
     1  // Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package tree
    17  import (
    18  	"testing"
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  func TestQueryType(t *testing.T) {
    24  	type fields struct {
    25  		types map[StatementType]string
    26  	}
    27  	type args struct {
    28  	}
    29  	tests := []struct {
    30  		name   string
    31  		fields fields
    32  		args   args
    33  	}{
    34  		{
    35  			name: "normal",
    36  			fields: fields{
    37  				types: map[StatementType]string{
    38  					&Select{}:          QueryTypeDQL,
    39  					&SelectClause{}:    QueryTypeDQL,
    40  					&MoDump{}:          QueryTypeDQL,
    41  					&ValuesStatement{}: QueryTypeDQL,
    42  					&With{}:            QueryTypeDQL,
    43  					// DDL
    44  					&CreateDatabase{}:      QueryTypeDDL,
    45  					&CreateTable{}:         QueryTypeDDL,
    46  					&CreateView{}:          QueryTypeDDL,
    47  					&CreateIndex{}:         QueryTypeDDL,
    48  					&CreateFunction{}:      QueryTypeDDL,
    49  					&AlterView{}:           QueryTypeDDL,
    50  					&AlterDataBaseConfig{}: QueryTypeDDL,
    51  					&DropDatabase{}:        QueryTypeDDL,
    52  					&DropTable{}:           QueryTypeDDL,
    53  					&DropView{}:            QueryTypeDDL,
    54  					&DropIndex{}:           QueryTypeDDL,
    55  					&DropFunction{}:        QueryTypeDDL,
    56  					&TruncateTable{}:       QueryTypeDDL,
    57  					// DML
    58  					&Insert{}: QueryTypeDML,
    59  					&Update{}: QueryTypeDML,
    60  					&Delete{}: QueryTypeDML,
    61  					&Load{}:   QueryTypeDML,
    62  					// DCL
    63  					&CreateAccount{}:     QueryTypeDCL,
    64  					&CreateRole{}:        QueryTypeDCL,
    65  					&CreateUser{}:        QueryTypeDCL,
    66  					&Grant{}:             QueryTypeDCL,
    67  					&GrantPrivilege{}:    QueryTypeDCL,
    68  					&GrantProxy{}:        QueryTypeDCL,
    69  					&GrantRole{}:         QueryTypeDCL,
    70  					&Revoke{}:            QueryTypeDCL,
    71  					&RevokePrivilege{}:   QueryTypeDCL,
    72  					&RevokeRole{}:        QueryTypeDCL,
    73  					&AlterAccount{}:      QueryTypeDCL,
    74  					&AlterUser{}:         QueryTypeDCL,
    75  					&DropAccount{}:       QueryTypeDCL,
    76  					&DropRole{}:          QueryTypeDCL,
    77  					&DropUser{}:          QueryTypeDCL,
    78  					&CreatePublication{}: QueryTypeDCL,
    79  					&DropPublication{}:   QueryTypeDCL,
    80  					&AlterPublication{}:  QueryTypeDCL,
    82  					// TCL
    83  					&BeginTransaction{}:    QueryTypeTCL,
    84  					&CommitTransaction{}:   QueryTypeTCL,
    85  					&RollbackTransaction{}: QueryTypeTCL,
    86  					// Other
    87  					&AnalyzeStmt{}:    QueryTypeOth,
    88  					&ExplainAnalyze{}: QueryTypeOth,
    89  					&ExplainFor{}:     QueryTypeOth,
    90  					&ExplainStmt{}:    QueryTypeOth,
    91  					&SetVar{}:         QueryTypeOth,
    92  					&SetDefaultRole{}: QueryTypeOth,
    93  					&SetRole{}:        QueryTypeOth,
    94  					&SetPassword{}:    QueryTypeOth,
    95  					&Declare{}:        QueryTypeOth,
    96  					&Do{}:             QueryTypeOth,
    97  					&TableFunction{}:  QueryTypeOth,
    98  					&Use{}:            QueryTypeOth,
    99  					&PrepareStmt{}:    QueryTypeOth,
   100  					&Execute{}:        QueryTypeOth,
   101  					&Deallocate{}:     QueryTypeOth,
   102  					&Kill{}:           QueryTypeOth,
   103  					// 'Show' prefix statement
   104  					&ShowProcessList{}:               QueryTypeOth,
   105  					&ShowTableStatus{}:               QueryTypeOth,
   106  					&ShowCreateDatabase{}:            QueryTypeOth,
   107  					&ShowCreateView{}:                QueryTypeOth,
   108  					&ShowCreateTable{}:               QueryTypeOth,
   109  					&ShowAccounts{}:                  QueryTypeOth,
   110  					&ShowCollation{}:                 QueryTypeOth,
   111  					&ShowDatabases{}:                 QueryTypeOth,
   112  					&ShowErrors{}:                    QueryTypeOth,
   113  					&ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus{}: QueryTypeOth,
   114  					&ShowGrants{}:                    QueryTypeOth,
   115  					&ShowIndex{}:                     QueryTypeOth,
   116  					&ShowLocks{}:                     QueryTypeOth,
   117  					&ShowNodeList{}:                  QueryTypeOth,
   118  					&ShowStatus{}:                    QueryTypeOth,
   119  					&ShowTableNumber{}:               QueryTypeOth,
   120  					&ShowTables{}:                    QueryTypeOth,
   121  					&ShowTarget{}:                    QueryTypeOth,
   122  					&ShowVariables{}:                 QueryTypeOth,
   123  					&ShowWarnings{}:                  QueryTypeOth,
   124  					&ShowColumns{}:                   QueryTypeOth,
   125  					&ShowCreatePublications{}:        QueryTypeOth,
   126  					&ShowPublications{}:              QueryTypeOth,
   127  					&ShowSubscriptions{}:             QueryTypeOth,
   128  					&ShowBackendServers{}:            QueryTypeOth,
   129  				},
   130  			},
   131  		},
   132  	}
   133  	for _, tt := range tests {
   134  		t.Run(, func(t1 *testing.T) {
   135  			for stmt, queryType := range tt.fields.types {
   136  				require.Equalf(t1, queryType, stmt.GetQueryType(), "statement_type: %s", stmt.GetStatementType())
   137  			}
   138  		})
   139  	}
   141  }