
     1  package repo
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"strings"
     6  )
     8  type Repo struct {
     9  	// The name of the Repository. This should be the
    10  	// canonical name, for example,
    11  	Name string
    13  	// The path of the Repoisotry. This could be
    14  	// the remote path of a Git repository or the path of
    15  	// of the repository on the local file system.
    16  	//
    17  	// A remote path must start with http://, https://,
    18  	// git://, ssh:// or git@. Otherwise we'll assume
    19  	// the repository is located on the local filesystem.
    20  	Path string
    22  	// (optional) Specific Branch that we should checkout
    23  	// when the Repository is cloned. If no value is
    24  	// provided we'll assume the default, master branch.
    25  	Branch string
    27  	// (optional) Specific Commit Hash that we should
    28  	// checkout when the Repository is cloned. If no
    29  	// value is provided we'll assume HEAD.
    30  	Commit string
    32  	// (optional) Pull Request number that we should
    33  	// checkout when the Repository is cloned.
    34  	PR string
    36  	// (optional) The filesystem path that the repository
    37  	// will be cloned into (or copied to) inside the
    38  	// host system (Docker Container).
    39  	Dir string
    41  	// (optional) The depth of the `git clone` command.
    42  	Depth int
    43  }
    45  // IsRemote returns true if the Repository is located
    46  // on a remote server (ie Github, Bitbucket)
    47  func (r *Repo) IsRemote() bool {
    48  	switch {
    49  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "git://"):
    50  		return true
    51  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "git@"):
    52  		return true
    53  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "http://"):
    54  		return true
    55  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "https://"):
    56  		return true
    57  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "ssh://"):
    58  		return true
    59  	}
    61  	return false
    62  }
    64  // IsLocal returns true if the Repository is located
    65  // on the local filesystem.
    66  func (r *Repo) IsLocal() bool {
    67  	return !r.IsRemote()
    68  }
    70  // IsGit returns true if the Repository is
    71  // a Git repoisitory.
    72  func (r *Repo) IsGit() bool {
    73  	switch {
    74  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "git://"):
    75  		return true
    76  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "git@"):
    77  		return true
    78  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "ssh://git@"):
    79  		return true
    80  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "https://github"):
    81  		return true
    82  	case strings.HasPrefix(r.Path, "http://github"):
    83  		return true
    84  	case strings.HasSuffix(r.Path, ".git"):
    85  		return true
    86  	}
    88  	// we could also ping the repository to check
    90  	return false
    91  }
    93  // returns commands that can be used in a Dockerfile
    94  // to clone the repository.
    95  //
    96  // TODO we should also enable Mercurial projects and SVN projects
    97  func (r *Repo) Commands() []string {
    98  	// get the branch. default to master
    99  	// if no branch exists.
   100  	branch := r.Branch
   101  	if len(branch) == 0 {
   102  		branch = "master"
   103  	}
   105  	cmds := []string{}
   106  	cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf("git clone --depth=%d --recursive --branch=%s %s %s", r.Depth, branch, r.Path, r.Dir))
   108  	switch {
   109  	// if a specific commit is provided then we'll
   110  	// need to clone it.
   111  	case len(r.PR) > 0:
   113  		cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf("git fetch origin +refs/pull/%s/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/%s", r.PR, r.PR))
   114  		cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf("git checkout -qf -b pr/%s origin/pr/%s", r.PR, r.PR))
   115  		//cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf("git fetch origin +refs/pull/%s/merge:", r.PR))
   116  		//cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf("git checkout -qf %s", "FETCH_HEAD"))
   117  	// if a specific commit is provided then we'll
   118  	// need to clone it.
   119  	case len(r.Commit) > 0:
   120  		cmds = append(cmds, fmt.Sprintf("git checkout -qf %s", r.Commit))
   121  	}
   123  	return cmds
   124  }