
     1  ---
     2  # The address to listen on.
     3  listenAddress: :3333
     5  # Location where switch states and outlet schedules for time switch should be
     6  # persisted across restarts of rfoutlet. If omitted, state will be lost. Can be
     7  # relative or absolute.
     8  stateFile: state.json
    10  # Enable state drift detection. This will watch for rf codes sent out by
    11  # something other than rfoutlet (e.g. the physical remote control for the
    12  # outlet) and will adjust the outlet states if necessary. The receiver has to
    13  # be attached to receivePin for this to work.
    14  detectStateDrift: false
    16  # GPIO configuration.
    17  gpio:
    18    # Pin to detect rf codes on. This is used by the state drift detector which
    19    # can be enabled with --detect-state-drift.
    20    receivePin: 27
    22    # Pin to transmit rf codes on.
    23    transmitPin: 17
    25    # The protocol that is used for outlets that do not explicitly define it
    26    # using the protocol field.
    27    defaultProtocol: 1
    29    # The pulse length that is used for outlets that do not explicitly define it
    30    # using the pulseLength field.
    31    defaultPulseLength: 189
    33    # Number of times a code should be transmitted in a row. The higher the
    34    # value, the more likely it is that an outlet actually received the code.
    35    transmissionCount: 10
    37  # Groups of outlets. IDs are mandatory and need to unique.
    38  groups:
    39    - id: foo
    41      # The group name that is displayed in the UI. If omitted, the ID will be
    42      # used.
    43      displayName: Foo
    45      # The outlets that are part of the group. Outlet IDs are mandatory and need
    46      # to unique.
    47      outlets:
    48        - id: bar
    50          # The outlet name that is displayed in the UI. If omitted, the ID will
    51          # be used.
    52          displayName: Bar
    54          # The code that needs to be sent to turn the outlet on. This can be
    55          # found out using the `rfoutlet sniff` subcommand.
    56          codeOn: 123
    58          # The code that needs to be sent to turn the outlet off. This can be
    59          # found out using the `rfoutlet sniff` subcommand.
    60          codeOff: 456
    62          # The protocol that the outlet supports. This can be found out using
    63          # the `rfoutlet sniff` subcommand. If omitted, defaultProtocol will be
    64          # used.
    65          protocol: 1
    67          # The pulse length that is used for separating sent out high-low
    68          # sequences to the outlet. This can be found out using the `rfoutlet
    69          # sniff` subcommand. If omitted, defaultPulseLength will be used.
    70          pulseLength: 189
    72        - id: baz
    73          name: Baz
    74          codeOn: 789
    75          codeOff: 012
    76          protocol: 2
    77          pulseLength: 189
    78    - id: bar
    79      displayName: Bar
    80      outlets:
    81        - id: qux
    82          name: Qux
    83          codeOn: 345
    84          codeOff: 678
    85          protocol: 3
    86          pulseLength: 305