
     1  Feature: load features
     2    In order to run features
     3    As a test suite
     4    I need to be able to load features
     6    Scenario: load features within path
     7      Given a feature path "features"
     8      When I parse features
     9      Then I should have 11 feature files:
    10        """
    11        features/background.feature
    12        features/events.feature
    13        features/formatter/cucumber.feature
    14        features/formatter/events.feature
    15        features/lang.feature
    16        features/load.feature
    17        features/multistep.feature
    18        features/outline.feature
    19        features/run.feature
    20        features/snippets.feature
    21        features/tags.feature
    22        """
    24    Scenario: load a specific feature file
    25      Given a feature path "features/load.feature"
    26      When I parse features
    27      Then I should have 1 feature file:
    28        """
    29        features/load.feature
    30        """
    32    Scenario Outline: loaded feature should have a number of scenarios
    33      Given a feature path "<feature>"
    34      When I parse features
    35      Then I should have <number> scenario registered
    37      Examples:
    38        | feature                 | number |
    39        | features/load.feature:3 | 0      |
    40        | features/load.feature:6 | 1      |
    41        | features/load.feature   | 4      |
    43    Scenario: load a number of feature files
    44      Given a feature path "features/load.feature"
    45      And a feature path "features/events.feature"
    46      When I parse features
    47      Then I should have 2 feature files:
    48        """
    49        features/events.feature
    50        features/load.feature
    51        """