
     1  /* 
     2   * Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17  syntax = "proto3";
    18  package logservice;
    19  option go_package = "";
    21  import "";
    22  import "metadata.proto";
    24  option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix_all) = false;
    26  enum UpdateType {
    27    LeaseHolderIDUpdate = 0;
    28    TruncateLSNUpdate   = 1;
    29    UserEntryUpdate     = 2;
    30    TSOUpdate           = 3;
    31  }
    33  enum NodeState {
    34    NormalState  = 0;
    35    TimeoutState = 1;
    36  }
    38  message CNStore {
    39    string          UUID               = 1;
    40    string          ServiceAddress     = 2;
    41    string          SQLAddress         = 3;
    42    string          LockServiceAddress = 4;
    43    reserved 5;
    44    metadata.CNRole Role               = 6;
    45    uint64          Tick               = 7;
    46    NodeState       State              = 8;
    47    map<string, metadata.LabelList> Labels = 9 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    48    metadata.WorkState WorkState       = 10;
    49    string          QueryAddress       = 11;
    50    ConfigData ConfigData = 12;
    51    Resource Resource = 13 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    52    int64 UpTime = 14;
    53  }
    55  message TNStore {
    56    string    UUID           = 1;
    57    string    ServiceAddress = 2;
    58    uint64    Tick           = 3;
    59    NodeState State          = 4;
    61    repeated TNShardInfo Shards = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    63    // Server address for logtail push model
    64    string LogtailServerAddress = 6;
    65    // LockServiceAddress lock service address for lock table allocator
    66    string LockServiceAddress = 7;
    67    reserved 8;
    68    ConfigData ConfigData = 9;
    69    // QueryAddress is the address of the queryservice on tn
    70    string QueryAddress = 10;
    71  }
    73  message LogStore {
    74    string    UUID           = 1;
    75    string    ServiceAddress = 2;
    76    uint64    Tick           = 3;
    77    NodeState State          = 4;
    79    repeated LogReplicaInfo Replicas = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    80    ConfigData ConfigData = 6;
    81  }
    83  // LogShardInfo contains information a log shard.
    84  message LogShardInfo {
    85    // ShardID is the ID of a Log shard.
    86    uint64 ShardID               = 1;
    87    // Replicas is a map of ReplicaID to LogStore UUID, it describe the member
    88    // replicas of the shard at the given Epoch.
    89    map<uint64, string> Replicas = 2;
    90    // Epoch is the epoch value of the Shard, member replicas of the Shard can
    91    // change across epochs.
    92    uint64 Epoch                 = 3;
    93    // LeaderID is the ReplicaID of the leader replica at the given term. When
    94    // LeaderID is 0, it means there is no leader or the leader is unknown.
    95    uint64 LeaderID              = 4;
    96    // Term is the Raft term value.
    97    uint64 Term                  = 5;
    99    // TODO: per shard stats like CPU/memory/network usage can be added here
   100  };
   102  // LogReplicaInfo contains information of a log replica.
   103  message LogReplicaInfo {
   104    LogShardInfo LogShardInfo = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.embed) = true];
   105    // ReplicaID is the ID of a replica within the Log shard.
   106    uint64 ReplicaID = 2;
   107  }
   109  message Resource {
   110    uint64 CPUTotal = 1;
   111    double CPUAvailable = 2;
   112    uint64 MemTotal = 3;
   113    uint64 MemAvailable = 4;
   114  }
   116  // CNStoreHeartbeat is the periodic message sent tp the HAKeeper by CN stores.
   117  message CNStoreHeartbeat {
   118    string          UUID               = 1;
   119    string          ServiceAddress     = 2;
   120    string          SQLAddress         = 3;
   121    string          LockServiceAddress = 4;
   122    reserved 5;
   123    metadata.CNRole Role               = 6;
   124    bool            TaskServiceCreated = 7;
   125    string          QueryAddress       = 8;
   126    string          InitWorkState      = 9;
   127    string          GossipAddress      = 10;
   128    bool            GossipJoined       = 11;
   129    ConfigData      ConfigData         = 12;
   130    Resource        Resource           = 13 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   131  }
   133  // CNAllocateID is the periodic message sent tp the HAKeeper by CN stores.
   134  message CNAllocateID {
   135    string key = 1;
   136    uint64 Batch = 2;
   137  }
   139  // LogStoreHeartbeat is the periodic message sent to the HAKeeper by Log Stores.
   140  message LogStoreHeartbeat {
   141    // UUID is the uuid of the Log Store.
   142    string UUID = 1;
   144    string RaftAddress    = 2;
   145    string ServiceAddress = 3;
   146    string GossipAddress  = 4;
   148    // Replicas is a list of LogReplicaInfo instances collected on the specified
   149    // LogStore. Details in Shards are based on the local knowledge of each
   150    // replica running on the current LogStore, it may not be accurate or
   151    // update to date due to various reasons.
   152    repeated LogReplicaInfo Replicas = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   153    // TaskServiceCreated task service is created at the current log node
   154    bool            TaskServiceCreated    = 6;
   156    ConfigData ConfigData = 7;
   157  };
   159  // TNShardInfo contains information of a launched TN shard.
   160  message TNShardInfo {
   161    // ShardID uniquely identifies a TN shard. Each TN shard manages a Primary
   162    // Key range or hashed Primary Key value range.
   163    uint64 ShardID                 = 1;
   164    // ReplicaID uniquely identifies a TN shard instance. After repairing a
   165    // failed TN shard, a new TN shard instance is created with a new ReplicaID
   166    // value.
   167    uint64 ReplicaID               = 2;
   169    // TODO: per shard stats like CPU/memory/network usage can be added here
   170  };
   172  // TNStoreHeartbeat is the periodic message sent to the HAKeeper by TN stores.
   173  message TNStoreHeartbeat {
   174    // UUID is the uuid of the TN Store.
   175    string UUID                 = 1;
   176    string ServiceAddress       = 2;
   177    // Shards is a list of TNShardInfo instances collected on the specified
   178    // TN store.
   179    repeated TNShardInfo Shards = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   180    bool            TaskServiceCreated = 4;
   181    // Server address for logtail push model
   182    string LogtailServerAddress = 5;
   183    // LockServiceAddress lock service address for lock table allocator
   184    string LockServiceAddress = 6;
   185    reserved 7;
   186    ConfigData ConfigData = 8;
   187    // QueryAddress is the address of queryservice on tn
   188    string QueryAddress = 9;
   189  };
   191  message RSMState {
   192    uint64 Tso = 1;
   193    uint64 Index = 2;
   194    uint64 LeaseHolderID = 3;
   195    uint64 TruncatedLsn = 4;
   196    map<uint64, uint64> LeaseHistory = 5; // log lsn -> truncate lsn
   197  }
   199  enum MethodType {
   200    TSO_UPDATE     = 0;
   201    APPEND         = 1;
   202    READ           = 2;
   203    TRUNCATE       = 3;
   204    GET_TRUNCATE   = 4;
   205    CONNECT        = 5;
   206    CONNECT_RO     = 6;
   207    LOG_HEARTBEAT  = 7;
   208    CN_HEARTBEAT   = 8;
   209    TN_HEARTBEAT   = 9;
   210    CHECK_HAKEEPER = 10;
   211    GET_CLUSTER_DETAILS = 11;
   212    GET_SHARD_INFO = 12;
   213    CN_ALLOCATE_ID = 13;
   214    GET_CLUSTER_STATE = 14;
   215    UPDATE_CN_LABEL = 15;
   216    UPDATE_CN_WORK_STATE = 16;
   217    PATCH_CN_STORE = 17;
   218    DELETE_CN_STORE = 18;
   219    PROXY_HEARTBEAT = 19;
   220  };
   222  enum RecordType {
   223    UserRecord    = 0;
   224    Internal      = 1;
   225    LeaseUpdate   = 2;
   226    LeaseRejected = 3;
   227  }
   229  // LogRecord is what we store into the LogService.
   230  message LogRecord {
   231    uint64 Lsn    = 1;
   232    RecordType Type = 2;
   233    bytes Data      = 3;
   234  };
   236  message LogRequest {
   237    string Name         = 1;
   238    uint64 ShardID      = 2;
   239    uint64 Lsn          = 3;
   240    uint64 MaxSize      = 4;
   241    uint64 TNShardID    = 5;
   242    uint64 TNID         = 6;
   243  }
   245  message TsoRequest {
   246    uint64 Count        = 1;
   247  }
   249  enum CNLabelOp {
   250    SetLabel = 0;
   251    DeleteLabel = 1;
   252  }
   254  message CNStoreLabel {
   255    // UUID is the uuid of the CN store.
   256    string UUID = 1;
   257    // Operation is the CN label operation.
   258    // TODO(volgariver6): Unused field.
   259    CNLabelOp Operation = 2;
   260    // Labels is the labels of the CN store.
   261    map<string, metadata.LabelList> Labels = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   262  }
   264  message CNWorkState {
   265    // UUID is the uuid of the CN store.
   266    string UUID     = 1;
   267    // State is the CN work state.
   268    metadata.WorkState State = 2;
   269  }
   271  message CNStateLabel {
   272    // UUID is the uuid of the CN store.
   273    string UUID     = 1;
   274    // State is the CN work state.
   275    metadata.WorkState State = 2;
   276    // Labels is the labels of the CN store.
   277    map<string, metadata.LabelList> Labels = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   278  }
   280  message Request {
   281    uint64 RequestID               = 1;
   282    MethodType Method              = 2;
   283    LogRequest LogRequest          = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   284    LogStoreHeartbeat LogHeartbeat = 4;
   285    CNStoreHeartbeat CNHeartbeat   = 5;
   286    TNStoreHeartbeat TNHeartbeat   = 6;
   287    TsoRequest TsoRequest          = 7;
   288    CNAllocateID CNAllocateID      = 8;
   289    CNStoreLabel CNStoreLabel      = 9;
   290    CNWorkState CNWorkState        = 10;
   291    CNStateLabel CNStateLabel      = 11;
   292    DeleteCNStore DeleteCNStore    = 12;
   293    ProxyHeartbeat ProxyHeartbeat  = 13;
   294  };
   296  message LogResponse {
   297    uint64 ShardID      = 1;
   298    uint64 Lsn          = 2;
   299    uint64 LastLsn      = 3;
   300  }
   302  message AllocateIDResponse {
   303    uint64 FirstID = 1;
   304  }
   306  message Response {
   307    uint64 RequestID               = 1;
   308    MethodType Method              = 2;
   309    uint32 ErrorCode               = 3;
   310    string ErrorMessage            = 4;
   311    bool IsHAKeeper                = 5;
   312    LogResponse LogResponse        = 6 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   313    CommandBatch CommandBatch      = 7;
   314    TsoResponse TsoResponse        = 8;
   315    ClusterDetails ClusterDetails  = 9;
   316    ShardInfoQueryResult ShardInfo = 10;
   317    AllocateIDResponse AllocateID  = 11;
   318    CheckerState CheckerState      = 12;
   319  };
   321  message LogRecordResponse {
   322    repeated LogRecord Records = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   323  };
   325  message TsoResponse {
   326    uint64 Value = 1;
   327  }
   329  //
   330  // HAKeeper related pb
   331  //
   333  enum HAKeeperUpdateType {
   334    TickUpdate              = 0;
   335    CNHeartbeatUpdate       = 1;
   336    TNHeartbeatUpdate       = 2;
   337    LogHeartbeatUpdate      = 3;
   338    GetIDUpdate             = 4;
   339    ScheduleCommandUpdate   = 5;
   340    SetStateUpdate          = 6;
   341    InitialClusterUpdate    = 7;
   342    SetTaskSchedulerStateUpdate  = 8;
   343    SetTaskTableUserUpdate       = 9;
   344    UpdateCNLabel = 10;
   345    UpdateCNWorkState = 11;
   346    PatchCNStore = 12;
   347    RemoveCNStore = 13;
   348    ProxyHeartbeatUpdate = 14;
   349  }
   351  // HAKeeperState state transition diagram
   352  //               HAKeeperCreated
   353  //                     │
   354  //                     │ cluster init info set
   355  //                     ▼
   356  //           HAKeeperBootstrapping
   357  //                     │
   358  //                     │ init schedule commands received
   359  //                     ▼
   360  //     HAKeeperBootstrapCommandsReceived
   361  //                     │
   362  //                     │
   363  //         ┌───────────┴───────────┐
   364  //         │ time out              │ bootstrap successfully
   365  //         ▼                       ▼
   366  // HAKeeperBootstrapFailed     HAKeeperRunning
   367  //
   368  enum HAKeeperState {
   369    HAKeeperCreated                    = 0;
   370    HAKeeperBootstrapping              = 1;
   371    HAKeeperBootstrapCommandsReceived  = 2;
   372    HAKeeperBootstrapFailed            = 3;
   373    HAKeeperRunning                    = 4;
   374  }
   376  // TaskSchedulerState state transition diagram
   377  //         TaskSchedulerCreated
   378  //                  │
   379  //                  │  setTaskTableUser()
   380  //                  ▼
   381  //         TaskSchedulerStarted
   382  //                 │ ▲
   383  //                 │ │
   384  //                 ▼ │
   385  //          TaskSchedulerStopped
   386  enum TaskSchedulerState {
   387    TaskSchedulerCreated  = 0;
   388    TaskSchedulerRunning  = 1;
   389    TaskSchedulerStopped  = 2;
   390  }
   392  message TaskTableUser {
   393    // Username for task table user
   394    string Username = 1;
   395    // Password for task table user
   396    string Password = 2;
   397  }
   399  // Replica of the shard
   400  message Replica {
   401    // UUID which store the Replica is located in
   402    string UUID = 1;
   404    uint64 ShardID   = 2;
   405    uint64 ReplicaID = 3;
   406    uint64 Epoch     = 4;
   408    // LogShardID only used for TNShard.
   409    uint64 LogShardID = 5;
   410  }
   412  // ConfigChangeType indicates config change command type.
   413  enum ConfigChangeType {
   414    AddReplica    = 0;
   415    RemoveReplica = 1;
   416    StartReplica  = 2;
   417    StopReplica   = 3;
   418    KillZombie    = 4;
   419  }
   421  // ConfigChange is the detail of a config change.
   422  message ConfigChange {
   423    Replica Replica             = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   424    ConfigChangeType ChangeType = 2;
   426    // only used for bootstrap
   427    map<uint64, string> InitialMembers = 3;
   428  }
   430  // ShutdownStore would stop store.
   431  message ShutdownStore {
   432    string StoreID = 1;
   433  }
   435  // ServiceType specifies type of service
   436  enum ServiceType {
   437    LogService = 0;
   438    TNService  = 1;
   439    CNService  = 2;
   440    ProxyService = 3;
   441  }
   443  // ScheduleCommand contains a shard schedule command.
   444  message ScheduleCommand {
   445    // UUID which store the ScheduleCommand is sent to
   446    string            UUID            = 1;
   447    bool              Bootstrapping   = 2;
   448    ServiceType       ServiceType     = 3;
   449    ConfigChange      ConfigChange    = 4;
   450    ShutdownStore     ShutdownStore   = 5;
   451    CreateTaskService CreateTaskService = 6;
   452    DeleteCNStore     DeleteCNStore     = 7;
   453    JoinGossipCluster JoinGossipCluster = 8;
   454    DeleteProxyStore  DeleteProxyStore  = 9;
   455  }
   457  message JoinGossipCluster {
   458    repeated string Existing = 1;
   459  }
   461  // CreateTaskService start task service at current node
   462  message CreateTaskService {
   463    // User used to connect to the task database.
   464    TaskTableUser User         = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   465    // TaskDatabase task framework database.
   466    string        TaskDatabase = 2;
   467  }
   469  // DeleteCNStore deletes CN store from CNState to save hakeeper's memory.
   470  message DeleteCNStore {
   471    string StoreID = 1;
   472  }
   474  // DeleteProxyStore deletes Proxy store from ProxyState to save hakeeper's memory.
   475  message DeleteProxyStore {
   476    string StoreID = 1;
   477  }
   479  message CommandBatch {
   480    uint64 Term                       = 1;
   481    repeated ScheduleCommand Commands = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   482  }
   484  // CNStoreInfo contains information on a CN store.
   485  message CNStoreInfo {
   486    uint64          Tick               = 1;
   487    string          ServiceAddress     = 2;
   488    string          SQLAddress         = 3;
   489    string          LockServiceAddress = 4;
   490    reserved 5;
   491    metadata.CNRole Role               = 6;
   492    bool            TaskServiceCreated = 7;
   493    map<string, metadata.LabelList> Labels = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   494    metadata.WorkState WorkState       = 9;
   495    string          QueryAddress       = 10;
   496    string          GossipAddress      = 11;
   497    bool            GossipJoined       = 12;
   498    ConfigData      ConfigData         = 13;
   499    Resource        Resource           = 14 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   500    int64           UpTime             = 15;
   501  }
   503  // CNState contains all CN details known to the HAKeeper.
   504  message CNState {
   505    // Stores is keyed by CN store UUID. 
   506    map<string, CNStoreInfo> Stores = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   507  }
   510  // TNStoreInfo contains information on a TN store.
   511  message TNStoreInfo {
   512    uint64 Tick                 = 1;
   513    string ServiceAddress       = 2;
   514    repeated TNShardInfo Shards = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   516    bool TaskServiceCreated = 4;
   518    // Server address for logtail push model
   519    string LogtailServerAddress = 5;
   520    // LockServiceAddress lock service address for lock table allocator
   521    string LockServiceAddress = 6;
   522    reserved 7;
   523    ConfigData ConfigData = 8;
   524    // QueryAddress is the address of queryservice on tn
   525    string          QueryAddress       = 9;
   526  }
   528  // TNState contains all TN details known to the HAKeeper.
   529  message TNState {
   530    // Stores is keyed by TN store UUID.
   531    map<string, TNStoreInfo> Stores = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   532  }
   534  message ProxyStore {
   535    string UUID = 1;
   536    uint64 Tick = 2;
   537    string ListenAddress = 3;
   538    ConfigData ConfigData = 4;
   539  }
   541  message ProxyState {
   542    map<string, ProxyStore> Stores = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   543  }
   545  message ProxyHeartbeat {
   546    string UUID = 1;
   547    string ListenAddress = 2;
   548    ConfigData ConfigData = 3;
   549  };
   551  message ClusterDetails {
   552    repeated TNStore  TNStores    = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   553    repeated CNStore  CNStores    = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   554    repeated LogStore LogStores   = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   555    repeated ProxyStore ProxyStores = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   556    repeated DeletedStore DeletedStores = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   557  }
   559  // ClusterInfo provides a global view of all shards in the cluster. It
   560  // describes the logical sharding of the system, rather than physical
   561  // distribution of all replicas that belong to those shards.
   562  message ClusterInfo {
   563    repeated metadata.TNShardRecord TNShards = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   564    repeated metadata.LogShardRecord LogShards = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   565  }
   567  message InitialClusterRequest {
   568    uint64 NumOfLogShards   = 1;
   569    uint64 NumOfTNShards    = 2;
   570    uint64 NumOfLogReplicas = 3;
   571    uint64 NextID           = 4;
   572    map<string, uint64> NextIDByKey = 5;
   573  }
   575  // LogStoreInfo contains information of all replicas found on a Log store.
   576  message LogStoreInfo {
   577    uint64 Tick                                 = 1;
   578    string RaftAddress                          = 2;
   579    string ServiceAddress                       = 3;
   580    string GossipAddress                        = 4;
   581    repeated LogReplicaInfo Replicas = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   583    bool TaskServiceCreated = 6;
   584    ConfigData ConfigData = 7;
   585  }
   587  message LogState {
   588    // Shards is keyed by ShardID, it contains details aggregated from all Log
   589    // stores. Each pb.LogShardInfo here contains data aggregated from
   590    // different replicas and thus reflect a more accurate description on each
   591    // shard.
   592    map<uint64, LogShardInfo> Shards = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   593    // Stores is keyed by log store UUID, it contains details found on each
   594    // store. Each LogStoreInfo here reflects what was last reported by each Log
   595    // store.
   596    map<string, LogStoreInfo> Stores = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   597  }
   599  // CheckerState contains all HAKeeper state required for making schedule
   600  // commands.
   601  message CheckerState {
   602    uint64 Tick             = 1;
   603    ClusterInfo ClusterInfo = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   604    TNState TNState         = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   605    LogState LogState       = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   606    CNState CNState         = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   607    HAKeeperState State     = 6;
   608    TaskSchedulerState TaskSchedulerState = 7;
   609    TaskTableUser TaskTableUser           = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   610    uint64 NextId                         = 9;
   611    map<string, uint64> NextIDByKey       = 10;
   612    ProxyState ProxyState = 11 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   613    Resource Resource = 12 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   614  }
   616  message DeletedStore {
   617    string UUID = 1;
   618    // StoreType indicates the type of the store: CN, TN or proxy.
   619    string StoreType = 2;
   620    string Address = 3;
   621    int64 UpTime = 4;
   622    int64 DownTime = 5;
   623  }
   625  // HAKeeperRSMState contains state maintained by HAKeeper's RSM.
   626  message HAKeeperRSMState {
   627    uint64 Index                               = 1;
   628    uint64 Tick                                = 2;
   629    // NextID is a shared, global ID.
   630    uint64 NextID                              = 3;
   631    // NextIDByKey is IDs isolated by keys.
   632    map<string, uint64> NextIDByKey            = 4;
   633    uint64 Term                                = 5;
   634    HAKeeperState State                        = 6;
   635    TaskSchedulerState TaskSchedulerState      = 7;
   636    map<string, CommandBatch> ScheduleCommands = 8 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   637    map<string, uint64> LogShards = 9;
   638    CNState CNState               = 10  [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   639    TNState TNState               = 11 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   640    LogState LogState             = 12 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   641    ClusterInfo ClusterInfo       = 13 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   642    TaskTableUser TaskTableUser   = 14 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   643    ProxyState ProxyState         = 15 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   644    repeated DeletedStore DeletedStores = 16 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   645  }
   647  // ReplicaInfo contains details of a replica
   648  message ReplicaInfo {
   649    string UUID           = 1;
   650    string ServiceAddress = 2;
   651  }
   653  // ShardInfoQueryResult contains the result of the shard info query. 
   654  message ShardInfoQueryResult {
   655    uint64 ShardID                    = 1;
   656    map<uint64, ReplicaInfo> Replicas = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   657    uint64 Epoch                      = 3;
   658    uint64 LeaderID                   = 4;
   659    uint64 Term                       = 5;
   660  }
   662  // BackupData is the information that needs to backup, including NextID and
   663  // NextIDByKey in HAKeeperRSMState.
   664  message BackupData {
   665    // NextID is a shared, global ID.
   666    uint64 NextID                   = 1;
   667    // NextIDByKey is IDs isolated by keys.
   668    map<string, uint64> NextIDByKey = 2;
   669  }
   671  message ConfigItem{
   672    // Name is the name of config item
   673    string Name = 1;
   674    // CurrentValue is the current value of config item
   675    string CurrentValue = 2;
   676    // DefaultValue is the default value of config item
   677    string DefaultValue = 3;
   678    // Internal denotes the config item is internal or not
   679    string Internal = 4;
   680  }
   682  // ConfigData is the content of config on cn,tn,log and proxy
   683  message ConfigData{
   684    // Content is the key value of the config
   685    map<string, ConfigItem> Content = 1;
   686  }