
     1  // Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package compile
    17  import (
    18  	"fmt"
    19  	"strings"
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  var debugInstructionNames = map[vm.OpType]string{
    28  	vm.Top:                     "top",
    29  	vm.Join:                    "join",
    30  	vm.Semi:                    "semi",
    31  	vm.RightSemi:               "right semi",
    32  	vm.RightAnti:               "right anti",
    33  	vm.Left:                    "left",
    34  	vm.Right:                   "right",
    35  	vm.Limit:                   "limit",
    36  	vm.Merge:                   "merge",
    37  	vm.Order:                   "order",
    38  	vm.Group:                   "group",
    39  	vm.Output:                  "output",
    40  	vm.Offset:                  "offset",
    41  	vm.Product:                 "product",
    42  	vm.Restrict:                "restrict",
    43  	vm.Dispatch:                "dispatch",
    44  	vm.Shuffle:                 "shuffle",
    45  	vm.Connector:               "connect",
    46  	vm.Projection:              "projection",
    47  	vm.Anti:                    "anti",
    48  	vm.Single:                  "single",
    49  	vm.Mark:                    "mark",
    50  	vm.LoopJoin:                "loop join",
    51  	vm.LoopLeft:                "loop left",
    52  	vm.LoopSemi:                "loop semi",
    53  	vm.LoopAnti:                "loop anti",
    54  	vm.LoopSingle:              "loop single",
    55  	vm.LoopMark:                "loop mark",
    56  	vm.MergeTop:                "merge top",
    57  	vm.MergeLimit:              "merge limit",
    58  	vm.MergeOrder:              "merge order",
    59  	vm.MergeGroup:              "merge group",
    60  	vm.MergeOffset:             "merge offset",
    61  	vm.MergeRecursive:          "merge recursive",
    62  	vm.MergeCTE:                "merge cte",
    63  	vm.Partition:               "partition",
    64  	vm.Deletion:                "delete",
    65  	vm.Insert:                  "insert",
    66  	vm.PreInsert:               "pre insert",
    67  	vm.PreInsertUnique:         "pre insert uk",
    68  	vm.PreInsertSecondaryIndex: "pre insert 2nd",
    69  	vm.External:                "external",
    70  	vm.Source:                  "source",
    71  	vm.Minus:                   "minus",
    72  	vm.Intersect:               "intersect",
    73  	vm.IntersectAll:            "intersect all",
    74  	vm.HashBuild:               "hash build",
    75  	vm.MergeDelete:             "merge delete",
    76  	vm.LockOp:                  "lockop",
    77  	vm.MergeBlock:              "merge block",
    78  	vm.FuzzyFilter:             "fuzzy filter",
    79  	vm.Sample:                  "sample",
    80  	vm.Window:                  "window",
    81  	vm.TimeWin:                 "timewin",
    82  	vm.Fill:                    "fill",
    83  	vm.TableScan:               "tablescan",
    84  	vm.ValueScan:               "valuescan",
    85  	vm.TableFunction:           "tablefunction",
    86  }
    88  var debugMagicNames = map[magicType]string{
    89  	Merge:          "Merge",
    90  	Normal:         "Normal",
    91  	Remote:         "Remote",
    92  	Parallel:       "Parallel",
    93  	CreateDatabase: "CreateDatabase",
    94  	CreateTable:    "CreateTable",
    95  	CreateIndex:    "CreateIndex",
    96  	DropDatabase:   "DropDatabase",
    97  	DropTable:      "DropTable",
    98  	DropIndex:      "DropIndex",
    99  	MergeDelete:    "MergeDelete",
   100  	MergeInsert:    "MergeInsert",
   101  }
   103  var _ = DebugShowScopes
   105  // DebugShowScopes show information of a scope structure.
   106  func DebugShowScopes(ss []*Scope) string {
   107  	var generateReceiverMap func(*Scope, map[*process.WaitRegister]int)
   108  	generateReceiverMap = func(s *Scope, mp map[*process.WaitRegister]int) {
   109  		for i := range s.PreScopes {
   110  			generateReceiverMap(s.PreScopes[i], mp)
   111  		}
   112  		if s.Proc == nil {
   113  			return
   114  		}
   115  		for i := range s.Proc.Reg.MergeReceivers {
   116  			mp[s.Proc.Reg.MergeReceivers[i]] = len(mp)
   117  		}
   118  	}
   120  	receiverMap := make(map[*process.WaitRegister]int)
   121  	for i := range ss {
   122  		generateReceiverMap(ss[i], receiverMap)
   123  	}
   125  	return debugShowScopes(ss, 0, receiverMap)
   126  }
   128  func debugShowScopes(ss []*Scope, gap int, rmp map[*process.WaitRegister]int) string {
   129  	// new line and start with n space
   130  	gapNextLine := func() string {
   131  		str := "\n"
   132  		for i := 0; i < gap; i++ {
   133  			str += " "
   134  		}
   135  		return str
   136  	}
   138  	// return n space
   139  	addGap := func() string {
   140  		str := ""
   141  		for i := 0; i < gap; i++ {
   142  			str += " "
   143  		}
   144  		return str
   145  	}
   147  	// get receiver id string
   148  	getReceiverStr := func(s *Scope, rs []*process.WaitRegister) string {
   149  		str := "["
   150  		for i := range rs {
   151  			remote := ""
   152  			for _, u := range s.RemoteReceivRegInfos {
   153  				if u.Idx == i {
   154  					remote = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", u.Uuid)
   155  					break
   156  				}
   157  			}
   158  			if i != 0 {
   159  				str += ", "
   160  			}
   161  			if id, ok := rmp[rs[i]]; ok {
   162  				str += fmt.Sprintf("%d%s", id, remote)
   163  			} else {
   164  				str += "unknown"
   165  			}
   166  		}
   167  		str += "]"
   168  		return str
   169  	}
   171  	// convert magic to its string name
   172  	magicShow := func(magic magicType) string {
   173  		name, ok := debugMagicNames[magic]
   174  		if ok {
   175  			return name
   176  		}
   177  		return "unknown"
   178  	}
   180  	// explain the datasource
   181  	showDataSource := func(source *Source) string {
   182  		if source == nil {
   183  			return "nil"
   184  		}
   185  		s := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%s", source.SchemaName, source.RelationName, source.Attributes)
   186  		return strings.TrimLeft(s, ".")
   187  	}
   189  	// explain the operator information
   190  	showInstruction := func(instruction vm.Instruction, mp map[*process.WaitRegister]int) string {
   191  		id := instruction.Op
   192  		name, ok := debugInstructionNames[id]
   193  		if ok {
   194  			str := name
   195  			if id == vm.Connector {
   196  				var receiver = "unknown"
   197  				arg := instruction.Arg.(*connector.Argument)
   198  				if receiverId, okk := mp[arg.Reg]; okk {
   199  					receiver = fmt.Sprintf("%d", receiverId)
   200  				}
   201  				str += fmt.Sprintf(" to MergeReceiver %s", receiver)
   202  			}
   203  			if id == vm.Dispatch {
   204  				arg := instruction.Arg.(*dispatch.Argument)
   205  				chs := ""
   206  				for i := range arg.LocalRegs {
   207  					if i != 0 {
   208  						chs += ", "
   209  					}
   210  					if receiverId, okk := mp[arg.LocalRegs[i]]; okk {
   211  						chs += fmt.Sprintf("%d", receiverId)
   212  					} else {
   213  						chs += "unknown"
   214  					}
   215  				}
   216  				switch arg.FuncId {
   217  				case dispatch.ShuffleToAllFunc:
   218  					str += fmt.Sprintf(" shuffle to all of MergeReceiver [%s].", chs)
   219  				case dispatch.SendToAllFunc, dispatch.SendToAllLocalFunc:
   220  					str += fmt.Sprintf(" to all of MergeReceiver [%s].", chs)
   221  				case dispatch.SendToAnyLocalFunc:
   222  					str += fmt.Sprintf(" to any of MergeReceiver [%s].", chs)
   223  				default:
   224  					str += fmt.Sprintf(" unknow type dispatch [%s].", chs)
   225  				}
   227  				if len(arg.RemoteRegs) != 0 {
   228  					remoteChs := ""
   229  					for i, reg := range arg.RemoteRegs {
   230  						if i != 0 {
   231  							remoteChs += ", "
   232  						}
   233  						remoteChs += fmt.Sprintf("[addr: %s, uuid %s]", reg.NodeAddr, reg.Uuid)
   234  					}
   235  					str += fmt.Sprintf(" cross-cn receiver info: %s", remoteChs)
   236  				}
   237  			}
   238  			return str
   239  		}
   240  		return "unknown"
   241  	}
   243  	var result string
   244  	for i := range ss {
   245  		str := addGap()
   246  		receiverStr := "nil"
   247  		if ss[i].Proc != nil {
   248  			receiverStr = getReceiverStr(ss[i], ss[i].Proc.Reg.MergeReceivers)
   249  		}
   250  		str += fmt.Sprintf("Scope %d (Magic: %s, Receiver: %s): [", i+1, magicShow(ss[i].Magic), receiverStr)
   251  		for j, instruction := range ss[i].Instructions {
   252  			if j != 0 {
   253  				str += " -> "
   254  			}
   255  			str += showInstruction(instruction, rmp)
   256  		}
   257  		str += "]"
   258  		if ss[i].DataSource != nil {
   259  			str += gapNextLine()
   260  			str += fmt.Sprintf("DataSource: %s,", showDataSource(ss[i].DataSource))
   261  		}
   262  		if len(ss[i].PreScopes) > 0 {
   263  			str += gapNextLine()
   264  			str += "  PreScopes: {"
   265  			str += debugShowScopes(ss[i].PreScopes, gap+2, rmp)
   266  			str += gapNextLine()
   267  			str += "}"
   268  		}
   269  		result += "\n"
   270  		result += str
   271  	}
   272  	return result
   273  }