
     1  #SELECT, extreme value
     4  select -(0-3),round(-(0-3)), round(9999999999999999999);
     7  select round(5.5),round(-5.5);
     8  select round(5.64,1),round(5.64,2),round(5.64,-1),round(5.64,-2);
    10  #INSERT
    11  #0.5 MO暂不支持Create select
    12  #create table t1 select round(1, 6);
    13  #select * from t1;
    14  #drop table t1;
    16  #extreme value
    17  select round(111,-10);
    18  select round(-5000111000111000155,-1);
    21  select round(15000111000111000155,-1);
    22  select round(cast(-2 as unsigned), 1), round(18446744073709551614, 1), round(-2, 1);
    23  select round(4, cast(-2 as unsigned)), round(4, 18446744073709551614), round(4, -2);
    25  select round(1.5, -4294967296), round(1.5, 4294967296);
    26  select round(1.5, -9223372036854775808), round(1.5, 9223372036854775808);
    29  #data type
    30  CREATE TABLE t1 (a DOUBLE);
    31  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (-1.1), (1.1),
    32  (-1.5), (1.5),
    33  (-1.9), (1.9),
    34  (-2.1), (2.1),
    35  (-2.5), (2.5),
    36  (-2.9), (2.9),
    37  (-1e16 - 0.5), (1e16 + 0.5),
    38  (-1e16 - 1.5), (1e16 + 1.5);
    39  SELECT a, ROUND(a) FROM t1;
    40  DROP TABLE t1;
    42  #data type
    43  -- @bvt:issue#2302
    44  CREATE TABLE t1(f1 DECIMAL(22,1));
    45  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0),(1);
    46  SELECT ROUND(f1, f1) FROM t1;
    47  SELECT ROUND(f1, f1) FROM t1 GROUP BY 1;
    48  DROP TABLE t1;
    49  -- @bvt:issue
    51  #嵌套 
    52  #LEAST函数0.5MO暂时不支持
    53  #SELECT ROUND(LEAST(15, -4939092, 0.2704), STDDEV('a'));
    56  SELECT ROUND(sin(0.45), cos(0.8));
    59  #extreme value
    61  select round(999999999, -9);
    62  select round(999999999.0, -9);
    63  select round(999999999999999999, -18);
    64  select round(999999999999999999.0, -18);
    65  -- @bvt:issue
    67  #嵌套,join 
    68  CREATE TABLE t1 (
    69  id           VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    70  sujet        VARCHAR(80),
    71  motsclefs    varchar(255),
    72  texte        varchar(255)
    73  );
    74  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('123','toto','essai','test');
    75  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('456','droit','penal','lawyer');
    76  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('789','aaaaa','bbbbb','cccccc');
    77  CREATE TABLE t2 (
    78  id         VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    79  author     VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
    80  );
    81  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('123', 'moi');
    82  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('123', 'lui');
    83  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('456', 'lui');
    84  #match against 0.5 MO暂不支持
    85  #select round(match(t1.texte,t1.sujet,t1.motsclefs) against('droit'),5)
    86  #from t1 left join t2 on;
    87  #select match(t1.texte,t1.sujet,t1.motsclefs) against('droit' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
    88  #from t1 left join t2 on;
    89  select round((length(t1.texte)+length(t1.sujet))/length(
    90  from t1 left join t2 on;
    91  drop table t1;
    92  drop table t2;
    94  #嵌套,extreme value, 科学计算
    96  select round(cast(-2 as unsigned), 1), round(18446744073709551614, 1), round(-2, 1);
    97  select round(4, cast(-2 as unsigned)), round(4, 18446744073709551614), round(4, -2);
    98  select round(10000000000000000000, -19);
    99  select round(1e0, -309);
   100  select round(1e1,308);
   101  select round(1e1, 2147483648);
   102  select round(1.1e1, 4294967295);
   103  select round(1.12e1, 4294967296);
   104  select round(1.5, 2147483640);
   105  select round(1.5, -2147483649), round(1.5, 2147483648);
   106  select round(1.5, -4294967296), round(1.5, 4294967296);
   107  select round(1.5, -9223372036854775808), round(1.5, 9223372036854775808);
   108  select round(1.5, 18446744073709551615);
   109  select round(18446744073709551614, -1);
   110  select round(4, -4294967200);
   112  #比较操作
   114  INSERT INTO t1 (a,b) VALUES (1,2),(1,3),(2,5);
   115  SELECT a, 0.1*0+1 r2, SUM(1) r1 FROM t1 WHERE a = 1 GROUP BY a HAVING r1>1 AND r2=1;
   116  SELECT a, ROUND(sin(100)*10) r2, SUM(1) r1 FROM t1 GROUP BY a;
   117  SELECT a, ROUND(sin(100)*10) r2, SUM(1) r1 FROM t1 GROUP BY a
   118  HAVING SUM(1) >0 AND ROUND(sin(100)*10)<0 AND ROUND(sin(100)*10) > -10;
   119  SELECT a, ROUND(sin(100)*10) r2, SUM(1) r1 FROM t1 GROUP BY a
   120  HAVING SUM(1)>=1 AND (SELECT ROUND(sin(100)*10)>-100 AND ROUND(sin(100)*10) < 0 FROM t1 AS t2 LIMIT 1);
   121  SELECT a, ROUND(sin(100)*10) r2, SUM(1) r1 FROM t1 WHERE a = 1
   122  GROUP BY a HAVING SUM(1)>1 AND ROUND(sin(100)*10)<=2;
   123  SELECT a, ROUND(sin(100)*10) r2, SUM(1) r1 FROM t1 WHERE a = 1
   124  GROUP BY a HAVING SUM(1)>1 AND ROUND(sin(100)*10)<=2 ORDER BY a+r2+r1;
   125  SELECT a,SUM(b) FROM t1 WHERE a=1 GROUP BY c;
   126  SELECT a*SUM(b) FROM t1 WHERE a=1 GROUP BY c;
   127  SELECT SUM(a)*SUM(b) FROM t1 WHERE a=1 GROUP BY c;
   128  SELECT a,SUM(b) FROM t1 WHERE a=1 GROUP BY c HAVING a=1;
   129  SELECT a AS d,SUM(b) FROM t1 WHERE a=1 GROUP BY c HAVING d=1;
   130  SELECT SUM(a)*SUM(b) AS d FROM t1 WHERE a=1 GROUP BY c HAVING d > 0;
   131  SELECT a, ROUND(sin(100)*10) r2 FROM t1;
   132  SELECT ROUND(sin(100)*10) FROM t1 GROUP BY ROUND(sin(100)*10);
   133  DROP TABLE t1;
   135  #HAVING,比较操作
   137  CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT, d1 DECIMAL(9,2), d2 DECIMAL(9,2));
   138  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 101.40, 21.40), (1, -80.00, 0.00),
   139  (2, 0.00, 0.00), (2, -13.20, 0.00), (2, 59.60, 46.40),
   140  (2, 30.40, 30.40), (3, 37.00, 7.40), (3, -29.60, 0.00),
   141  (4, 60.00, 15.40), (4, -10.60, 0.00), (4, -34.00, 0.00),
   142  (5, 33.00, 0.00), (5, -25.80, 0.00), (5, 0.00, 7.20),
   143  (6, 0.00, 0.00), (6, -51.40, 0.00);
   144  SELECT i, SUM(d1), SUM(d2) FROM t1 GROUP BY i HAVING SUM(d1) <> SUM(d2);
   145  -- @bvt:issue#2302
   146  SELECT i, ROUND(SUM(d1), 2), ROUND(SUM(d2), 2) FROM t1 GROUP BY i
   147  HAVING ROUND(SUM(d1), 2) <> ROUND(SUM(d2), 2);
   148  -- @bvt:issue
   149  drop table t1;
   152  #DATA TYPE
   153  #0.5 MO的TRUNCATE函数暂不支持
   154  -- @bvt:issue#2302
   155  CREATE TABLE t1 (qty decimal(16,6) default NULL, dps tinyint(3) unsigned default NULL);
   156  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1.1325,3);
   157  SELECT ROUND(qty,3), dps, ROUND(qty,dps) FROM t1;
   158  DROP TABLE t1;
   159  -- @bvt:issue
   161  -- @bvt:issue#2302
   162  CREATE TABLE t1( a DECIMAL, b INT );
   163  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (123456, 40), (123456, 40);
   164  #SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c;
   165  SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c;
   166  SELECT ROUND( a, 100 ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c;
   167  CREATE TABLE t2( a DECIMAL, b INT );
   168  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (123456, 100);
   169  #SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t2 ORDER BY c;
   170  SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t2 ORDER BY c;
   171  CREATE TABLE t3( a DECIMAL, b INT );
   172  INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (123456, 40), (123456, 40);
   173  #SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t3 ORDER BY c;
   174  SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t3 ORDER BY c;
   175  SELECT ROUND( a, 100 ) AS c FROM t3 ORDER BY c;
   176  CREATE TABLE t4( a DECIMAL, b INT );
   177  INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (123456, 40), (123456, 40);
   178  #SELECT TRUNCATE( a, b ) AS c FROM t4 ORDER BY c;
   179  SELECT ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t4 ORDER BY c;
   180  SELECT ROUND( a, 100 ) AS c FROM t4 ORDER BY c;
   181  -- @ignore{
   182  delete from t1;
   183  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1234567890, 20), (999.99, 5);
   184  select round(a,b) as c from t1 order by c;
   185  -- @ignore}
   186  drop table t1;
   187  drop table t2;
   188  drop table t3;
   189  drop table t4;
   191  -- @bvt:issue
   193  -- @bvt:issue#2302
   194  CREATE TABLE t1( a DECIMAL(4, 3), b INT );
   195  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ( 1, 5 ), ( 2, 4 ), ( 3, 3 ), ( 4, 2 ), ( 5, 1 );
   196  SELECT a, b, ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c;
   197  SELECT a, b, ROUND( a, b ) AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c DESC;
   198  CREATE TABLE t2 ( a INT, b INT, c DECIMAL(5, 4) );
   199  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ( 0, 1, 1.2345 ), ( 1, 2, 1.2345 ),( 3, 3, 1.2345 ), ( 2, 4, 1.2345 );
   200  SELECT a, b, MAX(ROUND(c, a)) FROM t2 GROUP BY a, b ORDER BY b;
   201  SELECT a, b, ROUND(c, a) FROM t2;
   202  CREATE TABLE t3( a INT, b DECIMAL(6, 3) );
   203  INSERT INTO t3 VALUES( 0, 1.5 );
   204  SELECT ROUND( b, a ) FROM t3;
   205  CREATE TABLE t4( a INT, b DECIMAL( 12, 0) );
   206  INSERT INTO t4 VALUES( -9, 1.5e9 );
   207  SELECT ROUND( b, a ) FROM t4;
   208  CREATE TABLE t5( a INT, b DECIMAL( 13, 12 ) );
   209  INSERT INTO t5 VALUES( 0, 1.5 );
   210  INSERT INTO t5 VALUES( 9, 1.5e-9 );
   211  SELECT ROUND( b, a ) FROM t5;
   212  CREATE TABLE t6( a INT );
   213  INSERT INTO t6 VALUES( 6 / 8 );
   214  SELECT * FROM t6;
   215  SELECT ROUND(20061108085411.000002);
   216  drop table t1;
   217  drop table t2;
   218  drop table t3;
   219  drop table t4;
   220  drop table t5;
   221  drop table t6;
   222  -- @bvt:issue
   224  -- @bvt:issue#2302
   225  CREATE TABLE t5(c1 DECIMAL(16,6), c2 tinyint);
   226  INSERT INTO t5 VALUES(1.1325,3);
   227  SELECT ROUND(c1,c2) from t5;
   228  #select TRUNCATE(c1,c2) FROM t5;
   229  DROP TABLE t5;
   230  -- @bvt:issue
   232  #null 
   235  #算术操作
   236  select round(123.54)-round(123.03);
   238  #WHERE
   239  drop table if exists t1;
   240  create table t1(a INT,  b float);
   241  insert into t1 values(12124, -4213.413), (12124, -42413.409);
   242  select * from t1 where round(a)=12124;
   243  drop table t1;
   246  create table t1(a INT,  b float);
   247  create table t2(a INT,  b float);
   248  insert into t1 select round(12124.413), round(-4213.413);
   249  insert into t1 select round(12124.123), round(-42413.409);
   250  insert into t2 select round(14124.413), round(-4213.413);
   251  insert into t2 select round(984798.123), round(-980.409);
   252  SELECT t1.a, t2.a FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (round(t1.b) = round(t2.b));
   253  drop table t1;
   254  drop table t2;