(about) 1 // Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin 2 // 3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 // limitations under the License. 14 15 package mysql 16 17 import ( 18 "context" 19 "testing" 20 21 "" 22 "" 23 ) 24 25 var ( 26 debugSQL = struct { 27 input string 28 output string 29 }{ 30 //input: "upgrade account all with retry 10", 31 //output: "upgrade account all with retry 10", 32 //input: "upgrade account all", 33 //output: "upgrade account all", 34 //input: "upgrade account 'acc1' with retry 5", 35 //output: "upgrade account acc1 with retry 5", 36 //input: "upgrade account 'acc1'", 37 //output: "upgrade account acc1", 38 input: "show upgrade", 39 output: "show upgrade", 40 } 41 ) 42 43 func TestDebug(t *testing.T) { 44 if debugSQL.output == "" { 45 debugSQL.output = debugSQL.input 46 } 47 ast, err := ParseOne(context.TODO(), debugSQL.input, 1, 0) 48 if err != nil { 49 t.Errorf("Parse(%q) err: %v", debugSQL.input, err) 50 return 51 } 52 out := tree.String(ast, dialect.MYSQL) 53 if debugSQL.output != out { 54 t.Errorf("Parsing failed. \nExpected/Got:\n%s\n%s", debugSQL.output, out) 55 } 56 } 57 58 var ( 59 orginSQL = struct { 60 input string 61 output string 62 }{ 63 input: "select A from t1", 64 output: "select A from t1", 65 } 66 ) 67 68 // character set latin1 NOT NULL default 69 func TestOriginSQL(t *testing.T) { 70 if orginSQL.output == "" { 71 orginSQL.output = orginSQL.input 72 } 73 ast, err := ParseOne(context.TODO(), orginSQL.input, 0, 1) 74 if err != nil { 75 t.Errorf("Parse(%q) err: %v", orginSQL.input, err) 76 return 77 } 78 out := tree.String(ast, dialect.MYSQL) 79 if orginSQL.output != out { 80 t.Errorf("Parsing failed. \nExpected/Got:\n%s\n%s", orginSQL.output, out) 81 } 82 } 83 84 var ( 85 validSQL = []struct { 86 input string 87 output string 88 }{{ 89 input: "create account 0b6d35cc_11ab_4da5_a5c5_c4c09917c11 admin_name='admin' identified by '123456';", 90 output: "create account 0b6d35cc_11ab_4da5_a5c5_c4c09917c11 admin_name 'admin' identified by '******'", 91 }, { 92 input: "select enable from t1;", 93 output: "select enable from t1", 94 }, { 95 input: "select _wstart(ts), _wend(ts), max(temperature), min(temperature) from sensor_data where ts > \"2023-08-01 00:00:00.000\" and ts < \"2023-08-01 00:50:00.000\" interval(ts, 10, minute) sliding(5, minute) fill(prev);", 96 output: "select _wstart(ts), _wend(ts), max(temperature), min(temperature) from sensor_data where ts > 2023-08-01 00:00:00.000 and ts < 2023-08-01 00:50:00.000 interval(ts, 10, minute) sliding(5, minute) fill(prev)", 97 }, { 98 input: "select cluster_centers(a) from t1;", 99 output: "select cluster_centers(a, 1,vector_l2_ops,random,false) from t1", 100 }, { 101 input: "select cluster_centers(a kmeans '5') from t1;", 102 output: "select cluster_centers(a, 5) from t1", 103 }, { 104 input: "select cluster_centers(a kmeans '5,vector_l2_ops') from t1;", 105 output: "select cluster_centers(a, 5,vector_l2_ops) from t1", 106 }, { 107 input: "select cluster_centers(a kmeans '5,vector_cosine_ops') from t1;", 108 output: "select cluster_centers(a, 5,vector_cosine_ops) from t1", 109 }, { 110 input: "select cluster_centers(a kmeans '5,vector_cosine_ops,kmeansplusplus') from t1;", 111 output: "select cluster_centers(a, 5,vector_cosine_ops,kmeansplusplus) from t1", 112 }, { 113 input: "select cluster_centers(a kmeans '5,vector_cosine_ops,random') from t1;", 114 output: "select cluster_centers(a, 5,vector_cosine_ops,random) from t1", 115 }, { 116 input: "select cluster_centers(a kmeans '5,vector_cosine_ops,random,true') from t1;", 117 output: "select cluster_centers(a, 5,vector_cosine_ops,random,true) from t1", 118 }, { 119 input: "alter table t1 alter reindex idx1 IVFFLAT lists = 5", 120 output: "alter table t1 alter reindex idx1 ivfflat lists = 5", 121 }, { 122 input: "create connector for s with (\"type\"='kafka', \"topic\"= 'user', \"partition\" = '1', \"value\"= 'json', \"bootstrap.servers\" = '');", 123 output: "create connector for s with (type = kafka, topic = user, partition = 1, value = json, bootstrap.servers =", 124 }, { 125 input: "select _wstart(ts), _wend(ts), max(temperature), min(temperature) from sensor_data where ts > \"2023-08-01 00:00:00.000\" and ts < \"2023-08-01 00:50:00.000\" interval(ts, 10, minute) sliding(5, minute) fill(prev);", 126 output: "select _wstart(ts), _wend(ts), max(temperature), min(temperature) from sensor_data where ts > 2023-08-01 00:00:00.000 and ts < 2023-08-01 00:50:00.000 interval(ts, 10, minute) sliding(5, minute) fill(prev)", 127 }, { 128 input: "create connector for s with (\"type\"='kafkamo', \"topic\"= 'user', \"partion\" = '1', \"value\"= 'json', \"bootstrap.servers\" = '');", 129 output: "create connector for s with (type = kafkamo, topic = user, partion = 1, value = json, bootstrap.servers =", 130 }, { 131 input: "create source s(a varchar, b varchar) with (\"type\"='kafka', \"topic\"= 'user', \"partion\" = '1', \"value\"= 'json', \"bootstrap.servers\" = '');", 132 output: "create source s (a varchar, b varchar) with (type = kafka, topic = user, partion = 1, value = json, bootstrap.servers =", 133 }, { 134 input: "drop source if exists s", 135 output: "drop table if exists s", 136 }, { 137 input: "CREATE source pageviews (\n page_id BIGINT KEY\n ) WITH (\n KAFKA_TOPIC = 'keyed-pageviews-topic',\n VALUE_FORMAT = 'JSON_SR',\n VALUE_SCHEMA_ID = 2\n );", 138 output: "create source pageviews (page_id bigint key) with (kafka_topic = keyed-pageviews-topic, value_format = JSON_SR, value_schema_id = 2)", 139 }, { 140 input: "CREATE source pageviews (\n viewtime BIGINT,\n user_id VARCHAR\n ) WITH (\n KAFKA_TOPIC = 'keyless-pageviews-topic',\n KEY_FORMAT = 'AVRO',\n KEY_SCHEMA_ID = 1,\n VALUE_FORMAT = 'JSON_SR'\n );", 141 output: "create source pageviews (viewtime bigint, user_id varchar) with (kafka_topic = keyless-pageviews-topic, key_format = AVRO, key_schema_id = 1, value_format = JSON_SR)", 142 }, { 143 input: "CREATE source pageviews (page_id BIGINT, viewtime BIGINT, user_id VARCHAR) WITH (\n KAFKA_TOPIC = 'keyless-pageviews-topic',\n VALUE_FORMAT = 'JSON'\n )", 144 output: "create source pageviews (page_id bigint, viewtime bigint, user_id varchar) with (kafka_topic = keyless-pageviews-topic, value_format = JSON)", 145 }, { 146 input: "select row_number() over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc range unbounded preceding) from t1", 147 output: "select row_number() over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc range unbounded preceding) from t1", 148 }, { 149 input: "select dense_rank() over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc range unbounded preceding) from t1", 150 output: "select dense_rank() over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc range unbounded preceding) from t1", 151 }, { 152 input: "select day_key,day_date,day,month,quarter,year,week,day_of_week from bi_date where 1=2;", 153 output: "select day_key, day_date, day, month, quarter, year, week, day_of_week from bi_date where 1 = 2", 154 }, { 155 input: "select sum(a) over(partition by a range between interval 1 day preceding and interval 2 day following) from t1", 156 output: "select sum(a) over (partition by a range between interval(1, day) preceding and interval(2, day) following) from t1", 157 }, { 158 input: "select rank() over(partition by a range between 1 preceding and current row) from t1", 159 output: "select rank() over (partition by a range between 1 preceding and current row) from t1", 160 }, { 161 input: "select rank() over(partition by a) from t1", 162 output: "select rank() over (partition by a) from t1", 163 }, { 164 input: "select rank() over(partition by a order by b desc) from t1", 165 output: "select rank() over (partition by a order by b desc) from t1", 166 }, { 167 input: "load data url s3option {\"bucket\"='dan-test1', \"filepath\"='ex_table_dan_gzip.gz',\"role_arn\"='arn:aws:iam::468413122987:role/dev-cross-s3', \"external_id\"='5404f91c_4e59_4898_85b3', \"compression\"='auto'} into table hx3.t2 fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '\\\"' lines terminated by '\\n';\n", 168 output: "load data url s3option {'bucket'='dan-test1', 'filepath'='ex_table_dan_gzip.gz', 'role_arn'='arn:aws:iam::468413122987:role/dev-cross-s3', 'external_id'='5404f91c_4e59_4898_85b3', 'compression'='auto'} into table hx3.t2 fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n", 169 }, { 170 input: "load data url stageoption my_stage into table hx3.t2 fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '' lines terminated by '\\n';\n", 171 output: "load data url from stage my_stage into table hx3.t2 fields terminated by , lines terminated by \n", 172 }, { 173 input: "SHOW CREATE TABLE information_schema.PROCESSLIST;", 174 output: "show create table information_schema.processlist", 175 }, { 176 input: "create table t1 (a int comment '\"123123\\'')", 177 output: "create table t1 (a int comment \"123123'')", 178 }, { 179 input: "select * from t1 where a not ilike '%a'", 180 output: "select * from t1 where a not ilike %a", 181 }, { 182 input: "select * from t1 where a ilike '%a'", 183 output: "select * from t1 where a ilike %a", 184 }, { 185 input: "select * from result_scan(query_id)", 186 output: "select * from result_scan(query_id)", 187 }, { 188 input: "select * from meta_scan('query_id');", 189 output: "select * from meta_scan(query_id)", 190 }, { 191 input: "show variables like 'sql_mode'", 192 output: "show variables like sql_mode", 193 }, { 194 input: "show index from t1 from db", 195 output: "show index from t1 from db", 196 }, { 197 input: "select * from (SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1, 2, 3)) AS t1", 198 output: "select * from (select * from (select 1, 2, 3)) as t1", 199 }, { 200 input: "SELECT count(*) AS low_stock FROM (\nSELECT s_w_id, s_i_id, s_quantity\nFROM bmsql_stock\nWHERE s_w_id = 1 AND s_quantity < 1000 AND s_i_id IN (\nSELECT ol_i_id\nFROM bmsql_district\nJOIN bmsql_order_line ON ol_w_id = d_w_id\nAND ol_d_id = d_id\nAND ol_o_id >= d_next_o_id - 20\nAND ol_o_id < d_next_o_id\nWHERE d_w_id = 1 AND d_id = 1\n)\n);", 201 output: "select count(*) as low_stock from (select s_w_id, s_i_id, s_quantity from bmsql_stock where s_w_id = 1 and s_quantity < 1000 and s_i_id in (select ol_i_id from bmsql_district inner join bmsql_order_line on ol_w_id = d_w_id and ol_d_id = d_id and ol_o_id >= d_next_o_id - 20 and ol_o_id < d_next_o_id where d_w_id = 1 and d_id = 1))", 202 }, { 203 input: "create account `abc@124` admin_name `abc@124` identified by '111'", 204 output: "create account abc@124 admin_name 'abc@124' identified by '******'", 205 }, { 206 input: "create account account ADMIN_NAME 'root' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';", 207 output: "create account account admin_name 'root' identified by '******'", 208 }, { 209 input: "drop table if exists history", 210 }, { 211 input: "create user daisy@ identified by '123456'", 212 output: "create user daisy@ identified by '******'", 213 }, { 214 input: "create table t0 (a float(255, 3))", 215 }, { 216 input: "SELECT id,name,view_type,attribute,attribute_filed,size,created_at,updated_at FROM view_warehouse limit 0,10", 217 output: "select id, name, view_type, attribute, attribute_filed, size, created_at, updated_at from view_warehouse limit 10 offset 0", 218 }, { 219 input: "select algo_alarm_record.* from algo_alarm_record inner join (SELECT id FROM algo_alarm_record use index(algo_alarm_record_algo_id_first_id_created_at_index) WHERE first_id = 0 AND created_at >= '2022-09-18 00:00:00' AND created_at <= '2022-10-18 00:00:00' and algo_id not in (9808,9809) order by id desc limit 0,10 ) e on = order by desc;", 220 output: "select algo_alarm_record.* from algo_alarm_record inner join (select id from algo_alarm_record use index(algo_alarm_record_algo_id_first_id_created_at_index) where first_id = 0 and created_at >= 2022-09-18 00:00:00 and created_at <= 2022-10-18 00:00:00 and algo_id not in (9808, 9809) order by id desc limit 10 offset 0) as e on = order by desc", 221 }, { 222 input: "SELECT * FROM kv WHERE k = 1 FOR UPDATE", 223 output: "select * from kv where k = 1 for update", 224 }, { 225 input: "select a from t1 use index(b)", 226 }, { 227 input: "SELECT id,cid,status,ip,streams FROM camera WHERE (cid_type = ?)", 228 output: "select id, cid, status, ip, streams from camera where (cid_type = ?)", 229 }, { 230 input: "CREATE \nVIEW `xab0100` AS (\n select `a`.`SYSUSERID` AS `sysuserid`,`a`.`USERID` AS `userid`,`a`.`USERNAME` AS `usernm`,`a`.`PWDHASH` AS `userpwd`,`a`.`USERTYPE` AS `usertype`,`a`.`EMPID` AS `empid`,`a`.`EMAIL` AS `email`,`a`.`TELO` AS `telo`,`a`.`TELH` AS `telh`,`a`.`MOBIL` AS `mobil`,(case `a`.`ACTIVED` when '1' then 'N' when '2' then 'Y' else 'Y' end) AS `useyn`,`a`.`ENABLEPWD` AS `enablepwd`,`a`.`ENABLEMMSG` AS `enablemmsg`,`a`.`FEECENTER` AS `feecenter`,left(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGID`,''),'|'),(char_length(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGID`,''),'|')) - 1)) AS `orgid`,left(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGNAME`,''),'|'),(char_length(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGNAME`,''),'|')) - 1)) AS `orgname`,ifnull(`a`.`ISPLANNER`,'') AS `isplanner`,ifnull(`a`.`ISWHEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `iswhemployee`,ifnull(`a`.`ISBUYER`,'') AS `isbuyer`,ifnull(`a`.`ISQCEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `isqceemployee`,ifnull(`a`.`ISSALEEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `issaleemployee`,`a`.`SEX` AS `sex`,ifnull(`c`.`ENTID`,'3') AS `ORGANIZATION_ID`,ifnull(`a`.`NOTICEUSER`,'') AS `NOTICEUSER` \n from ((`kaf_cpcuser` `a` left join `kaf_cpcorguser` `b` on((`a`.`SYSUSERID` = `b`.`SYSUSERID`))) left join `kaf_cpcorg` `c` on((`b`.`ORGID` = `c`.`ORGID`))) \n order by `a`.`SYSUSERID`,`a`.`USERID`,`a`.`USERNAME`,`a`.`USERPASS`,`a`.`USERTYPE`,`a`.`EMPID`,`a`.`EMAIL`,`a`.`TELO`,`a`.`TELH`,`a`.`MOBIL`,`a`.`ACTIVED`,`a`.`ENABLEPWD`,`a`.`ENABLEMMSG`,`a`.`FEECENTER`,`a`.`ISPLANNER`,`a`.`ISWHEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`ISBUYER`,`a`.`ISQCEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`ISSALEEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`SEX`,`c`.`ENTID`) ;\n", 231 output: "create view xab0100 as (select a.sysuserid as sysuserid, a.userid as userid, a.username as usernm, a.pwdhash as userpwd, a.usertype as usertype, a.empid as empid, as email, a.telo as telo, a.telh as telh, a.mobil as mobil, (case a.actived when 1 then N when 2 then Y else Y end) as useyn, a.enablepwd as enablepwd, a.enablemmsg as enablemmsg, a.feecenter as feecenter, left(concat(ifnull(c.orgid, ), |), (char_length(concat(ifnull(c.orgid, ), |)) - 1)) as orgid, left(concat(ifnull(c.orgname, ), |), (char_length(concat(ifnull(c.orgname, ), |)) - 1)) as orgname, ifnull(a.isplanner, ) as isplanner, ifnull(a.iswhemployee, ) as iswhemployee, ifnull(a.isbuyer, ) as isbuyer, ifnull(a.isqcemployee, ) as isqceemployee, ifnull(a.issaleemployee, ) as issaleemployee, as sex, ifnull(c.entid, 3) as ORGANIZATION_ID, ifnull(a.noticeuser, ) as NOTICEUSER from kaf_cpcuser as a left join kaf_cpcorguser as b on ((a.sysuserid = b.sysuserid)) left join kaf_cpcorg as c on ((b.orgid = c.orgid)) order by a.sysuserid, a.userid, a.username, a.userpass, a.usertype, a.empid,, a.telo, a.telh, a.mobil, a.actived, a.enablepwd, a.enablemmsg, a.feecenter, a.isplanner, a.iswhemployee, a.isbuyer, a.isqcemployee, a.issaleemployee,, c.entid)", 232 }, { 233 input: "ALTER \nVIEW `xab0100` AS (\n select `a`.`SYSUSERID` AS `sysuserid`,`a`.`USERID` AS `userid`,`a`.`USERNAME` AS `usernm`,`a`.`PWDHASH` AS `userpwd`,`a`.`USERTYPE` AS `usertype`,`a`.`EMPID` AS `empid`,`a`.`EMAIL` AS `email`,`a`.`TELO` AS `telo`,`a`.`TELH` AS `telh`,`a`.`MOBIL` AS `mobil`,(case `a`.`ACTIVED` when '1' then 'N' when '2' then 'Y' else 'Y' end) AS `useyn`,`a`.`ENABLEPWD` AS `enablepwd`,`a`.`ENABLEMMSG` AS `enablemmsg`,`a`.`FEECENTER` AS `feecenter`,left(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGID`,''),'|'),(char_length(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGID`,''),'|')) - 1)) AS `orgid`,left(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGNAME`,''),'|'),(char_length(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGNAME`,''),'|')) - 1)) AS `orgname`,ifnull(`a`.`ISPLANNER`,'') AS `isplanner`,ifnull(`a`.`ISWHEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `iswhemployee`,ifnull(`a`.`ISBUYER`,'') AS `isbuyer`,ifnull(`a`.`ISQCEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `isqceemployee`,ifnull(`a`.`ISSALEEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `issaleemployee`,`a`.`SEX` AS `sex`,ifnull(`c`.`ENTID`,'3') AS `ORGANIZATION_ID`,ifnull(`a`.`NOTICEUSER`,'') AS `NOTICEUSER` \n from ((`kaf_cpcuser` `a` left join `kaf_cpcorguser` `b` on((`a`.`SYSUSERID` = `b`.`SYSUSERID`))) left join `kaf_cpcorg` `c` on((`b`.`ORGID` = `c`.`ORGID`))) \n order by `a`.`SYSUSERID`,`a`.`USERID`,`a`.`USERNAME`,`a`.`USERPASS`,`a`.`USERTYPE`,`a`.`EMPID`,`a`.`EMAIL`,`a`.`TELO`,`a`.`TELH`,`a`.`MOBIL`,`a`.`ACTIVED`,`a`.`ENABLEPWD`,`a`.`ENABLEMMSG`,`a`.`FEECENTER`,`a`.`ISPLANNER`,`a`.`ISWHEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`ISBUYER`,`a`.`ISQCEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`ISSALEEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`SEX`,`c`.`ENTID`) ;\n", 234 output: "alter view xab0100 as (select a.sysuserid as sysuserid, a.userid as userid, a.username as usernm, a.pwdhash as userpwd, a.usertype as usertype, a.empid as empid, as email, a.telo as telo, a.telh as telh, a.mobil as mobil, (case a.actived when 1 then N when 2 then Y else Y end) as useyn, a.enablepwd as enablepwd, a.enablemmsg as enablemmsg, a.feecenter as feecenter, left(concat(ifnull(c.orgid, ), |), (char_length(concat(ifnull(c.orgid, ), |)) - 1)) as orgid, left(concat(ifnull(c.orgname, ), |), (char_length(concat(ifnull(c.orgname, ), |)) - 1)) as orgname, ifnull(a.isplanner, ) as isplanner, ifnull(a.iswhemployee, ) as iswhemployee, ifnull(a.isbuyer, ) as isbuyer, ifnull(a.isqcemployee, ) as isqceemployee, ifnull(a.issaleemployee, ) as issaleemployee, as sex, ifnull(c.entid, 3) as ORGANIZATION_ID, ifnull(a.noticeuser, ) as NOTICEUSER from kaf_cpcuser as a left join kaf_cpcorguser as b on ((a.sysuserid = b.sysuserid)) left join kaf_cpcorg as c on ((b.orgid = c.orgid)) order by a.sysuserid, a.userid, a.username, a.userpass, a.usertype, a.empid,, a.telo, a.telh, a.mobil, a.actived, a.enablepwd, a.enablemmsg, a.feecenter, a.isplanner, a.iswhemployee, a.isbuyer, a.isqcemployee, a.issaleemployee,, c.entid)", 235 }, { 236 input: "select time from t1 as value", 237 }, { 238 input: "alter database test set mysql_compatibility_mode = '{transaction_isolation: REPEATABLE-READ, lower_case_table_names: 0}'", 239 output: "alter database configuration for test as {transaction_isolation: REPEATABLE-READ, lower_case_table_names: 0} ", 240 }, { 241 input: "show profiles", 242 }, { 243 input: "CREATE TABLE new_t1 LIKE t1", 244 output: "create table new_t1 like t1", 245 }, { 246 input: "CREATE TABLE new_t1 LIKE test.t1", 247 output: "create table new_t1 like test.t1", 248 }, { 249 input: "show privileges", 250 }, { 251 input: "show events from db1", 252 }, { 253 input: "show collation", 254 }, { 255 input: "show plugins", 256 }, { 257 input: "show procedure status", 258 }, { 259 input: "show triggers from db1 where 1", 260 }, { 261 input: "show engines", 262 }, { 263 input: "show config", 264 }, { 265 input: "show grants", 266 }, { 267 input: "show grants for 'test'@'localhost'", 268 output: "show grants for test@localhost", 269 }, { 270 input: "show table status from t1", 271 }, { 272 input: "show table status from t1", 273 }, { 274 input: "grant connect on account * to role_r1", 275 }, { 276 input: "select password from t1", 277 }, { 278 input: "create table t1 (a datetime on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(1))", 279 output: "create table t1 (a datetime on update current_timestamp(1))", 280 }, { 281 input: `create table table10 (a int primary key, b varchar(10)) checksum=0 COMMENT="asdf"`, 282 output: "create table table10 (a int primary key, b varchar(10)) checksum = 0 comment = 'asdf'", 283 }, { 284 input: "commit work", 285 output: "commit", 286 }, { 287 input: "select * from tables", 288 }, { 289 input: "update t1 set a = default", 290 }, { 291 input: "truncate t1", 292 output: "truncate table t1", 293 }, { 294 input: "truncate table t1", 295 output: "truncate table t1", 296 }, { 297 input: "truncate db1.t1", 298 output: "truncate table db1.t1", 299 }, { 300 input: "truncate table db1.t1", 301 output: "truncate table db1.t1", 302 }, 303 { 304 input: "upgrade account all with retry 10", 305 output: "upgrade account all with retry 10", 306 }, { 307 input: "upgrade account all", 308 output: "upgrade account all", 309 }, { 310 input: "upgrade account 'acc1' with retry 5", 311 output: "upgrade account acc1 with retry 5", 312 }, { 313 input: "upgrade account 'acc1'", 314 output: "upgrade account acc1", 315 }, { 316 input: "explain select * from emp", 317 output: "explain select * from emp", 318 }, { 319 input: "explain verbose select * from emp", 320 output: "explain (verbose) select * from emp", 321 }, { 322 input: "explain analyze select * from emp", 323 output: "explain (analyze) select * from emp", 324 }, { 325 input: "explain analyze verbose select * from emp", 326 output: "explain (analyze,verbose) select * from emp", 327 }, { 328 input: "explain (analyze true,verbose false) select * from emp", 329 output: "explain (analyze true,verbose false) select * from emp", 330 }, { 331 input: "explain (analyze true,verbose false,format json) select * from emp", 332 output: "explain (analyze true,verbose false,format json) select * from emp", 333 }, { 334 input: "with t11 as (select * from t1) update t11 join t2 on t11.a = t2.b set t11.b = 1 where t2.a > 1", 335 output: "with t11 as (select * from t1) update t11 inner join t2 on t11.a = t2.b set t11.b = 1 where t2.a > 1", 336 }, { 337 input: "UPDATE items,(SELECT id FROM items WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM items WHERE retail / wholesale >= 1.3 AND quantity < 100)) AS discounted SET items.retail = items.retail * 0.9 WHERE =", 338 output: "update items cross join (select id from items where id in (select id from items where retail / wholesale >= 1.3 and quantity < 100)) as discounted set items.retail = items.retail * 0.9 where =", 339 }, { 340 input: "with t2 as (select * from t1) DELETE FROM a1, a2 USING t1 AS a1 INNER JOIN t2 AS a2 WHERE;", 341 output: "with t2 as (select * from t1) delete from a1, a2 using t1 as a1 inner join t2 as a2 where =", 342 }, { 343 input: "DELETE FROM a1, a2 USING t1 AS a1 INNER JOIN t2 AS a2 WHERE;", 344 output: "delete from a1, a2 using t1 as a1 inner join t2 as a2 where =", 345 }, { 346 input: "DELETE a1, a2 FROM t1 AS a1 INNER JOIN t2 AS a2 WHERE", 347 output: "delete from a1, a2 using t1 as a1 inner join t2 as a2 where =", 348 }, { 349 input: "DELETE FROM t1, t2 USING t1 INNER JOIN t2 INNER JOIN t3 WHERE AND", 350 output: "delete from t1, t2 using t1 inner join t2 inner join t3 where = and =", 351 }, { 352 input: "DELETE t1, t2 FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 INNER JOIN t3 WHERE AND", 353 output: "delete from t1, t2 using t1 inner join t2 inner join t3 where = and =", 354 }, { 355 input: "select cast(false as varchar)", 356 }, { 357 input: "select cast(a as timestamp)", 358 }, { 359 input: "select cast(\"2022-01-30\" as varchar);", 360 output: "select cast(2022-01-30 as varchar)", 361 }, { 362 input: "select cast(b as timestamp) from t2", 363 }, { 364 input: "select cast(\"2022-01-01 01:23:34\" as varchar)", 365 output: "select cast(2022-01-01 01:23:34 as varchar)", 366 }, { 367 input: "select serial_extract(col, 1 as varchar(3)) from t1", 368 output: "select serial_extract(col, 1 as varchar(3)) from t1", 369 }, { 370 input: "select binary('Geeksforgeeks')", 371 output: "select binary(Geeksforgeeks)", 372 }, { 373 input: "show schemas where 1", 374 output: "show databases where 1", 375 }, { 376 input: "select role from t1", 377 }, { 378 input: "select a || 'hello' || 'world' from t1;", 379 output: "select concat(concat(a, hello), world) from t1", 380 }, { 381 input: "select col || 'bar'", 382 output: "select concat(col, bar)", 383 }, { 384 input: "select 'foo' || 'bar'", 385 output: "select concat(foo, bar)", 386 }, { 387 input: "select 'a\\'b'", 388 output: "select a'b", 389 }, { 390 input: "select char_length('\\n\\t\\r\\b\\0\\_\\%\\\\');", 391 output: "select char_length(\\n\\t\\r\\b\\0\\_\\%\\\\)", 392 }, { 393 input: "select CAST('10 ' as unsigned);", 394 output: "select cast(10 as unsigned)", 395 }, { 396 input: "select CAST('10 ' as unsigned integer);", 397 output: "select cast(10 as integer unsigned)", 398 }, { 399 input: "SELECT ((+0) IN ((0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111),(rpad(1.0,2048,1)), (32767.1)));", 400 output: "select ((+0) in ((0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111), (rpad(1.0, 2048, 1)), (32767.1)))", 401 }, { 402 input: "select 0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111", 403 }, { 404 input: "select date,format,to_date(date, format) as to_date from t1;", 405 output: "select date, format, to_date(date, format) as to_date from t1", 406 }, { 407 input: "select date,format,concat_ws(',',to_date(date, format)) as con from t1;", 408 output: "select date, format, concat_ws(,, to_date(date, format)) as con from t1", 409 }, { 410 input: "select date,format,to_date(date, format) as to_date from t1;", 411 output: "select date, format, to_date(date, format) as to_date from t1", 412 }, { 413 input: "select date,format,concat_ws(\" \",to_date(date, format),'') as con from t1;", 414 output: "select date, format, concat_ws( , to_date(date, format), ) as con from t1", 415 }, { 416 input: "select schema()", 417 }, { 418 input: "select last_insert_id()", 419 }, { 420 input: "show char set where charset = 'utf8mb4'", 421 output: "show charset where charset = utf8mb4", 422 }, { 423 input: "show charset where charset = 'utf8mb4'", 424 output: "show charset where charset = utf8mb4", 425 }, { 426 input: "show character set where charset = 'utf8mb4'", 427 output: "show charset where charset = utf8mb4", 428 }, { 429 input: "show config where a > 1", 430 }, { 431 input: "set @@a = b", 432 output: "set a = b", 433 }, { 434 input: "set @a = b", 435 output: "set a = b", 436 }, { 437 input: "CREATE TABLE t1 (datetime datetime, timestamp timestamp, date date)", 438 output: "create table t1 (datetime datetime, timestamp timestamp, date date)", 439 }, { 440 input: "SET timestamp=DEFAULT;", 441 output: "set timestamp = default", 442 }, { 443 input: "SET timestamp=UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2011-07-31 10:00:00')", 444 output: "set timestamp = unix_timestamp(2011-07-31 10:00:00)", 445 }, { 446 input: "select ltrim(\"a\"),rtrim(\"a\"),trim(BOTH \"\" from \"a\"),trim(BOTH \" \" from \"a\");", 447 output: "select ltrim(a), rtrim(a), trim(both from a), trim(both from a)", 448 }, { 449 input: "select rpad('hello', -18446744073709551616, '1');", 450 output: "select rpad(hello, -18446744073709551616, 1)", 451 }, { 452 input: "select rpad('hello', -18446744073709551616, '1');", 453 output: "select rpad(hello, -18446744073709551616, 1)", 454 }, { 455 input: "SELECT CONCAT_WS(1471290948102948112341241204312904-23412412-4141, \"a\", \"b\")", 456 output: "select concat_ws(1471290948102948112341241204312904 - 23412412 - 4141, a, b)", 457 }, { 458 input: "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = ANY ( SELECT 1 UNION ( SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 1 ) );", 459 output: "select * from t1 where a = any (select 1 union (select 1 union select 1))", 460 }, { 461 input: "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = ANY ( SELECT 1 except ( SELECT 1 except SELECT 1 ) );", 462 output: "select * from t1 where a = any (select 1 except (select 1 except select 1))", 463 }, { 464 input: "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = ANY ( SELECT 1 intersect ( SELECT 1 intersect SELECT 1 ) );", 465 output: "select * from t1 where a = any (select 1 intersect (select 1 intersect select 1))", 466 }, { 467 input: "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = ANY ( SELECT 1 minus ( SELECT 1 minus SELECT 1 ) );", 468 output: "select * from t1 where a = any (select 1 minus (select 1 minus select 1))", 469 }, { 470 input: "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (a,b) = ANY (SELECT a, max(b) FROM t1 GROUP BY a);", 471 output: "select * from t1 where (a, b) = any (select a, max(b) from t1 group by a)", 472 }, { 473 input: "select (1,2) != ALL (select * from t1);", 474 output: "select (1, 2) != all (select * from t1)", 475 }, { 476 input: "select s1, s1 = ANY (SELECT s1 FROM t2) from t1;", 477 output: "select s1, s1 = any (select s1 from t2) from t1", 478 }, { 479 input: "select * from t3 where a >= some (select b from t2);", 480 output: "select * from t3 where a >= some (select b from t2)", 481 }, { 482 input: "select 9999999999999999999;", 483 output: "select 9999999999999999999", 484 }, { 485 input: "select substring('hello', -18446744073709551616, -18446744073709551616);", 486 output: "select substring(hello, -18446744073709551616, -18446744073709551616)", 487 }, { 488 input: "select substring('hello', -18446744073709551616, 1);", 489 output: "select substring(hello, -18446744073709551616, 1)", 490 }, { 491 input: "select space(18446744073709551616);", 492 output: "select space(18446744073709551616)", 493 }, { 494 input: "select space(-18446744073709551616);", 495 output: "select space(-18446744073709551616)", 496 }, { 497 input: "select ltrim(\"a\"),rtrim(\"a\"),trim(BOTH \"\" from \"a\"),trim(BOTH \" \" from \"a\");", 498 output: "select ltrim(a), rtrim(a), trim(both from a), trim(both from a)", 499 }, { 500 input: "SELECT (rpad(1.0, 2048,1)) IS NOT FALSE;", 501 output: "select (rpad(1.0, 2048, 1)) is not false", 502 }, { 503 input: "SELECT 1 is unknown;", 504 output: "select 1 is unknown", 505 }, { 506 input: "SELECT false is not unknown;", 507 output: "select false is not unknown", 508 }, { 509 input: "SELECT 1 is true;", 510 output: "select 1 is true", 511 }, { 512 input: "SELECT false is not true;", 513 output: "select false is not true", 514 }, { 515 input: "SELECT 1 is false;", 516 output: "select 1 is false", 517 }, { 518 input: "SELECT false is not false;", 519 output: "select false is not false", 520 }, { 521 input: "SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999);", 522 output: "select from_unixtime(99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999)", 523 }, { 524 input: "SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(2147483647) AS c1, FROM_UNIXTIME(2147483648) AS c2, FROM_UNIXTIME(2147483647.9999999) AS c3, FROM_UNIXTIME(32536771199) AS c4,FROM_UNIXTIME(32536771199.9999999) AS c5;", 525 output: "select from_unixtime(2147483647) as c1, from_unixtime(2147483648) as c2, from_unixtime(2147483647.9999999) as c3, from_unixtime(32536771199) as c4, from_unixtime(32536771199.9999999) as c5", 526 }, { 527 input: "select date_add(\"1997-12-31 23:59:59\",INTERVAL -100000 YEAR);", 528 output: "select date_add(1997-12-31 23:59:59, interval(-100000, year))", 529 }, { 530 input: "SELECT ADDDATE(DATE'2021-01-01', INTERVAL 1 DAY);", 531 output: "select adddate(date(2021-01-01), interval(1, day))", 532 }, { 533 input: "select '2007-01-01' + interval a day from t1;", 534 output: "select 2007-01-01 + interval(a, day) from t1", 535 }, { 536 input: "SELECT CAST(COALESCE(t0.c0, -1) AS UNSIGNED) IS TRUE FROM t0;", 537 output: "select cast(coalesce(t0.c0, -1) as unsigned) is true from t0", 538 }, { 539 input: "select Fld1, variance(Fld2) as q from t1 group by Fld1 having q is not null;", 540 output: "select fld1, variance(fld2) as q from t1 group by fld1 having q is not null", 541 }, { 542 input: "select variance(-99999999999999999.99999);", 543 output: "select variance(-99999999999999999.99999)", 544 }, { 545 input: "select Fld1, std(Fld2) from t1 group by Fld1 having variance(Fld2) is not null", 546 output: "select fld1, std(fld2) from t1 group by fld1 having variance(fld2) is not null", 547 }, { 548 input: "select a.f1 as a, a.f1 > b.f1 as gt, a.f1 < b.f1 as lt, a.f1<=>b.f1 as eq from t1 a, t1 b;", 549 output: "select a.f1 as a, a.f1 > b.f1 as gt, a.f1 < b.f1 as lt, a.f1 <=> b.f1 as eq from t1 as a cross join t1 as b", 550 }, { 551 input: "select var_samp(s) as '0.5', var_pop(s) as '0.25' from bug22555;", 552 output: "select var_samp(s) as 0.5, var_pop(s) as 0.25 from bug22555", 553 }, { 554 input: "select var_samp(s) as 'null', var_pop(s) as 'null' from bug22555;", 555 output: "select var_samp(s) as null, var_pop(s) as null from bug22555", 556 }, { 557 input: "select cast(variance(ff) as decimal(10, 3)) from t2", 558 }, { 559 input: "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT 2) from t1", 560 output: "select group_concat(distinct 2, ,) from t1", 561 }, { 562 input: "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a order by a) from t1", 563 output: "select group_concat(distinct a, ,order by a) from t1", 564 }, { 565 input: "select variance(2) from t1", 566 }, { 567 input: "select SQL_BIG_RESULT bit_and(col), bit_or(col) from t1 group by col;", 568 output: "select sql_big_result bit_and(col), bit_or(col) from t1 group by col", 569 }, { 570 input: "select sql_small_result, avg(rating + 0.0e0) from t2 group by", 571 }, { 572 input: "select sql_small_result, avg(rating) from t2 group by", 573 }, { 574 input: "select any_value(name), avg(value1), std(value1), variance(value1) from t1, t2 where = group by", 575 output: "select any_value(name), avg(value1), std(value1), variance(value1) from t1 cross join t2 where = group by", 576 }, { 577 input: "select id, avg(value1), std(value1), variance(value1) from t1 group by id", 578 }, { 579 input: "select i, count(*), std(s1 / s2) from bug22555 group by i order by i", 580 }, { 581 input: "select i, count(*), variance(s1 / s2) from bug22555 group by i order by i", 582 }, { 583 input: "select i, count(*), variance(s1 / s2) from bug22555 group by i order by i", 584 }, { 585 input: "select name, avg(value1), std(value1), variance(value1) from t1, t2 where = group by", 586 output: "select name, avg(value1), std(value1), variance(value1) from t1 cross join t2 where = group by", 587 }, { 588 input: "select sum(all a),count(all a),avg(all a),std(all a),variance(all a),bit_or(all a),bit_and(all a),min(all a),max(all a),min(all c),max(all c) from t", 589 output: "select sum(all a), count(all a), avg(all a), std(all a), variance(all a), bit_or(all a), bit_and(all a), min(all a), max(all a), min(all c), max(all c) from t", 590 }, { 591 input: "insert into t1 values (date_add(NULL, INTERVAL 1 DAY));", 592 output: "insert into t1 values (date_add(null, interval(1, day)))", 593 }, { 594 input: "replace into t1 values (date_add(NULL, INTERVAL 1 DAY));", 595 output: "replace into t1 values (date_add(null, interval(1, day)))", 596 }, { 597 input: "SELECT DATE_ADD('2022-02-28 23:59:59.9999', INTERVAL 1 SECOND) '1 second later';", 598 output: "select date_add(2022-02-28 23:59:59.9999, interval(1, second)) as 1 second later", 599 }, { 600 input: "SELECT sum(a) as 'hello' from t1;", 601 output: "select sum(a) as hello from t1", 602 }, { 603 input: "select stream from t1;", 604 output: "select stream from t1", 605 }, { 606 input: "SELECT DATE_ADD(\"2017-06-15\", INTERVAL -10 MONTH);", 607 output: "select date_add(2017-06-15, interval(-10, month))", 608 }, { 609 input: "create table t1 (a varchar)", 610 output: "create table t1 (a varchar)", 611 }, { 612 input: "SELECT (CAST(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF AS char));", 613 output: "select (cast(0x7fffffffffffffff as varchar))", 614 }, { 615 input: "select cast(-19999999999999999999 as signed);", 616 output: "select cast(-19999999999999999999 as signed)", 617 }, { 618 input: "select cast(19999999999999999999 as signed);", 619 output: "select cast(19999999999999999999 as signed)", 620 }, { 621 input: "select date_sub(now(), interval 1 day) from t1;", 622 output: "select date_sub(now(), interval(1, day)) from t1", 623 }, { 624 input: "select date_sub(now(), interval '1' day) from t1;", 625 output: "select date_sub(now(), interval(1, day)) from t1", 626 }, { 627 input: "select date_add(now(), interval '1' day) from t1;", 628 output: "select date_add(now(), interval(1, day)) from t1", 629 }, { 630 input: "SELECT md.datname as `Database` FROM TT md", 631 output: "select md.datname as Database from tt as md", 632 }, { 633 input: "select * from t where a = `Hello`", 634 output: "select * from t where a = hello", 635 }, { 636 input: "CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE = f(;", 637 output: "create view v as select * from t where = f(", 638 }, { 639 input: "ALTER VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t WHERE = f(;", 640 output: "alter view v as select * from t where = f(", 641 }, { 642 input: "CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT qty, price, qty*price AS value FROM t;", 643 output: "create view v as select qty, price, qty * price as value from t", 644 }, { 645 input: "ALTER VIEW v AS SELECT qty, price, qty*price AS value FROM t;", 646 output: "alter view v as select qty, price, qty * price as value from t", 647 }, { 648 input: "create view v_today (today) as select current_day from t", 649 }, { 650 input: "alter view v_today (today) as select current_day from t", 651 }, { 652 input: "explain (analyze true,verbose false) select * from emp", 653 }, { 654 input: "select quarter from ontime limit 1", 655 }, { 656 input: "select month from ontime limit 1", 657 }, { 658 input: "with tw as (select * from t2), tf as (select * from t3) select * from tw where a > 1", 659 }, { 660 input: "with tw as (select * from t2) select * from tw where a > 1", 661 }, { 662 input: "create table t (a double(13)) // comment", 663 output: "create table t (a double(13))", 664 }, { 665 input: "create table t (a double(13)) -- comment", 666 output: "create table t (a double(13))", 667 }, { 668 input: "select a as promo_revenue from (select * from r) as c_orders(c_custkey, c_count)", 669 }, { 670 input: "select extract(year from l_shipdate) as l_year from t", 671 output: "select extract(year, l_shipdate) as l_year from t", 672 }, { 673 input: "select * from R join S on R.uid = S.uid where l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - interval '112' day", 674 output: "select * from r inner join s on r.uid = s.uid where l_shipdate <= date(1998-12-01) - interval(112, day)", 675 }, { 676 input: "create table deci_table (a decimal(10, 5))", 677 }, { 678 input: "create table deci_table (a decimal(20, 5))", 679 }, { 680 input: "create table deci_table (a decimal)", 681 output: "create table deci_table (a decimal(38))", 682 }, { 683 input: "create table deci_table (a decimal(20))", 684 }, { 685 input: "select substr(name, 5) from t1", 686 }, { 687 input: "select substring(name, 5) from t1", 688 }, { 689 input: "select substr(name, 5, 3) from t1", 690 }, { 691 input: "select substring(name, 5, 3) from t1", 692 }, { 693 input: "select * from R join S on R.uid = S.uid", 694 output: "select * from r inner join s on r.uid = s.uid", 695 }, { 696 input: "create table t (a int, b char, key idx1 type zonemap (a, b))", 697 output: "create table t (a int, b char, index idx1 using zonemap (a, b))", 698 }, { 699 input: "create table t (a int, index idx1 using zonemap (a))", 700 }, { 701 input: "create table t (a int, index idx1 using bsi (a))", 702 }, { 703 input: "set @@sql_mode ='TRADITIONAL'", 704 output: "set sql_mode = TRADITIONAL", 705 }, { 706 input: "set @@session.sql_mode ='TRADITIONAL'", 707 output: "set sql_mode = TRADITIONAL", 708 }, { 709 input: "set session sql_mode ='TRADITIONAL'", 710 output: "set sql_mode = TRADITIONAL", 711 }, { 712 input: "select @session.tx_isolation", 713 output: "select @session.tx_isolation", 714 }, { 715 input: "select @@session.tx_isolation", 716 output: "select @@tx_isolation", 717 }, { 718 input: "/* mysql-connector-java-8.0.27 (Revision: e920b979015ae7117d60d72bcc8f077a839cd791) */SHOW VARIABLES;", 719 output: "show variables", 720 }, { 721 input: "create index idx1 using bsi on a (a)", 722 }, { 723 input: "INSERT INTO pet VALUES row('Sunsweet05','Dsant05','otter','f',30.11,2), row('Sunsweet06','Dsant06','otter','m',30.11,3);", 724 output: "insert into pet values (Sunsweet05, Dsant05, otter, f, 30.11, 2), (Sunsweet06, Dsant06, otter, m, 30.11, 3)", 725 }, { 726 input: "INSERT INTO t1 SET f1 = -1.0e+30, f2 = 'exore', f3 = 123", 727 output: "insert into t1 (f1, f2, f3) values (-1.0e+30, exore, 123)", 728 }, { 729 input: "INSERT INTO t1 SET f1 = -1;", 730 output: "insert into t1 (f1) values (-1)", 731 }, { 732 input: "INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=VALUES(a)+VALUES(b), b=VALUES(a)+VALUES(c);", 733 output: "insert into t1 (a, b, c) values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6) on duplicate key update c = values(a) + values(b), b = values(a) + values(c)", 734 }, { 735 input: "INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=2, b=3;", 736 output: "insert into t1 (a, b, c) values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6) on duplicate key update c = 2, b = 3", 737 }, { 738 input: "INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=2/2, b=3;", 739 output: "insert into t1 (a, b, c) values (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6) on duplicate key update c = 2 / 2, b = 3", 740 }, { 741 input: "insert into t1 values (18446744073709551615), (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE), (18446744073709551613), (18446744073709551612)", 742 output: "insert into t1 values (18446744073709551615), (0xfffffffffffffffe), (18446744073709551613), (18446744073709551612)", 743 }, { 744 input: "REPLACE INTO pet VALUES row('Sunsweet05','Dsant05','otter','f',30.11,2), row('Sunsweet06','Dsant06','otter','m',30.11,3);", 745 output: "replace into pet values (Sunsweet05, Dsant05, otter, f, 30.11, 2), (Sunsweet06, Dsant06, otter, m, 30.11, 3)", 746 }, { 747 input: "REPLACE INTO t1 SET f1 = -1.0e+30, f2 = 'exore', f3 = 123", 748 output: "replace into t1 (f1, f2, f3) values (-1.0e+30, exore, 123)", 749 }, { 750 input: "REPLACE INTO t1 SET f1 = -1;", 751 output: "replace into t1 (f1) values (-1)", 752 }, { 753 input: "replace into t1 values (18446744073709551615), (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE), (18446744073709551613), (18446744073709551612)", 754 output: "replace into t1 values (18446744073709551615), (0xfffffffffffffffe), (18446744073709551613), (18446744073709551612)", 755 }, { 756 input: "create table t (a int) properties(\"host\" = \"\", \"port\" = \"8239\", \"user\" = \"mysql_user\", \"password\" = \"mysql_passwd\")", 757 output: "create table t (a int) properties(host =, port = 8239, user = mysql_user, password = mysql_passwd)", 758 }, { 759 input: "create table t (a int) properties('a' = 'b')", 760 output: "create table t (a int) properties(a = b)", 761 }, { 762 input: "create table t (a int, b char, check (1 + 1) enforced)", 763 }, { 764 input: "create table t (a int, b char, foreign key sdf (a, b) references b(a asc, b desc))", 765 }, { 766 input: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint sdf foreign key (a, b) references b(a asc, b desc))", 767 output: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint sdf foreign key (a, b) references b(a asc, b desc))", 768 }, { 769 input: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint sdf foreign key dddd (a, b) references b(a asc, b desc))", 770 output: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint sdf foreign key dddd (a, b) references b(a asc, b desc))", 771 }, { 772 input: "create table t (a int, b char, unique key idx (a, b))", 773 }, { 774 input: "create table t (a int, b char, index if not exists idx (a, b))", 775 }, { 776 input: "create table t (a int, b char, fulltext idx (a, b))", 777 }, { 778 input: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint p1 primary key idx using hash (a, b))", 779 output: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint p1 primary key idx using none (a, b))", 780 }, { 781 input: "create table t (a int, b char, primary key idx (a, b))", 782 }, { 783 input: "create dynamic table t as select a from t1", 784 output: "create dynamic table t as select a from t1", 785 }, { 786 input: "create dynamic table t as select a from t1 with (\"type\"='kafka')", 787 output: "create dynamic table t as select a from t1 with (type = kafka)", 788 }, { 789 input: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt'", 790 output: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt'", 791 }, { 792 input: "create external table t (a int) infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='none'}", 793 }, { 794 input: "create external table t (a int) infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='auto'}", 795 }, { 796 input: "create external table t (a int) infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='lz4'}", 797 }, { 798 input: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY ''", 799 output: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt' fields terminated by '' optionally enclosed by '' lines terminated by ''", 800 }, { 801 input: "SET NAMES 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'", 802 output: "set names = utf8mb4 utf8mb4_general_ci", 803 }, { 804 input: "insert into cms values (null, default)", 805 }, { 806 input: "replace into cms values (null, default)", 807 }, { 808 input: "create database `show`", 809 output: "create database show", 810 }, { 811 input: "create table table16 (1a20 int, 1e int)", 812 }, { 813 input: "insert into t2 values (-3, 2)", 814 }, { 815 input: "replace into t2 values (-3, 2)", 816 }, { 817 input: "select spID,userID,score from t1 where spID>(userID-1);", 818 output: "select spid, userid, score from t1 where spid > (userid - 1)", 819 }, { 820 input: "CREATE TABLE t2(product VARCHAR(32),country_id INTEGER NOT NULL,year INTEGER,profit INTEGER)", 821 output: "create table t2 (product varchar(32), country_id integer not null, year integer, profit integer)", 822 }, { 823 input: "insert into numtable values (255, 65535, 4294967295, 18446744073709551615)", 824 }, { 825 input: "replace into numtable values (255, 65535, 4294967295, 18446744073709551615)", 826 }, { 827 input: "create table numtable (a tinyint unsigned, b smallint unsigned, c int unsigned, d bigint unsigned)", 828 }, { 829 input: "SELECT userID as user, MAX(score) as max FROM t1 GROUP BY userID order by user", 830 output: "select userid as user, max(score) as max from t1 group by userid order by user", 831 }, { 832 input: "load data infile 'test/loadfile5' ignore INTO TABLE T.A FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' (@,@,c,d,e,f)", 833 output: "load data infile test/loadfile5 ignore into table t.a fields terminated by , (, , c, d, e, f)", 834 }, { 835 input: "load data infile '/root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl' into table lineorder_flat FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '';", 836 output: "load data infile /root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl into table lineorder_flat fields terminated by '' optionally enclosed by '' lines terminated by ''", 837 }, { 838 input: "load data local infile 'data' replace into table db.a (a, b, @vc, @vd) set a = @vc != 0, d = @vd != 1", 839 output: "load data local infile data replace into table db.a (a, b, @vc, @vd) set a = @vc != 0, d = @vd != 1", 840 }, { 841 input: "load data local infile 'data' replace into table db.a lines starting by '#' terminated by '\t' ignore 2 lines", 842 output: "load data local infile data replace into table db.a lines starting by # terminated by ignore 2 lines", 843 }, { 844 input: "load data local infile 'data' replace into table db.a lines starting by '#' terminated by '\t' ignore 2 rows", 845 output: "load data local infile data replace into table db.a lines starting by # terminated by ignore 2 lines", 846 }, { 847 input: "load data local infile 'data' replace into table db.a lines terminated by '\t' starting by '#' ignore 2 lines", 848 output: "load data local infile data replace into table db.a lines starting by # terminated by ignore 2 lines", 849 }, { 850 input: "load data local infile 'data' replace into table db.a lines terminated by '\t' starting by '#' ignore 2 rows", 851 output: "load data local infile data replace into table db.a lines starting by # terminated by ignore 2 lines", 852 }, { 853 input: "load data infile 'data.txt' into table db.a fields terminated by '\t' escaped by '\t'", 854 output: "load data infile data.txt into table db.a fields terminated by \t escaped by \t", 855 }, { 856 input: "load data infile 'data.txt' into table db.a fields terminated by '\t' enclosed by '\t' escaped by '\t'", 857 output: "load data infile data.txt into table db.a fields terminated by \t enclosed by \t escaped by \t", 858 }, { 859 input: "load data infile 'data.txt' into table db.a", 860 output: "load data infile data.txt into table db.a", 861 }, { 862 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='auto'} into table db.a", 863 }, { 864 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='none'} into table db.a", 865 }, { 866 input: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt'", 867 output: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt'", 868 }, { 869 input: "create external table t (a int) infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='none'}", 870 }, { 871 input: "create external table t (a int) infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='auto'}", 872 }, { 873 input: "create external table t (a int) infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='lz4'}", 874 }, { 875 input: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY ''", 876 output: "create external table t (a int) infile 'data.txt' fields terminated by '' optionally enclosed by '' lines terminated by ''", 877 }, { 878 input: "create external table t (a int) URL s3option{'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='XXX', 'secret_access_key'='XXX', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'}", 879 output: "create external table t (a int) url s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'}", 880 }, { 881 input: "load data infile 'test/loadfile5' ignore INTO TABLE T.A FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' (@,@,c,d,e,f)", 882 output: "load data infile test/loadfile5 ignore into table t.a fields terminated by , (, , c, d, e, f)", 883 }, { 884 input: "load data infile '/root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl' into table lineorder_flat FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '';", 885 output: "load data infile /root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl into table lineorder_flat fields terminated by '' optionally enclosed by '' lines terminated by ''", 886 }, { 887 input: "load data infile '/root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl' into table lineorder_flat FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '' parallel 'true';", 888 output: "load data infile /root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl into table lineorder_flat fields terminated by '' optionally enclosed by '' lines terminated by '' parallel true ", 889 }, { 890 input: "load data infile '/root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl' into table lineorder_flat FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '' parallel 'true' strict 'true';", 891 output: "load data infile /root/lineorder_flat_10.tbl into table lineorder_flat fields terminated by '' optionally enclosed by '' lines terminated by '' parallel true strict true ", 892 }, { 893 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='auto'} into table db.a", 894 }, { 895 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='none'} into table db.a", 896 }, { 897 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='GZIP'} into table db.a", 898 }, { 899 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='BZIP2'} into table db.a", 900 }, { 901 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='FLATE'} into table db.a", 902 }, { 903 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='LZW'} into table db.a", 904 }, { 905 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='ZLIB'} into table db.a", 906 }, { 907 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='LZ4'} into table db.a", 908 }, { 909 input: "LOAD DATA URL s3option{'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='XXX', 'secret_access_key'='XXX', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'} into table db.a", 910 output: "load data url s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'} into table db.a", 911 }, 912 { 913 input: `load data url s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='jsonline/jsonline_object.jl', 'region'='us-west-2', 'compression'='none', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='object'} into table t1`, 914 }, { 915 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='GZIP'} into table db.a", 916 }, { 917 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='BZIP2'} into table db.a", 918 }, { 919 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='FLATE'} into table db.a", 920 }, { 921 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='LZW'} into table db.a", 922 }, { 923 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='ZLIB'} into table db.a", 924 }, { 925 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='LZ4'} into table db.a", 926 }, { 927 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='array'} into table db.a", 928 }, 929 { 930 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='object'} into table db.a", 931 }, 932 { 933 input: "load data infile {'filepath'='data.txt', 'compression'='BZIP2', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='object'} into table db.a", 934 }, 935 { 936 input: "load data inline format='jsonline', data='[1,2,3,4]', jsontype='array' into table t1", 937 }, 938 { 939 input: "show tables from test01 where tables_in_test01 like '%t2%'", 940 output: "show tables from test01 where tables_in_test01 like %t2%", 941 }, { 942 input: "select userID,MAX(score) max_score from t1 where userID <2 || userID > 3 group by userID order by max_score", 943 output: "select userid, max(score) as max_score from t1 where concat(userid < 2, userid > 3) group by userid order by max_score", 944 }, { 945 input: "select c1, -c2 from t2 order by -c1 desc", 946 }, { 947 input: "select * from t1 where spID>2 AND userID <2 || userID >=2 OR userID < 2 limit 3", 948 output: "select * from t1 where concat(spid > 2 and userid < 2, userid >= 2) or userid < 2 limit 3", 949 }, { 950 input: "select * from t10 where (b='ba' or b='cb') and (c='dc' or c='ed');", 951 output: "select * from t10 where (b = ba or b = cb) and (c = dc or c = ed)", 952 }, { 953 input: "select CAST(userID AS DOUBLE) cast_double, CAST(userID AS FLOAT(3)) cast_float , CAST(userID AS REAL) cast_real, CAST(userID AS SIGNED) cast_signed, CAST(userID AS UNSIGNED) cast_unsigned from t1 limit 2", 954 output: "select cast(userid as double) as cast_double, cast(userid as float(3)) as cast_float, cast(userid as real) as cast_real, cast(userid as signed) as cast_signed, cast(userid as unsigned) as cast_unsigned from t1 limit 2", 955 }, { 956 input: "select distinct name as name1 from t1", 957 }, { 958 input: "select userID, userID DIV 2 as user_dir, userID%2 as user_percent, userID MOD 2 as user_mod from t1", 959 output: "select userid, userid div 2 as user_dir, userid % 2 as user_percent, userid % 2 as user_mod from t1", 960 }, { 961 input: "select sum(score) as sum from t1 where spID=6 group by score order by sum desc", 962 output: "select sum(score) as sum from t1 where spid = 6 group by score order by sum desc", 963 }, { 964 input: "select userID,count(score) from t1 where userID>2 group by userID having count(score)>1", 965 output: "select userid, count(score) from t1 where userid > 2 group by userid having count(score) > 1", 966 }, { 967 input: "SELECT product, SUM(profit),AVG(profit) FROM t2 where product<>'TV' GROUP BY product order by product asc", 968 output: "select product, sum(profit), avg(profit) from t2 where product != TV group by product order by product asc", 969 }, { 970 input: "SELECT product, SUM(profit),AVG(profit) FROM t2 where product='Phone' GROUP BY product order by product asc", 971 output: "select product, sum(profit), avg(profit) from t2 where product = Phone group by product order by product asc", 972 }, { 973 input: "select sum(col_1d),count(col_1d),avg(col_1d),min(col_1d),max(col_1d) from tbl1 group by col_1e", 974 output: "select sum(col_1d), count(col_1d), avg(col_1d), min(col_1d), max(col_1d) from tbl1 group by col_1e", 975 }, { 976 input: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t, u) from u, (select t.a, u.a from sa.t, u where t.a = u.a) as t where (u.a, u.b, u.c) in (select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b tubb from t)", 977 output: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t cross join u) from u cross join (select t.a, u.a from sa.t cross join u where t.a = u.a) as t where (u.a, u.b, u.c) in (select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b as tubb from t)", 978 }, { 979 input: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t, u) from u", 980 output: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t cross join u) from u", 981 }, { 982 input: "select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b from sa.t join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b group by t.a, u.a, (t.a + u.b + v.b) having t.a = 11 and v.c > 1000 order by t.a desc, u.a asc, v.d asc, tubb limit 200 offset 100", 983 output: "select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b from sa.t inner join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b group by t.a, u.a, (t.a + u.b + v.b) having t.a = 11 and v.c > 1000 order by t.a desc, u.a asc, v.d asc, tubb limit 200 offset 100", 984 }, { 985 input: "select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b from sa.t join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b group by t.a, u.a, (t.a + u.b + v.b) having t.a = 11 and v.c > 1000", 986 output: "select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b from sa.t inner join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b group by t.a, u.a, (t.a + u.b + v.b) having t.a = 11 and v.c > 1000", 987 }, { 988 input: "select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b from sa.t join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b group by t.a, u.a, (t.a + u.b + v.b)", 989 output: "select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b from sa.t inner join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b group by t.a, u.a, (t.a + u.b + v.b)", 990 }, { 991 input: "SELECT t.a,u.a,t.b * u.b FROM sa.t join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b", 992 output: "select t.a, u.a, t.b * u.b from sa.t inner join u on t.c = u.c or t.d != u.d where t.a = u.a and t.b > u.b", 993 }, { 994 input: "select avg(u.a), count(u.b), cast(u.c as varchar) from u", 995 }, { 996 input: "select avg(u.a), count(*) from u", 997 }, { 998 input: "select approx_count(*) from u", 999 }, { 1000 input: "select avg(u.a), count(u.b) from u", 1001 }, { 1002 input: "select sum(col_1d) from tbl1 where col_1d < 13 group by col_1e", 1003 }, { 1004 input: "select sum(col_1a),count(col_1b),avg(col_1c),min(col_1d),max(col_1d) from tbl1", 1005 output: "select sum(col_1a), count(col_1b), avg(col_1c), min(col_1d), max(col_1d) from tbl1", 1006 }, { 1007 input: "insert into tbl1 values (0,1,5,11, \"a\")", 1008 output: "insert into tbl1 values (0, 1, 5, 11, a)", 1009 }, { 1010 input: "replace into tbl1 values (0,1,5,11, \"a\")", 1011 output: "replace into tbl1 values (0, 1, 5, 11, a)", 1012 }, { 1013 input: "create table tbl1 (col_1a tinyint, col_1b smallint, col_1c int, col_1d bigint, col_1e char(10) not null)", 1014 }, { 1015 input: "insert into numtable values (4, 1.234567891, 1.234567891)", 1016 }, { 1017 input: "insert into numtable values (3, 1.234567, 1.234567)", 1018 }, { 1019 input: "replace into numtable values (4, 1.234567891, 1.234567891)", 1020 }, { 1021 input: "replace into numtable values (3, 1.234567, 1.234567)", 1022 }, { 1023 input: "create table numtable (id int, fl float, dl double)", 1024 }, { 1025 input: "drop table if exists numtable", 1026 }, { 1027 input: "create table table17 (`index` int)", 1028 output: "create table table17 (index int)", 1029 }, { 1030 input: "create table table19$ (a int)", 1031 }, { 1032 input: "create table `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa int);", 1033 output: "create table aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa int)", 1034 }, { 1035 input: "create table table12 (`a ` int)", 1036 output: "create table table12 (a int)", 1037 }, { 1038 input: "create table `table11 ` (a int)", 1039 output: "create table table11 (a int)", 1040 }, { 1041 input: "create table table10 (a int primary key, b varchar(10)) checksum=0 COMMENT=\"asdf\"", 1042 output: "create table table10 (a int primary key, b varchar(10)) checksum = 0 comment = 'asdf'", 1043 }, { 1044 input: "create temporary table table05 ( a int, b char(10));", 1045 output: "create temporary table table05 (a int, b char(10))", 1046 }, { 1047 input: "create table table15 (a varchar(5) default 'abcde')", 1048 output: "create table table15 (a varchar(5) default abcde)", 1049 }, { 1050 input: "create table table01 (a TINYINT primary key, b SMALLINT SIGNED, c INT UNSIGNED, d BIGINT not null , e FLOAT unique,f DOUBLE, g CHAR(10), h VARCHAR(20))", 1051 output: "create table table01 (a tinyint primary key, b smallint, c int unsigned, d bigint not null, e float unique, f double, g char(10), h varchar(20))", 1052 }, { 1053 input: "create database test04 CHARACTER SET=utf8 collate=utf8_general_ci ENCRYPTION='N'", 1054 output: "create database test04 character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci encryption N", 1055 }, { 1056 input: "create database test03 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 collate utf8_general_ci ENCRYPTION 'Y'", 1057 output: "create database test03 default character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci encryption Y", 1058 }, { 1059 input: "drop database if exists t01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789", 1060 }, { 1061 input: "select distinct a from t", 1062 }, { 1063 input: "select * from t where a like 'a%'", 1064 output: "select * from t where a like a%", 1065 }, { 1066 input: "select sysdate(), curtime(22) from t", 1067 }, { 1068 input: "select sysdate(), curtime from t", 1069 }, { 1070 input: "select current_time(), current_timestamp, lacalTIMe(89), utc_time() from t", 1071 output: "select current_time(), current_timestamp(), lacaltime(89), utc_time() from t", 1072 }, { 1073 input: "select current_user(), current_role(), current_date, utc_date from t", 1074 output: "select current_user(), current_role(), current_date(), utc_date() from t", 1075 }, { 1076 input: "select ascii(a), collation(b), hour(c), microsecond(d) from t", 1077 }, { 1078 input: "select dayofmonth('2001-11-00'), month('2005-00-00') from t", 1079 output: "select dayofmonth(2001-11-00), month(2005-00-00) from t", 1080 }, { 1081 input: "select sum(distinct s) from tbl where 1", 1082 }, { 1083 input: "select u.a, interval 1 second from t", 1084 output: "select u.a, interval(1, second) from t", 1085 }, { 1086 input: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t, u) from t where (u.a, u.b, u.c) in (select * from t)", 1087 output: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t cross join u) from t where (u.a, u.b, u.c) in (select * from t)", 1088 }, { 1089 input: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t, u) from t where (u.a, u.b, u.c)", 1090 output: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t cross join u) from t where (u.a, u.b, u.c)", 1091 }, { 1092 input: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t, u) from u", 1093 output: "select u.a, (select t.a from sa.t cross join u) from u", 1094 }, { 1095 input: "select t.a from sa.t, u", 1096 output: "select t.a from sa.t cross join u", 1097 }, { 1098 input: "select t.a from sa.t", 1099 }, { 1100 input: "create table k1 (id int not null primary key,name varchar(20)) partition by key() partitions 2", 1101 output: "create table k1 (id int not null primary key, name varchar(20)) partition by key algorithm = 2 partitions 2", 1102 }, { 1103 input: "create table k1 (id int not null,name varchar(20),unique key (id))partition by key() partitions 2", 1104 output: "create table k1 (id int not null, name varchar(20), unique key (id)) partition by key algorithm = 2 partitions 2", 1105 }, { 1106 input: "create table a (a int) partition by key (a, b, db.t.c) (partition xx (subpartition s1, subpartition s3 max_rows = 1000 min_rows = 100))", 1107 output: "create table a (a int) partition by key algorithm = 2 (a, b, db.t.c) (partition xx (subpartition s1, subpartition s3 max_rows = 1000 min_rows = 100))", 1108 }, { 1109 input: "create table a (a int) partition by key (a, b, db.t.c) (partition xx row_format = dynamic max_rows = 1000 min_rows = 100)", 1110 output: "create table a (a int) partition by key algorithm = 2 (a, b, db.t.c) (partition xx row_format = dynamic max_rows = 1000 min_rows = 100)", 1111 }, { 1112 input: "create table a (a int) engine = 'innodb' row_format = dynamic comment = 'table A' compression = 'lz4' data directory = '/data' index directory = '/index' max_rows = 1000 min_rows = 100", 1113 output: "create table a (a int) engine = innodb row_format = dynamic comment = 'table A' compression = lz4 data directory = /data index directory = /index max_rows = 1000 min_rows = 100", 1114 }, { 1115 input: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key algorithm = 3221 (a, b, db.t.c) (partition xx values less than (1, 2, 323), partition yy)", 1116 output: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key algorithm = 3221 (a, b, db.t.c) (partition xx values less than (1, 2, 323), partition yy)", 1117 }, { 1118 input: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key algorithm = 3221 (a, b, db.t.c) partitions 10 subpartition by key (a, b, db.t.c) subpartitions 10", 1119 output: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key algorithm = 3221 (a, b, db.t.c) partitions 10 subpartition by key algorithm = 2 (a, b, db.t.c) subpartitions 10", 1120 }, { 1121 input: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key algorithm = 3221 (a, b, db.t.c) partitions 10", 1122 }, { 1123 input: "create table a (a int) partition by linear hash (1 + 1234 / 32)", 1124 }, { 1125 input: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key algorithm = 31 (a, b, db.t.c)", 1126 }, { 1127 input: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key (a, b, db.t.c)", 1128 output: "create table a (a int) partition by linear key algorithm = 2 (a, b, db.t.c)", 1129 }, { 1130 input: "create table a (a int) partition by list columns (a, b, db.t.c)", 1131 }, { 1132 input: "create table a (a int) partition by list columns (a, b, db.t.c)", 1133 }, { 1134 input: "create table a (a int) partition by range columns (a, b, db.t.c)", 1135 }, { 1136 input: "create table a (a int) partition by range(1 + 21)", 1137 }, { 1138 input: "create table a (a int storage disk constraint cx check (b + c) enforced)", 1139 }, { 1140 input: "create table a (a int storage disk, b int references b(a asc, b desc) match full on delete cascade on update restrict)", 1141 }, { 1142 input: "create table a (a int storage disk, b int)", 1143 }, { 1144 input: "create table a (a int not null default 1 auto_increment unique primary key collate utf8_bin storage disk)", 1145 }, 1146 { 1147 input: `CREATE TABLE tp1 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATE) PARTITION BY KEY(col3) PARTITIONS 4`, 1148 output: `create table tp1 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 date) partition by key algorithm = 2 (col3) partitions 4`, 1149 }, 1150 { 1151 input: `CREATE TABLE tp2 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATE) PARTITION BY KEY(col3)`, 1152 output: `create table tp2 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 date) partition by key algorithm = 2 (col3)`, 1153 }, 1154 { 1155 input: `CREATE TABLE tp3 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATE) PARTITION BY LINEAR KEY(col3) PARTITIONS 5`, 1156 output: `create table tp3 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 date) partition by linear key algorithm = 2 (col3) partitions 5`, 1157 }, 1158 { 1159 input: `CREATE TABLE tp4 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATE) PARTITION BY KEY ALGORITHM = 1 (col3)`, 1160 output: `create table tp4 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 date) partition by key algorithm = 1 (col3)`, 1161 }, 1162 { 1163 input: `CREATE TABLE tp5 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATE) PARTITION BY LINEAR KEY ALGORITHM = 1 (col3) PARTITIONS 5;`, 1164 output: `create table tp5 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 date) partition by linear key algorithm = 1 (col3) partitions 5`, 1165 }, 1166 { 1167 input: `CREATE TABLE tp6 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATE) PARTITION BY KEY(col1, col2) PARTITIONS 4`, 1168 output: `create table tp6 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 date) partition by key algorithm = 2 (col1, col2) partitions 4`, 1169 }, 1170 { 1171 input: `CREATE TABLE tp7 (col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 DATE NOT NULL, col3 INT NOT NULL, col4 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2)) PARTITION BY KEY(col1) PARTITIONS 4`, 1172 output: `create table tp7 (col1 int not null, col2 date not null, col3 int not null, col4 int not null, primary key (col1, col2)) partition by key algorithm = 2 (col1) partitions 4`, 1173 }, 1174 { 1175 input: `CREATE TABLE tp9 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5)) PARTITION BY HASH(col1) PARTITIONS 4`, 1176 output: `create table tp9 (col1 int, col2 char(5)) partition by hash (col1) partitions 4`, 1177 }, 1178 { 1179 input: `CREATE TABLE tp10 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATETIME) PARTITION BY HASH (YEAR(col3));`, 1180 output: `create table tp10 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 datetime) partition by hash (year(col3))`, 1181 }, 1182 { 1183 input: `CREATE TABLE tp11 (col1 INT, col2 CHAR(5), col3 DATE) PARTITION BY LINEAR HASH( YEAR(col3)) PARTITIONS 6`, 1184 output: `create table tp11 (col1 int, col2 char(5), col3 date) partition by linear hash (year(col3)) partitions 6`, 1185 }, 1186 { 1187 input: `CREATE TABLE tp12 (col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 DATE NOT NULL, col3 INT NOT NULL, col4 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2)) PARTITION BY HASH(col1) PARTITIONS 4`, 1188 output: `create table tp12 (col1 int not null, col2 date not null, col3 int not null, col4 int not null, primary key (col1, col2)) partition by hash (col1) partitions 4`, 1189 }, 1190 { 1191 input: `CREATE TABLE tp13 ( 1192 id INT NOT NULL, 1193 fname VARCHAR(30), 1194 lname VARCHAR(30), 1195 hired DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01', 1196 separated DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '9999-12-31', 1197 job_code INT, 1198 store_id INT 1199 ) 1200 PARTITION BY RANGE ( YEAR(separated) ) ( 1201 PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (1991), 1202 PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (1996), 1203 PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (2001), 1204 PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE 1205 );`, 1206 output: `create table tp13 (id int not null, fname varchar(30), lname varchar(30), hired date not null default 1970-01-01, separated date not null default 9999-12-31, job_code int, store_id int) partition by range(year(separated)) (partition p0 values less than (1991), partition p1 values less than (1996), partition p2 values less than (2001), partition p3 values less than (MAXVALUE))`, 1207 }, 1208 { 1209 input: `CREATE TABLE tp14 ( 1210 a INT NOT NULL, 1211 b INT NOT NULL 1212 ) 1213 PARTITION BY RANGE COLUMNS(a,b) PARTITIONS 4 ( 1214 PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (10,5), 1215 PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (20,10), 1216 PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (50,20), 1217 PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (65,30) 1218 )`, 1219 output: `create table tp14 (a int not null, b int not null) partition by range columns (a, b) partitions 4 (partition p0 values less than (10, 5), partition p1 values less than (20, 10), partition p2 values less than (50, 20), partition p3 values less than (65, 30))`, 1220 }, 1221 { 1222 input: `CREATE TABLE tp15 ( 1223 id INT PRIMARY KEY, 1224 name VARCHAR(35), 1225 age INT unsigned 1226 ) 1227 PARTITION BY LIST (id) ( 1228 PARTITION r0 VALUES IN (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21), 1229 PARTITION r1 VALUES IN (2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22), 1230 PARTITION r2 VALUES IN (3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23), 1231 PARTITION r3 VALUES IN (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24) 1232 );`, 1233 output: `create table tp15 (id int primary key, name varchar(35), age int unsigned) partition by list(id) (partition r0 values in (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21), partition r1 values in (2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22), partition r2 values in (3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23), partition r3 values in (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24))`, 1234 }, 1235 { 1236 input: `CREATE TABLE tp16 ( 1237 a INT NULL, 1238 b INT NULL 1239 ) 1240 PARTITION BY LIST COLUMNS(a,b) ( 1241 PARTITION p0 VALUES IN( (0,0), (NULL,NULL) ), 1242 PARTITION p1 VALUES IN( (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,1), (1,2) ), 1243 PARTITION p2 VALUES IN( (1,0), (2,0), (2,1), (3,0), (3,1) ), 1244 PARTITION p3 VALUES IN( (1,3), (2,2), (2,3), (3,2), (3,3) ) 1245 )`, 1246 output: `create table tp16 (a int null, b int null) partition by list columns (a, b) (partition p0 values in ((0, 0), (null, null)), partition p1 values in ((0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 1), (1, 2)), partition p2 values in ((1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1), (3, 0), (3, 1)), partition p3 values in ((1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 3)))`, 1247 }, 1248 { 1249 input: `CREATE TABLE tp17 ( 1250 id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, 1251 fname VARCHAR(30), 1252 lname VARCHAR(30) 1253 ) 1254 PARTITION BY RANGE (id) ( 1255 PARTITION p0 VALUES LESS THAN (6), 1256 PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN (11), 1257 PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN (16), 1258 PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN (21) 1259 );`, 1260 output: `create table tp17 (id int not null primary key, fname varchar(30), lname varchar(30)) partition by range(id) (partition p0 values less than (6), partition p1 values less than (11), partition p2 values less than (16), partition p3 values less than (21))`, 1261 }, 1262 { 1263 input: "grant all, all(a, b), create(a, b), select(a, b), super(a, b, c) on table db.a to u1, u2 with grant option", 1264 }, { 1265 input: "grant proxy on u1 to u2, u3, u4 with grant option", 1266 }, { 1267 input: "grant proxy on u1 to u2, u3, u4", 1268 }, 1269 { 1270 input: "grant r1, r2, r3 to u1, u1, u3", 1271 }, { 1272 input: "grant super(a, b, c) on procedure db.func to 'h3'", 1273 output: "grant super(a, b, c) on procedure db.func to h3", 1274 }, 1275 { 1276 input: "revoke all, all(a, b), create(a, b), select(a, b), super(a, b, c) on table db.A from u1, u2", 1277 output: "revoke all, all(a, b), create(a, b), select(a, b), super(a, b, c) on table db.a from u1, u2", 1278 }, { 1279 input: "revoke r1, r2, r3 from u1, u2, u3", 1280 }, { 1281 input: "revoke super(a, b, c) on procedure db.func from h3", 1282 }, { 1283 input: "revoke all on table db.A from u1, u2", 1284 output: "revoke all on table db.a from u1, u2", 1285 }, { 1286 input: "revoke all on table db.a from u1", 1287 }, { 1288 input: "set default role r1, r2, r3 to u1, u2, u3", 1289 }, { 1290 input: "set default role all to u1, u2, u3", 1291 }, { 1292 input: "set default role none to u1, u2, u3", 1293 }, { 1294 input: "set password = password('ppp')", 1295 output: "set password = ppp", 1296 }, { 1297 input: "set password for u1@h1 = password('ppp')", 1298 output: "set password for u1@h1 = ppp", 1299 }, { 1300 input: "set password for u1@h1 = 'ppp'", 1301 output: "set password for u1@h1 = ppp", 1302 }, { 1303 input: "set @a = 0, @b = 1", 1304 output: "set a = 0, b = 1", 1305 }, { 1306 input: "set a = 0, session b = 1, @@session.c = 1, global d = 1, @@global.e = 1", 1307 output: "set a = 0, b = 1, c = 1, global d = 1, global e = 1", 1308 }, { 1309 input: "set @@session.a = 1", 1310 output: "set a = 1", 1311 }, { 1312 input: "set @@global.a = 1", 1313 output: "set global a = 1", 1314 }, { 1315 input: "set global a = 1", 1316 }, { 1317 input: "set persist a = 1", 1318 output: "set global a = 1", 1319 }, { 1320 input: "alter account config set MYSQL_COMPATIBILITY_MODE a = 1", 1321 output: "set global a = 1", 1322 }, { 1323 input: "set a = 1", 1324 }, { 1325 input: "rollback", 1326 }, { 1327 input: "rollback and chain no release", 1328 output: "rollback", 1329 }, { 1330 input: "commit and chain no release", 1331 output: "commit", 1332 }, { 1333 input: "commit", 1334 }, { 1335 input: "start transaction read only", 1336 }, { 1337 input: "start transaction read write", 1338 }, { 1339 input: "start transaction", 1340 }, { 1341 input: "use db1", 1342 }, { 1343 input: "use", 1344 }, { 1345 input: "update a as aa set a = 3, b = 4 where a != 0 order by b limit 1", 1346 }, { 1347 input: "update a as aa set a = 3, b = 4", 1348 }, { 1349 input: "explain insert into u (a, b, c, d) values (1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)", 1350 }, { 1351 input: "explain replace into u (a, b, c, d) values (1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)", 1352 }, { 1353 input: "explain delete from a where a != 0 order by b limit 1", 1354 }, { 1355 input: "explain select a from a union select b from b", 1356 }, { 1357 input: "explain select a from a intersect select b from b", 1358 }, { 1359 input: "explain select a from a except select b from b", 1360 }, { 1361 input: "explain select a from a minus select b from b", 1362 }, { 1363 input: "explain select a from a", 1364 }, { 1365 input: "explain (format text) select a from A", 1366 output: "explain (format text) select a from a", 1367 }, { 1368 input: "explain analyze select * from t", 1369 output: "explain (analyze) select * from t", 1370 }, { 1371 input: "explain format = 'tree' for connection 10", 1372 output: "explain format = tree for connection 10", 1373 }, { 1374 input: "explain db.a", 1375 output: "show columns from db.a", 1376 }, { 1377 input: "explain a", 1378 output: "show columns from a", 1379 }, { 1380 input: "show index from t where true", 1381 }, { 1382 input: "show databases like 'a%'", 1383 output: "show databases like a%", 1384 }, { 1385 input: "show global status where 1 + 21 > 21", 1386 }, { 1387 input: "show global variables", 1388 }, { 1389 input: "show warnings", 1390 }, { 1391 input: "show errors", 1392 }, { 1393 input: "show full processlist", 1394 }, { 1395 input: "show processlist", 1396 }, { 1397 input: "show full tables from db1 like 'a%' where a != 0", 1398 output: "show full tables from db1 like a% where a != 0", 1399 }, { 1400 input: "show open tables from db1 like 'a%' where a != 0", 1401 output: "show open tables from db1 like a% where a != 0", 1402 }, { 1403 input: "show tables from db1 like 'a%' where a != 0", 1404 output: "show tables from db1 like a% where a != 0", 1405 }, { 1406 input: "show databases like 'a%' where a != 0", 1407 output: "show databases like a% where a != 0", 1408 }, { 1409 input: "show databases", 1410 }, { 1411 input: "show extended full columns from t from db like 'a%'", 1412 output: "show extended full columns from t from db like a%", 1413 }, { 1414 input: "show extended full columns from t from db where a != 0", 1415 }, { 1416 input: "show columns from t from db where a != 0", 1417 }, { 1418 input: "show columns from t from db", 1419 }, { 1420 input: "show create database if not exists db", 1421 }, { 1422 input: "show create database db", 1423 }, { 1424 input: "show create table db.t1", 1425 }, { 1426 input: "show create table t1", 1427 }, { 1428 input: "drop user if exists u1, u2, u3", 1429 }, { 1430 input: "drop user u1", 1431 }, { 1432 input: "drop role r1", 1433 }, { 1434 input: "drop role if exists r1, r2, r3", 1435 }, { 1436 input: "drop index if exists idx1 on db.t", 1437 }, { 1438 input: "drop index idx1 on db.t", 1439 }, { 1440 input: "drop table if exists t1, t2, db.t", 1441 }, { 1442 input: "drop table db.t", 1443 }, { 1444 input: "drop table if exists t", 1445 }, { 1446 input: "drop database if exists t", 1447 }, { 1448 input: "drop database t", 1449 }, { 1450 input: "create role if not exists 'a', 'b'", 1451 output: "create role if not exists a, b", 1452 }, { 1453 input: "create role if not exists 'webapp'", 1454 output: "create role if not exists webapp", 1455 }, { 1456 input: "create role 'admin', 'developer'", 1457 output: "create role admin, developer", 1458 }, { 1459 input: "create index idx1 on a (a) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE 10 with parser x comment 'x' invisible", 1460 output: "create index idx1 on a (a) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE 10 with parser x comment x invisible", 1461 }, { 1462 input: "create index idx1 using btree on A (a) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE 10 with parser x comment 'x' invisible", 1463 output: "create index idx1 using btree on a (a) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE 10 with parser x comment x invisible", 1464 }, { 1465 input: "create index idx using ivfflat on A (a) LISTS 10", 1466 output: "create index idx using ivfflat on a (a) LISTS 10 ", 1467 }, { 1468 input: "create index idx using ivfflat on A (a) LISTS 10 op_type 'vector_l2_ops'", 1469 output: "create index idx using ivfflat on a (a) LISTS 10 OP_TYPE vector_l2_ops ", 1470 }, { 1471 input: "create index idx1 on a (a)", 1472 }, { 1473 input: "create index idx using master on A (a,b,c)", 1474 output: "create index idx using master on a (a, b, c)", 1475 }, { 1476 input: "create unique index idx1 using btree on a (a, b(10), (a + b), (a - b)) visible", 1477 }, { 1478 input: "create database test_db default collate 'utf8mb4_general_ci' collate utf8mb4_general_ci", 1479 output: "create database test_db default collate utf8mb4_general_ci collate utf8mb4_general_ci", 1480 }, { 1481 input: "create database if not exists test_db character set geostd8", 1482 }, { 1483 input: "create database test_db default collate utf8mb4_general_ci", 1484 }, { 1485 input: "create database if not exists db", 1486 }, { 1487 input: "create database db", 1488 }, { 1489 input: "delete from a as aa", 1490 }, { 1491 input: "delete from t where a > 1 order by b limit 1 offset 2", 1492 }, { 1493 input: "delete from t where a = 1", 1494 }, { 1495 input: "insert into u partition(p1, p2) (a, b, c, d) values (1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 1, 0)", 1496 }, { 1497 input: "insert into t values ('aa', 'bb', 'cc')", 1498 output: "insert into t values (aa, bb, cc)", 1499 }, { 1500 input: "insert into t() values (1, 2, 3)", 1501 output: "insert into t values (1, 2, 3)", 1502 }, { 1503 input: "insert into t (c1, c2, c3) values (1, 2, 3)", 1504 }, { 1505 input: "insert into t (c1, c2, c3) select c1, c2, c3 from t1", 1506 }, { 1507 input: "insert into t select c1, c2, c3 from t1", 1508 }, { 1509 input: "insert into t values (1, 3, 4)", 1510 }, { 1511 input: "replace into u partition(p1, p2) (a, b, c, d) values (1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 1, 0)", 1512 }, { 1513 input: "replace into t values ('aa', 'bb', 'cc')", 1514 output: "replace into t values (aa, bb, cc)", 1515 }, { 1516 input: "replace into t() values (1, 2, 3)", 1517 output: "replace into t values (1, 2, 3)", 1518 }, { 1519 input: "replace into t (c1, c2, c3) values (1, 2, 3)", 1520 }, { 1521 input: "replace into t (c1, c2, c3) select c1, c2, c3 from t1", 1522 }, { 1523 input: "replace into t select c1, c2, c3 from t1", 1524 }, { 1525 input: "replace into t values (1, 3, 4)", 1526 }, { 1527 input: "create table t1 (`show` bool(0));", 1528 output: "create table t1 (show bool(0))", 1529 }, { 1530 input: "create table t1 (t bool(0));", 1531 output: "create table t1 (t bool(0))", 1532 }, { 1533 input: "create table t1 (t char(0))", 1534 }, { 1535 input: "create table t1 (t bool(20), b int, c char(20), d varchar(20))", 1536 }, { 1537 input: "create table t (a int(20) not null)", 1538 }, { 1539 input: "create table db.t (db.t.a int(20) null)", 1540 }, { 1541 input: "create table t (a float(20, 20) not null, b int(20) null, c int(30) null)", 1542 }, { 1543 input: "create table t1 (t time(3) null, dt datetime(6) null, ts timestamp(1) null)", 1544 output: "create table t1 (t time(3, 3) null, dt datetime(6, 6) null, ts timestamp(1, 1) null)", 1545 }, { 1546 input: "create table t1 (a int default 1 + 1 - 2 * 3 / 4 div 7 ^ 8 << 9 >> 10 % 11)", 1547 output: "create table t1 (a int default 1 + 1 - 2 * 3 / 4 div 7 ^ 8 << 9 >> 10 % 11)", 1548 }, { 1549 input: "create table t1 (t bool default -1 + +1)", 1550 }, { 1551 input: "create table t (id int unique key)", 1552 }, { 1553 input: "select * from t", 1554 }, { 1555 input: "select c1, c2, c3 from t1, t as t2 where t1.c1 = 1 group by c2 having c2 > 10", 1556 output: "select c1, c2, c3 from t1 cross join t as t2 where t1.c1 = 1 group by c2 having c2 > 10", 1557 }, { 1558 input: "select a from t order by a desc limit 1 offset 2", 1559 }, { 1560 input: "select a from t order by a desc limit 1, 2", 1561 output: "select a from t order by a desc limit 2 offset 1", 1562 }, { 1563 input: "select * from t union select c from t1", 1564 }, { 1565 input: "select * from t union all select c from t1", 1566 }, { 1567 input: "select * from t union distinct select c from t1", 1568 }, { 1569 input: "select * from t except select c from t1", 1570 }, { 1571 input: "select * from t except all select c from t1", 1572 }, { 1573 input: "select * from t except distinct select c from t1", 1574 }, { 1575 input: "select * from t intersect select c from t1", 1576 }, { 1577 input: "select * from t intersect all select c from t1", 1578 }, { 1579 input: "select * from t intersect distinct select c from t1", 1580 }, { 1581 input: "select * from t minus all select c from t1", 1582 }, { 1583 input: "select * from t minus distinct select c from t1", 1584 }, { 1585 input: "select * from t minus select c from t1", 1586 }, { 1587 input: "select * from (select a from t) as t1", 1588 }, { 1589 input: "select * from (select a from t) as t1 join t2 on 1", 1590 output: "select * from (select a from t) as t1 inner join t2 on 1", 1591 }, { 1592 input: "select * from (select a from t) as t1 inner join t2 using (a)", 1593 }, { 1594 input: "select * from (select a from t) as t1 cross join t2", 1595 }, { 1596 input: "select * from t1 join t2 using (a, b, c)", 1597 output: "select * from t1 inner join t2 using (a, b, c)", 1598 }, { 1599 input: "select * from t1 straight_join t2 on 1 + 213", 1600 }, { 1601 input: "select * from t1 straight_join t2 on col", 1602 }, { 1603 input: "select * from t1 right outer join t2 on 123", 1604 output: "select * from t1 right join t2 on 123", 1605 }, { 1606 input: "select * from t1 natural left join t2", 1607 }, { 1608 input: "select 1", 1609 }, { 1610 input: "select $ from t", 1611 }, { 1612 input: "analyze table part (a,b )", 1613 output: "analyze table part(a, b)", 1614 }, { 1615 input: "select $ from t into outfile '/Users/tmp/test'", 1616 output: "select $ from t into outfile /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 1617 }, { 1618 input: "select $ from t into outfile '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','", 1619 output: "select $ from t into outfile /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 1620 }, { 1621 input: "select $ from t into outfile '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'", 1622 output: "select $ from t into outfile /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 1623 }, { 1624 input: "select $ from t into outfile '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'TRUE'", 1625 output: "select $ from t into outfile /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 1626 }, { 1627 input: "select $ from t into outfile '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'FALSE'", 1628 output: "select $ from t into outfile /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header false", 1629 }, { 1630 input: "select $ from t into outfile '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'FALSE' MAX_FILE_SIZE 100", 1631 output: "select $ from t into outfile /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header false max_file_size 102400", 1632 }, { 1633 input: "select $ from t into outfile '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'FALSE' MAX_FILE_SIZE 100 FORCE_QUOTE (a, b)", 1634 output: "select $ from t into outfile /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header false max_file_size 102400 force_quote a, b", 1635 }, { 1636 input: "drop prepare stmt_name1", 1637 }, { 1638 input: "deallocate prepare stmt_name1", 1639 }, { 1640 input: "execute stmt_name1", 1641 }, { 1642 input: "execute stmt_name1 using @var_name,@@sys_name", 1643 }, { 1644 input: "prepare stmt_name1 from select * from t1", 1645 }, { 1646 input: "prepare stmt_name1 from 'select * from t1'", 1647 output: "prepare stmt_name1 from select * from t1", 1648 }, { 1649 input: "prepare stmt_name1 from select * from t1 where a > ? or abs(b) < ?", 1650 }, { 1651 input: "create account if not exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '123' open comment 'new account'", 1652 output: "create account if not exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '******' open comment 'new account'", 1653 }, { 1654 input: "create account if not exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by random password", 1655 }, { 1656 input: "create account if not exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '123'", 1657 output: "create account if not exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '******'", 1658 }, { 1659 input: "create account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '123' open comment 'new account'", 1660 output: "create account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '******' open comment 'new account'", 1661 }, { 1662 input: "create account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by random password", 1663 }, { 1664 input: "create account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '123'", 1665 output: "create account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '******'", 1666 }, { 1667 input: "create account ? admin_name 'admin' identified with '123'", 1668 output: "create account ? admin_name 'admin' identified with '******'", 1669 }, { 1670 input: "create account nihao admin_name ? identified by ?", 1671 }, { 1672 input: "drop account if exists abc", 1673 }, { 1674 input: "drop account ?", 1675 }, { 1676 input: "alter account if exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '123' open comment 'new account'", 1677 output: "alter account if exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '******' open comment 'new account'", 1678 }, { 1679 input: "alter account if exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by random password", 1680 }, { 1681 input: "alter account if exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '123'", 1682 output: "alter account if exists nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '******'", 1683 }, { 1684 input: "alter account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '123' open comment 'new account'", 1685 output: "alter account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by '******' open comment 'new account'", 1686 }, { 1687 input: "alter account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified by random password", 1688 }, { 1689 input: "alter account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '123'", 1690 output: "alter account nihao admin_name 'admin' identified with '******'", 1691 }, { 1692 input: "alter account ? admin_name ? identified with ?", 1693 }, { 1694 input: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '111' default role def_role " + 1695 "password expire " + 1696 "comment 'new comment'", 1697 output: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******' default role def_role " + 1698 "password expire " + 1699 "comment 'new comment'", 1700 }, { 1701 input: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '111' default role de_role " + 1702 "lock " + 1703 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1704 output: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******' default role de_role " + 1705 "lock " + 1706 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1707 }, { 1708 input: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '111', " + 1709 "abc4 identified by random password, " + 1710 "abc5 identified with '345' " + 1711 "default role de_role " + 1712 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1713 output: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******', " + 1714 "abc4 identified by random password, " + 1715 "abc5 identified with '******' " + 1716 "default role de_role " + 1717 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1718 }, { 1719 input: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '111' " + 1720 "default role de_role " + 1721 "comment 'new comment'", 1722 output: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '******' " + 1723 "default role de_role " + 1724 "comment 'new comment'", 1725 }, { 1726 input: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '111' " + 1727 "default role de_role", 1728 output: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '******' " + 1729 "default role de_role", 1730 }, { 1731 input: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '123' " + 1732 "default role de_role", 1733 output: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '******' " + 1734 "default role de_role", 1735 }, { 1736 input: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '123' " + 1737 "default role de_role", 1738 output: "create user if not exists abc1 identified by '******' " + 1739 "default role de_role", 1740 }, { 1741 input: "create user abc1 identified by '123' " + 1742 "default role de_role", 1743 output: "create user abc1 identified by '******' " + 1744 "default role de_role", 1745 }, { 1746 input: "create user abc1 identified by '111' " + 1747 "default role de_role", 1748 output: "create user abc1 identified by '******' " + 1749 "default role de_role", 1750 }, { 1751 input: "create user abc1 identified by 'a111'", 1752 output: "create user abc1 identified by '******'", 1753 }, { 1754 input: "drop user if exists abc1, abc2, abc3", 1755 }, { 1756 input: "drop user abc1, abc2, abc3", 1757 }, { 1758 input: "drop user abc1", 1759 }, { 1760 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '123' " + 1761 "default role de_role " + 1762 "lock " + 1763 "comment 'new comment'", 1764 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******' " + 1765 "default role de_role " + 1766 "lock " + 1767 "comment 'new comment'", 1768 }, { 1769 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '123' " + 1770 "default role de_role " + 1771 "unlock " + 1772 "comment 'new comment'", 1773 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******' " + 1774 "default role de_role " + 1775 "unlock " + 1776 "comment 'new comment'", 1777 }, { 1778 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '123' " + 1779 "default role de_role " + 1780 "password expire " + 1781 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1782 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******' " + 1783 "default role de_role " + 1784 "password expire " + 1785 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1786 }, { 1787 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '123' " + 1788 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1789 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******' " + 1790 "attribute 'new attribute'", 1791 }, { 1792 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified by '234', abc3 identified by '123'", 1793 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified by '******', abc3 identified by '******'", 1794 }, { 1795 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123', abc2 identified with '234', abc3 identified with 'SSL'", 1796 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******', abc2 identified with '******', abc3 identified with '******'", 1797 }, { 1798 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123'", 1799 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******'", 1800 }, { 1801 input: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '123'", 1802 output: "alter user if exists abc1 identified by '******'", 1803 }, { 1804 input: "alter user abc1 identified by '123'", 1805 output: "alter user abc1 identified by '******'", 1806 }, { 1807 input: "create role if not exists role1, role2, role2", 1808 }, { 1809 input: "create role role1", 1810 }, { 1811 input: "drop role if exists role1, role2, role2", 1812 }, { 1813 input: "drop role if exists role1", 1814 }, { 1815 input: "drop role role1", 1816 }, { 1817 input: "grant all, all(a, b), create(a, b), select(a, b), super(a, b, c) on table db.a to u1, u2 with grant option", 1818 }, { 1819 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on table *.* to u1, u2 with grant option", 1820 }, { 1821 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on table db.a to u1, u2 with grant option", 1822 }, { 1823 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on table db.* to u1, u2 with grant option", 1824 }, { 1825 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on database * to u1, u2 with grant option", 1826 }, { 1827 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on table *.* to u1, u2 with grant option", 1828 }, { 1829 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on table db1.* to u1, u2 with grant option", 1830 }, { 1831 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on table db1.tb1 to u1, u2 with grant option", 1832 }, { 1833 input: "grant all, all(a, b) on table tb1 to u1, u2 with grant option", 1834 }, { 1835 input: "grant r1, r2 to u1, u2, r3 with grant option", 1836 }, { 1837 input: "grant r1, r2 to u1, u2, r3", 1838 }, { 1839 input: "grant r1, r2 to u1@h1, u2@h2, r3", 1840 }, { 1841 input: "revoke if exists all, all(a, b), create(a, b), select(a, b), super(a, b, c) on table db.A from u1, u2", 1842 output: "revoke if exists all, all(a, b), create(a, b), select(a, b), super(a, b, c) on table db.a from u1, u2", 1843 }, { 1844 input: "revoke if exists r1, r2, r3 from u1, u2, u3", 1845 }, { 1846 input: "revoke if exists super(a, b, c) on procedure db.func from h3", 1847 }, { 1848 input: "revoke if exists all on table db.A from u1, u2", 1849 output: "revoke if exists all on table db.a from u1, u2", 1850 }, { 1851 input: "revoke if exists all on table db.a from u1", 1852 }, { 1853 input: "use db1", 1854 }, { 1855 input: "set role r1", 1856 }, { 1857 input: "set secondary role all", 1858 }, { 1859 input: "set secondary role none", 1860 }, { 1861 input: `select json_extract('{"a":1,"b":2}', '$.b')`, 1862 output: `select json_extract({"a":1,"b":2}, $.b)`, 1863 }, { 1864 input: `select json_extract(a, '$.b') from t`, 1865 output: `select json_extract(a, $.b) from t`, 1866 }, { 1867 input: `create table t1 (a int, b uuid)`, 1868 }, { 1869 input: `create table t2 (a uuid primary key, b varchar(10))`, 1870 }, { 1871 input: `create table t3 (a int, b uuid, primary key idx (a, b))`, 1872 }, { 1873 input: `DO SLEEP(5)`, 1874 output: `do sleep(5)`, 1875 }, { 1876 input: `DECLARE a, b INT`, 1877 output: `declare a b int default null`, 1878 }, { 1879 input: `DECLARE a, b INT DEFAULT 1`, 1880 output: `declare a b int default 1`, 1881 }, { 1882 input: "grant truncate on table *.* to r1", 1883 }, { 1884 input: "grant reference on table *.* to r1", 1885 }, 1886 { 1887 input: `VALUES ROW(1,-2,3), ROW(5,7,9), ROW(4,6,8)`, 1888 output: `values row(1, -2, 3), row(5, 7, 9), row(4, 6, 8)`, 1889 }, { 1890 input: `VALUES ROW(5,7,9), ROW(1,2,3), ROW(9,10,11) ORDER BY column_1`, 1891 output: `values row(5, 7, 9), row(1, 2, 3), row(9, 10, 11) order by column_1`, 1892 }, 1893 { 1894 input: `VALUES ROW(5,7,9), ROW(1,2,3), ROW(9,10,11) ORDER BY column_1 LIMIT 2`, 1895 output: `values row(5, 7, 9), row(1, 2, 3), row(9, 10, 11) order by column_1 limit 2`, 1896 }, 1897 { 1898 input: `select * from unnest("a") as f`, 1899 output: `select * from unnest(a) as f`, 1900 }, 1901 { 1902 input: `select * from unnest("a", "b") as f`, 1903 output: `select * from unnest(a, b) as f`, 1904 }, 1905 { 1906 input: `select * from unnest("a", "b", true) as f`, 1907 output: `select * from unnest(a, b, true) as f`, 1908 }, 1909 { 1910 input: `select * from unnest("a")`, 1911 output: `select * from unnest(a)`, 1912 }, 1913 { 1914 input: `select * from unnest("a", "b")`, 1915 output: `select * from unnest(a, b)`, 1916 }, 1917 { 1918 input: `select * from unnest("a", "b", true)`, 1919 output: `select * from unnest(a, b, true)`, 1920 }, 1921 { 1922 input: `select * from unnest(t.a)`, 1923 output: `select * from unnest(t.a)`, 1924 }, 1925 { 1926 input: `select * from unnest(t.a, "$.b")`, 1927 output: `select * from unnest(t.a, $.b)`, 1928 }, 1929 { 1930 input: `select * from unnest(t.a, "$.b", true)`, 1931 output: `select * from unnest(t.a, $.b, true)`, 1932 }, 1933 { 1934 input: `select * from unnest(t.a) as f`, 1935 output: `select * from unnest(t.a) as f`, 1936 }, 1937 { 1938 input: `select * from unnest(t.a, "$.b") as f`, 1939 output: `select * from unnest(t.a, $.b) as f`, 1940 }, 1941 { 1942 input: `select * from unnest(t.a, "$.b", true) as f`, 1943 output: `select * from unnest(t.a, $.b, true) as f`, 1944 }, 1945 { 1946 input: `select * from generate_series('1', '10', '1')`, 1947 output: `select * from generate_series(1, 10, 1)`, 1948 }, 1949 { 1950 input: `select * from generate_series('1', '10', '1') g`, 1951 output: `select * from generate_series(1, 10, 1) as g`, 1952 }, 1953 { 1954 input: `select * from generate_series(1, 10, 1)`, 1955 output: `select * from generate_series(1, 10, 1)`, 1956 }, 1957 { 1958 input: `select * from generate_series(1, 10, 1) as g`, 1959 output: `select * from generate_series(1, 10, 1) as g`, 1960 }, 1961 { 1962 input: `create table t1 (a int low_cardinality, b int not null low_cardinality)`, 1963 output: `create table t1 (a int low_cardinality, b int not null low_cardinality)`, 1964 }, 1965 { 1966 input: `select mo_show_visible_bin('a',0) as m`, 1967 output: `select mo_show_visible_bin(a, 0) as m`, 1968 }, 1969 // 1970 { 1971 input: `select avg(a) over () from t1`, 1972 output: "select avg(a) over () from t1", 1973 }, 1974 { 1975 input: `select avg(a) over (partition by col1, col2) from t1`, 1976 output: "select avg(a) over (partition by col1, col2) from t1", 1977 }, 1978 { 1979 input: `select avg(a) over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc) from t1`, 1980 output: "select avg(a) over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc) from t1", 1981 }, 1982 // 1983 { 1984 input: `select count(a) over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc rows 1 preceding) from t1`, 1985 output: "select count(a) over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc rows 1 preceding) from t1", 1986 }, 1987 { 1988 input: `select sum(a) over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc rows between 1 preceding and 20 following) from t1`, 1989 }, 1990 { 1991 input: `select count(a) over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc range unbounded preceding) from t1`, 1992 output: "select count(a) over (partition by col1, col2 order by col3 desc range unbounded preceding) from t1", 1993 }, 1994 { 1995 input: "alter account if exists abc", 1996 }, 1997 { 1998 input: "alter account if exists abc admin_name 'root' identified by '111' open comment 'str'", 1999 output: "alter account if exists abc admin_name 'root' identified by '******' open comment 'str'", 2000 }, 2001 { 2002 input: "alter account if exists abc open comment 'str'", 2003 }, 2004 { 2005 input: "alter account if exists abc comment 'str'", 2006 }, 2007 { 2008 input: "alter account if exists abc open", 2009 }, 2010 { 2011 input: "alter account if exists abc restricted", 2012 output: "alter account if exists abc restricted", 2013 }, 2014 { 2015 input: "alter account if exists abc admin_name 'root' identified by '111' open", 2016 output: "alter account if exists abc admin_name 'root' identified by '******' open", 2017 }, 2018 { 2019 input: "alter account if exists abc admin_name 'root' identified by '111' comment 'str'", 2020 output: "alter account if exists abc admin_name 'root' identified by '******' comment 'str'", 2021 }, 2022 { 2023 input: `create cluster table a (a int)`, 2024 }, 2025 { 2026 input: `insert into a values (1, 2), (1, 2)`, 2027 }, 2028 { 2029 input: `insert into a select a, b from a`, 2030 }, 2031 { 2032 input: `insert into a (a, b) values (1, 2), (1, 2)`, 2033 }, 2034 { 2035 input: `insert into a () values (1, 2), (1, 2)`, 2036 output: `insert into a values (1, 2), (1, 2)`, 2037 }, 2038 { 2039 input: `insert into a (a, b) select a, b from a`, 2040 }, 2041 { 2042 input: `insert into a set a = b, b = b + 1`, 2043 output: `insert into a (a, b) values (b, b + 1)`, 2044 }, 2045 { 2046 input: "load data infile 'test/loadfile5' ignore INTO TABLE T.A FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' (@,@,c,d,e,f)", 2047 output: "load data infile test/loadfile5 ignore into table t.a fields terminated by , (, , c, d, e, f)", 2048 }, 2049 { 2050 input: "load data infile 'data.txt' into table db.a fields terminated by '\t' escaped by '\t'", 2051 output: "load data infile data.txt into table db.a fields terminated by \t escaped by \t", 2052 }, 2053 { 2054 input: `create function helloworld () returns int language sql as 'select id from test_table limit 1'`, 2055 output: `create function helloworld () returns int language sql as 'select id from test_table limit 1'`, 2056 }, 2057 { 2058 input: `create function twosum (x int, y int) returns int language sql as 'select $1 + $2'`, 2059 output: `create function twosum (x int, y int) returns int language sql as 'select $1 + $2'`, 2060 }, 2061 { 2062 input: `create function charat (x int) returns char language sql as 'select $1'`, 2063 output: `create function charat (x int) returns char language sql as 'select $1'`, 2064 }, 2065 { 2066 input: `create function charat (x int default 15) returns char language sql as 'select $1'`, 2067 output: `create function charat (x int default 15) returns char language sql as 'select $1'`, 2068 }, 2069 { 2070 input: `create function t.increment (x float) returns float language sql as 'select $1 + 1'`, 2071 output: `create function t.increment (x float) returns float language sql as 'select $1 + 1'`, 2072 }, 2073 { 2074 input: `drop function helloworld ()`, 2075 output: `drop function helloworld ()`, 2076 }, 2077 { 2078 input: `drop function charat (int)`, 2079 output: `drop function charat (int)`, 2080 }, 2081 { 2082 input: `drop function twosum (int, int)`, 2083 output: `drop function twosum (int, int)`, 2084 }, 2085 { 2086 input: `drop function t.increment (float)`, 2087 output: `drop function t.increment (float)`, 2088 }, 2089 { 2090 input: `create extension python as strutil file 'stringutils.whl'`, 2091 output: `create extension python as strutil file stringutils.whl`, 2092 }, 2093 { 2094 input: `load strutil`, 2095 output: `load strutil`, 2096 }, 2097 { 2098 input: `select * from (values row(1, 2), row(3, 3)) as a`, 2099 }, 2100 { 2101 input: `select t1.* from (values row(1, 1), row(3, 3)) as a(c1, c2) inner join t1 on a.c1 = t1.b`, 2102 }, 2103 { 2104 input: "modump query_result '0adaxg' into '/Users/tmp/test'", 2105 output: "modump query_result 0adaxg into /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 2106 }, 2107 { 2108 input: `modump query_result "queryId" into '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','`, 2109 output: "modump query_result queryId into /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 2110 }, 2111 { 2112 input: "modump query_result 'abcx' into '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'", 2113 output: "modump query_result abcx into /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 2114 }, 2115 { 2116 input: "modump query_result '098e32' into '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'TRUE'", 2117 output: "modump query_result 098e32 into /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header true", 2118 }, 2119 { 2120 input: "modump query_result '09eqr' into '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'FALSE'", 2121 output: "modump query_result 09eqr into /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header false", 2122 }, 2123 { 2124 input: "modump query_result 'd097i7' into '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'FALSE' MAX_FILE_SIZE 100", 2125 output: "modump query_result d097i7 into /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header false max_file_size 102400", 2126 }, 2127 { 2128 input: "modump query_result '09eqrteq' into '/Users/tmp/test' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' header 'FALSE' MAX_FILE_SIZE 100 FORCE_QUOTE (a, b)", 2129 output: "modump query_result 09eqrteq into /Users/tmp/test fields terminated by , enclosed by \" lines terminated by \n header false max_file_size 102400 force_quote a, b", 2130 }, 2131 { 2132 input: "show accounts", 2133 }, 2134 { 2135 input: "show accounts like '%dafgda_'", 2136 output: "show accounts like %dafgda_", 2137 }, 2138 { 2139 input: "create table test (`col` varchar(255) DEFAULT b'0')", 2140 output: "create table test (col varchar(255) default 0b0)", 2141 }, 2142 { 2143 input: "select trim(a)", 2144 output: "select trim(a)", 2145 }, 2146 { 2147 input: "select trim(a from a)", 2148 }, 2149 { 2150 input: "select trim(leading a from b)", 2151 }, 2152 { 2153 input: "select trim(trailing b from a)", 2154 }, 2155 { 2156 input: "select trim(both a from b) from t", 2157 }, 2158 { 2159 input: "LOCK TABLES t READ", 2160 output: "Lock Tables t READ", 2161 }, 2162 { 2163 input: "LOCK TABLES t READ LOCAL", 2164 output: "Lock Tables t READ LOCAL", 2165 }, 2166 { 2167 input: "LOCK TABLES t WRITE", 2168 output: "Lock Tables t WRITE", 2169 }, 2170 { 2171 input: "LOCK TABLES t LOW_PRIORITY WRITE", 2172 output: "Lock Tables t LOW_PRIORITY WRITE", 2173 }, 2174 { 2175 input: "LOCK TABLES t LOW_PRIORITY WRITE, t1 READ, t2 WRITE", 2176 output: "Lock Tables t LOW_PRIORITY WRITE, t1 READ, t2 WRITE", 2177 }, 2178 { 2179 input: "UNLOCK TABLES", 2180 output: "UnLock Tables", 2181 }, 2182 { 2183 input: "create sequence s as smallint unsigned increment by 1 minvalue -100 maxvalue 100 start with -90 cycle", 2184 output: "create sequence s as smallint unsigned increment by 1 minvalue -100 maxvalue 100 start with -90 cycle", 2185 }, 2186 { 2187 input: "ALTER SEQUENCE my_sequence START WITH 100;", 2188 output: "alter sequence my_sequence start with 100 ", 2189 }, 2190 { 2191 input: "ALTER SEQUENCE my_sequence INCREMENT BY 5;", 2192 output: "alter sequence my_sequence increment by 5 ", 2193 }, 2194 { 2195 input: "ALTER SEQUENCE my_sequence MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 1000;", 2196 output: "alter sequence my_sequence minvalue 1 maxvalue 1000 ", 2197 }, 2198 { 2199 input: "ALTER SEQUENCE my_sequence CYCLE;", 2200 output: "alter sequence my_sequence cycle", 2201 }, 2202 { 2203 input: "alter table t1 modify column b int", 2204 output: "alter table t1 modify column b int", 2205 }, 2206 { 2207 input: "alter table t1 modify column b VARCHAR(20) first", 2208 output: "alter table t1 modify column b varchar(20) first", 2209 }, 2210 { 2211 input: "alter table t1 modify column b VARCHAR(20) after a", 2212 output: "alter table t1 modify column b varchar(20) after a", 2213 }, 2214 { 2215 input: "alter table t1 modify b VARCHAR(20) after a", 2216 output: "alter table t1 modify column b varchar(20) after a", 2217 }, 2218 { 2219 input: "alter table t1 change column a b int", 2220 output: "alter table t1 change column a b int", 2221 }, 2222 { 2223 input: "alter table t1 change column a b int first", 2224 output: "alter table t1 change column a b int first", 2225 }, 2226 { 2227 input: "alter table t1 change a x varchar(20) after b", 2228 output: "alter table t1 change column a x varchar(20) after b", 2229 }, 2230 { 2231 input: "alter table t1 change column a x varchar(20) after b", 2232 output: "alter table t1 change column a x varchar(20) after b", 2233 }, 2234 { 2235 input: "alter table emp rename column deptno to deptid", 2236 output: "alter table emp rename column deptno to deptid", 2237 }, 2238 { 2239 input: "alter table t1 alter a set default 100", 2240 output: "alter table t1 alter column a set default 100", 2241 }, 2242 { 2243 input: "alter table t1 alter column a drop default", 2244 output: "alter table t1 alter column a drop default", 2245 }, 2246 { 2247 input: "alter table t1 alter column b set visible", 2248 output: "alter table t1 alter column b set visible", 2249 }, 2250 { 2251 input: "alter table t1 order by a ASC, b DESC", 2252 output: "alter table t1 order by a asc, b desc", 2253 }, 2254 { 2255 input: "alter table t1 order by a, b DESC", 2256 output: "alter table t1 order by a, b desc", 2257 }, 2258 { 2259 input: "alter table tbl1 drop column col1", 2260 }, 2261 { 2262 input: "alter table tbl1 drop column col1, drop column col2", 2263 }, 2264 { 2265 input: "alter table tbl1 drop index idx_name", 2266 }, 2267 { 2268 input: "alter table tbl1 drop index idx_name, drop key idx_name, drop column col1, drop primary key, comment = 'aa'", 2269 output: "alter table tbl1 drop index idx_name, drop key idx_name, drop column col1, drop primary key, comment = 'aa'", 2270 }, 2271 { 2272 input: "alter table tbl1 drop key idx_name", 2273 }, 2274 { 2275 input: "alter table tbl1 drop primary key", 2276 }, 2277 { 2278 input: "alter table tbl1 drop foreign key fk_name", 2279 }, 2280 { 2281 input: "alter table tbl1 add foreign key sdf (a, b) references b(a asc, b desc)", 2282 }, 2283 { 2284 input: "alter table tbl1 checksum = 0, COMMENT = 'asdf'", 2285 output: "alter table tbl1 checksum = 0, comment = 'asdf'", 2286 }, 2287 { 2288 input: "alter table t1 alter index c visible", 2289 output: "alter table t1 alter index c visible", 2290 }, 2291 { 2292 input: "alter table t1 alter index c invisible", 2293 output: "alter table t1 alter index c invisible", 2294 }, 2295 { 2296 input: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 unique key (col3)", 2297 output: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 unique key (col3)", 2298 }, 2299 { 2300 input: "alter table t1 add constraint unique key (col3, col4)", 2301 output: "alter table t1 add unique key (col3, col4)", 2302 }, 2303 { 2304 input: "alter table t1 add constraint unique key zxxxxxx (col3, col4)", 2305 output: "alter table t1 add unique key zxxxxxx (col3, col4)", 2306 }, 2307 { 2308 input: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 unique key zxxxxx (col3)", 2309 output: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 unique key zxxxxx (col3)", 2310 }, 2311 { 2312 input: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 unique key (col3)", 2313 output: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 unique key (col3)", 2314 }, 2315 { 2316 input: "alter table t1 add constraint fk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 foreign key fk1 (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2317 output: "alter table t1 add constraint fk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 foreign key fk1 (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2318 }, 2319 { 2320 input: "alter table t1 add constraint fk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 foreign key (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2321 output: "alter table t1 add constraint fk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 foreign key (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2322 }, 2323 { 2324 input: "alter table t1 add constraint foreign key fk1 (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2325 output: "alter table t1 add foreign key fk1 (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2326 }, 2327 { 2328 input: "alter table t1 add constraint foreign key (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2329 output: "alter table t1 add foreign key (col4) references dept(deptno)", 2330 }, 2331 { 2332 input: "alter table t1 add constraint pk primary key pk1 (col1, col4)", 2333 output: "alter table t1 add constraint pk primary key pk1 (col1, col4)", 2334 }, 2335 { 2336 input: "alter table t1 add constraint pk primary key (col4)", 2337 output: "alter table t1 add constraint pk primary key (col4)", 2338 }, 2339 { 2340 input: "alter table t1 add constraint pk primary key (col1, col4)", 2341 output: "alter table t1 add constraint pk primary key (col1, col4)", 2342 }, 2343 { 2344 input: "alter table t1 add primary key (col1, col4)", 2345 output: "alter table t1 add primary key (col1, col4)", 2346 }, 2347 { 2348 input: "alter table t1 add primary key pk1 (col1, col4)", 2349 output: "alter table t1 add primary key pk1 (col1, col4)", 2350 }, 2351 { 2352 input: "alter table t1 comment 'abc'", 2353 output: "alter table t1 comment = 'abc'", 2354 }, 2355 { 2356 input: "alter table t1 rename to t2", 2357 }, 2358 { 2359 input: "alter table t1 add column a int, add column b int", 2360 }, 2361 { 2362 input: "alter table t1 drop column a, drop column b", 2363 }, 2364 { 2365 input: "ALTER TABLE employees ADD PARTITION (PARTITION p05 VALUES LESS THAN (500001))", 2366 output: "alter table employees add partition (partition p05 values less than (500001))", 2367 }, 2368 { 2369 input: "alter table t add partition (partition p4 values in (7), partition p5 values in (8, 9))", 2370 output: "alter table t add partition (partition p4 values in (7), partition p5 values in (8, 9))", 2371 }, 2372 { 2373 input: "ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PARTITION p1", 2374 output: "alter table t1 drop partition p1", 2375 }, 2376 { 2377 input: "ALTER TABLE t1 DROP PARTITION p0, p1", 2378 output: "alter table t1 drop partition p0, p1", 2379 }, 2380 { 2381 input: "ALTER TABLE t1 TRUNCATE PARTITION p0", 2382 output: "alter table t1 truncate partition p0", 2383 }, 2384 { 2385 input: "ALTER TABLE t1 TRUNCATE PARTITION p0, p3", 2386 output: "alter table t1 truncate partition p0, p3", 2387 }, 2388 { 2389 input: "ALTER TABLE t1 TRUNCATE PARTITION ALL", 2390 output: "alter table t1 truncate partition all", 2391 }, 2392 { 2393 input: "ALTER TABLE titles partition by range(to_days(from_date)) (partition p01 values less than (to_days('1985-12-31')), partition p02 values less than (to_days('1986-12-31')), partition p03 values less than (to_days('1987-12-31')))", 2394 output: "alter table titles partition by range(to_days(from_date)) (partition p01 values less than (to_days(1985-12-31)), partition p02 values less than (to_days(1986-12-31)), partition p03 values less than (to_days(1987-12-31)))", 2395 }, 2396 { 2397 input: "create table pt2 (id int, date_column date) partition by range(year(date_column)) (partition p1 values less than (2010) comment 'p1 comment', partition p2 values less than maxvalue comment 'p3 comment')", 2398 output: "create table pt2 (id int, date_column date) partition by range(year(date_column)) (partition p1 values less than (2010) comment = 'p1 comment', partition p2 values less than (MAXVALUE) comment = 'p3 comment')", 2399 }, 2400 { 2401 input: "create publication pub1 database db1", 2402 }, 2403 { 2404 input: "create publication pub1 database db1 account acc0", 2405 }, 2406 { 2407 input: "create publication pub1 database db1 account acc0, acc1", 2408 }, 2409 { 2410 input: "create publication pub1 database db1 account acc0, acc1, acc2 comment 'test'", 2411 }, 2412 { 2413 input: "create publication pub1 database db1 comment 'test'", 2414 }, 2415 { 2416 input: "create publication pub1 table t1", 2417 }, 2418 { 2419 input: "create publication pub1 table t1 account acc0", 2420 }, 2421 { 2422 input: "create publication pub1 table t1 account acc0, acc1", 2423 }, 2424 { 2425 input: "create publication pub1 table t1 account acc0, acc1, acc2 comment 'test'", 2426 }, 2427 { 2428 input: "create publication pub1 table t1 comment 'test'", 2429 }, 2430 { 2431 input: "CREATE STAGE my_ext_stage URL='s3://load/files/'", 2432 output: "create stage my_ext_stage url='s3://load/files/'", 2433 }, 2434 { 2435 input: "CREATE STAGE my_ext_stage1 URL='s3://load/files/' CREDENTIALS={'AWS_KEY_ID'='1a2b3c' ,'AWS_SECRET_KEY'='4x5y6z'};", 2436 output: "create stage my_ext_stage1 url='s3://load/files/' crentiasl={'AWS_KEY_ID'='1a2b3c','AWS_SECRET_KEY'='4x5y6z'}", 2437 }, 2438 { 2439 input: "CREATE STAGE my_ext_stage1 URL='s3://load/files/' CREDENTIALS={'AWS_KEY_ID'='1a2b3c', 'AWS_SECRET_KEY'='4x5y6z'} ENABLE = TRUE;", 2440 output: "create stage my_ext_stage1 url='s3://load/files/' crentiasl={'AWS_KEY_ID'='1a2b3c','AWS_SECRET_KEY'='4x5y6z'} enabled", 2441 }, 2442 { 2443 input: "DROP STAGE my_ext_stage1", 2444 output: "drop stage my_ext_stage1", 2445 }, 2446 { 2447 input: "DROP STAGE if exists my_ext_stage1", 2448 output: "drop stage if not exists my_ext_stage1", 2449 }, 2450 { 2451 input: "ALTER STAGE my_ext_stage SET URL='s3://loading/files/new/'", 2452 output: "alter stage my_ext_stage set url='s3://loading/files/new/'", 2453 }, 2454 { 2455 input: "ALTER STAGE my_ext_stage SET CREDENTIALS={'AWS_KEY_ID'='1a2b3c' ,'AWS_SECRET_KEY'='4x5y6z'};", 2456 output: "alter stage my_ext_stage set crentiasl={'AWS_KEY_ID'='1a2b3c','AWS_SECRET_KEY'='4x5y6z'}", 2457 }, 2458 { 2459 input: "SHOW STAGES LIKE 'my_stage'", 2460 output: "show stages like my_stage", 2461 }, 2462 { 2463 input: "create database db1 from acc0 publication pub1", 2464 }, 2465 { 2466 input: "create table t1 from acc0 publication pub1", 2467 }, 2468 { 2469 input: "create temporary table t1 from acc0 publication pub1", 2470 }, 2471 { 2472 input: "create table if not exists t1 from acc0 publication pub1", 2473 }, 2474 { 2475 input: "create temporary table if not exists t1 from acc0 publication pub1", 2476 }, 2477 { 2478 input: "drop publication pub1", 2479 }, 2480 { 2481 input: "drop publication if exists pub1", 2482 }, 2483 { 2484 input: "alter publication pub1 account all", 2485 }, 2486 { 2487 input: "alter publication pub1 account acc0", 2488 }, 2489 { 2490 input: "alter publication pub1 account acc0, acc1", 2491 }, 2492 { 2493 input: "alter publication pub1 account add acc0", 2494 }, 2495 { 2496 input: "restore cluster from snapshot snapshot_01", 2497 }, 2498 { 2499 input: "restore account account_01 from snapshot snapshot_01", 2500 }, 2501 { 2502 input: "restore account account_01 database db1 from snapshot snapshot_01", 2503 }, 2504 { 2505 input: "restore account account_01 database db1 table t1 from snapshot snapshot_01", 2506 }, 2507 { 2508 input: "restore account account_01 from snapshot snapshot_01 to account account_02", 2509 output: "restore account account_01 from snapshot snapshot_01 to account account_02", 2510 }, 2511 { 2512 input: "alter publication pub1 account add acc0, acc1", 2513 }, 2514 { 2515 input: "alter publication pub1 account drop acc0", 2516 }, 2517 { 2518 input: "alter publication if exists pub1 account drop acc0, acc1", 2519 }, 2520 { 2521 input: "alter publication pub1 account drop acc1 comment 'test'", 2522 }, 2523 { 2524 input: "alter publication if exists pub1 account acc1 comment 'test'", 2525 }, 2526 { 2527 input: "show create publication pub1", 2528 }, 2529 { 2530 input: "show publications", 2531 }, 2532 { 2533 input: "show subscriptions", 2534 }, 2535 { 2536 input: "show subscriptions all", 2537 }, 2538 { 2539 input: "show subscriptions all like '%pub'", 2540 output: "show subscriptions all like %pub", 2541 }, 2542 { 2543 input: "insert into tbl values ($$this is a dollar-quoted string$$)", 2544 output: "insert into tbl values (this is a dollar-quoted string)", 2545 }, 2546 { 2547 input: "select $tag$this is a dollar-quoted string$tag$", 2548 output: "select this is a dollar-quoted string", 2549 }, 2550 { 2551 input: "select $1 + $q$\\n\\t\\r\\b\\0\\_\\%\\\\$q$", 2552 output: "select $1 + \\n\\t\\r\\b\\0\\_\\%\\\\", 2553 }, 2554 { 2555 input: "show table_size from test", 2556 output: "show table size from test", 2557 }, 2558 { 2559 input: "show table_size from mo_role from mo_catalog", 2560 output: "show table size from mo_role from mo_catalog", 2561 }, 2562 { 2563 input: "show roles", 2564 output: "show roles", 2565 }, 2566 { 2567 input: "show roles like '%dafgda_'", 2568 output: "show roles like %dafgda_", 2569 }, 2570 { 2571 input: "create procedure test1 (in param1 int) 'test test'", 2572 output: "create procedure test1 (in param1 int) 'test test'", 2573 }, 2574 { 2575 input: "create procedure test2 (param1 int, inout param2 char(5)) 'test test'", 2576 output: "create procedure test2 (in param1 int, inout param2 char(5)) 'test test'", 2577 }, 2578 { 2579 input: "drop procedure test1", 2580 output: "drop procedure test1", 2581 }, 2582 { 2583 input: "call test1()", 2584 output: "call test1()", 2585 }, 2586 { 2587 input: "call test1(@session, @increment)", 2588 output: "call test1(@session, @increment)", 2589 }, 2590 { 2591 input: "select cast(123 as binary)", 2592 output: "select cast(123 as binary)", 2593 }, 2594 { 2595 input: "select BINARY 124", 2596 output: "select binary(124)", 2597 }, 2598 { 2599 input: "set transaction isolation level read committed;", 2600 output: "set transaction isolation level read committed", 2601 }, 2602 { 2603 input: "set global transaction isolation level read committed , read write , isolation level read committed , read only;", 2604 output: "set global transaction isolation level read committed , read write , isolation level read committed , read only", 2605 }, 2606 { 2607 input: "set session transaction isolation level read committed , read write , isolation level read committed , read only;", 2608 output: "set transaction isolation level read committed , read write , isolation level read committed , read only", 2609 }, 2610 { 2611 input: "set session transaction isolation level read committed , isolation level read uncommitted , isolation level repeatable read , isolation level serializable;", 2612 output: "set transaction isolation level read committed , isolation level read uncommitted , isolation level repeatable read , isolation level serializable", 2613 }, 2614 { 2615 input: "create table t1(a int) STORAGE DISK;", 2616 output: "create table t1 (a int) tablespace = STORAGE DISK", 2617 }, { 2618 input: "create table t1 (a int) STORAGE DISK;", 2619 output: "create table t1 (a int) tablespace = STORAGE DISK", 2620 }, { 2621 input: "create table t1 (a numeric(10, 2))", 2622 }, { 2623 input: "create table t1 (a mediumint)", 2624 }, { 2625 input: "drop schema if exists ssb", 2626 output: "drop database if exists ssb", 2627 }, { 2628 input: "drop table if exists ssb RESTRICT", 2629 output: "drop table if exists ssb", 2630 }, { 2631 input: "drop table if exists ssb CASCADE", 2632 output: "drop table if exists ssb", 2633 }, { 2634 input: "create table t1 (a int) AUTOEXTEND_SIZE = 10", 2635 }, { 2636 input: "create table t1 (a int) ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = 'abc'", 2637 output: "create table t1 (a int) ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = abc", 2638 }, { 2639 input: "create table t1 (a int) INSERT_METHOD = NO", 2640 }, { 2641 input: "create table t1 (a int) INSERT_METHOD = FIRST", 2642 }, { 2643 input: "create table t1 (a int) INSERT_METHOD = LAST", 2644 }, { 2645 input: "create table t1 (a int) START TRANSACTION", 2646 }, { 2647 input: "create table t1 (a int) SECONDARY_ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = 'abc'", 2648 output: "create table t1 (a int) SECONDARY_ENGINE_ATTRIBUTE = abc", 2649 }, { 2650 input: "create table /*! if not exists */ t1 (a int)", 2651 output: "create table if not exists t1 (a int)", 2652 }, { 2653 input: "create table /*!50100 if not exists */ t1 (a int)", 2654 output: "create table if not exists t1 (a int)", 2655 }, { 2656 input: "create table /*!50100 if not exists */ t1 (a int) /*!AUTOEXTEND_SIZE = 10*/", 2657 output: "create table if not exists t1 (a int) AUTOEXTEND_SIZE = 10", 2658 }, { 2659 input: "/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */", 2660 output: "set OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT = @@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", 2661 }, { 2662 input: "SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED=/*!80000 '+'*/ '65c4c218-d343-11eb-8106-525400f4f901:1-769275'", 2663 output: "set global GTID_PURGED = 65c4c218-d343-11eb-8106-525400f4f901:1-769275", 2664 }, { 2665 input: " /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */", 2666 output: "set time_zone = +00:00", 2667 }, { 2668 input: "/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */", 2669 output: "set OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT = @@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", 2670 }, { 2671 input: "/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */", 2672 output: "set OLD_TIME_ZONE = @@TIME_ZONE", 2673 }, { 2674 input: "/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */", 2675 output: "set OLD_SQL_MODE = @@SQL_MODE, sql_mode = NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO", 2676 }, { 2677 input: "/*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;", 2678 output: "set OLD_SQL_NOTES = @@SQL_NOTES, sql_notes = 0", 2679 }, { 2680 input: "SELECT /*+ RESOURCE_GROUP(resouce_group_name) */ * from table_name;", 2681 output: "select * from table_name", 2682 }, { 2683 input: "SELECT /*+ qb_name(viewSub, v@sel_1 . @sel_2) use_index(e3@viewSub, idx) hash_agg(viewSub) */ * FROM v;", 2684 output: "select * from v", 2685 }, { 2686 input: "SELECT * FROM t1 dt WHERE EXISTS( WITH RECURSIVE qn AS (SELECT a AS b UNION ALL SELECT b+1 FROM qn WHERE b=0 or b = 1) SELECT * FROM qn dtqn1 where exists (select /*+ NO_DECORRELATE() */ b from qn where dtqn1.b+1))", 2687 output: "select * from t1 as dt where exists (with recursive qn as (select a as b union all select b + 1 from qn where b = 0 or b = 1) select * from qn as dtqn1 where exists (select b from qn where dtqn1.b + 1))", 2688 }, { 2689 input: "select /*+use_index(tmp1, code)*/ * from tmp1 where code > 1", 2690 output: "select * from tmp1 where code > 1", 2691 }, { 2692 input: "explain analyze select /*+ HASH_JOIN(t1, t2) */ t1.k from t t1, t t2 where t1.v = t2.v+1", 2693 output: "explain (analyze) select t1.k from t as t1 cross join t as t2 where t1.v = t2.v + 1", 2694 }, { 2695 input: "prepare stmt from 'select /*+ inl_join(t2) */ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.a = t2.a and t1.c = t2.c where t2.a = 1 or t2.b = 1;';", 2696 output: "prepare stmt from select /*+ inl_join(t2) */ * from t t1 join t t2 on t1.a = t2.a and t1.c = t2.c where t2.a = 1 or t2.b = 1;", 2697 }, { 2698 input: "CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `ucl360_demo_v3` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci */ /*!80016 DEFAULT ENCRYPTION='N' */;", 2699 output: "create database if not exists ucl360_demo_v3 default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci encryption N", 2700 }, { 2701 input: "alter table t1 algorithm = DEFAULT", 2702 output: "alter table t1 alter algorithm not enforce", 2703 }, { 2704 input: "alter table t1 algorithm = INSTANT", 2705 output: "alter table t1 alter algorithm not enforce", 2706 }, { 2707 input: "alter table t1 algorithm = INPLACE", 2708 output: "alter table t1 alter algorithm not enforce", 2709 }, { 2710 input: "alter table t1 algorithm = COPY", 2711 output: "alter table t1 alter algorithm not enforce", 2712 }, { 2713 input: "alter table t1 default CHARACTER SET = a COLLATE = b", 2714 output: "alter table t1 charset = a", 2715 }, { 2716 input: "alter table t1 CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET a COLLATE b", 2717 output: "alter table t1 charset = a", 2718 }, { 2719 input: "alter table t1 DISABLE KEYS", 2720 output: "alter table t1 charset = DISABLE", 2721 }, { 2722 input: "alter table t1 ENABLE KEYS", 2723 output: "alter table t1 charset = ENABLE", 2724 }, { 2725 input: "alter table t1 DISCARD TABLESPACE", 2726 output: "alter table t1 charset = DISCARD", 2727 }, { 2728 input: "alter table t1 IMPORT TABLESPACE", 2729 output: "alter table t1 charset = IMPORT", 2730 }, { 2731 input: "alter table t1 FORCE", 2732 output: "alter table t1 charset = FORCE", 2733 }, { 2734 input: "alter table t1 LOCK = DEFAULT", 2735 output: "alter table t1 charset = LOCK", 2736 }, { 2737 input: "alter table t1 LOCK = NONE", 2738 output: "alter table t1 charset = LOCK", 2739 }, { 2740 input: "alter table t1 LOCK = SHARED", 2741 output: "alter table t1 charset = LOCK", 2742 }, { 2743 input: "alter table t1 LOCK = EXCLUSIVE", 2744 output: "alter table t1 charset = LOCK", 2745 }, { 2746 input: "alter table t1 WITHOUT VALIDATION", 2747 output: "alter table t1 charset = WITHOUT", 2748 }, { 2749 input: "alter table t1 WITH VALIDATION", 2750 output: "alter table t1 charset = WITH", 2751 }, { 2752 input: "alter table t1 alter CHECK a ENFORCED", 2753 output: "alter table t1 alter CHECK enforce", 2754 }, { 2755 input: "alter table t1 alter CONSTRAINT a NOT ENFORCED", 2756 output: "alter table t1 alter CONSTRAINT not enforce", 2757 }, { 2758 input: "create SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW t2 as select * from t1", 2759 output: "create view t2 as select * from t1", 2760 }, { 2761 input: "create SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW t2 as select * from t1", 2762 output: "create view t2 as select * from t1", 2763 }, { 2764 input: "create VIEW t2 as select * from t1 WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION", 2765 output: "create view t2 as select * from t1", 2766 }, { 2767 input: "create VIEW t2 as select * from t1 WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION", 2768 output: "create view t2 as select * from t1", 2769 }, { 2770 input: "insert into t1 values(_binary 0x123)", 2771 output: "insert into t1 values (123)", 2772 }, { 2773 input: "backup '123' filesystem '/home/abc' parallelism '1'", 2774 output: "backup 123 filesystem /home/abc parallelism 1", 2775 }, { 2776 input: "backup '125' filesystem '/tmp/backup' parallelism '1';", 2777 output: "backup 125 filesystem /tmp/backup parallelism 1", 2778 }, { 2779 input: "backup '123' s3option {\"bucket\"='dan-test1', \"filepath\"='ex_table_dan_gzip.gz',\"role_arn\"='arn:aws:iam::468413122987:role/dev-cross-s3', \"external_id\"='5404f91c_4e59_4898_85b3', \"compression\"='auto'}", 2780 output: "backup 123 s3option {'bucket'='dan-test1', 'filepath'='ex_table_dan_gzip.gz', 'role_arn'='arn:aws:iam::468413122987:role/dev-cross-s3', 'external_id'='5404f91c_4e59_4898_85b3', 'compression'='auto'}", 2781 }, { 2782 input: "backup '123' s3option{'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='XXX', 'secret_access_key'='XXX', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'}", 2783 output: "backup 123 s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'}", 2784 }, { 2785 input: "backup '123' s3option{'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='XXX', 'secret_access_key'='XXX', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'}", 2786 output: "backup 123 s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'}", 2787 }, { 2788 input: `backup '123' s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='jsonline/jsonline_object.jl', 'region'='us-west-2', 'compression'='none', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='object'}`, 2789 output: `backup 123 s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='jsonline/jsonline_object.jl', 'region'='us-west-2', 'compression'='none', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='object'}`, 2790 }, 2791 { 2792 input: "backup '123' filesystem '/home/abc' parallelism '1' type 'incremental' timestamp 'xxxxx-xxxxx'", 2793 output: "backup 123 filesystem /home/abc parallelism 1 backuptype incremental backupts xxxxx-xxxxx", 2794 }, { 2795 input: "backup '125' filesystem '/tmp/backup' parallelism '1' type 'incremental' timestamp 'xxxxx-xxxxx';", 2796 output: "backup 125 filesystem /tmp/backup parallelism 1 backuptype incremental backupts xxxxx-xxxxx", 2797 }, { 2798 input: "backup '123' s3option {\"bucket\"='dan-test1', \"filepath\"='ex_table_dan_gzip.gz',\"role_arn\"='arn:aws:iam::468413122987:role/dev-cross-s3', \"external_id\"='5404f91c_4e59_4898_85b3', \"compression\"='auto'} type 'incremental' timestamp 'xxxxx-xxxxx'", 2799 output: "backup 123 s3option {'bucket'='dan-test1', 'filepath'='ex_table_dan_gzip.gz', 'role_arn'='arn:aws:iam::468413122987:role/dev-cross-s3', 'external_id'='5404f91c_4e59_4898_85b3', 'compression'='auto'} backuptype incremental backupts xxxxx-xxxxx", 2800 }, { 2801 input: "backup '123' s3option{'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='XXX', 'secret_access_key'='XXX', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'} type 'incremental' timestamp 'xxxxx-xxxxx'", 2802 output: "backup 123 s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'} backuptype incremental backupts xxxxx-xxxxx", 2803 }, { 2804 input: "backup '123' s3option{'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='XXX', 'secret_access_key'='XXX', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'} type 'incremental' timestamp 'xxxxx-xxxxx'", 2805 output: "backup 123 s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='*.txt', 'region'='us-west-2'} backuptype incremental backupts xxxxx-xxxxx", 2806 }, { 2807 input: `backup '123' s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='jsonline/jsonline_object.jl', 'region'='us-west-2', 'compression'='none', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='object'} type 'incremental' timestamp 'xxxxx-xxxxx'`, 2808 output: `backup 123 s3option {'endpoint'='', 'access_key_id'='******', 'secret_access_key'='******', 'bucket'='test', 'filepath'='jsonline/jsonline_object.jl', 'region'='us-west-2', 'compression'='none', 'format'='jsonline', 'jsondata'='object'} backuptype incremental backupts xxxxx-xxxxx`, 2809 }, { 2810 input: "/*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED *//*!50013 DEFINER=`root`@`%` SQL SECURITY DEFINER *//*!50001 VIEW `pga0010` AS select distinct `a`.`FACDIV` AS `FACDIV`,`a`.`BLDCD` AS `BLDCD`,`a`.`PRDCD` AS `PRDCD`,`a`.`PRDNAM` AS `PRDNAM`,`a`.`PRDLNG` AS `PRDLNG`,`a`.`PRDWID` AS `PRDWID`,`a`.`PRDGAG` AS `PRDGAG`,`a`.`AREA` AS `AREA`,`a`.`GLZTYP` AS `GLZTYP`,`a`.`TECTYP` AS `TECTYP`,`a`.`PRDCATE` AS `PRDCATE`,`a`.`PRCCD` AS `PRCCD`,`a`.`PRCDSC` AS `PRCDSC`,`a`.`GLSSTR` AS `GLSSTR`,`a`.`REMARK` AS `REMARK`,`a`.`USEYN` AS `USEYN`,`a`.`ISMES` AS `ISMES` from (select 'N' AS `ISMES`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`USEYN` AS `USEYN`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`FACDIV` AS `FACDIV`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`BLDCDFATHER` AS `BLDCD`,substring_index(`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDCD`,'-',1) AS `PRDCD`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDNAM` AS `PRDNAM`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDLNG` AS `PRDLNG`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDWID` AS `PRDWID`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDGAG` AS `PRDGAG`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`AREA` AS `AREA`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`GLZTYP` AS `GLZTYP`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`TECTYP` AS `TECTYP`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDCATE` AS `PRDCATE`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`MATCST` AS `MATCST`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRCCD` AS `PRCCD`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRCDSC` AS `PRCDSC`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`GLSSTR` AS `GLSSTR`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`REMARK` AS `REMARK` from `skim`.`bga0010` where ((`skim`.`bga0010`.`ISMES` = 'Y') and (`skim`.`bga0010`.`USEYN` = 'Y') and (not(substring_index(`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDCD`,'-',1) in (select `skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDCD` from `skim`.`bga0010` where ((`skim`.`bga0010`.`ISMES` = 'N') and (`skim`.`bga0010`.`USEYN` = 'Y')))))) union all select `skim`.`bga0010`.`ISMES` AS `ISMES`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`USEYN` AS `USEYN`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`FACDIV` AS `FACDIV`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`BLDCD` AS `BLDCD`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDCD` AS `PRDCD`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDNAM` AS `PRDNAM`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDLNG` AS `PRDLNG`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDWID` AS `PRDWID`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDGAG` AS `PRDGAG`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`AREA` AS `AREA`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`GLZTYP` AS `GLZTYP`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`TECTYP` AS `TECTYP`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRDCATE` AS `PRDCATE`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`MATCST` AS `MATCST`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRCCD` AS `PRCCD`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`PRCDSC` AS `PRCDSC`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`GLSSTR` AS `GLSSTR`,`skim`.`bga0010`.`REMARK` AS `REMARK` from `skim`.`bga0010` where ((`skim`.`bga0010`.`ISMES` = 'N') and (`skim`.`bga0010`.`USEYN` = 'Y'))) `a` order by `a`.`BLDCD` */;", 2811 output: "create view pga0010 as select distinct a.facdiv as FACDIV, a.bldcd as BLDCD, a.prdcd as PRDCD, a.prdnam as PRDNAM, a.prdlng as PRDLNG, a.prdwid as PRDWID, a.prdgag as PRDGAG, a.area as AREA, a.glztyp as GLZTYP, a.tectyp as TECTYP, a.prdcate as PRDCATE, a.prccd as PRCCD, a.prcdsc as PRCDSC, a.glsstr as GLSSTR, a.remark as REMARK, a.useyn as USEYN, a.ismes as ISMES from (select N as ISMES, skim.bga0010.useyn as USEYN, skim.bga0010.facdiv as FACDIV, skim.bga0010.bldcdfather as BLDCD, substring_index(skim.bga0010.prdcd, -, 1) as PRDCD, skim.bga0010.prdnam as PRDNAM, skim.bga0010.prdlng as PRDLNG, skim.bga0010.prdwid as PRDWID, skim.bga0010.prdgag as PRDGAG, skim.bga0010.area as AREA, skim.bga0010.glztyp as GLZTYP, skim.bga0010.tectyp as TECTYP, skim.bga0010.prdcate as PRDCATE, skim.bga0010.matcst as MATCST, skim.bga0010.prccd as PRCCD, skim.bga0010.prcdsc as PRCDSC, skim.bga0010.glsstr as GLSSTR, skim.bga0010.remark as REMARK from skim.bga0010 where ((skim.bga0010.ismes = Y) and (skim.bga0010.useyn = Y) and (not (substring_index(skim.bga0010.prdcd, -, 1) in (select skim.bga0010.prdcd from skim.bga0010 where ((skim.bga0010.ismes = N) and (skim.bga0010.useyn = Y)))))) union all select skim.bga0010.ismes as ISMES, skim.bga0010.useyn as USEYN, skim.bga0010.facdiv as FACDIV, skim.bga0010.bldcd as BLDCD, skim.bga0010.prdcd as PRDCD, skim.bga0010.prdnam as PRDNAM, skim.bga0010.prdlng as PRDLNG, skim.bga0010.prdwid as PRDWID, skim.bga0010.prdgag as PRDGAG, skim.bga0010.area as AREA, skim.bga0010.glztyp as GLZTYP, skim.bga0010.tectyp as TECTYP, skim.bga0010.prdcate as PRDCATE, skim.bga0010.matcst as MATCST, skim.bga0010.prccd as PRCCD, skim.bga0010.prcdsc as PRCDSC, skim.bga0010.glsstr as GLSSTR, skim.bga0010.remark as REMARK from skim.bga0010 where ((skim.bga0010.ismes = N) and (skim.bga0010.useyn = Y))) as a order by a.bldcd", 2812 }, { 2813 input: "/*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED *//*!50013 DEFINER=`root`@`%` SQL SECURITY DEFINER *//*!50001 VIEW `sale_employee` AS select `ct`.`ENTID` AS `ORGANIZATION_ID`,`cu`.`SYSUSERID` AS `SALE_EMPLOYEE_ID`,`cu`.`SYSUSERID` AS `EMPLOYEE_ID`,`cu`.`ACTIVED` AS `ISUSEABLE`,`cu`.`CREATOR` AS `CREATED_BY`,`cu`.`CREATETIME` AS `CREATION_DATE`,`cu`.`UPDATOR` AS `LAST_UPDATED_BY`,`cu`.`UPDATETIME` AS `LAST_UPDATE_DATE`,'' AS `ATTRIBUTE11`,'' AS `ATTRIBUTE21`,'' AS `ATTRIBUTE31`,0 AS `ATTRIBUTE41`,0 AS `ATTRIBUTE51`,0 AS `AREA_ID` from (`kaf_cpcuser` `cu` join `kaf_cpcent` `ct`) where (`cu`.`ISSALEEMPLOYEE` = 2) */;", 2814 output: "create view sale_employee as select ct.entid as ORGANIZATION_ID, cu.sysuserid as SALE_EMPLOYEE_ID, cu.sysuserid as EMPLOYEE_ID, cu.actived as ISUSEABLE, cu.creator as CREATED_BY, cu.createtime as CREATION_DATE, cu.updator as LAST_UPDATED_BY, cu.updatetime as LAST_UPDATE_DATE, as ATTRIBUTE11, as ATTRIBUTE21, as ATTRIBUTE31, 0 as ATTRIBUTE41, 0 as ATTRIBUTE51, 0 as AREA_ID from kaf_cpcuser as cu inner join kaf_cpcent as ct where (cu.issaleemployee = 2)", 2815 }, { 2816 input: "/*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED *//*!50013 DEFINER=`root`@`%` SQL SECURITY DEFINER *//*!50001 VIEW `xab0100` AS (select `a`.`SYSUSERID` AS `sysuserid`,`a`.`USERID` AS `userid`,`a`.`USERNAME` AS `usernm`,`a`.`PWDHASH` AS `userpwd`,`a`.`USERTYPE` AS `usertype`,`a`.`EMPID` AS `empid`,`a`.`EMAIL` AS `email`,`a`.`TELO` AS `telo`,`a`.`TELH` AS `telh`,`a`.`MOBIL` AS `mobil`,(case `a`.`ACTIVED` when '1' then 'N' when '2' then 'Y' else 'Y' end) AS `useyn`,`a`.`ENABLEPWD` AS `enablepwd`,`a`.`ENABLEMMSG` AS `enablemmsg`,`a`.`FEECENTER` AS `feecenter`,left(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGID`,''),'|'),(char_length(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGID`,''),'|')) - 1)) AS `orgid`,left(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGNAME`,''),'|'),(char_length(concat(ifnull(`c`.`ORGNAME`,''),'|')) - 1)) AS `orgname`,ifnull(`a`.`ISPLANNER`,'') AS `isplanner`,ifnull(`a`.`ISWHEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `iswhemployee`,ifnull(`a`.`ISBUYER`,'') AS `isbuyer`,ifnull(`a`.`ISQCEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `isqceemployee`,ifnull(`a`.`ISSALEEMPLOYEE`,'') AS `issaleemployee`,`a`.`SEX` AS `sex`,ifnull(`c`.`ENTID`,'3') AS `ORGANIZATION_ID`,ifnull(`a`.`NOTICEUSER`,'') AS `NOTICEUSER` from ((`kaf_cpcuser` `a` left join `kaf_cpcorguser` `b` on((`a`.`SYSUSERID` = `b`.`SYSUSERID`))) left join `kaf_cpcorg` `c` on((`b`.`ORGID` = `c`.`ORGID`))) order by `a`.`SYSUSERID`,`a`.`USERID`,`a`.`USERNAME`,`a`.`USERPASS`,`a`.`USERTYPE`,`a`.`EMPID`,`a`.`EMAIL`,`a`.`TELO`,`a`.`TELH`,`a`.`MOBIL`,`a`.`ACTIVED`,`a`.`ENABLEPWD`,`a`.`ENABLEMMSG`,`a`.`FEECENTER`,`a`.`ISPLANNER`,`a`.`ISWHEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`ISBUYER`,`a`.`ISQCEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`ISSALEEMPLOYEE`,`a`.`SEX`,`c`.`ENTID`) */;", 2817 output: "create view xab0100 as (select a.sysuserid as sysuserid, a.userid as userid, a.username as usernm, a.pwdhash as userpwd, a.usertype as usertype, a.empid as empid, as email, a.telo as telo, a.telh as telh, a.mobil as mobil, (case a.actived when 1 then N when 2 then Y else Y end) as useyn, a.enablepwd as enablepwd, a.enablemmsg as enablemmsg, a.feecenter as feecenter, left(concat(ifnull(c.orgid, ), |), (char_length(concat(ifnull(c.orgid, ), |)) - 1)) as orgid, left(concat(ifnull(c.orgname, ), |), (char_length(concat(ifnull(c.orgname, ), |)) - 1)) as orgname, ifnull(a.isplanner, ) as isplanner, ifnull(a.iswhemployee, ) as iswhemployee, ifnull(a.isbuyer, ) as isbuyer, ifnull(a.isqcemployee, ) as isqceemployee, ifnull(a.issaleemployee, ) as issaleemployee, as sex, ifnull(c.entid, 3) as ORGANIZATION_ID, ifnull(a.noticeuser, ) as NOTICEUSER from kaf_cpcuser as a left join kaf_cpcorguser as b on ((a.sysuserid = b.sysuserid)) left join kaf_cpcorg as c on ((b.orgid = c.orgid)) order by a.sysuserid, a.userid, a.username, a.userpass, a.usertype, a.empid,, a.telo, a.telh, a.mobil, a.actived, a.enablepwd, a.enablemmsg, a.feecenter, a.isplanner, a.iswhemployee, a.isbuyer, a.isqcemployee, a.issaleemployee,, c.entid)", 2818 }, 2819 { 2820 input: "CREATE TABLE `ecbase_push_log` (`id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键',`create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间') ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=654 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='推送记录表'/*!50500 PARTITION BY RANGE COLUMNS(create_time)(PARTITION p20240115 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-15 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240116 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-16 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240117 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-17 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240118 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-18 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240119 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-19 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240120 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-20 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240121 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-21 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240122 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-22 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240123 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-23 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240124 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-24 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB,PARTITION p20240125 VALUES LESS THAN ('2024-01-25 00:00:00') ENGINE = InnoDB) */;", 2821 output: "create table ecbase_push_log (id bigint not null auto_increment comment 主键, create_time datetime not null default current_timestamp() comment 创建时间) engine = innodb auto_increment = 654 charset = utf8mb4 Collate = utf8mb4_general_ci comment = '推送记录表' partition by range columns (create_time) (partition p20240115 values less than (2024-01-15 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240116 values less than (2024-01-16 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240117 values less than (2024-01-17 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240118 values less than (2024-01-18 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240119 values less than (2024-01-19 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240120 values less than (2024-01-20 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240121 values less than (2024-01-21 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240122 values less than (2024-01-22 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240123 values less than (2024-01-23 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240124 values less than (2024-01-24 00:00:00) engine = innodb, partition p20240125 values less than (2024-01-25 00:00:00) engine = innodb)", 2822 }, 2823 { 2824 input: "show connectors", 2825 output: "show connectors", 2826 }, 2827 { 2828 input: "show index from t1 from db", 2829 output: "show index from t1 from db", 2830 }, 2831 { 2832 input: "show index from t1", 2833 output: "show index from t1", 2834 }, 2835 { 2836 input: "show index from db.t1", 2837 output: "show index from db.t1", 2838 }, 2839 { 2840 input: "show index from db.t1 from db", 2841 output: "show index from db.t1 from db", 2842 }, 2843 { 2844 input: "create table t1(a vecf32(3), b vecf64(3), c int)", 2845 output: "create table t1 (a vecf32(3), b vecf64(3), c int)", 2846 }, 2847 { 2848 input: "alter table tbl1 drop constraint fk_name", 2849 output: "alter table tbl1 drop foreign key fk_name", 2850 }, 2851 { 2852 input: "explain force execute st using @a", 2853 output: "explain execute st using @a", 2854 }, 2855 { 2856 input: "explain analyze force execute st using @a", 2857 output: "explain (analyze) execute st using @a", 2858 }, 2859 { 2860 input: "explain verbose force execute st using @a", 2861 output: "explain (verbose) execute st using @a", 2862 }, 2863 { 2864 input: "explain analyze verbose force execute st using @a", 2865 output: "explain (analyze,verbose) execute st using @a", 2866 }, 2867 { 2868 input: "explain force execute st", 2869 output: "explain execute st", 2870 }, 2871 { 2872 input: "explain analyze force execute st", 2873 output: "explain (analyze) execute st", 2874 }, 2875 { 2876 input: "explain verbose force execute st", 2877 output: "explain (verbose) execute st", 2878 }, 2879 { 2880 input: "explain analyze verbose force execute st", 2881 output: "explain (analyze,verbose) execute st", 2882 }, 2883 { 2884 input: "explain analyze verbose force execute st", 2885 output: "explain (analyze,verbose) execute st", 2886 }, 2887 } 2888 ) 2889 2890 func TestValid(t *testing.T) { 2891 ctx := context.TODO() 2892 for _, tcase := range validSQL { 2893 if tcase.output == "" { 2894 tcase.output = tcase.input 2895 } 2896 ast, err := ParseOne(ctx, tcase.input, 1, 0) 2897 if err != nil { 2898 t.Errorf("Parse(%q) err: %v", tcase.input, err) 2899 continue 2900 } 2901 out := tree.String(ast, dialect.MYSQL) 2902 if tcase.output != out { 2903 t.Errorf("Parsing failed. \nExpected/Got:\n%s\n%s", tcase.output, out) 2904 } 2905 ast.StmtKind() 2906 } 2907 } 2908 2909 var ( 2910 validStrSQL = []struct { 2911 input string 2912 output string 2913 }{ 2914 { 2915 input: "create table pt1 (id int, category varchar(50)) partition by list columns(category) (partition p1 values in ('A', 'B') comment 'Category A and B', partition p2 values in ('C', 'D') comment 'Category C and D')", 2916 output: "create table pt1 (id int, category varchar(50)) partition by list columns (category) (partition p1 values in ('A', 'B') comment = 'Category A and B', partition p2 values in ('C', 'D') comment = 'Category C and D')", 2917 }, 2918 { 2919 input: "create table titles (emp_no int not null, title varchar(50) not null, from_date date not null, to_date date, primary key (emp_no, title, from_date)) partition by range(to_days(from_date)) (partition p01 values less than (to_days('1985-12-31')), partition p02 values less than (to_days('1986-12-31')))", 2920 output: "create table titles (emp_no int not null, title varchar(50) not null, from_date date not null, to_date date, primary key (emp_no, title, from_date)) partition by range(to_days(from_date)) (partition p01 values less than (to_days('1985-12-31')), partition p02 values less than (to_days('1986-12-31')))", 2921 }, 2922 { 2923 input: "create table pt2 (id int, date_column date, value int) partition by range(year(date_column)) (partition p1 values less than (2010) comment 'Before 2010', partition p2 values less than (2020) comment '2010 - 2019', partition p3 values less than (MAXVALUE) comment '2020 and Beyond')", 2924 output: "create table pt2 (id int, date_column date, value int) partition by range(year(date_column)) (partition p1 values less than (2010) comment = 'Before 2010', partition p2 values less than (2020) comment = '2010 - 2019', partition p3 values less than (MAXVALUE) comment = '2020 and Beyond')", 2925 }, 2926 } 2927 ) 2928 2929 // Test whether strings in SQL can be restored in string format 2930 func TestSQLStringFmt(t *testing.T) { 2931 ctx := context.TODO() 2932 for _, tcase := range validStrSQL { 2933 if tcase.output == "" { 2934 tcase.output = tcase.input 2935 } 2936 ast, err := ParseOne(ctx, tcase.input, 1, 0) 2937 if err != nil { 2938 t.Errorf("Parse(%q) err: %v", tcase.input, err) 2939 continue 2940 } 2941 out := tree.StringWithOpts(ast, dialect.MYSQL, tree.WithSingleQuoteString()) 2942 if tcase.output != out { 2943 t.Errorf("Parsing failed. \nExpected/Got:\n%s\n%s", tcase.output, out) 2944 } 2945 } 2946 } 2947 2948 var ( 2949 multiSQL = []struct { 2950 input string 2951 output string 2952 }{{ 2953 input: "use db1; select * from t;", 2954 output: "use db1; select * from t", 2955 }, { 2956 input: "use db1; select * from t", 2957 }, { 2958 input: "use db1; select * from t; use db2; select * from t2", 2959 }, { 2960 input: `BEGIN 2961 DECLARE x,y VARCHAR(10); 2962 DECLARE z INT; 2963 DECLARE fl FLOAT DEFAULT 1.0; 2964 END`, 2965 output: `begin declare x y varchar(10) default null; declare z int default null; declare fl float default 1.0; end`, 2966 }, { 2967 input: `BEGIN 2968 CASE v 2969 WHEN 2 THEN SELECT v; 2970 WHEN 3 THEN SELECT 0; 2971 ELSE 2972 BEGIN 2973 CASE v 2974 WHEN 4 THEN SELECT v; 2975 WHEN 5 THEN SELECT 0; 2976 ELSE 2977 BEGIN 2978 END 2979 END CASE; 2980 END 2981 END CASE; 2982 END`, 2983 output: "begin case v when 2 then select v; when 3 then select 0; else begin case v when 4 then select v; when 5 then select 0; else begin end; end case; end; end case; end", 2984 }, { 2985 input: `BEGIN 2986 IF n > m THEN SET s = '>'; 2987 ELSEIF n = m THEN SET s = '='; 2988 ELSE SET s = '<'; 2989 END IF; 2990 END`, 2991 output: "begin if n > m then set s = >; elseif n = m then set s = =; else set s = <; end if; end", 2992 }, { 2993 input: `BEGIN 2994 IF n = m THEN SET s = 'equals'; 2995 ELSE 2996 IF n > m THEN SET s = 'greater'; 2997 ELSE SET s = 'less'; 2998 END IF; 2999 SET s = CONCAT('is ', s, ' than'); 3000 END IF; 3001 SET s = CONCAT(n, ' ', s, ' ', m, '.'); 3002 END`, 3003 output: "begin if n = m then set s = equals; else if n > m then set s = greater; else set s = less; end if; set s = concat(is , s, than); end if; set s = concat(n, , s, , m, .); end", 3004 }, { 3005 input: `BEGIN 3006 label1: LOOP 3007 SET p1 = p1 + 1; 3008 IF p1 < 10 THEN 3009 ITERATE label1; 3010 END IF; 3011 LEAVE label1; 3012 END LOOP label1; 3013 SET @x = p1; 3014 END`, 3015 output: "begin label1: loop set p1 = p1 + 1; if p1 < 10 then iterate label1; end if; leave label1; end loop label1; set x = p1; end", 3016 }, { 3017 input: `BEGIN 3018 SET @x = 0; 3019 REPEAT 3020 SET @x = @x + 1; 3021 UNTIL @x > p1 END REPEAT; 3022 END`, 3023 output: "begin set x = 0; repeat set x = @x + 1; until @x > p1 end repeat; end", 3024 }, { 3025 input: `BEGIN 3026 DECLARE v1 INT DEFAULT 5; 3027 WHILE v1 > 0 DO 3028 SET v1 = v1 - 1; 3029 END WHILE; 3030 END`, 3031 output: "begin declare v1 int default 5; while v1 > 0 do set v1 = v1 - 1; end while; end", 3032 }} 3033 ) 3034 3035 func TestMulti(t *testing.T) { 3036 ctx := context.TODO() 3037 for _, tcase := range multiSQL { 3038 if tcase.output == "" { 3039 tcase.output = tcase.input 3040 } 3041 asts, err := Parse(ctx, tcase.input, 1, 0) 3042 if err != nil { 3043 t.Errorf("Parse(%q) err: %v", tcase.input, err) 3044 continue 3045 } 3046 var res string 3047 prefix := "" 3048 for _, ast := range asts { 3049 res += prefix 3050 out := tree.String(ast, dialect.MYSQL) 3051 res += out 3052 prefix = "; " 3053 } 3054 if tcase.output != res { 3055 t.Errorf("Parsing failed. \nExpected/Got:\n%s\n%s", tcase.output, res) 3056 } 3057 } 3058 } 3059 3060 // Fault tolerant use cases 3061 var ( 3062 invalidSQL = []struct { 3063 input string 3064 }{ 3065 { 3066 input: "alter table t1 add constraint index (col3, col4)", 3067 }, 3068 { 3069 input: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 index (col3)", 3070 }, 3071 { 3072 input: "alter table t1 add constraint uk_6dotkott2kjsp8vw4d0m25fb7 index zxxx (col3)", 3073 }, 3074 { 3075 input: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint sdf index (a, b) )", 3076 }, 3077 { 3078 input: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint sdf index idx(a, b) )", 3079 }, 3080 { 3081 input: "create table t (a int, b char, constraint index idx(a, b) )", 3082 }, 3083 { 3084 input: "ALTER TABLE t1 TRUNCATE PARTITION ALL, p0", 3085 }, 3086 { 3087 input: "ALTER TABLE pt5 add column a INT NOT NULL, ADD PARTITION (PARTITION p4 VALUES LESS THAN (2022))", 3088 }, 3089 { 3090 input: "ALTER TABLE pt5 ADD PARTITION (PARTITION p4 VALUES LESS THAN (2022)),add column a INT NOT NULL", 3091 }, 3092 { 3093 input: "ALTER TABLE t1 ADD PARTITION (PARTITION p5 VALUES IN (15, 17)", 3094 }, 3095 } 3096 ) 3097 3098 func TestFaultTolerance(t *testing.T) { 3099 ctx := context.TODO() 3100 for _, tcase := range invalidSQL { 3101 _, err := ParseOne(ctx, tcase.input, 1, 0) 3102 if err == nil { 3103 t.Errorf("Fault tolerant ases (%q) should parse errors", tcase.input) 3104 continue 3105 } 3106 } 3107 }