(about) 1 drop table if exists t1; 2 create table t1( 3 col1 int, 4 col2 varchar(100), 5 col3 float, 6 col4 date, 7 col5 text 8 ); 9 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_1.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set a=nullif(col1,'1'); 10 invalid input: the nullif func first param must equal to colName 11 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_1.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set col2=nullif(col3,'1'); 12 invalid input: the nullif func first param must equal to colName 13 load data infile "$resources/load_data/not_exists.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ','; 14 invalid input: the file does not exist in load flow 15 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_1.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set col1=nullif(col1,'1'); 16 select * from t1; 17 col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 18 null 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 19 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_1.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set col2=nullif(col2,'1'); 20 select * from t1; 21 col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 22 null 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 23 1 null 1.0 1111-11-11 1 24 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_1.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set col2=nullif(col3,'"1111-11-11"'); 25 invalid input: the nullif func first param must equal to colName 26 select * from t1; 27 col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 28 null 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 29 1 null 1.0 1111-11-11 1 30 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_1.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set col4=nullif(col4,'1'); 31 select * from t1; 32 col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 33 null 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 34 1 null 1.0 1111-11-11 1 35 1 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 36 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_1.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set col1=nullif(col1,1), col2=nullif(col2,1),col3=nullif(col3,1) ,col4=nullif(col4,'1111-11-11'),col5=nullif(col5,1); 37 select * from t1; 38 col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 39 null 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 40 1 null 1.0 1111-11-11 1 41 1 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 42 null null null null null 43 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_2.csv" into table t1 fields terminated by ',' set col1=nullif(col1,1), col2=nullif(col2,2),col3=nullif(col3,2) ,col4=nullif(col4,'1111-04-11'),col5=nullif(col5,5); 44 select * from t1; 45 col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 46 null 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 47 1 null 1.0 1111-11-11 1 48 1 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 49 null null null null null 50 null 1 1.0 1111-11-11 1 51 2 null null 1111-02-11 2 52 3 3 3.0 1111-03-11 3 53 4 4 4.0 null 4 54 5 5 5.0 1111-05-11 null 55 6 6 6.0 1111-06-11 6 56 7 7 7.0 1111-07-11 7 57 8 8 8.0 1111-08-11 8 58 9 9 9.0 1111-09-11 9 59 10 10 10.0 1111-10-11 10 60 drop table t1; 61 drop table if exists t2; 62 create table t2( 63 col1 int primary key auto_increment, 64 col2 varchar(100) 65 ); 66 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_3.csv" into table t2 fields terminated by ',' set col1=nullif(col1,'null'); 67 select * from t2; 68 col1 col2 69 1 a 70 2 b 71 3 c 72 4 d 73 5 e 74 6 f 75 7 g 76 8 null 77 delete from t2; 78 insert into t2 values(); 79 select * from t2; 80 col1 col2 81 9 null 82 load data infile "$resources/load_data/set_null_3.csv" into table t2 character set utf8 fields terminated by ',' set col1=nullif(col1,'null'); 83 drop table t2;