
     1  create account acc101 admin_name='root' identified by '123456';
     2  drop table if exists t1;
     3  not connect to a database
     4  drop index if exists idx1 on t1;
     5  not connect to a database
     6  drop view if exists v1;
     7  not connect to a database
     8  create database db1;
     9  use db1;
    10  create table t1(
    11  empno int unsigned auto_increment,
    12  ename varchar(15),
    13  job varchar(10),
    14  mgr int unsigned,
    15  hiredate date,
    16  sal decimal(7,2),
    17  comm decimal(7,2),
    18  deptno int unsigned,
    19  primary key(empno),
    20  unique index idx1(ename)
    21  );
    22  show index from t1;
    23  Table    Non_unique    Key_name    Seq_in_index    Column_name    Collation    Cardinality    Sub_part    Packed    Null    Index_type    Comment    Index_comment    Index_params    Visible    Expression
    24  t1    0    idx1    1    ename    A    0    NULL    NULL    YES                    YES    NULL
    25  t1    0    PRIMARY    1    empno    A    0    NULL    NULL                        YES    NULL
    26  create view v1 as select * from t1;
    27  show tables;
    28  Tables_in_db1
    29  t1
    30  v1
    31  drop index if exists idx1 on t1;
    32  not connect to a database
    33  drop table if exists t1;
    34  not connect to a database
    35  drop view if exists v1;
    36  not connect to a database
    37  use db1;
    38  drop index if exists idx1 on t1;
    39  show index from t1;
    40  Table    Non_unique    Key_name    Seq_in_index    Column_name    Collation    Cardinality    Sub_part    Packed    Null    Index_type    Comment    Index_comment    Index_params    Visible    Expression
    41  t1    0    PRIMARY    1    empno    A    0    NULL    NULL                        YES    NULL
    42  drop view if exists v1;
    43  drop table if exists t1;
    44  show tables;
    45  Tables_in_db1
    46  drop database db1;
    47  drop account acc101;