
     1  select CASE "b" when "a" then 1 when "b" then 2 END;
     2  case b when a then 1 when b then 2 end
     3  2
     4  select CASE "c" when "a" then 1 when "b" then 2 END;
     5  case c when a then 1 when b then 2 end
     6  null
     7  select CASE "c" when "a" then 1 when "b" then 2 ELSE 3 END;
     8  case c when a then 1 when b then 2 else 3 end
     9  3
    10  select CASE when 1=0 then "true" else "false" END;
    11  CASE when 1=0 then "true" else "false" END
    12  false
    13  select CASE 1 when 1 then "one" WHEN 2 then "two" ELSE "more" END;
    14  case 1 when 1 then one when 2 then two else more end
    15  one
    16  select CASE 2.0 when 1 then "one" WHEN 2.0 then "two" ELSE "more" END;
    17  case 2.0 when 1 then one when 2.0 then two else more end
    18  two
    19  select (CASE "two" when "one" then "1" WHEN "two" then "2" END) | 0;
    20  (CASE "two" when "one" then "1" WHEN "two" then "2" END) | 0
    21  2
    22  select (CASE "two" when "one" then 1.00 WHEN "two" then 2.00 END) +0.0;
    23  (CASE "two" when "one" then 1.00 WHEN "two" then 2.00 END) +0.0
    24  2.00
    25  select case 1/0 when "a" then "true" else "false" END;
    26  Data truncation: division by zero
    27  select case 1/0 when "a" then "true" END;
    28  Data truncation: division by zero
    29  select (case 1/0 when "a" then "true" END) | 0;
    30  Data truncation: division by zero
    31  select (case 1/0 when "a" then "true" END) + 0.0;
    32  Data truncation: division by zero
    33  select case when 1>0 then "TRUE" else "FALSE" END;
    34  case when 1>0 then "TRUE" else "FALSE" END
    35  TRUE
    36  select case when 1<0 then "TRUE" else "FALSE" END;
    37  case when 1<0 then "TRUE" else "FALSE" END
    38  FALSE
    39  SELECT CAST(CASE WHEN 0 THEN '2001-01-01' END AS DATE);
    40  cast(case when 0 then 2001-01-01 end as date)
    41  null
    43  cast(case when 0 then 2001-01-01 end as date)
    44  null
    45  select case 1.0 when 0.1 then "a" when 1.0 then "b" else "c" END;
    46  case 1.0 when 0.1 then a when 1.0 then b else c end
    47  b
    48  select case 0.1 when 0.1 then "a" when 1.0 then "b" else "c" END;
    49  case 0.1 when 0.1 then a when 1.0 then b else c end
    50  a
    51  select case 1 when 0.1 then "a" when 1.0 then "b" else "c" END;
    52  case 1 when 0.1 then a when 1.0 then b else c end
    53  b
    54  select case 1.0 when 0.1 then "a" when 1 then "b" else "c" END;
    55  case 1.0 when 0.1 then a when 1 then b else c end
    56  b
    57  select case 1.001 when 0.1 then "a" when 1 then "b" else "c" END;
    58  case 1.001 when 0.1 then a when 1 then b else c end
    59  c
    60  drop table if exists t1;
    61  drop table if exists t2;
    62  CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(10), PRIMARY KEY (a));
    63  CREATE TABLE t2 (a varchar(10), b date, PRIMARY KEY(a));
    64  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('test1');
    66  ('test1','2016-12-13'),('test2','2016-12-14'),('test3','2016-12-15');
    67  SELECT b, b = '20161213',
    68  CASE b WHEN '20161213' then 'found' ELSE 'not found' END FROM t2;
    69  b	b = '20161213'	CASE b WHEN '20161213' then 'found' ELSE 'not found' END
    70  2016-12-13	1	found
    71  2016-12-14	0	not found
    72  2016-12-15	0	not found
    73  drop table if exists t1;
    74  create table t1 (a int);
    75  insert into t1 values(1),(2),(3),(4);
    76  select case a when 1 then 2 when 2 then 3 else 0 end as fcase, count(*) from t1 group by fcase;
    77  fcase    count(*)
    78  2    1
    79  3    1
    80  0    2
    81  select case a when 1 then "one" when 2 then "two" else "nothing" end as fcase, count(*) from t1 group by fcase;
    82  fcase    count(*)
    83  one    1
    84  two    1
    85  nothing    2
    86  drop table if exists t1;
    87  create table t1 (`row` int not null, col int not null, val varchar(255) not null);
    88  insert into t1 values (1,1,'orange'),(1,2,'large'),(2,1,'yellow'),(2,2,'medium'),(3,1,'green'),(3,2,'small');
    89  select max(case col when 1 then val else null end) as color from t1 group by `row`;
    90  color
    91  orange
    92  yellow
    93  green
    94  drop table if exists t1;
    95  create table t1(a float, b int default 3);
    96  insert into t1 (a) values (2), (11), (8);
    97  select min(a), min(case when 1=1 then a else NULL end),
    98  min(case when 1!=1 then NULL else a end)
    99  from t1 where b=3 group by b;
   100  min(a)	min(case when 1=1 then a else NULL end)	min(case when 1!=1 then NULL else a end)
   101  2.0	2.0	2.0
   102  drop table if exists  t1;
   103  CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b INT);
   104  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1),(2,1),(3,2),(4,2),(5,3),(6,3);
   105  SELECT CASE WHEN AVG(a)>=0 THEN 'Positive' ELSE 'Negative' END FROM t1 GROUP BY b;
   106  CASE WHEN AVG(a)>=0 THEN 'Positive' ELSE 'Negative' END
   107  Positive
   108  Positive
   109  Positive
   110  drop table if exists  t1;
   111  drop table if exists  t1;
   112  drop table if exists  t2;
   113  create table t1 (a int, b bigint unsigned);
   114  create table t2 (c int);
   115  insert into t1 (a, b) values (1,4572794622775114594), (2,18196094287899841997),
   116  (3,11120436154190595086);
   117  insert into t2 (c) values (1), (2), (3);
   118  select t1.a, (case t1.a when 0 then 0 else t1.b end) d from t1
   119  join t2 on t1.a=t2.c order by d;
   120  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '18196094287899841997'
   121  select t1.a, (case t1.a when 0 then 0 else t1.b end) d from t1
   122  join t2 on t1.a=t2.c where b=11120436154190595086 order by d;
   123  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '11120436154190595086'
   124  drop table if exists small;
   125  drop table if exists big;
   126  CREATE TABLE small (id int not null,PRIMARY KEY (id));
   127  CREATE TABLE big (id int not null,PRIMARY KEY (id));
   128  INSERT INTO small VALUES (1), (2);
   129  INSERT INTO big VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4);
   130  SELECT big.*, dt.* FROM big LEFT JOIN (SELECT id as dt_id,
   131  CASE id WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS simple,
   132  CASE WHEN id=0 THEN NULL ELSE 1 END AS cond
   133  FROM small) AS dt
   134  ON;
   135  id	dt_id	simple	cond
   136  1	1	1	1
   137  2	2	1	1
   138  3	null	null	null
   139  4	null	null	null
   140  drop table if exists small;
   141  drop table if exists big;
   142  SELECT 'case+union+test'
   143  UNION
   144  SELECT CASE '1' WHEN '2' THEN 'BUG' ELSE 'nobug' END;
   145  case+union+test
   146  case+union+test
   147  nobug
   148  drop table t1;
   149  CREATE TABLE t1(a int);
   150  insert into t1 values(1),(1),(2),(1),(3),(2),(1);
   152  1
   153  1
   154  1
   155  1
   156  1
   157  DROP TABLE if exists t1;
   158  DROP TABLE if exists t1;
   159  create table t1 (USR_ID int not null, MAX_REQ int not null);
   160  insert into t1 values (1, 3);
   161  select count(*) + MAX_REQ - MAX_REQ + MAX_REQ - MAX_REQ + MAX_REQ - MAX_REQ + MAX_REQ - MAX_REQ + MAX_REQ - MAX_REQ from t1 group by MAX_REQ;
   163  1
   164  select Case When Count(*) < MAX_REQ Then 1 Else 0 End from t1 where t1.USR_ID = 1 group by MAX_REQ;
   165  Case When Count(*) < MAX_REQ Then 1 Else 0 End
   166  1
   167  DROP TABLE if exists t1;
   168  select case when 1 in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) then true else false end;
   169  case when 1 in (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) then true else false end
   170  true
   171  DROP TABLE if exists t1;
   172  CREATE TABLE t1 (
   174  key_num int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   175  hiredate date NOT NULL,
   176  PRIMARY KEY (id),
   177  KEY key_num (key_num)
   178  );
   179  insert into t1 values
   180  (1, 7369, '1980-12-17'),
   181  (2, 7499, '1981-02-20'),
   182  (3, 7521, '1981-02-22'),
   183  (4, 7566, '1981-04-02'),
   184  (5, 7654, '1981-09-28'),
   185  (6, 7698, '1981-05-01'),
   186  (7, 7782, '1981-06-09'),
   187  (8, 7788, '0087-07-13'),
   188  (9, 7839, '1981-11-17'),
   189  (10, 7844, '1981-09-08'),
   190  (11, 7876, '2007-07-13'),
   191  (12, 7900, '1981-12-03'),
   192  (13, 7980, '1987-07-13'),
   193  (14, 7981, '2001-11-17'),
   194  (15, 7982, '1951-11-08'),
   195  (16, 7983, '1927-10-13'),
   196  (17, 7984, '1671-12-09'),
   197  (18, 7985, '1981-11-06'),
   198  (19, 7986, '1771-12-06'),
   199  (20, 7987, '1985-10-06');
   200  select id, case when id < 5 then 0 when id < 10 then 1 when id < 15 then 2 when true then 3 else -1 end as xxx from t1;
   201  id    xxx
   202  1    0
   203  2    0
   204  3    0
   205  4    0
   206  5    1
   207  6    1
   208  7    1
   209  8    1
   210  9    1
   211  10    2
   212  11    2
   213  12    2
   214  13    2
   215  14    2
   216  15    3
   217  16    3
   218  17    3
   219  18    3
   220  19    3
   221  20    3
   222  DROP TABLE t1;