
     1  /*
     2   * Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17  syntax = "proto3";
    18  package api;
    20  import "";
    21  import "timestamp.proto";
    22  import "plan.proto";
    24  option go_package            = "";
    25  option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = false;
    26  option (gogoproto.protosizer_all) = true;
    28  enum OpCode {
    29      Nop          = 0;
    30      OpGetLogTail = 1000;
    31      OpPreCommit  = 1001;
    33      OpPing             = 2000;
    34      OpFlush            = 2001;
    35      OpCheckpoint       = 2003;
    36      OpInspect          = 2004;
    37      OpAddFaultPoint    = 2005;
    38      OpBackup           = 2006;
    39      OpTraceSpan        = 2007;
    40      OpStorageUsage     = 2008;
    41      OpGlobalCheckpoint = 2009;
    42      OpInterceptCommit  = 2010;
    43      OpCommitMerge      = 2011;
    44  }
    46  // TNPingRequest ping request
    47  message TNPingRequest {
    48      option (gogoproto.sizer) = true;
    49      option (gogoproto.protosizer) = false;
    50      string parameter = 1;
    51  }
    53  // TNPingResponse ping response
    54  message TNPingResponse {
    55      option (gogoproto.sizer) = true;
    56      option (gogoproto.protosizer) = false;
    57      string storeID        = 1;
    58      string serviceAddress = 2;
    59      uint64 shardID        = 3;
    60      uint64 replicaID      = 4;
    61      uint64 logShardID     = 5;
    62  }
    64  // TNStringResponse string type response
    65  message TNStringResponse {
    66      option (gogoproto.sizer) = true;
    67      option (gogoproto.protosizer) = false;
    68      string returnStr = 1;
    69  }
    71  message Vector {
    72      bytes data     = 1;
    73      plan.Type type = 2;
    74      bool nullable  = 3;
    75      bytes nsp      = 4;
    76      bool is_const  = 5;
    77      uint32 len     = 6;
    78      bytes area     = 7;
    79  };
    81  message Batch {
    82      repeated string attrs = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    83      repeated Vector vecs  = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    84  };
    86  message TableID {
    87      uint64 db_id        = 1;
    88      uint64 tb_id        = 2;
    89      uint64 partition_id = 3;
    90  }
    92  // CN pull the log tail of table from TN.
    93  message SyncLogTailReq {
    94      timestamp.Timestamp cn_have = 1;
    95      timestamp.Timestamp cn_want = 2;
    96      TableID table               = 3;
    97  };
    99  message SyncLogTailResp {
   100      // ckp_location is a checkpoint location list.
   101      // How to get checkpoint data on S3 by the ckp_location ,
   102      // pls ref to disttae/logtail.go/consumeLogTail function.
   103      string ckp_location = 1;
   104      // commands is log tail for a system or user table,
   105      // pls ref to tae/logtail/handle.go/HandleSyncLogTailReq function.
   106      repeated Entry commands = 2;
   107  };
   109  // How to parse and handle PrecommiWriteCmd , pls ref to
   110  // tae/rpc/handle.go/HandlePreCommit function
   111  message PrecommitWriteCmd {
   112      repeated Entry entry_list = 1;
   113  };
   115  // CN--->TN, DDL
   116  // create database test:
   117  //      Entry {
   118  //          entry_type = Insert
   119  //          table_id = 0
   120  //          database_id = 0
   121  //          table_name = mo_database
   122  //          database_name = mo_catalog
   123  //          file_name = ""
   124  //          bat = "test, 0, ..."
   125  //      }
   126  // drop database test:
   127  //      Entry {
   128  //          entry_type = Delete
   129  //          table_id = 0
   130  //          database_id = 0
   131  //          table_name = mo_database
   132  //          database_name = mo_catalog
   133  //          file_name = ""
   134  //          bat= "test, 0, ..."
   135  //      }
   137  // create a user table:
   138  //  insert entry into mo_tables and ...;
   139  //      Entry {
   140  //          entry_type = Insert
   141  //          table_id = 1
   142  //          database_id =  0
   143  //          table_name =  mo_tables
   144  //          database_name = mo_catalog
   145  //          file_name = ""
   146  //          bat.attrs = {"relid", "relname", "reldatabase", ...}
   147  //      }
   149  // drop table:
   150  //  delete entry from mo_tables and ...;
   151  //      Entry {
   152  //          entry_type = delete
   153  //          table_id = 1
   154  //          database_id = 0
   155  //          table_name =  mo_tables
   156  //          database_name = mo_catalog
   157  //          file_name = ""
   158  //          bat.attrs = {"relid", "relname",...}
   159  //      }
   161  //  bulk load:
   162  // bulk loads a block into S3.
   163  //      Entry {
   164  //          entry_type = Insert
   165  //          table_id = tid
   166  //          database_id = dbId
   167  //          table_name =  xxx
   168  //          database_name = xxx
   169  //          // one S3 object file can hold many blocks.
   170  //          file_name = "s3 file name"
   171  //
   172  //          //  bat holds meta locations for many blocks.
   173  //          //  "meta_loc" : the location of block data which contains BF and ZM
   174  //          index and be sorted by primary key. bat.attrs = {"meta_loc"}
   175  //      }
   177  // deletes/updates involves many rows need to write S3.
   178  //      Entry {
   179  //          entry_type = Delete
   180  //          table_id = tid
   181  //          database_id = dbId
   182  //          table_name =  xxx
   183  //          database_name = xxx
   184  //
   185  //          // one S3 object file can contains many blocks
   186  //          file_name = "s3 file name"
   188  //          // "delta_loc" : the location of deleted row-ids for a block
   189  //          bat.attrs = {"delta_loc"}
   190  //      }
   192  //  DML:
   193  // append a batch of data into table;
   194  //            Entry {
   195  //          entry_type = Insert
   196  //          table_id =  tid
   197  //          database_id = dbId
   198  //          table_name =  xxx
   199  //          database_name = xxx
   200  //          file_name = ""
   201  //          bat.attrs = {"primary column value",  "column1 value", ...}
   202  //      }
   204  //  delete batch of data from table;
   205  //            Entry {
   206  //          entry_type = Delete
   207  //          table_id =  tid
   208  //          database_id = dbId
   209  //          table_name =  xxx
   210  //          database_name = xxx
   211  //          file_name = ""
   212  //          bat.attrs = {"rowid"}
   213  //      }
   215  message Entry {
   216      enum EntryType {
   217          Insert = 0;
   218          Delete = 1;
   219          Update = 2;
   220          Alter = 3;
   221          SpecialDelete = 4;
   222      }
   223      EntryType entry_type = 1;
   224      uint64 table_id      = 2;
   225      uint64 database_id   = 3;
   226      string table_name    = 4;
   227      string database_name = 5;
   228      string file_name     = 6;
   229      Batch bat            = 7;
   230      // whether TN do the PK uniqueness check against txn's workspace or not.
   231      int32 pk_check_by_tn = 8;
   232  };
   234  // There are two kinds of checkpoint: delta checkpoint and base checkpoint,
   235  // base checkpoint is a snapshot at a timestamp for catalog and block meta.
   236  // delta checkpoint is a mini checkpoint represents changes during a period.
   238  // CatalogCkp contains information about database and tables in the system,and
   239  // MetadataCkp contains information about blocks.
   240  message Checkpoint {
   241      // min_ts TN is the lower bounds of the checkpoint
   242      //  CN maybe don't care about it.
   243      timestamp.Timestamp min_ts = 1;
   244      // max_ts is the upper bounds of the checkpoint.
   245      //  CN maybe don't care about it.
   246      timestamp.Timestamp max_ts = 2;
   247      Batch bat                  = 3;
   248  };
   249  // catalog checkpoint:
   250  // one Batch represents a table, such as : mo_databases, mo_tables,
   251  // mo_columns,... etc. knowing more about system tables, pls ref to
   252  // pkg/vm/engine/tae/catalog/model.go
   253  message CatalogCkp {
   254      timestamp.Timestamp min_ts = 1;
   255      timestamp.Timestamp max_ts = 2;
   256      Batch bat                  = 3;
   257  };
   259  // metadata checkpoint:
   260  //  Batch is a batch of block metadata for a table,
   261  //  one row of Batch represents a block meta data.
   262  //  TODO::
   263  //  knowing more about block meta data , pls ref to ...
   264  message MetadataCkp {
   265      timestamp.Timestamp min_ts = 1;
   266      timestamp.Timestamp max_ts = 2;
   267      // block meta data for a table;
   268      Batch bat = 3;
   269  };
   271  // For AlterTable
   273  enum AlterKind {
   274      Invalid          = 0;
   275      AddColumn        = 1;
   276      DropColumn       = 2;
   277      RenameTable      = 3;
   278      UpdateComment    = 4;
   279      UpdateConstraint = 5;
   280      UpdatePolicy     = 6;
   281      AddPartition     = 7;
   282      RenameColumn     = 8;
   283  }
   285  message AlterTablePolicy {
   286      uint32 min_osize_quailifed = 1;
   287      uint32 max_obj_onerun = 2;
   288      uint32 max_osize_merged_obj = 3; 
   289      repeated MergeHint hints = 4;
   290      uint64 min_cn_merge_size = 5;
   291  }
   293  message AlterTableConstraint {
   294      bytes constraints = 1;
   295  }
   297  message AlterTableComment {
   298      string comment = 1;
   299  }
   301  message AlterTableRenameTable {
   302      string old_name = 1;
   303      string new_name = 2;
   304  }
   306  message AlterTableRenameCol {
   307      string old_name = 1;
   308      string new_name = 2;
   309      uint32 sequence_num = 3;  // used to double check
   310  }
   312  message AlterTableAddColumn {
   313      plan.ColDef column    = 1;
   314      int32 insert_position = 2;  // if the position can be found in the schema,
   315                                  // the column will be added to the last
   316  }
   318  message AlterTableAddPartition {
   319      plan.PartitionByDef  partition_def  = 1;
   320  }
   322  message AlterTableDropColumn {
   323      uint32 logical_idx  = 1;
   324      uint32 sequence_num = 2;  // used to double check
   325  }
   327  message AlterTableReq {
   328      uint64 table_id = 1;
   329      uint64 db_id    = 2;
   330      AlterKind kind  = 3;
   332      oneof operation {
   333          AlterTableAddColumn add_column       = 4;
   334          AlterTableDropColumn drop_column     = 5;
   335          AlterTableRenameTable rename_table   = 6;
   336          AlterTableComment update_comment     = 7;
   337          AlterTableConstraint update_cstr     = 8;
   338          AlterTablePolicy update_policy       = 9;
   339          AlterTableAddPartition add_partition = 10;
   340          AlterTableRenameCol rename_col       = 11;
   341      }
   342  }
   345  enum MergeHint {
   346      Auto             = 0;
   347      NoDeletes        = 1;
   348      BigTable         = 2;
   349      ContinuousWrite  = 3;
   350  }
   352  message SchemaExtra {
   353      uint32 next_col_seqnum = 1;
   354      // sending mo_columns deletes according to this.
   355      repeated string dropped_attrs = 2;
   356      bool column_changed = 3; 
   357      // sending mo_tables deletes by this.
   358      string old_name = 4;
   360      uint32 min_osize_quailifed = 5;
   361      uint32 max_obj_onerun = 6;
   362      uint32 max_osize_merged_obj = 7;
   363      repeated MergeHint hints = 8;
   364      uint64 min_cn_merge_size = 9;
   365  }
   367  // Int64Map mainly used in unit test
   368  message Int64Map {
   369      map<int64, int64> m = 1;
   370  }
   372  message TransDestPos {
   373      int32 objIdx = 1;
   374      int32 blkIdx = 2;
   375      int32 rowIdx = 3;
   376  }
   378  message BlkTransMap {
   379      map<int32, TransDestPos> m = 1[(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   380  }
   382  message BlkTransferBooking {
   383      repeated BlkTransMap mappings = 1[(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   384  }
   387  message MergeCommitEntry {
   388      uint64 db_id = 1;
   389      uint64 tbl_id = 2;
   390      string table_name = 3;
   391      timestamp.Timestamp start_ts = 4[(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   392      repeated bytes merged_objs = 5;
   393      repeated bytes created_objs = 6;
   394      BlkTransferBooking booking = 7;
   395      bytes booking_loc = 8;
   396      string err = 9;
   397  }
   399  message MergeTaskEntry {
   400      uint64 db_id = 1;
   401      uint64 tbl_id = 2;
   402      string table_name = 3;
   403      string db_name = 4;
   404      // ObjectStats
   405      repeated bytes to_merge_objs = 5;
   406      uint64 estimated_mem_usage = 6;
   407      uint32 account_id = 7;
   408      uint32 user_id = 8;
   409      uint32 role_id = 9;
   410  }