
     1  set time_zone="+00:00";
     2  SELECT IF(NULL AND 1, 1, 2), IF(1 AND NULL, 1, 2);
     3  IF(NULL AND 1, 1, 2)	IF(1 AND NULL, 1, 2)
     4  2	2
     5  create table t1 (a int);
     6  insert into t1 values (0),(1),(NULL);
     7  SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE IF(a AND 1, 0, 1);
     8  a
     9  0
    10  null
    11  SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE IF(1 AND a, 0, 1);
    12  a
    13  0
    14  null
    15  drop table t1;
    16  drop table if exists t;
    17  CREATE TABLE t (i1 INT,
    18  d1 DOUBLE,
    19  e2 DECIMAL(5,2));
    20  INSERT INTO t VALUES ( 6,    6.0,  10.0/3),
    21  ( null, 9.0,  10.0/3),
    22  ( 1,    null, 10.0/3),
    23  ( 2,    2.0,  null  );
    24  SELECT coalesce(e2,i1) nullif_c, IF(e2 IS NULL,i1,e2) if_c, SUM(d1) FROM t GROUP BY e2,i1 ORDER BY nullif_c, SUM(d1);
    25  nullif_c	if_c	SUM(d1)
    26  2.00	2.00	2.0
    27  3.33	3.33	null
    28  3.33	3.33	6.0
    29  3.33	3.33	9.0
    30  DROP TABLE t;
    32  INSERT INTO source VALUES
    33  (1,0,0,-9223372036854775808), (1,0,18446744073709551615,9223372036854775807);
    34  SELECT IF(bt,i8u,i8s) AS u, IF(bf,i8u,i8s) AS s
    35  FROM source;
    36  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '18446744073709551615'
    37  DROP TABLE source;
    38  create table t1 (num  double(12,2));
    39  insert into t1 values (144.54);
    40  select sum(if(num is null,0.00,num)) from t1;
    41  sum(if(num is null,0.00,num))
    42  144.54
    43  drop table t1;
    44  select if(1, cast(1111111111111111111 as unsigned), 1) i, case when 1 then cast(1111111111111111111 as unsigned) else 1 end c, coalesce(cast(1111111111111111111 as unsigned), 1) co;
    45  i	c	co
    46  1111111111111111111	1111111111111111111	1111111111111111111
    47  create table t1 (a bigint unsigned);
    48  insert into t1 select (if(1, 9223372036854775808, 1));
    49  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '9223372036854775808'
    50  insert into t1 select (case when 1 then 9223372036854775808 else 1 end);
    51  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '9223372036854775808'
    52  insert into t1 select (coalesce(9223372036854775808, 1));
    53  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '9223372036854775808'
    54  select * from t1;
    55  a
    56  drop table t1;
    57  drop table if exists t;
    58  CREATE TABLE t (i1 INT,
    59  d1 DOUBLE,
    60  e2 DECIMAL(5,2));
    61  INSERT INTO t VALUES ( 6,    6.0,  10.0/3),
    62  ( null, 9.0,  10.0/3),
    63  ( 1,    null, 10.0/3),
    64  ( 2,    2.0,  null  );
    65  SELECT IF(e2 IS NULL,i1,e2) if_c,
    66  SUM(d1) FROM t
    67  GROUP BY e2,i1 ORDER BY SUM(d1);
    68  if_c	SUM(d1)
    69  3.33	null
    70  2.00	2.0
    71  3.33	6.0
    72  3.33	9.0
    73  DROP TABLE t;
    74  create table t1 (f1 int, f2 int);
    75  insert into t1 values (0,1),(1,2);
    76  select count(distinct if(f1,3,f2)) from t1;
    77  count(distinct if(f1,3,f2))
    78  2
    79  drop table t1;
    80  CREATE TABLE `t2` (
    81  `CONCAT_WS(' ',a)` varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL,
    82  `IF(a,a,'')` varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL,
    83  `CASE WHEN a THEN a ELSE '' END` varchar(9) DEFAULT NULL,
    84  `COALESCE(a,'')` varchar(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
    85  );
    86  DROP TABLE t2;
    87  CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT);
    88  SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE a IN(1, (SELECT IF(1=0,1,2/1)));
    89  a
    90  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1);
    91  SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE a IN(1, (SELECT IF(1=0,1,2/1)));
    92  a
    93  1
    94  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2),(3);
    95  SELECT a FROM t1 WHERE a IN(1, (SELECT IF(1=0,1,2/1)));
    96  a
    97  1
    98  2
    99  DROP TABLE t1;
   100  select IF(0,"ERROR","this"),IF(1,"is","ERROR"),IF(NULL,"ERROR","a"),IF(1,2,3)|0,IF(1,2.0,3.0)+0 ;
   101  invalid argument function if, bad value [ANY VARCHAR VARCHAR]
   102  CREATE TABLE t1 (st varchar(255) NOT NULL, u int(11) NOT NULL);
   103  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a',1),('A',1),('aa',1),('AA',1),('a',1),('aaa',0),('BBB',0);
   104  select if(1,st,st) s from t1 order by s;
   105  s
   106  a
   107  A
   108  a
   109  aa
   110  AA
   111  aaa
   112  BBB
   113  select if(u=1,st,st) s from t1 order by s;
   114  s
   115  a
   116  A
   117  a
   118  aa
   119  AA
   120  aaa
   121  BBB
   122  select if(u=1,st,st) s from t1 where st like "%a%" order by s;
   123  s
   124  a
   125  A
   126  a
   127  aa
   128  AA
   129  aaa
   130  drop table t1;
   131  create table t1 (num  double(12,2));
   132  insert into t1 values (144.54);
   133  select sum(if(num is null,0.00,num)) from t1;
   134  sum(if(num is null,0.00,num))
   135  144.54
   136  drop table t1;
   137  create table t1 (x int, y int);
   138  insert into t1 values (0,6),(10,16),(20,26),(30,10),(40,46),(50,56);
   139  select min(if(y -x > 5,y,NULL)), max(if(y - x > 5,y,NULL)) from t1;
   140  min(if(y -x > 5,y,NULL))	max(if(y - x > 5,y,NULL))
   141  6	56
   142  drop table t1;
   143  create table t1 (a int);
   144  insert t1 values (1),(2);
   145  select if(1>2,a,avg(a)) from t1;
   146  SQL syntax error: column "t1.a" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
   147  drop table t1;
   148  CREATE TABLE `t1` (
   149  `id` int(11) NOT NULL ,
   150  `date` int(10) default NULL,
   151  `text` varchar(32) NOT NULL
   152  );
   153  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1110000000,'Day 1'),(2,1111000000,'Day 2'),(3,1112000000,'Day 3');
   154  SELECT id, IF(date IS NULL, '-', FROM_UNIXTIME(date, '%d-%m-%Y')) AS date_ord, text FROM t1 ORDER BY date_ord ASC;
   155  id	date_ord	text
   156  1	05-03-2005	Day 1
   157  2	16-03-2005	Day 2
   158  3	28-03-2005	Day 3
   159  SELECT id, IF(date IS NULL, '-', FROM_UNIXTIME(date, '%d-%m-%Y')) AS date_ord, text FROM t1 ORDER BY date_ord DESC;
   160  id	date_ord	text
   161  3	28-03-2005	Day 3
   162  2	16-03-2005	Day 2
   163  1	05-03-2005	Day 1
   164  DROP TABLE t1;
   165  create table t1 (f1 int, f2 int);
   166  insert into t1 values(1,1),(0,0);
   167  select f1, any_value(f2), if(f1, 40.0, 5.00) from t1 group by f1;
   168  f1	any_value(f2)	if(f1, 40.0, 5.00)
   169  1	1	40.00
   170  0	0	5.00
   171  drop table t1;
   172  select if(0, 18446744073709551610, 18446744073709551610);
   173  if(0, 18446744073709551610, 18446744073709551610)
   174  18446744073709551610
   175  CREATE TABLE t1(a DECIMAL(10,3));
   176  SELECT t1.a,
   177  IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,
   178  IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,
   179  IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,
   180  IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,0)))) + 1 FROM t1;
   181  a	IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,
   182  IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,
   183  IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,
   184  IF((ROUND(t1.a,2)=1), 2,0)))) + 1
   185  DROP TABLE t1;
   186  CREATE TABLE t1 (c varchar(255));
   187  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1), (2), (3), (4), ('12345678901234567890');
   189  Data truncation: data out of range: data type int64, value '12345678901234567890'
   190  DROP TABLE t1;
   191  CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b DOUBLE);
   192  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 0), (NULL, 1);
   193  SELECT IF(b, (SELECT a FROM t1 LIMIT 1), b) c FROM t1 GROUP BY c;
   194  c
   195  0.0
   196  null
   197  DROP TABLE t1;
   198  SELECT if(0, (SELECT min('hello')), NULL);
   199  if(0, (SELECT min('hello')), NULL)
   200  null
   201  SELECT if(1, (SELECT min('hello')), NULL);
   202  if(1, (SELECT min('hello')), NULL)
   203  hello
   204  SELECT if(0, NULL, (SELECT min('hello')));
   205  if(0, NULL, (SELECT min('hello')))
   206  hello
   207  SELECT if(1, NULL, (SELECT min('hello')));
   208  if(1, NULL, (SELECT min('hello')))
   209  null
   210  CREATE TABLE t1(c1 INT);
   211  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1);
   212  UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 2 WHERE IF(true, '2015-01-01', '2015-01-01') IS NOT NULL;
   213  DROP TABLE t1;
   214  CREATE TABLE test_grids_1 (
   215  unq_id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
   216  var_fld int(11) DEFAULT 0
   217  );
   218  INSERT INTO test_grids_1 VALUES
   219  (1,4500),
   220  (2,6000);
   221  CREATE TABLE test_grid_dtl_1 (
   222  dtl_id int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
   223  unq_id int(11) DEFAULT 0
   224  );
   225  INSERT INTO test_grid_dtl_1 VALUES
   226  (1,1),
   227  (2,1),
   228  (3,2);
   229  SELECT g.calc_var, g.if_var, g.case_var
   230  FROM
   231  (
   232  SELECT unq_id,
   233  IF ( var_fld  > 5000, (     1 / var_fld ) , 5000 ) calc_var,
   234  IF ( var_fld  > 5000, ( 00001 / var_fld ) , 5000 ) if_var,
   235  CASE  var_fld  > 5000 WHEN TRUE THEN ( 1 / var_fld ) ELSE 5000 END case_var
   236  FROM
   237  test_grids_1
   238  ) g
   239  JOIN
   240  test_grid_dtl_1 d USING (unq_id)
   241  ORDER BY 1
   242  ;
   243  calc_var	if_var	case_var
   244  0.0002	0.0002	0.0002
   245  5000.0000	5000.0000	5000.0000
   246  5000.0000	5000.0000	5000.0000
   247  DROP TABLE test_grids_1;
   248  drop table test_grid_dtl_1;