(about) 1 drop database if exists db6; 2 create database db6; 3 use db6; 4 drop table if exists t1; 5 create table t1( 6 deptno int unsigned, 7 dname varchar(15), 8 loc varchar(50), 9 unique key(deptno) 10 ); 11 select 12 `idx`.`name`, 13 `idx`.`type`, 14 `idx`.`name`, 15 `idx`.`is_visible`, 16 `idx`.`hidden`, 17 `idx`.`comment`, 18 `tbl`.`relname`, 19 `idx`.`column_name`, 20 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 21 `idx`.`options` 22 from 23 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 24 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't1' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 25 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 26 deptno UNIQUE deptno 1 0 t1 deptno 1 null 27 select 28 table_schema, 29 table_name, 30 non_unique, 31 index_schema, 32 index_name, 33 seq_in_index, 34 column_name, 35 index_comment 36 from 37 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't1'; 38 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 39 db6 t1 0 db6 deptno 1 deptno 40 drop table if exists t2; 41 create table t2( 42 empno int unsigned auto_increment, 43 ename varchar(15), 44 job varchar(10), 45 mgr int unsigned , 46 hiredate date, 47 sal decimal(7,2), 48 comm decimal(7,2), 49 deptno int unsigned, 50 primary key(empno) 51 ); 52 select 53 `idx`.`name`, 54 `idx`.`type`, 55 `idx`.`name`, 56 `idx`.`is_visible`, 57 `idx`.`hidden`, 58 `idx`.`comment`, 59 `tbl`.`relname`, 60 `idx`.`column_name`, 61 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 62 `idx`.`options` 63 from 64 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 65 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't2' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 66 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 67 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t2 empno 1 null 68 select 69 table_schema, 70 table_name, 71 non_unique, 72 index_schema, 73 index_name, 74 seq_in_index, 75 column_name, 76 index_comment 77 from 78 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't2'; 79 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 80 db6 t2 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 empno 81 drop table if exists t3; 82 create table t3( 83 empno int unsigned, 84 ename varchar(15), 85 job varchar(10), 86 mgr int unsigned , 87 hiredate date, 88 sal decimal(7,2), 89 comm decimal(7,2), 90 deptno int unsigned, 91 unique key(empno, ename) 92 ); 93 select 94 `idx`.`name`, 95 `idx`.`type`, 96 `idx`.`name`, 97 `idx`.`is_visible`, 98 `idx`.`hidden`, 99 `idx`.`comment`, 100 `tbl`.`relname`, 101 `idx`.`column_name`, 102 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 103 `idx`.`options` 104 from 105 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 106 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't3' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 107 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 108 empno UNIQUE empno 1 0 t3 empno 1 null 109 empno UNIQUE empno 1 0 t3 ename 2 null 110 select 111 table_schema, 112 table_name, 113 non_unique, 114 index_schema, 115 index_name, 116 seq_in_index, 117 column_name, 118 index_comment 119 from 120 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't3'; 121 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 122 db6 t3 0 db6 empno 1 empno 123 db6 t3 0 db6 empno 2 ename 124 drop table if exists t4; 125 create table t4( 126 empno int unsigned, 127 ename varchar(15), 128 job varchar(10), 129 mgr int unsigned , 130 hiredate date, 131 sal decimal(7,2), 132 comm decimal(7,2), 133 deptno int unsigned, 134 index(empno, ename, job) 135 ); 136 select 137 `idx`.`name`, 138 `idx`.`type`, 139 `idx`.`name`, 140 `idx`.`is_visible`, 141 `idx`.`hidden`, 142 `idx`.`comment`, 143 `tbl`.`relname`, 144 `idx`.`column_name`, 145 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 146 `idx`.`options` 147 from 148 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 149 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't4' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 150 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 151 empno MULTIPLE empno 1 0 t4 empno 1 null 152 empno MULTIPLE empno 1 0 t4 ename 2 null 153 empno MULTIPLE empno 1 0 t4 job 3 null 154 select 155 table_schema, 156 table_name, 157 non_unique, 158 index_schema, 159 index_name, 160 seq_in_index, 161 column_name, 162 index_comment 163 from 164 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't4'; 165 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 166 db6 t4 1 db6 empno 1 empno 167 db6 t4 1 db6 empno 2 ename 168 db6 t4 1 db6 empno 3 job 169 drop table if exists t5; 170 create table t5( 171 empno int unsigned, 172 ename varchar(15), 173 job varchar(10), 174 mgr int unsigned , 175 hiredate date, 176 sal decimal(7,2), 177 comm decimal(7,2), 178 deptno int unsigned, 179 primary key(empno, ename) 180 ); 181 select 182 `idx`.`name`, 183 `idx`.`type`, 184 `idx`.`name`, 185 `idx`.`is_visible`, 186 `idx`.`hidden`, 187 `idx`.`comment`, 188 `tbl`.`relname`, 189 `idx`.`column_name`, 190 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 191 `idx`.`options` 192 from 193 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 194 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't5' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 195 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 196 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t5 empno 1 null 197 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t5 ename 2 null 198 select 199 table_schema, 200 table_name, 201 non_unique, 202 index_schema, 203 index_name, 204 seq_in_index, 205 column_name, 206 index_comment 207 from 208 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't5'; 209 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 210 db6 t5 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 empno 211 db6 t5 0 db6 PRIMARY 2 ename 212 drop table if exists t6; 213 create table t6( 214 empno int unsigned, 215 ename varchar(15), 216 job varchar(10), 217 mgr int unsigned , 218 hiredate date, 219 sal decimal(7,2), 220 comm decimal(7,2), 221 deptno int unsigned 222 ); 223 select 224 `idx`.`name`, 225 `idx`.`type`, 226 `idx`.`name`, 227 `idx`.`is_visible`, 228 `idx`.`hidden`, 229 `idx`.`comment`, 230 `tbl`.`relname`, 231 `idx`.`column_name`, 232 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 233 `idx`.`options` 234 from 235 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 236 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't6' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 237 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 238 select 239 table_schema, 240 table_name, 241 non_unique, 242 index_schema, 243 index_name, 244 seq_in_index, 245 column_name, 246 index_comment 247 from 248 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't6'; 249 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 250 drop table if exists t7; 251 create table t7( 252 col1 int unsigned, 253 col2 varchar(15), 254 col3 varchar(10), 255 col4 int unsigned, 256 col5 date, 257 col6 decimal(7,2), 258 col7 decimal(7,2), 259 col8 int unsigned, 260 unique index(col1,col2), 261 unique index(col3,col6) 262 ); 263 select 264 `idx`.`name`, 265 `idx`.`type`, 266 `idx`.`name`, 267 `idx`.`is_visible`, 268 `idx`.`hidden`, 269 `idx`.`comment`, 270 `tbl`.`relname`, 271 `idx`.`column_name`, 272 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 273 `idx`.`options` 274 from 275 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 276 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't7' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 277 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 278 col1 UNIQUE col1 1 0 t7 col1 1 null 279 col1 UNIQUE col1 1 0 t7 col2 2 null 280 col3 UNIQUE col3 1 0 t7 col3 1 null 281 col3 UNIQUE col3 1 0 t7 col6 2 null 282 select 283 table_schema, 284 table_name, 285 non_unique, 286 index_schema, 287 index_name, 288 seq_in_index, 289 column_name, 290 index_comment 291 from 292 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't7'; 293 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 294 db6 t7 0 db6 col1 1 col1 295 db6 t7 0 db6 col1 2 col2 296 db6 t7 0 db6 col3 1 col3 297 db6 t7 0 db6 col3 2 col6 298 drop table if exists t8; 299 create table t8( 300 empno int unsigned primary key, 301 ename varchar(15), 302 job varchar(10), 303 mgr int unsigned , 304 hiredate date, 305 sal decimal(7,2), 306 comm decimal(7,2), 307 deptno int unsigned, 308 unique key(empno, ename) 309 ); 310 select 311 `idx`.`name`, 312 `idx`.`type`, 313 `idx`.`name`, 314 `idx`.`is_visible`, 315 `idx`.`hidden`, 316 `idx`.`comment`, 317 `tbl`.`relname`, 318 `idx`.`column_name`, 319 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 320 `idx`.`options` 321 from 322 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 323 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't8' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 324 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 325 empno UNIQUE empno 1 0 t8 empno 1 null 326 empno UNIQUE empno 1 0 t8 ename 2 null 327 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t8 empno 1 null 328 select 329 table_schema, 330 table_name, 331 non_unique, 332 index_schema, 333 index_name, 334 seq_in_index, 335 column_name, 336 index_comment 337 from 338 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't8'; 339 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 340 db6 t8 0 db6 empno 1 empno 341 db6 t8 0 db6 empno 2 ename 342 db6 t8 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 empno 343 drop table if exists t9; 344 create table t9(id int PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(255),age int); 345 insert into t9 values(1,"Abby", 24); 346 insert into t9 values(2,"Bob", 25); 347 insert into t9 values(3,"Carol", 23); 348 insert into t9 values(4,"Dora", 29); 349 select 350 `idx`.`name`, 351 `idx`.`type`, 352 `idx`.`name`, 353 `idx`.`is_visible`, 354 `idx`.`hidden`, 355 `idx`.`comment`, 356 `tbl`.`relname`, 357 `idx`.`column_name`, 358 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 359 `idx`.`options` 360 from 361 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 362 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't9' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 363 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 364 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t9 id 1 null 365 create unique index idx on t9(name); 366 select 367 `idx`.`name`, 368 `idx`.`type`, 369 `idx`.`name`, 370 `idx`.`is_visible`, 371 `idx`.`hidden`, 372 `idx`.`comment`, 373 `tbl`.`relname`, 374 `idx`.`column_name`, 375 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 376 `idx`.`options` 377 from 378 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 379 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't9' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 380 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 381 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t9 id 1 null 382 idx UNIQUE idx 1 0 t9 name 1 null 383 select 384 table_schema, 385 table_name, 386 non_unique, 387 index_schema, 388 index_name, 389 seq_in_index, 390 column_name, 391 index_comment 392 from 393 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't9'; 394 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 395 db6 t9 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 id 396 db6 t9 0 db6 idx 1 name 397 select * from t9; 398 id name age 399 1 Abby 24 400 2 Bob 25 401 3 Carol 23 402 4 Dora 29 403 drop table t9; 404 drop table if exists t10; 405 create table t10 ( 406 col1 bigint primary key, 407 col2 varchar(25), 408 col3 float, 409 col4 varchar(50) 410 ); 411 select 412 `idx`.`name`, 413 `idx`.`type`, 414 `idx`.`name`, 415 `idx`.`is_visible`, 416 `idx`.`hidden`, 417 `idx`.`comment`, 418 `tbl`.`relname`, 419 `idx`.`column_name`, 420 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 421 `idx`.`options` 422 from 423 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 424 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't10' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 425 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 426 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t10 col1 1 null 427 create unique index idx on t10(col2) comment 'create varchar index'; 428 select 429 `idx`.`name`, 430 `idx`.`type`, 431 `idx`.`name`, 432 `idx`.`is_visible`, 433 `idx`.`hidden`, 434 `idx`.`comment`, 435 `tbl`.`relname`, 436 `idx`.`column_name`, 437 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 438 `idx`.`options` 439 from 440 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 441 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't10' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 442 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 443 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t10 col1 1 null 444 idx UNIQUE idx 1 0 create varchar index t10 col2 1 null 445 select 446 table_schema, 447 table_name, 448 non_unique, 449 index_schema, 450 index_name, 451 seq_in_index, 452 column_name, 453 index_comment 454 from 455 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't10'; 456 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 457 db6 t10 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 col1 458 db6 t10 0 db6 idx 1 col2 create varchar index 459 insert into t10 values(1,"Abby", 24,'zbcvdf'); 460 insert into t10 values(2,"Bob", 25,'zbcvdf'); 461 insert into t10 values(3,"Carol", 23,'zbcvdf'); 462 insert into t10 values(4,"Dora", 29,'zbcvdf'); 463 select * from t10; 464 col1 col2 col3 col4 465 1 Abby 24.0 zbcvdf 466 2 Bob 25.0 zbcvdf 467 3 Carol 23.0 zbcvdf 468 4 Dora 29.0 zbcvdf 469 drop table t10; 470 drop table if exists t11; 471 create table t11(a int, b int,c varchar(20)); 472 select 473 `idx`.`name`, 474 `idx`.`type`, 475 `idx`.`name`, 476 `idx`.`is_visible`, 477 `idx`.`hidden`, 478 `idx`.`comment`, 479 `tbl`.`relname`, 480 `idx`.`column_name`, 481 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 482 `idx`.`options` 483 from 484 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 485 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't11' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 486 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 487 create index x11 ON t11(a) comment 'xxxxxxx'; 488 create index x12 ON t11(b, c) comment 'yyyyyyyyy'; 489 select 490 `idx`.`name`, 491 `idx`.`type`, 492 `idx`.`name`, 493 `idx`.`is_visible`, 494 `idx`.`hidden`, 495 `idx`.`comment`, 496 `tbl`.`relname`, 497 `idx`.`column_name`, 498 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 499 `idx`.`options` 500 from 501 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 502 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't11' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 503 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 504 x11 MULTIPLE x11 1 0 xxxxxxx t11 a 1 null 505 x12 MULTIPLE x12 1 0 yyyyyyyyy t11 b 1 null 506 x12 MULTIPLE x12 1 0 yyyyyyyyy t11 c 2 null 507 select 508 table_schema, 509 table_name, 510 non_unique, 511 index_schema, 512 index_name, 513 seq_in_index, 514 column_name, 515 index_comment 516 from 517 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't11'; 518 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 519 db6 t11 1 db6 x11 1 a xxxxxxx 520 db6 t11 1 db6 x12 1 b yyyyyyyyy 521 db6 t11 1 db6 x12 2 c yyyyyyyyy 522 drop index x11 on t11; 523 drop index x12 on t11; 524 select 525 `idx`.`name`, 526 `idx`.`type`, 527 `idx`.`name`, 528 `idx`.`is_visible`, 529 `idx`.`hidden`, 530 `idx`.`comment`, 531 `tbl`.`relname`, 532 `idx`.`column_name`, 533 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 534 `idx`.`options` 535 from 536 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 537 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't11' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 538 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 539 drop table t11; 540 select 541 table_schema, 542 table_name, 543 non_unique, 544 index_schema, 545 index_name, 546 seq_in_index, 547 column_name, 548 index_comment 549 from 550 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't11'; 551 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 552 drop table if exists t12; 553 create table t12(a int, b int,c varchar(20), primary key(a)); 554 create index idx_1 on t12(a, b) comment 'xxxxxxx'; 555 select 556 `idx`.`name`, 557 `idx`.`type`, 558 `idx`.`name`, 559 `idx`.`is_visible`, 560 `idx`.`hidden`, 561 `idx`.`comment`, 562 `tbl`.`relname`, 563 `idx`.`column_name`, 564 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 565 `idx`.`options` 566 from 567 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 568 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't12' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 569 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 570 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t12 a 1 null 571 idx_1 MULTIPLE idx_1 1 0 xxxxxxx t12 a 1 null 572 idx_1 MULTIPLE idx_1 1 0 xxxxxxx t12 b 2 null 573 select 574 table_schema, 575 table_name, 576 non_unique, 577 index_schema, 578 index_name, 579 seq_in_index, 580 column_name, 581 index_comment 582 from 583 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't12'; 584 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 585 db6 t12 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 a 586 db6 t12 1 db6 idx_1 1 a xxxxxxx 587 db6 t12 1 db6 idx_1 2 b xxxxxxx 588 create index idx_1 on t12(a, b); 589 duplicate key name 'idx_1' 590 select 591 `idx`.`name`, 592 `idx`.`type`, 593 `idx`.`name`, 594 `idx`.`is_visible`, 595 `idx`.`hidden`, 596 `idx`.`comment`, 597 `tbl`.`relname`, 598 `idx`.`column_name`, 599 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 600 `idx`.`options` 601 from 602 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 603 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't12' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 604 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 605 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t12 a 1 null 606 idx_1 MULTIPLE idx_1 1 0 xxxxxxx t12 a 1 null 607 idx_1 MULTIPLE idx_1 1 0 xxxxxxx t12 b 2 null 608 select 609 table_schema, 610 table_name, 611 non_unique, 612 index_schema, 613 index_name, 614 seq_in_index, 615 column_name, 616 index_comment 617 from 618 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't12'; 619 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 620 db6 t12 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 a 621 db6 t12 1 db6 idx_1 1 a xxxxxxx 622 db6 t12 1 db6 idx_1 2 b xxxxxxx 623 drop index idx_1 on t12; 624 select 625 `idx`.`name`, 626 `idx`.`type`, 627 `idx`.`name`, 628 `idx`.`is_visible`, 629 `idx`.`hidden`, 630 `idx`.`comment`, 631 `tbl`.`relname`, 632 `idx`.`column_name`, 633 `idx`.`ordinal_position`, 634 `idx`.`options` 635 from 636 `mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`) 637 where `tbl`.`relname` = 't12' and `tbl`.`reldatabase` = 'db6' and `idx`.`column_name` NOT LIKE '__mo_alias_%'; 638 name type name is_visible hidden comment relname column_name ordinal_position options 639 PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 0 t12 a 1 null 640 select 641 table_schema, 642 table_name, 643 non_unique, 644 index_schema, 645 index_name, 646 seq_in_index, 647 column_name, 648 index_comment 649 from 650 information_schema.statistics where table_schema = 'db6' and table_name = 't12'; 651 table_schema table_name non_unique index_schema index_name seq_in_index column_name index_comment 652 db6 t12 0 db6 PRIMARY 1 a 653 drop index idx_1 on t12; 654 internal error: not found index: idx_1 655 drop table t12; 656 drop database db6;