
     1  // Copyright 2022 Matrix Origin
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package rpc
    17  import (
    18  	"context"
    19  	"fmt"
    20  	"runtime"
    21  	"testing"
    22  	"time"
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  )
    42  const ModuleName = "TAEHANDLE"
    44  type mockHandle struct {
    45  	*Handle
    46  	m *mpool.MPool
    47  }
    49  type CmdType int32
    51  const (
    52  	CmdPreCommitWrite CmdType = iota
    53  	CmdPrepare
    54  	CmdCommitting
    55  	CmdCommit
    56  	CmdRollback
    57  )
    59  type txnCommand struct {
    60  	typ CmdType
    61  	cmd any
    62  }
    64  func (h *mockHandle) HandleClose(ctx context.Context) error {
    65  	err := h.Handle.HandleClose(ctx)
    66  	blockio.Stop()
    67  	blockio.ResetPipeline()
    68  	return err
    69  }
    71  func (h *mockHandle) HandleCommit(ctx context.Context, meta *txn.TxnMeta) (timestamp.Timestamp, error) {
    72  	//2PC
    73  	if len(meta.TNShards) > 1 && meta.CommitTS.IsEmpty() {
    74  		meta.CommitTS = meta.PreparedTS.Next()
    75  	}
    76  	return h.Handle.HandleCommit(ctx, *meta)
    77  }
    79  func (h *mockHandle) HandleCommitting(ctx context.Context, meta *txn.TxnMeta) error {
    80  	//meta.CommitTS = h.eng.GetTAE(context.TODO()).TxnMgr.TsAlloc.Alloc().ToTimestamp()
    81  	if meta.PreparedTS.IsEmpty() {
    82  		return moerr.NewInternalError(ctx, "PreparedTS is empty")
    83  	}
    84  	meta.CommitTS = meta.PreparedTS.Next()
    85  	return h.Handle.HandleCommitting(ctx, *meta)
    86  }
    88  func (h *mockHandle) HandlePrepare(ctx context.Context, meta *txn.TxnMeta) error {
    89  	pts, err := h.Handle.HandlePrepare(ctx, *meta)
    90  	if err != nil {
    91  		return err
    92  	}
    93  	meta.PreparedTS = pts
    94  	return nil
    95  }
    97  func (h *mockHandle) HandleRollback(ctx context.Context, meta *txn.TxnMeta) error {
    98  	return h.Handle.HandleRollback(ctx, *meta)
    99  }
   101  func (h *mockHandle) HandlePreCommit(
   102  	ctx context.Context,
   103  	meta *txn.TxnMeta,
   104  	req *api.PrecommitWriteCmd,
   105  	resp *api.SyncLogTailResp) error {
   107  	return h.Handle.HandlePreCommitWrite(ctx, *meta, req, resp)
   108  }
   110  func (h *mockHandle) handleCmds(
   111  	ctx context.Context,
   112  	txn *txn.TxnMeta,
   113  	cmds []txnCommand) (err error) {
   114  	for _, e := range cmds {
   115  		switch e.typ {
   116  		case CmdPreCommitWrite:
   117  			cmd, ok := e.cmd.(api.PrecommitWriteCmd)
   118  			if !ok {
   119  				return moerr.NewInfo(ctx, "cmd is not PreCommitWriteCmd")
   120  			}
   121  			if err = h.Handle.HandlePreCommitWrite(ctx, *txn,
   122  				&cmd, new(api.SyncLogTailResp)); err != nil {
   123  				return
   124  			}
   125  		case CmdPrepare:
   126  			if err = h.HandlePrepare(ctx, txn); err != nil {
   127  				return
   128  			}
   129  		case CmdCommitting:
   130  			if err = h.HandleCommitting(ctx, txn); err != nil {
   131  				return
   132  			}
   133  		case CmdCommit:
   134  			if _, err = h.HandleCommit(ctx, txn); err != nil {
   135  				return
   136  			}
   137  		case CmdRollback:
   138  			if err = h.HandleRollback(ctx, txn); err != nil {
   139  				return
   140  			}
   141  		default:
   142  			panic(moerr.NewInfo(ctx, "Invalid CmdType"))
   143  		}
   144  	}
   145  	return
   146  }
   148  func initDB(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, opts *options.Options) *db.DB {
   149  	dir := testutils.InitTestEnv(ModuleName, t)
   150  	db, _ := db.Open(ctx, dir, opts)
   151  	return db
   152  }
   154  func mockTAEHandle(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, opts *options.Options) *mockHandle {
   155  	blockio.Start()
   156  	tae := initDB(ctx, t, opts)
   157  	mh := &mockHandle{
   158  		m: mpool.MustNewZero(),
   159  	}
   161  	mh.Handle = &Handle{
   162  		db: tae,
   163  	}
   164  	mh.Handle.txnCtxs = common.NewMap[string, *txnContext](runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0))
   165  	return mh
   166  }
   168  func mock1PCTxn(db *db.DB) *txn.TxnMeta {
   169  	txnMeta := &txn.TxnMeta{}
   170  	txnMeta.ID = db.TxnMgr.IdAlloc.Alloc()
   171  	txnMeta.SnapshotTS = db.TxnMgr.Now().ToTimestamp()
   172  	return txnMeta
   173  }
   175  func mockTNShard(id uint64) metadata.TNShard {
   176  	return metadata.TNShard{
   177  		TNShardRecord: metadata.TNShardRecord{
   178  			ShardID:    id,
   179  			LogShardID: id,
   180  		},
   181  		ReplicaID: id,
   182  		Address:   fmt.Sprintf("dn-%d", id),
   183  	}
   184  }
   186  func mock2PCTxn(db *db.DB) *txn.TxnMeta {
   187  	txnMeta := &txn.TxnMeta{}
   188  	txnMeta.ID = db.TxnMgr.IdAlloc.Alloc()
   189  	txnMeta.SnapshotTS = db.TxnMgr.Now().ToTimestamp()
   190  	txnMeta.TNShards = append(txnMeta.TNShards, mockTNShard(1))
   191  	txnMeta.TNShards = append(txnMeta.TNShards, mockTNShard(2))
   192  	return txnMeta
   193  }
   195  const (
   196  	INSERT = iota
   197  	DELETE
   198  )
   200  type AccessInfo struct {
   201  	accountId uint32
   202  	userId    uint32
   203  	roleId    uint32
   204  }
   206  // Entry represents a delete/insert
   207  type Entry struct {
   208  	typ          int
   209  	tableId      uint64
   210  	databaseId   uint64
   211  	tableName    string
   212  	databaseName string
   213  	//object name for s3 file
   214  	fileName string
   215  	// update or delete tuples
   216  	bat *batch.Batch
   217  }
   219  type column struct {
   220  	databaseId uint64
   221  	accountId  uint32
   222  	tableId    uint64
   223  	// column name
   224  	name            string
   225  	tableName       string
   226  	databaseName    string
   227  	typ             []byte
   228  	typLen          int32
   229  	num             int32
   230  	comment         string
   231  	notNull         int8
   232  	hasDef          int8
   233  	defaultExpr     []byte
   234  	constraintType  string
   235  	isHidden        int8
   236  	isAutoIncrement int8
   237  	hasUpdate       int8
   238  	updateExpr      []byte
   239  	clusterBy       int8
   240  	enumValues      string
   241  }
   243  func genColumns(accountId uint32, tableName, databaseName string,
   244  	tableId, databaseId uint64, defs []engine.TableDef) ([]column, error) {
   245  	{ // XXX Why not store PrimaryIndexDef and
   246  		// then use PrimaryIndexDef for all primary key constraints.
   247  		mp := make(map[string]int)
   248  		for i, def := range defs {
   249  			if attr, ok := def.(*engine.AttributeDef); ok {
   250  				mp[attr.Attr.Name] = i
   251  			}
   252  		}
   253  		for _, def := range defs {
   254  			if constraintDef, ok := def.(*engine.ConstraintDef); ok {
   255  				pkeyDef := constraintDef.GetPrimaryKeyDef()
   256  				if pkeyDef != nil {
   257  					pkeyColName := pkeyDef.Pkey.PkeyColName
   258  					attr, _ := defs[mp[pkeyColName]].(*engine.AttributeDef)
   259  					attr.Attr.Primary = true
   260  				}
   261  			}
   262  		}
   263  	}
   264  	num := 0
   265  	cols := make([]column, 0, len(defs))
   266  	for _, def := range defs {
   267  		attrDef, ok := def.(*engine.AttributeDef)
   268  		if !ok {
   269  			continue
   270  		}
   271  		typ, err := types.Encode(&attrDef.Attr.Type)
   272  		if err != nil {
   273  			return nil, err
   274  		}
   275  		col := column{
   276  			typ:          typ,
   277  			typLen:       int32(len(typ)),
   278  			accountId:    accountId,
   279  			tableId:      tableId,
   280  			databaseId:   databaseId,
   281  			name:         attrDef.Attr.Name,
   282  			tableName:    tableName,
   283  			databaseName: databaseName,
   284  			num:          int32(num),
   285  			comment:      attrDef.Attr.Comment,
   286  			enumValues:   attrDef.Attr.EnumVlaues,
   287  		}
   288  		col.hasDef = 0
   289  		if attrDef.Attr.Default != nil {
   290  			defaultExpr, err := types.Encode(attrDef.Attr.Default)
   291  			if err != nil {
   292  				return nil, err
   293  			}
   294  			if len(defaultExpr) > 0 {
   295  				col.hasDef = 1
   296  				col.defaultExpr = defaultExpr
   297  			}
   298  		}
   299  		if attrDef.Attr.OnUpdate != nil {
   300  			expr, err := types.Encode(attrDef.Attr.OnUpdate)
   301  			if err != nil {
   302  				return nil, err
   303  			}
   304  			if len(expr) > 0 {
   305  				col.hasUpdate = 1
   306  				col.updateExpr = expr
   307  			}
   308  		}
   309  		if attrDef.Attr.IsHidden {
   310  			col.isHidden = 1
   311  		}
   312  		if attrDef.Attr.AutoIncrement {
   313  			col.isAutoIncrement = 1
   314  		}
   315  		if attrDef.Attr.Primary {
   316  			col.constraintType = catalog.SystemColPKConstraint
   317  		} else {
   318  			col.constraintType = catalog.SystemColNoConstraint
   319  		}
   320  		cols = append(cols, col)
   321  		num++
   322  	}
   323  	return cols, nil
   324  }
   326  func makePBEntry(
   327  	typ int,
   328  	dbId,
   329  	tableId uint64,
   330  	dbName,
   331  	tbName,
   332  	file string,
   333  	bat *batch.Batch) (pe *api.Entry, err error) {
   334  	e := Entry{
   335  		typ:          typ,
   336  		databaseName: dbName,
   337  		databaseId:   dbId,
   338  		tableName:    tbName,
   339  		tableId:      tableId,
   340  		fileName:     file,
   341  		bat:          bat,
   342  	}
   343  	return toPBEntry(e)
   344  }
   346  func getTableComment(defs []engine.TableDef) string {
   347  	for _, def := range defs {
   348  		if cdef, ok := def.(*engine.CommentDef); ok {
   349  			return cdef.Comment
   350  		}
   351  	}
   352  	return ""
   353  }
   355  func genCreateDatabaseTuple(
   356  	sql string,
   357  	accountId,
   358  	userId,
   359  	roleId uint32,
   360  	name string,
   361  	id uint64,
   362  	typ string,
   363  	m *mpool.MPool,
   364  ) (*batch.Batch, error) {
   365  	bat := batch.NewWithSize(len(catalog.MoDatabaseSchema))
   366  	bat.Attrs = append(bat.Attrs, catalog.MoDatabaseSchema...)
   367  	{
   368  		idx := catalog.MO_DATABASE_DAT_ID_IDX
   369  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // dat_id
   370  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], uint64(id), false, m); err != nil {
   371  			return nil, err
   372  		}
   373  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_DAT_NAME_IDX
   374  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // datname
   375  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(name), false, m); err != nil {
   376  			return nil, err
   377  		}
   378  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_DAT_CATALOG_NAME_IDX
   379  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // dat_catalog_name
   380  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(catalog.MO_CATALOG), false, m); err != nil {
   381  			return nil, err
   382  		}
   383  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_CREATESQL_IDX
   384  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx])                      // dat_createsql
   385  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(sql), false, m); err != nil { // TODO
   386  			return nil, err
   387  		}
   388  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_OWNER_IDX
   389  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // owner
   390  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], roleId, false, m); err != nil {
   391  			return nil, err
   392  		}
   393  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_CREATOR_IDX
   394  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // creator
   395  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], userId, false, m); err != nil {
   396  			return nil, err
   397  		}
   398  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_CREATED_TIME_IDX
   399  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // created_time
   400  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], types.Timestamp(time.Now().Unix()), false, m); err != nil {
   401  			return nil, err
   402  		}
   403  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_ACCOUNT_ID_IDX
   404  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // account_id
   405  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], accountId, false, m); err != nil {
   406  			return nil, err
   407  		}
   408  		idx = catalog.MO_DATABASE_DAT_TYPE_IDX
   409  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoDatabaseTypes[idx]) // dat_type
   410  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(typ), false, m); err != nil {
   411  			return nil, err
   412  		}
   413  	}
   414  	return bat, nil
   415  }
   417  func genCreateColumnTuple(
   418  	col column,
   419  	m *mpool.MPool,
   420  ) (*batch.Batch, error) {
   421  	bat := batch.NewWithSize(len(catalog.MoColumnsSchema))
   422  	bat.Attrs = append(bat.Attrs, catalog.MoColumnsSchema...)
   423  	bat.SetRowCount(1)
   424  	{
   425  		idx := catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_UNIQ_NAME_IDX
   426  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_uniq_name
   427  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(""), false, m); err != nil {
   428  			return nil, err
   429  		}
   430  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ACCOUNT_ID_IDX
   431  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // account_id
   432  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], uint32(0), false, m); err != nil {
   433  			return nil, err
   434  		}
   435  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_DATABASE_ID_IDX
   436  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_database_id
   437  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.databaseId, false, m); err != nil {
   438  			return nil, err
   439  		}
   440  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_DATABASE_IDX
   441  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_database
   442  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(col.databaseName), false, m); err != nil {
   443  			return nil, err
   444  		}
   446  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_RELNAME_ID_IDX
   447  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_relname_id
   448  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.tableId, false, m); err != nil {
   449  			return nil, err
   450  		}
   452  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_RELNAME_IDX
   453  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_relname_id
   454  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(col.tableName), false, m); err != nil {
   455  			return nil, err
   456  		}
   457  		//idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATTNUM_IDX
   458  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATTNAME_IDX
   459  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // attname
   460  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(, false, m); err != nil {
   461  			return nil, err
   462  		}
   463  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATTTYP_IDX
   464  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_relname
   465  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], col.typ, false, m); err != nil {
   466  			return nil, err
   467  		}
   468  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATTNUM_IDX
   469  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // attnum
   470  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.num, false, m); err != nil {
   471  			return nil, err
   472  		}
   473  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_LENGTH_IDX
   474  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_length
   475  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.typLen, false, m); err != nil {
   476  			return nil, err
   477  		}
   478  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATTNOTNULL_IDX
   479  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // attnotnul
   480  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.notNull, false, m); err != nil {
   481  			return nil, err
   482  		}
   483  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATTHASDEF_IDX
   484  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // atthasdef
   485  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.hasDef, false, m); err != nil {
   486  			return nil, err
   487  		}
   488  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_DEFAULT_IDX
   489  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_default
   490  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], col.defaultExpr, false, m); err != nil {
   491  			return nil, err
   492  		}
   493  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATTISDROPPED_IDX
   494  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // attisdropped
   495  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], int8(0), false, m); err != nil {
   496  			return nil, err
   497  		}
   498  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_IDX
   499  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_constraint_type
   500  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(col.constraintType), false, m); err != nil {
   501  			return nil, err
   502  		}
   503  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_IS_UNSIGNED_IDX
   504  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_is_unsigned
   505  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], int8(0), false, m); err != nil {
   506  			return nil, err
   507  		}
   508  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_IS_AUTO_INCREMENT_IDX
   509  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_is_auto_increment
   510  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.isAutoIncrement, false, m); err != nil {
   511  			return nil, err
   512  		}
   513  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_COMMENT_IDX
   514  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_comment
   515  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(col.comment), false, m); err != nil {
   516  			return nil, err
   517  		}
   518  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_IS_HIDDEN_IDX
   519  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_is_hidden
   520  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.isHidden, false, m); err != nil {
   521  			return nil, err
   522  		}
   524  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_HAS_UPDATE_IDX
   525  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_has_update
   526  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.hasUpdate, false, m); err != nil {
   527  			return nil, err
   528  		}
   529  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_UPDATE_IDX
   530  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_update
   531  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], col.updateExpr, false, m); err != nil {
   532  			return nil, err
   533  		}
   534  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_IS_CLUSTERBY
   535  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_is_clusterby
   536  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], col.clusterBy, false, m); err != nil {
   537  			return nil, err
   538  		}
   539  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_SEQNUM_IDX
   540  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_is_clusterby
   541  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], uint16(0) /*just create*/, false, m); err != nil {
   542  			return nil, err
   543  		}
   544  		idx = catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ATT_ENUM_IDX
   545  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoColumnsTypes[idx]) // att_enum
   546  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(col.enumValues), false, m); err != nil {
   547  			return nil, err
   548  		}
   550  	}
   551  	return bat, nil
   552  }
   554  func makeCreateDatabaseEntries(
   555  	sql string,
   556  	ac AccessInfo,
   557  	name string,
   558  	id uint64,
   559  	m *mpool.MPool,
   560  ) ([]*api.Entry, error) {
   562  	createDbBat, err := genCreateDatabaseTuple(
   563  		sql,
   564  		ac.accountId,
   565  		ac.userId,
   566  		ac.roleId,
   567  		name,
   568  		id,
   569  		"",
   570  		m,
   571  	)
   572  	if err != nil {
   573  		return nil, err
   574  	}
   575  	createDbEntry, err := makePBEntry(
   576  		INSERT,
   577  		catalog.MO_CATALOG_ID,
   578  		catalog.MO_DATABASE_ID,
   579  		catalog.MO_CATALOG,
   580  		catalog.MO_DATABASE,
   581  		"",
   582  		createDbBat,
   583  	)
   584  	if err != nil {
   585  		return nil, err
   586  	}
   587  	var entries []*api.Entry
   588  	entries = append(entries, createDbEntry)
   589  	return entries, nil
   591  }
   593  func makeCreateTableEntries(
   594  	sql string,
   595  	ac AccessInfo,
   596  	name string,
   597  	tableId uint64,
   598  	dbId uint64,
   599  	dbName string,
   600  	constraint []byte,
   601  	m *mpool.MPool,
   602  	defs []engine.TableDef,
   603  ) ([]*api.Entry, error) {
   604  	comment := getTableComment(defs)
   605  	cols, err := genColumns(ac.accountId, name, dbName, tableId, dbId, defs)
   606  	if err != nil {
   607  		return nil, err
   608  	}
   609  	//var entries []*api.Entry
   610  	entries := make([]*api.Entry, 0)
   611  	{
   612  		bat, err := genCreateTableTuple(
   613  			sql, ac.accountId, ac.userId, ac.roleId,
   614  			name, tableId, dbId, dbName, comment, constraint, m)
   615  		if err != nil {
   616  			return nil, err
   617  		}
   618  		createTbEntry, err := makePBEntry(INSERT,
   619  			catalog.MO_CATALOG_ID, catalog.MO_TABLES_ID,
   620  			catalog.MO_CATALOG, catalog.MO_TABLES, "", bat)
   621  		if err != nil {
   622  			return nil, err
   623  		}
   624  		entries = append(entries, createTbEntry)
   625  	}
   626  	for _, col := range cols {
   627  		bat, err := genCreateColumnTuple(col, m)
   628  		if err != nil {
   629  			return nil, err
   630  		}
   631  		createColumnEntry, err := makePBEntry(
   632  			INSERT, catalog.MO_CATALOG_ID,
   633  			catalog.MO_COLUMNS_ID, catalog.MO_CATALOG,
   634  			catalog.MO_COLUMNS, "", bat)
   635  		if err != nil {
   636  			return nil, err
   637  		}
   638  		entries = append(entries, createColumnEntry)
   639  	}
   640  	return entries, nil
   642  }
   644  func genCreateTableTuple(
   645  	sql string,
   646  	accountId,
   647  	userId,
   648  	roleId uint32,
   649  	name string,
   650  	tableId uint64,
   651  	databaseId uint64,
   652  	databaseName string,
   653  	comment string,
   654  	constraint []byte,
   655  	m *mpool.MPool) (*batch.Batch, error) {
   656  	bat := batch.NewWithSize(len(catalog.MoTablesSchema))
   657  	bat.Attrs = append(bat.Attrs, catalog.MoTablesSchema...)
   658  	bat.SetRowCount(1)
   659  	{
   660  		idx := catalog.MO_TABLES_REL_ID_IDX
   661  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // rel_id
   662  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], tableId, false, m); err != nil {
   663  			return nil, err
   664  		}
   665  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_REL_NAME_IDX
   666  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // relname
   667  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(name), false, m); err != nil {
   668  			return nil, err
   669  		}
   670  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_RELDATABASE_IDX
   671  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // reldatabase
   672  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(databaseName), false, m); err != nil {
   673  			return nil, err
   674  		}
   675  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_RELDATABASE_ID_IDX
   676  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // reldatabase_id
   677  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], databaseId, false, m); err != nil {
   678  			return nil, err
   679  		}
   680  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_RELPERSISTENCE_IDX
   681  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // relpersistence
   682  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(""), false, m); err != nil {
   683  			return nil, err
   684  		}
   685  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_RELKIND_IDX
   686  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // relkind
   687  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(""), false, m); err != nil {
   688  			return nil, err
   689  		}
   690  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_REL_COMMENT_IDX
   691  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // rel_comment
   692  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(comment), false, m); err != nil {
   693  			return nil, err
   694  		}
   695  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_REL_CREATESQL_IDX
   696  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // rel_createsql
   697  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(sql), false, m); err != nil {
   698  			return nil, err
   699  		}
   700  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_CREATED_TIME_IDX
   701  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // created_time
   702  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], types.Timestamp(time.Now().Unix()), false, m); err != nil {
   703  			return nil, err
   704  		}
   705  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_CREATOR_IDX
   706  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // creator
   707  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], userId, false, m); err != nil {
   708  			return nil, err
   709  		}
   710  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_OWNER_IDX
   711  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // owner
   712  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], roleId, false, m); err != nil {
   713  			return nil, err
   714  		}
   715  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_ACCOUNT_ID_IDX
   716  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // account_id
   717  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], accountId, false, m); err != nil {
   718  			return nil, err
   719  		}
   720  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_PARTITIONED_IDX
   721  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // partition
   722  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], int8(0), false, m); err != nil {
   723  			return nil, err
   724  		}
   725  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_PARTITION_INFO_IDX
   726  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // partition_info
   727  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(""), false, m); err != nil {
   728  			return nil, err
   729  		}
   730  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_VIEWDEF_IDX
   731  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // viewdef
   732  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(""), false, m); err != nil {
   733  			return nil, err
   734  		}
   735  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_CONSTRAINT_IDX
   736  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // constraint
   737  		if err := vector.AppendBytes(bat.Vecs[idx], []byte(constraint), false, m); err != nil {
   738  			return nil, err
   739  		}
   740  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_VERSION_IDX
   741  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // version
   742  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], uint32(0), false, m); err != nil {
   743  			return nil, err
   744  		}
   745  		idx = catalog.MO_TABLES_CATALOG_VERSION_IDX
   746  		bat.Vecs[idx] = vector.NewVec(catalog.MoTablesTypes[idx]) // catalog version
   747  		if err := vector.AppendFixed(bat.Vecs[idx], uint32(0), false, m); err != nil {
   748  			return nil, err
   749  		}
   751  	}
   752  	return bat, nil
   753  }
   755  func toPBEntry(e Entry) (*api.Entry, error) {
   756  	bat, err := toPBBatch(e.bat)
   757  	if err != nil {
   758  		return nil, err
   759  	}
   760  	typ := api.Entry_Insert
   761  	if e.typ == DELETE {
   762  		typ = api.Entry_Delete
   763  	}
   764  	return &api.Entry{
   765  		Bat:          bat,
   766  		EntryType:    typ,
   767  		TableId:      e.tableId,
   768  		DatabaseId:   e.databaseId,
   769  		TableName:    e.tableName,
   770  		DatabaseName: e.databaseName,
   771  		FileName:     e.fileName,
   772  	}, nil
   773  }
   775  func toPBBatch(bat *batch.Batch) (*api.Batch, error) {
   776  	rbat := new(api.Batch)
   777  	rbat.Attrs = bat.Attrs
   778  	for _, vec := range bat.Vecs {
   779  		pbVector, err := vector.VectorToProtoVector(vec)
   780  		if err != nil {
   781  			return nil, err
   782  		}
   783  		rbat.Vecs = append(rbat.Vecs, pbVector)
   784  	}
   785  	return rbat, nil
   786  }