
     1  SELECT FIND_IN_SET('b','a,b,c,d');
     2  FIND_IN_SET('b','a,b,c,d')
     3  2
     4  select bin(concat_ws(" ",find_in_set('b','a,b,c,d')));
     5  bin(concat_ws(" ",find_in_set('b','a,b,c,d')))
     6  10
     7  select find_in_set("b","a,b,c"),find_in_set("c","a,b,c"),find_in_set("dd","a,bbb,dd"),find_in_set("bbb","a,bbb,dd");
     8  find_in_set("b","a,b,c")	find_in_set("c","a,b,c")	find_in_set("dd","a,bbb,dd")	find_in_set("bbb","a,bbb,dd")
     9  2	3	3	2
    10  select find_in_set("d","a,b,c"),find_in_set("dd","a,bbb,d"),find_in_set("bb","a,bbb,dd");
    11  find_in_set("d","a,b,c")	find_in_set("dd","a,bbb,d")	find_in_set("bb","a,bbb,dd")
    12  0	0	0
    13  select find_in_set("","a,b,c"),find_in_set("","a,b,c,"),find_in_set("",",a,b,c");
    14  find_in_set("","a,b,c")	find_in_set("","a,b,c,")	find_in_set("",",a,b,c")
    15  0	4	1
    16  select find_in_set("abc","abc"),find_in_set("ab","abc"),find_in_set("abcd","abc");
    17  find_in_set("abc","abc")	find_in_set("ab","abc")	find_in_set("abcd","abc")
    18  1	0	0
    19  select find_in_set('1','3,1,');
    20  find_in_set('1','3,1,')
    21  2
    22  select find_in_set('你好', "你好,我好,大家好");
    23  find_in_set('你好', "你好,我好,大家好")
    24  1
    25  select find_in_set(Null, null);
    26  find_in_set(Null, null)
    27  null
    28  select find_in_set('1', null);
    29  find_in_set('1', null)
    30  null
    31  select find_in_set(null,"a,b,c,d");
    32  find_in_set(null,"a,b,c,d")
    33  null
    34  select find_in_set('a,', 'a,b,c,d');
    35  find_in_set('a,', 'a,b,c,d')
    36  0
    37  select find_in_set("*#(()@*31()@*)#)_", "qwkrjqjiofj,*#(()@*31()@*)#)_,f023jf09j2");
    38  find_in_set("*#(()@*31()@*)#)_", "qwkrjqjiofj,*#(()@*31()@*)#)_,f023jf09j2")
    39  2
    40  select find_in_set('a', 'abcd');
    41  find_in_set('a', 'abcd')
    42  0
    43  create table t1 (a varchar(255));
    44  insert into t1 values('1'),('-1'),('0'),("abc");
    45  select * from t1 where find_in_set('-1', a);
    46  a
    47  -1
    48  drop table t1;
    49  CREATE TABLE t1 (
    50  access_id int NOT NULL default 0,
    51  name varchar(20) default NULL,
    52  `rank` int NOT NULL default 0,
    53  PRIMARY KEY idx (access_id)
    54  );
    55  CREATE TABLE t2 (
    56  faq_group_id int NOT NULL default 0,
    57  faq_id int NOT NULL default 0,
    58  access_id int default NULL,
    59  PRIMARY KEY idx1 (faq_id)
    60  );
    61  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'Everyone',2),(2,'Help',3),(3,'Technical Support',1),(4,'Chat User',4);
    62  INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (261,265,1),(490,494,1);
    63  SELECT t2.faq_id FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON (t1.access_id = t2.access_id) LEFT JOIN t2 t ON (t.faq_group_id = t2.faq_group_id AND find_in_set(t.access_id, '1,4') < find_in_set(t2.access_id, '1,4')) WHERE t2.access_id IN (1,4) AND t.access_id IS NULL AND t2.faq_id in (265);
    64  faq_id
    65  265
    66  drop table t1;
    67  drop table t2;
    68  CREATE TABLE t1(a char(255), b int);
    69  INSERT INTO t1 select 'a,b,c,d', FIND_IN_SET('b','a,b,c,d');
    70  INSERT INTO t1 select "a,bbb,dd", find_in_set("dd","a,bbb,dd");
    71  INSERT INTO t1 select "a,b,c", find_in_set("c","a,b,c");
    72  SELECT distinct find_in_set('a', a) FROM t1;
    73  find_in_set('a', a)
    74  1
    75  drop table t1;
    76  CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(10));
    77  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('abc'), ('xyz');
    78  SELECT a, CONCAT_WS(",",a,' ',a) AS c FROM t1
    79  HAVING find_in_set('a', c) =0;
    80  SQL syntax error: column "t1.a" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
    81  DROP TABLE t1;
    82  select find_in_set("","a,b,c")*find_in_set("","a,b,c,")-find_in_set("bb","a,bbb,dd");
    83  find_in_set("","a,b,c")*find_in_set("","a,b,c,")-find_in_set("bb","a,bbb,dd")
    84  0