
     1  /* 
     2   * Copyright 2021 Matrix Origin
     3   *
     4   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7   *
     8   *
     9   *
    10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14   * limitations under the License.
    15   */
    17   syntax = "proto3";
    18   package task; 
    19   option go_package = "";
    21   import "";
    22  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    23  import "metadata.proto";
    25   option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix_all) = true;
    27   // TaskStatus task status
    28   enum TaskStatus {
    29       // Create is the state of waiting to be scheduled.
    30       Created   = 0;
    31       // Running is running state. Task is assigned to a CN node and is running
    32       Running   = 1;
    33       // Completed the task has been completed.
    34       Completed = 2;
    35       // Paused is the state that the task has been paused by user.
    36       Paused = 3;
    37       // Error is the state that the task encounters some kind of error.
    38       Error = 4;
    39       // Canceled is the state that the task is canceled by user.
    40       Canceled = 5;
    41       // ResumeRequested is the state that resume request has been proposed to
    42       // the task and has not been resume.
    43       ResumeRequested = 6;
    44       // PauseRequested is the state that pause request has been proposed to
    45       // the task and has not been paused.
    46       PauseRequested = 7;
    47       // CancelRequested is the state that cancel request has been proposed to
    48       // the task and has not been canceled.
    49       CancelRequested = 8;
    50   }
    52   // TaskCode task code
    53   enum TaskCode {
    54     // TestOnly reserved for testing.
    55     TestOnly   = 0;
    56     // SystemInit system init task
    57     SystemInit = 1;
    58     // MetricLogMerge handle metric/log exported data merge task
    59     MetricLogMerge = 2;
    60     // MetricStorageUsage handle metric server_storage_usage collection
    61     MetricStorageUsage = 3;
    62     // ConnectorKafkaSink is for the streaming connector task.
    63     ConnectorKafkaSink = 4;
    64     // MergeObject is for the merge object task.
    65     MergeObject = 5;
    66   }
    68   // TaskMetadata is a task metadata abstraction that can be scheduled for execution at any CN node.
    69   message TaskMetadata {
    70       // ID task id, global unique
    71       string      ID       = 1;
    72       // Executor used to select a particular task executor to run a task
    73       TaskCode    Executor = 2;
    74       // Context context needed to run the task
    75       bytes       Context  = 3;
    76       // Options options for execute task
    77       TaskOptions Options  = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
    78   }
    80   // TaskOptions task options
    81   message TaskOptions {
    82       // MaxRetryTimes 0 means disable retry
    83       uint32 MaxRetryTimes = 1;
    84       // RetryInterval retry interval
    85       int64  RetryInterval = 2;
    86       // DelayDuration delay duration. Controls how long a task is delayed before it is scheduled for 
    87       // execution.
    88       int64  DelayDuration = 3;
    89       // Concurrency is the max number of a task running at the same time. 0 means no limits.
    90       uint32 Concurrency   = 4;
    91       // Labels indicates that the task should run on the CNs with the Labels.
    92       map<string, string> Labels = 5;
    93       // Resource required by the task
    94       Resource Resource = 6;
    95   }
    97   // Resource task resource
    98   message Resource {
    99     // CPU cpu resource
   100     uint64 CPU = 1;
   101     // Memory memory resource
   102     uint64 Memory = 2;
   103   }
   105   // ResultCode result code
   106   enum ResultCode {
   107       // Success success
   108       Success = 0;
   109       // Failed failed
   110       Failed  = 1;
   111   }
   113   // ExecuteResult task execute result
   114   message ExecuteResult {
   115       // Code result code
   116       ResultCode Code  = 1;
   117       // Error error message
   118       string     Error = 2;
   119   }
   121   // Task task execute info.
   122   message AsyncTask {
   123       uint64        ID            = 1;
   124       // TaskMetadata task metadata
   125       TaskMetadata  Metadata      = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   126       // ParentTaskID used to record the parent task of the current task
   127       string        ParentTaskID  = 3;
   128       // TaskStatus task status
   129       TaskStatus    Status        = 4;
   130       // TaskRunner is the UUID of the CN node which the task run is assigned to
   131       string        TaskRunner    = 5;
   132       // Epoch indicates how many times the current task is scheduled, the first time it is scheduled 
   133       // is 1. Each time it is scheduled, Epoch++.
   134       uint32        Epoch         = 6;
   135       // LastHeartbeat time of the last heartbeat reported by TaskRunner. Unix timestamp in ms
   136       int64         LastHeartbeat = 7;
   137       // CreateAt time of the task created. Unix timestamp in ms
   138       int64         CreateAt      = 8;
   139       // CompletedAt time of the task completed. Unix timestamp in ms
   140       int64         CompletedAt   = 9;
   141       // ExecuteResult execute result
   142       ExecuteResult ExecuteResult = 10;
   143   }
   145   // CronTask task execute info.
   146   message CronTask {
   147       uint64        ID            = 1;
   148       // TaskMetadata task metadata
   149       TaskMetadata  Metadata      = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   150       // CronExpr cron expr
   151       string        CronExpr      = 3;
   152       // NextTime the next time it should be scheduled for execution. Unix timestamp in ms
   153       int64         NextTime      = 4;
   154       // TriggerTimes the number of times it was triggered
   155       uint64        TriggerTimes  = 5;
   156       // CreateAt time of the cron task created. Unix timestamp in ms
   157       int64         CreateAt      = 6;
   158       // CreateAt time of the cron task created. Unix timestamp in ms
   159       int64         UpdateAt      = 7;
   160   }
   162  enum TaskType {
   163    Unknown = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "TypeUnknown"];
   164    KafkaSinkConnector = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "TypeKafkaSinkConnector"];
   165  }
   167  message ConnectorDetails {
   168    string TableName = 1;
   169    map<string, string> Options = 2;
   170  }
   172  message Details {
   173    string Description = 1;
   174    uint32 AccountID = 2;
   175    string Account = 3;
   176    string Username = 4;
   177    string Error = 5;
   178    oneof Details {
   179      ConnectorDetails Connector = 10;
   180    }
   181  }
   183   message DaemonTask {
   184     uint64 ID = 1;
   185     TaskMetadata Metadata = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
   186     uint32 AccountID = 3;
   187     string Account = 4;
   188     TaskType TaskType = 5;
   189     string TaskRunner = 6;
   190     TaskStatus TaskStatus = 7;
   191     google.protobuf.Timestamp LastHeartbeat = 8
   192       [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true ];
   193     Details Details = 9;
   194     google.protobuf.Timestamp CreateAt = 10
   195       [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true ];
   196     google.protobuf.Timestamp UpdateAt = 11
   197       [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true ];
   198     google.protobuf.Timestamp EndAt = 12
   199       [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true ];
   200     google.protobuf.Timestamp LastRun = 13
   201       [ (gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.stdtime) = true ];
   202   }