
     1  // Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package nin
    17  import (
    18  	"bytes"
    19  	"errors"
    20  	"fmt"
    21  	"os"
    22  	"runtime"
    23  	"sort"
    24  )
    26  // ExistenceStatus represents the knowledge of the file's existence.
    27  type ExistenceStatus int32
    29  const (
    30  	// ExistenceStatusUnknown means the file hasn't been examined.
    31  	ExistenceStatusUnknown ExistenceStatus = iota
    32  	// ExistenceStatusMissing means the file doesn't exist. MTime will be the
    33  	// latest mtime of its dependencies.
    34  	ExistenceStatusMissing
    35  	// ExistenceStatusExists means the path is an actual file. MTime will be the
    36  	// file's mtime.
    37  	ExistenceStatusExists
    38  )
    40  // Node represents information about a node in the dependency graph: the file,
    41  // whether it's dirty, mtime, etc.
    42  type Node struct {
    43  	// Immutable.
    45  	// Path is the path of the file that this node represents.
    46  	Path string
    48  	// Set bits starting from lowest for backslashes that were normalized to
    49  	// forward slashes by CanonicalizePathBits. See |PathDecanonicalized|.
    50  	SlashBits uint64
    52  	// Mutable.
    54  	// The Edge that produces this Node, or NULL when there is no
    55  	// known edge to produce it.
    56  	InEdge *Edge
    58  	// All Edges that use this Node as an input.
    59  	OutEdges []*Edge
    61  	// All Edges that use this Node as a validation.
    62  	ValidationOutEdges []*Edge
    64  	// Possible values of MTime:
    65  	//   -1: file hasn't been examined
    66  	//   0:  we looked, and file doesn't exist
    67  	//   >0: actual file's mtime, or the latest mtime of its dependencies if it doesn't exist
    68  	MTime TimeStamp
    70  	// A dense integer id for the node, assigned and used by DepsLog.
    71  	ID int32
    73  	Exists ExistenceStatus
    75  	// Dirty is true when the underlying file is out-of-date.
    76  	// But note that Edge.OutputsReady is also used in judging which
    77  	// edges to build.
    78  	Dirty bool
    80  	// Store whether dyndep information is expected from this node but
    81  	// has not yet been loaded.
    82  	DyndepPending bool
    83  }
    85  func (n *Node) statIfNecessary(di DiskInterface) error {
    86  	if n.Exists != ExistenceStatusUnknown {
    87  		return nil
    88  	}
    89  	return n.Stat(di)
    90  }
    92  // PathDecanonicalized return |Path| but use SlashBits to convert back to
    93  // original slash styles.
    94  func (n *Node) PathDecanonicalized() string {
    95  	return PathDecanonicalized(n.Path, n.SlashBits)
    96  }
    98  // Stat stat's the file.
    99  func (n *Node) Stat(di DiskInterface) error {
   100  	defer metricRecord("node stat")()
   101  	mtime, err := di.Stat(n.Path)
   102  	n.MTime = mtime
   103  	if mtime == -1 {
   104  		return err
   105  	}
   106  	if n.MTime != 0 {
   107  		n.Exists = ExistenceStatusExists
   108  	} else {
   109  		n.Exists = ExistenceStatusMissing
   110  	}
   111  	return nil
   112  }
   114  // If the file doesn't exist, set the MTime from its dependencies
   115  func (n *Node) updatePhonyMtime(mtime TimeStamp) {
   116  	if n.Exists != ExistenceStatusExists {
   117  		if mtime > n.MTime {
   118  			n.MTime = mtime
   119  		}
   120  	}
   121  }
   123  // Dump prints out Node's details to stdout.
   124  func (n *Node) Dump(prefix string) {
   125  	s := ""
   126  	if n.Exists != ExistenceStatusExists {
   127  		s = " (:missing)"
   128  	}
   129  	t := " clean"
   130  	if n.Dirty {
   131  		t = " dirty"
   132  	}
   133  	fmt.Printf("%s <%s 0x%p> mtime: %x%s, (:%s), ", prefix, n.Path, n, n.MTime, s, t)
   134  	if n.InEdge != nil {
   135  		n.InEdge.Dump("in-edge: ")
   136  	} else {
   137  		fmt.Printf("no in-edge\n")
   138  	}
   139  	fmt.Printf(" out edges:\n")
   140  	for _, e := range n.OutEdges {
   141  		if e == nil {
   142  			break
   143  		}
   144  		e.Dump(" +- ")
   145  	}
   146  	if len(n.ValidationOutEdges) != 0 {
   147  		fmt.Printf(" validation out edges:\n")
   148  		for _, e := range n.ValidationOutEdges {
   149  			e.Dump(" +- ")
   150  		}
   151  	}
   152  }
   154  //
   156  // VisitMark is a market to determine if an edge is visited.
   157  type VisitMark int32
   159  // Valid VisitMark values.
   160  const (
   161  	VisitNone VisitMark = iota
   162  	VisitInStack
   163  	VisitDone
   164  )
   166  // Edge is an edge in the dependency graph; links between Nodes using Rules.
   167  type Edge struct {
   168  	Inputs      []*Node
   169  	Outputs     []*Node
   170  	Validations []*Node
   171  	Rule        *Rule
   172  	Pool        *Pool
   173  	Dyndep      *Node
   174  	Env         *BindingEnv
   175  	Mark        VisitMark
   176  	ID          int32
   178  	// There are three types of inputs.
   179  	// 1) explicit deps, which show up as $in on the command line;
   180  	// 2) implicit deps, which the target depends on implicitly (e.g. C headers),
   181  	//                   and changes in them cause the target to rebuild;
   182  	// 3) order-only deps, which are needed before the target builds but which
   183  	//                     don't cause the target to rebuild.
   184  	// These are stored in Inputs in that order, and we keep counts of
   185  	// #2 and #3 when we need to access the various subsets.
   186  	ImplicitDeps  int32
   187  	OrderOnlyDeps int32
   189  	// There are two types of outputs.
   190  	// 1) explicit outs, which show up as $out on the command line;
   191  	// 2) implicit outs, which the target generates but are not part of $out.
   192  	// These are stored in Outputs in that order, and we keep a count of
   193  	// #2 to use when we need to access the various subsets.
   194  	ImplicitOuts int32
   196  	OutputsReady         bool
   197  	DepsLoaded           bool
   198  	DepsMissing          bool
   199  	GeneratedByDepLoader bool
   200  }
   202  // If this ever gets changed, update DelayedEdgesSet to take this into account.
   203  func (e *Edge) weight() int {
   204  	return 1
   205  }
   207  // IsImplicit returns if the inputs at the specified index is implicit and not
   208  // for ordering only.
   209  func (e *Edge) IsImplicit(index int) bool {
   210  	return index >= len(e.Inputs)-int(e.OrderOnlyDeps)-int(e.ImplicitDeps) && !e.IsOrderOnly(index)
   211  }
   213  // IsOrderOnly returns if the input at the specified index is only used for
   214  // ordering.
   215  func (e *Edge) IsOrderOnly(index int) bool {
   216  	return index >= len(e.Inputs)-int(e.OrderOnlyDeps)
   217  }
   219  // isImplicitOut is only used in unit tests.
   220  func (e *Edge) isImplicitOut(index int) bool {
   221  	return index >= len(e.Outputs)-int(e.ImplicitOuts)
   222  }
   224  // EvaluateCommand expands all variables in a command and return it as a string.
   225  //
   226  // If inclRspFile is enabled, the string will also contain the
   227  // full contents of a response file (if applicable)
   228  func (e *Edge) EvaluateCommand(inclRspFile bool) string {
   229  	command := e.GetBinding("command")
   230  	if inclRspFile {
   231  		rspfileContent := e.GetBinding("rspfile_content")
   232  		if rspfileContent != "" {
   233  			command += ";rspfile=" + rspfileContent
   234  		}
   235  	}
   236  	return command
   237  }
   239  // GetBinding returns the shell-escaped value of |key|.
   240  func (e *Edge) GetBinding(key string) string {
   241  	env := edgeEnv{
   242  		edge:        e,
   243  		escapeInOut: shellEscape,
   244  	}
   245  	return env.LookupVariable(key)
   246  }
   248  // GetUnescapedDepfile returns like GetBinding("depfile"), but without shell
   249  // escaping.
   250  func (e *Edge) GetUnescapedDepfile() string {
   251  	env := edgeEnv{
   252  		edge:        e,
   253  		escapeInOut: doNotEscape,
   254  	}
   255  	return env.LookupVariable("depfile")
   256  }
   258  // GetUnescapedDyndep returns like GetBinding("dyndep"), but without shell
   259  // escaping.
   260  func (e *Edge) GetUnescapedDyndep() string {
   261  	env := edgeEnv{
   262  		edge:        e,
   263  		escapeInOut: doNotEscape,
   264  	}
   265  	return env.LookupVariable("dyndep")
   266  }
   268  // GetUnescapedRspfile returns like GetBinding("rspfile"), but without shell
   269  // escaping.
   270  func (e *Edge) GetUnescapedRspfile() string {
   271  	env := edgeEnv{
   272  		edge:        e,
   273  		escapeInOut: doNotEscape,
   274  	}
   275  	return env.LookupVariable("rspfile")
   276  }
   278  // Dump prints the Edge details to stdout.
   279  func (e *Edge) Dump(prefix string) {
   280  	fmt.Printf("%s[ ", prefix)
   281  	for _, i := range e.Inputs {
   282  		if i != nil {
   283  			fmt.Printf("%s ", i.Path)
   284  		}
   285  	}
   286  	fmt.Printf("--%s-> ", e.Rule.Name)
   287  	for _, i := range e.Outputs {
   288  		fmt.Printf("%s ", i.Path)
   289  	}
   290  	if len(e.Validations) != 0 {
   291  		fmt.Printf(" validations ")
   292  		for _, i := range e.Validations {
   293  			fmt.Printf("%s ", i.Path)
   294  		}
   295  	}
   296  	if e.Pool != nil {
   297  		if e.Pool.Name != "" {
   298  			fmt.Printf("(in pool '%s')", e.Pool.Name)
   299  		}
   300  	} else {
   301  		fmt.Printf("(null pool?)")
   302  	}
   303  	fmt.Printf("] 0x%p\n", e)
   304  }
   306  func (e *Edge) maybePhonycycleDiagnostic() bool {
   307  	// CMake 2.8.12.x and 3.0.x produced self-referencing phony rules
   308  	// of the form "build a: phony ... a ...".   Restrict our
   309  	// "phonycycle" diagnostic option to the form it used.
   310  	return e.Rule == PhonyRule && len(e.Outputs) == 1 && e.ImplicitOuts == 0 && e.ImplicitDeps == 0
   311  }
   313  // Return true if all inputs' in-edges are ready.
   314  func (e *Edge) allInputsReady() bool {
   315  	for _, i := range e.Inputs {
   316  		if i.InEdge != nil && !i.InEdge.OutputsReady {
   317  			return false
   318  		}
   319  	}
   320  	return true
   321  }
   323  //
   325  // EdgeSet acts as a sorted set of *Edge, so map[*Edge]struct{} but with sorted
   326  // pop.
   327  type EdgeSet struct {
   328  	edges  map[*Edge]struct{}
   329  	dirty  bool
   330  	sorted []*Edge
   331  }
   333  // NewEdgeSet returns an initialized EdgeSet.
   334  func NewEdgeSet() *EdgeSet {
   335  	return &EdgeSet{
   336  		edges: make(map[*Edge]struct{}),
   337  	}
   338  }
   340  // IsEmpty return true if the set is empty.
   341  func (e *EdgeSet) IsEmpty() bool {
   342  	return len(e.edges) == 0
   343  }
   345  // Add the edge to the set.
   346  func (e *EdgeSet) Add(ed *Edge) {
   347  	e.edges[ed] = struct{}{}
   348  	e.dirty = true
   349  }
   351  // Pop returns the lowest ID.
   352  func (e *EdgeSet) Pop() *Edge {
   353  	e.recreate()
   354  	if len(e.sorted) == 0 {
   355  		return nil
   356  	}
   357  	// Do not set dirty.
   358  	ed := e.sorted[len(e.sorted)-1]
   359  	e.sorted = e.sorted[:len(e.sorted)-1]
   360  	delete(e.edges, ed)
   361  	return ed
   362  }
   364  func (e *EdgeSet) recreate() {
   365  	if !e.dirty {
   366  		return
   367  	}
   368  	e.dirty = false
   369  	if len(e.edges) == 0 {
   370  		if len(e.sorted) != 0 {
   371  			e.sorted = e.sorted[:0]
   372  		}
   373  		return
   374  	}
   375  	// Resize e.sorted to be the same size as e.edges
   376  	le := len(e.edges)
   377  	if cap(e.sorted) < le {
   378  		e.sorted = make([]*Edge, le)
   379  	} else {
   380  		delta := le - len(e.sorted)
   381  		if delta < 0 {
   382  			// TODO(maruel): Not sure how to tell the Go compiler to do it as a
   383  			// single operation.
   384  			for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
   385  				e.sorted = append(e.sorted, nil)
   386  			}
   387  		} else if delta > 0 {
   388  			e.sorted = e.sorted[:le]
   389  		}
   390  	}
   391  	i := 0
   392  	for k := range e.edges {
   393  		e.sorted[i] = k
   394  		i++
   395  	}
   396  	// Sort in reverse order, so that Pop() removes the last (smallest) item.
   397  	sort.Slice(e.sorted, func(i, j int) bool {
   398  		return e.sorted[i].ID > e.sorted[j].ID
   399  	})
   400  }
   402  //
   404  type escapeKind bool
   406  const (
   407  	shellEscape escapeKind = false
   408  	doNotEscape escapeKind = true
   409  )
   411  // An Env for an Edge, providing $in and $out.
   412  type edgeEnv struct {
   413  	lookups     []string
   414  	edge        *Edge
   415  	escapeInOut escapeKind
   416  	recursive   bool
   417  }
   419  func (e *edgeEnv) LookupVariable(v string) string {
   420  	edge := e.edge
   421  	switch v {
   422  	case "in":
   423  		explicitDepsCount := len(edge.Inputs) - int(edge.ImplicitDeps) - int(edge.OrderOnlyDeps)
   424  		return makePathList(edge.Inputs[:explicitDepsCount], ' ', e.escapeInOut)
   425  	case "in_newline":
   426  		explicitDepsCount := len(edge.Inputs) - int(edge.ImplicitDeps) - int(edge.OrderOnlyDeps)
   427  		return makePathList(edge.Inputs[:explicitDepsCount], '\n', e.escapeInOut)
   428  	case "out":
   429  		explicitOutsCount := len(edge.Outputs) - int(edge.ImplicitOuts)
   430  		return makePathList(edge.Outputs[:explicitOutsCount], ' ', e.escapeInOut)
   431  	default:
   432  		// TODO(maruel): Remove here and move to a post parsing evaluation in a
   433  		// separate goroutine.
   434  		for i := 0; i < len(e.lookups); i++ {
   435  			if e.lookups[i] == v {
   436  				cycle := ""
   437  				for ; i < len(e.lookups); i++ {
   438  					cycle += e.lookups[i] + " -> "
   439  				}
   440  				cycle += v
   441  				fatalf("cycle in rule variables: " + cycle)
   442  			}
   443  		}
   445  		// See notes on BindingEnv.lookupWithFallback.
   446  		eval := edge.Rule.Bindings[v]
   447  		if e.recursive {
   448  			if eval != nil {
   449  				e.lookups = append(e.lookups, v)
   450  			}
   451  		} else {
   452  			// In practice, variables defined on rules never use another rule variable.
   453  			e.recursive = true
   454  		}
   455  		return edge.Env.lookupWithFallback(v, eval, e)
   456  	}
   457  }
   459  // Given a span of Nodes, construct a list of paths suitable for a command
   460  // line.
   461  func makePathList(span []*Node, sep byte, escapeInOut escapeKind) string {
   462  	var z [64]string
   463  	var s []string
   464  	if l := len(span); l <= cap(z) {
   465  		s = z[:l]
   466  	} else {
   467  		s = make([]string, l)
   468  	}
   469  	total := 0
   470  	first := false
   471  	for i, x := range span {
   472  		path := x.PathDecanonicalized()
   473  		if escapeInOut == shellEscape {
   474  			if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   475  				path = getWin32EscapedString(path)
   476  			} else {
   477  				path = getShellEscapedString(path)
   478  			}
   479  		}
   480  		l := len(path)
   481  		if !first {
   482  			if l != 0 {
   483  				first = true
   484  			}
   485  		} else {
   486  			// For the separator.
   487  			total++
   488  		}
   489  		s[i] = path
   490  		total += l
   491  	}
   493  	out := make([]byte, total)
   494  	offset := 0
   495  	for _, x := range s {
   496  		if offset != 0 {
   497  			out[offset] = sep
   498  			offset++
   499  		}
   500  		copy(out[offset:], x)
   501  		offset += len(x)
   502  	}
   503  	return unsafeString(out)
   504  }
   506  // PathDecanonicalized does the reverse process of CanonicalizePath().
   507  //
   508  // Only does anything on Windows.
   509  func PathDecanonicalized(path string, slashBits uint64) string {
   510  	if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
   511  		return path
   512  	}
   513  	result := []byte(path)
   514  	mask := uint64(1)
   516  	for c := 0; ; c++ {
   517  		d := bytes.IndexByte(result[c:], '/')
   518  		if d == -1 {
   519  			break
   520  		}
   521  		c += d
   522  		if slashBits&mask != 0 {
   523  			result[c] = '\\'
   524  		}
   525  		mask <<= 1
   526  	}
   527  	return unsafeString(result)
   528  }
   530  //
   532  // DependencyScan manages the process of scanning the files in a graph
   533  // and updating the dirty/outputsReady state of all the nodes and edges.
   534  type DependencyScan struct {
   535  	buildLog     *BuildLog
   536  	di           DiskInterface
   537  	depLoader    implicitDepLoader
   538  	dyndepLoader DyndepLoader
   539  }
   541  // NewDependencyScan returns an initialized DependencyScan.
   542  func NewDependencyScan(state *State, buildLog *BuildLog, depsLog *DepsLog, di DiskInterface) DependencyScan {
   543  	return DependencyScan{
   544  		buildLog:     buildLog,
   545  		di:           di,
   546  		depLoader:    newImplicitDepLoader(state, depsLog, di),
   547  		dyndepLoader: NewDyndepLoader(state, di),
   548  	}
   549  }
   551  func (d *DependencyScan) depsLog() *DepsLog {
   552  	return d.depLoader.depsLog
   553  }
   555  // RecomputeDirty updates the |dirty| state of the given Node by transitively
   556  // inspecting their input edges.
   557  //
   558  // Examine inputs, outputs, and command lines to judge whether an edge
   559  // needs to be re-run, and update OutputsReady and each outputs' Dirty
   560  // state accordingly.
   561  //
   562  // Appends any validation nodes found to the nodes parameter.
   563  func (d *DependencyScan) RecomputeDirty(initialNode *Node) ([]*Node, error) {
   564  	var stack, validationNodes, newValidationNodes []*Node
   565  	// The C++ code uses a dequeue.
   566  	nodes := []*Node{initialNode}
   568  	// recomputeNodeDirty might return new validation nodes that need to be
   569  	// checked for dirty state, keep a queue of nodes to visit.
   570  	for len(nodes) != 0 {
   571  		node := nodes[0]
   572  		nodes = nodes[1:]
   573  		// Reuse slices to reduce overall memory allocations.
   574  		stack = stack[:0]
   575  		newValidationNodes = newValidationNodes[:0]
   576  		var err error
   577  		stack, newValidationNodes, err = d.recomputeNodeDirty(node, stack, newValidationNodes)
   578  		if err != nil {
   579  			return nil, err
   580  		}
   581  		nodes = append(nodes, newValidationNodes...)
   582  		validationNodes = append(validationNodes, newValidationNodes...)
   583  	}
   584  	return validationNodes, nil
   585  }
   587  // recomputeNodeDirty updates Node.Dirty.
   588  //
   589  // It is recursive.
   590  func (d *DependencyScan) recomputeNodeDirty(node *Node, stack, validationNodes []*Node) ([]*Node, []*Node, error) {
   591  	edge := node.InEdge
   592  	if edge == nil {
   593  		// If we already visited this leaf node then we are done.
   594  		if node.Exists != ExistenceStatusUnknown {
   595  			return stack, validationNodes, nil
   596  		}
   597  		// This node has no in-edge; it is dirty if it is missing.
   598  		if err := node.statIfNecessary(d.di); err != nil {
   599  			return stack, validationNodes, err
   600  		}
   601  		if node.Exists != ExistenceStatusExists {
   602  			explain("%s has no in-edge and is missing", node.Path)
   603  		}
   604  		node.Dirty = node.Exists != ExistenceStatusExists
   605  		return stack, validationNodes, nil
   606  	}
   608  	// If we already finished this edge then we are done.
   609  	if edge.Mark == VisitDone {
   610  		return stack, validationNodes, nil
   611  	}
   613  	// If we encountered this edge earlier in the call stack we have a cycle.
   614  	if err := d.verifyDAG(node, stack); err != nil {
   615  		return stack, validationNodes, err
   616  	}
   618  	// Mark the edge temporarily while in the call stack.
   619  	edge.Mark = VisitInStack
   620  	stack = append(stack, node)
   622  	dirty := false
   623  	edge.OutputsReady = true
   624  	edge.DepsMissing = false
   626  	if !edge.DepsLoaded {
   627  		// This is our first encounter with this edge.
   628  		// If there is a pending dyndep file, visit it now:
   629  		// * If the dyndep file is ready then load it now to get any
   630  		//   additional inputs and outputs for this and other edges.
   631  		//   Once the dyndep file is loaded it will no longer be pending
   632  		//   if any other edges encounter it, but they will already have
   633  		//   been updated.
   634  		// * If the dyndep file is not ready then since is known to be an
   635  		//   input to this edge, the edge will not be considered ready below.
   636  		//   Later during the build the dyndep file will become ready and be
   637  		//   loaded to update this edge before it can possibly be scheduled.
   638  		if edge.Dyndep != nil && edge.Dyndep.DyndepPending {
   639  			var err error
   640  			stack, validationNodes, err = d.recomputeNodeDirty(edge.Dyndep, stack, validationNodes)
   641  			if err != nil {
   642  				return stack, validationNodes, err
   643  			}
   645  			if edge.Dyndep.InEdge == nil || edge.Dyndep.InEdge.OutputsReady {
   646  				// The dyndep file is ready, so load it now.
   647  				if err := d.LoadDyndeps(edge.Dyndep, DyndepFile{}); err != nil {
   648  					return stack, validationNodes, err
   649  				}
   650  			}
   651  		}
   652  	}
   654  	// Load output mtimes so we can compare them to the most recent input below.
   655  	for _, o := range edge.Outputs {
   656  		if err := o.statIfNecessary(d.di); err != nil {
   657  			return stack, validationNodes, err
   658  		}
   659  	}
   661  	if !edge.DepsLoaded {
   662  		// This is our first encounter with this edge.  Load discovered deps.
   663  		edge.DepsLoaded = true
   664  		if found, err := d.depLoader.loadDeps(edge); err != nil {
   665  			return stack, validationNodes, err
   666  		} else if !found {
   667  			// Failed to load dependency info: rebuild to regenerate it.
   668  			// loadDeps() did Explain() already, no need to do it here.
   669  			dirty = true
   670  			edge.DepsMissing = true
   671  		}
   672  	}
   674  	// Store any validation nodes from the edge for adding to the initial
   675  	// nodes.  Don't recurse into them, that would trigger the dependency
   676  	// cycle detector if the validation node depends on this node.
   677  	// RecomputeDirty will add the validation nodes to the initial nodes
   678  	// and recurse into them.
   679  	validationNodes = append(validationNodes, edge.Validations...)
   681  	// Visit all inputs; we're dirty if any of the inputs are dirty.
   682  	var mostRecentInput *Node
   683  	for j, i := range edge.Inputs {
   684  		// Visit this input.
   685  		var err error
   686  		stack, validationNodes, err = d.recomputeNodeDirty(i, stack, validationNodes)
   687  		if err != nil {
   688  			return stack, validationNodes, err
   689  		}
   691  		// If an input is not ready, neither are our outputs.
   692  		if inEdge := i.InEdge; inEdge != nil {
   693  			if !inEdge.OutputsReady {
   694  				edge.OutputsReady = false
   695  			}
   696  		}
   698  		if !edge.IsOrderOnly(j) {
   699  			// If a regular input is dirty (or missing), we're dirty.
   700  			// Otherwise consider mtime.
   701  			if i.Dirty {
   702  				explain("%s is dirty", i.Path)
   703  				dirty = true
   704  			} else {
   705  				if mostRecentInput == nil || i.MTime > mostRecentInput.MTime {
   706  					mostRecentInput = i
   707  				}
   708  			}
   709  		}
   710  	}
   712  	// We may also be dirty due to output state: missing outputs, out of
   713  	// date outputs, etc.  Visit all outputs and determine whether they're dirty.
   714  	if !dirty {
   715  		// The C++ code conditions on this but I think there's a bug in there.
   716  		dirty = d.recomputeOutputsDirty(edge, mostRecentInput)
   717  	}
   719  	// Finally, visit each output and update their dirty state if necessary.
   720  	for _, o := range edge.Outputs {
   721  		if dirty {
   722  			o.Dirty = true
   723  		}
   724  	}
   726  	// If an edge is dirty, its outputs are normally not ready.  (It's
   727  	// possible to be clean but still not be ready in the presence of
   728  	// order-only inputs.)
   729  	// But phony edges with no inputs have nothing to do, so are always
   730  	// ready.
   731  	if dirty && !(edge.Rule == PhonyRule && len(edge.Inputs) == 0) {
   732  		edge.OutputsReady = false
   733  	}
   735  	// Mark the edge as finished during this walk now that it will no longer
   736  	// be in the call stack.
   737  	edge.Mark = VisitDone
   738  	// assert(stack[len(stack)-1] == node)
   739  	return stack[:len(stack)-1], validationNodes, nil
   740  }
   742  // verifyDAG checks that the node is a directed acyclic graph.
   743  //
   744  // Mutates stack in-place in case of error.
   745  func (d *DependencyScan) verifyDAG(node *Node, stack []*Node) error {
   746  	edge := node.InEdge
   748  	// If we have no temporary mark on the edge then we do not yet have a cycle.
   749  	if edge.Mark != VisitInStack {
   750  		return nil
   751  	}
   753  	// We have this edge earlier in the call stack.  Find it.
   754  	start := -1
   755  	for i := range stack {
   756  		if stack[i].InEdge == edge {
   757  			start = i
   758  			break
   759  		}
   760  	}
   762  	// Make the cycle clear by reporting its start as the node at its end
   763  	// instead of some other output of the starting edge.  For example,
   764  	// running 'ninja b' on
   765  	//   build a b: cat c
   766  	//   build c: cat a
   767  	// should report a -> c -> a instead of b -> c -> a.
   768  	stack[start] = node
   770  	// Construct the error message rejecting the cycle.
   771  	err := "dependency cycle: "
   772  	for i := start; i != len(stack); i++ {
   773  		err += stack[i].Path
   774  		err += " -> "
   775  	}
   776  	err += stack[start].Path
   778  	if (start+1) == len(stack) && edge.maybePhonycycleDiagnostic() {
   779  		// The manifest parser would have filtered out the self-referencing
   780  		// input if it were not configured to allow the error.
   781  		err += " [-w phonycycle=err]"
   782  	}
   783  	return errors.New(err)
   784  }
   786  // recomputeOutputsDirty recomputes whether any output of the edge is dirty.
   787  //
   788  // Returns true if dirty.
   789  func (d *DependencyScan) recomputeOutputsDirty(edge *Edge, mostRecentInput *Node) bool {
   790  	command := edge.EvaluateCommand(true) // inclRspFile=
   791  	for _, o := range edge.Outputs {
   792  		if d.recomputeOutputDirty(edge, mostRecentInput, command, o) {
   793  			return true
   794  		}
   795  	}
   796  	return false
   797  }
   799  // recomputeOutputDirty recomputes whether a given single output should be
   800  // marked dirty.
   801  //
   802  // Returns true if so.
   803  func (d *DependencyScan) recomputeOutputDirty(edge *Edge, mostRecentInput *Node, command string, output *Node) bool {
   804  	if edge.Rule == PhonyRule {
   805  		// Phony edges don't write any output.  Outputs are only dirty if
   806  		// there are no inputs and we're missing the output.
   807  		if len(edge.Inputs) == 0 && output.Exists != ExistenceStatusExists {
   808  			explain("output %s of phony edge with no inputs doesn't exist", output.Path)
   809  			return true
   810  		}
   812  		// Update the mtime with the newest input. Dependents can thus call mtime()
   813  		// on the fake node and get the latest mtime of the dependencies
   814  		if mostRecentInput != nil {
   815  			output.updatePhonyMtime(mostRecentInput.MTime)
   816  		}
   818  		// Phony edges are clean, nothing to do.
   819  		return false
   820  	}
   822  	var entry *LogEntry
   824  	// Dirty if we're missing the output.
   825  	if output.Exists != ExistenceStatusExists {
   826  		explain("output %s doesn't exist", output.Path)
   827  		return true
   828  	}
   830  	// Dirty if the output is older than the input.
   831  	if mostRecentInput != nil && output.MTime < mostRecentInput.MTime {
   832  		outputMtime := output.MTime
   834  		// If this is a restat rule, we may have cleaned the output with a restat
   835  		// rule in a previous run and stored the most recent input mtime in the
   836  		// build log.  Use that mtime instead, so that the file will only be
   837  		// considered dirty if an input was modified since the previous run.
   838  		usedRestat := false
   839  		if edge.GetBinding("restat") != "" && d.buildLog != nil {
   840  			if entry = d.buildLog.Entries[output.Path]; entry != nil {
   841  				outputMtime = entry.mtime
   842  				usedRestat = true
   843  			}
   844  		}
   846  		if outputMtime < mostRecentInput.MTime {
   847  			s := ""
   848  			if usedRestat {
   849  				s = "restat of "
   850  			}
   851  			explain("%soutput %s older than most recent input %s (%x vs %x)", s, output.Path, mostRecentInput.Path, outputMtime, mostRecentInput.MTime)
   852  			return true
   853  		}
   854  	}
   856  	if d.buildLog != nil {
   857  		generator := edge.GetBinding("generator") != ""
   858  		if entry == nil {
   859  			entry = d.buildLog.Entries[output.Path]
   860  		}
   861  		if entry != nil {
   862  			if !generator && HashCommand(command) != entry.commandHash {
   863  				// May also be dirty due to the command changing since the last build.
   864  				// But if this is a generator rule, the command changing does not make us
   865  				// dirty.
   866  				explain("command line changed for %s", output.Path)
   867  				return true
   868  			}
   869  			if mostRecentInput != nil && entry.mtime < mostRecentInput.MTime {
   870  				// May also be dirty due to the mtime in the log being older than the
   871  				// mtime of the most recent input.  This can occur even when the mtime
   872  				// on disk is newer if a previous run wrote to the output file but
   873  				// exited with an error or was interrupted.
   874  				explain("recorded mtime of %s older than most recent input %s (%x vs %x)", output.Path, mostRecentInput.Path, entry.mtime, mostRecentInput.MTime)
   875  				return true
   876  			}
   877  		}
   878  		if entry == nil && !generator {
   879  			explain("command line not found in log for %s", output.Path)
   880  			return true
   881  		}
   882  	}
   883  	return false
   884  }
   886  // LoadDyndeps loads a dyndep file from the given node's path and update the
   887  // build graph with the new information.
   888  //
   889  // The 'DyndepFile' object stores the information loaded from the dyndep file.
   890  func (d *DependencyScan) LoadDyndeps(node *Node, ddf DyndepFile) error {
   891  	return d.dyndepLoader.LoadDyndeps(node, ddf)
   892  }
   894  //
   896  // implicitDepLoader loads implicit dependencies, as referenced via the
   897  // "depfile" attribute in build files.
   898  type implicitDepLoader struct {
   899  	state   *State
   900  	di      DiskInterface
   901  	depsLog *DepsLog
   902  }
   904  func newImplicitDepLoader(state *State, depsLog *DepsLog, di DiskInterface) implicitDepLoader {
   905  	return implicitDepLoader{
   906  		state:   state,
   907  		di:      di,
   908  		depsLog: depsLog,
   909  	}
   910  }
   912  // loadDeps loads implicit dependencies for edge.
   913  //
   914  // Returns false if info is just missing or out of date.
   915  func (i *implicitDepLoader) loadDeps(edge *Edge) (bool, error) {
   916  	depsType := edge.GetBinding("deps")
   917  	if len(depsType) != 0 {
   918  		return i.loadDepsFromLog(edge), nil
   919  	}
   921  	depfile := edge.GetUnescapedDepfile()
   922  	if len(depfile) != 0 {
   923  		return i.loadDepFile(edge, depfile)
   924  	}
   926  	// No deps to load.
   927  	return true, nil
   928  }
   930  // loadDepFile loads implicit dependencies for edge from a depfile attribute.
   931  //
   932  // Returns false if info is just missing or on error.
   933  func (i *implicitDepLoader) loadDepFile(edge *Edge, path string) (bool, error) {
   934  	defer metricRecord("depfile load")()
   935  	// Read depfile content.  Treat a missing depfile as empty.
   936  	content, err := i.di.ReadFile(path)
   937  	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
   938  		// TODO(maruel): Use %q for real quoting.
   939  		return false, fmt.Errorf("loading '%s': %w", path, err)
   940  	}
   941  	// On a missing depfile: return false and empty error.
   942  	if len(content) == 0 {
   943  		// TODO(maruel): Use %q for real quoting.
   944  		explain("depfile '%s' is missing", path)
   945  		return false, nil
   946  	}
   948  	depfile := DepfileParser{}
   949  	if err := depfile.Parse(content); err != nil {
   950  		return false, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", path, err)
   951  	}
   953  	if len(depfile.outs) == 0 {
   954  		return false, errors.New(path + ": no outputs declared")
   955  	}
   957  	// Check that this depfile matches the edge's output, if not return false to
   958  	// mark the edge as dirty.
   959  	firstOutput := edge.Outputs[0]
   960  	if primaryOut := CanonicalizePath(depfile.outs[0]); firstOutput.Path != primaryOut {
   961  		explain("expected depfile '%s' to mention '%s', got '%s'", path, firstOutput.Path, primaryOut)
   962  		return false, nil
   963  	}
   965  	// Ensure that all mentioned outputs are outputs of the edge.
   966  	for _, o := range depfile.outs {
   967  		found := false
   968  		for _, n := range edge.Outputs {
   969  			if n.Path == o {
   970  				found = true
   971  				break
   972  			}
   973  		}
   974  		if !found {
   975  			// TODO(maruel): Use %q for real quoting.
   976  			return false, fmt.Errorf("%s: depfile mentions '%s' as an output, but no such output was declared", path, o)
   977  		}
   978  	}
   979  	return i.processDepfileDeps(edge, depfile.ins), nil
   980  }
   982  // processDepfileDeps processes loaded implicit dependencies for edge and
   983  // update the graph.
   984  //
   985  // Returns false with info is just missing.
   986  func (i *implicitDepLoader) processDepfileDeps(edge *Edge, depfileIns []string) bool {
   987  	// Preallocate space in edge.Inputs to be filled in below.
   988  	implicitDep := i.preallocateSpace(edge, len(depfileIns))
   990  	// Add all its in-edges.
   991  	for _, j := range depfileIns {
   992  		node := i.state.GetNode(CanonicalizePathBits(j))
   993  		edge.Inputs[implicitDep] = node
   994  		node.OutEdges = append(node.OutEdges, edge)
   995  		i.createPhonyInEdge(node)
   996  		implicitDep++
   997  	}
   998  	return true
   999  }
  1001  // loadDepsFromLog loads implicit dependencies for edge from the DepsLog.
  1002  //
  1003  // Returns false if info is missing.
  1004  func (i *implicitDepLoader) loadDepsFromLog(edge *Edge) bool {
  1005  	// NOTE: deps are only supported for single-target edges.
  1006  	output := edge.Outputs[0]
  1007  	var deps *Deps
  1008  	if i.depsLog != nil {
  1009  		deps = i.depsLog.GetDeps(output)
  1010  	}
  1011  	if deps == nil {
  1012  		explain("deps for '%s' are missing", output.Path)
  1013  		return false
  1014  	}
  1016  	// Deps are invalid if the output is newer than the deps.
  1017  	if output.MTime > deps.MTime {
  1018  		explain("stored deps info out of date for '%s' (%x vs %x)", output.Path, deps.MTime, output.MTime)
  1019  		return false
  1020  	}
  1022  	implicitDep := i.preallocateSpace(edge, len(deps.Nodes))
  1023  	for _, node := range deps.Nodes {
  1024  		edge.Inputs[implicitDep] = node
  1025  		node.OutEdges = append(node.OutEdges, edge)
  1026  		i.createPhonyInEdge(node)
  1027  		implicitDep++
  1028  	}
  1029  	return true
  1030  }
  1032  // preallocateSpace preallocates count spaces in the input array on edge,
  1033  // returning the index at the first new space.
  1034  func (i *implicitDepLoader) preallocateSpace(edge *Edge, count int) int {
  1035  	offset := len(edge.Inputs) - int(edge.OrderOnlyDeps)
  1036  	old := edge.Inputs
  1037  	edge.Inputs = make([]*Node, len(old)+count)
  1038  	copy(edge.Inputs, old[:offset])
  1039  	copy(edge.Inputs[offset+count:], old[offset:])
  1040  	edge.ImplicitDeps += int32(count)
  1041  	return len(edge.Inputs) - int(edge.OrderOnlyDeps) - count
  1042  }
  1044  // createPhonyInEdge creates an edge that generates this input if we don't have
  1045  // one already.
  1046  //
  1047  // This makes us not abort if the input is missing, but instead will rebuild in
  1048  // that circumstance.
  1049  func (i *implicitDepLoader) createPhonyInEdge(node *Node) {
  1050  	if node.InEdge != nil {
  1051  		return
  1052  	}
  1054  	phonyEdge := i.state.addEdge(PhonyRule)
  1055  	phonyEdge.GeneratedByDepLoader = true
  1056  	node.InEdge = phonyEdge
  1057  	phonyEdge.Outputs = append(phonyEdge.Outputs, node)
  1059  	// RecomputeDirty might not be called for phonyEdge if a previous call
  1060  	// to RecomputeDirty had caused the file to be stat'ed.  Because previous
  1061  	// invocations of RecomputeDirty would have seen this node without an
  1062  	// input edge (and therefore ready), we have to set OutputsReady to true
  1063  	// to avoid a potential stuck build.  If we do call RecomputeDirty for
  1064  	// this node, it will simply set OutputsReady to the correct value.
  1065  	phonyEdge.OutputsReady = true
  1066  }