
     1  // Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package defines
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"math"
    20  	"sync"
    22  	""
    23  )
    25  // information from:
    26  // also in mysql 8.0.23 source code : include/field_types.h
    28  type MysqlType uint8
    30  const (
    31  	MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL     MysqlType = 0x00 //lenenc_str
    32  	MYSQL_TYPE_TINY        MysqlType = 0x01 //int<1> int8
    33  	MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT       MysqlType = 0x02 //int<2> int16
    34  	MYSQL_TYPE_LONG        MysqlType = 0x03 //int<4> int32
    35  	MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT       MysqlType = 0x04 //(string.fix_len) -- (len=4) float
    36  	MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE      MysqlType = 0x05 //(string.fix_len) -- (len=8) double
    37  	MYSQL_TYPE_NULL        MysqlType = 0x06 //Text ResultSet: 0xFB; Binary ResultSet: The binary protocol sends NULL values as bits inside a bitmap instead of a full byte
    38  	MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP   MysqlType = 0x07 //
    39  	MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG    MysqlType = 0x08 //int<8> int64
    40  	MYSQL_TYPE_INT24       MysqlType = 0x09 //int<4> int32
    41  	MYSQL_TYPE_DATE        MysqlType = 0x0a //
    42  	MYSQL_TYPE_TIME        MysqlType = 0x0b
    43  	MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME    MysqlType = 0x0c
    44  	MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR        MysqlType = 0x0d //int<2> int16
    45  	MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE     MysqlType = 0x0e /**< Internal to MySQL. Not used in protocol */
    46  	MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR     MysqlType = 0x0f //lenenc_str
    47  	MYSQL_TYPE_BIT         MysqlType = 0x10 //lenenc_str
    48  	MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP2  MysqlType = 0x11 //
    49  	MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME2   MysqlType = 0x12 /**< Internal to MySQL. Not used in protocol */
    50  	MYSQL_TYPE_TIME2       MysqlType = 0x13 /**< Internal to MySQL. Not used in protocol */
    51  	MYSQL_TYPE_TYPED_ARRAY MysqlType = 0x14 /**< Used for replication only */
    53  	MYSQL_TYPE_TEXT        MysqlType = 241 // add text to distinct blob and blob
    54  	MYSQL_TYPE_INVALID     MysqlType = 242
    55  	MYSQL_TYPE_UUID        MysqlType = 243
    56  	MYSQL_TYPE_BOOL        MysqlType = 244 /**< Currently just a placeholder */
    57  	MYSQL_TYPE_JSON        MysqlType = 0xf5
    58  	MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL  MysqlType = 0xf6
    59  	MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM        MysqlType = 0xf7
    60  	MYSQL_TYPE_SET         MysqlType = 0xf8
    61  	MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB   MysqlType = 0xf9
    62  	MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB MysqlType = 0xfa
    63  	MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB   MysqlType = 0xfb
    64  	MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB        MysqlType = 0xfc
    65  	MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING  MysqlType = 0xfd //lenenc_str
    66  	MYSQL_TYPE_STRING      MysqlType = 0xfe //lenenc_str
    67  	MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY    MysqlType = 0xff
    68  )
    70  func (typ *MysqlType) GetLength(width int32) uint32 {
    71  	switch *typ {
    72  	case MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL:
    73  		return uint32(width) + 2
    74  	case MYSQL_TYPE_BOOL:
    75  		return 1
    76  	case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT:
    77  		return uint32(width)
    78  	case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY:
    79  		return 8
    80  	case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT:
    81  		return 16
    83  		return 32
    84  	case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG:
    85  		return 64
    86  	case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT:
    87  		if width != 32 && width != 0 {
    88  			return uint32(width)
    89  		}
    90  		return 23
    91  	case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE:
    92  		if width != 64 && width != 0 {
    93  			return uint32(width)
    94  		}
    95  		return 53
    97  		return uint32(width) * 3
    98  	case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE:
    99  		return 64
   100  	case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME:
   101  		return 64
   102  	case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME:
   103  		return 64
   105  		return 64
   106  	case MYSQL_TYPE_JSON:
   107  		return math.MaxUint32
   108  	default:
   109  		return math.MaxUint32
   110  	}
   111  }
   113  // flags
   114  // in mysql 8.0.23 source code : include/mysql_com.h
   115  const (
   116  	NOT_NULL_FLAG     uint32 = 1 << 0 /**< Field can't be NULL */
   117  	PRI_KEY_FLAG      uint32 = 1 << 1 /**< Field is part of a primary key */
   118  	UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG   uint32 = 1 << 2 /**< Field is part of a unique key */
   119  	MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG uint32 = 1 << 3 /**< Field is part of a key */
   120  	BLOB_FLAG         uint32 = 1 << 4 /**< Field is a blob */
   121  	UNSIGNED_FLAG     uint32 = 1 << 5 /**< Field is unsigned */
   122  	ZEROFILL_FLAG     uint32 = 1 << 6 /**< Field is zerofill */
   123  	BINARY_FLAG       uint32 = 1 << 7 /**< Field is binary   */
   125  	/* The following are only sent to new clients */
   126  	ENUM_FLAG               uint32 = 1 << 8  /**< field is an enum */
   127  	AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG     uint32 = 1 << 9  /**< field is a autoincrement field */
   128  	TIMESTAMP_FLAG          uint32 = 1 << 10 /**< Field is a timestamp */
   129  	SET_FLAG                uint32 = 1 << 11 /**< field is a set */
   130  	NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG   uint32 = 1 << 12 /**< Field doesn't have default value */
   131  	ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG      uint32 = 1 << 13 /**< Field is set to NOW on UPDATE */
   132  	NUM_FLAG                uint32 = 1 << 15 /**< Field is num (for clients) */
   133  	PART_KEY_FLAG           uint32 = 1 << 14 /**< Intern; Part of some key */
   134  	GROUP_FLAG              uint32 = 1 << 15 /**< Intern: Group field */
   135  	UNIQUE_FLAG             uint32 = 1 << 16 /**< Intern: Used by sql_yacc */
   136  	BINCMP_FLAG             uint32 = 1 << 17 /**< Intern: Used by sql_yacc */
   137  	GET_FIXED_FIELDS_FLAG   uint32 = 1 << 18 /**< Used to get fields in item tree */
   138  	FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_FLAG uint32 = 1 << 19 /**< Field part of partition func */
   139  	/**
   140  	Intern: Field in TABLE object for new version of altered table,
   141  		  which participates in a newly added index.
   142  	*/
   143  	FIELD_IN_ADD_INDEX             uint32 = (1 << 20)
   144  	FIELD_IS_RENAMED               uint32 = (1 << 21) /**< Intern: Field is being renamed */
   145  	FIELD_FLAGS_STORAGE_MEDIA      uint32 = 22        /**< Field storage media, bit 22-23 */
   147  	FIELD_FLAGS_COLUMN_FORMAT      uint32 = 24 /**< Field column format, bit 24-25 */
   149  	FIELD_IS_DROPPED               uint32 = (1 << 26) /**< Intern: Field is being dropped */
   150  	EXPLICIT_NULL_FLAG             uint32 = (1 << 27) /**< Field is explicitly specified as NULL by the user */
   151  	FIELD_IS_MARKED                uint32 = (1 << 28) /**< Intern: field is marked, general purpose */
   153  	/** Field will not be loaded in secondary engine. */
   154  	NOT_SECONDARY_FLAG uint32 = (1 << 29)
   155  	/** Field is explicitly marked as invisible by the user. */
   156  	FIELD_IS_INVISIBLE uint32 = (1 << 30)
   157  )
   159  // TypeInt24 bounds.
   160  const (
   161  	MaxUint24 = 1<<24 - 1
   162  	MaxInt24  = 1<<23 - 1
   163  	MinInt24  = -1 << 23
   164  )
   166  // use TenantIDKey{} UserIDKey{} RoleIDKey{} to get uint32 value from Context
   168  type TenantIDKey struct{}
   169  type UserIDKey struct{}
   170  type RoleIDKey struct{}
   171  type NodeIDKey struct{}
   173  func GetAccountId(ctx context.Context) (uint32, error) {
   174  	if v := ctx.Value(TenantIDKey{}); v != nil {
   175  		return v.(uint32), nil
   176  	} else {
   177  		return 0, moerr.NewInternalError(ctx, "no account id in context")
   178  	}
   179  }
   181  func GetUserId(ctx context.Context) uint32 {
   182  	if v := ctx.Value(UserIDKey{}); v != nil {
   183  		return v.(uint32)
   184  	}
   185  	//zero means root user
   186  	return 0
   187  }
   189  func GetRoleId(ctx context.Context) uint32 {
   190  	if v := ctx.Value(RoleIDKey{}); v != nil {
   191  		return v.(uint32)
   192  	}
   193  	//zero means mo admin role
   194  	return 0
   195  }
   197  func AttachAccount(ctx context.Context, accId uint32, userId uint32, roleId uint32) context.Context {
   198  	return AttachRoleId(AttachUserId(AttachAccountId(ctx, accId), userId), roleId)
   199  }
   201  func AttachAccountId(ctx context.Context, accId uint32) context.Context {
   202  	return context.WithValue(ctx, TenantIDKey{}, accId)
   203  }
   205  func AttachUserId(ctx context.Context, userId uint32) context.Context {
   206  	return context.WithValue(ctx, UserIDKey{}, userId)
   207  }
   209  func AttachRoleId(ctx context.Context, roleId uint32) context.Context {
   210  	return context.WithValue(ctx, RoleIDKey{}, roleId)
   211  }
   213  // EngineKey use EngineKey{} to get engine from Context
   214  type EngineKey struct{}
   216  // SqlKey use SqlKey{} to get string value from Context
   217  type SqlKey struct{}
   218  type DatTypKey struct{}
   220  // CarryOnCtxKeys defines keys needed to be serialized when pass context through net
   221  var CarryOnCtxKeys = []any{TenantIDKey{}, UserIDKey{}, RoleIDKey{}}
   223  // TemporaryTN use TemporaryTN to get temporary storage from Context
   224  type TemporaryTN struct{}
   226  type IsMoLogger struct{}
   228  type SourceScanResKey struct{}
   230  // Determine if now is a bg sql.
   231  type BgKey struct{}
   233  // Sp variable scope
   234  type VarScopeKey struct{}
   236  // Determine if it is a stored procedure
   237  type InSp struct{}
   239  // PkCheckByTN whether TN does primary key uniqueness check against transaction's workspace or not.
   240  type PkCheckByTN struct{}
   242  // StartTS is the start timestamp of a statement.
   243  type StartTS struct{}
   245  /*
   246  The autoIncrCacheManager is initialized with a starting CN.
   247  The autoIncrCacheManager instance of each CN is stored in type service in package cnservice.
   248  The logic to manipulate the cache is in auto_incr.go
   249  */
   250  type AutoIncrCacheManager struct {
   251  	Mu             *sync.Mutex
   252  	AutoIncrCaches map[string]AutoIncrCache
   253  	MaxSize        uint64
   254  }
   256  type AutoIncrCache struct {
   257  	CurNum uint64
   258  	MaxNum uint64
   259  	Step   uint64
   260  }