
     1  /*
     2   * Copyright 2021 - 2023 Matrix Origin
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17  syntax = "proto3";
    18  package query;
    19  option go_package = "";
    21  import "status.proto";
    22  import "lock.proto";
    23  import "txn.proto";
    24  import "timestamp.proto";
    25  import "statsinfo.proto";
    26  import "";
    27  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    29  enum CmdMethod {
    30    // Query is the common query command.
    31    Query = 0;
    32    // ShowProcessList represents the show process list query.
    33    ShowProcessList = 1;
    34    // AlterAccount represent set account status as restricted
    35    AlterAccount = 2;
    36    // KillConn represents the kill connection request.
    37    KillConn = 3;
    38    // ProcessTraceSpan process the trace span cmd transferred from
    39    // other cn
    40    TraceSpan = 4;
    41    // GetLockInfo gets the lock info from the cn
    42    GetLockInfo = 5;
    43    // GetTxnInfo gets the txn info from the cn
    44    GetTxnInfo = 6;
    45    // GetCacheInfo gets the cache info from the cn,tn
    46    GetCacheInfo = 7;
    47    // SyncCommit when we turn on Push, some BVT tests use multiple Sessions in multi-CN scenarios. To
    48    // ensure data visibility, we need to synchronize CommitTS between multiple CNs so that the whole
    49    // cluster can see the latest writes from other CNs.
    50    SyncCommit = 8;
    51    // GetCommit get latest commit timestamp of cn.
    52    GetCommit = 9;
    54    GetProtocolVersion = 10;
    55    SetProtocolVersion = 11;
    57    CoreDumpConfig = 12;
    58    RunTask = 13;
    60    // RemoveRemoteLockTable remove remote lock table on all cn
    61    RemoveRemoteLockTable = 14;
    62    GetLatestBind         = 15;
    63    // UnsubscribeTable unsubscribes a table in logtail client.
    64    UnsubscribeTable = 16;
    65    // GetCacheData is the method to get cached data from fileservice in remote node.
    66    GetCacheData = 17;
    67    // GetStatsInfo is the method to get stats info from remote node.
    68    GetStatsInfo = 18;
    69    // GetPipelineInfo is the method to get pipeline info from CN
    70    GetPipelineInfo = 19;
    71    // MigrateConnFrom get session info from the previous cn node.
    72    MigrateConnFrom = 20;
    73    // MigrateConnTo migrate the session info to the new cn node.
    74    MigrateConnTo = 21;
    75  }
    77  // QueryRequest is the common query request. It contains the query
    78  // statement that need to be executed on the specified CN node.
    79  message QueryRequest {
    80    // Query is the query statement.
    81    string Query = 1;
    82  }
    84  // ShowProcessListRequest is the "show process list" query request.
    85  message ShowProcessListRequest {
    86    // Tenant is the tenant which the processes belong to.
    87    string Tenant = 1;
    88    // SysTenet is true if the tenant is a system tenant.
    89    bool SysTenant = 2;
    90  }
    92  // SyncCommitRequest sync commit timestamp request
    93  message SyncCommitRequest {
    94    // LatestCommitTS update latest commit ts.
    95    timestamp.Timestamp LatestCommitTS = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    96  }
    98  // SyncCommitResponse sync commit timestamp response
    99  message SyncCommitResponse {
   100    // CurrentCommitTS current commit timestamp after sync
   101    timestamp.Timestamp CurrentCommitTS = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   102  }
   104  // GetCommitRequest get commit timestamp request
   105  message GetCommitRequest {
   106  }
   108  // GetCommitResponse get commit timestamp response
   109  message GetCommitResponse {
   110    // CurrentCommitTS current commit timestamp after sync
   111    timestamp.Timestamp CurrentCommitTS = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   112  }
   114  message CoreDumpConfigRequest {
   115  	// enable or disable
   116  	string Action = 1;
   117  }
   119  message CoreDumpConfigResponse {
   120  }
   122  message GetProtocolVersionRequest {
   123  }
   125  message GetProtocolVersionResponse {
   126    // ProtocolVersion is the version of the protocol
   127    int64 Version = 1;
   128  }
   130  message SetProtocolVersionRequest {
   131    // ProtocolVersion is the version of the protocol
   132    int64 Version = 1;
   133  }
   135  message SetProtocolVersionResponse {
   136    // ProtocolVersion is the version of the protocol
   137    int64 Version = 1;
   138  }
   140  message RunTaskRequest {
   141    int32 TaskCode = 1;
   142  }
   144  message RunTaskResponse {
   145    string Result = 1;
   146  }
   149  message GetPipelineInfoRequest {
   150  }
   152  message GetPipelineInfoResponse {
   153    // Count is the total pipelines running in the server
   154    int64 Count = 1;
   155  }
   157  // Request is the query request.
   158  message Request {
   159    // RequestID is the request ID.
   160    uint64 RequestID = 1;
   161    // CmdMethod is the type of command.
   162    CmdMethod CmdMethod = 2;
   163    // QueryRequest is the common query request.
   164    QueryRequest QueryRequest = 3;
   165    // ShowProcessListRequest is the request for show process list.
   166    ShowProcessListRequest ShowProcessListRequest = 4;
   167    // AlterAccountRequest is the request for alter account restricted
   168    AlterAccountRequest AlterAccountRequest = 5;
   169    // KillConnRequest is the request which kills the connections.
   170    KillConnRequest KillConnRequest = 6;
   171    // TraceSpanRequest is the request for transferred span cmd
   172    TraceSpanRequest TraceSpanRequest = 7;
   173    // GetLockInfoRequest is the request for getting the lock from the cn
   174    GetLockInfoRequest GetLockInfoRequest = 8;
   175    // GetTxnInfoRequest is the request for getting the txn info from the cn
   176    GetTxnInfoRequest GetTxnInfoRequest = 9;
   177    // GetCacheInfoRequest is the request for getting the cache info from the cn,tn
   178    GetCacheInfoRequest GetCacheInfoRequest = 10;
   180    SyncCommitRequest        SycnCommit          = 11;
   181    GetCommitRequest        GetCommit           = 12;
   183    GetProtocolVersionRequest GetProtocolVersion = 13;
   184    SetProtocolVersionRequest SetProtocolVersion = 14;
   186    CoreDumpConfigRequest CoreDumpConfig = 15;
   187    RunTaskRequest RunTask = 16;
   189    RemoveRemoteLockTableRequest  RemoveRemoteLockTable = 17;
   190    GetLatestBindRequest GetLatestBind = 18;
   191    UnsubscribeTableRequest UnsubscribeTable = 19;
   192    // GetCacheDataRequest is the request of getting cache data from remote fileservice.
   193    GetCacheDataRequest GetCacheDataRequest = 20;
   194    // GetStatsInfoRequest is the request of getting stats info from remote cn node.
   195    GetStatsInfoRequest GetStatsInfoRequest = 21;
   196    GetPipelineInfoRequest GetPipelineInfoRequest = 22;
   197    MigrateConnFromRequest MigrateConnFromRequest = 23;
   198    MigrateConnToRequest MigrateConnToRequest = 24;
   199  }
   201  // ShowProcessListResponse is the response of command ShowProcessList.
   202  message ShowProcessListResponse {
   203    repeated status.Session Sessions = 1;
   204  }
   206  // Response is the response to query request.
   207  message Response {
   208    // RequestID is the request ID.
   209    uint64 RequestID = 1;
   210    // CmdMethod is the type of command.
   211    CmdMethod CmdMethod = 2;
   212    // Error is used to return moerr. Set
   213    bytes Error = 3;
   214    // ShowProcessListResponse is the response of ShowProcessListRequest.
   215    ShowProcessListResponse ShowProcessListResponse = 4;
   216    // AlterAccountResponse is the response of AlterAccount.
   217    AlterAccountResponse AlterAccountResponse = 5;
   218    // KillConnResponse is the response of KillConnRequest.
   219    KillConnResponse KillConnResponse = 6;
   220    // TraceSpanResponse is the response of TraceSpanRequest
   221    TraceSpanResponse TraceSpanResponse = 7;
   222    // GetLockInfoResponse is the response of GetLockInfo
   223    GetLockInfoResponse GetLockInfoResponse = 8;
   224    // GetTxnInfoResponse is the response to GetTxnInfo
   225    GetTxnInfoResponse GetTxnInfoResponse = 9;
   226    // GetCacheInfoResponse is the response to GetCacheInfo
   227    GetCacheInfoResponse GetCacheInfoResponse = 10;
   229    SyncCommitResponse        SyncCommit        = 11;
   230    GetCommitResponse         GetCommit         = 12;
   232    GetProtocolVersionResponse GetProtocolVersion = 13;
   233    SetProtocolVersionResponse SetProtocolVersion = 14;
   235    CoreDumpConfigResponse CoreDumpConfig = 15;
   236    RunTaskResponse RunTask = 16;
   238    RemoveRemoteLockTableResponse  RemoveRemoteLockTable = 17;
   239    GetLatestBindResponse          GetLatestBind         = 18;
   240    UnsubscribeTableResponse UnsubscribeTable = 19;
   241    // GetCacheDataResponse is the response of GetCacheDataRequest.
   242    GetCacheDataResponse GetCacheDataResponse = 20;
   243    // GetStatsInfoResponse is the response of GetStatsInfoRequest.
   244    GetStatsInfoResponse GetStatsInfoResponse = 21;
   245    GetPipelineInfoResponse GetPipelineInfoResponse = 22;
   246    MigrateConnFromResponse MigrateConnFromResponse = 23;
   247    MigrateConnToResponse MigrateConnToResponse = 24;
   248  }
   250  // AlterAccountRequest is the "alter account restricted" query request.
   251  message AlterAccountRequest {
   252    // Tenant is the tenant which to alter.
   253    int64 TenantId = 1;
   254    // Status is the tenant which will be alter to.
   255    string Status = 3;
   256  }
   258  // AlterAccountResponse is the response of command AlterAccount.
   259  message AlterAccountResponse {
   260    bool alterSuccess = 1;
   261  }
   263  // KillConnRequest is the request that kill the connections belongs
   264  // to the account.
   265  message KillConnRequest {
   266    int64 AccountID = 1;
   267    uint64 Version = 2;
   268  }
   270  // KillConnResponse is the response to the kill connection request.
   271  message KillConnResponse {
   272    bool Success = 1;
   273  }
   275  message TraceSpanRequest {
   276    string Cmd = 1;
   277    string Spans = 2;
   278    int64 Threshold = 3;
   279  }
   281  message TraceSpanResponse {
   282    string Resp = 1;
   283  }
   285  message GetLockInfoRequest{
   286  }
   288  message LockInfo{
   289    uint64 TableId = 1;
   290    repeated bytes Keys = 2;
   291    lock.LockMode LockMode  = 3;
   292    bool isRangeLock = 4;
   293    repeated lock.WaitTxn Holders = 5;
   294    repeated lock.WaitTxn Waiters = 6;
   295  }
   297  message GetLockInfoResponse{
   298    string CnId = 1;
   299    repeated LockInfo LockInfoList = 2;
   300  }
   302  message GetTxnInfoRequest{}
   304  message TxnLockInfo{
   305    // TableId is the id of the table
   306    uint64 TableId = 1;
   307    // Rows
   308    // - point/row lock : all point lock keys
   309    // - rang lock : start,end,start,end
   310    repeated bytes Rows = 2;
   311    // Options
   312    // - type : point or range
   313    // - mode : shared or exclusive
   314    lock.LockOptions Options = 3;
   315  }
   317  message TxnInfo{
   318    // CreateAt is the create time of the txn
   319    google.protobuf.Timestamp CreateAt = 1
   320    [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true ];
   321    txn.TxnMeta Meta= 2;
   322    // UserTxn denotes it is the user txn or not
   323    bool UserTxn = 3;
   324    // WaitLocks denotes the locks that the txn is waiting on
   325    repeated TxnLockInfo WaitLocks = 4;
   326  }
   328  message GetTxnInfoResponse{
   329    string CnId = 1;
   330    repeated TxnInfo TxnInfoList = 2;
   331  }
   333  message GetCacheInfoRequest{}
   335  message CacheInfo{
   336    // NodeType is the type of the node. cn, tn
   337    string NodeType = 1;
   338    // NodeId is the uuid of the node.
   339    string NodeId = 2;
   340    // CacheType is the type of the cache. memory, disk
   341    string CacheType = 3;
   342    // Used is the used bytes of the cache for memory cache
   343    uint64 Used = 4;
   344    // Free is the free bytes of the cache for memory cache
   345    uint64 Free = 5;
   346    // HitRatio is the hit ratio of the cache.
   347    float HitRatio = 6;
   348  }
   350  message GetCacheInfoResponse{
   351    repeated CacheInfo CacheInfoList = 1;
   352  }
   354  message RemoveRemoteLockTableRequest {
   355    uint32 GroupID = 1;
   356    uint64 TableID = 2;
   357    uint64 Version = 3;
   358  }
   360  message RemoveRemoteLockTableResponse {
   361    int32 Count = 1;
   362  }
   364  message GetLatestBindRequest {
   365    uint32 GroupID = 1;
   366    uint64 TableID = 2;
   367  }
   369  message GetLatestBindResponse {
   370    string Bind = 1;
   371  }
   373  // UnsubscribeTableRequest is the request that unsubscribe a table from
   374  // logtail client.
   375  message UnsubscribeTableRequest {
   376    // DatabaseID is the ID of the database.
   377    uint64 DatabaseID = 1;
   378    // TableID is the ID of the table.
   379    uint64 TableID = 2;
   380  }
   382  // UnsubscribeTableResponse is the response of unsubscribe table request.
   383  message UnsubscribeTableResponse {
   384    bool Success = 1;
   385  }
   387  message CacheKey {
   388    string Path = 1;
   389    int64 Offset = 2;
   390    int64 Sz = 3;
   391  }
   393  message CacheKeys {
   394    repeated CacheKey keys = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   395  }
   397  message RequestCacheKey {
   398    int32 Index = 1;
   399    CacheKey CacheKey = 2;
   400  }
   402  // GetCacheDataRequest is the request that try to get cache from remote node.
   403  message GetCacheDataRequest {
   404    // RequestCacheKey is the requested cache key.
   405    repeated RequestCacheKey RequestCacheKey = 1;
   406  }
   408  // ResponseCacheData is the response of cached data.
   409  message ResponseCacheData {
   410    int32 Index = 1;
   411    bool Hit = 2;
   412    bytes Data = 3;
   413  }
   415  // GetCacheDataResponse is the response of get cache data.
   416  message GetCacheDataResponse {
   417    repeated ResponseCacheData ResponseCacheData = 1;
   418  }
   420  message GetStatsInfoRequest {
   421    statsinfo.StatsInfoKey StatsInfoKey = 1;
   422  }
   424  message GetStatsInfoResponse {
   425    statsinfo.StatsInfo StatsInfo = 1;
   426  }
   428  message PrepareStmt {
   429    string Name = 1;
   430    string SQL = 2;
   431    bytes ParamTypes = 3;
   432  }
   434  message MigrateConnFromRequest {
   435    uint32 ConnID = 1;
   436  }
   438  message MigrateConnFromResponse {
   439    string DB = 1;
   440    repeated PrepareStmt PrepareStmts = 2;
   441  }
   443  message MigrateConnToRequest {
   444    uint32 ConnID = 1;
   445    string DB = 2;
   446    repeated string SetVarStmts = 3;
   447    repeated PrepareStmt PrepareStmts = 4;
   448  }
   450  message MigrateConnToResponse {
   451    bool Success = 1;
   452  }