
     1  /*
     2   * Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17  syntax = "proto3";
    18  package plan;
    20  import "";
    21  import "lock.proto";
    22  import "timestamp.proto";
    24  option go_package = "";
    25  option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = false;
    26  option (gogoproto.protosizer_all) = true;
    28  message Type {
    29  	int32 id         = 1;
    30  	bool notNullable = 2;
    31  	bool auto_incr   = 3;
    32  	int32 width      = 4;
    33  	int32 scale      = 5;
    34  	string table     = 6;
    35  	string enumvalues = 7;
    36  };
    38  message	msgHeader {
    39  	int32 msg_tag = 1;
    40  	int32 msg_type =2;
    41  };
    43  // Literal: if a literal value can be reprensented by int64 or
    44  // double, use that, otherwise store a string representation.
    45  message Literal {
    46  	bool isnull			= 1;
    47  	oneof value {
    48  		int32 i8val		= 2;  // pb have no int8
    49  		int32 i16val	= 3;  // pb have no int16
    50  		int32 i32val	= 4;
    51  		int64 i64val	= 5;
    52  		uint32 u8val 	= 6;  // pb have no uint8
    53  		uint32 u16val 	= 7;  // pb have no uint16
    54  		uint32 u32val 	= 8;
    55  		uint64 u64val 	= 9;
    56  		double dval 	= 10;
    57  		string sval		= 11;
    58  		bool bval 		= 12;
    59  		float fval		= 13;
    60  		int32 dateval 	= 14;
    61  		int64 timeval 	= 15;
    62  		int64 datetimeval			= 16;
    63  		decimal64 decimal64val 		= 17;
    64  		decimal128 decimal128val 	= 18;
    65  		int64 timestampval 			= 19;
    66  		string jsonval 				= 20;
    67  		bool defaultval 			= 21;
    68  		bool updateVal 				= 22;
    69  		uint32 enumVal = 23; // pb have no uint32
    70  	}
    71  	bool isBin = 24;
    72  	Expr src = 25; // if generated by replacing an existing expr
    73  }
    75  // Bounded param for prepared statement.  User fill on execution.
    76  message ParamRef {
    77  	int32 pos	= 1;
    78  }
    80  // Session variable ref, compiler should fold.
    81  message VarRef {
    82  	string name = 1;
    83  	bool system = 2;
    84  	bool global = 3;
    85  }
    87  // Reference a column in the proj list of a node.
    88  message ColRef {
    89  	int32	rel_pos	= 1;
    90  	int32	col_pos	= 2;
    91  	string	name	= 3;
    92  	string	tbl_name = 4;
    93  	string	db_name	= 5;
    94  }
    96  // Reference a column by its internal table id and column id
    97  message RawColRef {
    98  	uint64 tbl_id = 1;
    99  	uint64 col_id = 2;
   100  }
   102  // Reference a correlated column in the proj list of a node.
   103  message CorrColRef {
   104  	int32 rel_pos	= 1;
   105  	int32 col_pos	= 2;
   106  	int32 depth		= 3;
   107  }
   109  // ExprList is a type of Expr
   110  message ExprList {
   111  	repeated Expr list = 1;
   112  }
   114  message MaxValue {
   115  	string value = 1;
   116  }
   118  // TargetType used in cast function as target type
   119  message TargetType {
   120  }
   122  // Reference a subquery
   123  message SubqueryRef {
   124  	enum Type {
   125  		SCALAR		= 0;
   126  		EXISTS		= 1;
   127  		NOT_EXISTS	= 2;
   128  		IN			= 3;
   129  		NOT_IN		= 4;
   130  		ANY			= 5;
   131  		ALL			= 6;
   132  	}
   134  	Type typ		= 1;
   135  	int32 node_id	= 2;
   136  	string op		= 3;
   137  	Expr child		= 4;
   138  	int32 row_size	= 5;
   139  }
   141  // Object ref, reference a object in database, 4 part name.
   142  message ObjectRef {
   143  	int64 server	= 1;
   144  	int64 db		= 2;
   145  	int64 schema	= 3;
   146  	int64 obj		= 4;
   147  	string server_name	= 5;
   148  	string db_name		= 6;
   149  	string schema_name	= 7;
   150  	string obj_name		= 8;
   151  	string subscription_name = 9;
   152  	PubInfo pub_info = 10;
   153  }
   155  message PubInfo {
   156  	int32 tenant_id = 1;
   157  }
   159  message SubscriptionMeta{
   160  	string name = 1; // pubName
   161  	int32 account_id = 2; // pubAccountID
   162  	string db_name = 3; // pubDbName
   163  	string account_name = 4;// pubAccountName
   164  	string sub_name = 5; // subName(subscription side db name)
   165  }
   167  message Function {
   168  	// Function flags
   169  	enum FuncFlag {
   170  		NONE     = 0;
   171  		// Internal function is generated by system, cannot
   172  		// by called by user.
   173  		INTERNAL = 1;
   175  		// Function, by default is immutable.
   176  		STABLE   = 2;
   177  		VOLATILE = 4;
   179  		// Nulls
   180  		STRICT				= 8;
   181  		PRODUCE_NULL		= 16;
   182  		PRODUCE_NO_NULL		= 32;
   184  		// Vararg, all trailing args must be of the same type.
   185  		VARARG     = 64;
   187  		// Window and Agg
   188  		AGG        = 128;
   189  		WIN_VALUE				= 256;
   190  		WIN_ORDER				= 512;
   192  		// Filter which can be applied on zonemaps
   193  		ZONEMAPPABLE = 1024;
   194  	}
   196  	ObjectRef func		= 1;
   197  	repeated Expr args	= 2;
   198  }
   200  message Expr {
   201  	Type typ = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   202  	oneof expr {
   203  		Literal		lit		= 2;
   204  		ParamRef	p		= 3;
   205  		VarRef		v		= 4;
   206  		ColRef		col 	= 5;
   207  		RawColRef	raw		= 6;
   208  		Function	f		= 7;
   209  		WindowSpec	w		= 8;
   210  		SubqueryRef	sub		= 9;
   211  		CorrColRef	corr	= 10;
   212  		TargetType	t		= 11;
   213  		ExprList	list	= 12;
   214  		MaxValue	max		= 13;
   215  		LiteralVec	vec	= 14;
   216  	}
   218  	int32 aux_id = 15;
   219  	double ndv = 16;
   220  	double selectivity = 17;
   221  }
   223  message LiteralVec {
   224  	int32 len	= 1;
   225  	bytes data	= 2;
   226  }
   228  enum CompressType {
   229  	None 	= 0;
   230  	Lz4 	= 1;
   231  }
   233  message decimal64 {
   234  	int64 a = 1;
   235  }
   237  message decimal128 {
   238  	int64 a = 1;
   239  	int64 b = 2;
   240  }
   242  message ResultColDef {
   243  	repeated ColDef ResultCols = 1;
   244  }
   246  message ColDef {
   247  	uint64 col_id		= 1;
   248  	string name 		= 2;
   249  	bool hidden			= 3;
   250  	CompressType alg 	= 4;
   251  	Type typ			= 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   252  	bool not_null		= 6;
   253  	Default default 	= 7;
   254  	string comment		= 8;
   255  	OnUpdate on_update  = 9;
   256  	bool low_card 		= 10;
   257  	uint32 seqnum		= 11;
   259  	// XXX: Deprecated and to be removed soon.
   260  	bool clusterBy		= 12;
   261  	bool primary        = 13;
   262  	int32 pkidx 		= 14;
   263  	bool headers = 15;
   264  	string header = 16;
   266  	string tbl_name = 17;
   267  	string db_name = 18;
   268  }
   270  message Default {
   271  	Expr expr = 1;
   272  	string origin_string = 2;
   274  	// XXX: Deprecated and to be removed soon.
   275  	bool null_ability = 3;
   276  }
   278  message OnUpdate {
   279  	Expr expr = 1;
   280  	string origin_string = 2;
   281  }
   283  message IndexOption {
   284  	bool create_extra_table = 1;
   285  }
   287  message PrimaryKeyDef {
   288  	// currently not used
   289  	repeated uint64 cols	= 1;
   290  	// currently not used
   291  	uint64 pkey_col_id		= 2;
   292  	// currently not used
   293  	IndexOption option		= 3;
   295  	// Composed primary key column name: __mo_cpkey
   296  	string pkey_col_name = 4;
   297  	// XXX: Deprecated and to be removed soon.
   298  	repeated string names = 5;
   299  	// Composite primary key column definition
   300  	ColDef comp_pkey_col = 6;
   301  }
   303  message IndexDef {
   304  	// Generate UUID for each index, currently not used
   305  	string idx_id			       = 1;
   306  	string index_name        = 2;
   307  	// The constituent columns of the index
   308  	repeated string parts    = 3;
   309  	bool unique				       = 4;
   310  	string index_table_name  = 5;
   311  	bool table_exist        = 6;
   312  	string comment          = 7;
   313  	bool visible          = 8;
   314  	// currently not used
   315  	IndexOption option		  = 9;
   316  	string index_algo = 10;
   317  	string index_algo_table_type = 11;
   318  	string index_algo_params=12;
   319  }
   322  message ForeignKeyDef {
   323  	enum RefAction {
   324  		RESTRICT	= 0;
   325  		CASCADE		= 1;
   326  		SET_NULL	= 2;
   327  		SET_DEFAULT	= 3;
   328  		NO_ACTION	= 4;
   329  	}
   331  	string name						= 1;
   332  	repeated uint64 cols			= 2;
   333  	// Foreign key parent table Id
   334  	uint64 foreign_tbl				= 3;
   335  	// Foreign key parent table dependent column colids
   336  	repeated uint64 foreign_cols	= 4;
   337  	RefAction on_delete				= 5;
   338  	RefAction on_update				= 6;
   339  }
   341  message CheckDef {
   342  	string name	= 1;
   343  	// Name for anonymous constraints, __mo_chk_[INDEX_ID]
   344  	Expr check	= 2;
   345  }
   347  message ClusterByDef {
   348  	// XXX: Deprecated and to be removed soon.
   349  	string name = 1;
   350  	// Composite cluster by column definition
   351  	ColDef comp_cbkey_col = 2;
   352  }
   354  message PropertyDef {
   355  	string key 		= 1;
   356  	string value 	= 2;
   357  }
   359  message Property {
   360  	string key 		= 1;
   361  	string value 	= 2;
   362  }
   364  message PropertiesDef {
   365  	repeated Property properties 	= 1;
   366  }
   369  enum PartitionType {
   370  	KEY = 0;
   371  	LINEAR_KEY = 1;
   372  	HASH = 2;
   373  	LINEAR_HASH = 3;
   374  	RANGE = 4;
   375  	RANGE_COLUMNS = 5;
   376  	LIST = 6;
   377  	LIST_COLUMNS = 7;
   378  }
   380  message PartitionByDef {
   381  	PartitionType type = 1;
   382  	PartitionExpr partition_expr = 2;
   383  	Expr partition_expression = 3;
   384  	PartitionColumns partition_columns = 4;
   385  	uint64 partitionNum = 5;
   386  	repeated PartitionItem partitions = 6;
   387  	int64 algorithm = 7;
   388  	bool is_sub_partition = 8;
   389  	string partition_msg = 9;
   390  	repeated string partition_table_names = 10;
   391  }
   393  message PartitionExpr {
   394  	Expr expr = 1;
   395  	string expr_str = 2;
   396  	// string expr_fmt_str = 3;
   397  }
   399  message PartitionColumns {
   400  	repeated Expr columns = 1;
   401  	repeated string partition_columns = 2;
   402  	// repeated string partition_fmt_columns = 3;
   403  }
   405  message PartitionItem {
   406  	string partition_name = 1;
   407  	uint32 ordinal_position = 2;
   408  	string description = 3;
   409  	string comment = 4;
   410  	repeated Expr less_than = 5;
   411  	repeated Expr in_values = 6;
   412  	string partition_table_name = 7;// the table name of a partition
   413  }
   416  message ViewDef {
   417  	string view  = 1;
   418  }
   420  message TableDef {
   421  	// XXX: Deprecated and to be removed soon.
   422  	message DefType {
   423  		oneof def {
   424  			PropertiesDef properties	= 1;
   425  		}
   426  	}
   428  	uint64 tbl_id			= 1;
   429  	string name				= 2;
   430  	bool hidden				= 3;
   431  	repeated ColDef cols	= 4;
   432  	string table_type 		= 5;
   433  	string createsql 		= 6;
   434  	TableFunction tbl_func	= 7;
   435  	uint32 version 			= 8;
   437  	PrimaryKeyDef pkey				= 11;
   438  	repeated IndexDef indexes = 12;
   439  	repeated ForeignKeyDef fkeys	= 13;
   440  	repeated uint64 ref_child_tbls	= 14;
   441  	repeated CheckDef checks		= 15;
   443  	PartitionByDef partition		= 21;
   444  	ClusterByDef cluster_by		= 22;
   445  	repeated PropertyDef props	= 23;
   446  	ViewDef view_sql			= 24;
   448  	// XXX: Deprecated and to be removed soon.
   449  	repeated DefType defs	= 25;
   450  	map<string, int32> name2col_index = 26;
   451  	bool isLocked = 27;
   452  	TableLockType tableLockType = 28;
   453  	bool is_temporary = 29;
   455  	uint64 auto_incr_offset = 30;
   456  	bool is_dynamic = 31;
   458  	string db_name = 32;
   459  }
   461  message TableFunction{
   462  	string name = 1;
   463  	bytes param = 2;
   464  }
   466  enum ShuffleType {
   467  	Hash = 0;
   468  	Range = 1;
   469  }
   471  enum ShuffleMethod {
   472  	Normal = 0;
   473  	Reuse = 1;
   474  	Reshuffle = 2;
   475  }
   477  enum ShuffleTypeForMultiCN {
   478  	Simple = 0;
   479  	Hybrid = 1;
   480  }
   482  message HashMapStats{
   483  	// hashmap size for nodes which build a hashmap
   484  	double hashmap_size		= 1;
   485  	bool hashOnPK = 2;
   487  	// for group by and join node with big hashmap, use shuffle
   488  	// shuffle on which column. choose a column with max ndv
   489  	bool shuffle = 3;
   490  	int32 shuffleColIdx = 4;
   491  	// shuffle type
   492  	ShuffleType shuffleType = 5;
   493  	ShuffleTypeForMultiCN shuffleTypeForMultiCN = 6;
   494  	// for range shuffle on integer column, need to know its min and max value
   495  	int64 shuffleColMin = 7;
   496  	int64 shuffleColMax = 8;
   497  	ShuffleMethod shuffleMethod = 9;
   498  	int64 nullcnt=10;
   499  	repeated double ranges	= 11;
   500  }
   502  message Stats {
   503  	//for scan, number of blocks to read from S3
   504  	int32  block_num        = 1;
   505  	//for scan, cost of reading from S3, basically the read lines
   506  	//for other nodes, it means the estimated cost of current node
   507  	double cost				= 2;
   508  	//number of output lines
   509  	double outcnt			= 3;
   510  	// average size of one row, currently not used
   511  	double rowsize	        = 4;
   512  	//for scan, this means total count of all table, before filtering
   513  	double table_cnt = 5;
   514  	//for scan, selectivity means outcnt divide total count
   515  	double selectivity = 6;
   516  	bool forceOneCN = 7;
   518  	HashMapStats hashmapStats = 8;
   519  }
   521  message RowsetExpr {
   522  	int32 row_pos = 1;
   523  	int32 pos = 2;
   524  	Expr expr = 3;
   525  }
   527  message ColData {
   528  	repeated RowsetExpr data = 1;
   529  }
   531  message RowsetData {
   532  	repeated ColData cols	= 1;
   533  	int32 row_count = 2;
   534  }
   536  message OrderBySpec {
   537  	enum OrderByFlag {
   538  		INTERNAL    = 0;
   539  		ASC  		= 1;
   540  		DESC 		= 2;
   541  		NULLS_FIRST = 4;
   542  		NULLS_LAST  = 8;
   543  		UNIQUE      = 16;
   544  	}
   546  	Expr expr = 1;
   547  	string collation = 2;
   548  	OrderByFlag flag = 3;
   549  }
   551  message WindowSpec {
   552  	Expr window_func = 1;
   553  	repeated Expr partition_by = 2;
   554  	repeated OrderBySpec order_by = 3;
   555  	FrameClause frame = 4;
   556  	string name = 5;
   557  }
   559  message SampleFuncSpec {
   560  	int32 Rows = 1;
   561  	double Percent = 2;
   562  	bool UsingRow = 3;
   563  }
   565  message FrameClause {
   566  	enum FrameType {
   567  		ROWS = 0;
   568  		RANGE = 1;
   569  	}
   570  	FrameType type = 1;
   571  	FrameBound start = 2;
   572  	FrameBound end = 3;
   573  }
   575  message FrameBound {
   576  	enum BoundType {
   577  		FOLLOWING = 0;
   578  		PRECEDING = 1;
   579  		CURRENT_ROW = 2;
   580  	}
   581  	BoundType type = 1;
   582  	bool unBounded = 2;
   583  	Expr val = 3;
   584  }
   586  message OnDuplicateKeyCtx {
   587  	repeated string attrs = 1;
   588  	int32 insert_col_count = 2;
   589  	repeated Expr unique_col_check_expr = 3;
   590  	repeated string unique_cols = 4;
   591  	repeated int32 on_duplicate_idx		= 5;
   592  	map<string, Expr> on_duplicate_expr	= 6;
   593  	bool is_ignore 						= 7;
   594  	string table_name         = 8;
   595  	uint64 table_id           = 9;
   596  	uint32 table_version			= 10;
   597  }
   599  message InsertCtx {
   600  	ObjectRef ref			= 1;
   601  	bool add_affected_rows 	= 2;
   602  	bool is_cluster_table	= 3;
   603  	TableDef table_def		= 4;
   604  	// Align array index with the partition number
   605  	repeated uint64 partition_table_ids = 5;
   606  	repeated string partition_table_names = 6;
   607  	int32 partition_idx = 7;
   608  }
   610  message ReplaceCtx {
   611  	ObjectRef ref			= 1;
   612  	bool add_affected_rows 	= 2;
   613  	bool is_cluster_table	= 3;
   614  	TableDef table_def		= 4;
   615  	string delete_cond    = 5;
   616  	// Align array index with the partition number
   617  	repeated uint64 partition_table_ids = 6;
   618  	repeated string partition_table_names = 7;
   619  	int32 partition_idx = 8;
   620  }
   622  message AnalyzeInfo {
   623  	int64 input_rows = 1;
   624  	int64 output_rows = 2;
   625  	int64 input_size = 3;
   626  	int64 output_size = 4;
   627  	int64 time_consumed = 5;
   628  	int64 memory_size = 6;
   629  	int64 wait_time_consumed = 7;
   630  	int64 diskIO = 8;
   631  	int64 s3IO_byte = 9;
   632  	int64 s3IO_input_count = 10;
   633  	int64 s3IO_output_count = 11;
   634  	int64 networkIO = 12;
   635  	int64 scanTime = 13;
   636  	int64 insertTime = 14;
   637  	repeated int64 time_consumed_array_major = 15;
   638  	repeated int64 time_consumed_array_minor = 16;
   639  }
   641  message PartitionPrune {
   642  	bool isPruned = 1;
   643  	repeated PartitionItem selected_partitions = 2;
   644  }
   646  message OriginTableMessageForFuzzy {
   647  	string ParentTableName = 1;
   648  	repeated ColDef ParentUniqueCols = 2;
   649  }
   651  message Node {
   652  	enum NodeType {
   653  		UNKNOWN = 0;
   654  		// Node Types
   656  		// Scans
   657  		VALUE_SCAN = 1;
   658  		TABLE_SCAN = 2;
   659  		FUNCTION_SCAN = 3;
   660  		EXTERNAL_SCAN = 4;
   661  		MATERIAL_SCAN = 5;
   662  		SOURCE_SCAN = 6;
   664  		// Proj, for convenience
   665  		PROJECT = 10;
   666  		// External function call (UDF)
   667  		EXTERNAL_FUNCTION = 11;
   669  		// Material, CTE, etc.
   670  		MATERIAL = 20;
   671  		RECURSIVE_CTE = 21;
   672  		SINK = 22;
   673  		SINK_SCAN = 23;
   674  		RECURSIVE_SCAN = 24;
   676  		// Proper Relational Operators
   677  		AGG = 30;
   678  		DISTINCT = 31;
   679  		FILTER = 32;
   680  		JOIN = 33;
   681  		SAMPLE = 34;
   682  		SORT = 35;
   683  		UNION = 36;
   684  		UNION_ALL = 37;
   685  		UNIQUE = 38;
   686  		WINDOW = 39;
   688  		// Physical tuple mover
   689  		BROADCAST = 40;
   690  		SPLIT = 41;
   691  		GATHER = 42;
   693  		// Misc
   694  		ASSERT = 50;
   696  		//
   697  		INSERT = 51;
   698  		DELETE = 52;
   699  		REPLACE = 53;
   700  		//
   701  		LOCK_OP = 54;
   703  		//
   704  		INTERSECT = 55;
   705  		INTERSECT_ALL = 56;
   706  		MINUS = 57;
   707  		MINUS_ALL = 58;
   709  		//
   710  		ON_DUPLICATE_KEY = 59;
   711  		PRE_INSERT = 60;
   712  		PRE_DELETE = 61;
   713  		// the node which build insert batch for hidden table(unique key)
   714  		PRE_INSERT_UK = 62;
   715  		PRE_INSERT_SK = 63;
   716  		//
   717  		TIME_WINDOW = 64;
   718  		FILL = 65;
   719  		PARTITION = 66;
   720  		FUZZY_FILTER = 67;
   721  	}
   723  	enum JoinType {
   724  		INNER	= 0;
   725  		LEFT	= 1;
   726  		RIGHT	= 2;
   727  		OUTER	= 3;
   728  		SEMI	= 4;
   729  		ANTI	= 5;
   730  		SINGLE	= 6;
   731  		MARK	= 7;
   732  		APPLY	= 8;
   733  		INDEX = 9;
   734  	}
   736  	enum AggMode {
   737  		FULL = 0;
   738  		BOTTOM = 1;
   739  		TOP = 2;
   740  	}
   742  	enum FillType {
   743  		NONE = 0;
   744  		PREV = 1;
   745  		NEXT = 2;
   746  		NULL = 3;
   747  		VALUE = 4;
   748  		LINEAR = 5;
   749  	}
   751  	NodeType node_type = 1;
   752  	int32 node_id = 2;
   753  	Stats stats = 3;
   754  	repeated int32 children = 4;
   756  	// PROJECT
   757  	repeated Expr project_list = 5;
   759  	// JOIN
   760  	JoinType join_type = 6;
   761  	repeated Expr on_list = 7;
   762  	bool build_on_left = 8;
   764  	// FILTER
   765  	repeated Expr filter_list = 9;
   767  	// AGG
   768  	repeated Expr group_by = 10;
   769  	repeated Expr grouping_set = 11;
   770  	repeated Expr agg_list = 12;
   772  	// WINDOW
   773  	repeated Expr win_spec_list = 13;
   775  	// SORT
   776  	repeated OrderBySpec order_by = 14;
   778  	// LIMIT
   779  	Expr limit = 15;
   780  	Expr offset = 16;
   782  	TableDef table_def = 17;
   783  	ObjectRef obj_ref = 18;
   784  	ObjectRef parent_obj_ref = 19;
   785  	RowsetData rowset_data = 20;
   787  	string extra_options = 22;
   788  	DeleteCtx delete_ctx = 23;
   790  	repeated int32 binding_tags = 24;
   792  	AnalyzeInfo analyze_info = 25;
   794  	repeated Expr tbl_func_expr_list = 26;
   796  	ClusterTable cluster_table = 28;
   797  	bool not_cacheable = 29;
   798  	InsertCtx insert_ctx = 30;
   799  	ReplaceCtx replace_ctx = 31;
   801  	// used to connect two plans[steps]
   802  	repeated int32 source_step = 32;
   804  	PreDeleteCtx pre_delete_ctx = 33;
   805  	PreInsertCtx pre_insert_ctx = 34;
   806  	// build unique key batch before insert into hidden table which keep the unique key
   807  	PreInsertUkCtx pre_insert_uk_ctx = 35;
   808  	OnDuplicateKeyCtx on_duplicate_key = 36;
   810  	bool IsEnd = 37;
   811  	repeated LockTarget lock_targets = 38;
   812  	repeated Expr block_filter_list = 39;
   814  	// Runtime filters
   815  	repeated RuntimeFilterSpec runtime_filter_probe_list = 40;
   816  	repeated RuntimeFilterSpec runtime_filter_build_list = 41;
   818  	bytes uuid = 42;
   819  	bool recursive_sink = 43;
   820  	ExternScan extern_scan = 44;
   821  	PartitionPrune partition_prune = 45;
   823  	PreInsertUkCtx pre_insert_sk_ctx = 46;
   824  	Expr interval = 47;
   825  	Expr sliding = 48;
   827  	FillType fill_type = 49;
   828  	repeated Expr fill_val = 50;
   830  	// sample function related.
   831  	SampleFuncSpec sample_func = 51;
   833  	int32 window_idx = 52;
   834  	repeated Expr onUpdateExprs = 53;
   835  	OriginTableMessageForFuzzy fuzzymessage = 54;
   837  	//for message
   838  	repeated msgHeader send_msg_list = 55;
   839  	repeated msgHeader recv_msg_list = 56;
   841  	Snapshot scan_snapshot = 57;
   842  }
   844  // Snapshot Represents a snapshot of the database
   845  message Snapshot {
   846  	// The timestamp of the snapshot
   847  	timestamp.Timestamp TS = 1;
   848  	// Tenant information for creating snapshots
   849  	SnapshotTenant tenant = 2;
   850  }
   852  // Tenant information for creating snapshots
   853  message SnapshotTenant {
   854  	string tenantName = 1;
   855  	uint32 tenantID = 2;
   856  }
   859  message ExternScan {
   860      int32 type = 1;
   861      string data = 2;
   862      string format = 3;
   863      uint64 ignored_lines = 4;
   864      bytes  enclosed_by = 5;
   865      string terminated = 6;
   866  	string json_type = 7;
   867      bytes  escaped_by = 8;
   868  }
   870  message LockTarget {
   871  	uint64 table_id           	= 1;
   872  	int32 primary_col_idx_in_bat  = 2;
   873  	Type primary_col_typ          = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   874  	int32 refresh_ts_idx_in_bat   = 4;
   875  	int32 filter_col_idx_in_bat   = 5;
   876  	bool lock_table 				= 6;
   877  	bool is_partition_table = 7;
   878  	repeated uint64 partition_table_ids = 8;
   879  	bool                block   = 9;
   880  	lock.LockMode Mode  = 10;
   881  }
   883  message PreInsertUkCtx {
   884  	// index of columns(parts of unique key) in pre batch
   885  	repeated int32 columns 	= 1;
   886  	int32 pk_column 		= 2;
   887  	Type pk_type 			= 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   888  	Type uk_type			= 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   889  }
   891  message PreDeleteCtx {
   892  	//the indexes of row_id&pk column in the batch
   893  	repeated int32 idx = 1;
   894  }
   896  message PreInsertCtx {
   897  	ObjectRef ref 			= 1;
   898  	TableDef table_def 		= 2;
   899  	bool has_auto_col		= 3;
   900  	bool is_update			= 4;
   901  }
   903  message RuntimeFilterSpec {
   904  	int32 tag = 1;
   905  	bool match_prefix = 2;
   906  	int32 upper_limit = 3;
   907  	Expr expr = 4;
   908  	bool handled = 5;
   909  }
   911  message IdList {
   912  	repeated int64 list = 1;
   913  }
   915  message ColPosMap {
   916  	map<string, int32> map = 1;
   917  }
   919  message DeleteCtx {
   920  	bool can_truncate 		= 1;
   921  	ObjectRef ref 			= 2;
   922  	int32 row_id_idx		= 3;
   923  	bool add_affected_rows 	= 4;
   924  	bool is_cluster_table	= 5;
   925  	// Align array index with the partition number
   926  	repeated uint64 partition_table_ids = 6;
   927  	repeated string partition_table_names = 7;
   928  	int32 partition_idx = 8;
   929  	int32 primary_key_idx = 9;
   930  	TruncateTable truncate_table = 10;
   931  	TableDef table_def 	= 11;
   932  }
   934  message Query {
   935  	enum StatementType {
   936  		UNKNOWN		= 0;
   937  		SELECT		= 1;
   938  		INSERT		= 2;
   939  		REPLACE   = 3;
   940  		DELETE		= 4;
   941  		UPDATE		= 5;
   942  		MERGE		= 6;
   943  	}
   945  	StatementType stmt_type		= 1;
   947  	// A query may need to run in steps.   This in theory is not
   948  	// necessary but often convenient and/or can be better optimized.
   949  	// For example, executing non correctlated scalar subquery first
   950  	// we can plug the value in the optmizer and the newly available
   951  	// value may generate better plan.
   953  	// Each step is simply a root node.  Root node refers to other
   954  	// node as children and the whole step is a DAG.
   955  	repeated int32 steps	= 2;
   957  	// All the nodes.  It is OK to have dangle nodes, we only excute nodes
   958  	// reachable from step roots.
   959  	repeated Node nodes		= 3;
   961  	// Bound Parameter for the query.
   962  	repeated Expr params	= 4;
   964  	// return head
   965  	repeated string headings = 5;
   967  	// load Tag
   968  	bool loadTag = 6;
   970  	//detectSqls are sqls detect fk self refer constraint
   971  	repeated string detectSqls= 7;
   972  }
   974  message TransationControl {
   975  	enum TclType {
   976  		BEGIN 		= 0;
   977  		COMMIT 		= 1;
   978  		ROLLBACK 	= 2;
   979  	}
   980  	//TransationControl type
   981  	TclType tcl_type = 1;
   982  	oneof action {
   983  		TransationBegin begin 		= 2;
   984  		TransationCommit commit 	= 3;
   985  		TransationRollback rollback = 4;
   986  	}
   987  }
   989  message TransationBegin {
   990  	enum TransationMode {
   991  		NONE 		= 0;
   992  		READ_ONLY 	= 1;
   993  		READ_WRITE 	= 2;
   994  	}
   995  	TransationMode mode = 1;
   996  }
   998  enum TransationCompletionType {
   999  	CHAIN 		= 0;
  1000  	NO_CHAIN 	= 1;
  1001  	RELEASE 	= 2;
  1002  }
  1003  message TransationCommit {
  1004  	TransationCompletionType completion_type = 1;
  1005  }
  1006  message TransationRollback {
  1007  	TransationCompletionType completion_type = 1;
  1008  }
  1010  message Plan {
  1011  	oneof plan {
  1012  		Query query 			= 1;
  1013  		TransationControl tcl 	= 2;
  1014  		DataDefinition ddl 		= 3;
  1015  		DataControl	dcl			= 4;
  1016  	}
  1017  	int32 try_run_times = 5;
  1018  	bool is_prepare 	= 6;
  1019  }
  1021  message column{
  1022  	repeated Expr column = 1;
  1023  }
  1025  message DataControl {
  1026  	enum DclType {
  1027  		SET_VARIABLES	= 0;
  1028  		GRANT			= 1;
  1029  		REVOKE			= 2;
  1030  		DENY			= 3;
  1031  		PREPARE			= 4;
  1032  		EXECUTE			= 5;
  1033  		DEALLOCATE		= 6;
  1034  		CREATE_ACCOUNT  = 7;
  1035  		ALTER_ACCOUNT   = 8;
  1036  		DROP_ACCOUNT    = 9;
  1037  	}
  1038  	//DataDefinition type
  1039  	DclType dcl_type = 1;
  1040  	oneof control {
  1041  		SetVariables set_variables  = 2;
  1042  		Prepare prepare 			= 3;
  1043  		Execute execute				= 4;
  1044  		Deallocate deallocate 		= 5;
  1045  		OtherDCL other = 6;
  1046  	}
  1047  }
  1049  message DataDefinition {
  1050  	enum DdlType {
  1051  		CREATE_DATABASE 	= 0;
  1052  		ALTER_DATABASE 		= 1;
  1053  		DROP_DATABASE		= 2;
  1054  		CREATE_TABLE 		= 3;
  1055  		ALTER_TABLE			= 4;
  1056  		DROP_TABLE			= 5;
  1057  		CREATE_INDEX		= 6;
  1058  		ALTER_INDEX			= 7;
  1059  		DROP_INDEX			= 8;
  1060  		TRUNCATE_TABLE		= 9;
  1061  		CREATE_VIEW			= 10;
  1062  		ALTER_VIEW			= 11;
  1063  		DROP_VIEW			= 12;
  1065  		SHOW_CREATETABLE 	= 14;
  1066  		SHOW_DATABASES		= 15;
  1067  		SHOW_TABLES			= 16;
  1068  		SHOW_COLUMNS		= 17;
  1069  		SHOW_INDEX			= 18;
  1070  		SHOW_VARIABLES		= 19;
  1071  		SHOW_WARNINGS		= 20;
  1072  		SHOW_ERRORS			= 21;
  1073  		SHOW_STATUS			= 22;
  1074  		SHOW_PROCESSLIST	= 23;
  1075  		SHOW_TABLE_STATUS 	= 24;
  1076  		SHOW_TARGET 		= 25;
  1077  		SHOW_COLLATION 		= 26;
  1078  		LOCK_TABLES         = 27;
  1079  		UNLOCK_TABLES       = 28;
  1080  		CREATE_SEQUENCE		= 29;
  1081  		ALTER_SEQUENCE		= 30;
  1082  		DROP_SEQUENCE		= 31;
  1083  		SHOW_SEQUENCES      = 32;
  1084  		SHOW_CONNECTORS = 33;
  1085  		SHOW_UPGRADE = 34;
  1086  	}
  1087  	//DataDefinition type
  1088  	DdlType ddl_type = 1;
  1090  	//other show statement we will rewrite to a select statement
  1091  	//then we will get a Query
  1092  	//eg: 'show databases' will rewrite to 'select md.datname as `Database` from mo_database md'
  1093  	Query query = 2;
  1095  	oneof definition {
  1096  		CreateDatabase create_database 	= 3;
  1097  		AlterDatabase alter_database 	= 4;
  1098  		DropDatabase drop_database		= 5;
  1099  		CreateTable create_table		= 6;
  1100  		AlterTable alter_table 			= 7;
  1101  		DropTable drop_table			= 8;
  1102  		CreateIndex create_index 		= 9;
  1103  		AlterIndex alter_index 			= 10;
  1104  		DropIndex drop_index 			= 11;
  1105  		TruncateTable truncate_table	= 12;
  1106  		ShowVariables show_variables 	= 13;
  1107  		AlterView alter_view			= 14;
  1108  		LockTables lock_tables          = 15;
  1109  		UnLockTables unlock_tables      = 16;
  1110  		CreateSequence create_sequence  = 17;
  1111  		DropSequence   drop_sequence    = 18;
  1112  		AlterSequence  alter_sequence   = 19;
  1114  	}
  1115  }
  1118  message SubscriptionOption{
  1119  	string from = 1;
  1120  	string publication = 2;
  1121  }
  1123  message CreateDatabase {
  1124  	bool if_not_exists 	= 1;
  1125  	string database 	= 2;
  1126  	SubscriptionOption subscription_option = 3;
  1127  	string sql = 4;
  1128  }
  1130  message AlterDatabase {
  1131  	bool if_exists 		= 1;
  1132  	string database 	= 2;
  1133  }
  1135  message DropDatabase {
  1136  	bool if_exists 		= 1;
  1137  	string database 	= 2;
  1138  	uint64 database_id	= 3;
  1139  	// drop database should delete fk records related to this database
  1140  	// from mo_foreign_keys
  1141  	string updateFkSql = 4;
  1142  	// drop database should check mo_foreign_keys to find fk records
  1143  	// that refer to this database before dropping the database
  1144  	string checkFKSql = 5;
  1145  }
  1147  message FkColName {
  1148  	repeated string cols = 1;
  1149  }
  1151  /* ForeignKeyInfo holds the fk forward reference.
  1153  	Example: t2(b) --fk--> t1(a) but t1 defined after t2
  1155  		set foreign_key_checks=0;
  1157  		create table t2(b int, constraint c1 foreign key (b) references t1(a));
  1159  		create table t1(a int primary key);
  1161  	The reason we need ForeignKeyInfo instead of using ForeignKeyDef is that:
  1163  		ForeignKeyDef only has table id, column id that does not exist in handling fk forward reference.
  1164  		ForeignKeyDef does not have database name, table name and column names,
  1165  		ForeignKeyInfo also has the ForeignKeyDef internally that holds the child table fk definition.
  1166   */
  1167  message ForeignKeyInfo{
  1168  	string db = 1; // database name of child table
  1169  	string table = 2; // child table name
  1170  	FkColName cols = 3; // fk names in child table
  1171  	FkColName colsReferred = 4; // referred names in parent table
  1172  	ForeignKeyDef def = 5; //child table fk def
  1173  }
  1175  message CreateTable {
  1176  	bool if_not_exists 	= 1;
  1177  	bool temporary 		= 2;
  1178  	string database 	= 3;
  1179  	bool replace        = 4;
  1180  	TableDef table_def 	= 5;
  1181  	repeated TableDef index_tables = 6;
  1182  	// we need the db/table name of foreign key when create table. but we don't need it in ForeignKeyDef
  1183  	repeated string fk_dbs = 7;
  1184  	repeated string fk_tables = 8;
  1185  	// we need column name when create table, but not in ForeignKeyDef
  1186  	repeated FkColName fk_cols = 9;
  1187  	repeated TableDef partition_tables = 10;// partition tables for partitions
  1188  	string create_as_select_sql = 11;
  1189  	// create table may insert fk records related to this table
  1190  	// into mo_foreign_keys
  1191  	repeated string updateFkSqls = 12;
  1192  	// fks forward reference to me
  1193  	repeated ForeignKeyInfo fksReferToMe = 13;
  1194  }
  1196  message AlterTableDrop {
  1197  	enum Typ {
  1198  		COLUMN 		= 0;
  1199  		INDEX 		= 1;
  1200  		KEY 		= 2;
  1201  		PRIMARY_KEY	= 3;
  1202  		FOREIGN_KEY	= 4;
  1203  	}
  1204  	Typ typ		= 1;
  1205  	string name	= 2;
  1206  	string index_table_name = 3;
  1207  }
  1209  message AlterTableAddFk {
  1210  	string db_name 			= 1;
  1211  	string table_name		= 2;
  1212  	repeated string cols 	= 3;
  1213  	ForeignKeyDef fkey 		= 4;
  1214  }
  1216  message AlterTableAddIndex {
  1217  	string db_name = 1;
  1218  	string table_name = 2;
  1219  	string	origin_table_primary_key = 3;
  1220  	CreateTable indexInfo = 4;
  1221  	bool index_table_exist = 5;
  1222  }
  1224  message AlterTableDropIndex {
  1225  	string db_name = 1;
  1226  	string table_name = 2;
  1227  	string index_name = 3;
  1228  	string index_table_name = 4;
  1229  }
  1231  message AlterTableAlterIndex {
  1232  	string db_name = 1;
  1233  	string table_name = 2;
  1234  	string index_name = 3;
  1235  	bool visible = 4;
  1236  }
  1238  message AlterTableAlterReIndex {
  1239  	string db_name = 1;
  1240  	string table_name = 2;
  1241  	string index_name = 3;
  1242  	int64 index_algo_param_list = 4;
  1243  }
  1245  message AlterTableAddPartition {
  1246  	repeated PartitionItem definitions = 1;
  1247  	repeated TableDef partition_tables = 2;
  1248  	PartitionByDef PartitionDef = 3;
  1249  }
  1251  message AlterTableComment {
  1252  	string new_comment = 1;
  1253  }
  1255  message AlterTableName {
  1256  	string old_name = 1;
  1257  	string new_name = 2;
  1258  }
  1260  message AlterAddColumn {
  1261  	string name = 1;
  1262  	string pre_name = 2;
  1263  	Type type = 3 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
  1264  	int32 pos = 4;
  1265  }
  1267  message AlterDropColumn {
  1268  	uint32 idx = 1;
  1269  	uint32 seq = 2;
  1270  }
  1272  message AlterTable {
  1273  	enum AlgorithmType {
  1274  		DEFAULT = 0;
  1275  		COPY  = 1;
  1276  		INSTANT  = 2;
  1277  		INPLACE  = 3;
  1278  	}
  1279  	message Action {
  1280  		oneof action {
  1281  			AlterTableDrop drop 	= 1;
  1282  			AlterTableAddFk add_fk 	= 2;
  1283  			AlterTableAddIndex add_index = 3;
  1284  			AlterTableAlterIndex alter_index = 4;
  1285  			AlterTableComment alter_comment = 5;
  1286  			AlterTableName alter_name = 6;
  1287  			AlterAddColumn add_column = 7;
  1288  			AlterDropColumn drop_column = 8;
  1289  			AlterTableAlterReIndex alter_reindex = 9;
  1290  			AlterTableAddPartition addPartition = 10;
  1291  		};
  1292  	}
  1293  	string database			      = 1;
  1294  	TableDef table_def 		    = 2;
  1295  	TableDef copy_table_def 	= 3;
  1296  	bool is_cluster_table	    = 4;
  1297  	repeated Action actions   = 5;
  1298  	AlgorithmType algorithm_type = 6;
  1299  	string create_tmp_table_sql = 7;
  1300  	string insert_tmp_data_sql = 8;
  1301  	string create_table_sql = 9;
  1302  	string insert_data_sql = 10;
  1303  	map<uint64, ColDef> change_tbl_colId_map = 11;
  1304  	//detect fk self refer constraint
  1305  	repeated string detectSqls= 12;
  1306  	// alter table may insert fk records related to this table
  1307  	// into mo_foreign_keys
  1308  	repeated string updateFkSqls = 13;
  1309  }
  1311  message DropTable {
  1312  	bool if_exists 	= 1;
  1313  	string database = 2;
  1314  	string table 	= 3;
  1315  	repeated string index_table_names = 4;
  1316  	ClusterTable cluster_table = 5;
  1317  	uint64 table_id = 6;
  1318  	repeated uint64 foreign_tbl = 7;
  1319  	repeated string partition_table_names = 8;
  1320  	bool isView = 9;
  1321  	TableDef table_def 	= 10;
  1322  	// drop table may delete fk records related to this table
  1323  	// into mo_foreign_keys
  1324  	repeated string updateFkSqls = 11;
  1325  	//fk child table id that refers to me
  1326  	repeated uint64 fkChildTblsReferToMe = 12;
  1327  }
  1329  message AlterView {
  1330  	bool if_exists		= 1;
  1331  	string database 	= 2;
  1332  	TableDef table_def	= 4;
  1333  }
  1335  message CreateSequence {
  1336  	bool if_not_exists		=1;
  1337  	string database 		=2;
  1338  	TableDef table_def 		=3;
  1339  }
  1341  message DropSequence {
  1342  	bool if_exists 		= 1;
  1343  	string database 	=2;
  1344  	string table 		=3;
  1345  	uint64	table_id 	= 4;
  1346  }
  1348  message AlterSequence {
  1349  	bool if_exists		=1;
  1350  	string database 		=2;
  1351  	TableDef table_def 		=3;
  1352  }
  1354  message CreateIndex {
  1355  	string database = 1;
  1356  	string table = 2;
  1357  	TableDef table_def 		= 3;
  1358  	string	origin_table_primary_key = 4;
  1359  	CreateTable index = 5;
  1360  	bool table_exist = 6;
  1361  }
  1363  message AlterIndex {
  1364  	string index = 1;
  1365  }
  1367  message DropIndex {
  1368  	string database = 1;
  1369  	string table = 2;
  1370  	string index_name = 3;
  1371  	string index_table_name = 4;
  1372  }
  1374  message TruncateTable {
  1375  	string database = 1;
  1376  	string table = 2;
  1377  	repeated string index_table_names = 3;
  1378  	repeated string partition_table_names = 4;
  1379  	ClusterTable cluster_table = 5;
  1380  	uint64 table_id = 6;
  1381  	repeated uint64 foreign_tbl = 7;
  1382  	bool	is_delete = 8;
  1383  }
  1385  message ClusterTable{
  1386  	bool is_cluster_table = 1;//insert into a cluster table
  1387  	repeated uint32 accountIDs = 2;//insert data into the cluster table for every account
  1388  	int32 column_index_of_accountId = 3;//the column index of the account id in the cluster table
  1389  }
  1391  message ShowVariables {
  1392  	bool global 			= 1;
  1393  	repeated Expr where 	= 2;
  1394  }
  1396  message SetVariables {
  1397  	repeated SetVariablesItem items	= 1;
  1398  }
  1400  message SetVariablesItem {
  1401  	bool system     = 1;
  1402  	bool global     = 2;
  1403  	string name     = 3;
  1404  	Expr   value    = 4;
  1405  	Expr   reserved = 5;
  1406  }
  1408  message Prepare {
  1409  	string name		 			= 1;
  1410  	repeated ObjectRef schemas 	= 2;
  1411  	Plan   plan		 			= 3;
  1412  	repeated int32 param_types  = 4;
  1413  }
  1415  message Execute {
  1416  	string name 		= 1;
  1417  	repeated Expr args 	= 2;
  1418  }
  1420  message Deallocate {
  1421  	string name			= 1;
  1422  }
  1424  message OtherDCL {
  1425  	repeated int32 paramTypes = 1;
  1426  }
  1428  enum TableLockType {
  1429  	TableLockNone = 0;
  1430  	TableLockRead = 1;
  1431  	TableLockReadLocal = 2;
  1432  	TableLockWrite = 3;
  1433  	TableLockLowPriorityWrite = 4;
  1434  }
  1436  message TableLockInfo {
  1437  	TableLockType lockType = 1;
  1438  	TableDef tableDef     = 2;
  1439  }
  1441  message LockTables {
  1442  	repeated TableLockInfo tableLocks = 1;
  1443  }
  1445  message UnLockTables{}
  1447  message MetadataScanInfo {
  1448  	enum MetadataScanInfoType {
  1449  		COL_NAME      = 0;
  1450  		OBJECT_NAME   = 1;
  1451  		IS_HIDDEN     = 2;
  1452  		OBJ_LOC       = 3;
  1453  		CREATE_TS     = 4;
  1454  		DELETE_TS     = 5;
  1455  		ROWS_CNT      = 6;
  1456  		NULL_CNT      = 7;
  1457  		COMPRESS_SIZE = 8;
  1458  		ORIGIN_SIZE   = 9;
  1459  		MIN           = 10;
  1460  		MAX           = 11;
  1461  		SUM           = 12;
  1462  	}
  1463  	string col_name     = 1;
  1464  	string object_name  = 2;
  1465  	bool is_hidden      = 3;
  1466  	bytes obj_loc       = 4;
  1467  	bytes create_ts     = 5;
  1468  	bytes delete_ts     = 6;
  1469  	int64 row_cnt       = 7;
  1470  	int64 null_cnt      = 8;
  1471  	int64 compress_size = 9;
  1472  	int64 origin_size   = 10;
  1473  	bytes zone_map      = 11;
  1474  }