
     1  SELECT bit_and(null), bit_or(null), bit_xor(null);
     2  bit_and(null)	bit_or(null)	bit_xor(null)
     3  null	null	null
     4  CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b int);
     5  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,null);
     6  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,null);
     7  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,null);
     8  select a, BIT_AND(b), BIT_OR(b), BIT_XOR(b) from t1 group by a;
     9  a	bit_and(b)	bit_or(b)	bit_xor(b)
    10  1	null	null	null
    11  2	null	null	null
    12  SELECT a, OCT(BIT_AND(b)), OCT(BIT_OR(b)), OCT(BIT_XOR(b)) FROM t1 GROUP BY a;
    13  a	oct(bit_and(b))	oct(bit_or(b))	oct(bit_xor(b))
    14  1	null	null	null
    15  2	null	null	null
    16  SELECT OCT(BIT_AND(b)), OCT(BIT_OR(b)), OCT(BIT_XOR(b)) FROM t1;
    17  oct(bit_and(b))	oct(bit_or(b))	oct(bit_xor(b))
    18  null	null	null
    19  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,123);
    20  SELECT a, OCT(BIT_AND(b)), OCT(BIT_OR(b)), OCT(BIT_XOR(b)) FROM t1 GROUP BY a;
    21  a	oct(bit_and(b))	oct(bit_or(b))	oct(bit_xor(b))
    22  1	null	null	null
    23  2	null	null	null
    24  3	173	173	173
    25  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,124124), (3, 4951312);
    26  SELECT a, OCT(BIT_AND(b)), OCT(BIT_OR(b)), OCT(BIT_XOR(b)) FROM t1 GROUP BY a;
    27  a	oct(bit_and(b))	oct(bit_or(b))	oct(bit_xor(b))
    28  1	null	null	null
    29  2	362334	362334	362334
    30  3	20	22706573	22706553
    31  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4,-4124124);
    32  SELECT a, OCT(BIT_AND(b)), OCT(BIT_OR(b)), OCT(BIT_XOR(b)) FROM t1 GROUP BY a;
    33  a	oct(bit_and(b))	oct(bit_or(b))	oct(bit_xor(b))
    34  1	null	null	null
    35  2	362334	362334	362334
    36  3	20	22706573	22706553
    37  4	1777777777777760211044	1777777777777760211044	1777777777777760211044
    38  DROP TABLE t1;
    39  create table t1(a tinyint, b SMALLINT, c bigint, d INT, e BIGINT, f FLOAT, g DOUBLE, h decimal(38,19), i DATE, k datetime, l TIMESTAMP, m char(255), n varchar(255));
    40  insert into t1 values(1, 1, 2, 43, 5, 35.5, 31.133, 14.314, "2012-03-10", "2012-03-12 10:03:12", "2022-03-12 13:03:12", "ab23c", "d5cf");
    41  insert into t1 values(71, 1, 2, 34, 5, 5.5, 341.13, 15.314, "2012-03-22", "2013-03-12 10:03:12", "2032-03-12 13:04:12", "abr23c", "3dcf");
    42  insert into t1 values(1, 1, 21, 4, 54, 53.5, 431.13, 14.394, "2011-03-12", "2015-03-12 10:03:12", "2002-03-12 13:03:12", "afbc", "dct5f");
    43  insert into t1 values(1, 71, 2, 34, 5, 5.5, 31.313, 124.314, "2012-01-12", "2019-03-12 10:03:12", "2013-03-12 13:03:12", "3abd1c", "dcvf");
    44  select bit_and(a) from t1;
    45  bit_and(a)
    46  1
    47  select bit_and(b) from t1;
    48  bit_and(b)
    49  1
    50  select bit_and(c) from t1;
    51  bit_and(c)
    52  0
    53  select bit_and(d) from t1;
    54  bit_and(d)
    55  0
    56  select bit_and(e) from t1;
    57  bit_and(e)
    58  4
    59  select bit_and(f) from t1;
    60  bit_and(f)
    61  1
    62  select bit_and(g) from t1;
    63  bit_and(g)
    64  5
    65  select bit_and(h) from t1;
    66  bit_and(h)
    67  12
    68  select bit_and(i) from t1;
    69  invalid argument aggregate function bit_and, bad value [DATE]
    70  select bit_and(k) from t1;
    71  invalid argument aggregate function bit_and, bad value [DATETIME]
    72  select bit_and(l) from t1;
    73  invalid argument aggregate function bit_and, bad value [TIMESTAMP]
    74  select bit_and(m) from t1;
    75  bit_and(m)
    76  0
    77  select bit_and(n) from t1;
    78  bit_and(n)
    79  0
    80  drop table t1;
    81  create table t1(a tinyint, b SMALLINT, c bigint, d INT, e BIGINT, f FLOAT, g DOUBLE, h decimal(38,19), i DATE, k datetime, l TIMESTAMP, m char(255), n varchar(255));
    82  insert into t1 values(1, 1, 2, 43, 5, 35.5, 31.133, 14.314, "2012-03-10", "2012-03-12 10:03:12", "2022-03-12 13:03:12", "ab23c", "d5cf");
    83  insert into t1 values(71, 1, 2, 34, 5, 5.5, 341.13, 15.314, "2012-03-22", "2013-03-12 10:03:12", "2032-03-12 13:04:12", "abr23c", "3dcf");
    84  insert into t1 values(1, 1, 21, 4, 54, 53.5, 431.13, 14.394, "2011-03-12", "2015-03-12 10:03:12", "2002-03-12 13:03:12", "afbc", "dct5f");
    85  insert into t1 values(1, 71, 2, 34, 5, 5.5, 31.313, 124.314, "2012-01-12", "2019-03-12 10:03:12", "2013-03-12 13:03:12", "3abd1c", "dcvf");
    86  select bit_or(a) from t1;
    87  bit_or(a)
    88  71
    89  select bit_or(b) from t1;
    90  bit_or(b)
    91  71
    92  select bit_or(c) from t1;
    93  bit_or(c)
    94  23
    95  select bit_or(d) from t1;
    96  bit_or(d)
    97  47
    98  select bit_or(e) from t1;
    99  bit_or(e)
   100  55
   101  select bit_or(f) from t1;
   102  bit_or(f)
   103  55
   104  select bit_or(g) from t1;
   105  bit_or(g)
   106  511
   107  select bit_or(h) from t1;
   108  bit_or(h)
   109  127
   110  select bit_or(i) from t1;
   111  invalid argument aggregate function bit_or, bad value [DATE]
   112  select bit_or(k) from t1;
   113  invalid argument aggregate function bit_or, bad value [DATETIME]
   114  select bit_or(l) from t1;
   115  invalid argument aggregate function bit_or, bad value [TIMESTAMP]
   116  select bit_or(m) from t1;
   117  bit_or(m)
   118  3
   119  select bit_or(n) from t1;
   120  bit_or(n)
   121  3
   122  drop table t1;
   123  create table t1(a tinyint, b SMALLINT, c bigint, d INT, e BIGINT, f FLOAT, g DOUBLE, h decimal(38,19), i DATE, k datetime, l TIMESTAMP, m char(255), n varchar(255));
   124  insert into t1 values(1, 1, 2, 43, 5, 35.5, 31.133, 14.314, "2012-03-10", "2012-03-12 10:03:12", "2022-03-12 13:03:12", "ab23c", "d5cf");
   125  insert into t1 values(71, 1, 2, 34, 5, 5.5, 341.13, 15.314, "2012-03-22", "2013-03-12 10:03:12", "2032-03-12 13:04:12", "abr23c", "3dcf");
   126  insert into t1 values(1, 1, 21, 4, 54, 53.5, 431.13, 14.394, "2011-03-12", "2015-03-12 10:03:12", "2002-03-12 13:03:12", "afbc", "dct5f");
   127  insert into t1 values(1, 71, 2, 34, 5, 5.5, 31.313, 124.314, "2012-01-12", "2019-03-12 10:03:12", "2013-03-12 13:03:12", "3abd1c", "dcvf");
   128  select bit_xor(a) from t1;
   129  bit_xor(a)
   130  70
   131  select bit_xor(b) from t1;
   132  bit_xor(b)
   133  70
   134  select bit_xor(c) from t1;
   135  bit_xor(c)
   136  23
   137  select bit_xor(d) from t1;
   138  bit_xor(d)
   139  47
   140  select bit_xor(e) from t1;
   141  bit_xor(e)
   142  51
   143  select bit_xor(f) from t1;
   144  bit_xor(f)
   145  22
   146  select bit_xor(g) from t1;
   147  bit_xor(g)
   148  250
   149  select bit_xor(h) from t1;
   150  bit_xor(h)
   151  115
   152  select bit_xor(i) from t1;
   153  invalid argument aggregate function bit_xor, bad value [DATE]
   154  select bit_xor(k) from t1;
   155  invalid argument aggregate function bit_xor, bad value [DATETIME]
   156  select bit_xor(l) from t1;
   157  invalid argument aggregate function bit_xor, bad value [TIMESTAMP]
   158  select bit_xor(m) from t1;
   159  bit_xor(m)
   160  3
   161  select bit_xor(n) from t1;
   162  bit_xor(n)
   163  3
   164  drop table t1;
   165  select BIT_AND(99999999999999999.99999), BIT_OR(99999999999999999.99999), BIT_XOR(99999999999999999.99999);
   166  bit_and(99999999999999999.99999)    bit_or(99999999999999999.99999)    bit_xor(99999999999999999.99999)
   167  100000000000000000    100000000000000000    100000000000000000
   168  select BIT_AND(999999999999999933193939.99999),BIT_OR(999999999999999933193939.99999),BIT_XOR(999999999999999933193939.99999);
   169  bit_and(999999999999999933193939.99999)    bit_or(999999999999999933193939.99999)    bit_xor(999999999999999933193939.99999)
   170  9223372036854775807    9223372036854775807    9223372036854775807
   171  select BIT_AND(9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999),BIT_OR(9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999),BIT_XOR(9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999);
   172  bit_and(9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999)    bit_or(9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999)    bit_xor(9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999)
   173  9223372036854775807    9223372036854775807    9223372036854775807
   174  select BIT_AND(-99999999999999999.99999),BIT_OR(-99999999999999999.99999),BIT_XOR(-99999999999999999.99999);
   175  bit_and(-99999999999999999.99999)    bit_or(-99999999999999999.99999)    bit_xor(-99999999999999999.99999)
   176  18346744073709551616    18346744073709551616    18346744073709551616
   177  select BIT_AND(-999999999999999933193939.99999),BIT_OR(-999999999999999933193939.99999),BIT_XOR(-999999999999999933193939.99999);
   178  bit_and(-999999999999999933193939.99999)    bit_or(-999999999999999933193939.99999)    bit_xor(-999999999999999933193939.99999)
   179  9223372036854775808    9223372036854775808    9223372036854775808
   180  select BIT_AND(-9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999),BIT_OR(-9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999),BIT_XOR(-9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999);
   181  bit_and(-9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999)    bit_or(-9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999)    bit_xor(-9999999999999999999999999999999999.9999999999999)
   182  9223372036854775808    9223372036854775808    9223372036854775808
   183  create table t1(a bigint);
   184  select BIT_AND(a),BIT_OR(a), BIT_XOR(a) from t1;
   185  bit_and(a)	bit_or(a)	bit_xor(a)
   186  null	null	null
   187  insert into t1 values(null),(null),(null),(null);
   188  select BIT_AND(a),BIT_OR(a), BIT_XOR(a)  from t1;
   189  bit_and(a)	bit_or(a)	bit_xor(a)
   190  null	null	null
   191  insert into t1 values(12417249128419),(124124125124151),(5124125151415),(124125152651515);
   192  select BIT_AND(a),BIT_OR(a), BIT_XOR(a) from t1;
   193  bit_and(a)	bit_or(a)	bit_xor(a)
   194  2097187	140668768616447	17479809270168
   195  drop table t1;
   196  create table t1 ( a int not null default 1, big bigint );
   197  insert into t1 (big) values (-1),(1234567890167),(92233720368547),(18446744073709515);
   198  select * from t1;
   199  a	big
   200  1	-1
   201  1	1234567890167
   202  1	92233720368547
   203  1	18446744073709515
   204  select distinct BIT_AND(big),BIT_OR(big), BIT_XOR(big),BIT_AND(big)-1, BIT_OR(big)-1, BIT_XOR(big)-1  from t1;
   205  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '18446744073709551615'
   206  select BIT_AND(big),BIT_OR(big), BIT_XOR(big),BIT_AND(big)-1, BIT_OR(big)-1, BIT_XOR(big)-1 from t1 group by a;
   207  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '18446744073709551615'
   208  insert into t1 (big) values (184467440737615);
   209  select * from t1;
   210  a	big
   211  1	-1
   212  1	1234567890167
   213  1	92233720368547
   214  1	18446744073709515
   215  1	184467440737615
   216  select distinct BIT_AND(big),BIT_OR(big), BIT_XOR(big),BIT_AND(big)-1, BIT_OR(big)-1, BIT_XOR(big)-1  from t1;
   217  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '18446744073709551615'
   218  select BIT_AND(big),BIT_OR(big), BIT_XOR(big),BIT_AND(big)-1, BIT_OR(big)-1, BIT_XOR(big)-1 from t1 group by a;
   219  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '18446744073709551615'
   220  drop table t1;
   221  CREATE TABLE t1 (Fld1 int(11) default NULL,Fld2 int(11) default NULL);
   222  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,10),(1,20),(2,NULL),(2,NULL),(3,50);
   223  select Fld1, BIT_AND(Fld2),BIT_OR(Fld2), BIT_XOR(Fld2) as q from t1 group by Fld1 having q is not null;
   224  fld1    bit_and(fld2)    bit_or(fld2)    q
   225  1    0    30    30
   226  3    50    50    50
   227  select Fld1, BIT_AND(Fld2),BIT_OR(Fld2), BIT_XOR(Fld2) from t1 group by Fld1 having BIT_AND(Fld2) is not null;
   228  fld1	bit_and(fld2)	bit_or(fld2)	bit_xor(fld2)
   229  1	0	30	30
   230  3	50	50	50
   231  select Fld1, BIT_AND(Fld2),BIT_OR(Fld2), BIT_XOR(Fld2) from t1 group by Fld1 having BIT_OR(Fld2) is not null;
   232  fld1	bit_and(fld2)	bit_or(fld2)	bit_xor(fld2)
   233  1	0	30	30
   234  3	50	50	50
   235  select Fld1, BIT_AND(Fld2),BIT_OR(Fld2), BIT_XOR(Fld2) from t1 group by Fld1 having BIT_XOR(Fld2) is not null;
   236  fld1	bit_and(fld2)	bit_or(fld2)	bit_xor(fld2)
   237  1	0	30	30
   238  3	50	50	50
   239  drop table t1;
   240  SELECT BIT_AND(1)<BIT_AND(2), BIT_AND(1)>BIT_OR(3), BIT_AND(3)>BIT_XOR(5);
   241  BIT_AND(1)<BIT_AND(2)	BIT_AND(1)>BIT_OR(3)	BIT_AND(3)>BIT_XOR(5)
   242  true	false	false
   243  SELECT BIT_AND(1 - 1), BIT_OR(1 - (-1)), BIT_XOR(1 / 0);
   244  Data truncation: division by zero
   245  drop table if exists t1;
   246  create table t1(a varbinary(3));
   247  insert into t1 values(3), (4), (9), (7), (6);
   248  select bit_and(a), bit_or(a), bit_xor(a) from t1;
   249  bit_and(a)    bit_or(a)    bit_xor(a)
   250  0    ?    ?
   251  insert into t1 values(33);
   252  select bit_and(a) from t1;
   253  internal error: Binary operands of bitwise operators must be of equal length