4b1d0d06f00d"
   335  	return azuretesting.Senders{
   336  		s.makeSender(".*/resourcegroups/"+resourceGroupName, &resources.Group{}),
   337  		s.makeSender(".*/virtualnetworks/juju-internal", s.vnet),
   338  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal", &network.SecurityGroup{}),
   339  		s.makeSender(".*/virtualnetworks/juju-internal/subnets/"+resourceGroupName, &s.subnet),
   340  		s.makeSender(".*/checkNameAvailability", s.storageNameAvailabilityResult),
   341  		s.makeSender(".*/storageAccounts/.*", s.storageAccount),
   342  		s.makeSender(".*/storageAccounts/.*/listKeys", s.storageAccountKeys),
   343  	}
   344  }
   346  func (s *environSuite) startInstanceSenders(controller bool) azuretesting.Senders {
   347  	senders := azuretesting.Senders{
   348  		s.vmSizesSender(),
   349  		s.makeSender(".*/subnets/juju-testenv-model-deadbeef-0bad-400d-8000-4b1d0d06f00d", s.subnet),
   350  		s.makeSender(".*/Canonical/.*/UbuntuServer/skus", s.ubuntuServerSKUs),
   351  		s.makeSender(".*/publicIPAddresses/machine-0-public-ip", s.publicIPAddress),
   352  		s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces", s.oldNetworkInterfaces),
   353  		s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces/machine-0-primary", s.newNetworkInterface),
   354  	}
   355  	if controller {
   356  		senders = append(senders,
   357  			s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal", &network.SecurityGroup{
   358  				Properties: &network.SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat{},
   359  			}),
   360  			s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal", &network.SecurityGroup{}),
   361  		)
   362  	}
   363  	senders = append(senders,
   364  		s.makeSender(".*/availabilitySets/.*", s.jujuAvailabilitySet),
   365  		s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines/machine-0", s.virtualMachine),
   366  	)
   367  	return senders
   368  }
   370  func (s *environSuite) networkInterfacesSender(nics *azuretesting.MockSender {
   371  	return s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces", network.InterfaceListResult{Value: &nics})
   372  }
   374  func (s *environSuite) publicIPAddressesSender(pips *azuretesting.MockSender {
   375  	return s.makeSender(".*/publicIPAddresses", network.PublicIPAddressListResult{Value: &pips})
   376  }
   378  func (s *environSuite) virtualMachinesSender(vms ...compute.VirtualMachine) *azuretesting.MockSender {
   379  	return s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines", compute.VirtualMachineListResult{Value: &vms})
   380  }
   382  func (s *environSuite) vmSizesSender() *azuretesting.MockSender {
   383  	return s.makeSender(".*/vmSizes", s.vmSizes)
   384  }
   386  func (s *environSuite) makeSender(pattern string, v interface{}) *azuretesting.MockSender {
   387  	sender := azuretesting.NewSenderWithValue(v)
   388  	sender.PathPattern = pattern
   389  	return sender
   390  }
   392  func makeStartInstanceParams(c *gc.C, series string) environs.StartInstanceParams {
   393  	machineTag := names.NewMachineTag("0")
   394  	stateInfo := &mongo.MongoInfo{
   395  		Info: mongo.Info{
   396  			CACert: testing.CACert,
   397  			Addrs:  []string{"localhost:123"},
   398  		},
   399  		Password: "password",
   400  		Tag:      machineTag,
   401  	}
   402  	apiInfo := &api.Info{
   403  		Addrs:    []string{"localhost:246"},
   404  		CACert:   testing.CACert,
   405  		Password: "admin",
   406  		Tag:      machineTag,
   407  		ModelTag: testing.ModelTag,
   408  	}
   410  	const secureServerConnections = true
   411  	icfg, err := instancecfg.NewInstanceConfig(
   412  		machineTag.Id(), "yanonce", imagemetadata.ReleasedStream,
   413  		series, "", secureServerConnections, stateInfo, apiInfo,
   414  	)
   415  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   417  	return environs.StartInstanceParams{
   418  		Tools:          makeToolsList(series),
   419  		InstanceConfig: icfg,
   420  	}
   421  }
   423  func makeToolsList(series string) tools.List {
   424  	var toolsVersion version.Binary
   425  	toolsVersion.Number = version.MustParse("1.26.0")
   426  	toolsVersion.Arch = arch.AMD64
   427  	toolsVersion.Series = series
   428  	return tools.List{{
   429  		Version: toolsVersion,
   430  		URL:     fmt.Sprintf("", toolsVersion),
   431  		SHA256:  "1234567890abcdef",
   432  		Size:    1024,
   433  	}}
   434  }
   436  func unmarshalRequestBody(c *gc.C, req *http.Request, out interface{}) {
   437  	bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
   438  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   439  	err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, out)
   440  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   441  }
   443  func assertRequestBody(c *gc.C, req *http.Request, expect interface{}) {
   444  	unmarshalled := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(expect).Elem()).Interface()
   445  	unmarshalRequestBody(c, req, unmarshalled)
   446  	c.Assert(unmarshalled, jc.DeepEquals, expect)
   447  }
   449  func (s *environSuite) TestOpen(c *gc.C) {
   450  	cfg := makeTestModelConfig(c)
   451  	env, err := s.provider.Open(cfg)
   452  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   453  	c.Assert(env, gc.NotNil)
   454  }
   456  func (s *environSuite) TestCloudEndpointManagementURI(c *gc.C) {
   457  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   459  	sender := mocks.NewSender()
   460  	sender.EmitContent("{}")
   461  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{sender}
   462  	s.requests = nil
   463  	env.AllInstances() // trigger a query
   465  	c.Assert(s.requests, gc.HasLen, 1)
   466  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].URL.Host, gc.Equals, "api.azurestack.local")
   467  }
   469  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstance(c *gc.C) {
   470  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   471  	s.sender = s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   472  	s.requests = nil
   473  	result, err := env.StartInstance(makeStartInstanceParams(c, "quantal"))
   474  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   475  	c.Assert(result, gc.NotNil)
   476  	c.Assert(result.Instance, gc.NotNil)
   477  	c.Assert(result.NetworkInfo, gc.HasLen, 0)
   478  	c.Assert(result.Volumes, gc.HasLen, 0)
   479  	c.Assert(result.VolumeAttachments, gc.HasLen, 0)
   481  	arch := "amd64"
   482  	mem := uint64(3584)
   483  	rootDisk := uint64(29495) // ~30 GB
   484  	cpuCores := uint64(1)
   485  	c.Assert(result.Hardware, jc.DeepEquals, &instance.HardwareCharacteristics{
   486  		Arch:     &arch,
   487  		Mem:      &mem,
   488  		RootDisk: &rootDisk,
   489  		CpuCores: &cpuCores,
   490  	})
   491  	requests := s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c)
   492  	availabilitySetName := path.Base(requests.availabilitySet.URL.Path)
   493  	c.Assert(availabilitySetName, gc.Equals, "juju")
   494  }
   496  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceDistributionGroup(c *gc.C) {
   497  	c.Skip("TODO: test StartInstance's DistributionGroup behaviour")
   498  }
   500  func (s *environSuite) TestStartInstanceServiceAvailabilitySet(c *gc.C) {
   501  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   502  	s.sender = s.startInstanceSenders(false)
   503  	s.requests = nil
   504  	unitsDeployed := "mysql/0 wordpress/0"
   505  	params := makeStartInstanceParams(c, "quantal")
   506  	params.InstanceConfig.Tags[tags.JujuUnitsDeployed] = unitsDeployed
   507  	_, err := env.StartInstance(params)
   508  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   509  	s.tags[tags.JujuUnitsDeployed] = &unitsDeployed
   510  	requests := s.assertStartInstanceRequests(c)
   511  	availabilitySetName := path.Base(requests.availabilitySet.URL.Path)
   512  	c.Assert(availabilitySetName, gc.Equals, "mysql")
   513  }
   515  func (s *environSuite) assertStartInstanceRequests(c *gc.C) startInstanceRequests {
   516  	// Clear the fields that don't get sent in the request.
   517  	s.publicIPAddress.ID = nil
   518  	s.publicIPAddress.Name = nil
   519  	s.publicIPAddress.Properties.IPAddress = nil
   520  	s.newNetworkInterface.ID = nil
   521  	s.newNetworkInterface.Name = nil
   522  	(*s.newNetworkInterface.Properties.IPConfigurations)[0].ID = nil
   523  	s.jujuAvailabilitySet.ID = nil
   524  	s.jujuAvailabilitySet.Name = nil
   525  	s.virtualMachine.ID = nil
   526  	s.virtualMachine.Name = nil
   527  	s.virtualMachine.Properties.ProvisioningState = nil
   529  	// Validate HTTP request bodies.
   530  	c.Assert(s.requests, gc.HasLen, 8)
   531  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].Method, gc.Equals, "GET") // vmSizes
   532  	c.Assert(s.requests[1].Method, gc.Equals, "GET") // juju-testenv-model-deadbeef-0bad-400d-8000-4b1d0d06f00d
   533  	c.Assert(s.requests[2].Method, gc.Equals, "GET") // skus
   534  	c.Assert(s.requests[3].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")
   535  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[3], s.publicIPAddress)
   536  	c.Assert(s.requests[4].Method, gc.Equals, "GET") // NICs
   537  	c.Assert(s.requests[5].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")
   538  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[5], s.newNetworkInterface)
   539  	c.Assert(s.requests[6].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")
   540  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[6], s.jujuAvailabilitySet)
   541  	c.Assert(s.requests[7].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")
   543  	// CustomData is non-deterministic, so don't compare it.
   544  	// TODO(axw) shouldn't CustomData be deterministic? Look into this.
   545  	var virtualMachine compute.VirtualMachine
   546  	unmarshalRequestBody(c, s.requests[7], &virtualMachine)
   547  	c.Assert(to.String(virtualMachine.Properties.OsProfile.CustomData), gc.Not(gc.HasLen), 0)
   548  	virtualMachine.Properties.OsProfile.CustomData = to.StringPtr("<juju-goes-here>")
   549  	c.Assert(&virtualMachine, jc.DeepEquals, s.virtualMachine)
   551  	return startInstanceRequests{
   552  		vmSizes:          s.requests[0],
   553  		subnet:           s.requests[1],
   554  		skus:             s.requests[2],
   555  		publicIPAddress:  s.requests[3],
   556  		nics:             s.requests[4],
   557  		networkInterface: s.requests[5],
   558  		availabilitySet:  s.requests[6],
   559  		virtualMachine:   s.requests[7],
   560  	}
   561  }
   563  type startInstanceRequests struct {
   564  	vmSizes          *http.Request
   565  	subnet           *http.Request
   566  	skus             *http.Request
   567  	publicIPAddress  *http.Request
   568  	nics             *http.Request
   569  	networkInterface *http.Request
   570  	availabilitySet  *http.Request
   571  	virtualMachine   *http.Request
   572  }
   574  func (s *environSuite) TestBootstrap(c *gc.C) {
   575  	defer envtesting.DisableFinishBootstrap()()
   577  	ctx := envtesting.BootstrapContext(c)
   578  	env := prepareForBootstrap(c, ctx, s.provider, &s.sender)
   580  	s.sender = s.initResourceGroupSenders()
   581  	s.sender = append(s.sender, s.startInstanceSenders(true)...)
   582  	s.requests = nil
   583  	result, err := env.Bootstrap(
   584  		ctx, environs.BootstrapParams{
   585  			AvailableTools: makeToolsList("trusty"),
   586  		},
   587  	)
   588  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   589  	c.Assert(result.Arch, gc.Equals, "amd64")
   590  	c.Assert(result.Series, gc.Equals, "trusty")
   592  	c.Assert(len(s.requests), gc.Equals, 17)
   594  	c.Assert(s.requests[0].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")  // resource group
   595  	c.Assert(s.requests[1].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")  // vnet
   596  	c.Assert(s.requests[2].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")  // network security group
   597  	c.Assert(s.requests[3].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")  // subnet
   598  	c.Assert(s.requests[4].Method, gc.Equals, "POST") // check storage account name
   599  	c.Assert(s.requests[5].Method, gc.Equals, "PUT")  // create storage account
   600  	c.Assert(s.requests[6].Method, gc.Equals, "POST") // get storage account keys
   602  	emptyTags := map[string]*string{}
   603  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[0], &resources.Group{
   604  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   605  		Tags:     &emptyTags,
   606  	})
   608  	s.vnet.ID = nil
   609  	s.vnet.Name = nil
   610  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[1], s.vnet)
   612  	securityRules := []network.SecurityRule{{
   613  		Name: to.StringPtr("SSHInbound"),
   614  		Properties: &network.SecurityRulePropertiesFormat{
   615  			Description:              to.StringPtr("Allow SSH access to all machines"),
   616  			Protocol:                 network.SecurityRuleProtocolTCP,
   617  			SourceAddressPrefix:      to.StringPtr("*"),
   618  			SourcePortRange:          to.StringPtr("*"),
   619  			DestinationAddressPrefix: to.StringPtr("*"),
   620  			DestinationPortRange:     to.StringPtr("22"),
   621  			Access:                   network.Allow,
   622  			Priority:                 to.IntPtr(100),
   623  			Direction:                network.Inbound,
   624  		},
   625  	}}
   626  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[2], &network.SecurityGroup{
   627  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   628  		Tags:     &emptyTags,
   629  		Properties: &network.SecurityGroupPropertiesFormat{
   630  			SecurityRules: &securityRules,
   631  		},
   632  	})
   634  	s.subnet.ID = nil
   635  	s.subnet.Name = nil
   636  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[3], s.subnet)
   638  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[4], &storage.AccountCheckNameAvailabilityParameters{
   639  		Name: to.StringPtr(fakeStorageAccount),
   640  		Type: to.StringPtr("Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"),
   641  	})
   643  	assertRequestBody(c, s.requests[5], &storage.AccountCreateParameters{
   644  		Location: to.StringPtr("westus"),
   645  		Tags:     &emptyTags,
   646  		Properties: &storage.AccountPropertiesCreateParameters{
   647  			AccountType: "Standard_LRS",
   648  		},
   649  	})
   650  }
   652  func (s *environSuite) TestAllInstancesResourceGroupNotFound(c *gc.C) {
   653  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   654  	sender := mocks.NewSender()
   655  	sender.EmitStatus("resource group not found", http.StatusNotFound)
   656  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{sender}
   657  	_, err := env.AllInstances()
   658  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   659  }
   661  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstancesNotFound(c *gc.C) {
   662  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   663  	sender := mocks.NewSender()
   664  	sender.EmitStatus("vm not found", http.StatusNotFound)
   665  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{sender, sender, sender}
   666  	err := env.StopInstances("a", "b")
   667  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   668  }
   670  func (s *environSuite) TestStopInstances(c *gc.C) {
   671  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   673  	// Security group has rules for machine-0 but not machine-1, and
   674  	// has a rule that doesn't match either.
   675  	nsg := makeSecurityGroup(
   676  		makeSecurityRule("machine-0-80", "", "80"),
   677  		makeSecurityRule("machine-0-1000-2000", "", "1000-2000"),
   678  		makeSecurityRule("machine-42", "", "*"),
   679  	)
   681  	// Create an IP configuration with a public IP reference. This will
   682  	// cause an update to the NIC to detach public IPs.
   683  	nic0IPConfiguration := makeIPConfiguration("")
   684  	nic0IPConfiguration.Properties.PublicIPAddress = &network.SubResource{}
   685  	nic0 := makeNetworkInterface("nic-0", "machine-0", nic0IPConfiguration)
   687  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{
   688  		s.networkInterfacesSender(
   689  			nic0,
   690  			makeNetworkInterface("nic-1", "machine-1"),
   691  			makeNetworkInterface("nic-2", "machine-1"),
   692  		),
   693  		s.virtualMachinesSender(makeVirtualMachine("machine-0")),
   694  		s.publicIPAddressesSender(
   695  			makePublicIPAddress("pip-0", "machine-0", ""),
   696  		),
   697  		s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines/machine-0", nil),                                             // DELETE
   698  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal", nsg),                                   // GET
   699  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal/securityRules/machine-0-80", nil),        // DELETE
   700  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal/securityRules/machine-0-1000-2000", nil), // DELETE
   701  		s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces/nic-0", nic0),                                              // PUT
   702  		s.makeSender(".*/publicIPAddresses/pip-0", nil),                                               // DELETE
   703  		s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces/nic-0", nil),                                               // DELETE
   704  		s.makeSender(".*/virtualMachines/machine-1", nil),                                             // DELETE
   705  		s.makeSender(".*/networkSecurityGroups/juju-internal", nsg),                                   // GET
   706  		s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces/nic-1", nil),                                               // DELETE
   707  		s.makeSender(".*/networkInterfaces/nic-2", nil),                                               // DELETE
   708  	}
   709  	err := env.StopInstances("machine-0", "machine-1", "machine-2")
   710  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   712  	s.storageClient.CheckCallNames(c,
   713  		"NewClient", "DeleteBlobIfExists", "DeleteBlobIfExists",
   714  	)
   715  	s.storageClient.CheckCall(c, 1, "DeleteBlobIfExists", "osvhds", "machine-0")
   716  	s.storageClient.CheckCall(c, 2, "DeleteBlobIfExists", "osvhds", "machine-1")
   717  }
   719  func (s *environSuite) TestConstraintsValidatorUnsupported(c *gc.C) {
   720  	validator := s.constraintsValidator(c)
   721  	unsupported, err := validator.Validate(constraints.MustParse(
   722  		"arch=amd64 tags=foo cpu-power=100 virt-type=kvm",
   723  	))
   724  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   725  	c.Assert(unsupported, jc.SameContents, []string{"tags", "cpu-power", "virt-type"})
   726  }
   728  func (s *environSuite) TestConstraintsValidatorVocabulary(c *gc.C) {
   729  	validator := s.constraintsValidator(c)
   730  	_, err := validator.Validate(constraints.MustParse("arch=armhf"))
   731  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches,
   732  		"invalid constraint value: arch=armhf\nvalid values are: \\[amd64\\]",
   733  	)
   734  	_, err = validator.Validate(constraints.MustParse("instance-type=t1.micro"))
   735  	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches,
   736  		"invalid constraint value: instance-type=t1.micro\nvalid values are: \\[D1 Standard_D1\\]",
   737  	)
   738  }
   740  func (s *environSuite) TestConstraintsValidatorMerge(c *gc.C) {
   741  	validator := s.constraintsValidator(c)
   742  	cons, err := validator.Merge(
   743  		constraints.MustParse("mem=3G arch=amd64"),
   744  		constraints.MustParse("instance-type=D1"),
   745  	)
   746  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   747  	c.Assert(cons.String(), gc.Equals, "instance-type=D1")
   748  }
   750  func (s *environSuite) constraintsValidator(c *gc.C) constraints.Validator {
   751  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   752  	s.sender = azuretesting.Senders{s.vmSizesSender()}
   753  	validator, err := env.ConstraintsValidator()
   754  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   755  	return validator
   756  }
   758  func (s *environSuite) TestAgentMirror(c *gc.C) {
   759  	env := s.openEnviron(c)
   760  	c.Assert(env, gc.Implements, new(envtools.HasAgentMirror))
   761  	cloudSpec, err := env.(envtools.HasAgentMirror).AgentMirror()
   762  	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
   763  	c.Assert(cloudSpec, gc.Equals, simplestreams.CloudSpec{
   764  		Region:   "westus",
   765  		Endpoint: "https://storage.azurestack.local/",
   766  	})
   767  }