(about) 1 select 2 nation, 3 o_year, 4 sum(amount) as sum_profit 5 from 6 ( 7 select 8 n_name as nation, 9 extract(year from o_orderdate) as o_year, 10 l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity as amount 11 from 12 part, 13 supplier, 14 lineitem, 15 partsupp, 16 orders, 17 nation 18 where 19 s_suppkey = l_suppkey 20 and ps_suppkey = l_suppkey 21 and ps_partkey = l_partkey 22 and p_partkey = l_partkey 23 and o_orderkey = l_orderkey 24 and s_nationkey = n_nationkey 25 and p_name like '%pink%' 26 ) as profit 27 group by 28 nation, 29 o_year 30 order by 31 nation, 32 o_year desc 33 ;