
     1  run:
     2    tests: true
     4  output:
     5    print-issued-lines: false
     7  linters:
     8    enable-all: true
     9    disable:
    10      - maligned
    11      - lll
    12      - gochecknoglobals
    13      - wsl
    14      - funlen
    15      - gocognit
    16      - gomnd
    17      - goprintffuncname
    18      - paralleltest
    19      - nlreturn
    20      - goerr113
    21      - ifshort
    22      - testpackage
    23      - wrapcheck
    24      - exhaustivestruct
    25      - forbidigo
    26      - gci
    27      - godot
    28      - gofumpt
    29      - cyclop
    30      - errorlint
    31      - nestif
    32      - golint
    33      - scopelint
    34      - interfacer
    35      - tagliatelle
    36      - thelper
    37      - godox
    38      - goconst
    39      - varnamelen
    40      - ireturn
    41      - exhaustruct
    42      - nonamedreturns
    43      - nilnil
    44      - nosnakecase # deprecated since v1.48.1
    45      - structcheck # deprecated since v1.49.0
    46      - deadcode    # deprecated since v1.49.0
    47      - varcheck    # deprecated since v1.49.0
    48      - depguard    # nothing to guard against yet
    49      - tagalign    # hurts readability of kong tags
    51  linters-settings:
    52    govet:
    53      check-shadowing: true
    54      # These govet checks are disabled by default, but they're useful.
    55      enable:
    56        - niliness
    57        - sortslice
    58        - unusedwrite
    59    dupl:
    60      threshold: 100
    61    gocyclo:
    62      min-complexity: 20
    63    exhaustive:
    64      default-signifies-exhaustive: true
    66  issues:
    67    max-per-linter: 0
    68    max-same: 0
    69    exclude-use-default: false
    70    exclude:
    71      - '^(G104|G204):'
    72      # Very commonly not checked.
    73      - 'Error return value of .(.*\.Help|.*\.MarkFlagRequired|(os\.)?std(out|err)\..*|.*Close|.*Flush|os\.Remove(All)?|.*printf?|os\.(Un)?Setenv). is not checked'
    74      - 'exported method (.*\.MarshalJSON|.*\.UnmarshalJSON) should have comment or be unexported'
    75      - 'composite literal uses unkeyed fields'
    76      - 'bad syntax for struct tag key'
    77      - 'bad syntax for struct tag pair'
    78      - 'result .* \(error\) is always nil'
    80    exclude-rules:
    81      # Don't warn on unused parameters.
    82      # Parameter names are useful for documentation.
    83      # Replacing them with '_' hides useful information.
    84      - linters: [revive]
    85        text: 'unused-parameter: parameter \S+ seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _'
    87      # Duplicate words are okay in tests.
    88      - linters: [dupword]
    89        path: _test\.go