
     1  /*
     2   * Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17  #include "mo_impl.h"
    20  #define	Type_BOOL     10
    21  #define	Type_INT8     20
    22  #define	Type_INT16    21
    23  #define	Type_INT32    22
    24  #define	Type_INT64    23
    25  #define	Type_INT128   24
    26  #define	Type_UINT8    25
    27  #define	Type_UINT16   26
    28  #define	Type_UINT32   27
    29  #define	Type_UINT64   28
    30  #define	Type_UINT128  29
    31  #define	Type_FLOAT32  30
    32  #define	Type_FLOAT64  31
    34  // Time
    35  #define Type_DATE       50
    36  #define Type_TIME       51
    37  #define Type_DATETIME   52
    38  #define Type_TIMESTAMP  53
    42  /*
    43   * Equal operator (=)
    44   */
    45  #define COMPARE_EQ(TGT, A, B)                                 \
    46      TGT = ((A) == (B))
    49  /*
    50   * Not Equal operator (<>)
    51   */
    52  #define COMPARE_NE(TGT, A, B)                                 \
    53      TGT = ((A) != (B))
    56  /*
    57   * great than operator (>)
    58   */
    59  #define COMPARE_GT(TGT, A, B)                                 \
    60      TGT = ((A) > (B))
    63  /*
    64   * great equal operator (>=)
    65   */
    66  #define COMPARE_GE(TGT, A, B)                                 \
    67      TGT = ((A) >= (B))
    70  /*
    71   * less than operator (<)
    72   */
    73  #define COMPARE_LT(TGT, A, B)                                 \
    74      TGT = ((A) < (B))
    77  /*
    78   * less equal operator (<=)
    79   */
    80  #define COMPARE_LE(TGT, A, B)                                 \
    81      TGT = ((A) <= (B))
    84  /*
    85   * bool compare operator
    86   */
    87  #define COMPARE_BOOL_EQ(TGT, A, B)                                     \
    88      TGT = (((A) && (B)) || (!(A) && !(B)))
    90  #define COMPARE_BOOL_NE(TGT, A, B)                                     \
    91      TGT = ((!(A) && (B)) || ((A) && !(B)))
    93  #define COMPARE_BOOL_LE(TGT, A, B)                                     \
    94      TGT = (!(A) || (B))
    96  #define COMPARE_BOOL_LT(TGT, A, B)                                     \
    97      TGT = (!(A) && (B))
    99  #define COMPARE_BOOL_GE(TGT, A, B)                                     \
   100      TGT = ((A) || !(B))
   102  #define COMPARE_BOOL_GT(TGT, A, B)                                     \
   103      TGT = ((A) && !(B))
   109  #define MO_COMPARE_T(OP, ZT)                                  \
   110      bool *rt = (bool *) r;                                    \
   111      ZT *at = (ZT *) a;                                        \
   112      ZT *bt = (ZT *) b;                                        \
   113      if ((flag & LEFT_IS_SCALAR) != 0) {                       \
   114          if (nulls != NULL) {                                  \
   115              for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {                \
   116                  if (!bitmap_test(nulls, i)) {                 \
   117                      OP(rt[i], at[0], bt[i]);                  \
   118                  }                                             \
   119              }                                                 \
   120          } else {                                              \
   121              for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {                \
   122                  OP(rt[i], at[0], bt[i]);                      \
   123              }                                                 \
   124          }                                                     \
   125      } else if ((flag & RIGHT_IS_SCALAR) != 0) {               \
   126          if (nulls != NULL) {                                  \
   127              for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {                \
   128                  if (!bitmap_test(nulls, i)) {                 \
   129                      OP(rt[i], at[i], bt[0]);                  \
   130                  }                                             \
   131              }                                                 \
   132          } else {                                              \
   133              for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {                \
   134                  OP(rt[i], at[i], bt[0]);                      \
   135              }                                                 \
   136          }                                                     \
   137      } else {                                                  \
   138          if (nulls != NULL) {                                  \
   139              for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {                \
   140                  if (!bitmap_test(nulls, i)) {                 \
   141                      OP(rt[i], at[i], bt[i]);                  \
   142                  }                                             \
   143              }                                                 \
   144          } else {                                              \
   145              for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {                \
   146                  OP(rt[i], at[i], bt[i]);                      \
   147              }                                                 \
   148          }                                                     \
   149      }
   153  int32_t Numeric_VecEq(void *r, void *a, void  *b, uint64_t n, uint64_t *nulls, int32_t flag, int32_t type)
   154  {
   155      if (type == Type_INT8) {
   156          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int8_t);
   157      } else if (type == Type_INT16) {
   158          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int16_t);
   159      } else if (type == Type_INT32) {
   160          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int32_t);
   161      } else if (type == Type_INT64) {
   162          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int64_t);
   163      } else if (type == Type_UINT8) {
   164          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, uint8_t);
   165      } else if (type == Type_UINT16) {
   166          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, uint16_t);
   167      } else if (type == Type_UINT32) {
   168          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, uint32_t);
   169      } else if (type == Type_UINT64) {
   170          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, uint64_t);
   171      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT32) {
   172          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, float);
   173      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT64) {
   174          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, double);
   175      } else if (type == Type_DATE) {
   176          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int32_t);
   177      } else if (type == Type_TIME) {
   178          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int64_t);
   179      } else if (type == Type_DATETIME) {
   180          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int64_t);
   181      } else if (type == Type_TIMESTAMP) {
   182          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_EQ, int64_t);
   183      } else if (type == Type_BOOL) {
   184          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_BOOL_EQ, bool);
   185      } else {
   186          return RC_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
   187      }
   188      return RC_SUCCESS;
   189  }
   192  int32_t Numeric_VecNe(void *r, void *a, void  *b, uint64_t n, uint64_t *nulls, int32_t flag, int32_t type)
   193  {
   194      if (type == Type_INT8) {
   195          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int8_t);
   196      } else if (type == Type_INT16) {
   197          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int16_t);
   198      } else if (type == Type_INT32) {
   199          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int32_t);
   200      } else if (type == Type_INT64) {
   201          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int64_t);
   202      } else if (type == Type_UINT8) {
   203          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, uint8_t);
   204      } else if (type == Type_UINT16) {
   205          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, uint16_t);
   206      } else if (type == Type_UINT32) {
   207          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, uint32_t);
   208      } else if (type == Type_UINT64) {
   209          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, uint64_t);
   210      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT32) {
   211          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, float);
   212      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT64) {
   213          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, double);
   214      } else if (type == Type_DATE) {
   215          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int32_t);
   216      } else if (type == Type_TIME){
   217          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int64_t);
   218      } else if (type == Type_DATETIME) {
   219          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int64_t);
   220      } else if (type == Type_TIMESTAMP) {
   221          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_NE, int64_t);
   222      } else if (type == Type_BOOL) {
   223          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_BOOL_NE, bool);
   224      } else {
   225          return RC_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
   226      }
   227      return RC_SUCCESS;
   228  }
   231  int32_t Numeric_VecGt(void *r, void *a, void  *b, uint64_t n, uint64_t *nulls, int32_t flag, int32_t type)
   232  {
   233      if (type == Type_INT8) {
   234          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int8_t);
   235      } else if (type == Type_INT16) {
   236          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int16_t);
   237      } else if (type == Type_INT32) {
   238          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int32_t);
   239      } else if (type == Type_INT64) {
   240          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int64_t);
   241      } else if (type == Type_UINT8) {
   242          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, uint8_t);
   243      } else if (type == Type_UINT16) {
   244          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, uint16_t);
   245      } else if (type == Type_UINT32) {
   246          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, uint32_t);
   247      } else if (type == Type_UINT64) {
   248          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, uint64_t);
   249      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT32) {
   250          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, float);
   251      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT64) {
   252          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, double);
   253      } else if (type == Type_DATE) {
   254          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int32_t);
   255      } else if (type == Type_TIME) {
   256          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int64_t);
   257      } else if (type == Type_DATETIME) {
   258          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int64_t);
   259      } else if (type == Type_TIMESTAMP) {
   260          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GT, int64_t);
   261      } else if (type == Type_BOOL) {
   262          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_BOOL_GT, bool);
   263      } else {
   264          return RC_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
   265      }
   266      return RC_SUCCESS;
   267  }
   269  int32_t Numeric_VecGe(void *r, void *a, void  *b, uint64_t n, uint64_t *nulls, int32_t flag, int32_t type)
   270  {
   271      if (type == Type_INT8) {
   272          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int8_t);
   273      } else if (type == Type_INT16) {
   274          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int16_t);
   275      } else if (type == Type_INT32) {
   276          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int32_t);
   277      } else if (type == Type_INT64) {
   278          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int64_t);
   279      } else if (type == Type_UINT8) {
   280          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, uint8_t);
   281      } else if (type == Type_UINT16) {
   282          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, uint16_t);
   283      } else if (type == Type_UINT32) {
   284          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, uint32_t);
   285      } else if (type == Type_UINT64) {
   286          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, uint64_t);
   287      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT32) {
   288          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, float);
   289      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT64) {
   290          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, double);
   291      } else if (type == Type_DATE) {
   292          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int32_t);
   293      } else if (type == Type_TIME) {
   294          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int64_t);
   295      } else if (type == Type_DATETIME) {
   296          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int64_t);
   297      } else if (type == Type_TIMESTAMP) {
   298          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_GE, int64_t);
   299      } else if (type == Type_BOOL) {
   300          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_BOOL_GE, bool);
   301      } else {
   302          return RC_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
   303      }
   305      return RC_SUCCESS;
   306  }
   309  int32_t Numeric_VecLt(void *r, void *a, void  *b, uint64_t n, uint64_t *nulls, int32_t flag, int32_t type)
   310  {
   311      if (type == Type_INT8) {
   312          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int8_t);
   313      } else if (type == Type_INT16) {
   314          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int16_t);
   315      } else if (type == Type_INT32) {
   316          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int32_t);
   317      } else if (type == Type_INT64) {
   318          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int64_t);
   319      } else if (type == Type_UINT8) {
   320          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, uint8_t);
   321      } else if (type == Type_UINT16) {
   322          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, uint16_t);
   323      } else if (type == Type_UINT32) {
   324          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, uint32_t);
   325      } else if (type == Type_UINT64) {
   326          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, uint64_t);
   327      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT32) {
   328          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, float);
   329      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT64) {
   330          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, double);
   331      } else if (type == Type_DATE) {
   332          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int32_t);
   333      } else if (type == Type_TIME) {
   334          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int64_t);
   335      } else if (type == Type_DATETIME) {
   336          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int64_t);
   337      } else if (type == Type_TIMESTAMP) {
   338          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LT, int64_t);
   339      } else if (type == Type_BOOL) {
   340          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_BOOL_LT, bool);
   341      } else {
   342          return RC_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
   343      }
   344      return RC_SUCCESS;
   345  }
   348  int32_t Numeric_VecLe(void *r, void *a, void  *b, uint64_t n, uint64_t *nulls, int32_t flag, int32_t type)
   349  {
   350      if (type == Type_INT8) {
   351          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int8_t);
   352      } else if (type == Type_INT16) {
   353          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int16_t);
   354      } else if (type == Type_INT32) {
   355          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int32_t);
   356      } else if (type == Type_INT64) {
   357          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int64_t);
   358      } else if (type == Type_UINT8) {
   359          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, uint8_t);
   360      } else if (type == Type_UINT16) {
   361          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, uint16_t);
   362      } else if (type == Type_UINT32) {
   363          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, uint32_t);
   364      } else if (type == Type_UINT64) {
   365          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, uint64_t);
   366      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT32) {
   367          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, float);
   368      } else if (type == Type_FLOAT64) {
   369          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, double);
   370      } else if (type == Type_DATE) {
   371          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int32_t);
   372      } else if (type == Type_TIME) {
   373          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int64_t);
   374      } else if (type == Type_DATETIME) {
   375          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int64_t);
   376      } else if (type == Type_TIMESTAMP) {
   377          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_LE, int64_t);
   378      } else if (type == Type_BOOL) {
   379          MO_COMPARE_T(COMPARE_BOOL_LE, bool);
   380      } else {
   381          return RC_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
   382      }
   383      return RC_SUCCESS;
   384  }