
     1  # file: version.feature
     2  Feature: get version
     3    In order to know godog version
     4    As an API user
     5    I need to be able to request version
     7    Scenario: does not allow POST method
     8      When I send "POST" request to "/version"
     9      Then the response code should be 405
    10      And the response should match json:
    11        """
    12        {
    13          "error": "Method not allowed"
    14        }
    15        """
    17    Scenario: should get version number
    18      When I send "GET" request to "/version"
    19      Then the response code should be 200
    20      And the response should match json:
    21        """
    22        {
    23          "version": "v0.7.5"
    24        }
    25        """