
     1  // Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package blockio
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"math"
    20  	"time"
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	v2 ""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  )
    36  type ReadFilter = func([]*vector.Vector) []int32
    38  func ReadByFilter(
    39  	ctx context.Context,
    40  	info *objectio.BlockInfo,
    41  	inputDeletes []int64,
    42  	columns []uint16,
    43  	colTypes []types.Type,
    44  	ts types.TS,
    45  	filter ReadFilter,
    46  	fs fileservice.FileService,
    47  	mp *mpool.MPool,
    48  ) (sels []int32, err error) {
    49  	bat, release, err := LoadColumns(ctx, columns, colTypes, fs, info.MetaLocation(), mp, fileservice.Policy(0))
    50  	if err != nil {
    51  		return
    52  	}
    53  	defer release()
    54  	var deleteMask *nulls.Nulls
    56  	// merge persisted deletes
    57  	if !info.DeltaLocation().IsEmpty() {
    58  		now := time.Now()
    59  		var persistedDeletes *batch.Batch
    60  		var persistedByCN bool
    61  		var release func()
    62  		// load from storage
    63  		if persistedDeletes, persistedByCN, release, err = ReadBlockDelete(ctx, info.DeltaLocation(), fs); err != nil {
    64  			return
    65  		}
    66  		defer release()
    67  		readcost := time.Since(now)
    68  		var rows *nulls.Nulls
    69  		var bisect time.Duration
    70  		if persistedByCN {
    71  			rows = EvalDeleteRowsByTimestampForDeletesPersistedByCN(persistedDeletes, ts, info.CommitTs)
    72  		} else {
    73  			nowx := time.Now()
    74  			rows = EvalDeleteRowsByTimestamp(persistedDeletes, ts, &info.BlockID)
    75  			bisect = time.Since(nowx)
    76  		}
    77  		if rows != nil {
    78  			deleteMask = rows
    79  		}
    80  		readtotal := time.Since(now)
    81  		RecordReadDel(readtotal, readcost, bisect)
    82  	}
    84  	if deleteMask == nil {
    85  		deleteMask = nulls.NewWithSize(len(inputDeletes))
    86  	}
    88  	// merge input deletes
    89  	for _, row := range inputDeletes {
    90  		deleteMask.Add(uint64(row))
    91  	}
    93  	sels = filter(bat.Vecs)
    95  	// deslect deleted rows from sels
    96  	if !deleteMask.IsEmpty() {
    97  		var rows []int32
    98  		for _, row := range sels {
    99  			if !deleteMask.Contains(uint64(row)) {
   100  				rows = append(rows, row)
   101  			}
   102  		}
   103  		sels = rows
   104  	}
   105  	return
   106  }
   108  // BlockRead read block data from storage and apply deletes according given timestamp. Caller make sure metaloc is not empty
   109  func BlockRead(
   110  	ctx context.Context,
   111  	info *objectio.BlockInfo,
   112  	inputDeletes []int64,
   113  	columns []uint16,
   114  	colTypes []types.Type,
   115  	ts timestamp.Timestamp,
   116  	filterSeqnums []uint16,
   117  	filterColTypes []types.Type,
   118  	filter ReadFilter,
   119  	fs fileservice.FileService,
   120  	mp *mpool.MPool,
   121  	vp engine.VectorPool,
   122  	policy fileservice.Policy,
   123  ) (*batch.Batch, error) {
   124  	if logutil.GetSkip1Logger().Core().Enabled(zap.DebugLevel) {
   125  		logutil.Debugf("read block %s, columns %v, types %v", info.BlockID.String(), columns, colTypes)
   126  	}
   128  	var (
   129  		sels []int32
   130  		err  error
   131  	)
   133  	if filter != nil && info.Sorted {
   134  		if sels, err = ReadByFilter(
   135  			ctx, info, inputDeletes, filterSeqnums, filterColTypes,
   136  			types.TimestampToTS(ts), filter, fs, mp,
   137  		); err != nil {
   138  			return nil, err
   139  		}
   140  		v2.TaskSelReadFilterTotal.Inc()
   141  		if len(sels) == 0 {
   142  			RecordReadFilterSelectivity(1, 1)
   143  			v2.TaskSelReadFilterHit.Inc()
   144  		} else {
   145  			RecordReadFilterSelectivity(0, 1)
   146  		}
   148  		if len(sels) == 0 {
   149  			result := batch.NewWithSize(len(colTypes))
   150  			for i, typ := range colTypes {
   151  				if vp == nil {
   152  					result.Vecs[i] = vector.NewVec(typ)
   153  				} else {
   154  					result.Vecs[i] = vp.GetVector(typ)
   155  				}
   156  			}
   157  			return result, nil
   158  		}
   159  	}
   161  	columnBatch, err := BlockReadInner(
   162  		ctx, info, inputDeletes, columns, colTypes,
   163  		types.TimestampToTS(ts), sels, fs, mp, vp, policy,
   164  	)
   165  	if err != nil {
   166  		return nil, err
   167  	}
   169  	columnBatch.SetRowCount(columnBatch.Vecs[0].Length())
   170  	return columnBatch, nil
   171  }
   173  func BlockCompactionRead(
   174  	ctx context.Context,
   175  	location objectio.Location,
   176  	deletes []int64,
   177  	seqnums []uint16,
   178  	colTypes []types.Type,
   179  	fs fileservice.FileService,
   180  	mp *mpool.MPool,
   181  ) (*batch.Batch, error) {
   183  	loaded, release, err := LoadColumns(ctx, seqnums, colTypes, fs, location, mp, fileservice.Policy(0))
   184  	if err != nil {
   185  		return nil, err
   186  	}
   187  	defer release()
   188  	if len(deletes) == 0 {
   189  		return loaded, nil
   190  	}
   191  	result := batch.NewWithSize(len(loaded.Vecs))
   192  	for i, col := range loaded.Vecs {
   193  		typ := *col.GetType()
   194  		result.Vecs[i] = vector.NewVec(typ)
   195  		if err = vector.GetUnionAllFunction(typ, mp)(result.Vecs[i], col); err != nil {
   196  			break
   197  		}
   198  		result.Vecs[i].Shrink(deletes, true)
   199  	}
   201  	if err != nil {
   202  		for _, col := range result.Vecs {
   203  			if col != nil {
   204  				col.Free(mp)
   205  			}
   206  		}
   207  		return nil, err
   208  	}
   209  	result.SetRowCount(result.Vecs[0].Length())
   210  	return result, nil
   211  }
   213  func BlockReadInner(
   214  	ctx context.Context,
   215  	info *objectio.BlockInfo,
   216  	inputDeleteRows []int64,
   217  	columns []uint16,
   218  	colTypes []types.Type,
   219  	ts types.TS,
   220  	selectRows []int32, // if selectRows is not empty, it was already filtered by filter
   221  	fs fileservice.FileService,
   222  	mp *mpool.MPool,
   223  	vp engine.VectorPool,
   224  	policy fileservice.Policy,
   225  ) (result *batch.Batch, err error) {
   226  	var (
   227  		rowidPos    int
   228  		deletedRows []int64
   229  		deleteMask  nulls.Bitmap
   230  		loaded      *batch.Batch
   231  		release     func()
   232  	)
   234  	// read block data from storage specified by meta location
   235  	if loaded, rowidPos, deleteMask, release, err = readBlockData(
   236  		ctx, columns, colTypes, info, ts, fs, mp, vp, policy,
   237  	); err != nil {
   238  		return
   239  	}
   240  	defer release()
   242  	// assemble result batch for return
   243  	result = batch.NewWithSize(len(loaded.Vecs))
   245  	if len(selectRows) > 0 {
   246  		// NOTE: it always goes here if there is a filter and the block is sorted
   247  		// and there are selected rows after applying the filter and delete mask
   249  		// build rowid column if needed
   250  		if rowidPos >= 0 {
   251  			if loaded.Vecs[rowidPos], err = buildRowidColumn(
   252  				info, selectRows, mp, vp,
   253  			); err != nil {
   254  				return
   255  			}
   256  		}
   258  		// assemble result batch only with selected rows
   259  		for i, col := range loaded.Vecs {
   260  			typ := *col.GetType()
   261  			if typ.Oid == types.T_Rowid {
   262  				result.Vecs[i] = col
   263  				continue
   264  			}
   265  			if vp == nil {
   266  				result.Vecs[i] = vector.NewVec(typ)
   267  			} else {
   268  				result.Vecs[i] = vp.GetVector(typ)
   269  			}
   270  			if err = result.Vecs[i].Union(col, selectRows, mp); err != nil {
   271  				break
   272  			}
   273  		}
   274  		if err != nil {
   275  			for _, col := range result.Vecs {
   276  				if col != nil {
   277  					col.Free(mp)
   278  				}
   279  			}
   280  		}
   281  		return
   282  	}
   284  	// read deletes from storage specified by delta location
   285  	if !info.DeltaLocation().IsEmpty() {
   286  		var deletes *batch.Batch
   287  		var persistedByCN bool
   288  		var release func()
   289  		now := time.Now()
   290  		// load from storage
   291  		if deletes, persistedByCN, release, err = ReadBlockDelete(ctx, info.DeltaLocation(), fs); err != nil {
   292  			return
   293  		}
   294  		defer release()
   295  		readcost := time.Since(now)
   297  		// eval delete rows by timestamp
   298  		var rows *nulls.Nulls
   299  		var bisect time.Duration
   300  		if persistedByCN {
   301  			rows = EvalDeleteRowsByTimestampForDeletesPersistedByCN(deletes, ts, info.CommitTs)
   302  		} else {
   303  			nowx := time.Now()
   304  			rows = EvalDeleteRowsByTimestamp(deletes, ts, &info.BlockID)
   305  			bisect = time.Since(nowx)
   306  		}
   308  		// merge delete rows
   309  		deleteMask.Merge(rows)
   311  		readtotal := time.Since(now)
   312  		RecordReadDel(readtotal, readcost, bisect)
   314  		if logutil.GetSkip1Logger().Core().Enabled(zap.DebugLevel) {
   315  			logutil.Debugf(
   316  				"blockread %s read delete %d: base %s filter out %v\n",
   317  				info.BlockID.String(), deletes.RowCount(), ts.ToString(), deleteMask.Count())
   318  		}
   319  	}
   321  	// merge deletes from input
   322  	// deletes from storage + deletes from input
   323  	for _, row := range inputDeleteRows {
   324  		deleteMask.Add(uint64(row))
   325  	}
   327  	// Note: it always goes here if no filter or the block is not sorted
   329  	// transform delete mask to deleted rows
   330  	// TODO: avoid this transformation
   331  	if !deleteMask.IsEmpty() {
   332  		deletedRows = deleteMask.ToI64Arrary()
   333  		// logutil.Debugf("deleted/length: %d/%d=%f",
   334  		// 	len(deletedRows),
   335  		// 	loaded.Vecs[0].Length(),
   336  		// 	float64(len(deletedRows))/float64(loaded.Vecs[0].Length()))
   337  	}
   339  	// build rowid column if needed
   340  	if rowidPos >= 0 {
   341  		if loaded.Vecs[rowidPos], err = buildRowidColumn(
   342  			info, nil, mp, vp,
   343  		); err != nil {
   344  			return
   345  		}
   346  	}
   348  	// assemble result batch
   349  	for i, col := range loaded.Vecs {
   350  		typ := *col.GetType()
   352  		if typ.Oid == types.T_Rowid {
   353  			// rowid is already allocted by the mpool, no need to create a new vector
   354  			result.Vecs[i] = col
   355  		} else {
   356  			// for other types, we need to create a new vector
   357  			if vp == nil {
   358  				result.Vecs[i] = vector.NewVec(typ)
   359  			} else {
   360  				result.Vecs[i] = vp.GetVector(typ)
   361  			}
   362  			// copy the data from loaded vector to result vector
   363  			// TODO: avoid this allocation and copy
   364  			if err = vector.GetUnionAllFunction(typ, mp)(result.Vecs[i], col); err != nil {
   365  				break
   366  			}
   367  		}
   369  		// shrink the vector by deleted rows
   370  		if len(deletedRows) > 0 {
   371  			result.Vecs[i].Shrink(deletedRows, true)
   372  		}
   373  	}
   375  	// if any error happens, free the result batch allocated
   376  	if err != nil {
   377  		for _, col := range result.Vecs {
   378  			if col != nil {
   379  				col.Free(mp)
   380  			}
   381  		}
   382  	}
   383  	return
   384  }
   386  func getRowsIdIndex(colIndexes []uint16, colTypes []types.Type) (int, []uint16, []types.Type) {
   387  	idx := -1
   388  	for i, typ := range colTypes {
   389  		if typ.Oid == types.T_Rowid {
   390  			idx = i
   391  			break
   392  		}
   393  	}
   394  	if idx < 0 {
   395  		return idx, colIndexes, colTypes
   396  	}
   397  	idxes := make([]uint16, 0, len(colTypes)-1)
   398  	typs := make([]types.Type, 0, len(colTypes)-1)
   399  	idxes = append(idxes, colIndexes[:idx]...)
   400  	idxes = append(idxes, colIndexes[idx+1:]...)
   401  	typs = append(typs, colTypes[:idx]...)
   402  	typs = append(typs, colTypes[idx+1:]...)
   403  	return idx, idxes, typs
   404  }
   406  func buildRowidColumn(
   407  	info *objectio.BlockInfo,
   408  	sels []int32,
   409  	m *mpool.MPool,
   410  	vp engine.VectorPool,
   411  ) (col *vector.Vector, err error) {
   412  	if vp == nil {
   413  		col = vector.NewVec(objectio.RowidType)
   414  	} else {
   415  		col = vp.GetVector(objectio.RowidType)
   416  	}
   417  	if len(sels) == 0 {
   418  		err = objectio.ConstructRowidColumnTo(
   419  			col,
   420  			&info.BlockID,
   421  			0,
   422  			info.MetaLocation().Rows(),
   423  			m,
   424  		)
   425  	} else {
   426  		err = objectio.ConstructRowidColumnToWithSels(
   427  			col,
   428  			&info.BlockID,
   429  			sels,
   430  			m,
   431  		)
   432  	}
   433  	if err != nil {
   434  		col.Free(m)
   435  		col = nil
   436  	}
   437  	return
   438  }
   440  func readBlockData(
   441  	ctx context.Context,
   442  	colIndexes []uint16,
   443  	colTypes []types.Type,
   444  	info *objectio.BlockInfo,
   445  	ts types.TS,
   446  	fs fileservice.FileService,
   447  	m *mpool.MPool,
   448  	vp engine.VectorPool,
   449  	policy fileservice.Policy,
   450  ) (bat *batch.Batch, rowidPos int, deleteMask nulls.Bitmap, release func(), err error) {
   451  	rowidPos, idxes, typs := getRowsIdIndex(colIndexes, colTypes)
   453  	readColumns := func(cols []uint16) (result *batch.Batch, loaded *batch.Batch, err error) {
   454  		if len(cols) == 0 && rowidPos >= 0 {
   455  			// only read rowid column on non appendable block, return early
   456  			result = batch.NewWithSize(1)
   457  			// result.Vecs[0] = rowid
   458  			release = func() {}
   459  			return
   460  		}
   462  		if loaded, release, err = LoadColumns(ctx, cols, typs, fs, info.MetaLocation(), m, policy); err != nil {
   463  			return
   464  		}
   466  		colPos := 0
   467  		result = batch.NewWithSize(len(colTypes))
   468  		for i, typ := range colTypes {
   469  			if typ.Oid != types.T_Rowid {
   470  				result.Vecs[i] = loaded.Vecs[colPos]
   471  				colPos++
   472  			}
   473  		}
   474  		return
   475  	}
   477  	readABlkColumns := func(cols []uint16) (result *batch.Batch, deletes nulls.Bitmap, err error) {
   478  		var loaded *batch.Batch
   479  		// appendable block should be filtered by committs
   480  		cols = append(cols, objectio.SEQNUM_COMMITTS, objectio.SEQNUM_ABORT) // committs, aborted
   482  		// no need to add typs, the two columns won't be generated
   483  		if result, loaded, err = readColumns(cols); err != nil {
   484  			return
   485  		}
   487  		t0 := time.Now()
   488  		aborts := vector.MustFixedCol[bool](loaded.Vecs[len(loaded.Vecs)-1])
   489  		commits := vector.MustFixedCol[types.TS](loaded.Vecs[len(loaded.Vecs)-2])
   490  		for i := 0; i < len(commits); i++ {
   491  			if aborts[i] || commits[i].Greater(&ts) {
   492  				deletes.Add(uint64(i))
   493  			}
   494  		}
   495  		logutil.Debugf(
   496  			"blockread %s scan filter cost %v: base %s filter out %v\n ",
   497  			info.BlockID.String(), time.Since(t0), ts.ToString(), deletes.Count())
   498  		return
   499  	}
   501  	if info.EntryState {
   502  		bat, deleteMask, err = readABlkColumns(idxes)
   503  	} else {
   504  		bat, _, err = readColumns(idxes)
   505  	}
   507  	return
   508  }
   510  func ReadBlockDelete(ctx context.Context, deltaloc objectio.Location, fs fileservice.FileService) (bat *batch.Batch, isPersistedByCN bool, release func(), err error) {
   511  	isPersistedByCN, err = IsPersistedByCN(ctx, deltaloc, fs)
   512  	if err != nil {
   513  		return
   514  	}
   515  	bat, release, err = ReadBlockDeleteBySchema(ctx, deltaloc, fs, isPersistedByCN)
   516  	return
   517  }
   519  func ReadBlockDeleteBySchema(ctx context.Context, deltaloc objectio.Location, fs fileservice.FileService, isPersistedByCN bool) (bat *batch.Batch, release func(), err error) {
   520  	var cols []uint16
   521  	if isPersistedByCN {
   522  		cols = []uint16{0, 1}
   523  	} else {
   524  		cols = []uint16{0, 1, 2, 3}
   525  	}
   526  	bat, release, err = LoadTombstoneColumns(ctx, cols, nil, fs, deltaloc, nil)
   527  	return
   528  }
   530  func IsPersistedByCN(ctx context.Context, deltaloc objectio.Location, fs fileservice.FileService) (bool, error) {
   531  	objectMeta, err := objectio.FastLoadObjectMeta(ctx, &deltaloc, false, fs)
   532  	if err != nil {
   533  		return false, err
   534  	}
   535  	meta, ok := objectMeta.TombstoneMeta()
   536  	if !ok {
   537  		meta = objectMeta.MustDataMeta()
   538  	}
   539  	blkmeta := meta.GetBlockMeta(uint32(deltaloc.ID()))
   540  	columnCount := blkmeta.GetColumnCount()
   541  	return columnCount == 2, nil
   542  }
   544  func EvalDeleteRowsByTimestamp(deletes *batch.Batch, ts types.TS, blockid *types.Blockid) (rows *nulls.Bitmap) {
   545  	if deletes == nil {
   546  		return
   547  	}
   548  	// record visible delete rows
   549  	rows = nulls.NewWithSize(64)
   551  	rowids := vector.MustFixedCol[types.Rowid](deletes.Vecs[0])
   552  	tss := vector.MustFixedCol[types.TS](deletes.Vecs[1])
   553  	aborts := deletes.Vecs[3]
   555  	start, end := FindIntervalForBlock(rowids, blockid)
   557  	for i := start; i < end; i++ {
   558  		abort := vector.GetFixedAt[bool](aborts, i)
   559  		if abort || tss[i].Greater(&ts) {
   560  			continue
   561  		}
   562  		row := rowids[i].GetRowOffset()
   563  		rows.Add(uint64(row))
   564  	}
   565  	return
   566  }
   568  func EvalDeleteRowsByTimestampForDeletesPersistedByCN(deletes *batch.Batch, ts types.TS, committs types.TS) (rows *nulls.Bitmap) {
   569  	if deletes == nil || ts.Less(&committs) {
   570  		return
   571  	}
   572  	// record visible delete rows
   573  	rows = nulls.NewWithSize(0)
   574  	rowids := vector.MustFixedCol[types.Rowid](deletes.Vecs[0])
   576  	for _, rowid := range rowids {
   577  		row := rowid.GetRowOffset()
   578  		rows.Add(uint64(row))
   579  	}
   580  	return
   581  }
   583  // BlockPrefetch is the interface for cn to call read ahead
   584  // columns  Which columns should be taken for columns
   585  // service  fileservice
   586  // infos [s3object name][block]
   587  func BlockPrefetch(idxes []uint16, service fileservice.FileService, infos [][]*objectio.BlockInfo, prefetchFile bool) error {
   588  	// Generate prefetch task
   589  	for i := range infos {
   590  		// build reader
   591  		pref, err := BuildPrefetchParams(service, infos[i][0].MetaLocation())
   592  		if err != nil {
   593  			return err
   594  		}
   595  		for _, info := range infos[i] {
   596  			pref.AddBlock(idxes, []uint16{info.MetaLocation().ID()})
   597  			if !info.DeltaLocation().IsEmpty() {
   598  				// Need to read all delete
   599  				err = PrefetchTombstone([]uint16{0, 1, 2}, []uint16{info.DeltaLocation().ID()}, service, info.DeltaLocation())
   600  				if err != nil {
   601  					return err
   602  				}
   603  			}
   604  		}
   605  		pref.prefetchFile = prefetchFile
   606  		err = pipeline.Prefetch(pref)
   607  		if err != nil {
   608  			return err
   609  		}
   610  	}
   611  	return nil
   612  }
   614  func RecordReadDel(total, read, bisect time.Duration) {
   615  	pipeline.stats.selectivityStats.RecordReadDel(total, read, bisect)
   616  }
   618  func RecordReadFilterSelectivity(hit, total int) {
   619  	pipeline.stats.selectivityStats.RecordReadFilterSelectivity(hit, total)
   620  }
   622  func RecordBlockSelectivity(hit, total int) {
   623  	pipeline.stats.selectivityStats.RecordBlockSelectivity(hit, total)
   624  }
   626  func RecordColumnSelectivity(hit, total int) {
   627  	pipeline.stats.selectivityStats.RecordColumnSelectivity(hit, total)
   628  }
   630  func ExportSelectivityString() string {
   631  	return pipeline.stats.selectivityStats.ExportString()
   632  }
   634  func FindIntervalForBlock(rowids []types.Rowid, id *types.Blockid) (start int, end int) {
   635  	lowRowid := objectio.NewRowid(id, 0)
   636  	highRowid := objectio.NewRowid(id, math.MaxUint32)
   637  	i, j := 0, len(rowids)
   638  	for i < j {
   639  		m := (i + j) / 2
   640  		// first value >= lowRowid
   641  		if !rowids[m].Less(*lowRowid) {
   642  			j = m
   643  		} else {
   644  			i = m + 1
   645  		}
   646  	}
   647  	start = i
   649  	i, j = 0, len(rowids)
   650  	for i < j {
   651  		m := (i + j) / 2
   652  		// first value > highRowid
   653  		if highRowid.Less(rowids[m]) {
   654  			j = m
   655  		} else {
   656  			i = m + 1
   657  		}
   658  	}
   659  	end = i
   660  	return
   661  }